Yoo Hoo! My Fall Home Tour is on Video!

Written by Aunt Ruthie on October 6th, 2017

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Howdy Cuties! Just popping in to let you know that my Fall Home Tour Video 2017 is on YouTube now! I have a “little tasty apple surprise” that I know will warm your heart when you see it!

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Also you’ll see in the video this adorable Butter dish that sort of makes my heart swoon with it’s old fashioned goodness! It would make a delightful Christmas present for someone you love or for yourself! You can find it here in this Affiliate link: Granny’s old time Butter Dish.

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In the video you’ll also notice flickering candlelight on my kitchen table and fireplace mantle…they are actually Luminara battery candles with a remote. (affiliate link) I’ve had these for a couple years and they are beautiful! It’s a great, safe option if you have little ones but still want the cozy glow of candles.


If you’re a new-bee Sugar Pie I also give you a peek inside my Fall Ebook…you can find the link here!


Well, in a couple days I’ll be heading out to the pumpkin patch at Sycamore Creek Ranch here in Branson, Missouri, with my family! This ranch is gorgeous and is owned by my one of my dearest friends, Lisa Button! Fall is here, so we’ve got to jump in, enjoy the goodness and make happy memories! I hope to share some photos with you soon!

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I hope y’all enjoy it and

that your heart is blessed!

Sending you sugar and hugs!

Aunt Ruthie

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Aunt Ruthie’s Fall Home Tour 2017!

Written by Aunt Ruthie on September 28th, 2017

fall home tour

Happy fall Sugar Pies! I’m so excited to share my fall home tour with you! I hope it inspires you to cozy up your home with the beauty of this glorious season! I really believe if we take the time to brighten the nooks and crannies or even just the kitchen table in our home with the gifts of harvestime, it will create an atmosphere of sweet contentment and joy. With the distressing way our world seems to be, spinning out of control, that’s all the more reason we need beauty and peace to bless the hearts of our loved ones and ourselves.

“Be mindful to be a blessing.” Galatians 6:10

We all need our home to be a place of happy-comfort whether you’re a mama of babies, teens, fur-babies, or even if you’re an empty nester and grandma like me! No matter our age or place in life, when we step through the door into our house we all need that comforting “Ahh..it’s good to be home” feeling.

Life can be very hard sometimes but it can still be filled with coziness, beauty and thankfulness to soothe our hearts.

A couple days ago I had my sister-friends come over for our Bible Study. One of the gals who had never been to my house before put her arm around me and said “Oh! I feel like I’ve just come home…it feels like…home.” Oh, how that touched my heart. That was the best compliment ever. And that is my goal, to create a sense of home for everyone who walks in the door. Warm, cozy, joyful, relaxing, safe, restful, loving, a sense of belonging…that is home. Home is more about the nurturing atmosphere we create, than the furnishings.  I’ve said this before… if a house is decorated with the most exquisite home decor and furniture, but love does not live there, then it’s just a pretty house. So most of all, this fall season…fill your home with love. And remember, if a simple pumpkin placed upon a platter on your kitchen table is all you have time or energy for, then that will be perfect! Simple and sweet! I do think it is so adorable that God thought of pumpkins!

“The cheerful joyous season,

the autumn time is come.

With song and shout we welcome

the golden Harvest Home.”




Oh Hello Pumpkin! Welcome to my front entryway! If you’ve been following my blog for a while then you might recognize some of my decorations from years past. And that’s how I decorate! I just use the same things but move them around in a new arrangement. Occasionally, I will pick up something new if I need a boost of inspiration and if the price is right (cheap! Lol!). I already had the ladder (it came from the homestead where my house sits…so that was free!) but the black and white buffalo plaid blanket that’s hanging on it I got from Amazon here. (affiliate link) It’s actually just inexpensive fleece fabric. The other inspiration piece is the very farmy and adorable white milk can. I love that it’s embossed with “Borden’s – Kansas City, MO”. My sweet friends Sara and Abbey have a darling booth at Camp Flea in Ozark, Missouri, just 25 minutes from where I live. I got that cute milk can there! Check out Sara’s darling blog here …AND their Etsy shop HERE AND their Facebook page here!


I have a story about the straw and pumpkin wreath that I got last year…I was watching a YouTube video of a gal who was shopping at HomeGoods for fall goodies. In the background I saw this  wreath and fell in LOVE with it! But unfortunately, I didn’t have a HomeGoods store near me to go and try to find it (but that’s soon to change, they are building one in Springfield!! Yee Haw!!) Anyhoo…around that time I flew to California for a few days and thought it would be fun to go to HomeGoods there. Low and behold! They had the wreath! So I bought it and shipped it back home to Missouri! YAY!!

And my story about those three white pumpkins goes like this; When my first three kids were little we went to the pumpkin patch to get our pumpkins which was our yearly tradition. There were the usual orange pumpkins of all shapes and sizes but for the first time ever they had a big bin of white pumpkins. My kids were immediately drawn to them. We’d never seen white pumpkins. Those were the ones they wanted. I thought they looked weird and alien-ish, Lol. So I tried to talk them out of the white pumpkins. Nope, nothing I said persuaded them otherwise. So we bought them each a pale, white, non-orange pumpkin. Funny thing is I LOVE THEM NOW and laugh about how silly I was.  A few years later I found the resin pumpkins, pictured above, at a darling country store and had to get all three (one for each kid)  to remember that funny memory. Those pumpkins are about 24 years old!


You know me and my farmy white enamel wash pans! This one was worn out from so much use! I love it even more! My mother-in-law used to say that on the farm you used up everything except the squeal of a pig. Lol!


“If you were to ask what is most important in a home,

I would say happy memories.” 

~Lilian Gish


“I value this delicious home feeling

as one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow.”

 ~ Washington Irving


Keeping a thankful heart is the key to a joyful home.

Count your blessings everyday. I call this Thanks-living. Having joy is a big priority for me, and one of the best ways to cultivate it is to be thankful for God’s goodness and His blessings. This is something we need to think about intentionally.

“If you haven’t got all the things you want, be grateful for the things you don’t have, that you don’t want”. ~unknown

“Being thankful is more than just being glad you have something,

it’s giving God the glory and praise for it.”

-Aunt Ruthie



I love white pumpkins but I also still love the orange ones too!


I painted the Granny’s Apple Farm sign a few years ago and use it every year. This time I placed it in this old cupboard.

“Autumn means

apples as crisp

as an October morning.”

~ Celebrating Home


Here’s the photo of someone’s sweet grandmother that I named Granny Pearl. Here’s her story; She was a farmer’s wife, prayer warrior, maker of delicious pies,  wore an apron from sunup to sundown, looked for ways to comfort her family with sweet acts of kindness, always had a kettle of soup simmering and an encouraging word to warm the hearts of folks she loved, kept the cookie jar full in case her grandchildren or neighbor-folks came by for a visit, loved to snap beans on the front porch, said “Glory be!” whenever she was thrilled about something. She hummed old hymns with a fancy vibrato while tidying up her home,  counted her blessings all day long, stocked her pantry early in the fall to provide for her family during the long cold winter, quilted by  firelight, cherished her Bible which was well-worn and underlined, was nicknamed “Honeybelle” by her groom of 62 years.

Granny Pearl looked forward to when her children and grandchildren traveled “over the river and through the woods” to gather together with grandpa and herself for Thanksgiving… “hooray for the pumpkin pie!” And they all lived happily ever after. The End. Lol! (I wanna be like Granny Pearl when I grow up!)


Yes it is. (the answer to the chalkboard question..Hee hee!)


I spy my favorite calendar in the whole wide world! I buy it every year!! Susan Branch my fave!!


“When I was a little girl,

I always wanted to be in the kitchen

because it was warm,

and that’s where my mother was.

You never lose that feeling.”

~ Dolly PartonIMG_3399

This cookbook! I want to eat it!

Art of the Pie…find it here!



A special gift from my sweet friend Melissa!!

The cutest chicken ever!


The early morning sunshine

butters my kitchen with golden light.



I love the old-timey look of the apples and pies through the screen of my pie safe.


“Come, ye thankful people, come,

Raise the song of harvest home;

all is safely gathered in,

ere the winter storms begin.”

~ Henry Alford

IMG_3529 (1)“She looketh well to the ways of her household.” Proverbs 31:27


I just had to share the other simply adorable needlepoint pillow ornament from my dear friend Melissa Farley! She sent me a delightful package of Happy Mail that blessed my socks off! My heart swoons over this sweet and dear little cherry pie. The detail is precious…see the steam rising and the delicate adornments on the top crust! Dreamy!! We’re peas out of the same pod!


“What Keats aptly called

‘the season of mellow fruitfulness’

is the season for simmering pots on the stove,

pies in the oven,

canning jars in the cupboard,

and trusted family recipes

on the kitchen counter.”

~Celebrating HomeIMG_3514

“During these golden days,

we want nothing more than to be home again.”

~Celebrating Home


Last year I found this galvanized metal tray …maybe it was some sort of feeding trough, not sure. Anyhoo, it’s been sitting in the garage all this time so I decided to scrub it clean and paint the inside a milky white. I added some white pumpkins in a row and battery candles for a cozy glow.



I’m already thinking it might look cute to line up some mini christmas trees in it for Christmas!



Simple and sweet…count your blessings!


It’s been a rather warm September…but soon, when the wind gets blustery and crisp a fire will be crackling!




If you’re a newbie check out my 96 full color Fall ebook called Pumpkin Pickin’ & Hayrides!

Throughout the book I’ve sprinkled old time photos and images…what I call “vintage eye-candy”. Images of the “good ol’ days” to remind us of the goodness of old fashioned fall fun. These pages will hug your heart with the comforts of hearth and home! Darlin’ it’s drippin’ with nostalgia like sweet golden honey from a hot buttermilk biscuit!

papa's pies

“As mama hens, we love that feeling of being prepared, having all of our needful provisions stocked and ready in  our snug homes. And when the icy frost sparkles on our windowpanes, we’ll be simmering hearty soups, and baking old family recipes; scrumptious cookies and delicious pies to bless and nourish your family and mine.”

There are decorating ideas, recipes, fun things to do with your family, and a countdown to Thanksgiving plan, so that you’re prepared ahead of time to enjoy the celebration. Check Pumpkin Pickin’ & Hayrides out here!

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Well, dear Sugar Pies, thank you so much for stopping by!

Be sure to enjoy this glorious golden season!

Sip some apple cider

Go to the pumpkin patch

Make memories

Bake a pie

Light yummy pumpkin candles

Make soup

Give thanks

Love, sugar and hugs!

Aunt Ruthie

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