We can learn a lot about life by observing the farmer. When a farmer wants to have a harvest of corn he has to plant the seed. He can have sacks of seed in the barn, but until he plants it, it won’t do him any good. Once the seed is planted, he has to nurture, water and tend his cornfield in order for it to grow. The same is true for our home and families. If we want to harvest a happy home with strong family relationships we must sow seeds of love, understanding, forgiveness, goodness, and grace. We need to plan ahead to create happy memories and create a home our family wants to come home to. Like the farmer, we sometimes have to be self-sacrificing for the benefit of our loved ones to reap a harvest of blessings.

We can’t all live on a farm, but we can incorporate a “Farm-girl” attitude in the way we approach life! Remember my story of Beulah? She lived her life with Gumption, Grit, and Grace. That is the farm-girl way. (you can read Beulah’s story here “A Little Gumption Goes A Long Way”
We can decorate our homes with old-fashioned goodness….glass milk bottles, old white enamel dishpans, creamy pitchers, vintage linens, well-worn breadboards, old coffee pots and bread boxes, canning jars, and white-washed picnic baskets, just to name a few! Things that remind us of the good-old-days. Wholesome days. Honest-to-goodness, breath-of-fresh-air days. It’s good for you to surround yourself with sweet little reminders of farm-fresh beauty because beauty inspires!
We can fill our homes with kind and loving words, tenderness, patience, a gracious nurturing spirit, comfort, encouragement, guidance, cleanliness and order, joyful music, fresh nourishing food and homemade treats. We can say Grace at the table for God’s provision. We can take our family to Church on Sundays, to instill in their hearts truth, hope, and joy. These are all the things that will make our family feel safe, loved and cherished. It’s really all about back-to-basics homemaking. Simple and sweet.
The home should be a warm sanctuary
from the storms of life
~ GiGi Graham Tchividjian, daughter of Billy Graham
Sometimes it feels like this world is spinning faster
than it did in the old days
so naturally we have more natural disasters
from the strain of a fast pace
One of the reasons I love living in the Ozarks of Southern Missouri (Branson) is the down-home Mayberry feel. Old town Main street has quaint little diners, a real 5 and Dime general store that dates back to the 1940’s, a barber shop, shoe store, drug store and lots of other shops in between. Folks say a friendly “howdy” as you walk by, and you almost expect to see good old Deputy Barney whistling down the street. I live just ten minutes from town on an old homestead, surrounded by neighboring farms, and in the spring and summer, I can hear an old rooster cock-a-doodlin’ across the valley. I may not live on a working farm, but I’m a farm-girl at heart.
I love bringing that same wholesome goodness into my home. I think I got kicked by old Bessie the cow because I started painting and decorating everything in shades of Milk-White! I was ready for simplicity, and a cleaner, fresher look! What I call Fresh Farm Style! The beadboard above my stove mantel used to be Red until I gave it a fresh coat of Swiss Coffee White from Home Depot!
Well, I hope you enjoyed this bit of farm-fresh goodness!
If you did, leave a comment and let me know!
I always appreciate the time y’all take to leave me words of encouragement,
they mean more to me than you’ll know!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hugs and Blessings!
Aunt Ruthie
I love your blog – it reminds me of that John Denver song that said, “Country Road, take me home, where I belong.” I’m urning to move back to the country and leave this crazy suburban life behind. Please keep up the home tour. I love all of your decorating tips!
Oh! Ruthann I love it!!! All of your changes are just beautiful. I will definitly make some changes in our home. Well better go I just wanted to say “howdy” to ya’!;-) Lots of hugs to you sweet cakes.
As always I love everything about your blog! You have such a fresh insight and inspire me in so many ways. I am a farm girl, transplanted to the city and I too, dream of the simpler life. I guess it is in my blood. All of my ancestors were farm women. Thanks again for making my day sweeter, brighter and more cheerful.
Oh….your new look is so refreshing and looks like you are already for spring! Since were in minus temperatures where I am, your pics are very pleasing to the eye!
Such good advice. My hubby secretly wants to be a farmer – maybe one day.
Love all the white.
How refreshing to see all the white! Thank you for taking the time to create another beautiful post – I really do appreciate how you share your heart with us!!
Temecula, CA
Hi RuthAnn! How did you know we are just getting ready to paint?
You are such an inspiration to me, and so many, many others.
Love your new look..Farm Fresh always appeals to me! Kathy L
Dear RuthAnn,
You are farm fresh!!! You always seem to be able to put into words what my heart feels. You’re words are inspiring,uplifting and so joyful. My BFF and I love calling each other the moment we see a new post and talk about how wonderful it is! We are both avid fans of the farm chicks and maryjane. We live in WA so we actually get to visit with them a few times a year. Thank you so much for this wonderful, refreshing part of my day. I love it and I know I’d love you too!!!
How is Summer Rose healing up? She’s been in my prayers.
Love to you!
As always B E A U T I F U L
Beautiful post! I love your white buffet and how it’s decorated.
Your blog is a breath of fresh air and I love coming for a visit.
Thank you so much RuthAnn for the sources of inspiration you shared. Your house looks beautiful and you continue to be inspirational to me. Keep up the wonderful work with your home, blog and all you do.
Just love your post today. Your home is so fun to visit. I noticed your new milk bottles. Did you know there are some dairies in the area that sell their milk in glass bottles? http://www.memorylanedairy.com sells in Branson at Country Mart and at their own farmstore in Fordland. And we love Dick’s Five and Dime too! Blessings! Shay
I really enjoy your blog and your encouragement to keeping up with the home physically and spiritually. I’ve been reminded all week this week of what you said last posting, “If we don’t take care of our homes, who will?” I do have a lot of house and yard to take care of and housekeeping isn’t my best skill (my husband is really great at it all), but I am trying to be a good steward of what has been provided to me. Thanks for your good words. Your house is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. — Michele
I love your blog! I check by everyday to see if you have something new for us to see!
Your blog is such a blessing and I know you have touched the hearts of so many who visit here…thank you for your continued inspiration.
I’ve been doing a little “tweaking” of my own…I’ve recently discovered the color Red and have been adding that color to my home.
I sure was good to see a new post from you!
Love the new look. I always to see what is going at your house. It is so homey and inspiring. Love the salt idea. I have a milk bottle too and never thought of filling it like that. I need to go buy some salt!
Your changes certainly look farm fresh! I live in the burbs, but I am a farm girl at heart dreaming of life in the country. Thanks for the uplifting post!
Why in the world I never thought to put salt into a container so the lettering would show up is beyond me ~ you’re a genius, Ruthann!!!! All of the white touches in your home are so pleasing to the eye, very calming and restful after the bright lights and hustle and bustle of Christmas. Thank you for such a “refreshing” and “inspiring” post!
Crisp, white and sun-brightened clean! What a refreshing look you’ve created. So glad to see a new post from you. And I love Mary Jane’s website!
All the best,
Ruthann, what a great job you did! All those beautiful touches of yours add such charm to your decor.
Thanks for the pie! :)
It’s amazing what a little paint can do. Fresh and warm and inviting. Love all your sweet touches. Mimi
Thank you for sharing your Farm Fresh decorating ideas! You’re so inspiring; I alway feel re-energized as a mom and housewife after stopping by.
I love everything! I love coming here, it’s always an inspiration! THANK YOU for taking the time to share with us!!
Your kitchen is my dream kitchen. I have never seen anything like it. Just fabulous!! mishelle
Oh so beautiful! My favorite part about your writing is your incorporating the thinking behind the homemaking. It’s all so beautiful!
Another great post! I’ve been cleaning out, painting, and re-wallpapering at my home too! ;)
Thank you so much for the wonderful blog. The inspiration for family and home is incredible.
Everything is beautiful! Lots of inspiration from one post. I really enjoy your blog!!
Hello Sweet Ruthann:)
Your Farm Fresh post is so dear to my heart and of course I just love white! Thank You so much for including me in your lovely post. I simply adore all of your house photo’s!!!!
Blessings and Hugs,
Thank you for such a nice feature on your sweet blog. We are very touched.
Oh Honey!
Whenver I see a new post up on your blog – it literally makes my day! I’ve adopted the ‘I love it so much I want to marry it!’ and “Oh Honey!” LOL!
I’m a newly planted farm girl who lives 20 miles from “town”. Just loved this post!
Thanks for the links too! I’ll be checkin’ on those girls’ sites just as soon as I can get the farm chores finished! ;)
Lady in the Making
Another lovely post, thanks Ruthann! It’s funny becuase as I was putting away Christmas this year, I thought, “what do I put in it’s place?” and I came up with white and red, and am painting lots of stuff white. Must be we were both in the same “need to make it fresh” frame of mind!
I just LOVE the Farm fresh makeover you gave your home! Wanna come do mine? You have given me some great tips that I can do even in my city apartment. I’m a Ky girl, which makes me a farm girl deep down though I live in the big city of Atlanta. You take care and please keep up your awesome work! May God bless you!
You seriously are a breathe of fresh air! You are so talented! I always know where to come when I need a little inspiration! Off to get busy! Thanks for motivating me!
Hi Ruthann!
Lovely post sweetie!! Its so funny, we think so much alike! :) I am doing a “farm chic” post next week, I had to wait on some items I ordered, lol :) But yours is fabulous !! I love the creamy background you re-did in the kitchen , it looks so “Farm Fresh” :)!! and daisies, milk bottles and anything Farm like also! I always get daises every week and put them right on the kitchen table! My favorite flower :)
And Yummy for the pie!! oh so scrumptious!! Your home looks ready for spring! I can’t wait to open my door and let the breeze blow through the screens!! Spring can’t come soon enough for me!
Beautiful Job sweetie!
Hugs, Cynthia
Hi Ruthann!
Lovely post sweetie!! Its so funny, we think so much alike! :) I am doing a “farm chic” post next week, I had to wait on some items I ordered, lol :) But yours is fabulous !! I love the creamy background you re-did in the kitchen , it looks so “Farm Fresh” :)!! and daisies, milk bottles and anything Farm like also! I always get daises every week and put them right on the kitchen table! My favorite flower :)
And Yummy for the pie!! oh so scrumptious!! Your home looks ready for spring! I can’t wait to open my door and let the breeze blow through the screens!! Spring can’t come soon enough for me!
Beautiful Job sweetie!
Hugs, Cynthia
Hi Ruthann!
Lovely post sweetie!! Its so funny, we think so much alike! :) I am doing a “farm chic” post next week, I had to wait on some items I ordered, lol :) But yours is fabulous !! I love the creamy background you re-did in the kitchen , it looks so “Farm Fresh” :)!! and daisies, milk bottles and anything Farm like also! I always get daises every week and put them right on the kitchen table! My favorite flower :)
And Yummy for the pie!! oh so scrumptious!! Your home looks ready for spring! I can’t wait to open my door and let the breeze blow through the screens!! Spring can’t come soon enough for me!
Beautiful Job sweetie!
Hugs, Cynthia
Hi Ruthann!
Lovely post sweetie!! Its so funny, we think so much alike! :) I am doing a “farm chic” post next week, I had to wait on some items I ordered, lol :) But yours is fabulous !! I love the creamy background you re-did in the kitchen , it looks so “Farm Fresh” :)!! and daisies, milk bottles and anything Farm like also! I always get daises every week and put them right on the kitchen table! My favorite flower :)
And Yummy for the pie!! oh so scrumptious!! Your home looks ready for spring! I can’t wait to open my door and let the breeze blow through the screens!! Spring can’t come soon enough for me!
Beautiful Job sweetie!
Hugs, Cynthia
Thanks for such a cute post! Your home is always so cute an tidy! I just love it. I’m definitely checking out those blogs. I might even stop at raised in cotton’s store, I’m only 3 hrs away as well!
Everything looks great!!! I am going to buy some daisies!! I love reading your decorating ideas! keep it up!
It sounds so cliche but … I love your blog!! I live way up north in Canada where we are experiencing as cold a winter as I can ever remember! Your farm fresh white theme is so inspiring however, I am not sure I can bear to have it as white indoors as it is out right now! Maybe when it is a bit closer to spring!(which for us up here isn’t for another 4 to 5 months!!) Thanks for all the great ideas and inspiration.
As usual another inspiring post. Thank you very much for the links, i cant wait to have a look.
Sarah x
Everything absolutely adorable! The life in the farm is very healthy and comfortable. Fresh air can be breathed, very healthful.
Todo absolutamente adorable!
La vida en la granja es muy sana y comoda.
Se puede respirar aire fresco,muy saludable.
You did it again, Ruthann!! Another gorgeous post! THanks so much for your decorating inspirations! hugs!
The Southern Housewife
I love today’s Post!
I live on a farm so I can relate!
Now if I could just have your flair for decorating! You’re one talented lady.
I’ve been following your blog for a few months, keep up the good work!
Everything looks absolutly lovely.
I want your kitchen SO BAD!!!
I get a kick out of “Honey The Pig”. Love her!!
Thanks so much for the links. I need all the help I can get for creative thinking. Let’s just say I’m feathering my nest but it does not come naturally to me.
The music you have on right now is awesome too! Love that Dolly Parton song….
Oh, everything looks so crisp and white and fresh! Just makes me want to stand in your kitchen and take in a big deep breath and heave a contented sigh! Haha! I just love coming to your blog because we share so many of the same loves, same thoughts, and same inspirations.
Have you ever grown Becky daisies? I planted some two years ago, and they are wonderful! They bloom for months and months, and they grow a mile high! Plus, they spread well, produce “babies” for transplanting, and come back every year, of course. I have loved having daisies right off the porch all summer long for the past two years. Just thought I’d mention them in case you hadn’t tried them!
I’m so glad you mentioned using salt in your glass milk jugs. I have a few things, including a sweet old baby bottle, that I have on display. I’ve been wanting to put something white in them to make them stand out better. Great tip!
Take care, Ruthann!
Just wonderful, Ruthann. Love all that you’ve done with your home of late. Thank you for sharing the color choices.
Thanks, too, for the links and enough of a description to whet the appetite…and how!
Have a blessed week.
woooowee lil' missy…i just kicked over my milk pail when i tripped in my rooten' tooten' cowgirl boots…yes i did!! eye~in' your farm house…girl…"thats-a" farm girls dream…oooh and that crisp white…honey silky smooth goodness!look out… i'm gonna go paint somethin'!!!!
missy you are the most wonderful,inspirin' gal in this here parts…blogland…i am blesssed to know ya and doll i love ya!!
this world shines with mrs. ruthann! thank you sweet doll for the kind words…now honey lets go fry some chicken!!!! lets call next week…set that girl time aside cuz honey we got'ta chat!!! blessings dear sweet ol' friend! grace & grit!!! you know it honey!love ya cat~
Really enjoyed your post! (as always!) I grew up on a farm and know what you mean! I will always be that country girl at heart!
Have a great day!
By the way, I love the music accompanying your blog! I also left the previous comment about always being a country girl at heart…..I forgot to let you know it was me, joanna in oregon!
Hi Ruth Ann
I love all the white touches. After Christmas we all seem to have that desire to simplify. I love color but right now, I’d love to paint everything white and just have a few little touches of color here and there.
Love reading your blog!
you make my heart so happy, Ruthann!!!!!!!!
i love all the new fresh white
ok missy i posted a quick 2 minute post about how inspired i was by you today sending ladies your way to take a peek at your farm home…i had a farmer post all set for spring showin’ a lil’ vintage style then…you dazzled me!!!… i even had a farm dress on and boots how amazing! aaahhhh!…farm fresh goodness!!! thanks ruthann for the sights today!!! inspiration!!!!!
oh everything looks so fresh, I love it! and I still have alot of reading to do with all the wonderful sites you mentioned, thanks for sharing. : )
I am loving the white look in your home! I also love the farm look and am simplyfing my home to get more of a homey and comfy take off your shoes and grab a glass of ice tea and sit a spell feel. I adore your “betsy” also. Love the open window to your pantry.
you have a beautiful home..Lots of good tips and info..I just love visiting..
RuthAnn–your words of advice for going back to basics at home and for homemaking are so encouraging and inspiring! Thanks for your post!
How lovely to see all of the springtime-fresh, creamy white! Your home looks so cheery and I love the new look :)!! Thanks for sharing!
OHMYGOODNESS…everything looks so NICE! I love it all, and it looks very fresh, and FARM is speakin’ to me through your photos. I am a farmgirl at heart, too. We bought a century-old farmhouse and redid it, and now I have my own blog, you inspired me! I have the same tablecloth that you have under that fat little pig, and I love it, too! I never get mine out to use, so you have encouraged me to take mine out more than a couple times a year!
Your home looks so warm and cozy and the pie looks yummy……Barb
Thanks RuthAnn! Loved your post. I might just make a pie tomorrow! I love the new look.
Ruthann Sista,
I do feel so relaxed after visiting with you and seeing your beautiful, comfortable home…I just feel so welcome and feel I could just show up at your door and be welcomed…not that I would….
Our homes should be a refuge from the world…where we can put down all our troubles and cares and be refreshed and feel God’s presence…
Your southern sista,
I love Petticoat Junction! What a treat! Each time you post I love to sit back relax and grab a cup of coffee.
Oh, RuthAnn..I just LOVE all your whites. They truly do look farm fresh. The uncluttered look in your kitchen is fabulous. It really showcases your beautiful kitchen. I love everything you have done.
xo bj
Ruth Ann,
You are a breath of fresh air or fresh daisies! Cheery, Light, laughter and salt as we are supposed to be as Christians,”the salt of the earth” love you style of love and giving and your ideas whether we’re rich or in between at the moment your ideas can be brought into our homes making America stronger now! I’m a mom, a little kids college teacher, wife and you know—I’m applyin’ white to all my old stuff! God Bless you!
I look so forward to your posts! I love your clean white look and that pie, oooooh la la!
I wish you lived next door to me!
Hey Girl!!! I loved your home before but now with all the white it is over the TOP amazing! You actually did several things to it that I thought about! Great minds! After moving out alot of my colors for white I find that you can still have lots of stuff but it doesn’t look so busy! Great post!!! AA+++ It rocks! It’s the bomb! That’s dope! (To quote from my LA daughter) LOL You have definitly “got it going on!”
Bless ya!
Dear Ruth Ann — I found your blog recently and have bookmarked it. I feel like you’re my long lost twin. Each entry I read or picture I see makes me smile!
Patricia, your un-realized twin!
RuthAnn – So many thanks to you for sharing your beautiful home with us. I drool over it! I’m torn – I love the “white” clean look but I also love touches of red and blue too. How smart to put salt in the milk bottles. I was wondering as I looked at them if you painted the insides and then read that you used salt. So simple… And I love the train lights hung on each side of the fireplace. My hubby’s grandfather was a train conductor in PA and we are lucky to have three old train lights that I have displayed in our finished basement. Wish I could have a piece of that delicious looking pie!!
Teacup Lady (Sandy)
What can I say?! LOVE the new look…loved the old looks too! Love the “farm fresh” theme….would you adopt me?! LOL
You have no idea how much you inspire me…I live in a little bungalow in a small city…was raised in the country and always wanted that big old farmhouse…I’m now in my 50’s with grown children so couldnt look after a big old house but can come here and enjoy yours! Keep doing what you’re doing…by the comments, I’m not the only one that spends a lot of time here. hehe SO glad I found your blog.
Bless you!
RuthAnn ~ I just love your blog. It just makes me smile when you have a new post (I check often). I am inspired to go home and declutter and move things around!
It surprised me that you give hugs and blessings as you close – that is what I do in my emails and letters too! So…
Hugs and Blessings,
Well, how could one NOT enjoy such loveliness! I am already a fan of your blog…you’ve got me hooked!
Good Afternoon Ruth Ann,
You are such an inspiration-I come back often to get revived. I have started some farm displays in our home as well-but I did not have enough salt for the milk jug so I used powdered detergent-lol! Thanks!
There are some really great Branson shows to see!
Thanks so much for your permission to use a photo and link to your blog. I will update and add one tomorrow! I had no idea we were practically neighbors! I love a couple of hours from Branson and we visit frequently. Love your new fresh white look. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
I love white! So fresh and clean…your home looks great and I am going to check out those great links! :) Ashley
A woman after my own heart…country heart, that is.
“If I live and nothin’ happens,” as my momma always said, I hope to decorate our new home with many of these same goodies I’ve been collecting over the years.
Hi RuthAnn
keep it up. I find your blog inspiring. It makes me more determined to be a better mother and wife. You brighten my day.
Well Ruthann, it all sounds real warm and cozy, and then it start to depress me,”come on Ruthann be honest” all of this down home country pie eaten and all the other food you go on about leads to FAT, FAT, FAT! and that’s not pretty or cozy. That leaves me feeling like I’ve been living in some kind of disneyland. This isn’t disneyland. If you spend all your time stuffing your face with all this good loving food, you’re certainly not going to be getting much good loving. Other than that, I find your blog to be very refreshing, and truthful in it’s ideology. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely home, it is beautiful. Keep God as your God, and not foooood! not too much anyway.
I am head over heals in LOVE with your kitchen. Its country, but chic. Great post. I was born and raised in the CITY till I was in 3rd grade..then off to the snooty “burbs” Hubby and I moved out to the country after we were married, its all i ever wanted…bad circumstances brought us back to the burb 9 years ago…and HOW I LONG FOR THE COUNTRY…I achieve that by decorating, and reading blogs such as yours, and of course visiting the country on hubbys day off….again, GREAT post…I can smell the bacon sizzlin and hear the chickens cluckin’!
oops..forgot to mention, that Rascal Flatts song will be in my head all day long now!! :-)
Can I just tell you how much I adore your blog? It’s so perfect and sums up how I feel about so many different things. Thanks for being such a blessing in this crazy world!
I love all the pictures! Great ideas on refreshing a room!
As much as I LOVE decorating for Christmas, I also love taking everything down in the New Year and getting a fresh, clean start! Thanks for sharing your wisdom and love! It’s perfect – your blog is a GREAT place to visit! :)
I love your blog. I just recently found it right before Christmas and enjoyed all of you Christmas decorations. I love your Farm Fresh look. It is so inspiring. It gives me something to strive toward in my own home. Now, I wnat to stop at the store on my way home and get some daisies!
The changes are wonderful. You have a great eye for design and style.
I love your blog. I am a farm girl at heart. I would love those days of Mayberry again.
Thank you for your inspiration. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
I grew up in a teeny Ozark town, and couldnt wait to get out. But now, I miss that slow pace and unlocked doors!
oh yum….came over for some warm pioe, beuty and peace that your blog so freely hands out. Breathing in the farm air…( well not all of it) and enjoying creating a farm life attitude in Sunny, busy Southern CA * sigh* no not everyone can live on a farm but one can only hope.
“If we want to harvest a happy home with strong family relationships we have to plant the seeds of love, understanding, forgiveness, mercy and grace”
My avocados and oranges ( yes oranges in Jan?!) are yummy right now…ahh..
Okay.. I bought my first ever pie plate and a bunch of fresh flowers.
I’m such a Ruth Ann wanna be!!!!
I want to be just like you. I love the new look!
I’m officially stopping lurking! Great post. I left you an award at my blog, come and get it!
Hi Ruth Ann,
You have the exact same vintage tablecloth that used to cover my Grandparent’s farmsteads kitchen table! I now own it but am having truble getting some stains out. Yours looks beautiful in its setting!! What inspiration your blog is to me. Thanks.
I love love love your blog! You’re so inspiring! I sure hope I can create a home for my young family that is as welcoming as yours.
I’m not sure if you have time to answer all your questioning comments, but I’ve been wondering: what are these biscuits that you eat for breakfast? Down here in Australia, biscuit is just another word for cookie. Is it the same in the US?
The Accidental Housewife
What a wonderful post. I enjoyed every bit of it.
I need some of what you have, painting and redecorating :). You have so much energy! Your home is always so beautiful, it’s so warm and inviting.
My Grandfather worked his farm almost his whole life. I enjoyed your wonderful post very much :).
Kathi :)
Just found your blog and wanted to say hello! You have a gorgeous home.
So I must tell you that I love reading your blogs. I read this blog last week and the song has been stuck in my head the whole entire rest of the week. Oh and your house is AMAZING!!! I look forward to reading some more fabulous blogs =) Cristie Dixon, CHIK team member.
Hi RuthAnn,
I love all the changes you made! I love the white, it’s so beautiful and fresh. Thank you for sharing your beautiful home. God bless.
Simply beautiful. Your words and photographs are so inspiring. Thank you.
Thank you for listening as God lays precious “ways of home” on your heart. May I have permission to quote your last paragragh under the “family praying pic” for a ministy event I am doing?
oh my sweet goodness dear sweet friend…100 comments! girl you go! i just had to comment…look how you inspire the ladies in this world! i pray you are blessd by the comments from these sweet ladies…love ya…….oh honey! cat
Everything looks absolutely beautiful!
I was so glad to see that they didn’t change all of downtown when they put in the stores on Taneycomo.
in Carthage
All of your white decorations are lovely and so fresh! And that Blackberry Sugar Pie is making me drool. Thanks for a lovely post, as always. :)
I read your blog all the way from Utah! You are amazing and inspire me on several levels. Thank you!
You have a great blog and those pies look so delish. Thx for sharing.
I love your blog! I put it on and just listen to your wonderful selection of music! It is on all day! Drives my 15 year old DD crazy! But I think she is coming around!
Thanks so much,
Just discovered your blog! I thought I had read everyone regarding good old fashioned home! I live in Winston-Salem, just about 45 minutes from Mt. Airy (the town where Andy Griffith was born and the model for Mayberry). Their Main Street sounds similar to yours–Floyd’s Barber Shop is till there! Love your freshness, it has given my day a wonderful start. Keep em comin’!
So love your blog. God Bless. Hugs From Maine. http://sophie4me.blogspot.com/
What an inspiring blog. I love stopping by to see what you’ve been up to. Thank you!
Love your inspiring words! I can’t wait for your next post. I just picked up a Farmstand candle at Walmart and it smells yummy!
Susan in GA
I am out visiting new blogs today and just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed yours!
I try not to stop by your blog for at least a week after you post your last update (never works)
I can't help myself, I'm here every other day : )
no im not a stalker-you are just so inspiring!
btw I watched a movie called
The Mating Game
with Tony Randall & Debbie Reynolds
I thought of you, have you seen it?
it's about a tax collector who sets out to audit a wonderful farm family.
check it out I have a feeling you would love it.
hope your having a great day!
You are so lovingly generous. You’ve given me the lift I needed for today. Thanks!
We live in the farmhouse that my husband’s family has had since he was 2…a farm is a great place to live. This summer we may be able to do some needed remodeling. I would love to have a walk-in pantry. Could you please share your suggestion for size of such a room?
Thanks again…and with so many comments, I will understand if you cannot answer.
The best to you and yours.
I know now that I never really understood “thou shall not covet” until I discovered your site! lol Oh how I just ADORE your decorating talent! Thanks so much for sharing. God bless, Trish in maine
OH my, I love your blog! I just want to pull up a chair, grab some tea and sit for hours absorbing your sweet words and beautiful pictures. Thanks for being such an inspiration.
I also have a fourth “surprise” baby (although maybe yours wasn’t a surprise?) and she’s been such a joy. She just turned 10 last week, and started learning to play the viola in school this year. I’ve been having the urge to learn too, and after seeing you and Summer Rose together, I think I will!
Hey, I host apron swaps and sew-alongs. I’d love it if you were interested in joining one.
Have a blessed week!
I just always LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVE your blog!! It is so pretty and welcoming here! And your home- to die for!!!!
Any chance you’d be willing to share your pie recipe??
Mrs. U
PS- Did you know that tomorrow 1-23 is National Pie Day? Come by my blog to celebrate!!! Oh and bring a pie with you!!!
I’m really enjoying your blog. I’ll have to come back :)
I loved this post. I am blessed to live close to MaryJane’s Farm and The Farm Chicks hometown. I was lucky enough to have my new Farm Chicks book signed by Serena & Teri this past weekend in Sandpoint, Idaho. For anyone who can make it, their show is amazing. This year’s will be in June at the Spokane fairgrounds.
Aunt Ruthie, you inspired me with those creamy white pitchers! Please visit my blog and see what I found tonight!!!! :)
It was all Aunt Ruthie INSPIRED!
Smiles, Cass
Hi Aunt Ruthie! I too am a Ruthie (officially Ruth Ann – like you!) I’ve been peeking at The Farm Chick’s blog and found yours as well – which came highly recommended, by the way! When the first of October came, so did my new blog (ruthiemarek.blogspot.com). You both inspired me to give it a try. I dreamed about being a writer and a designer. I found it very hard to be both given I have two gifts from God that I have been entrusted to love and take care of every day. However, I have found when they’re in school, I take photos. When they’re asleep, I write and blog. So far, so good!
Your site is amazing. The love you pour into your home is clear — as well as the love you pour into your family. Though I don’t know you, I feel as if your kids (all beautiful by the way!) have one heck of a fabulous Mom! Keep inspiring me night after night!
Ruthie, Westlake Village, CA
Hello , i liked and enjoyed looking your pics a lot.exactly my taste……
Hi Ruth,
I just love your website! I am in the final stages of building a new home and want my mantle to look like the one you have above the brick fireplace. If you don’t mind, I have a few questions to ask about it… What kind of wood is it made of? What color stain did you use? Not sure how to contact you directly – I’m very new at “Blogging”. Thank you,
I’m looking for the pen like chalk you talked about some time ago.
Is it at Amazon. Could you tell me what it’s called please?
Thanks, so enjoy your wonderful, inspiring blog.
Susan in Indiana
Thank you for another informative website. Where else may just I am getting that kind of info written in such a perfect method? I’ve a venture that I am simply now running on, and I have been at the glance out for such information.
Love your site! Where may I ask can I find a “Dont mess with Texas” star? I am in LOVE with it!
I am loving your site. Been looking around for a bit. Ya know we don’t live to far apart? I live in Springfield Mo. :) I am country girl also. Was raised out side of Memphis Tenn. Moved up here 20 years ago and I love it!! Thanks for sharing your ideas & home.
Loved the tour of your home and the fresh face you gave it. Reading your words always makes me smile. I feel as if I made a new best friend.
I’m so glad to find your website. I love it! And so glad to know you live in my most favorite place….Branson! It has been a favorite place since my childhood when my parents took me to Silver Dollar City. Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful things! May God continue to use you to bless women in our country!
[…] This entry was posted by Admin on 05/03/2013 at 2:44 pm Image credit: http: http://www.sugarpiefarmhouse.com […]
Sooo great!love,love,love this farmhouse life !!hubby and I are building a farmhouse in Idaho on our 26 acres!!!We waited 15 years for our dream and now it is coming true! thanks be to God!!!!!!!Yehawwwww,Cindy
I just like the helpful info you provide on your articles.
I’ll bookmark your weblog and check once more right here frequently.
I’m reasonably sure I will be informed lots of new stuff right right here!
Best of luck for the following!
I think I have just found my new favorite site. I actually live about 30 mins. from Mayberry in a small town called Boonville, NC. I love driving up to Mayberry and spending the day at the many festivals they have throughout the year. I love your home and all the Farm Freshness! Your pig Honey is adorable. My brother and his wife have a pot-bellied pet. Her name is Daisy. She is too cute and of course I thought of her when I saw Honey sitting on your table. They love pigs so much that when their little one arrives in August, the baby room will be done in pigs/farm style. :) Thank you for sharing and I hope you don’t mind having people trying to copy you. :)
[…] FRESH FARM STYLE | Sugar Pie Farmhouse – Farm Fresh….how I love those words! Anything fresh-from-the-farm just fills my heart with pure joy….fresh eggs, fresh milk, fresh fruits and vegetables,… […]
[…] FRESH FARM STYLE | Sugar Pie Farmhouse – Farm Fresh….how I love those words! Anything fresh-from-the-farm just fills my heart with pure joy….fresh eggs, fresh milk, fresh fruits and vegetables,… […]
[…] FRESH FARM STYLE | Sugar Pie Farmhouse – Farm Fresh….how I love those words! Anything fresh-from-the-farm just fills my heart with pure joy….fresh eggs, fresh milk, fresh fruits and vegetables,… […]
Would love to know where you get all of those colored pictures
I just love them, anything country
Thank you,
Loved your post. A reminder that we can all create a warm welcoming home for our family and friends doing little things every day. Love from Australia. xx
Thank you! I needed your spirit of thankfulness and down home goodness tonight.You are an inspiration and “spirit lifter”. Besides famy and scripture, I would love to know who inspires you! Lived the tour.
I just discovered your site, and I love it! You share such wisdom about making a home that is warm, welcoming, and a safe refuge for each family member.We need to get back to old-fashioned American values.I also love your home decor– fresh & delightful! Thank you!!
Sweet Aunt Ruthie, you are like the blossoms on a cherry tree, full of grace and beauty, bringing joy to all they meet….God’s Blessings to you..
I absolutely love the scenery you show and the decoration ideas you display and share. It makes me feel warm and happy! I too also love the sweet warm touch of farmhouse. Thank you for spending the time that you do to post your vlogs and sweet stories and such inspiration. Also smelling the fresh air from the beautiful trees and landscape in your surroundings at your homestead surrounded by that fresh serene beauty is certainly plenty to feel calm and refreshed about! I can see happiness in your character☺☺Thank you, Michelle
Love your site. One of my favorites. Keep up the good work
Thank you for always spreading such joy, love and ecouragement in your beautiful posts. The innocenceof yesterday and its’ sweet simplicities is much needed in todays world.
I love reading your newsletter………..from start to finish. I am a farm girl at heart too and miss living in the country and smelling that fresh air.
Thank you for being the blessing you are to my life. God bless you.
Just what I needed to read to keep me encouraged, once again Thank you aunt Ruthie!
always love your posts