There is no time like the fall to spend some time cookin’ up some lovin’ from the oven…especially with my daughter….my cutie pie! Spending time together also provides a great opportunity for me to sprinkle a little joy, faith, understanding, comfort, and praise on her dear little heart. I heard it said once that “children are like wet cement, whatever impressions you press on their heart will last forever.” As with all my children, my goal is to love them, guide them, protect them, encourage them, cheer for them, comfort them, and give them a sense of belonging so they will grow to be confident, compassionate and happy adults. We can accomplish this throughout the activities of the day, but a child’s ears and heart seem to be a little more receptive to our message of love when we give them our undivided attention doing an activity that they enjoy. It’s also an important time to listen with our own ears…about the things that are on their mind. It’s amazing the things you can learn about your kids over a batch of cookie dough.
I tell her …..
~she is my dream come true
~I’m so glad you are my little girl
~you’re adorable!
~ I love how creative you are!
~Good for you!
~You are a blessing.
~God has a wonderful plan for your life.
Is she pure sweetness or what? Oh honey!
~ You make me laugh!
~What a joy you are!
~I love having fun with you!
“I am thankful for laughter,
except when milk comes out of my nose.” ~Woody Allen
Take every opportunity to sprinkle
sweet and kind words on your child’s heart.
The result will be a wonderfully happy child….
“A merry heart does good like a medicine”.
If children live with encouragement,
they learn confidence.
If children live with praise,
they learn appreciation. ~ Dorothy Law Nolte
We need to be so careful about our attitudes around our children. If we are constantly putting ourselves down in front of them, ( I’m fat, I need to lose weight…I hate my hair…I have nothing to wear…why does this always happen to me…I am so unorganized….I’m so depressed…so angry…. I’m so…fill-in-the-blank……) we will cause our children to eventually do the same. Our negativity and critical spirit can change who they are, steal their joy and feelings of emotional safety. It can aid in dissolving their self worth (especially our daughters). Negative and critical words toward ourselves or our loved ones make it much more difficult, for them and us, to succeed in life. Those feelings come to all of us, and it takes practice to stop that negative self-talk, but it is crucial for the well being of our children and ourselves.
Take everything to the Lord in prayer, we need His help! Look around you and count your blessings.
“The words we choose to speak to our children in the privacy of our homes are so powerful they last a lifetime and often seep into future generations. Powerless and unable to defend themselves, our children often bear the brunt of all our problems. And home becomes a dreaded place of constant negative verbal bombardment. It is just as possible, even if it has not been your childhood home experience, to speak hope and success into their lives, instead of negative demeaning things.” ~ Pamela J. Bailey from her book Sanctuary
Read Psalm 139 to your children, to let them know how fearfully and wonderfully they are made. Read it for yourself! Pray that the Lord will help you realize how precious you are! You are the apple of His eye! If God had a wallet your picture would be in it! He loves you more than you can imagine! Begin to think good thoughts, thankful thoughts, gracious thoughts, and your mood, actions and words will follow. Do this, and you and your family will be blessed. The Bible says…”we are what we think”. It also says, “Fix your minds on whatever is true and honorable and just and pure and lovely and praiseworthy.” Phil. 4:8.
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.” ~Mother Teresa
Happy Mama
Happy Child
Well gals, believe it or not, I am on my way out of town again! This trip has been planned for several months….It’s a road trip with my sister-in-law Linda….we are the tamer version of Thelma and Louise…but no less sassy! In Linda’s lipstick-red mini-van, we will head first to St. Louis…Gateway to the West…to the Joyce Meyer Women’s Conference…..then we will travel across the mighty Mississippi River, up through Illinois, Indiana and into Ohio to visit Linda’s daughter, my niece, Heather. Of course, since it’s just us gals, we will be stopping at our every whim, for antiques, chocolate and pie. We hope to catch a glimpse of the Amish and perhaps visit one of their shops or roadside stands (what I would really like to do is step into their farm kitchen to chat and watch them make a Shoo-fly Pie! How fun would that be!!). Fortunately, my hubby will keep the home-fires burning. His office is at home, so he will be there to take care of our little Summer.
I will get to your questions in my next post!
God bless ya’ll