Ahhhh Choooooo! That’s what I’ve been doing for a while now! Four Kleenex boxes later I am finally back in the saddle again! That cold was a real doozie! Ya know, there’s nothing like having to stay in bed for a few days to give you time to think about things. My head was throbbing too much to be able to read so I did a little channel surfing on T.V. only to conclude there’s not a lot of good ol wholesome programing available anymore, or at least that I could find ( other than the cooking and home improvement shows ). I began to feel so sorry for the generation of kids growing up on violent and sarcastic cartoons, shows about wizards and teenage witches, inappropriate reality shows, not to mention violent video games. I’m afraid America’s kids are missing out on what is good, pure, and wholesome! The Bible says that whatever a man thinks about, so is he and whatever we sow we shall reap…..what kind of harvest will result in planting these kinds of seeds in the minds of young people? Yikes!
I just think our country needs get back to good old fashioned goodness!
What is old fashioned Goodness? Faith in God, love, wholesomeness, respect, kindness, graciousness, honor, manners, values, morals, modesty, hospitality, appreciation, good clean fun, family traditions, Grandma’s old family recipes, courage, citizenship, patriotism, an honest day’s work, Grandpa’s wisdom, doing the right thing, gratitude, contentment, honesty, friendship, gentleness, thoughtfulness, being proper, nurturing, enthusiasm, fresh-from-the-farm nourishment, excellence, positive outlook, hope, purity, beauty, balance, cleanliness, peacefulness, clean humor, gratitude, encouragement, joy, and a whole lot more!
I love the USA, I love the virtues, morals and values that our country was founded upon. But if we are not careful to preserve goodness, it is likely to evaporate.
While I’m so very thankful for living in an age with such amazing technology, if we are not careful that too can distract us and cause us to forget the good old fashioned ways of living life …
Like when; folks would look at you in the eyes and say how-do-you-do instead of looking down at their cell phone …and when the door was held open as a courtesy with a nod, a smile, and a “good mornin’! “….when neighbors waved hello and actually knew your name….when milk , cookies and a listening ear were waiting for the kids when they came home from school…when the family would pile into the car to go for a drive in the country and stop to enjoy an ice-cream cone…when neighbors would gather to help another neighbor in need…appreciating the simple things like when the first rose of springtime would appear bringing great delight in the sheer beauty of it while breathing in it’s exquisite sweetness, thanking God for such a gift…when mom would sit on the front porch steps to watch the kids play catch with dad outdoors in the warm sunshine…when kids were taught manners, to be diligent and to tell the truth…when parents tucked their kids in bed with a story, kisses and prayers… when women realized the high calling of caring for her home, and nurturing her children with joy, giving them a sense of belonging and safety, raising them to be honorable…when families went to church together on Sundays and read the Good Book together throughout the week…when the call rang out “time for dinner!” the family would gather with grateful hearts for a hot meal ’round the old farm table, uninterrupted by texts and tweets.
These are the things that will make our families thrive not just survive. It’s old fashioned goodness that will build strong families and then in turn, build a strong country….without such no nation is secure.
Gals, we’ve got to Circle the Wagons and come together to preserve the goodness of the good old days before it fades away like a neglected family heirloom photo gathering dust up in the attic! Yes-siree Bob, we’ve got to engage that survival strategy of the Old West, rally together to guard and protect Old Fashioned Goodness on the homefront, for the sake of our families and our country! The America that we know and love needs to make a comeback! Come on Sugar Pies, if we round-up together I know we can make a difference!
Gals, I just know there are so many of you out there that feel the same way. That’s why I think we are so drawn to vintage things and the whole farmgirl-farmhouse way of life. It reminds us of a simpler time. It’s about learning to be resourceful. It causes us to reflect on God’s faithfullness. It’s comforting and it encourages us to comfort others. The farm-girl kind of life is filled with simple joys, a deep down contentment, thankfulness to the Lord and of course good old fashioned goodness.
“I remember the days of old. I ponder all your great works and think about what you have done.” Psalm 143:5
We need to be intentional about preserving this goodness. We are all so busy and our lives can sometimes feel complicated and overwhelming…that’s all the more reason why we need to gather up this goodness and bring it on home. This coming new year. We have a fresh start. So no matter what the difficulties of the past year has been, y’all need to pull yourself up by your own adorable cowgirl bootstraps!
Y’all need to get back up on that horse again! Atta girl…you can do it!
Don’t let the bumps in the road derail your dreams….dreams for a life filled to overflowing with sweet goodness! So come on y’all… with a nod to the past and an eye to the future I’m gonna share with you a few old fashioned ways to put a song in your heart and a spring in your step so you can bless your home, your family, your country! Grab your cute wicker basket and gather some goodness!
“Arise (from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you–rise to a new life!) Shine (be radiant with the Glory of the Lord) for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!” Isaiah 60:1
If we want to enjoy a harvest of Old Fashioned Goodness then we must plant it ! Start by planting this verse in your heart:
“Whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly (proper), whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things (fix your minds on them) .” Philippians 4:8
You know, this scripture is not an option. It doesn’t say “if you feel like it…think on these things…”. It is meant to help guard our hearts from things that will cause us stress and unrest. To protect us from bitterness, anger and sadness taking root. The more we think about something the bigger it gets and these kinds of emotions have been proven to cause all kinds of sickness. Thinking about things that cause you to be upset is time badly spent.
Change the way you think and you’ll change the way you feel!
So honey’s start counting them blessin’s!
Say out loud in your most adorable southern accent (and mean it from your heart) ” I do declare! ‘As for ME and MY HOUSE we shall serve the LORD!” . Amen sista! The goodness starts here.
Next to the Lord, make your family your top priority! Let them know you cherish them, be their cheerleader, bless them, nurture them, spend time with them, listen to them, pray for them.
Fill up on the Living Water, (the Word of God), the only thing that will quench our thirsty soul. Drink it everyday, it’s delicious!
Bring beauty into your home! Whether it’s flowers from your garden or from the grocery store, brighten the corner where you are!
Smile more! “Your smile is the front porch of your heart.” It’s also a mood lifter for everyone around including yourself!
Find an old family recipe and make it, then share the yumminess and the story behind it with those you love.
Say Grace at dinnertime. This is a wonderful time to teach children to be thankful for God’s faithfulness.
Come Springtime, plant some tomatoes and basil. It never fails to thrill me to see the abundance of tomatoes grown from a tiny seedling! And eating a homegrown tomato warmed from the sun is pure sweet goodness.
Fill your heart and home with music ( instead of the noise from the T.V.). I love the sounds of the 1940’s, bluegrass, southern gospel, and classical. Humming a happy little tune while you work will put a spring in your step and a twinkle in your eye.
Learn, live and teach the Golden Rule. “Do for others what you would have them do for you!” Draw names out of a bowl and have your kids do a good deed each week for a member of the family. Planting good-deed-seeds will grow thoughtfulness in your home.
Have a meal around the table as often as you can. Did you know that the statistics show that the benefits of the family meal are that kids are less likely to use drugs, smoke cigarrettes, drink alchohol, and they are more likely to make better grades, eat healthier, and feel a sense of belonging.
Get the family involved in preparing the meal, and setting the table. Create a homey atmosphere, light a candle and put on soft music.
Make it a rule to keep the converstion pleasant and gracious. Dinnertime should be about nourishment, comfort and support. My dear friend Catiena told me about the High-Low game they play in her home….everyone shares their High’s and low’s of the day. That’s one great way of staying in tune with your kids thoughts and feelings. Oh yes, and make sure all electronics are NOT part of the family mealtime.
“One of the simplest and most effective ways for parents to be engaged in their teens’ lives is by having frequent family dinners,” says Joseph Califano Jr., chairman and president of The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA).
I’m going to Church where the sweet bells call
to ask our Heavenly Father to bless us all.
Go to church as a family on Sundays and spend time in prayer and reading God’s Word. Do you know spending time with God is like having a beauty treatment? Just read this verse and see what I mean!
“God wraps you in goodness–beauty eternal. He renews your youth –you’re always young in His presence.” Psalm 103:5 The Message
The more you spend time with God and get to know Him, the more of His goodness will rub off on you…and that’s a beautiful thing.
Read Psalm 139 to find out how God is always watching over you, He loves you so much He just can’t take His eyes off of you!
Have a family fun night or a family fun day… that’s how the warmest memories are made! Popcorn and a movie….playing board games…baking cookies…going for a walk….just ask your kids what they would love to do, then make it a weekly time they can count on for family fun.
Teach your kids the Ten commandments ( Exodus 20) , The Lord’s Prayer ( Matthew 6:9-13) and the 23rd Psalm. Planting these seeds will give your children a lifetime of strength, wisdom and comfort. I can’t think of a better gift.
Fill up with lots of old fashioned goodness by watching The Waltons family! If you can’t find them on TV you can purchase the series from Amazon..click here!
Have a slice of Mayberry pie everyday!! By watching the ever lovable Andy Griffith show with Aunt Bee, Opie and Barney! We watch an episode every night! This is one way to keep the good ol days alive! You can also get the series from Amazon click here!
Ahh yes! The ever wonderful Little House On The Prairie! (Also available on Amazon…click here.)
Tuck your kids in bed each night with lots of sweet things to say about them…like “if I could pick from all the kids in all the world, I would pick you!!” Pray for them and let them have a turn to thank God for their blessings.
Find a fun apron to wear with your pearls….it’s makes homemaking that much more fun!
And to America’s rescue…. Franklin Springs Family Media has so many wonderful resources for the family!They have excellent films that will inspire and encourage your family to live a life of honor and goodness. If you go to their web site you can watch little samples of their wonderful films.
“Franklin Springs is focused squarely on producing original films that provide a picture of the exciting reformation that’s happening in families across the country – fathers serving and loving their families, mothers embracing the high calling of raising children, and children enjoying the adventure of growing up in a family seeking God’s best for their home. ” ~Franklin Springs Mission Statement
The Homestead Blessings Series featuring the West Ladies is one of my personal favorites from Franklin Springs! They have a couple new DVD’s out that I can’t wait to get! The Art Of Cooking and The Art Of Dairy Delights. This sweet family lives on a farm in Tennessee and they share their farm-girl life from the kitchen to the garden. Talk about old fashioned goodness!
“The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.” Psalm 33:5
Lastly, I would like to share the lyrics to an endearing new country song by Craig Morgan titled:
Sweet Old Fashion Goodness
Wind chimes in a weeping willow
Biscuits light as feather pillows
At Mama’s house
Sunday morning kids a squirming
Thank the preacher for the sermon
As your walking out
Sweet old fashion goodness
Old man comes out and pumps your gas
Tells a joke while he cleans your glass
And says thank you friend
Grab a cup of sugar from your neighbor
Honor roll made the morning paper
Cut it out again
Sweet old fashion goodness
We don’t need no bureaucrats
No scientists or diplomats
To help us figure out what this world needs
Just sweet old fashion goodness
He says have you met my young bride
We got married back in ’49
She ain’t changed at all
There’s a nervous boy on the front porch waiting
While the daddy of the girl he’s been dating
Lays down the law
Thank you Sugar Pies for stopping by for some down-home Goodness Pie!
Please share your thoughts and ideas on how we can preserve the goodness of the good old days.
Bless your family, make home sweet!
Aunt Ruthie!