Howdy Sugar Pie! I’m so happy you’re here! How is your fall season going? I hope you’re breathing in the delight and sweetness of this golden time of year…it’s so good for you, ya know! Our lives are so busy, filled with challenges and struggles. That’s why it’s so it’s important to stop and “smell those roses” or watch the leaves fall, or meet a friend for coffee . Recently our family spent the afternoon at the pumpkin patch. This is one tradition that we have been doing since my kids were babies.
I do believe that Fun Family Traditions is the glue that holds families together (among a few other things of course!). Spending time together makes life meaningful and so much richer. The thing is, we have to be intentional about this because it’s so easy to say “I’m too tired”, or “I need to clean out the garage this weekend”. Sometimes we procrastinate by saying “maybe next week”. Only, next week may not work out. Someone once said “Opportunities are not postponed, they are lost forever.” So even though we have an overflowing to-do list, we must make time for some good old fashioned family fun!
As the holidays approach, be thinking about one or two things you can do with your family that will make joy-bells ring in their hearts! Family traditions can be things you do daily, weekly, and seasonally. Daily traditions could be something as simple as bedtime prayers with the family or having supper together. Weekly traditions could include a family fun night with pizza or pancakes on Saturday mornings. Seasonally, your traditions might include picking out a Christmas tree together or a taking a drive to see Christmas lights then stopping to get hot chocolate. In the spring an Easter Egg Hunt or planting a garden. In the summer, a trip to the beach or gathering together for a family reunion . And in the fall, a drive in the country to see the fall color, baking a pumpkin pie or a taking a trip to the apple orchard. The wonderful thing is you get to decide what it is that you want to plan in order to create those fun moments with your family.
Here are 5 Reasons Why Fun Family Traditions are so Important:
1. Fun Family Traditions give our family a sense of belonging, security and togetherness: We all need to feel valued, wanted and loved. What better way to communicate those heartfelt feelings to our family than to spend time together! Fun Family Traditions can provide warmth, compassion and closeness, an important key to becoming a happy family.
2. They give our children a better and happier childhood: Studies show that children who experience even the simple tradition of eating together as a family are less likely to smoke, drink, get into drugs and other damaging behaviors. Additionally, 40% of children who eat supper together with the family do better in school. Kids thrive as a result of happy family traditions. Creating a family life that feels safe and provides stability is crucial to the well-being of our children. It’s a comfort for our kids to know that they can count on those special things that we do together because “that’s our family tradition”.
3. They bring anticipation and joy by giving us something to look forward to: Fun Family Traditions teach our children the value of enjoying the simple pleasures of having fun together, whether it’s going for a hike in the woods, enjoying an ice-cream cone together or collecting seashells at the beach. Life is filled with challenges and struggles so having happy traditions to look forward to adds the much needed ingredient of joy into our lives.
4. They help to preserve the family by building strong relationships and valuable bonding moments: It’s not just the activity that we choose to do with our family that’s important it’s also the connection and heartfelt communication that happens. It’s an investment of time and love that will affect future generations.
5. They create warm memories that will last a lifetime: Commemorating family moments like birthdays, holidays, vacations, and everyday joys will not only make our family members feel cherished but it will be a huge part of our family’s life story…a story that will remembered with warmth and laughter…a story that will gleam as a treasure in our hearts. A story that will provide joy and comfort for our whole life. One way to keep those memories fresh is to take lots of photos and videos!
One last thought…in finding the right Fun Family Traditions for your family, keep in mind that the key word is “fun”.
Well, one of my family’s fall traditions is going to the pumpkin patch. We headed out to McKenna’s Farm here in Branson, Missouri, on a chilly and misty day. It had just rained so everything was saturated with the vivid hues of fall. This snug cabin pictured above sits beautifully behind the cornfield. It looked like it belonged to The Three Bears! Mama Bear’s hot porridge would have been welcomed on a cold, damp, day like this!
Here I am with my beloved hubby and my four lovable grand-littles! I’m holding Zealand, Grandpa’s holding Polly June, Johnny’s making a silly face and Kade is wearing his yellow rain boots! So much fun!
“Tradition gives us a sense of solidarity and roots,
a knowing there are some things one can count on.”
~Gloria Gaither
My daughter Ashley’s family…hubby Glen, Polly June and Johnny!
My son Dusty’s family…Kimmy, Zealand and Kade!
And…my darlin’ Summer Rose!
Zealand found himself a great big pumpkin!
My little “punkin” Polly sitting on a pile of pumpkins!
She’s wearing the same sweater that her mama wore when she was a youngin’!
This year McKenna’s farm had this huge air trampoline on top of the ground! The grown-ups had a blast but the little ones had to warm up to the idea.
Johnny and Kade got to pump water for a rubber ducky race.
Time for a hayride!
Our driver had his Duck Dynasty goin’ on!
Since it was just us on the hayride, we had our own sing-along…”Old MacDonald Had a Farm…E-I-E-I-O!”
“What will your children remember?
Moments spent listening, talking, playing, and sharing together
may be the most important times of all.” -Gloria Gaither
“Happy times and bygone days are never lost…In truth,
they grow more wonderful within the heart that keeps them.”
-Kay Andrew
Kimmy, Zealand and I.
Got me boots on!
“When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses.” -Joyce Brothers
Hey! Who’s throwin’ hay? Well, it is a hayride!
“If we savor the good times in youth,
we can enjoy them again in old age.” -Janette Oke
My kids…posing Hillbilly-style…looks like this could be on the cover of a bluegrass music album. Ha!
In this shot I asked them to just act “normal”…uh, yeah…
I guess goofy is normal.
My daughter Summer is outstanding in her field! ;D
Fun in the corn-box!
“You have to look for the joy.
Look for the light of God that is hitting your life,
and you will find sparkles you didn’t know were there.”
The day was so damp and chilly we pretty much had the place to ourselves!
I love that girl!
Now that’s a pig-pen!
Did your mama ever tell you to go clean your bedroom because it looked like a pigpen? I don’t think my room ever looked that bad! LOL!
Little Kade climbing rocks with his yellow boots!
Oh how thankful I am to the Lord for His Grace.
“No nation can be destroyed while it possesses a good home life.” -Josiah Gilbert Holland
It was good to get out of the damp, chilly air and into the cozy warmth of home!
My sweet grand-little’s favorite place to play is in Grammy’s pantry!
These are memories and traditions in the making!
There’s no place like home…except Grammy and Grandpa’s!
Guess what?!! I’m having a give-away! I’m celebrating the birthday of my blog! It’s 7 years old! Wow! My baby girl Summer Rose was in 4th grade when I started now she’s in 10th! Time flies when you’re having fun!! Well, darlin’s I think this give-away is a doozy! They’re three of my favorite things!
Here are the three prizes for one happy gal!
1. A fabulous new cookbook: Farm Fresh Recipes from the Missing Goat Farm! Oh! My! I love this cookbook! It’s filled with full color photos of wonderful and yummy recipes for soups, breads, pies, snacks and preserves. The author, Heather Cameron always dreamed of moving to a farm, then one day she and her family left the city and made their farm dreams come true! Heather has so delightfully sprinkled her story into the pages of this charming collection of farm-to-table recipes.
2. The cutest wooden piggy cutting board–it’s brand new but made to look vintage. AND it’s made in America! I have this same one and I love it! It just makes chopping herbs, fruits and veggies so much more fun!
3. A gorgeous set of measuring spoons from Anthropology! They look like vintage teaspoons! I just know these would help you make a pretty pie!
Here’s a closer look! Ain’t they purdy?
So here’s the thing…since I’ve been blogging for 7 years and plan to continue, (because I love blogging and you!) I want to make sure that what I am blogging about brings you value and is worthy of your time. So I need your help in answering a couple questions. Please know that your input is so very valuable to me! Once you answer these questions in the comment section below, I will pick one name at random to win the give-away prize! The deadline will be November 20th. I will announce the winner in my next blog post.
Here are my questions:
1. What attracts you to Sugar Pie Farmhouse and keeps you coming back?
2. What would you like to see more of on my blog?
- More encouragement for homemakers?
- More decorating Ideas?
- More ideas on how to incorporate vintage (back-in-the-day) homemaking into our lives?
- More Recipes?
- How to create a happy home?
- Chats to inspire you to create the life you want to live?
- Or, what topic would you love for me to write about?
That’s it! Just tell me what you like and what you would like more of! Please don’t feel like you need to answer at great length (unless you want to!) Short and sweet is just fine!
I do want to thank you dear Sugar Pies for purchasing my videos! I hope you enjoyed them (I’d love to know!). If you haven’t gotten yours yet there’s still time! I know many of you are probably in Christmas mode by now, but the ideas in the Let’s Decorate for Fall Y’all videos are perfect for Thanksgiving and that’s 3 weeks away! You can click here to check it out or go to the General Store above.
And of course the recipes in Sweet Fall Fixin’s are also perfect for Thanksgiving and Christmas for that matter!
Thank you so much Sugar Pie for stopping by!
Please enter the give-away by answering those questions above!
I’m sending you lots of sugar-hugs and love!
Aunt Ruthie
Hi, Aunt Ruthie! At first I loved the decorating on your blog. It’s always amazing! I think it’s all the advice and tips about homemaking and having a happy home though that keep me coming back these days. I don’t always have time to look at all the pretty blogs these days (what with chasing after my beautiful 16 month old daughter Olivia Grace and keeping our home organized and running smoothly ) but when you have a post that encourages me to be a Godly and loving wife and mother and to create a happy and joyful home for my family I know that it’s time well spent here and that I’ll get a blessing out of it. I always love recipes too! Happy 7 years on the blog! Have a blessed day!! ~ Jamie
Hi there Farm girl Ruthie! I just lovvvvvve your blog. My only regret is that I didnt find it sooner! The thing that I love and that keeps me coming back is your home values. Living in such a crazy world, its so nice to click on your blog link, and instantly feel relief when I read about your reminders to give thanks, love family, pray as often as possible, and be joyful! Your entries are a lovely reminder to keep your priorities straight and never forget the important things in life.
Hmmmm, what would I like to see more of? Definitely decorating and caring for a home. Your home is so incredibly beautiful and I LOVE seeing pictures and getting inspiration from you. Also, more chats about life stuff; relationship troubles, overcoming obstacles, you know, the stuff that makes up life :) But regardless, dont change ANYTHING!! Your blog is an absolute delight, and I am incredibly grateful to have found it! Happy Fall to you and your family and enjoy the upcoming holidays!!
I love to come here because of the values you hold and the cozy home you have. I’d love more recipes and decor ideas!
Hi there from my Idaho farm! From one Farmgal to another I love your inspiration and love of family and decorating ideas are terrific! Also I really enjoy your scriptures and old timey pictures are terrific! I’m sure it takes a lot of time and energy to put this blog together! You do a fabulous job! Your family is terrific! I would have never seen your stove mantel and baking center that I incorporated into my country kitchen if it wasn’t for your design! I love my farmhouse inspired by a part of your design! Thank you! Keep up the good work! Yeeehaaaaw! I look forward to your future blogs! Sooo fun to read! Happy trails! Cindy
my mom just showed me your write up in Country Woman this week! Can’t wait to read more about you!
I love vintage, so go with more on the vintage living! :-)
I love the down home, down to earth country flavor of your blog and the bright cheerful colors.
I say, just keep doing it the way your doing it! I love seeing your decorating ideas, and I love the use of vintage items!
I love the recipes too!
thanks for the chance to win!
Aunt Ruthie, I think I have been following your blog since almost the beginning. And I have to say that there are two things that always bring me back for every post. I love your decorating style and I LOVE your faith and your family. Not having a large family, I love watching your family as it grows.
I would love to see more of your recipes. I am just getting into pies, as I have always been a “cake” girl.
Thank you so much for sharing your family, faith, heart and home for the last seven years. xoxo
I found your blog back in 2008 around Christmas time. We were planning to leave on a big trip the day after Christmas and I hardly decorated anything that year. It was pitiful :(
Anyways, I cheered myself up that Christmas by saying that the next year I was going to do it up right. Never even hearing of a blog before I had started googling all kinds of stuff like Christmas decorations and how to decorate a Christmas tree. To make a long story short, I found Warm Pie Happy Home. I have to be honest with you, I called my sister up and told her she needed to log on to your site and check things out because is this woman for real???
I think I read your blog from top to bottom in just a few days and then I re-read it. You changed my life. You changed my attitude, you helped me change the atmosphere of my home and I am forever grateful for that!
I love coming here and reading the encouragement for mothers and homemakers. I also love your decorating posts. I think you do a fantastic job of mixing things up around here, I think I would like to see more of your favorite things/recipes/home keeping.
I hope you have a splendid week! It is so neat to see a post with all your family~ it just keeps growing and growing! What a blessing!
Have been reading your blog for years and it never disappoints. I do understand how much work and effort goes into this…but it is truly appreciated. Please keep encouraging us in faith and family values….this is so important, especially in these times. You always seem to write on something I needed to hear. Love the way you are doing things now…..only wish it was once a week instead of every so often (but do understand). Thanks so much for all you do.
I keep coming back to your blog because it’s like coming home. I love the colorful old fashioned art work and it’s warmth. I only have one BIG complaint. You don’t blog often enough!! I check every morning to see if there is something new. I often go back to old favorite ones you’ve blogged. I love to see your house decorations and would love to see other rooms of your home. I would give up ice cream for a pantry like yours….well, almost! (<;
I love your blog! It feels like coming home to a warm cozy place on a crisp fall day. Your ability to promot that feeling through your blog by sharing your stories, traditions, recipes, and decor is a wonderful gift. I would love to see more ideas of incorporating vintage and farm house style into home decor. Of course recipes are always a wonderful thing to share.
I love your encouragement and ways to make a happy home! :)
I love your blog because of the values you write about and how warm and sweet your writing is.
The topic I would love to see on your blog includes recipes, encouragement for homemakers and vintage homemaking.
Your blog is wonderful! Thank you
What keeps me coming back is you! You are so inspirational and have a way of making me look at my role as a wife and Mama differently. I realize how I set the tone for my home and family
What I’d love to see is more recipes!
I love your website and blod, your cookbooks, your vintage look! It feels like home, like grandma’s, like old times! I often think of that quote “do you ever feel like you were born a hundred years too late?” You have a great blog, keep sharing recipes, etc!
I get such a warm and cozy feeling when I sit down to read your blog or see a post in FB. I love the old-fashioned feel. I haven’t been following you too long, but I do love the vintage homemaking ideas.
I have to say the thing that has always drawn me to your blog is you~ I have been reading your blog for years. You have a way of saying the right things at the right time. I would love more recipes and I have always loved seeing your home. You have always encouraged me, and I have made an awesome friend through your blog by asking for prayer for my husband while he was deployed. She messaged me with prayer and we have been Facebook friends since that day, almost 2 years. So please know you have touched my life in so many ways. Thank you Ruthie, in my opinion there isn’t much you can do to improve your blog is the best.
Hi Ruthie! I love reading your blog! It makes me feel so comfy and warm. You inspire me to be a better mommy/grandma! I honestly love all the things you already do! My favorite is the inspirational advice and the vintage homemaking. Bless you. :)
I like the idea of promoting such a welcoming atmosphere into your home. I think we as a generation have lost that. We worry too much about how our home looks, not how it feels. And your blog has personally inspired me to have my home open to more friendly get togethers, even with its imperfections. That was a real issue with me and I am letting it go a little at a time. The encouraging words for mothers is a great thing too. I wish I had had those words when my kiddos were young and I was trying to do so much. They are reassuring and calming. I was raised by my Grama and she passed away when my children were young, so I didn’t have lots of encouragement from an experienced momma. And what a difference that makes. Don’t ever forget they are just the thing that someone needs to hear at that moment in time. And your pictures are fun and just plain happy to look at.
I love your blog. I look forward to reading it everytime you submit one. You home is beautiful and I love all your ideas and recipes. My favorite part is your inspirational sections and ideas of how to have a happy family and home. I think you are doing an excellent job!
Hi Ruthie, I’m always excited to see a new post come up. I love visiting your home and being inspired by your kindly attitude and gentle spirit as you share your home keeping hints and plans. I really don’t know many women who care much about the values and joy that you share here. Your 5 points today where things I tried to do when my daughter was growing up and still want to do in our empty nest. You keep me inspired – like with the Pumpkin Pie cupcakes I’m planning to make. Thank you so much for the effort you put into every post.
Hi Ruthie, I’m always excited to see a new post come up. I love visiting your home and being inspired by your kindly attitude and gentle spirit as you share your home keeping hints and plans. I really don’t know many women who care much about the values and joy that you share here. Your 5 points today were things I tried to do when my daughter was growing up and still want to do in our empty nest. You keep me inspired – like with the Pumpkin Pie cupcakes I’m planning to make. Thank you so much for the effort you put into every post.
Hi Ruthie – I visit here because we hold the same values and you are such an encouragement for homemakers. I’d love to see more decorating ideas and how to incorporate vintage homemaking into our lives…..keep up the good work!
I appreciate the family and Christian values you promote on your blog. And I absolutely love the decorating!,
Hi Ruthie! I just love your blog and so happy that I have found you!
I would love to see more decorating ideas and of course more recipes. Love trying new recipes with my family and finding ones we love. As always I LOVE your blog and look forward to reading your new post!
I absolutely Love your Pantry! and wouldLove more of your Homey ideas……
I love it, that your blog gives us great decorating ideas and recipes, and also helps me to relax for a little while and escape the busy world we live in!!
Hi Ruthie,
I love your website! When I see you have posted, I get so excited because I know with all the gorgeous pictures, decorating ideas, and adventures you share; you are going to have some verse or comment that speaks to me and makes me want to cherish and love my family more. Even though I haven’t met you face to face, I know we would be great friends as you share my style and interests! I would love to see more recipes on your blog for family meals! You are a true inspiration and I am so glad I found your blog a few years ago!
Aunt Ruthie,
Your blog is one I look forward to reading when it comes out. Your home is beautiful and your photos are outstanding. Plus, you seem to keep it real. I love anything vintage so that would be my vote for more blog posts. I feel like times were much simpler back then and maybe less rushed.
Thank you for taking the time to make your blog so special.
I enjoy all you share Ruthie ! :) I would love to incorporate more vintage homemaking into our modern lives! I feel so many very helpful and wholesome skills are being lost – and once lost may never return to our home-keeping! My ears are wide open to glean all I can from whatever you can share! Thanks for sharing from your heart and happy blog birthday! The Lord bless!
1. I’m an Arkansas girl living in Tennessee so I love, love, love your country decorations. I also love how you incorporate scriptures into your blog. You are a good Christian inspiration.
2. Keep the recipes coming. I volunteer with a group of ladies who raise money for Christian education and we are always looking for money-making projects.
I visit your blog because I just love the traditional values it represents. My favorite topics are the decorating, and vintage-y homemaking.
Hi Aunt Ruthie,
I wanted to take some time and think about the answer to these questions- I really love your blog and if you are going to take the time to read my comments, I want to be sure that they are well though out! So, here goes:
1. What attracts you to Sugar Pie Farmhouse and keeps you coming back? Honestly, the answer to that is YoU! You have a way of writing that makes me feel at home- comforting, supportive, and full of faith. I don’t want to act like I didn’t grow up in a loving home, but I certainly didn’t get the kind of encouragement that you are sharing with me now. My family is pretty negative and as a result, I tend to look at things negatively. Your blog inspires me to see the glass as half full instead of half empty.
Your photos inspire me. Whether you are showcasing your decorations, takin’ me along on a road trip, or letting us take a peek at your children and grandchildren, I always feel happy. You have such a welcoming way about you. :)
Recipes that taste yummy! I always love when you post recipes!
2. What would you like to see more of on my blog?
More encouragement for homemakers? In a word, yes. This is always important- I have a feeling that lots of sisters might feel the same way. You have a gift for this! :)
More decorating Ideas? I know that so many gals love the decorating tips you give. I’m pretty boring. The same stuff goes in the same place every year. ;) I love seeing how you take items and rearrange them to look completely different!
More ideas on how to incorporate vintage (back-in-the-day) homemaking into our lives? Always! I wish I had lived in the 40’s and 50’s! :)
More Recipes? Um…YES! lol I love trying new recipes and pretty much everything I have tried from your blog has been fabulous. Who doesn’t love a good meal, pie, or snack?
How to create a happy home? This goes right along with the encouragement, so I would say definitely. You can’t go wrong with helping people see what they have and be thankful for it.
Chats to inspire you to create the life you want to live? Oh man, yes. I always feel like I am stuck in a rut and am just grinding through my life, trying to get the day “done and out of the way”. Well who on earth wants to live like that? Reading your blog perks me up and helps me put a little pep in my step!
Or, what topic would you love for me to write about?
Here are a few ideas that I hope you and others might like: tips for keeping things in order, another Q and A blog post (those are always fun!), “looking back” posts-or what you know now that you wish you would have known then, how about a holiday movie post? You could share your favorite Christmas films! If you have any special ideas for Christmas gifts, that might be nice as well as helpful.
Honestly, as I said before, what makes your blog special is you. You have a gift and I thank you so so much for sharing it with the world.
Boy…this comment is ridiculously long. Thank you for asking for our opinions, Ruth! :) You are awesome.
I come here because the way you write makes me feel all cozy and like going back in time. I would love to see more recipes only because I love to cook but honestly I would not change a thing about your site.
1. Your faith and your inspiration to make life for your family more simplistic and wholesome…it’s easy to get lost in the rat race, and your posts always remind me of what the big picture is about
I can’t think of one thing that keeps me coming back except the feeling I get generated by your love of family and fun, and values and morals. Not to mention that it brings back loads of memories for me as I was raising my children, and creating a home for them. As time has past and situations are much different I love and long for this type of things with my grandchildren now. However they are spread out among 3 states.
I’m in love with your home, again it reminds me a time when I was a full time homemaker and found such joy in creating a cozy home for my family. Actually one thing I would love to see is a home tour of your whole home and yard.
I love all your post but my favorite are the seasonal post because I am so eager to see what you have been up too. Keep the creative juices flowing and please continue to share with us.
Happy 7 years SugarPie Farmhouse. I’ll keep coming back for another 7.
Blessings and hugs,
Hi Aunt Ruthie!
i love your blog, your pictures, your sweetness! You are so real and make me smile! Thank you for all your inspirations! I wouldn’t change a thing. congrats on the 7 years – looking forward to many more years with you!
I don’t see my #2 attached to my other comment:
2. I love everything you stand for and all your messages, but I’d like to see more vintage homemaking ideas…because I can’t get enough!!
I was attracted to your site because of how you decorate your home. I love your style and look forward to each new submission.
I would love to see more on vintage homemaking!
Keep up the great work!
I follow your blog because it’s a feel good place to visit. Makes me want to be your buddy and neighbor. I especially like chats about making a happy home and how to live the life I want to live. Congrats on 7 years. Thank you for each and every page you post. I always get happy when I see a new email from you!
Hi Ruthie- Thanks for the exiting give away opportunity and for this great blog post.
I am drawn to your blog for many reasons. The wholesome family oriented ideas, and pictures are priceless. To share with likeminded ladies, (and all) who enjoy making the home a place of warmth and goodness is a magnet for me! The decorating ideas that allow all of our creative expressions and inner artistic spirit to come out and play, while saving money! I enjoy your use of scriptural references that are gently encouraged. I appreciate your family struggles and ups and downs and we ALL have them as well! I absolutely LOVE your vintage artwork and ideas. I have always been drawn to anything kitchen, cooking and homemaking as I was raised with having these skills taught were mandatory. I enjoy them today, and find skills like canning, cooking, baking, sewing, and such to be a blessing, and a way to really embrace the art of being a homemaker. Your blog encourages these skills and celebrates this art as well. I LOVE IT!!
As far as what I would like to see more of, the only thing I can think of is on your web blog site, you always list some very nice ideas on the right hand side for what’s new and out that we can purchase, like items and cookbooks, etc. I always check out this feature! Keep up the great work, and one additional thing: Your pride in what you do shines through, I find this to be very appealing as well. We homemakers need to show it’s not only just “okay” to do what we do, but to be PROUD of it!!
I was drawn to your blog for the decorating ideas, faith and family encouragement. It is good to hear reminders on how we need to keep a happy home. I would love to see more recipes, more ideas on creating a happy home and more vintage ideas. Really, I love to read it all. I know it’s time consuming, but I do wish posts were a little more often because I love them so!
Hello! I love looking through your blog/photos and hearing about someone else who loves the simple life and farms!
1) I keep visiting your blog because I love the warm and cozy photos of a simple and beautiful lifestyle. I purchased the videos and love the decorating tips and ideas to create a cozy atmosphere.
2) I’d love to continue seeing more decorating tips throughout the year. :)
Happy Fall!
Hi Ruthie! I found your blog years ago looking at your pantry! :-) And fell in love with everything you wrote….and stayed. I love your values and can relate through every season of life. It all comes back to…..home. Each post is written with so much love and I appreciate that. There really isn’t anything I’d like more of, each post is written with so much love and I appreciate that. Can never try too many recipes though ;-)
I love your commitment to family and Christian values. And I love being able to peek in on you enjoying your family! I love that you love your hubby, kids and grand littles so much. I really enjoy seeing your home decor and would love to see even more. I would love more of your favorite, tried and true recipes too. I love your graphics and their cozy vintage style. I just love your blog and look forward to every post!
I love everything about your blog! I would love to see more segments on How to Create a Happy Home. Thank you so much for all you do!
I have enjoyed your blog so much ever since I first stumbled across it via a button on someone else’s blog (I can’t even remember whose) many years ago when I was still new to blogging myself. For years it was hard for me to access your blog because I had dial-up internet and Sugar Pie Farmhouse is so (delightfully so!) picture-heavy. Now I have much better internet and can enjoy every photo!
As for your questions —
1. What attracts you to Sugar Pie Farmhouse and keeps you coming back?
The beautiful photography, the gorgeous yet doable decorating ideas, and most importantly your sharing of your faith and encouraging others in the faith and in traditional family values.
2. What would you like to see more of on my blog?
I think your blog is just about perfect as is. The thought of encouragement for homemakers and ideas for incorporating vintage homemakers would be good, and the only other suggestion I can think of would be more frequent posts — but I know that would be asking a lot because each post, with its lovely photographs and text, must take a long time to prepare.
Thank you for all you do. You are a blessing!
Oops, I meant incorporating vintage *homemaking*, not homemakers!
1. What attracts you to Sugar Pie Farmhouse and keeps you coming back?
I just enjoy seeing all about you.. I always wanted a country home and you are very motivating.. it’s refreshing.
2. What would you like to see more of on my blog?
More encouragement for homemakers?
More decorating Ideas?
More ideas on how to incorporate vintage (back-in-the-day) homemaking into our lives?
More Recipes?
How to create a happy home?
Chats to inspire you to create the life you want to live?
I think you do a wonderful job already.. I know it’s alot of work.. maybe a couple more posts if it worked in your schedule.
I wouldn’t have you change anything…
You inspire me…
Thank You!
Hi Ruthie;
Your blog appeals to me because I am a Christian homemaker who believes in making the most of the simple joys in life…as you do. I would like to see your pantry and baking cabinet more. I have a room off of my kitchen that I hope someday to convert to a workroom/butler’s pantry with a built in ironing board and an old fashioned gift-wrapping counter.complete with an attached paper and string holder. I love to give gifts from my pantry that I have canned, preserved, and made. Have you ever read about Laura’s pantry that Almanzo built her in their first home?
Thanks for all the inspiration both homey and spiritual. It has been a blessing to my life.
God bless,
I just so love the way your website makes me feel nostalgic, warm and fuzzy, family orientated, grounded in truth and God-centered. I truly never ever come visit that I don’t go away with a spark of wisdom and something special to ponder.
The only suggestion, and I’m not even sure this is needed, would be a little more frequency walking us through your day to day. Nothing elaborate, just on going tidbits of wisdom and advice for creating a happy home.
Thank you for each word you put down. Blessings Galore Girl!
What keeps me coming back? You. Your spunky fun just oozes out of your posts and photos. I love the welcome feeling here. It is like sittin’ on the porch on a summer night visiting with friends.
What do I want to see? Hmmm. I love the seasonal photos and ideas. I would like to know when did you find your groove and feel settled in your style. I still feel like I”m searching for what makes me relax. I have such an eclectic menagerie of favorite things without a cohesive element.
Thanks for posting the photos…it is fun watching your brood grow.
Aunt Ruthie, First of all, thanks for sharing your life, your family, and your values. I was first drawn to your blog because you are a Christian and wholeheartedly proclaim that. We need more folks willing to do this and to bring back the solid family values. I do so love your encouragement. Thanks for making Sugar Pie Farmhouse a wonderful place to visit.
I lOvE your blog so much that I just wanna marry it!!!!!!!!!!!
I keep coming back because it evokes home, warmth and coziness…kind of like Cracker Barrel! :) You are so creative and so cheery and vintage…all wrapped up into one. I would lOvE to see more homemaking on your blog. How do you keep it all clean? Is your bedroom decorated like the rest of the house? What is your cleaning schedule like? What is your daily schedule like? More recipes…daily recipes, not hard, difficult ones. So many ideas I would like for you to hit upon!
I love your blog and have been reading it for many years….it is just so uplifting. I am drawn to your upbeat attitude and country ways. Thank you so much for being here and congratulations on your anniversary!
I really don’t know what more I would love to see in your blog posts…(I love them all). I do enjoy when you share your daily doings and I love when you share some of your decorating ideas…you Bless us all with your posts!!!
I love your blog and website. I love the warmth of it and your Christian values. I love the decorating with vintage items. The love you show to everyone is inspiring. I want more of the same! Thank you so much!!!
I love the cute decorating you do all with a Christian values spin on it. That’s what keeps me coming back. I also love when you give a shout out about a great product. What I’d like to see more of? Well, more of these kind of things. I think that is your strength and what attracts many to your site.
1. What attracts you to Sugar Pie Farmhouse and keeps you coming back?
I love that you love your role as a wife, mom, grandmom and homemaker. I love your enthusiasm for making your house a home and the cute, vintage way you do so. I love that you love Jesus and you don’t hide that either. You are so positive and encouraging!
2. What would you like to see more of on my blog?
I really do love what you do now. More recipes are always welcome though as after cooking for a family for 30+ years sometimes something new is awesome!
How to create a happy home?
Chats to inspire you to create the life you want to live?
I think you do these things already but I know when I was younger very specific ideas would help me as I am not an ideas person. :-)
Even now my decorating leaves a lot to be desired as I just can’t seem to bring to reality what it is I am visualizing. I am definately a follow the recipe/pattern type of person! ~smile~
Thanks for your blog and all the joy you share!
I keep coming back to your site, because it is always so inspiring to me. As women, we always need to be reminded about how to love our families and see things on the bright side. Let’s just say it’s a happy place for me :) I love your words of encouragement on whatever subject matter you are writing about that day and all the beautiful photos you share of your home and family. When I see your photos it makes me feel like you are really one of my special friends. Honestly, I love the variety of subject matter you blog about. You are doing an awesome job and blessing all of us in the mean time! Simply put, I just love it all!!!
My cousin from Arkansas told me about your blog over 4 years ago and I have been enjoying it ever since. I love that you talk about loving the Lord and all the positive and encouraging words you share with us. It is so inspirational and I always feel better after reading your blog. I love country ideas and love to cook so more recipes would be great on your blog and more ideas on vintage homemaking. Sometimes people make you feel small if you enjoy being a homemaker but you always make me happy that I can enjoy what I love most, the small details of making a happy home.
I only follow 2 blogs. The reason I follow your blog is because I can tell how much your faith & family mean to you & these are things that are important to me. I’ll be honest, I don’t follow your blog for the recipes, decorating tips, giveaways etc. – it’s not that I don’t enjoy those but for me it’s connecting with someone with the same values. We are also at the same point in our lives with married children & young grandchildren. I also have 4 young grandchildren, so again I can relate. When I read your blog it’s like reading a chapter of a good book & you can’t wait to read the next chapter, so that would be the only thing I would change – more posts! Thanks for a great blog!
1. I am attracted to SPF because it is simply attractive. Cute pictures, fun colors, interesting information and makes me happy!
2. I love that you all are a Christian family! I love the decorating & ideas, the recipes, helpful household hints and items, info on the nearby shopping and fun places to see.
3. Thanks for giving me a moment of pleasure when I read your blog!!
I just love your stories and the pictures of your beautiful home. It has such a cozy feel. I love how you love to make a happy home for your family and how important it is to you. Everything about it is just WONDERFUL!!! I am not sure what I would like to see more of I think it is just perfect as it is.
I love to read your blog and recommend it to others because it’s different than other blogs, has good character, a joyful tone to it, it’s fun, and inspires true faith in the Father.
I like all the suggestions you gave, such as more recipes, creating a happy home, etc. We are in our 40’s and don’t have kids. While I LOVE seeing what you do with your children, grandchildren and how you love on them, what suggestions do you have for entertaining adults in our homes, or places/things adults might enjoy? I’d also love to see more about the Ozarks, like places to stay, or restaurant/activity recommendations. How about more about gardening?
Thank you!! So glad you will continue to blog!
You have a special anointing from God to inspire readers with what ever God lays on your heart, you willingness to listen and follow that small voice. Your transparency and enthusiasm to share what ever is on your heart is what keeps me coming back.
Trust that nudge from God in what ever subject he lays on your sweet heart and you can’t go wrong. You are a proverbs 31 woman in the 21’s century.. Just don’t stop blogging.
I stumbles onto your blog in the spring (of course, everything happens for a reason). I love the idea of the simplicity of life. Love the vintage decorating and the quaintness of the website. This really removes some of the stress of the day when checking out this site. Thanks. Would love to see more decorating ideas and recipes for simple home-cooked meals
Greetings from Northern Indiana! (Middlebury IN to be exact) What keeps me coming back to your site is the “down home atmosphere”. It reminds me so much of the area I live in here surrounded by Amish families who live the simple life.
I would enjoy some craft patterns or directions on how to make some of the crafty things you show on the site.
Have a blessed day!
Hi Aunt Ruthie…I agree with all of the wonderful ladies that posted before I did! I think there is such a need in this country to find our way back to the values of those by-gone days. However there isn’t much support for all of us mama’s trying to do that. Aunt Ruthie, that is what you give us! That support that says we can do it! I always feel so supported and encouraged after reading your posts! As far as what you need more of…just more of all the goodness you offer us already! The support, fun decorating ideas, yummy recipes, and a peek at a sweet loving family, what more could we ask for? Thank you for sharing these wonderful things with us all!
I like that your blog is Christian-oriented & that you place importance on this & on marriage, home, & family. I also enjoy the “old-fashioned” ideas & ways of doing things. Plus, you’re from Missouri!
I would like to see more vintage and/or old-fashioned ideas for the home–decorating, crafting, cooking, etc. In addition to videos, could you please make things available to read? I can’t do videos well on my computer–slow & limited Internet.
Thank you & congratulations on your blog’s 7 years!
1. The family values that you share are the same as mine. Great content and beautiful pictures.
2. I would like to see more craft/decorating ideas. And always love the recipes. I can never get enough.
Thank you so much for all your lovely work.
I like how your blog is down home, family oriented stuff. I like it all. I would like to see more DIY stuff and recipes.
I love how you put God first and family second! I like your simple down-home priorities. You remind me to put the
busy-ness of life aside and focus on what is important! I would love more decorating ideas. Thank you for your beautiful blog!
I love your blog. Your genuine, kind heart really shines throughout the blog. I am a young housewife who is encouraged by you every time I read, that the job I do daily of keeping house is touching the hearts of my husband and children. I would love to see more of how you incorporate vintage style into your home, and vintage family values into your life. Keep up the great work!
Hi Aunt Ruthie
Your blog posts always make me feel happy and positive, and determined to be a better homemaker. I would love to see more posts regarding homemaking and making a happy home. Thanks for all you do!
The decorating ideas, recipes and encouragement keep me coming back. Truthfully, I love all of your posts. I’d like to see more decorating, more family memory-making ideas, more recipes, more product reviews, and more crafts (like your faux caramel apples). But I love all your posts!
I’ve always loved your style and ease of writing and the beautiful photos. I’ve taken a few of your ideas and used them in my own home. I would like to see more encouragement for homemakers and recipes as my first choice and I also enjoy the vintage pictures you use since I’m kind of vintage myself. Whatever you do would be fine because I’ve enjoyed all of it. Blessings to you and yours.
Hi Aunt Ruthie! It’s definitely C-O-L-D in good old KY today! I sit at my office typing this (I am supposed to be working — LOL) and I am looking out over the field of brown with the colorful trees in the background. Unfortunately we had a big wind here a few days back that took most of our color off the trees but there are still a few holding on!
I L-o-V-E your blog so much — I want to marry it. I have been a faithful follower from the very beginning and it still sends me goosebumps when I get notification of a new post! Yah!!! Love Love Love Aunt Ruthie and Sugar Pie Farmhouse!
So here’s my answers:
1. The reminder that home is happy, home is family, home is love, and that home is all that really matters.
2. More vintage homemaking tips!
So I guess that’s it! Pick me..pick me. ;-)
I come back to read Sugar Pie Farmhouse for the decorating ideas. My favorite post from your blog was on May 16th, 2014. (5 tips for a happy home) I saved the post and refer back to it often. I just love your encouraging words for homemakers and ways to create wonderful family memories. Thanks and keep of the great work!!
I am a new subscriber to your blog so I do not have much input although the reason I signed up to receive posts was because of the “homey” feeling in this space. Happy Anniversary!!
I’ve been stopping by your blog for a few years now and really enjoy when you share stories of your family and, of course, I love all your decorating ideas. I think your photography is great, it really adds/illustrates what a post is about. I’d like to see more frequent blog posts, sometimes it seems I’ve forgotten all about you because the postings are a good distance apart. Home decorating, holiday celebrating, recipes, your shopping jaunts, personal stories – these are things I enjoy reading about.
I love, love, love your blog! I loooooove your vintage style and sense of family. I would love more recipes and decorating tips on vintage style. My mom always said that I was born in the wrong time period. I can see that we are kindred souls! Thanks for all that you do!
Aunt Ruthie, Your commitment to your family, values, and religion is what keeps me coming back! There aren’t many like you around anymore. Don’t change a thing :)
LOVE your recipes…and I love those cool measuring spoons!!!
Dear sweet Aunt Ruthie,
When I see a new blog post up, it’s like getting a letter (amidst the junk and bills) in the mail!
You are a kindred spirit!
I love how you are so encouraging with your faith and values!
I would love to hear more about just everyday living – with a teenager, hubby, and grown kids with grans! That’s me too, and sometimes it’s a bit hard to stretch! Tho’ I sure don’t mind!
I’d love to hear more about the notebook you made first of the year and if it’s a help or not?
Loved all the videos!!!
Bless ya!
I love your blog because of the Christian family “atmosphere” you always show us…and I wouldn’t change a thing about your blog!
I keep coming back because you are so good at putting into words exactly all the things I feel and do. And your pictures are so pretty. I would love to see more recipes and crafts. One being how you make your candles. I picked one up at your booth last year when we were in Branson. I only burn it on special occasions. I just don’t know when I will get that way again to pick one up. Told my husband it was a must stop and see.
I keep coming back, because to are so sweet and love “Family” . I have the same thoughts on family.
What I would like to see more is what your Christian faith means and how it applies to cooking, cleaning and everything we women do in the home! You have great convictions, I love it!
Hello! I don’t even remember how or when I found your blog, I’ve been following for a while now! I absolutely love all your sweet country style and I try to incorporate some of that into my own home. I enjoy your little encouraging reads, short and sweet are the best for me, and LOVE you family oriented ideas. I have 4 children, all of whom have some sort of special need, so adding a little warmth and fun to my home makes us all a little happier. I adore your decorating tips and would like to see more, more and more! Living in Florida we don’t see the seasons change so decorating helps me “feel” the seasons. Thank you for taking the time to post for us!
Hello! I would say what attracts me to your blog and keeps me coming back is the sense of coziness and warmth and great ideas for creating a happy home …… I would love to see more of your decorating ideas, recipes (especially crockpot ones for winter), more ideas for creating a warm, happy home and also organizing/cleaning tips – maybe seasonally appropriate schedules for things to do around the house! Congratulations on your blog anniversary!
I love the pictures on your blog, your photos and the vintage images you show. I loved it when it was “Warm Pie Happy Home”. I would love more recipes your recipes are so good) and I liked when you reviewed products.
I have loved your website for years! I don’t always comment, but I read and enjoy it so much for these reasons:
1. You love the Lord and make it known!
2. You adore your family, and like me, being a Grammy is so important and the most fun!
3. I love your decorating and recipes!!
I love love love that you moved away from the West coast to Missouri…on a farm!!!
4. Your way of uplifting and encouraging all of us! I live a pretty busy life, selling real estate, and putting on vintage markets, but reading your blog lets me get away from myself and enjoy your life!! don’t get me wrong, I love my life and my family, and I totally agree with you on family traditions!
I feel like you cover just about everything that is meaningful and fun! especially for younger Moms it is so important, and you give them all something to look forward to and how to create a wonderful life!
I love your recipes
I would love to see more of your home,
I loved last Christmas!!
Would love to see more of your creative ideas!
Hope you don’t mind, I had to try to copy your baby Jesus in the manger.
Anything vintage works for me!
I loved reading Mandy C’s response, so telling of what you do for so many young women!!
loved the fall family photos!!
BTW Just had a new grandbaby this morning!! Lucas Wyatt
Blessings on you and yours!
I love your Famliy Values and your love of Jesus!. It shines from every part of Sugar Pie Farmhouse!
I would love more recipes, every time I have made one it becomes a favorite.
Also I would like more decorating ideas.
Thank you so much for brightening my days!
I love everything about your blog…the decorating, recipes, pictures, vintage stuff, family. And since I love it all…what I want to see is more of it all. More posts on all of it. :) Loved this post. You are so blessed with a big family and being able to enjoy these adventures wth them. My grown children haven’t found their soul mates yet so no grandchildren for me. Still praying that will happen soon. Thanks for the giveaway.
Hi Ruth~ I would like to know your take on how to get done all that you seem to achieve by being a stay at home mom, for those of us that work. I work at a hospital in the city. I live in the country. I work an 8 hr. day, and 2 hours for driving (hour there, hour home). To say I feel stressed about completing all my chores (plus two horses, 2 dogs, a cat, phew!) is an understatement. Any words of wisdom on how to fit it all into my evenings, plus find time to unwind for my own personal sanity? God Bless you Ruth.
I always feel like I am sitting on the back porch with a great cup of coffee talking to my BFF when I read your newsletter!!! You make me feel like I know your family and am always welcome in your home. I was a stay at home mom for many years and still try hard to achieve all that that means to me and you help me stay focused on just that. You make me proud of my desire to do just that as well. For me, if I am missing something from your nl, I do not know what it is, as I love it just the way it is. More recipes are always great!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to share with all of us.
Dear Aunt Ruthie!
I truly glean all kinds of ideas and encouragement from your posts. The only thing I would request is more of all subjects listed! I truly appreciate all of your time and energy that you put into this blog! (and I know I’m not alone!!!!)
I just feel the condition the world is in, we all could use a whole lot of wisdom, decernment, and a little pie (wink).
I think you said alot when you posted “No nation can be destroyed while it possesses a good home life.” -Josiah Gilbert Holland
My best to you, your family, and all of your readers.
Joyce Adams
Love your kitchen and pantry, and I always wanted to live on a farm.
I have family history in Branson!
What attracts me to Sugar Pie Farmhouse is your Christian outlook on womanhood, family, and your sweet reminders of the value of homemaking. I would love to see more decorating tips. Especially, the DIY ideas.
I have been visiting you at your website all seven years! I always come with so much exciment and I am never disappointed. I love your charming way of making all your readers feel right at home. You lift my spirits and truly encourage me to always remember what is really important.
I love everything from the sweet vintage images to your loving encouragement.
What I love most and can never get enough of would be your decorating tips!
Thank you for writing this blog and sharing your family with us. I take everything you say to heart and certainly use your advice with my own sweet family.
God Bless You.
I love your blog because it is so inspiring and happy. You have such a God inspired way of encouraging homemakers to live the life that is designed by our Creator. I love the decorating post and the seasonal ideas. I am a country girl so I especially love the farmy approach to home and family. I am inspired to clean, decorate, cook and be cheerful when I visit Aunt Ruthie:) Even though my favorite post are the pictures of your beautiful home, I always absorb your wisdom and advice. When I need to be reminded of my role as a wife and mother, I reread all of your past post.
I love the video series!! Please make more:)
Ruthie, you’re sweet love for Jesus and your family led to me your blog and keeps me reading your blog! Many blessings to you and your family.
Oh, Aunt Ruthie! Where do I begin?? I have been following you for EVAH. The thing that attracted me first to your blog was how warm and inviting your photos and your words of encouragement were. I am a grandmother of 15 (!) and looking back on my days as a stay-at-home mama (of 5) when we lived on the farm, I strived to create a warm and welcoming environment for my family and friends. I tried to create a haven for my children, a place to come home to that was full of good smells (they still talk about smelling bread baking as they stepped off the school bus:), happy music, a home decorated with love. I can only imagine how much BETTER it would have been if there had been Blogland and a SugarPie Farmhouse to give me ideas and encouragement. My FAVORITE thing in your whole house is Miss Betty – your wonderful cooking center/pantry. Love Love Love – I tell all my friends to go to SugarPieFarmhouse and just see what they can do for their families. Especially young mothers: glean from what we ‘older mamas’ can offer. What I would love to see is more of your home, how you incorporate the warm and cozy feel to bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. And tell us more about your church family! Such an important part of raising our babies in a Christian ‘village’. Oh, and your craft booth – wonderful ideas. And I know I’m asking WAY too much to ask that you blog every week:) hehehe ~ You don’t have anything else to do, right? Lots of love and blessings!
Love Farms and all to do with them and ur site has that sweet “farmie” feel!
Aunt Ruthie,
I love all of the topics you cover in your blog!! Just keep ’em coming :)
I think the thing that attracted me most was your love of family and home and you’re inspirational writings. I feel that we as women have lost some of the idea of what our role as wives and mothers should be and could be and you bring us back to that. I love the coziness you bring to the home and making it such a safe place. I don’t know what I would like to see you write about because you already cover so much. BTW, our family too has the tradition of going to a pumpkin patch with the giant bounce and the hayrides all the way down here in the River Valley of Arkansas. All I can say is I love your blog.
What a lovely post! I love reading about farmhouse life. The photos just make me feel happy. I’m so glad your email newsletter arrived. For some reason you blog had gone from my blog list. It’s all fixed now. All of the topics you have listed sound great.
What a fantastic giveaway!
I love your faith in our Lord, and that you share it without holding back! Im a fan of your love for family, home, and encouragement.
I would love to see you include home tours and interviews of and with other women that you admire and women you feel have a positive impact on your life and how they do that. I would like to hear any advice you have on growing your business ( your vender space) and advice on the staging of your space to make it eye appealing and draw customers back. Thank you!
Oh.. My.. So much to say , so little space! Been following your blog a long time and I really just love EVERYTHING about it! I love how you incorporate that “old time” homemaking feel in every post. I’m a 50 (something) apron wearing Nanny of two Grandlittles, I was always an old fashioned kinda mom .. And am the same way as an empty nester Nanny.
Love your encouraging family blog. More of that and recipes.
What a delightful and timely post! I whole-heartedly agree with everything you said! Amen, Sistah! Establishing family traditions and building strong family cultures are so very important.
Now on to your questions about the blog. For me, I love the inspiration and encouragement you weave into each and every entry you share. The photos of your home are wonderful, but your sweet spirit and concern for mamas and THEIR homes and families is so appreciated and needed in today’s world. I also appreciate your tips and ideas for making our homes a true haven for our loved ones.
I can’t think of anything you could do that would make your blog/website better than it already is. I do enjoy everything about it! That said, more posts about making a happy home, parenting, vintage goodies, and personal organization and spiritual growth are always at the top of the list!
BTW, loved, loved, loved the last set of videos and PDFs. The butter crunch pumpkin bars were a HIT!
Love you and appreciate all you do!
I’ve been following you for a couple of years now. Everything about your blog says “home” to me. I love your home decorating tours and recipes. Mostly, I like that it is clear God and family mean the most to you. The things you said about family traditions are so very true. My daughter just graduated from college, and she said to me just a few weeks ago how much all the holiday traditions we have done her whole life mean to her, and that she couldn’t wait to carry them on when she has a home and family of her own. It is a good reminder that people are watching what you do and that you have an impact on others even with the smallest things in life. Thank you for all that you share! You are a blessing to many!
I love the fact that you share your faith complete w/Bible verses for inspiration & encouragement.
I guess I’d like to see you continue to encourage homemakers in their journey…esp. to love & serve their families. It’s becoming a lost art!
But, I also love your recipes & decorating ideas too!
Would love too see you write about women’s devotional ideas.
Congratulations on your 7 year blog! I am just sorry I never knew about it sooner! I just recently found it! I love love love it! It is fun! It is joyful and inspiring! And your decorating!t always makes me smile! :) I really love the whole package of what you already blog about! I love your decorating(I can’t get enough)I love your encouragement about being a happy wife and making our homes happy for our family! That is what I love! I love that you share your faith in God! All these things are very important to me! Keep up the good work! I look forward to all the blogs to come! :) Thank you for sharing! :)
I think your wonderful pantry area attracted me first, then the view out the windows. I’ve always wished to live in the country. I enjoy your views on life, family and cooking.
You have strong family values. Since I have very little family, I enjoy reading how you bring your family together like the pumpkin trip.
You have a style that joins the past and the present with comfort and dreams. I like feeling included. Thank you, lsl
I love your blog because it is so inspiring.
I love to come here because it feels so cozy. Just like your home! I appreciate the values you uphold and encourage others to follow. I LOVE seeing the tips on easy decor and changing things up with the seasons. Please continue to do that. Also like your recipe ideas! Would also love to see more about your hair and clothing styles and where you shop for accessories, etc. You always look so polished and so young! Never changing…..yet changing. Love your style girl! :) Thanks.
I love your blog for it’s down home and family features. I am a vintage gal and would love to see more of this old-fashioned wisdom. We need to share this ole-timey-ness with all the new generations before it becomes lost. Simple and honest like our Gramma’s used to teach us!
Aunt Ruthie – Love the pure joy, with just a touch of scripture in your writings. I also appreciate that I’m not getting bombarded daily, just about the time I’m needing another boost, here comes the email. I love your photos, the home ideas are so precious and pull me back to a simpler time. Keep it up, we all need to be reminded from time-to-time what is important. Thank you for sharing your home and your family.
I love your encouraging words to mothers and grandmothers. I really enjoy your decorating style, so warm and homey! I always look forward to your blogs!
I love this website because it feels like home. I absolutely love your style, and the sweet words you use to encourage. I wait with great anticipation for your next blog post. I most appreciate your encouragements for homemakers.
You have one of my favorite blogs. I love all the inspirational quotes and your family wisdom. I love your decor in your home. I want a pantry just like yours. I love it. I love anything vintage and love to decorate my home with vintage touches. I guess that would be what I would like to see more of, but you do a really great job with your blog, so I probably would not change it. Thank you for all you do to help make our homes more homey.
I love your blog, especially seeing your beautiful home–so more decorating and recipies would be great!
Oh, I love a giveaway!!! I keep coming back for the comfy, homey warm,christian atmosphere. And the encouragement, motivation and practical help to be the best, I can be for Jesus,family and home. I would enjoy continued encouragement, recipes, and how to’s. Thank you.
I love the aesthetic of this blog as well as the topics it covers – old-fashioned homey goodness! I would love to see more regular posting happening of anything you listed above, but encouragement for homemakers, vintage homemaking, and articles about creating a happy home would be my favorites!
I love everything about your blog ! I come back because I love how you share your faith and your photos are homey and welcoming. I don’t have any suggestions for new things. I would just like to see more of the same.
I enjoy your blog because of all the decorating ideas and the recipes, it also helps me relax and take a break from the stressful world that we live in! I would like to see more recipes!!
I love that you love God and Jesus and that you give them praise all of the time. Reading your posts is encouraging and a breath of fresh air in this value degrading society we all live in. I’d like to see all of your 6 bullet points – love it all. Thanks so much! God Bless
I think your photos are gorgeous and I really admire your spiritual acknowledgement of where all good things come from. You have a fine blog and I’ve enjoyed it when I do tune in to blogs………I would enjoy seeing more personal things in your blog……not just the planned family outings but in the middle of life’s messes……….making spaghetti at home and cutting up the veggies or the grands around your table at dinner time………not dressed up but in real play clothes with peanut butter and jelly around their mouths, etc………would love to see you in cleaning clothes tackling a closet or gardening WITHOUT lipstick and makeup, hair all mussed up like ours gets when we are in the throes of salvaging some organization………..the way things happen in every day life. I enjoy it all but to make it more personal, I would enjoy seeing the “realness” of life happening in your kitchen…… your home…….in your life. You have such a sweet spirit and it shows! I feel like you can have an even greater influence if we……..who are in the middle of “realness” can hope to emulate you more………Thank you for allowing us to make requests!
What keeps me coming back to your blog is the way it feeds my domestic soul. I live with chronic illness so I can’t carry out pretty much anything you write about but your words and pictures feed my heart. I love the vintage topics (although I am more cottage than farmhouse) and your encouraging words. The pictures of your home are enjoyable too, especially the holiday ones. Pretty much just keep doing what you’re doing. I am a long time reader from Ca. Joanna :)
Hello, Aunt Ruthie! I’ve been following your blog since shortly after my husband and I married (almost four years ago!), and I love how you encourage us to take care of our homes and families, all for the glory of God. I’m always so excited to see an email from you announcing your latest blog post. It’s always such a comforting, cozy, and encouraging visit. I’m not sure what I’d like to see more of…all of your choices point to one thing– creating a happy home where our families feel loved– and I just want you to keep up the work you do!
Decorating and homemaking
I just found your website and blog and LOVE it. Discovered it thru the article in Country Woman magazine. I am so interested and intrigued in homemaking and making a home like our mothers and grandmothers had and keeping those ways alive. Feel like homemaking has gotten kind of buried in our society these days. Would love to see info on recipes, old ways and country home decorating. Thank you for your beautiful blog.
I have been a long time reader of your blog, I love all the pictures and the wonderful recipes and ideas. The recipes are definitely my favorite!
I love your decorating ideas and pictures and that you love the vintage farm life. I have two little girls with one more on the way so I would love to hear more of your mom expertise from when your kids were small :)
1. I love the vintage, “farmy” style of your blog.
2. I would love to see more recipes and of course decorating style.
LOVE this blog! Thanks for all your hard work! :)
Hey hey Aunt Ruthie!! I originally found your FB page (then blog) from a FB friend of mine. I really liked your gorgeous decorating and words of encouragement. Sometimes the day-to-day of things feels like such a struggle, your blog reminds me to take a moment to be thankful for all of my blessings: my husband, my children, etc. And most of all to be thankful to GOD! I’d love to see more recipes and vintage homemaking tips!
Dear Aunt Ruthie…I just came across your blog/website just a few weeks ago, and could immediately relate! I love the old-fashioned pictures, and all that you offer. I also love the way you put God and family first! :) I will continue to watch for your new posts…we need your type of blog and encouragement these days! Thank-you! I would love to see more recipes ( just tried your dill veggie dip, and it was a hit!) , and all your wonderful ideas for decorating and making life special…thanks, and God bless you!
I love it all! But mostly how to creat a happy home. :)
Your love of family, home, and faith shine in your writings. All the things that bring me joy <3 I am a DIYer, so anything you post that challenges me to try myself is great.
Blessings during the Holiday Season
I started following you because I myself am a homemaker and I love the warmth and love your blog has! I would like to see more encouragement for homemakers!
I have been following your blog for 5 or 6 years now, and fell in love from the day I discovered it!! I think you are doing a wonderful job as is, so there isn’t much I would change, if anything. I love all of your vintage ideas, and your Godly encouragement to us as wives and mothers. I adore all of the decorating and look forward to your seasonal decorating posts every single year. In fact, I have pulled your ‘home tours’ up time and time again to show others! You inspire me on so many levels, and as I mentioned recently on FB… if I had to name a list of women I would love to spend time with or sit down to a cup of coffee with, you’d be near the very top of that list!! Keep up the great work, and keep encouraging us in character, loving our homes and families and in FAITH! < God bless!
Tanya :)
I would like to see more recipes.
Aunt Ruthie I love the wholesome content of your blog, and your attention to faith and family! I love your decorating tips and cooking tips! Thank You!
Since I just live 2 1/2 hours down the triad from Branson I feel like we’re neighbors…..we visit Branson four to six times a year for a nice short get-a-way. Love your decorating and sweet homemaking ways!
Down the road!
1. What attracts you to Sugar Pie Farmhouse and keeps you coming back? It reminds me of home and family and they are the most important to me
2. What would you like to see more of on my blog?Sharing your faith through your life, home and family
I love your website it’s so ‘stinkin’ cute’! I have to read and reread it cause I love it so much, makes me feel so good! I keep coming back to read how you live life and are so happy about your family, home and faith life that’s centered around Jesus, it’s so uplifting and fun and home-y, and makes me want to do the same for my family! Love your pictures, the vintage-y ones and seeing you and your sweet family, all your decorations, recipes ( I’ve made many!!!) wish I had your cute pantry!!! I love your SugarPie Farmhouse to much I wish ‘I could marry it’!!! :)
Hi Ruthie, your love of God is what I feel when I read your blog. You share your faith so well and we can all do with more of that. Your blog us unique and you bring your own warmth, so I can’t think of anything that would improve your sharing out here in blogland. Life is precious. Blessings and smiles, Emilou :-)
Loved this post! I love all your sweet advice ~ love how you remind us to treasure our loved ones and our homes. I also crave sweet simplicity since I’ve found your blog. I would love more parenting advice. Your children seem so happy and I would love to know more of your secrets especially on discipline. Blessings sweet sister!! Xox
I really love your blog! You inspire me to live simply. I think a lot people have been wrapped up in modern living that we forget about good old fashion values and beliefs. I appreciate your blog because it brings me back to the way I feel I should live. Thank you for that. I would love to see more vintage homemaking in your blogs. You have a lot of vintage ways on your blog, but I can never get enough. I also love your recipes (so does my family). Thank you!
I first started visiting your blog because of your beautiful decor. Now I visit for encouragement, motivation, and lots and lots of ideas! I hope you continue to share about your wonderful home and ideas on how to improve our lives. You are so inspirational and so FUN!
Hi Ruthie! I’ve been reading your blog since the beginning! I love coming back every year to check on your family and see the new additions! What a blessing! Such a warm, cozy, welcoming feeling whenever I visit here. Your love for your family radiates through your blog and onto my computer! Wish I could share a cup of coffee and some wisdom pearls with you!
Thank you and would love to keep seeing more encouragement for homemakers and making our homes a haven for those we love.
I come here for all those reasons! I love the decorating, but also the homemaking encouragement as well as creating the life you want to lead. I think YOU shine through your posts and that is what is best about the site. Keep being authentic and you will continue to attract loyal blog readers.
I stumbled upon your blog late one night when I was in bed staying up too late because my husband was on a business trip and I don’t sleep well when he’s gone. Your blog was so cozy, warm and inviting. It literally made me feel like I was right there and all my late night worries disappeared. This was about 6 years ago. I come back because you continue there provide that warm, welcome, cozy feeling. It’s similar thereof the feeling I get when I go to my grandma’s house. I also enjoy all that you chat about. I love that you are a woman after God’s heart and that your family comes in a close second to your Savior.
I would love to see more recipes. I currently can’t purchase the videos so I don’t have access to the recipes. I have enjoyed both your books though. I’d also like to hear more of how to incorporate vintage living into today. I love the idea of living a simpler life (KISS=keep it simple sista). My husband and I hunt, we garden, I’ve just started making my own lip balm and hope to get into making more things naturally/by hand with the things we have around.
Thank you for doing all you do.
Where do I begin? This post overflows with love,family, fun, and memories being made that will last a lifetime, memories that will go with each family member through the good times and the not so good times. With the investments you and your dh made while your children were growing up, you are now receiving the dividends, and I see your children investing in their children, and so it will continue. I love the comparisons of the older photos with the newer ones. So precious!
I found your blog when I started blogging, from the very first time I was hooked, as I saw a woman after God’s own heart, one who loved God and her family and had a heart to share. You have blessed me in so many ways. The only thing I would change would be more frequent posts, you truly have a ministry to help keep the first institution God ordained going and that is family. The world has tried to destroy the home and family, I am so thankful for the many women I have found in blogland that are determined to keep the home fires burning, and You Dear Aunt Ruthie are leading us.
May God continue to bless and keep you and your family.
One thing I love about blogland is the diversity of people you get to meet. I think my initial visit was because someone had shown off your pantry and I loved it. I was hooked after that. I love all things home and from scratch and family and I can tell you do too. That keeps me coming back. You are very encouraging and uplifting and that’s hard to find these days. I try to do the same kind of thing on my blog because I think it’s important to spread happy around these days.
I think what you are doing is great I wouldn’t change a thing. *smile*
I so look forward to each of your blogs and wouldn’t change a thing. You cover it all, from decorating, to cooking, to family and bringing a good reminder of plain good ole’ values. Just keep sharin’ your thoughts with us!
Your blog is so inspiring and motivating. I love the down home and down to earth stories of just “normal” people. Keep up the good work and I will look forward to whatever you post. You are like a magnet….keeping me returning.
I keep coming back because you have such a wonderful eye when it comes to how you display your things! (And not to mention your glorious pantry!) I would love to see more decorating tips!
I’m new to your blog, but I love everything about it. So much so, that it has inspired me to blog again. I love your eye catching colors and graphics! I live in a farmhouse and enjoy all your pictures, decorating and recipes!
I live the idea of vintage homemaking, so that is what I would like to see more of!
Your blog is so interesting to me because you share the joy of making a home and being a godly mom.
I would love to see more decorating ideas on your blog. You are gifted with a real talent. Most of your home nesting ideas are do-able for the average home.
Have really enjoyed your blog since the beginning. I also live a couple of hours away, so have been to all the fun places. Silver Dollar City, Branson etc. It’s a great place. Maybe more vintage homemaking on a budget since a lot of folks are really strapped financially, but everything else is fantastic!
Thanks again
OOOOOHHH!! I forgot to say, more Q and A blog posts! Those are oh so delightful and cover so much information. I feel like so many of us gals have the same questions, its nice to just get all those out in one fell swoop :)
Love your blog cause it’s Country Style Living! Would love to see more country recipes! Thanks and God Bless!
Love your blogs cause they are Country Style Living and would love to see more country recipes! Thanks and God Bless!
What first attracted me to your blog was the name Sugar Pie Farmhouse. The name sounds so homey, loving and inviting.
Love how you incorporate scripture along with your homey post, makes a girl feel all snuggaly inside. Your blog also reminds us ladies that staying at home is a privilege and a good choice when this culture tries to make us feel otherwise.
I personally don’t want you to change a thing, I think you have a perfect mix of recipes, family pictures, seasonal pictures of your home and decorating ideas. You have reached a perfect balance to me, and yes, please continue to use scripture along with your cheery post. Thanks for the time you invest in this so we may enjoy your talents.
I love your blog due to your God lovin heart and the faith you share though your love of our Heavenly Father. I would lov more recipies as Food always brings friends and family together! Thanks again! Keep the faith!
Hi Ruthie, I’ve been a fan of your blog for several years . I get so excited when there’s a new blog post. I Love the encouragement you give to us homemakers and that you have Godly, traditional values. So many times I have been uplifted by an encouraging word on here. I Love that you post a lot of pics too along with your post. I also enjoy your reviews on something you enjoying using and how to DIY. You’re just Fabulous and I would be so sad if you stopped blogging. I feel it’s a ministry of encouragement and joy to homemakers out here in blog land. Thank you for all you do. God Bless :)
Love and hugs
This is the first time I have visited your blog, but it will not be the last. I like the pictures, the way you talk about what ever, your sense of humor and the fact that you are promoting going back to what some see as out dated way of life. I agree with you that we need to go back to what glues a family together which makes each person in that family a stronger person. I like the product reviews, I should just say I like everything. The name is so cute and it draws you in to see what it’s all about.
As for what I’d like to see I’m not sure because like I said it’s my first time here so I need to spend a little more time here to see what more I’d like.
Keep up the great blog I really enjoyed it.
I love your blog/site as it reminds me of when I was growing up and spending summers with my grandparents in the country! Love the pics, stories and recipes! I would just like to get e-mails a little more often!
Aunt Ruthie, I was so drawn by your blog from the first time I read it! To me, it’s your personality that shines through, but it’s also so inspiring, beautiful, and fun! This has always been one of my favorite blogs! There’s nothing you could do to make it any better with the exception of posting MORE!
I love the pictures and recipes! Would love even more recipes!
Love it all! I love the post about family. I love your decorating, recipes, ideas to live a better life, love seeing Branson!
I always smile when I see something new from your blog. I love your fun writing style. It’s uplifting. As far as the question as to what I’d like to see more of, the answer is yes, to all.
Love your posts on creating a happy home and encouragement, such edifying words. I like pictures also, both of the old-timey things and how to decorate on a budget. Thanks so much for sharing.
Here are my questions:
1. What attracts you to Sugar Pie Farmhouse and keeps you coming back?
Sweetness of the simple life, and the way you convey it in your blog
2. What would you like to see more of on my blog?
More encouragement for homemakers?-Always, especially for young mothers, they need so much encouragement
More decorating Ideas?- A theme per month, I know you have time for that :)
More ideas on how to incorporate vintage (back-in-the-day) homemaking into our lives?- Yes, if it’s vintage and still usable…what quality they don’t make them like that anymore…and we are all going to be vintage one day.
More Recipes? Yes, from scratch, a big Sunday meal that can be turned in to leftover quick meals for the week.
How to create a happy home? Yes, the way you encourage traditions, and bible verses.
Chats to inspire you to create the life you want to live?yes that would be great, especially if you listed links
Or, what topic would you love for me to write about?- how did you start your blog, what kind of writing background did you have?
Congratulations on 7years and I wish you many more! I am always inspired by your love for the Lord, your family (grand-littles are the best blessing in the world!), and your perfectly vintage home. Living in the city in Florida, I’m able to experience the beauty of simple country pleasures through your pictures and story-telling. I feel like you are a kindred spirit and we would be great friends…if not here, we’ll have lots of time in heaven to catch up. With the warmth we feel through your blog, I’m sure everyone feels the same way. You have inspired me to incorporate your ideas into my home and traditions many times. I even bought a headboard at the Habitat Re-store to paint as a chalkboard. Thank you for taking the time to encourage us and for opening your heart and your home to all of us. I pray God will multiply the blessings back to you without measure!
I m new to your blog but I would say encouraging homemakers.
I think people today sometimes do think more about the way there’s house looks then what is inside and what it holds.
Memories love and a warm place to call home sweet home
I’ve. Found sometimes when you go over and beyond. Or do that homemade pie or cake its looked down upon by someone because they don’t have time to do the same. what’s wrong with taking time? And putting extra time and love into things? I think we all need more of that! Nice to have someone that thinks the same!
The first time I read your blog it was full of pictures of your home at Christmas time. So, I guess you could say that your decorating is what brought me here. I love it. You are very talented! Would really like to see some more recipes and maybe some craft or DIY projects.
Oh my! First because I feel you are my neighbor – I go past your road when I go to my sisters. I love that you inspire me to keep a cleaner, neater home for my family. (Its sometimes hard when your kids are grown and gone from home but you make me realize I should do this for my husband.) You Loving God and making that a part of everyday life. And of course EVERYTHING you write about. Your clothes, your stories, your recipes, your home, your décor. I especially love the story and recipe of the Buttermilk Pie. I grew up in a Church like that! I see no need for change. Thank you for sharing with us.
What I love about your blog is the homeyness, the comfyness, knowing Jesus is at the center of it. I love the vintage photos, the real life photos, the countryside. I would love to see more diy easy crafts/homemade gifts kind of posts. Thanks for all you share, you are very inspirational for making a house a home!
I found your site and loved it!!!!! I like everything you talk about. I love your screen door.
when I see new posts on facebook, they are just happy and exciting new posts! love all the inspiration and is inspiring me to start my own blog.. I enjoy it too much and never actually felt It was missing anything..just keep on keeping on!
OH! I forgot to say how much I love your pantry!! I didn’t want to be too lengthy when I posted a comment before but I have just got to add how much I love it when you show us HOW to make pies or jelly or whatever (step by step instructions keep me out of trouble. ha.) and I sure did appreciate your sharing about plastics and glass. I copied the link and sent it out to all my family and friends because I felt like it was such important info. I have appreciated the times you have let us join you in prayer for someone you cared about…….I felt so connected when you shared that your husband was not well and I got to pray with you for his “wellness.” You certainly are a “Proverbs 31 woman” and I feel so blessed to have been able to enjoy your blog. Thank you for giving us this. You are a kind, good soul! (pretty, too!)
I love your blog because of its down-home-ness :) I love your focus on family, faith and tradition. I love decorating and vintage homemaker posts the best :) Please keep more coming
Your blog is a delightful breath of faith, family, & friends with delicious sprinkles of decorating and food. I enjoy reading each post, and and am encouraged by the joy you have in being a homemaker, wife, mom, & grandma. Thank you for sharing your heart and home. I personally enjoy new recipes and ways to have simple family fun. I need some new ideas for Christmas as we have 25 days of Christmas with our 3 children, trying to focus on Christ, family fun, and loving on others.
What I love about your blog is the down home goodness. I love your honest from the heart stories and traditions you share. I love the detail of your photos and all the country goodness you create. Congratulations on seven successful blogging years. May you continue to bless us with many more!
First, and foremost, I love your blog, but to specifically answer your questions:
(Q) What attracts you to Sugar Pie Farmhouse and keeps you coming back?
(A) You’re upbeat, love your family, have great ideas for little touches to make others feel special, and I love seeing your beautiful home & family!
(Q) What would you like to see more of on my blog?
(A) I absolutely love the encouragement you give to make a happy home. This is what led me to your blog. I was so thankful to find it in December 2011, right after my mom died. I was sad. I have two young children, a wonderful husband & needed to put together a happy Christmas for all of us. Needless to say, this was difficult, but I read about all the small things (which are really big things) to do for your family, to let them know they’re loved. I knew my mom would want me & my family to have a wonderful Christmas, and we did! I also love seeing your home & the small touches you do. I love your decorating ideas, especially vintage touches, and recipes (I’m a dessert kind of girl). Honestly, I love the blog the way it is. Have a great week!
I love the down-homeyness of your blog. It’s so family-related and Christ-centered.
As far as what I’d like to see more of – all of your suggestions are great! I’d just love to see more frequent posts!
Thanks for such a great blog! Leslie McCoy
I like to see how you decorate and I would like all of the topics you suggested!
I found your blog in 2009 right before Christmas and was in awe of your beautiful home and decorating details. I also loved the music, which I know you no longer have, but it just brightened an otherwise dreary day in Port Aransas, Texas. I’ve been a fan ever since and pop in every time I get a FB notice. I also think you have a great balance of interesting topics on your blog so keep up the great work.
You have a beautiful family! Family is everything and I’m truly blessed with mine. Have a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving.
I was turned on to your website by a new friend. I loved her home/the decor of her house and she mentioned that she got a lot of ideas from you. So, maybe more of those ideas, along with good recipes.
Thank you so much for promoting a Godly home! Your vintage feel reminds me so much of the things that are nearest and dearest to my heart. Keep up the good work!
Encouragement!!! I love the encouragement I get when visiting your blog! I have followed you all seven years, and have been so inspired from your uplifting posts! I look very forward to them!!!! I love the decorating ideas and can never get enough of your sweet advice! <3
1. What attracts you to Sugar Pie Farmhouse and keeps you coming back?
I love the values you encompass and the farm style that reminds me of my grandmamma so much.
2. What would you like to see more of on my blog?
I love all of it but especially your homemaking tips. I work fulltime but still want to create a warm, loving home for my children and husband.
Oh, I just love EVERYTHING you post! Please don’t change a thing :)
I love everything about your blog. I don’t really recall how long I have been reading it for, but I keep reading it because it makes me feel warm and cozy and so happy. The graphics you use remind me of such simpler and less complicated times. And how I wish things still were today, with values, and traditions and family central to everything. All of it is so lovely.
As for what I would like to see more of on your blog, I guess more of the same, and I hope you will not change one smidge of your blog! I would love more on how to make a cheery and welcoming home, recipes and decorating ideas, but honestly, you could write one sentence about ANYTHING and I would enjoy it!
I adore all the helpful hints and warm photos in your blog. There is so much encouragement and beauty here. I would love to see more vintage homemaking worked in to today’s world. But I this is an amazing blog and I love every piece of it even if you never changed a thing!
You make me feel good about taking pride in my home, you inspire me and look foward to new posts!!
I would love to see more decorating ideas! can’t get enough!!!
Thanks so much!!
I come and visit ever so often, not because of who you are….but who you represent… the way Christ shines in your blog and how encouraging it is really is why I come back.. and on a side note… I find that you and I share a similar decorating style. lol
I love the way your blog is right now! I like to read it to give me ideas on how to make my home a comfortable faith based place to be. This is so needed in the world today. Thank you for all you do.
I love all the beautiful photos that you use on your blog. I don’t know that you should change anything – just keep writing from your heart!
I love your cozy home decorating ideas (especially Christmas & fall); your recipes (My mom and dad told me your Apple-Butter Crunch Pie was the best pie they had ever put in their mouths); and your inspiration to be a better wife & mother. I even have a piece of your blog hanging on my refrigerator door as a daily reminder to me to be at my best.
You have been blessed with the gift of inspiration and by doing so you have blessed so many others. If we all could keep doing those things that make our families happy, think what a wonderful world this would be. I look forward to your posts so I can be reminded what is truly important in life; God, family and home. Don’t change anything! I love you just the way you are!
I discovered you when you first started and have been coming back to your site over these last 7 years because of the encouragement and inspiration that you offer. I am refreshed from the daily grind when I read your blog! I love how you decorate inexpensively, but charming! I love the “down home-cooking” recipes. I love your old fashioned Christian values! Keep doing what you’re doing! I LOVE IT!
Just found your site and am enjoying it very much and plan on continuing. I applied for the blog and FB page. I love down-home, from scratch cooking.
Your blog reminds me of my childhood and Grandma. Our family grew up with one foot in the city,and one in the country! We received our core values in the country with our loving,nurturing relatives! I remember old party phones-“It’s your ring!”,and quilting bees,and thrashing meals,where the women and children ate last! Old ringer style washers,and hanging clothes on the line. I was very young,but I remember all these things well! I also love your country decorating,and having you share all your blessings with us! Thank you Aunt Ruthie.
I found your blog several yrs. ago and the first few things that attracted me to it was pics of your kitchen/pantry and the same exact shared values about the Lord Jesus and home life. Plus I think we are pretty close in age too!
At the time, we were getting ready to remodel our kitchen and you gave me some wonderful ideas to incorporate.
I’d love to see more pics of decorating your house, but I also enjoy your sweet encouragement about a having a lovely, Godly home.
Congrats on 7 yrs!! My favorite number!!! LOL
I just love your blog and look forward to each and every post. What I love seeing is your decorating. You have such a beautiful style and I’ve tried to incorporate what I can into my own home. I’ve also loved your recipes. Your pie crust continues to be my very favorite and my family loves it!
Your family pics are so cute. I love seeing all the happy, smiling faces of those you love.
Blessings – Julie
Why do I keep coming back is a tough question because there are so many reasons! But mainly I love your positive-ness (is that a word?)! Every time I read your blog/books I’m left feeling happy and inspired. I’d like to see more of what you already share, like home decor, recipes and ways to create a happy home. I love your books and videos and love those too. You really are a blessing to me!!
1.Well, I think I keep coming back because I think of you as a sweet friend that I’ve never met! Your positive attitude and sweet spirit just shine. I love your encouragement to make our homes special for our families. 2. I enjoy your decorating ideas and come back to search your archives for fresh ideas for decorating for the holidays. This year, I am using your entrance -(I think) décor idea from a few years back where you used a Kincaid painting to accent your Christmas village houses, as a springboard for decorating our bookcase. Thanks for the time you put in to your blog! I purchased the fall videos and enjoyed them so much.
Ruth, I LOVE your blog! I have been reading it for a few years now, and as a grandma, I so identify with your place in life! I especially enjoy your tidbits about making your home a place of beauty and encouragement. I wish you posted more often, but am happy to see each new one! I have raised my children, and now work fulltime outside my home. I enjoy your posts that encourage mamas to raise their children, themselves, and how to make your home a blessing to all who enter. I am not wild about the ‘purchase-only’ things you offer because I feel it needs to be freely available to every woman who needs encouragement. Keep pressing on, dear sister! God has definitely blessed you!
The things that draw me to your blog are several. The first would be the “spirit” in which you write.
It comes through that you are very kind,sweet,and very encouraging. And it is not just aimed at young women.I have been married and a homemaker going on 52 years (I was 16 when I got married to the best husband God ever created). I find useful many of your tips,and enjoy it when you share your home decor. You are just all around lovely, and a joy to read.I have a grown daughter,and 3 grown grandsons who live with my husband & me,so I look to your blog for any little tidbit to use to encourage my family.Bless your heart,Sweet Ruthie!
Hi Aunt Ruthie,
I was initially drawn to your blog for the decorating ideas, but now I most appreciate your wisdom on creating a happy home for our families. When I first started reading your blog, I had no children, but now that I’m a mother of two, the encouragement of how to create a happy home environment really speaks to me. I’d love to see more recipes. The few I’ve tried from your blog have been delicious! Thanks for being such an inspiration! Love your videos as well!
I love everything about your blog. I enjoy all the decorating ideas, and all the fun things you write about. You don’t need to change anything about your blog. I find everything you write about interesting and enjoyable. Thanks for making me smile.
I am attracted to your blog by the decorating ideas and your wonderful Christian values and love of family.
I would like to see your blog done more often, with more decorating, recipes, and good deals on things you like for us to purchase!
Oh what to say except thank you for 7 years of true home-loving inspiration. It makes all the difference to know we can affect our family (and community and nation) so positively by stoking the home fires and keepin them burning. You’ve been such an influence in my life, so thank you!! I’d love for you to do pod-casts or something like that. What could be more cozy than bustling about the kitchen w/ Aunt Ruthie coming over the “radio”. My kids still mention the music you used to feature (we’d have that going often times to keep a cheerful atmosphere) and how much they miss it.
May God continue to bless your ideas, Aunt Ruthie, and may you continue to speak into the lives of so many~*~deb h
Dear Aunt Ruthie.
I found your blog a few years back, while looking for pretty fall pictures.
I just feel in love with your “Fall Home Tour.” Left that page up for days on my computer, just looking and looking and reading and reading.
I adore the encouragement for homemakers; the vintage home making, the words on creating a happy home, the tips and encouragement for creating the life we want to live, and the decorating.
The year i found your blog, i, for the first time ever(*blush!~) decided to “create” a happier home, and “cozy nest” for my family for all. I scrubbed and cleaned and sorted; and wonder of wonders,…I decorated! I dont have a “knack” for those kinds of things. And, I baked; yummy fall goodies. At least three times a week. My family felt loved and spoiled and that made all of it worth it. i love every minute of it!( i’ve never seen apple fritters disappear so fast in my Life! they didnt even let them Cool!! I’d turn to let it drain on the cardboard, and there would be a proffered plate, with a big grinning face at the end of the arms holding it.)
I “forced” all the kids, ages 46(me!) to 6, to cut out and color leaves; then we added glitter or other stuff and strung ’em and hung ’em!
It’s been a couple of year, and they still talk about it.
This year, for the first time in my whole life, we went to a pumpkin patch.
Before i found your blog, i was sure that keeping the house “plain “- free of nick-knacks and almost any decoration, was keeping it clean and easy. That might have been somewhat true, but it was also sterile and very Un-Homey!! My kids are constantly commenting on the changes, and saying they wished we’d done it sooner!- and they are coming up with ideas on their own now!(can see them planning for their future homes already!
So, Dear Aunt Ruthie,- thank you. Thank you for putting your words, and pictures, and guiding how’to’s and encouragement out there on the web. Thank you for showing me I CAN bless my family; and thank you for the glow of light and warmth i see in my chlildren’s eyes.
I love the changes in my home, and family.
Thank you, Aunt Ruthie- for being an “Aunt Ruthie” to us all.
many blessings to you and yours,
I have been visiting your website for years. I love the way you incorporate vintage and country style and I appreciate your love of family and your Christian values.”
As to what I would lot to see more of? That’s easy– more of the same! Although I might like to see a touch more decorating tips and also a bit more incorporation of vintage homemaking.
Oh, and have loved the fall videos. Could you share where the music comes from– it was wonderful and really set the mood!
I absolutely love your blog! I have been visiting your website for years- I love it. What a beautiful blend of family, home and Jesus. Its what life is all about. Your photos are fantastic, too! I love the vintage/ country in your decorating your home. It always lifts my spirit to visit your helps keep things in perspective for me. If I am having a ‘blue’ day, your blog is a wonderful reminder of how blessed we all are!, Thank you for the beautiful blog and sharing your home and family with us! May God bless you!
Hi Ruthie, I can honestly say that your blog is my favorite one that I read. What I love about your blog is that it lifts up the Lord Jesus and honors family. It’s always encouraging, fun, uplifting, and challenges me to live the life that the Lord has given me more fully! :o) What I would like to see more of….well, you’re already doing it….always encouraging! :-) God bless you, Ruthie! Have a wonderful day!
Smiles, Deborah :o)
PS. I love to read about your Summer Rose as we also have a daughter who was born a while after the older ones were. I was 37 when I had her. She is grown and has married a wonderful, Godly young man and they now have a little one of their own. How blessed and fun!!!!
I’m attracted to you vintage style, and your creatively designed kitchen and pantry. I’d love you to include more how-to decorating ideas, and any other how-to topics you are inspired to share.
I have loved your blog from the first time I read it. I started reading in 2008, I believe, after my third kiddo was born. I love your attention to detail, your joy for the Lord and all of the wonderful vintage images you post!! I love to read your encouragement, your helpful ideas, yummy recipes and decorating tips!! I lost my momma when I was 22 years old and my sweet grandma a year later. So, I have not had many women to “mentor” me in the art of homemaking. I love to read your blog when I feel like I need encouragement, a blessing or ideas on how to be a better momma. I so appreciate your commitment to all of us moms, homemakers, and women that read your blog. We are all truly blessed. I don’t really have any tips on how to make your blog better. However, I do love when you give us personal tips/preferences…such as your favorite products, recipes, books etc. I always love to hear about other people’s favorite things or ideas on how I could maybe do something differently that I hadn’t thought of before. Thanks again for everything! God bless you!
Love how you share your faith as part of everyday life!Your encouraging words to fellow Christian mothers and wives lifts me up and inspires me to see my calling to serve with love daily. I’ve tried a number of your homekeeping ideas and recipes. Also love your home tours- would love to see more- you share great ideas! Keep up the great work! God Bless!
I love your focus on family. As a mother of 8 and grandmother of 7 your blog warms my heart. Keep sending the message that family is the cornerstone of society and God is in Charge.
I love love your vintage style and how everything revolves around family! I would love more recipes and more decorating help. Especially for those of us who beginners. Thank you for the chance!
1. What attracts you to Sugar Pie Farmhouse and keeps you coming back? I absolutely adore your house….especially your kitchen. I’m a single mama to a special needs daughter. We live with my family but your kitchen is my in my dreams one day kitchen!
2. What would you like to see more of on my blog?
More ideas on how to incorporate vintage (back-in-the-day) homemaking into our lives? absolutely! I wish I would have paid more attention to my grandmother when I was little. I could have learned so much!!!
More Recipes? Definitely!
How to create a happy home? Yes please!
Also more on your holiday preps would be awesome!
I love your blog and wait for a new posting. I love all the old photos and down home stuff you write about. It reminds me of a easier time. I absolutely love the way you decorate for the holidays and the way you incorporate your beliefs and relationship with Christ.
I would love to see more vintagey posts about home, homemaking, baking and cooking, etc. Just make sure you include lots of photos!
God bless you!
I enjoy reading your blog because you encourage family and faith. You convey a very positive and wholesome attitude toward life. I would like to see more recipes and “vintagey” decorating ideas Keep up the good work. Thanks for bringing a bright spot to our days!
Your love for your family is what draws me in. You are so creative in the ways that you serve them. Thanks for sharing those with us. I love your decorating style so more of that would be fun.
Dear Ruthie
I have been following your blog for years. I love the way you bring the Lord into all that you do and I would love to see more of that. That is what drew me from the beginning. You have a big heart and show the love of God through decorating and the love of family and I see so much JOY in all you do. Your blog is one of the best gifts that
has inspired me to be more loving, kind, hospitable thankful and to love my home with a heart for God. Bless you! Kathy
I love the “homeyness” (is that a word?) of your blog. It is always warm and cozy.
I love the recipes but also really enjoy the decorating and your words of encouragement. I don’t care how good your life is, it always helps to encourage everyone further.
I love this blog.
I just stumbled across your blog and enjoyed reading it! I agree with you that family traditions are the glue that holds your family together. A book I read recently also points out the importance of traditions and Offers memory-building ideas to do that fit parents hectic schedules, “Little Things Long Remembered: Making Your Children Feel Special Every Day” by Susan Newman, Ph.D My oldest child is graduating highschool this year, and I have sort of been in mourning every Holiday this year… I guess I have been in the thought process that this is the last time we will get to do this..and so forth. Thank you for showing me that these traditions can be carried out even after children leave the nest! I can now look forward to continuing these traditions with my older kids and starting these same traditions with my grandchildren when that time comes!
Happy home :)
You inspire me! That’s why I’m giddy with excitement when I see there’s a new post from you. I set aside some quite “me” time, with coffee & dessert, (and sometimes a candle!) to sit down and read your blog. It’s such a treat! As a homeschooling mama of four, I find great encouragement in your words. I love to read your posts about decorating and crafts. I love the reminders of what’s truly important in life; God, family, and friends. I love your ideas on how to make my loved ones feel special and my home feel more welcoming. I love you! I’ve been following your blog since our family moved to SEMO 6 years ago and I feel like you’re a distant relative I’ve never met. God bless you and yours, Aunt Ruthie!
I found your site last year when I needed some inspiration. I was feeling worn out, flustered, and could not get into the spirit of the upcoming holiday season. Your blog really brought me out of that funk. You are so bright and positive, it really inspires me to take a moment each day to enjoy life and all the blessings I have received. So I thank you for that.
As far as what you should blog about, I think you are doing great. I would love to see more recipes, how-to’s, things like that. Everything you listed-yes to all of it! If you post it, I’m going to read it! I really love seeing you with your family. You all seem to care so much about one another. It’s very inspiring. Just keep doing what you’re doing!
Hello Aunt Ruthie! I love this post, thank you for sharing your wonderful family day with us :)
1. What attracts you to Sugar Pie Farmhouse and keeps you coming back? I love the emphasis on honoring the Lord and serving our families.
2. What would you like to see more of on my blog?
I would love to see ideas on living beautifully but frugally and recipes for stocking up for winter. I would also love to see more How To’s.
Thank you for everything! :)
What a beautiful blog you have! I just found it after reading your article in Country Woman magazine… and feel like I have found a treasure! I just can’t wait to read through a lot of it! Thank-you.
I just found you this morning through the magazine…Country Woman. I can see I will have a lot of great reading this winter! I live in Canada on the northern prairies and our winters are cold and long. We grow a large garden and have our own cow, did I mention that we are on a farm? Some hints on growing veggies would be welcome, and ideas on decorative yard objects. I like to recycle found things as much as possible. Looking forward to reading more from you. Thank-you.
I love the way your writing makes me feel, the reminders about what’s important, and that it’s okay to have what are now considered old fashioned values. I love the way you write and the things you write about. The fun, real, loving way you show your home and family through photos make us want to be a part of your life, and to bring some of that into our homes and family. I can’t think of anything you need to do or add or change, except if we could get a dose of you and your writing more often:)
I love the decorating ideas, the good old fashioned way of life that you promote and family traditions
I just love the simple lifestyle and the way you make your home beautiful for your family.
I come to your blog because of the encouragement you offer and how uplifting you are. I love the way it makes me feel when I am reading one of your posts! :)
Your decorating posts are my favorites so I would always love to see more of those. And maybe a few more posts like these where you show your family out and about, having fun. Oh, and maybe some more “how-to” blogs, or DIY projects (like your faux caramel apples). I would love to know what you do to clean up some of the antiques you bring home. I’ve seen so many cute things when I’m antiquing but think there is no way I want that in my house and don’t really know the best technique to get it acceptably clean without ruining it. Anyways, no matter what you do, I’m sure it will be wonderful! Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading your future stories! :)
Another wonderful post!! Your family looks like they were having tons of fun and had happy hearts doing it. I look forward to every post you have because you encourage me and lift my spirits up. One of the posts I keep going back to now is the one about getting a “mama bear” attitude. I’m a young mother and need all the encouragement and inspiration I can get. I really enjoy your decorating/organizing posts. They give me ideas and help me figure out how to make my home homey. I also love that you incorporate “back in the day” things into your blog posts. Honestly, every post you have from family outings to recipes to decorating to encouragement…I love them all!! Also fireside chats on some posts would be great. I like listening to your ideas on your Blue Ribbon Reviews. I’ve watched those a lot. :) Everything you have posted is wonderful and I’m so eager to see the next post. I almost can’t wait to see the new and inspiring things you have to share. :)
I love your homemade recipes and the photos of all you do. It just so homey and sweet. Back to the old times…..
I love your bright photos that you share. I like you sharing the decorating ides and recipes. Would love to see more.
I love everything, everything, everything about your blog!! If you were to change anything, I would vote for a few more recipes now and then. Hillbilly Spaghetti Pie is a big family favorite around here-just saying! Keep on doing what you’re doing–love it all.
I have been reading your blog for about 4 years now. I love when you post pics of your home. I think it is important to create a relaxing place for your family. My 9 year old says his most favorite place in the world is home. Make me feel great. I love everything you post whether it’s recipes, vintage items, or decorating-I read it! Thanks for giving up your time for us readers! We love and appreciate you!
I follow your site for the beautiful decorating ideas! I would love to see more decorating! Happy Anniversary!!!
First, I love that your blog always has an undercurrent of what is good and right in our homes and family. Just a good reminder. Second, I do always look for decorating ideas and inspiration for my home. Thank you for all the work your put into blogging. I’ve blogged for years and know how much time, effort and energy it takes–you have a great passion for this! Hugs, Heidi
Oh ur family reminds me of our family, always looking for a reason to have a get to gather. Fun times and I always make a shutterfly album, love my family. Ur blog is just too good nothing needs changed except more post but I understand people r busy. Enjoy the holiday season. Lena
Hi Aunt Ruthie! I love your blog and have been reading for years. I enjoy the wonderful quotes, vintage pictures, decorating ideas, and encouragement to make home a place of peace and solace. I also love seeing your home and all the vintage treasures you use to make it warm and homey. You are a blessing, and I’m so glad you plan to continue blogging! :)
Hi, I love your website! I just happened to discover it about 4 years ago around Christmas time and fell in love instantly!! What attracts me and keeps me coming back is your focus on God and family and your positive and cheerful attitude towards life and what it brings. :) I also love your decorating style!! There are two things I would love to see more of. First more decorating ideas because I feel how our home is set up is a big factor in how our family and friends feel in the home and secondly more encouragement for homemakers because almost everyone wants a clean organized home especially when life gets hectic!! I hope you continue to be inspired and blog for as many more years as you want and enjoy to!! I will continue to follow!! Thank you for your ideas and positive outlook!!
Bless you, Ruthie! Just found your website after reading Country Women… thanks for the encouragement in all good homemakey things!
I love the pictures of your home, and family, too! And your comments about the Lord, making life beautiful for our loved ones, and having good ol’ fun while doing it.
I’d especially like how to make my home more of a beautiful and happy happy happy place to be!
Good Job!
P.S. If you were to write a book/cookbook..I’d buy it :-)
Thank you for your blog! I appreciate the work you put into it. I enjoy it as is. I like that it is encouraging and upbeat. Please continue with recipes, decorating ideas, and ways to have a happy home.
Hello Aunt Ruthie! I have been reading your blog for years now and every year now I make those delicious pumpkin bars. Are they ever a hit! But I really really love the encouraging posts with the lovely quotes and spiritual thoughts! Thanks, Noelle
Love, love, love the homey atmosphere of your website! You are such an encouragement! Would love to see more recipes!
I love your photos…I come back to see what’s new with you and enjoyed your family photos today! I like seeing easy decorating ideas and incorporating vintage finds into our homes and decor! Thanks! And Happy Blogging! Hugs, Diane
I come back to see your gorgeous photos, especially your amazing seasonal decorations and chalkboard ideas. I love your faith-based, family-focused inspirational thoughts, too. I would like to see more recipes! Thanks for the giveaway!
1. The sense of coziness I feel when I read and re-read your blogs.
2. a. I would like to see more recipes (love Hillbilly Spaghetti Pie).
b. I would also like to see more vintage homemaking ideas.
c. Most importantly, I would like to see some encouragement on how to make our homes cozy for work outside of the home moms (especially ones like me who are gone for 12 hours a day because of commuting). I don’t feel like doing daily chores, much less monthly chores. I love cooking, but then I have to clean all of the dishes.
I love coming to your blog. Its like “comfort food”! You inspire me to be the best wife and momma I can be. Which at times is difficult as the husband and I both have full time jobs. The only thing I would change is that you post more often!! I know you are a very busy farm gal but I sure do miss your posts! Thank you for the give away! Blessings!
I found your blog when I most needed the encouragement you share about a happy home. It changed my outlook as being ” just a farm wife”. Your faith, your positive attitude, awesome decorating ideas have continued to make me proud to be “just a farm wife”.
I keep coming back for all your encouragement and of course your gorgeous decorating ideas! Our farmhouse is looking awesome, smelling awesome (pie, of course), but most of all it is a warm, happy farmhome!
Would love to see even more decorating ideas! Thanks for all your effort in blogging!
Love all your Fall Pumpkin Patch pics Ruthie! I have been so knee deep in decking the halls I almost missed out on this wonderful giveaway. First of all Congrats on 7 wonderful years! As you already know you were one of the very first blogs I ever started reading and have been such an inspiration to me. I love everything that you post about and well now your videos just put everything over the top! Every time I visit I feel so warm and happy. It is like stopping by to visit an old friend who is always happy to see you! I would not change a thing really. I love seeing your home decked out for the seasons. You always give us wonderful tips on how to keep a tidy happy home. Your recipes are out of this world. I say just keep on doing what you are doing my friend! Here is to hopefully many more years of blogging.
I am attracted to your website because of the old-fashioned goodness. The clipart is fun and nostalgic. Great posts. Your values are close to mine. I’d like to see more decorating ideas but you can never have too many recipes! Keep up the good work!
I love your blog! You feel like a mentor to me, and were a great source of comfort to me last winter as my family was under a lot of fire for the ways in which God was calling us to change generational dysfunction. The things in you blog that I held fast to was the importance you place on cherishing the people in our homes and focusing on comfort, coziness, fun, virtue, and overall goodness. I love the homemaking tips, decor ideas and tours, recipes, product reviews, and your family updates. Thank you for shining His light in such a beautiful way to us out here!
I found your blog a few years ago while I was searching for “farmhouse decor” online, and was instantly attracted to the emphasis you place on a warm, inviting, happy home. As a stay-at-home mom and wife, I think most people don’t put enough emphasis on how important a woman’s job is at home! It is all because of people like us that children have a sense of tradition, that daddies and husbands can go to work every morning with a full belly and come home to a happy home and a good dinner, and most importantly, happy kids:)
As I continue to check back and read your blog posts, I always look forward to reading more encouraging ways to make my home more inviting for family and friends, whether it be creating traditions, your yummy pie recipes, or ways to decorate your home. Keep doing what you’re doing :)
Love me some Sugar Pie Farms! At the tip top of the list is your passion for Jesus. Next, as I read I feel like I’m a kid visiting my Mama Ree after a school. It’s something I’ll never do again this side of heaven so those feelings are precious. I can’t wait to see more of everything, but it’s the emphasis on using your creativeness with things vintage and new to make a cozy home that keeps me coming back for another slice of pie!
Aunt Ruthie, I love that you keep your family close and warm in spite of distance. Your positive and fun attitude draws me back, especially your baking centre which I have admired for a long time. I bought the spotted apron through your site a couple of years ago and when I wear it, I think of you in your happy kitchen. I have made your recipes and admired the decoration of your lovely home. Have watched Summer Rose grow from a cute little girl, into a lovely young woman.
What would I like to see more of….decorating and sharing your life with your beautiful family.
I love your blog! I love that it is about family life, recipes and good fun. Always positive!
I enjoy each and every blog post! Just post what is in your heart! Although I would love more decorating posts ;o)