HOME SWEET HOME! Ahhh…such wonderful, comforting, words. We all want that safe, cozy, “it’s-good-to-be-home” feeling when we walk in the door. We want to look around and see our rooms, fresh and clean, nice and tidy, filled with beauty and smelling like peach pie baking, right?
Oh but…there’s that pile of laundry that’s been getting bigger by the minute.
- And you’ve looked high and low for a pair of scissors and some tape to wrap that gift for your child’s teacher (knowing you have 7 pairs of scissors in the house somewhere! Oh for goodness sake!)
- The garage really, really, really, needs to be cleaned out, and there doesn’t seem to be a good time to do it. So it weighs heavy on your mind.
- You didn’t sleep very well last night.
- The dishwasher is making a wierd sound. May have to call the repair man.
- There’s a mouse in the house. (eek!)
- The kids are cranky.
- You have to bake 5 dozen cookies for a bake sale.
- You’re worried about a loved one.
- It’s that time of the month or those hot flashes keep coming and you have 5 more years to go with those. :/
- You feel overstretched and worn out.
- You don’t feel understood or appreciated.
- And oh and by the way, you forgot about your dentist appointment yesterday. :/
That’s enough to make a mama a little flustered, crabby and overwhelmed. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
We know how that old saying goes “If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”…well that is so true! It’s because we are the nest builder. We set the tone in the home. A happy Mama makes a happy home. A crabby mama makes…well…she makes a home upset. Our little chickies follow our lead. Happy, sad, angry or content. Proverbs 14:1 says, “A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.”
As a Mama of four, I’ve experienced all of the challenges above. But throughout the years I’ve learned that in order to create our “home sweet home” it starts with the Mama. Mama needs to get happy. But the question is, how do we find and keep our joy when each day brings so many challenges?
Here are 5 tips that will help you keep the “Sweet” in Home Sweet Home:
1. Prepare the night before:
- Get things ready for tomorrow. Clothes, papers, homework, backpacks, & lunches. Make a to-do list for the next day. Put a star by the three of the most important things you really need to get done. In the summertime make a to-do list for your kids too, this can include chores, projects, reading and fun things too.
- I review my daily planner each night so I know what appointments I might have. Writing things down goes a long way to relieving stress. Trying to remember everything we need to do in our head is draining, it creates a gnawing feeling that we are forgetting something and sometimes we do! (ugh!)
- Prepare your home for tomorrow’s sweet success by making sure the kitchen is clean (waking up to last nights dirty dinner dishes in the sink will not add sweetness to your day). Start the dishwasher and plan to empty it in the morning, so any dirty dishes throughout the day can go right back into the dishwasher.
- Before bedtime, set your timer for 15 minutes and do a quick tidy-up around your house. If you have kids at home, do this with them. Put on fun music and make it a game of beat the clock!
- Prepare for bedtime an hour before you go to bed. Wash your face, brush teeth, jammies on, dim lights. Once you’re in bed think of one wonderful thing that happened that day to thank the Lord for. Sweet dreams.
2. Start the day in quiet prayer.
- Go to the Lord with a thankful heart.
- Ask Him to give you wisdom and strength for the day.
- Tell your Heavenly Papa all about your worries and cares. “Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.” 1 Peter 5:7
- Trust God to help you. Rely upon Him.
- My goal is to get up at 5:30 AM to spend time with God (although sometimes, if I didn’t sleep very well the night before, I give myself grace and get a little more rest, then I grab my prayer basket and have my little talk with Jesus).
- During my quiet time I’ll get a tall glass of water then read God’s Word and write in my journal…things God is speaking to my heart.
- I use The Daily Walk Bible (Affiliate) It offers a simple daily reading plan that enables you to read the Bible in a year. I love that it gives a short overview and commentary before you read the scripture passage so you’ll have better understanding and perspective to apply it to your life. I can’t even tell you how much I’ve learned and grown spiritually using this system. The pages are dated and it starts in January, but I don’t pay attention to the dates, because if you skip a day or two you’ll feel like you’re too far behind to catch up. The dates don’t matter. What matters is reading God’s Word. When we put the Lord first, the rest will be blessed. Sweet!
“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33
3. Live the Golden Rule: “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.” Matthew 7:12.
- Be the kind of Mama you would like to have if you were a little girl again. This takes some purposeful thought. Create the kind of home they feel cherished in. Warm, loving, and safe emotionally and physically.
- We need to speak to our children with words of encouragement. Even when we must dicipline them, we can do so firmly but kindly.
- Take time to have fun with your kids.
- Point out the things you love about them.
- Let them know what talents and gifts God has blessed them with.
- We are creating memories for them…good or bad.
- Think of things you can do as a family to help others.
- Treat your hubby the way you would like to be treated.
- Speak to him with words of appreciation and respect.
- Kiss, hug, and hold hands as often as you can.
- Be sweet to him.
- Be a blessing.
“Where you invest your love, you invest your life.” ~unknown
4. Organize something: Everytime I clean out a closet or a cupboard I always go back and look at it several times that day. It just makes me feel so happy that I finally got it done and it looks so good!
- Even if it’s just one drawer, or one shelf. Set your timer for 15 minutes. You’ll be so surprised what you can do in 15 minutes!
- It will give you a wonderful and sweet sense of accomplishment.
- You’ll be able to find things when you look for them! Now that’s sweet!
- Turn off the TV and put some music on before you get started.
- Sometimes I’ll get my organizing-juices flowing by purchasing something to organize with, like a couple of bins, trays, jars, buckets, new file folders, etc. Then I can’t wait to get home and get started.
- Take everything out of the drawer or off the shelf. Everything. It won’t work well if you just shift things around. Wipe clean the space. Then, only put back what goes there and just what you need.
- Simplify. Get rid of excess stuff. (I’m preaching to the choir here…I’m working on it!)
5. Take care of your body and give yourself grace (favor, approval, blessing):
- Drink plenty of water. Dehydration causes headaches, fatigue, high blood pressure, digestive disorders, weight gain and a bunch of other problems. First thing in the morning drink a tall glass of water, then continue throughout the day.
- Move. Walk. Stretch. Exercise. It makes your brain, muscles, heart, lungs, and bones stronger. Without exercise they become weaker. “Move it or lose it” as they say. Exercise lifts your mood too. Click here and Read this for an eye opening perspective.
- Giving grace to yourself means to be your own best friend (or be you’re own loving and encouraging mama). That means talk to yourself the way a friend would talk to you. Not with words of disgust and disappointment. But with words of encouragement and hope!
- Forgive yourself and forgive others quickly. Don’t hold any grudges. Give grace to others. Remember the Golden Rule!
- Giving yourself grace does not mean you can have a pity-party. Feeling sorry for yourself will only cause you to feel blue and unhappy. Instead, count your blessings. Think about what you’re thankful for. You can’t be grateful and feel sorry for yourself at the same time. Thankful people are happy people.
- Know that no one, and I mean no one, can take your place. You are lovable, beautiful and a blessing. Tell yourself “if I were any peachier I’d be a pie!” :D
- You don’t have to be perfect (who is??).
- Smile! Even if you don’t feel like it. It actually affects you physically in a good way. The simple act of smiling sends a message to your brain that you’re happy. It releases endorphines which give you a feeling of well being. Not to mention that your smile makes others feel good too.
- Make time to do those things that you love! Have something to look forward to. Treat yourself! Be sweet to dear, adorable, you!
“Have courage and be kind” ~ Cinderella’s Mama
These tips are standards to live up to. They are choices that must be made daily. They won’t necessarily happen on their own. We must be intentional. Every. Single. Day. And when things fall apart and we don’t do the things we meant to do, or wanted to do, so what? We have a fresh start tomorrow. No big deal! But we should do our best to live our best life. John Maxwell says, “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”
It’s so easy to live in survival mode, haphazardly responding to things that arise throughout the day. It’s “Putting out fires” so to speak, but not really living intentionaly. It’s easy not putting in the effort, but it makes our life much more difficult later, in our home, relationships, emotionally and physically.
Then we wonder why we’re not getting anything accomplished. Why our home-life is not sweet. It’s because we didn’t set a standard for what we want in life. How we want our life to be. How we want our home to look (clean and organized) and feel (cozy and cheerful) when our family walks in the door. We wonder why life feels so chaotic and hard. We need to make a plan (and stick to it) to create the kind of home our family loves to be. When we do, we can be sure that we won’t miss out on the joy and satisfaction of our work well done at the end of the day.
- You know that feeling when your family has gathered around the table for supper for the nutritious meal you prepared and there’s laughter and good converstation.
- Then the kids are bathed, kissed and all snug, safe and sound in their beds.
- The dishwasher hums as you turn off the kitchen light, smiling with sweet contentment that you’ll be greeted in the morning with a fresh, cheery kitchen.
- The things you need for tomorrow are laid out for the next day.
- You take one more gleeful peek at the pantry you organized earlier that day with a happy sigh.
- And as you pitter-patter off to bed with a grateful heart you’re feeling blessed that even with the challenges of the day, some good things happened.
- And Tomorrow is a new day with a fresh start.
- Life is good.
“So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.” Galatians 6:9
Thank you so much for coming by
for some Home Sweet Home Pie!
I would love to know if this post resonated with you!
It will help me know if I’m providing value for you.
What things do you do to make your home sweeter?
Lots of love and hugs!
Aunt Ruthie
Ahhh….such wonderful and encouraging words. You really know what to say and when to say it. :)
Loved this post! Thank you for the encouragement!
Absolutely the pick-me-up I needed right now!!! God bless you!!!
Oh my goodness. Thank you for your generous outpouring of encouragement! You are a blessing!
Oh Aunt Ruthie, I never get tired of hearing how to make my home sweeter! We all need to be reminded and encouraged and you are the dear one that always says it so perfectly with your sweet words and beautiful photos. You have reminded us in the past that “beauty inspires”, so with that said, I love to have a small bouquet of fresh flowers somewhere. I have a chalkboard in my kitchen that says “Live a Beautiful Life” and when I read that daily it spurs me on to try and do just that . Thanks for the inspiration today! I’m off to do some rearranging and organizing right now. You are loved in Texas!
What beautiful words. Such a positive way to approach an ordinary day and make it something special. I enjoyed your pictures so much. Thank you and have a blessed day.
Tamara XO
Right on! It helps me when I hear from women who have struggled with the same daily frustrations I have. 4 children…wow! I would be totally overwhelmed! You handle everything with such grace and love, I just know your kiddos had the most wonderful home life.
Hugs and sugar, thanks for the encouragement! Oxox
Thank you! Your thoughtful and Godly inspired words continue to bless my life whenever I come by here for a read…there are times when I find my thoughts turning to jealousy of the picturesque life you can sometimes paint. Don’t get me wrong – I am very thankful for my life, and for the people and the many blessings that I have, but I’ve never been a mother, nor will I ever be (barring a miracle!), and I long for that; to be a momma and stay home and create everything that you talk about. That has not been my lot in life. I have always had to work full-time, have had struggles as we all have, and long for the days when my time is more my own. Nevertheless, when I read these beautiful and loving words, I am blessed. I do live on a small farm in the country, in a beautiful part of the world, have horses, a loving husband, a small garden, loved and cared for home, my dog and a couple of barn cats. I’m lucky that my boss is a Christian, he’s a good man and my job is a good one for me. It could be a lot worse! I am thankful, and I love my Lord…blessings to you my sister in God!
Thank you so much for your inspirational and encouraging words. You have really touched my heart. I try to do these things as much as i can, but actually having steps and a plan, is a better way to success. Number three is my favorite and so important to me. You are such an Amazing person!!!! Thank u for sharing your wisdom!!!
I love your posts and look foward to them. This one is truly a wonderful! I’m going to copy it and re-read it often.
Many thanks! You are a blessing.
I work outside the home, so two things I always do before bed (in addition to the ones you mention above) is 1) prep my crockpot. For instance, tomorrow night we’re having buffalo chicken in the slow cooker, so tonight before bed I load up the slow cooker with all of the ingredients and store it in the fridge so all I have to do before leaving for work is take it out of the fridge and put it on low. 2) load up the washing machine before bed with tomorrow’s load of laundry. That way, before I leave for work I just turn it on. When I get home I put it in the dryer and after dinner I fold the load (only takes 10 minutes) – I have a schedule I keep to for laundry so I don’t spend the weekend doing it.
Thank you…these ideas are great… I need to get organized and following these will do it..
Miss Ruthie, I just love your post, it’s just beautiful and speaks volumes of truth. We all need some reminders to keep us on tract during these buys times. I love the idea of clean up time 15 minutes before bed and especially adding some music. Great post!
Thank you Aubt Ruthie! I love reading your posts and yes, it does help to read about how to tidy up your home. I have adopted several of the things you have mentioned and it does set the tone for a happy home!
Wonderful post, Aunt Ruthie. I really enjoyed reading it.
Always enjoy your posts, Aunt Ruthie!! Just the right words, when I need to hear them – thank you!!
Your post always brighten my day Ruthie! I do a few of these but have not been disciplined enough to accomplish them all. I wish I could break my bad habit of being night owl. That would make life so much easier. Thank you your inspiring posts!
Thank you for your beautiful and inspiring posts! I just adore reading them!!! One of the things I’m intentional about doing is meal prepping for the week ahead. It helps tremendously as the week is so full – it’s nice to know that our dinner’s are waiting in the fridge or freezer! :-)
I love this lesson. I may have missed it, but I don’t think you mentioned our husbands and their part in making life sweeter for themselves and the family.
I especially like the idea getting things done as quickly as we can in 15 minutes. Surely we can find that amount of time to insure a happier household.
I love that you mentioned a morning ritual. Over time I have created one that is my very own and I can’t imagine starting my day any other way. It includes writing in my pretty gratitude journal. I buy the same one each year. When I have a bad day I go back to these journals and read all the different blessings I have been given over the years and I always close the journals with a smile on my face and a better attitude.
Thank you for your beautiful words. I find your blog very inspiring.
Thank you so, SO much for the words of encouragement. I truly needed to hear them today and remember what my job is. Tomorrow is a new start…. God Bless you Ruthie!!!! <3
With a 4 year old and 7 year old around all day (we homeschool) and a husband that works a lot, it is so hard to live intentional and not just put out fires. I hope to get ahead of the game :) thank you for your touching blog post, which I loved as always. AND then at the end you used a verse that I pray and meditate on ALL THE TIME as I journey through this homeschool adventure. I know the harvest will be ever so sweet :) God Bless, can’t wait for the next post!
Thank you…I really needed to read this!
Loved the list of things to remember. Reminding me to set out pretty flowers and make sure we enjoy fresh veggies. Displaying the veggie tray was a good reminder for me.
I am so blessed every month by your blog. I’m raising four daughters, and I need your wisdom and inspiration! The pictures of your home are so cheery, and I love to look at them. I read the whole thing right off, and your words are so real and helpful. Thank you!
As a new wife and homeowner, this is just the sweetest piece of pie I have ever read! I felt so much inspiration while reading this and look forward to each of your posts so much. You have a beautiful view of how to live life, thank you!
Thank you for your words of encouragement today. As I was contemplating the news I received last night of a dear friend that was diagnosed with Stage 4 Inflammatory Breast Cancer, I found your morning email. Funny how God chooses to put you in the right place at the right time and that is what your words were for me today. He gives us strength and hope it is up to us to receive it thankfully and positively. Your words were definitely a blessing I needed to be reminded of. Hugs and Blessings to you!
I really look forward to getting your latest post. This one has to be one of my favorites. Thank you!
Hi Ruthie,
I just want you to know that you are a breath of fresh air. Your blog is like opening the windows after a long, hard winter. I have been struggling with family issues for over a year now regarding my mom, it has been so awful that I have dreamed of packing up and moving as far away from my family as possible, the hurt is just that bad.
But your blog grounds me and brings me back to normal, to happy, to trusting in our heavenly Father. This post reminds me that the simple things such as my kids, loving husband and the family I do have, and home are all blessings and I’m counting each one today.
Sometimes I wallow in self pity I seem to do that a lot lately, but I’m going to try to save and print this post so I re-read it over and over again till it sticks in my spirit!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting God use you for all of us. You are truly a blessing and I pray your blessed tenfold for your obedience to the Lord in sharing your wisdom. God bless you.
Yours kindly,
Lovely post. Thank you. :-)
I so agree that getting a closet or drawer cleaned out and organized and PURGED gives me such a GOOD feeling. I smiled when I read to smile and it DID make me feel great:) Thank you so much for this. I am going to look into that book you read in the mornings.
Thank you, you just inspired me to get up off my duff & clean my house & make it beautiful. I LOVE your posts, so encouraging. God bless you!
This is such a well-written post, Ruthie, with so many things that we all need to be reminded of from time to time. Love the 15 minute organizing idea! Pinned your beautiful graphic, too!
Hi Aunt Ruthie,
I needed to hear this today. I’ve gotten lost in the weeds, lately. It’s so easy to forget that our kids, and families, don’t stay in some time capsule while we are tired and cranky, lost (in the weeds,…bills, and stress, and problems) that choke out the good seeds) and tired.
Sometimes I wish they did. I feel like I’ve wasted so much precious time being “preoccupied” with being a human “doing”, functioning “around” my children and family, instead of a human “being”- and being in the moments with my children,…my husband,…other family members who are now gone, to be with the Lord forever…
I can look around at my family, and their faces look tired. Tired of mom being lost in the chores, the bills, and the problems, and not being sweet or fun.
So,…*breathe in,…..breathe out…* Time for this momma to get back on the RIGHT track.
…i think we’ll homemade tootsie rolls; the recipe where you put all the stuff in a ziplock(or two, for safety) and toss it back and forth and squish and smash it around until it’s all mixed.
We’ll keep some, and surprise some cousins and friends with the rest.
sounds like a plan…
Thank you Aunt Ruthie!
Thank you for such good words! I am blessed to work at home and I love good music in the background and having my home smell good (candle burning or a tart burner, changing scents for the season). And remembering the give God thanks during the day. God bless!
Thank you for this wonderful post. Such wonderful words of wisdom. As a wife of forty two years I have learned most of the things you have written in this post. Home really should be an escape from the outside world for our family, that’s what I strive for every day.
Thank you so much for those words! There is alot to think about in those sentences. I have alot going on and many challenges that I am dealing with right now. Reading that was very uplifting. This really came at a time when I needed it most. What you wrote from John Maxwell was a statement that made me think! Thank you for the words of encouragement!.. God Bless YOU !
You must have been peeking at my to do list. A mouse in the pantry! And yes there is cleaning to do in the aftermath of catching the little critter. Not something I wanted to do this week with getting ready for cooking out and picnics this weekend. But when I found the mess yesterday, I knew the cabinet had to be emptied and cleaned. Thank you for reminding me to do it with a cheerful heart. Hope your weekend is blessed.
Hi Aunt Ruthie! Happy Spring to you! Your blog always brings a smile to my face and brightens my day with an extra dose of sunshine. Thank you for being so sweet and inspirational. Somehow you always post something just when I need it most. You are like a wonderful friend bringing good cheer and encouragement and sweetness to my day! I want you to know how much I value everything you do! I also want to thank you for introducing me to your friend Linda Hundt of Sweetielicious Pies via your blog. Both of you and your wonderful blogs are my ” go to ” pick me ups for when I feel the need for some cheerful moments. Joy and blessings to you!
Your posts always seem to come at a time I need it. It really helped me put some things in perspective. Lately the clutter in my house has been bothering me. I’m going through one project every weekend and like you keep going back to look at the bathroom I cleaned up.(three bags of garbage of old makeup, bottles, etc.) Organized my linen closet. Did that months ago and I still smile when I open the door. Thank you for this post. I’m going to reread it now and then to bring me back cause we do slide, don’t we?
Hi there! Once again you are spreading a cheerful message from your wise soul that God has certainly blessed you with.This gift of encouragement and showing all of us to keep our eye on the ball! Gods words are the truth and this is the one and only chance each day that God gives us to try to make the most precious life that we have as wonderful as possible for all of us! I love the 15 minute idea ! I was reading an article just today in a Christian pamphlet on how we all get so trapped into wanting more and more stuff,money,time etc! So very true to look around at all that we have and cherish all our blessings! Great job on this message! You are helping a lot of people! Wish you could spread this post to everyone! Great job! From your Idaho farm friend,yeeeeehaaaaaw ,Cindy
Thank you so much for sharing your joy and pride in your life as a home keeper. You have really made a big difference in my perspective as a young wife and tired mother. I needed a new look at what I’m really responsible for here and I’m so thankful I found you!
Oh how I needed this post . I’ve felt so overwhelmed , this really encouraged me . I Love your blog and look forward to every new post . I often go back at older posts for inspiration . God Bless you !
Such great advice! Thank you, and please keep up the good work and wise words.
What a wonderful God sent post! I have been anxious for the last week getting ready for a vacation. Hoping to use all your suggestions for the rest of the week. Thank you thank you
You always leave me feeling refreshed and like what I’m doing is worthwhile! Thank you for that. I love the feeling that I can and should do better, except it has zero feelings Of guilt attached. How do you do that? Now I feel like baking a pie!
With thanks and love,
Thank you for another delightful post! You are my go to Titus 2 woman! I am so encouraged by your blog. I am a school teacher and this has been a particularly challenging year. I have let my home become cluttered and it is not the restful haven it should be for my hubby, three boys and I. Thank you for the inspiration to tackle the clutter (I’m going to try out the KonMari organizing method this summer break) and make my home sweet again! I’m curious, what do you have in your prayer basket? Blessings to you!
Thank you so much for your beautiful words. They came at a time when I truly needed a reminder to be more tolerant and loving towards the person that means more to me than life. Sometimes you just get caught up in things and forget what is really important. Your post could not have come at a better time.
This is an absolutely beautiful post! I need to read it over and over.
Thanks so much!
Thank you Ruthie for all your posts. You are so inspiring!
Hi, Aunt Ruthie, Thank you for a beautiful, encouraging, post. I try to do alot of the things you mentioned, and find they do help to bring a sense of peace to the home. I felt encouraged and uplifted by your gentle words, and reminded that it doesn’t all have to be “perfect” to be pleasant. Your words reminded me of Proverbs 31. Thank you for being an encourager.
Thanks so much for your words of encouragement. They were just what I needed today! I love your posts and savor them every time they come. Thanks, Teresa
Thank you for the encouraging words. I want to minister to my family with the same love and grace you minister to me. Learning that even one area improved is better than no improvement at all seems a slow process for me., but at least there is progress. Thank you.
I needed to hear these words at this very moment…thank you! God has given you a gift for writing and I always look forward to your precious and beautiful post. Blessings!!!
Thank you, thank you. Aunt Ruthie, for this wonderful post!! I could definitely relate to all that you shared, and I loved your ideas. There is so much I could relate to…we no longer have little ones in our home except for our two little granddaughters a couple times a week…in fact our youngest child, our 7th. just turned 21 last week, and it feels rather sad!!! :( We also take care of our 3rd child, who is almost 32, because he has been disabled from an accident when he was 17…he has been here with us at home for almost 11 years. It is a full time job, but one I cherish.. to be able to have him at home. with us, for as long as the Lord sees fit to have him here, before He takes him home. So life is very busy for me in a different way, and your words of advice and encouragement are truly a blessing…thank you!! :) Donna, from Montana
I love this post! I keep coming back to it and reading it again and again. I really needed this!
Thank you so much for this! I look forward to new posts from you all the time! You are such an encouragement to me, and I just adore your home. It’s dreamy! Thank you for taking the time out of your life to share it with us. God Bless you! <3
I really needed this today. Thank you so much!
Dear Ruth,
Thank you for your post!!! It Blessed me tremendously! I really needed the encouragement, and God’s Word spoke to me so clearly through the verses that you chose.
I’m in a very interesting situation in life….I’m coming to realize that it is my ministry for right now. My sweet twin boys will be seniors this next year, and my two step boys are around a lot….ages 21 and 24. My sweet 24 year old step son and his very precious 2 year old daughter moved in with us in January. A very big life change for this home….it has been necessary (very long story, but where everyone needs to be). Anyway….it has become very difficult to keep my kitchen clean….every few hours, the kitchen sink would be Full of dirty dishes. So….I said to myself….actually, I told God that I knew that He was Amazingly creative, and that I needed His help! LOL! I started thinking how I could be pro-active. So, I had every member of my household pick out their favorite color in Fiesta Ware, and I purchased a set for each person. A big plate, little plate, bowl, and cup. And I cleaned out every other dish in my entire kitchen, except a few baking items and a few pots and pans. Everyone has their own shelf with their set of dishes, and that is where I leave them notes, or post their schedule! It has been so much Fun, and they Love having their own color and set of dishes! LOL! Who Knew?! God did! He is Good All the Time!!! And my 2 year old grand baby is learning her colors through the dishes!!!! She is a ray of sunshine!!!
Anyway….I’m so thankful for you!!!!
How to buy some of the old pictures you have
I very much enjoy reading what you write and also the pictures are great. Your blog I enjoy reading and rereading again. Thanks!
Wonderful ideas ! Thank you.
yes, great post! ~ keep up the encouragement, Aunt Ruthie, we all need it either as affirmation or exhortation to make the most possible of each day given to us. maranatha!
:-) love, deb
Yes, yes your message resonated. It resonated, reaffirmed, restored and reassured. It made me say a big AMEN!
And helped me take stock. Love to you and yours, God bless you always.
and thank you. Elaine
Lovely Aunt Ruthie. I have enjoyed every post you have ever written. They always speak to my heart. xx
Thank you for yet another encouraging and heart warming post.
I appreciate it!
Have a lovely weekend,
Tina xxx
I always look forward to reading your encouraging, sweet words! Thank you so much for taking the time to post pictures of your beautiful home, family, decorations, and the delicious foods you create in your kitchen! After reading today, I am inspired once again to make my home as sweet as yours! May the Lord richly bless you for the godly, Titus 2:3-5 woman that you are!
Kelli Sue
I love it! My new mantra, ““if I were any peachier I’d be a pie!” How did you know this mama needed to hear those words of wisdom? Exactly what I needed this month. School is finishing, those spring cleaning chores still in progress and it does get very exhausting trying to make it all happen and be kind to yourself if everything is less than perfect. I’m sending you some nose kisses from my bunnies! Thank you so much, I feel so uplifted. I think tonight I will sleep a little better.
So many of these things ring true! I always try to get the dishes washed before bed so the morning starts clean. This is especially helpful in a small kitchen where there is not much space to work around dirty dishes. Although since I had wash dishes, there are times when other work is more important that evening and I know it will be better to wash them in the morning.
Aunty Ruthie I love your pictures of aprons and pies! Both these things always make me happy.
I look forward to every post.
If I get up and get the handmaidens working (the slow cooker, the washing machine etc) and everything is buzzing a long this helps my day. Also lists. If I have a plan I feel better and things are under control!
I think a routine helps me too. And flowers.
I realize now if I pace my day and have breaks overall I get more done and the day is happier.
Many thanks, Annabel. xx http://thebluebirdsarenesting.blogspot.com.au/
Another thing I would like to add to this lovely, encouraging post, is that while grace for yourself might not look like a pity party, it may mean asking for help. Sometimes we are in a season of life where we are plum overwhelmed and at the end of our rope and ned to reach out for any number of forms of help, wehther they be practical around the house, or emotional and/or spiritual from trusted friends, pastors, counselors, or recovery groups. As much s I want to be the best mamma and homemaker i can be, I also know that I had no example growing up in how to do these things and it has been an incredibly steep climb in learning. God has been faithful to show me little by little, but I have had to learn that I cant expect to go from where I came from to my home looking like Aunt Ruthie’s. :) And I say that with nothing but affection, because it is good to have excellence to strive for. In the meantime, I need to confess my complete and utter dependence on Christ in all things, even the physical and mental energy to keep my house in order. So dont be afraid to reach out and say you need help if you do- help to learn, help to declutter, help with the kids so you can get a few big things accomplished, help from your spouse if he isnt contributing in any way, especially when kids are little or you have special needs in the family that require extra energy and time, etc. God will help us in all things, and its about obeying Him and doing the best we can and trusting that His grace will cover all, even the loads of unfolded laundry. :)
I wanted to let you know how much I loved this article! I have printed it off for my parenting notebook so that I can read it off. Thank you so much for your blog – I look forward to reading!!
Adorei suas palavras de insentivo pois veio na hora certa eu estava com astral baixo serviu demais.Obrigada
WOW! You really spoke to me today. This is just what I wanted to hear and I’m going to need to re-read it to keep your ideas fresh in my mind. Thank you so much for the reminder to keep my home sweet but especially for a reminder HOW to keep it sweet!
This is so good! It’s true! It’s workable! I just needed to be reminded once again to keep on keeping on. To be intentional. To not be lazy! To work at daily making changes. Thank you so much!
Thank you for this wonderful blog post. I’ve been so busy with my family, job, life! Life is changing so much with kids graduating & moving on etc! I haven’t had much time to catch up on social media or blogs etc. I noticed this on Pinterest & was happy to read a new post! I REALLY needed to read your words! They were just what my heart needed! So thank you! I’m grateful for your blog and hearing other mom’s advice, views, etc! Have a wonderful summer! ;)
What makes me the most anxious is my own failure to remember, at all times, the Lord is at the helm. We’re told in Philippians 4:6, “..do not be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication WITH THANKSGIVING, let your requests be made known to God.” Just think of the worry and turmoil we’d save ourselves if we wore that passage on our hearts constantly! As for me, I’m an old fashioned, traditional country gramma and I get awful anxious when I look around this world. I fear for what the world will be like for my grandchildren, I fear for this great nation and I mourn over reports that we’re becoming less and less a Christian culture. I know my Lord and Savior already knows how these issues will turn out and He sure wishes I’d leave the worryin’ to Him but even after 60 years on this planet, I can’t get past anxiety sometimes.
Sister Ruthie, I’ve recommended your blog to all my closest friends and I tell them to come over here and visit because they’ll feel at home. I tell them especially to visit when life is painfully stressful or when they have their own anxious days because you infuse your faith and family values in everything–décor, cooking, re-purposing, friendships and family times, gardening and creating a warm, happy nest for your loved ones. I love your appreciation for a good apron or house dress, your ability to see the good in people and share your experiences as a faithful servant in God’s earthly Kingdom. You inspire me to be more positive, to be more willing to allow those around me to see Christ’s love in my words and deeds and in how I keep house. Your readers are your mission field and I know from all the loving comments made thru the years, you’ve touched lives and when we’re having an anxious moment, you teach us to re-focus by picking a flower for a fruit jar, think of a clever message for a chalkboard or admire God’s creation in all 4 seasons. God bless, and thank you for being a source of great inspiration to me! Surely, your family must rise up and call you blessed.
What are you anxious about?
Not sure this is what you are looking for, but I am anxious about our country! We are moving so fast toward a godless, anything goes but Christianity America. I hear voices screaming from everywhere in the media, but they aren’t Christian voices or values.
Hello Aunt Ruthie.. What a wonderful give away!!! Thank you so much for posting today.. Every day I check here to see if something new has been posted and I read through older posts.. Your words are so comforting and so encouraging.. I have been a stay at home mom and wife since my 1st was born, 11 years ago and I am extremely grateful that I am able to stay at home.. Having worked outside the home 50 to 60 hours a week I am familiar with working outside the home and working inside the home and I always say, even with the long days and the stress of the job (police dept. processing/dispatch) I still think that job was much easier :-)
I struggle daily with the feeling that I am failing at my job as a wife and mom.. I begin and end the day feeling unappreciated, exhausted, flustered and with the feeling that I didn’t get anything accomplished.. When I worked outside the home, positive words and words of appreciation from my supervisors and co-workers let me know I was doing a good job.. I knew I was making a difference and having a positive affect on peoples lives.. Now I second guess and doubt myself all the time.. I have no idea if I am doing a good job or completely failing.. I feel constantly like I am failing.. The only thing anyone notices is what I didn’t get done that day.. I guess that is my biggest frustration.. These things (cooking, cleaning, laundry, raising the kids, tending to the yard) are expected.. As long as all these things are tended to no one says a word.. If something comes up or I am not feeling well and fall behind the complaining and criticism follows..
At the end of the day I know I can come here to be renewed, recharged and encouraged.. That someone is supporting me and cheering me on.. That someone is guiding me and showing me the way to be a better wife and mom.. That someone has ideas, suggestions and advice on how to be more productive, more organized and how to make my home that place I want it to be and that they take the time to share it.. Ideas and suggestions on how to be more organized, how to be a better wife and mom.. That someone is you Aunt Ruthie.. I am truly grateful that you take the time to encourage and support us homemakers.. It is the hardest job I have ever done and I often find myself lost and feeling alone and not sure what the next step is.. I come here for encouragement, ideas and advice.. Your positive, happy and cheery posts always get me back to the positive mindset I need.. Your blog has and continues to help me, I cannot say thank you enough!!!
Just what I needed to hear at this time in my life. Thank you for your encouraging words.
Love your post Aunt Ruthie. I get that book of Susan Branch’s out often. I love it too. Thanks for encouraging homemakers all over the country. You are truly a ray of sunshine!
Loved this!
Ruthie, Where did you purchase the big slip and slide shown in one of your photos? I’d like one that kids and adults can have fun with for our July 4th celebration. Thanks!
Just wanted to let you know that reading your blog makes your readers feel like you’re giving them a warm hug. Every time I stop by your website, I leave feeling happier. You’re really a special lady.
Thank you. i needed that! love it all
Thank you for this post. Being a stay at home Mom and a military wife whose husband is home a few weeks a month, I can use all the encouragement I can get. It always helps to be reminded to take time out for myself. That’s a rare thing. Also speaking kind to the children even in discipline. When you have no time to even think, tempers may rise more often than possibly needed. :)
I just love your sweet little blog, Aunt Ruthie! Thank you for bringing back all of the old fashioned goodness of “Home-Sweet-Home”. Your recipes, decorating tips, scripture quotes, pictures, and focus on family bring me such joy and encouragement. You are a true blessing from the Lord!!!
Oh, boy! This is hard to face and give an answer! I love my children and being the keeper of our homestead, but I find myself getting frustrated with all of the messes and fighting. In short, the kids kind of drive me crazy! I would love to hear from others about what they do when it feels like the kids have lost their arms and, therefore, can’t pick up after themselves and like they’ll only stop fighting when they kill each other. *sigh*
I’m interested in your recipe for the spiced apple cider made in the crockpot. Where can I find it?
All I was going to do is Google whether storing my herbal tea in a dark glass jar would keep it from clumping together better than the plastic container it comes in … and that’s how I wound up here. What a cool website. :)
Thank you, I always feel encouraged after reading your blog. God bless you, you have been a blessing to me today!
Wow…really, really good Ruthie. Thank you so much. I was blessed with being a stay at home mom for almost 20/years but had to go back to work five months ago. I am an RN and work in a substance abuse treatment center for teens now. It is a great blessing to be able to love and care for kids who have had very great challenges, but the still have a 13 yr old at home and I.am required to work evenings. This keeps me away from home four evenings a week and I can’t bear it much longer. I am praying for the Lord to open a door for me to be able to work.different hours. It is hard now but I trust it was will get easier. Thank you for the encouragement.
You have made my day so much better with this post! As one who goes through each day, fighting fires, this helps me to pause.. stand back a moment.. and reflect upon simple things that just well, make life better! Thank you so very much.. so many things resonated with me. <3
You are such a gifted writer!! I enjoy every blog as if I’m sitting in the kitchen with you with a piece of pie and a cup of steamy coffee!!
Thanks for you encouraging words!!
Thank you for sharing unashamedly and encouraging in Word and action. Am blessed each time I visit Sugar Pie Farmhouse~
Hi Ruthie! I’ve missed reading your blog in a while and I thought i’d check in today and this is the post that I ended up on. Your words were exactly what I needed to hear. I just want to thank you for all you do and blessing me/us with your kindness and encouragement. Thank you & God Bless!! <3
We have 4 adults, their 3 kids all under the age of 12, and their 2 very large dogs living in a three bedroom ranch home. My husband and I should be enjoying time alone together…but that is not God’s plan right now. Daily things can get very hectic…..and sometimes I feel as a mom, and grandmother and wife that I am being taken for granted. You messages helped put the smile back on my face and I do so appreciate the inspiration.
Reading your page has added to that which I have been doing n I’m greatdul am a mother , a mentor to my children. Just to bless God for you and keep on being an encourager to women out there.
I just found you through Pinterest. This post was so inspiring. God bless you for encouraging me and so many others. I look forward to reading more.
I found you through Pinterest as well. Just wonderful and very inspiring. I plan to implement these things immediately. God bless you. I look forward to reading more.
Your message is so very uplifting to this tired mama of a toddler and newborn. Thanks for what you do!
So needed to read this post today. Am a mama of teenagers who have tested the boundaries a lot lately. Some days have been emotionally draining. Then there are sweet moments of hugs and laughter. I need to captalise on these more. Thank you for reminding me xo
I needed every single bit of this post!!! As something quite hurtful happened just before I read it.. and it helped me tremendously… we have had my whole married life one bad thing after another and at times I had felt that no one cared.. but then Jesus with His love would come and help me.. I need to remember that, build my faith instead of letting circumstances tear me down… I may not have a home of my own, and have to do with out so many things.. but I MUST trust in the Lord that He will take care of us in these trying times!!! God bless you and your ministry.. you have definitely confirmed the drawings of my heart in this past month… after almost dying a little over a month ago and getting bad news about my heart… Jesus has been blessing me.. and I feel better than I have my whole life!!! Praise Jesus and I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you share so much and encourage us and love us all and bless us with your time!!!!
Thank you so much for your article, it’s awesome.
I am giving a lesson in Church tomorrow, on ‘Strengthening the Family’ , while cruising Pintrest I came across your website. What a great thing you are doing. I will let all the ladies know tomorrow, about your page. I probably could spend hours on the computer, and get lost in all of the great information you have.
I have subscribed and I can’t wait to read more.
Thank you again!
Sincere Regards,
Laura Weaver
Thank you! Sometimes in times of stress or worries we can’t get it all done, we forget the Lord understands. He will quiet our worries with his love and blessings.
I love your articles and photos. Just seeing that something from “Aunt Ruthie” is in my inbox makes me smile. You always post something uplifting and helpful. Thank you so much for a always touching my heart!
It’s as if you were reading my mind. Down to the very last word. I echo it all. Although as hard as it is to not call my self stupid or a disappointment when the perfectionist in me is upset with the “I’m just human…and I’m doing the very best I can” me.
Seems life has gotten more chaotic with a daddy with Alzheimer’s, work, home, church and although the kids are college age, I still try to hold onto and always try to be the very best wife and mama I can be. Oh the struggle is real to be as kind to myself as I am to everyone else. I am not a worrier. I fret about nothing as He is in control, but I do get upset with myself when I don’t conquer and fall short of all the tasks that the day holds.
Thank you so much as I look forward to your uplifting, encouraging and kind words.
My amazing Father above and you, give me hope!
I always look forward to your encouraging words! You remind us of the value of making a happy, cozy home, and the necessity of connecting with God.
I could read this post a million times and each time it’s a blessing. I love your posts, your heart and your inspiration! Thank you for being a blessing to me ❤️
Love reading all the different ideas. Would lv to see you wright a book or come out with a daily planner with different messages from the bible and just different messages on daily life and of course food and decor
Thanks so much for your great, practical suggestions and kind encouragement.You remind us homemakers that we have value and that our work is truly important! I feel inspired and energized by your words.
This is a post that I want to read regularly!
Great advice.
Thank you!
Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage
I enjoyed this post especially and your wonderful tips, reminders of ways to make my home sweet. I also enjoyed all the comments! You are such a blessing to so many of us! I always love our recipes, beautiful photos, and your ideas! Thank you so much for sharing and encouraging me!
Aunt Ruthie, I followed this rule when my children were young and I was a stay at home moreoften…I was almost OCD. More difficult today when an adult child with family has to move back home. I give it to the Lord every single day and night. My home is no longer mine…long story.
Thank you for the great tips. I am printing them out.
Love to you and yours.
I’m going to print this post and read it daily!
Thank you for this reminder. I’m saving it so I can look at it often. I have allowed myself to down on myself because I have let things slide and don’t seem to be able to get to my happy place. This was just what I needed today to readjust, Blessings!
This blog is one I happened upon, but actually feel God led me here. Oh, did I ever need this post. Bless you.
Very good! I would add one more item to your list. Plan menu’s and have all you need on hand. Start dinner before noon. Chop items, put out ingredients and recipes. Get out the pots or pans you will need. Bowls and utensils too. Then when it’s time put it all together and have it done at a specific time each night. If your children are old enough have then wash their hands and set a pretty table complete with flowers. Something simple will do. Praise them! Praise yourself outloud! My goal is for my children to have their homework done before dinner so we can have most night free of that chore. I brush my hair, change my shirt and put on lipstick before dinner. I feel preetier and better.
Thank you for helping.
You have not idea how much I needed this post today. God must have brought me to you today. I’ve written this post down so I can use this daily in my life. The lord knows I needed this for myself and my family evidentally because this spoke so deeply to my heart. It gave me hope and encouragement. Thank you for that.
Thanks you so much for this article! Even though I am not a mama or a stay at home wife, I currently work 52 hours a week! But I also strive to have a happy and clean home. I want my home to be inviting to my wonderful hard working husband and all of the guests that enter!
Dear Aunt Ruthie,
I’m so glad I found your website. You are a sweet voice of enfouragement and wisdom, so rare in this world these days. I lost my mom a few years back and as I read this post today, I realized God reaches out to us through words spoken in love, a mother’s love- through people like you. Thank you for your simple and timely wise words. God bless you immensely.
I just wanted to say thank you for the sage advise. You are so righr, and it is good to hear this wisdom. Thank you.
You are better than any vitamin!!! Thank U Aunt Ruthie!! Do love all your posts!
Wish I’d read this when my kids were younger and still at home.
Your words were a blessing to my heart and a good reminder on how to be a godly mother and wife. I so enjoy seeing your home and your family and how you enjoy your life with together. One quick question… could you perhaps do a video one day on the boards you have behind your entry buffet and if you made them or purchased them somewhere? I would like to do something similar, and I noticed you have several different backdrops in this location. I love every one that you do!
Thank you for sharing.
I love reading your posts, listening to your ideas, and seeing pictures of your beautiful home!!! Your posts are calming, refreshing, and so good for my heart and soul!!! Thank you!!!
Your post are just what I need after a long day. They help me to remember that I’m not alone in how if feel or in what I value the most.
Loved this!!!
This was just what I needed! Your words are always encouraging, uplifting and doable..you offer helpful tips/reminders in such a sweet southern way. You’re a blessing to your readers ~ thank you!