Howdy Darlin’! Thank you so much for joining me here at Sugar Pie Farmhouse! Today’s blog post is all about how making a warm and wonderful Home, Sweet, Home is essential to the well being of our family.
Likewise it’s crucial to the well being of our society and our country. There’s a very old poem written in 1881, by William Ross Wallace, titled “The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Is The Hand That Rules The World”. It speaks of the powerful influence that a mother holds in shaping the lives of her children and in turn, a nation.
Not only is motherhood and homemaking of monumental importance it’s a wonderful privilege! There are lots of things we can do to create a warm and wonderful home but I would like to share 5 things that will go a long way to making your home glow with love and joy.
I am so passionate about encouraging women to keep the home-fires burning–to spark a revival in the hearts of homemakers to preserve their homes for the sake of their families. 1. Choose to be a happy Mama: The first key to a warm and wonderful home starts inside your heart. Discontentment steals our joy. So does complaining about our circumstances ( if we complain out loud so will our kids). We all have goals, desires and things we are hoping for in regards to our home and family but in the meantime we must find contentment in the blessings that God has given us.
If we don’t, Mama won’t be happy. And a happy Mama is the key ingredient needed in the recipe for a happy home. So we’ve got to make up our mind to be thankful and to choose joy. We must open our eyes and look for those things that we’ve been blessed with. It’s something that we have to be intentional about Every. Single. Day.
As mama’s we have the choice to be a nurturing, patient, loving presence in our home.
We can be a cozy, glowing light in a dark world for our family. But how can we choose joy when life is sometimes so hard? Ask God to be your strength and to help you. He will, dear sister. Think about what you have been blessed with. You woke up this morning. You’re blessed Sugar. You can see to read this. You’re blessed Honey. There are people who love you. God loves you more than you can imagine! YOU ARE BLESSED DARLIN’!
Here’s a few practical and tangible ways to get happy:
* Put on some happy music …1940’s, Bluegrass, Southern Gospel or Christmas tunes always work for me!
* Put some makeup on after you get dressed in the morning…it always makes me feel a lot perkier!
* SMILE! Scientists have concluded that “Once the smiling muscles in our face contract, there’s a positive feedback loop that goes back to the brain and reinforces our feeling of joy. To put more succinctly: Smiling stimulates our brain’s reward mechanisms in a way that even chocolate, a well-regarded pleasure-inducer, cannot match.” They even say that people who smile a lot are happier and live longer! Let me see those pearly whites! :D
* Make your house smell good! Simmer orange and apple peels with cinnamon and cloves with water in a crockpot or light a yummy candle.
* Drink plenty of water! Studies show that even mild dehydration can influence mood, energy levels and the ability to think clearly.
* Go for a walk outdoors…the fresh air will do you good!
* Dance! Or any kind of exercise will sweep the blues away!
* Plan ahead and prepare for things so you’re not running around like a headless chicken, becoming stressed and agitated.
* Change your thoughts, change your life. Proverbs 3:27 says “As a man thinks in his heart so is he”. Make up your mind to be the kind of mama and wife that blesses your loved ones, lifting them up instead of tearing them down.
* Pray and give God your praise and Thanksgiving!
* Choose to be joyful so your home can be filled with sweetness.
” Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have.” ~Unknown
Speaking of sweetness, most jam recipes calls for a lot of sugar. I mean a lot! According to the experts the reason is the sugar acts as a preservative and it also increases the pectin’s ability to jell. Without the sugar, bacteria can set in and spoil the batch. It got me thinkin’…when we add sweetness ( love and grace) to our homelife it preserves our family, draws us closer and makes our home a nurturing and emotionally safe place. Without it joy and peace cannot thrive, instead, bitterness, loneliness and anger are likely to well up, making home a harsh place to live. Sugar Pie Darlin’, that’s not what we want! What’s a gal to do to sprinkle sweetness at home?
Memorize these scriptures and keep them in your heart:
1. Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
2. Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
3. Philippians 4: 13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
We have the God of the Universe to help us!
2. Choose to Cherish: We must choose to cherish our home because we cherish our family.
To cherish means to adore, protect, defend, care for, hold dear, honor, preserve, safeguard and treasure. We want the very best for our family so we must do what it takes to create an atmosphere of safety, comfort, joy and love. This is something too, that we must be intentional about.
To cherish our home means to TAKE CHARGE LIKE MAMA BEARS! We’ve got to protect our home from the enemies of procrastination and neglect. What I mean by this is, when we become too distracted with other things to take care of our home by keeping it clean and tidy, organized and stocked with food and necessities we are allowing the enemy of neglect and procrastination to invade our home. A home that is filled with chaos and clutter, that is unsanitary and dirty does not make for a healthy, safe, cozy and joyful environment for our family.
This is the essence of the Mama Bear attitude! LoL!! It’s what we need to fight procrastination or any other distractions that keep us from creating a safe, cozy, happy home for our kids and grandkids! We need to be fierce about it!
If we want the best for our family (and of course we do!) then we must stand up, Mama Bear style with hands on our hips, and declare a vow to action and protection against procrastination that threatens to steal the comfort, peace and cheerfulness in our household.
I’m not talking about perfection here. I talking about the basics. A clean kitchen, trash thrown away, the family room tidied up, floors swept, bathrooms scrubbed and germ free, fresh sheets on the beds, clean laundry.
I’m also talking about the enemy of Faded Priorities. Placing other things above our home-loving responsibilities. Like, over-committing ourselves to obligations outside of our home, or spending all of our time and energy doing extra curricular activities, whether it’s shopping, crafting, watching TV, cruising the internet, talking or texting on the phone, etc. I enjoy doing all of those things but my goal is to have my household in order first.
Of course there are those days for whatever reason–whether it’s an illness, something urgent that’s come up, or a too-crazy-schedule-for-too-many-days-in-a-row– that we all have where our house gets out of control. That’s life. It’s gonna happen. But little by little we’ve got to get our priorities back in order, and make our home that cozy place once more where our family will be blessed.
We’ve got to choose! Do we want to live with our family in a slippy, slappy, sloppy house or a clean, cozy, happy house? Ummmm…let’s see…I choose the clean, cozy, happy house! Then once again it’s hands-on-hips time, roll up your sleeves, tie a cute apron on and get crackin’!
Sistah, I am preachin’ to the choir here! I’ve had my own share of wrestling with that enemy called procrastination. I can come up with some real doozies of excuses for not doing something I should do, but don’t want to.
But here’s the secret that I discovered; the stepladder to jumping back on the bandwagon, to keep your house in order, is to Raise Your Standards. Decide how you want your house to look, feel, smell, sound, and how you want to live your life. Get a vision. See the whole picture. Then make a decision, a promise, a vow, to form the kind of habits you need to get the results you want. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. We can do this!
THEN you’ve got to make sure you don’t allow moods, feelings or excuses to keep you from it. Think about it; why would we allow some weak excuse, or “I don’t feel like it right now” feeling to hold us back from creating the warm and wonderful home that our family needs and the kind of life we want to live? Tell those excuses and moods “YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!” ( I’m snapping my fingers right now!) This “Raise Your Standards” concept can be applied to anything that you need to change in your life. Alrighty now! Time to put our foot down! That’s it! Hands on hips! :D
Practically speaking, here’s something to get you started:
1. Find a pretty and comfy spot to sit, pour your self something yummy to drink and make a list of several words that describe the way you want your home to look and feel. Write down a plan of action next to each word… one sentence that explains something you must do each day to make it happen.
2. Post it somewhere so you can see it every day (remember the old saying “Our of sight, out of mind”). Then start!
Another thing you can do is to Print out a short list of family rules that will Raise Your Family’s Standards. Pretty soon these will become habits, and you won’t need the list. Here’s a few ideas:
* Always clean the kitchen right after supper. This includes scrubbing the kitchen sink and counters, sweeping the floor, emptying the trash and starting the dishwasher. (Gals, don’t we want our kitchen to greet us with a spic and span smile each mornin’…all shiny and bright and smellin’ sweet? Yes we do!)
* Everyone takes 15 minutes before bedtime to tidy up the house, put toys away, fluff sofa pillows, put away cups or dishes left on coffee table, lay out clothes for the next day, etc. (you can set the timer and put on music to make it fun)
* Give lots of hugs and praise when you catch someone doing something good…or just ‘cuz you love ’em!
* Speak with kindness. “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29
“Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor, it is anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living.” ~Unknown
3. Choose to make home cozy: Give your family that “Welcome Home” feeling! Greet them with a kiss, a hug and a smile. Little things mean a lot! Let them know you are glad they’re home.
* Write ”I love my family” on a chalkboard for them to see.
* Bring beauty into your home! A vase of fresh cut flowers. A bowl of fruit. A lit candle.
* Make your house smell good! Open the windows or make a meal in your crockpot…supper cookin’ always makes a house smell homey!
* Have the table set for supper early…it sends a sweet message to your dear ones that they are cared for…it tells them “Mama’s fixin’ to cook up a tummy-warmin”-lip-smackin’-mouth-watering-hearty dinner soon!
* Eat together and make Suppertime enjoyable!
* Bake a pie! Or a sweet treat every once in a while!
* Let your honey’s know that everything’s gonna be alright now that their home.
* I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…make your house a place your family wants to come home to.
The atmosphere or the tone of our home is equally as important as the ambiance we’ve created. We could have a house that’s oh-so-charming and beautiful, but if the air is filled with tension, indifference and anger it won’t be cozy, no matter how cute it is. Our attitude, behavior and words set the dial on the thermostat to either warm and welcoming or cold and angry. We must be mindful of our actions and reactions. Rick Warren says “Kindness is never wasted energy”.
Say the words:
~ “I love you”
~ “I’m so proud of you”
~ “I’m sorry”
~ “Great job!”
~ “let me help you with that!”
~ “I’d be happy to!”
~ “Please” & “thank you!”
~ “I forgive you”
~ “Can I bring you something? A snack or something to drink?”
~ “Do you need a hug?”
These are vital to a happy, sweet, home.
4. Choose to Make Happy Memories with Happy Traditions!
Everyday we are making memories, good or bad, happy or sad. Once again, we need to be mindful of the kinds of memories we are stamping into the hearts of our family. Memories that they will take with them through their entire life. It gives our family a sense of security and belonging. What kinds of memories will your family have about you and the home you’ve created? Happy memories are made in a happy home. It could be as simple and sweet as the tradition of making pancakes every Saturday morning, pizza and a movie on Friday nights, or going to church on Sundays. Each season there’s a bountiful supply of ideas and things we can do, make, eat and places we can go to have fun with our family.
Pinterest is loaded with free ideas, crafts and recipes to inspire us! And here are a few ideas to think about incorporating into your homelife:
* Read a chapter book aloud to the whole family every night. At the stopping point, ask what they think will happen next in anticipation for the next reading.
* Find a spot, perhaps in the hallway and string a clothesline along the wall to clothespin artwork or papers with good marks for the whole family to see, or just put them on the fridge…let your kids know you’re proud of them.
* Create a signature dish, one the family loves and serve it often.
* Alway’s hug your honeys hello and goodbye.
* Bedtime prayers and devotions create a strong faith and a feeling of safety.
* Pick one thing to do each season with your family:
~ Summertime: plant a garden, make jam, go for a walk at sunset, go get ice-cream, have BBQ’s, run through the sprinklers, make a fresh blackberry pie or cobbler.
~ Fall: sip hot cider in front of a crackling fireplace on the first cold Autumn night, pick out a pumpkin, collect fall leaves, make gingersnap cookies.
~ Winter: Find a craft to do for Christmas gifts, put together a shoebox of goodies for needful children for Samaritans Purse, make Graham Cracker Gingerbread Houses, watch Christmas movies.
~ Spring: Go through a seed catalog together to pick out plants for your summer garden, draw family names out of a basket and do a good deed for them each week, have an Easter Egg hunt, enjoy a drive to look at the budding trees.
5. Choose to Pray and Have Devotions: Praying for our family and with our family is one of the most precious things we can do. Prayer brings the family closer, it causes us to remember that the Lord is with us and will help us. It teaches our kids to depend on God and to be thankful for His blessings and provision. Prayer and reading God’s Word in the Bible is where we get wisdom, comfort, joy, peace and strength. We learn about God’s love for us…which is priceless! It will always bring good fruit which will feed our soul.
Here are some resources and ideas for you and your family:
* Take 5 minutes before bedtime to gather together (maybe on the bed or sofa) and read a short Bible story, devotion or scripture. Talk about what it means. Go around and have everyone share what they would like prayer for. Mama or Dad can pray for those needs or each person picks someone to pray for aloud.
* Say grace over every meal, giving thanks to the Lord for His provision and mercy.
* Whenever you hear an ambulance teach your kids to pray for the hurting people who are waiting for it to arrive.
* When you pray, either alone or with your family, find scripture verses that apply to your situation and pray those verses ( Lord you said in your Word….I believe it is true)
* Pray when anyone is sick, worried, if you need strength, protection, provision, joy, or any kind of help.
* Pray for your children’s or grandchildren’s future spouses…I did! God blessed me with awesome mates for my grown kids.
* Begin writing your blessings in a Thankful journal .
Creating a warm and wonderful home is our responsibility and gift to our family!
“The greatest gift of all is to become the blessing! “~Ann VosKamp
Well, darlin’, I hope this encouraged you today! If it did, would you let me know? I’m so happy you stopped by!
God Bless your darlin’ heart!
Aunt Ruthie
I found this post very encouraging. Thank you for sharing !
You have such an encouraging way with words and pictures, but most of all you encourage me with your joyful heart and genuine care.
I love this post, also! Can easily be 5 separate posts so I can let each one sink in. :)
Lovely words to live by. I have read “Praying Circles around your children” by Mark Batterson. It is an awesome book and it encourages us to pray in all ways for our children. It definitely makes a difference in their lives. Thanks for sharing. Reading your blog always makes me want to be a better wife and Mother.
Thanks Ruthie!
~*~this post was so worth waiting for! thank you, Aunt Ruthie ~*~
You always write such encouragement. You give me something to try for. Thanks.
Oh, how I needed this post today! I’ve gotten worn down with all the busyness in life and I’ve begun looking at my homemaking as thankless drudgery instead of as blessing my family. Thanks so much for writing it, I will probably be reading it over several times! I love your blog so much, many a time I have turned to your posts for inspiration, to lift my spirits and for comfort. God bless you!
Thank you SOOOO much for the encouragement. I especially love the scripture to pray over our children. What a blessings. <3
Beautiful post Ruthanne! I always do things in between reading your post. So far, put a smile on my face, turned some uplifting music on and got the scents smelling good! So much more to do! Thank you for inspiring us and taking the time to do so. You have found your mission in life! Love ya, Maryjane xox
Reading your posts is just so soothing to my soul. Thank you for being such an encourager to homemakers everywhere. There is so much wisdom in your words, and pretty pictures too! I am currently working back and reading all your previous posts because I feel like I’ve found someone who would understand me and the things in life I believe to be important.
Your blogs are always inspiring! Thank you!
Oh another wonderful and inspiring post!!! I love all of your posts but this one really touched me today. I’ve been needing some uplifting inspiration about keeping the home fires burning. I will be coming back to this post time and time again for a little touch of inspiration along my journey. As always thank you so much for your inspiring and beautiful blog posts!!
Thank you so much for this great post on how to make our homes warm and wonderful! We all need to be reminded of what really is important and to reflect on creative ways to be a better homemaker. You are such a fantastic encourager for all women and I thank the Lord for you!
Thank you again for the blessing of your God inspired words of encouragement. When I doubt my calling in life, I am always amazed that God uses your post to confirm my commitment to my home and family.
Thank you soo much for this post! I have to admit I’ve been slacking in my role as a homemaker and this post has given me so much encouragement to get back on track! God bless you!
Thank you so much for giving us ideals to strive for in our daily lives. America was made great because of Christian homes. Wouldn’t it be great to return to those family times of the 1950’s. I always look forward to your posts.
Oh thank you Aunt Ruthie, I needed to here this so badly! I have 4 littles under 7 and life just seems so…. hard lately. But reading this has shown me I need to change the words coming outta my mouth. Thank you for all the uplifting and encouraging words!
Thank you Aunt Ruthie! This is just the encouragement that I needed after a difficult day. You are truly a blessing to me and to my family by encouraging me to be a better wife and mother. Bless you for this much needed ministry!
This has been especially encouraging for me. I love the idea of living “intentionally” and really like your #2 – choosing to cherish! Thanks for sharing this.
Lovely post!
What a relief to see you ! I missed you and your sweet words too….
You are a blessing to us and I truly need to read you because, first : you are an encouragement for everybody and second : you are my star !
Can’t wait to see your new project !!!! May you tell us just a little word about it ?? what a punishment to wait lol !
Big, big hugs from the South of France
Aunt Ruthie, I needed this this morning. Thank you. I am a new grandma , again! And I take the verse older women teach the younger ones very seriously. I will share these wonderful thoughts with my daughter !! Have a happy day!!
Thank you once again for all of your wonderful words of wisdom!
I eagerly await for each one of your blog post :) I am so grateful to God that you were blessed with this calling to help and encourage homemakers and mothers~ You have had such a positive impact on my life!
Truer words were never spoken! All of these points are so well said. As an urban public school art teacher, I can tell you that children and moms are so angry today. So very lost and bitter. Many broken homes, homes in apartment buildings that are unsafe to play outside. Children are absorbed in the false realities of TV and video games that are often violent, consumeristic and inappropriate. Moms are working several jobs, or in affluent homes career driven moms are sacrificing motherhood for financial security and success. I grew up in the 80’s and what was pushed on me (and all of my generation I think) was getting a degree, becoming self sufficient and career driven. Becoming “just” a mom was not valued. Luckily I did have a wonderful happy mom and home environment to emulate. I still struggle with this balance though. There are days where my house and happiness are neglected because I am emotionally and physically drained by work. I have the luxury of working part time the past couple of years. It has made all the difference in the world. But women today need to hear all of this. There are little things all moms can do to make home a happier place and your advice is inspiring!
Love this post ! I always look forward to a new blog post at sugar pie farmhouse! Your blog is my absolute favorite! Thanks for the wonderful ideas and encouragement ! Have a blessed weekend!
wonderful and inspiring words. thank you so much for taking the time to share all this. I have tried to live my life this way, but we all need to re-learn and re-encourage ourselves and others often. I think there’s a real enemy that can try and steal our joy and our energy to fight for our families; we need to be reminded often to keep fightin’ the good fight. May the Lord bless you Ruthie!
What a great way to start my day! I love Ann Voscamp’s books, too. Highly recommend! Her writing style is very unique and almost poetic. As is yours….thanks so much!
What an uplifting post to read this morning!! I just found your blog and have been inspired and blessed after reading your posts!
Hi Aunt Ruthie! God bless you! I love everything you said. Thank you for your encouragement and guidance. You are such a gifted writer. I love all your posts! You always have a way of building me up and inspiring me. Xoxo
I really needed this today….thank you for sharing your heart…your words bless me over and over as I struggle to be the child of God, mother, and helpmeet that I am supposed to be. At times I get so overwhelmed and then the Lord uses someone like you to lift me up and remind me of God’s truth in this world. Bless you!
Inspiring! Just like your writings from the past (which I saved!!).
Thank you. You truly have a gift.
Thank You so much! I truly tried to do these things in our home. I will do them in a more thoughtful way in the future. I also plan to share with my daughters and daughters-in-law. Thank You once again for this timely reminder.
I always love reading your inspirational posts and looking at the old fashioned artwork and vignettes you personally create. God bless you and yours, as well as all the readers attracted to this wonderful website. :)
Aunt Ruthie–As usual, this is spot on! I love coming here with a cup of something yummy and sitting and reading what God has laid on your heart. It is food for the nana soul. Thank you for being an encourager–uplifter of sagging shoulders. God bless your heart.
What an inspiring post! I have been neglecting my home and family with too much work outside the home. I needed to hear this! I will print this and read it every week! Thank you for reminding me what is important!
Another home run, Ruthie! And just in time, too. :) This isn’t something I share with people, but we’ve raised our grandson since his birth (he’ll soon be 12), as well as his mama (our daughter). She’s mentally ill, inherited it from her birth mother, and will always live with us. She’s our 5th and youngest child. Imagine our surprise when, during her freshman year of college, she came home for spring break psychotic and 5 months pregnant. We had no idea mental illness ran in her birth family. What started as a nightmare became a wonderful blessing – our grandson. He’s truly the light of our lives. However, I had to leave my job to stay at home and care for her and her son. Our income was slashed in half – and I’m no spring chicken! At times I find myself getting needing some inspiration and you’re just the person I go to. Please keep up the good work. You have no idea what a lifeline your posts are. Love you!
Amen! Thanks Aunt Ruthie for the words of encouragement. I’m going to print this off and put it in my journal because it’s worth reading often! Love, Victoria
Wow.. in this day & age..we need, to hear this & see, this & feel this.. Thanks, for your words of encouragement & lifting, other’s up.. People, dont’ go to church, they don’t have much home is so different than, when I was growing up on the farm down in S. E. in Central Ia..close to Des Moines.. My son’s are raised, but, they have families.. Prayers, are not as important, as they once were.. But, for the ones, you’ve lifted, up today. Blessings, to you & yours, always.. P. S. I’m now 71 yrs of age..
Thanks for this post! Needed it today!
Oh how I’ve missed your posts. Been awhile. Wonderful and inspiring as always. I ALWAYS feel touched, inspired and just plain ole happier during and after reading your wonderful words, ideas and feelings. You have a wonderful gift. Thank you so much for sharing it. I just love all the quotes from the bible. Blessings to you and yours and thanks again for lifting me up and making my day all the more better by receiving your wonderful post.
Perfect! Thank you ♥♥♥
Thank you again for such a great post. I truly appreciate your words of encouragement, they are always so helpful just when I need them! I feel like through the years you have become a mentor to so many of us who look to you and your blog for words of encouragement and wisdom. What a blessing you are!
Thank you for this post. I am going to pass it on to my daughters ….
I am always VERY inspired after reading your blog posts. Thank you so much for all of the encouragement that you offer us.
thank you needed this today loved it all
Thank you for your post, just love it!
What a delight to read your post! I am sending the link to all my ladies from the Monday Night Bible Study! Encouragement, Beauty and practical advise! Thanks Aunt Ruthie!
Warm Hugs! Miss Debbie
Thank you so much for working so hard to encourage us all to take care of our homes! This is such a passion of mine, and I feel that it is a big part of the answer to so many of our nation’s troubles. I struggle right now, because I want to be home again, doing just as you do. Yet, at this season, I am teaching Kindergarten, to pay for the Christian school tuition for my youngest (8th grade) son. I know I have so many opportunities to minister to my sweet little ones and their families, and I try do do so, but I often feel I have left my first calling. I know I don’t do my family the service I could when I was home. Teaching exhausts me, though I enjoy it and I have very little left. Sometimes I wonder if I’d be serving my youngest son better if I was home to pay more attention to things and not have such a divided mind when I get home at night. So sorry this is so long. I guess I just wanted to say I’m a kindred spirit, who has a detour of a different kind of service for this season, and I can’t wait to join you in encouraging others to love their families/homes. Thank you so much for your loving service and joy!
What a beautiful post! Thanks Aunt Ruthie for reminding me of the gift I have been given as a Mother, and how I want my family to remember home.
I so enjoy your insight about the home. I lost my son in an accidental shooting this year & just watched the poor boy who shot him go to prison. I sure will be praying for that boy along with my prayers for my son.
As always spot on and will share. My mama always made
our home cozy, clean, loving and a safe haven. I feel it a privilege to do the exact same. Sheets are changed once a week, from haning on the line when weather permits, something always good cookin, clean bathrooms, tidy whenever possible and always the home fires burnin. And it made me smile when I saw the “kitchen cleaning” routine every night. That’s my routine to a “T” and I can’t go to bed unless it’s done. Not bragging on me, but my mama who raised me and taught me what it means to take pride in your home. Doesn’t matter if it’s a cracker box or mansion, it’s yours
Aunt Ruthie,
I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog. So full of inspiration, and it is always the ticket to put me (and my attitude) back on track. I always look forward to seeing your blog posts show up in my inbox, and they always come exactly when I need a lift (I don’t think that’s a coincidence :)) Thank you for blessing us all with such wonderful inspiration to be better, more Godly homemakers.
Loved this! I’ve missed your inspirational posts! They remind me that being at home for my family is a good thing. Please keep inspiring us!!
Wonderful post! So very blessed to have you sharing your thoughts with all of us.
Ruthie, I am new to your blog( found it thru From my front porch to yours) you are awesome and I enjoy all your posts. I check each day to hear from you LoL.. I love the days of Mayberry (especially Barney) and the vintage/farmhouse things. Its what I grew up with an you bring it all back to life thank you for that. And your godly inspiration is well received. The Lord is using you in a great way….
Hi Aunt Ruthie! It’s the Idaho farmgal! You have a special gift that God has given you. Very true your words spoken and God is with us all, helping along our journey in life! Beautifully spoken ! Take care! Cindy
Hi Aunt Ruthie! Thank you for Blessing us with yet another inspirational post about blessing our home! You make a difference for so many families <3
Hi Aunt Ruthie! Thank you for Blessing us with yet another inspirational post about blessing our home! You make a difference for so many families . :)
I always enjoy your post Aunt Ruthie!
Thank you for reminding me how very simple it is to have a blessed home. Sometimes we get distracted, but you brought us back into focus. Thank you Aunt Ruthie, God Bless you.
Thank you, Aunt Ruthie. I so needed this post. Your words provide so much encouragement.
I haven’t taken the time to read your blog in sometime, but “something” told me to open this email and read this this morning. This is just what I needed — you are such a blessing!! May God bless you as much and more as you are blessing others. Thank you!.
God answered my prayers, I have been wondering about some devotionals for my little ones. Thank you for the suggestions, and the lovely, motivating post-as always!
I have been thinking about you this week and wishing for a post and here it is! Thank you! I was about to get out your Fall book and reread that! You always help to clarify the vision and lead the way back in a practical way.
Can’t wait to see what you are working on!!!
Much love to you and your household,
Marybeth xoxo
Oh this is so encouraging! Everything you said is true… Thank you for taking the time to remind us of the important things in life.
Amy Jo
Thank you for this post. You are very encouraging, as always. :)
Thank you for all the time and effort it took to write this post.
I love your blog and find all of your words and images so very encouraging and inspiring. Please keep them coming!
God bless!
This post has encouraged me to get back to my daily routines that Bless our home. Thank you for encouraging the homemaker. I Love your blog and look forward to each post.
Good Luck with your new project.
Blessings to you,
Aunt Ruthie, you are such a blessing! This blog post was just what I needed to get myself out of the rut my life has been in lately. It is always such a pleasure to read your blog posts. I find inspiration and blessings each time! Please keep up the good work and testimony! Can’t wait to see what your new project for us is. Would love to see you put out a devotional book. :-)
What a blessing your blog has been to me for quite a while now. My apologies for not telling you sooner. Your spirit is lovely. Thanks for sharing all of the goodness.
Thank you for your advice–you are a true witness of your faith!
You’re always such a blessing and an encouragement! Thank you!!
Dear Ruthie — your blog is a beautiful guiding post for young moms and moms who weren’t raised in such fashion. I was among those whose family mirrored your words of today and in likewise style tried to instill this beautiful life in our children. How blessed to witness the households of our married son and daughters and see the treasure that is “family first with love”.
Such great mentoring Ruthie…..this is truly God’s ministry.
I have followed you for years now and always enjoy your post. Most of your post gear toward homemakers, what about the working mamas? There are just so many hours in a day!
What a blessing I recieved from God when I opened my email and read your post! So needed your sweet words of encougagement on this day! Thank you so much for your wisdom , and love for the words of God!
Ruthie, thank you so much for sharing this post! I’m a new momma to a 5 month old and still figuring out what life at home looks like. I love your ‘Pray for your children from head to toe’ prayer guide. I think I will be saving that and using to pray over my daughter.
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Wonderful! Bless you for all your encouraging and inspiring words
I am so passionate about encouraging women to keep the home-fires burning–to spark a revival in the hearts of homemakers to preserve their homes for the sake of their families.
Thank you for sharing your passion precious warrior princess sister, daughter of the Most High God!~
I was so happy to see you put up a new blog post, Aunt Ruthie!
Thank you for being an inspiration not just to me, but to so many of us who are striving to create a home that our families can feel safe, secure, and happy in.
I’m ready to tackle the mess when I get home. (We went camping this weekend and there is a mound of laundry and some leftover camping items that need to be properly stowed away.)
Thank you for being you! :)
Just wanted to say thank you for your encouraging posts! I love to stop by for a boost to my spirits. :)
I had been waiting on a new post. I was jut re-reading some older ones last week looking for some inspiration and encouragement to keep the household on track. Thanks for the many ideas and words of encouragement!
ALWAYS enjoy and am encouraged by your blogs. Thank you for your sweet heart.
Thank you! I really need encouragement in this area of my life. I love reading your posts. I imagine your sweet voice in my head while I read your posts. I hear a cute southern accent and a smile! I also often listen to bluegrass music while I enjoy your blog!
Michelle xoxo
I am so thankful for your inspiring words. I am 3 months pregnant with my 4th child and have been suffering from horrible morning sickness. I’ve felt like a failure at keeping my home a cozy and inviting place to be for me and my family. My favorite paragraph was the one that states there are times “where our house gets out of control. But little by little we’ve got to get our priorities back in order, and make our home that cozy place once more where our family will be blessed.” I have renewed determination to do just that! Thank you, Aunt Ruthie.
Hi there! I wanted to thank you for this post – as a young mother, I often hear my friends and other influences talk about “taking time for yourself” and not trying to “live up to the (high) standards” of generations before. Well, when I read your line about raising your standard, I gave a hearty “AMEN!” THAT is truly the answer and what we young women need to hear. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You don’t know how much this post has encouraged me! I needed to hear this right now. We have done our first year of homeschooling and boy my house shows it. :) I feel like such a failure at doing it all…that I kind of gave up. So I’m getting up to start now! :) Thanks again…you are such a blessing!
Your post has encouraged me so much today! I admire your sweetness and it cheers me up! I look forward to your next blog! I believe in what you said about making the home a happy place and how it starts with me! I will be praying that the lord continues to guide me in helping make my home more pleasant for my family! Thank you so very much! You have truly blessed my day!
Thank you again for such an uplifting and positive blog. I love it!!! Can’t wait to see what you are going to show us!!
Debbie J
Thank you for your post! It was most encouraging, and full of wisdom I will refer back to on the days when I need a “faith boost”. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us in the near future. Take care and God bless!
Thank you Aunt Ruthie once again for your words and thoughts. You are a blessing to soo many!
This was a wonderful post, full of love and thought!
Thank you for blessing all of us with all this advice.
Prayer is a wonderful thing and we ALL need to be
prayed for. God bless your home and family as we
all strive to do our best and be our best for God.
Love & Prayers for all who read your posts.
You’re such a blessing to my life! … I’m hoping your project is a spring and winter ebook to complete summer and autumn!? Ooh or a holiday ebook! Anyhow, I’m sure it’ll be great what ever it is. I cannot wait. Love ya lots Aunt Ruthie! <3
What an encouraging post! Exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you so much! Thank you also for all your tips about Branson’s antique shoppes. I’m going to a wedding there soon and I’m super excited about visiting some of the darling places you recommended. Your blog is such a joy. I get so excited when the email comes to say you have a new post up. You’ve been such a blessing. May God bless you Aunt Ruthie!
Thank you so much your ideas are wonderful!! Bless you and your family.
Wow, did this post ever speak to me! Between running around like a chicken with my head cut off for a few weeks, end of the year parties for the children, my house looking like a tornado blew thru it, a child laughing at my limb-different baby, discontentment is trying to sneak in and steal my joy and happiness. It is no mistake I read this today. Thank you so much for the gentle encouragement you always give!
Good morning, Aunt Ruthie! Thank you for this wonderful post and all the great feelings it generates. Please keep on doing what you do and sharing it with all of us. Nothing beats good old downhome sweetness, and I know I can find it here. Our nation’s families need this!
Thank you so much for your wonderful inspirational post. You always seem to send out warm encouragement and make me want to do better on the home front. Thank you sharing your standards to make our home a happy, faith-filled place filled to the brim with love. It is always good to hear a reminder even though we already know this. Its good to get inspired to try even more!
Hi, Aunt Ruthie! i love this post like so may others that you’ve written. You are such a blessing to my heart and life and I so appreciate your ministry through this blog. Thank you for all you say to encourage women to be great Christians, wives, and mothers. God bless you! ~ Jamie
What a message…… encouraging. God used this to speak to my heart about some changes I need to make. Thank you for being you. God bless you and your family.
As always, your words are seasoned with love from above and blessings poured through them! What an encouragement, thank you!
What a great post!
I’d love a post on when your kids are out of the nest and going to college – how to keep that home feeling alive for them? What do you do? Care packages? Visits? When they do come home for a visit what kind of things do you do for them?
I know you have older kids and have grand kids and one DD that is growing up FAST so you soon will be an empty nester too. Any thoughts on this? My two girls will be 7 hours away at college starting next year. :( It will be just me and the hubs! :)
Love your homemaking posts like this, Ruthann. My religious views are different than yours but I just insert “universe” where you put “God”. It works! :)
I would love to be a fly in the wall at your house. I know your family is so blessed to have you be their mom/wife/grandma! And they probably feel like they grew up at Disneyland. Wow, what an amazing childhood they have/had!
Thank you for your posts. Keep em coming! LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!
xxxxx Jennifer
This post was just what my weary heart needed! I’m frustrated and exhausted as a homemaker right now. I’ve lost my focus. God led me to exactly the post I needed to read for encouragement!! Thank you God! And thank you, Aunt Ruthie, for being a great mentor to this young mom–even if it’s only via the internet =)
Reading this post..a perfect way to start the morning! Thank you for continuing to encourage and inspire homemakers and moms and reminding us how important our jobs really are and how impactful we can be in the lives of our families. You are a blessing to us and I am always left with a feeling of wanting to do better after reading your posts. Thanks again! xo
I used to keep such a pretty home when I was younger but after so many discouragements in life and now at 52 and never married, no children which was such a dream for a life I have no one to make a happy home for. I have so many recipes saved for when I got married & to cook for my hubby and kids just sitting, waiting in a box that I haven’t even looked at for years because it just makes me sad. I had such high hopes for the kind of home you describe in your blog but looks like it just wasn’t meant to be. I wish I had the drive to create a nice home just for myself but to be honest I don’t really care anymore. I wish the world was a little more aware of how many single lonely people are out there and that singleness may be all fun & games when people are young but when you’re older and still single it is a very lonely, lonely life. You can try to insert yourself into a church or friends & family but in the end they are all busy with their own families and ultimately you just go home all by yourself at the end of the day. It was nice reading your article, it reminded me so much of what I dreamt for myself years ago. God bless.
Lovely post! Reading your blog always makes me happy – I go home with even more pep in my step. Thanks so much for spreading joy and most of all, for sharing, praising and loving our Lord!
Thanks be to God that i finally stopped pinning long enough to read
My email;) I KNOW God had this post just WAITING For me to read TODAY:) I needed to read EVERY WORD OF IT! With a husband and 6 children, adrenal fatigue and an addiction to pintrest, its no wonder God allowed for a swift trip, AT 330 AM, via ambulance to the ER on a Sunday no less, for stroke-like-but-they-could-not-find-anything wrong-symptoms! its a hard pill to swallow, my Dr says i can’t drive until i see the neurologist, OOH and STOP taking that new depression med it
MIGHT not be what yer body needs right now, huh? Slurred speech isn’t that normal when you stay up ALL NIGHT pinning because you have insomnia and leaky gut, and…and and… biggie…i can stay home and pin right?…errr…clean or cook or do laundry or change sheets or open n close the fridge looking for something other than salad to eat, because you are now on a REAL FOOD, as in FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES and MEAT that is fed grass , the green kind that grows by itself in am open field in Gods Amazing Sunlight:) and All that laundry etc etc takes time, and doesn’t get done…with my two (chosen, not given)middle names, Side-Tracked PROcrastination, its a downright challenge! I be needing some kind of REVIVAL to get some balance in this CRAZY thing called LIFE! Since there ain’t no neurologist Dr available Fer 8 weeks, that means i got some serious pinning time, …errr…time to pray with a thankful heart, Fer my hard-working (did I actually say that) husband, Fer my obedient-gonna be TOTALLY excited about this clean up the kitchen after supper EVERY NIGHT, and Have FUN and sing JOYFULLY, as we throw pillows and yell at each other (pry because ya all just ate a bunch of gluten, dairy, egg, corn n soy that yer body doesn’t even recognize as FOOD) …err…FLUFF the pillows and gather together (WITHOUT MY CELL PHONE!!??)…Yah those kids of mine…I gotta go PRAY! And if ya all be having anytime between laundry…and pinning and change (and pinning) the (and pin…) Sh(….ning)eets and Cooking (did I say that word) breakfast…duh, i meant supper..GOD BLESS YA ALL! N i be needin’ some serious prayers!
Loved loved loved this post!!!!! You are always a wonderful source of inspiration!
THANKYOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I’m so glad I discovered you with your wonderfully generous advice, help and love.
I’m not married…but I know how I’d like my home to be when I have friends and loved ones come over :) :) : These are some awesome tips and I love, love, love that you included Scripture and that God is the center of our homemaking…as it should be :) :) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
I need this so much, thank you. I have been complaining alot lately and just in some kinda mood. The house has been the last thing I want to make comfy. Thank you again so much.
Angela Craft
Thank you for an awesome post. I found you on Facebook through the referral of another page. I read somewhere that you’re from the Ozarks, or that you live there? I’m originally from the Lake of the Ozarks area in Missouri, but now reside in Texas.
I look forward to reading more from your page, and I LOVE the graphics! God bless!
Helen Ruth ~ A Slice of Texas
Wow, what a wonderful post! I really enjoyed this. I’m inspired and encouraged! I especially LOVED how you talked about how a home will not feel cozy if there’s indifference or tension or anger in the air, no matter how cute it is. How true is that statement?! This is a really great reminder to BE women of true beauty; inviting, comforting, life-giving, nourishing… (from my fave book, “Captivating” by John and Staci Eldgredge :)
Thank you again for sharing with the world your journey!! <3 <3 <3
Beautiful post. I am working hard to build this type of life with my fiance and our future family. <3
The last couple of days have left me feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. We are remodeling our home..while we live in it.. and I have two little ones under my feet all day as well as a husband that needs his fair share of attention.. I am blessed..however.. I am emotionally drained. Reading this post really helped me to take a deep breath and refocus my energy on being the wife and mother I need to be. I cannot thank you enough for the encouraging words!!
Hands on my hips.. ready to start again.
May the Lord bless you for all you do.
I absolutely wait for your newsletters…even though I’m an empty-nester, I still find uplifting information from you…then I forward it on to my daughters. Almost every time I grab a decorating idea or two and incorporate them into my beach cottage. Thank you for your ideas, inspiration and the fact, that in spite of the direction our world seems to have gone, you truly understand the priorities God wants us to have as women, wives, mothers, grandmothers, etc.
You are such an encouragement, Aunt Ruthie! Thank you for giving of yourself in writing such a detailed post. May God bless you as you not only impact your own home but hundreds of others!
Thank you, Ruthie for your words. I believe God is using you to reach out to people and inspire, nurture, and motivate them. I know that is what I have gained from reading your blogs over the years. Please keep ’em coming! This post was especially pertinent to me today. I have an 8 1/2 month old son and I’ve been thinking about how I can be the best mother to him, and a godly rolemodel for him and I felt inspired by you. Thank you and God bless you and yours!
This post was like a breath of fresh air, a shot in the arm or a hug when hurting. Thank you for helping me refocus on what is really important in my life, God, family, home and beauty. I am so encouraged today! God bless you!
Dear Aunt Ruthie, I absolutely love your blog, I’m so glad that I found it . Your encouraging words touch my heart and always inspire me to be not only a good homemaker but more importantly a Godly wife and mother, and what sweet pictures you add to bring home a point. I have to say, this one especially is brimming over with great advice, it is truly sent from the heart of God. I wish every wife and mother would read it and follow it to the letter, how much happier our homes and families would be. You are a light in a dark world. May God richly bless you as you minister to wives and mothers everywhere. Cherie, a faithful reader ♥
I just had to add this Aunt Ruthie, this is our verse of the day on Bible Gateway…It made me think of the reference you had to sugar and sweetness preserving us from bitterness,anger and strife. If we Christians homemakers are to be any thing we are supposed to be know for our sweetness, kindness and love.
Psalm 121: 7&8
The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.
Hi there to every one, the contents present at this website are genuinely awesome for
people knowledge, well, keep up the nice work fellows.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this blog. I am so thankful for you, and as a mother of 3 you encourage me so much to be a better mama:) it’s so easy to get caught up in the fast pace of life, and you remind us to slow down and smell the roses, so to speak. You are changing lives with your blog.
I just love your back-to-basics style. Unfortunately, lots of folks missed out on loving nurturing parents and find themselves at a loss when trying to create a loving, comfortable environment in their own homes. I’m sure you’re a wonderful resource to many. God bless your sweet lovin’ heart.
I absolutely LOVED all that you shared!! I read things that is ME!! Dreams for my life….My heart was spread throughout this page. I was really amazed!! I LOVE being a woman. I LOVE homemaking and all it entails. Women are definitely the heart of the home. We set the atmosphere, happy or sad. Thank you so very much for just being there and being obedient with what God has blessed you to do. God bless you!!!
It’s hard to come by knowledgeable people on this topic, but you sound like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks|
This site is a much needed blessing!! Thanks so much! I’m a grandmother and I know how important these values are–to our home, to our family, and to our walk with the Lord. God bless you!!
I just finished reading your blog. How wonderful and touching it is. I took a lot of notes. I just love this site. Thank you so much for coming into our lives and sharing your wisdom. I look forward to reading more. Have a wonderful day!:)
What a wonderful right up I just read on your blog!!!! Very very true we need to appreciated the little things in everyday living an how far fetched they go in our lives!!! An without help from above Jesus we would all be lost!!! Keep up your good work. A Canadian Reader. Verda Baerg
I wish I have read them long ago.Thanks for this wonderful post.
I feel so VERY BLESSED by God that I somehow found you!!! You are such an inspiration….an encouragement…..a light in a dark world! I LOVE how you pull no punches when it comes to God. How you minister to us so freely and are such a blessing!!!! I have been praying about the very things you talked about in this blog……procrastination…..DECIDING how I want my home to be…. and a few other things! I just want to say….THANK YOU. And God bless you.
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. They are a great blessing for me today. I am just four years married and living across the country from my parents and seven brother’s and sisters I have been very close to. My sister who had lived in my town here for two years just moved to Papua New Guinea to be a missionary with her husband. All that to say I have been making excuses why I let my joy slip out of my life and I needed reminding how good I have it and how blessed I am. I could say so much more about how your words were so appreciated but I have to get busy turning my house in a home. :-) God blesses you and your family for the blessing you are to so many.
It’s so good to read after another Christain woman! Thank You so much for the encouragement today; I just needed to be reminded.
First time in your Blog, Loved it & may God Bless you.
You’ve inspired and encouraged me today. I’m getting up right now and start a nice soup to simmering on the stove. Then I think I’ll mix up a batch of something sweet.
Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage
Carthage, Missouri
This post is wonderful!!!!
You make me want to be a better person! (wife, mom, friend & me) Thanking God for you!
Your words really touched my heart. I have to work outside the home and lately I’ve felt like I’m drowning when it comes to keeping up with the house. I have new encouragement and it feels good! Thank you!
Hi Ruthie!!
I’ve been following you for a few years now, and it’s so good to see you posting more and more again lately !!
This couldn’t have come at a better time!
I’ve been in a funk since my beautiful, 92 year old mother passed away in February of this year and my daughter moved out of state.
I still have my wonderful husband and 19 year old son to love and care for, and I’m afraid I’ve lost all my zip, and let things go.
This post is just what I needed!! Thank you again and please keep them coming!!
Just found your site and am in LOVE with this article! Thank you for writing such a timely piece! ♥
You always encourage me! Your words are so needed in the world now for all women everywhere. Thank you again!
Oh Ruthie! I feel so agreeable with you!! I, too, live for providing a clean, comfortable, cozy, Christ-centered home for my family!! It makes me so very sad to see many young women who don’t. I’ve taught my 3 daughters and 2 sons that it is important to maintain a Christian home and we must be diligent to succeed in our God given roles. Hugs to you for encouraging us! I would love to sit in your cozy kitchen or lovely deck, sip a cool beverage and share our love of the Lord, family and home together!!!
So much excellent advise. Thank you Aunt Ruthie. Happy home, happy life!
Absolutely loved this article until I got to the books you recommend. Please do some research into the teachings of Ann voskamp and Sarah Young. Both are very dangerous false teachers.
I bless them day I discovered your blog! Your posts and advice touches a place in my heart I thought I lost long ago and male my heart ache to feel that way again. Thank you for being a blessing in my day!
Thankful for this honest, informative, encouraging sharing.
What a wonderful post. I hadn’t had time to read and just found a moment. Thank you for sharing, you’ve encouraged my day.
Again it is so wonderful to read your words, you always make me smile. God bless you, love Denise
My children are grown and out of the house but your words are so very useful still! They have encouraged and blessed me! I will add many of the things you have talked about into my daily life!
Blessings to your day!
Aunt Ruthie is this is my favorite post yet n I love all of them. What a well thought out n tender post. Thank you for pouring your heart into this n giving such sweet encouragement. God bless you! Hugs
I love, love LOVE you and all of your positive posts! I am so happy to be a sugarpie
Thank you so much
Good morning….almost afternoon, Aunt Ruthie, and all those checking in!! I know this is an older post, but I enjoy coming back for another read and rejuvenation!! I needed to press the reset button to get myself ready to declutter!! (Both my mind, and areas in my home that are in need!) We’ve just returned from a family vacation, and it was a perfect week!! My soul is well, and I am once again prepared to organize all else that is not!! ;) So thank you, for keeping your posts available for us to visit as often as we’d like, and for giving me this one to remind me of the to do list within my heart!! <3
I am so glad I saw your post tonight…I loved it! You are an inspiration and a blessing. Thank you!
Oh, such sweet words and sound advise for young and old to live by! Your words are very encouraging to all who read and I am so thankful for your friendship! God Bless You and Yours Sweet Darlin!
We have been married for 59 years. Many of these recommendations have been always in our home. We have 4 grown children serving the Lord! I also feel that order and nutrition have helped in school over the years when they were growing up. We now have 33 grandchildren and 21 great children, so far. Many are serving the Lord, too! Praying together and serving the Lord together have been a very big blessing! Thank you, Aunt Ruthie, for giving this wonderful advice to many mothers! We are blessed beyond measure!