Well hello Sugar Pie-Biscuit Dumplin’! I’m finally coming up for air since the Holidays! I believe I mentioned in one of my recent blog posts that my son JJ, daughter in-love Tiffany, and baby grand-girls, Ivy and Olive were flying in from California to Missouri to be with us for a week to ring in the Happy New Year! Yay!!
So, every day for a week my hubby and I got to have all our kids and grands at the house! It was loud and a bit crazy but we had so much fun cooking, eating, playing games, talking and laughing. We also took a trip to the pediatrician when some of the littles came down with a fever to test for the flu. Fortunately, it only lasted for 24 hours and the tests came back negative…no flu! Thank the Lord! The day after JJ and Tiff left I got sick with a bad cold all week so my house has been a bit of a mess and I still have some Christmas stuff to put away, but thankfully I’m on the mend now and I’m ready to get my house back in order!
Here’s my little dumpling, Ivy James!
You know, I get inspired to cozy up my home when I have cute things to look at when I’m cooking or cleaning. In the photo above, I placed this adorable box of Biscuit + Dumpling Mix inside a little vintage red-rimmed enamel pan, I added a red-handled rolling pin, and then filled an old milk bottle with some flowers. Simple and sweet. It kinda makes my heart leap for joy! The Biscuit mix is from Cracker Barrel. I couldn’t resist the darling simple and farmy packaging. So, for a few dollars I decided to buy it to decorate with. And the bonus is …well, Biscuits and Dumplings of course! Lol! Yummy!
So, in the next few days as I’m sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, washing sheets and towels, and restocking the fridge and looking at my cute biscuit box, I’ll be thanking and praising the Lord for the happy memories of time with family. I shared some quick little videos on instagram of some of those precious moments, so I want to share them with you too!
Here’s my big fat happy family!
My dream come true “Miracle Kids” and “Miracle Grand kids”!
I call them miracles because back in the day I struggled with infertility and miscarriage. Sometimes when we go through a dark time we think it’s always going to be that way. Oh, but God has a plan and He has wonderful promises. If we will just wait and trust Him we will see the goodness of The Lord! My family is living proof.
Polly, Kade, Ember, Olive, Sawyer, Zealand, Johnny, Ivy.
Here’s what’s amazing to me…I gave birth to two boys and two girls…a blessing in and of itself. But God has given me a double blessing of four grandson’s and four granddaughters! Yeah, God is good! All the time!
This makes me laugh with joy!
Little Sawer in the middle was all done! Lol!
So tell me my Sugar-Pie-Biscuit-Dumpling…do you pick a Word for the Year? I’d love to hear what your Word is if you do! On my next blog post, I’ll share all about mine!
Love and hugs to you sweeties!
Bless your family…make home sweet!
Aunt Ruthie
Sweet post!!! My word is “simplify”……2018 goal!!
We have 14 yrs and 14 months between our kids! We think God has a sense of humor!
Now empty nesters, such a joy to have had our kids home from C of O. Back to Branson they went yesterday.
Thank goodness our lil Dolly, granddaughter wanted a sleepover tonight !
SaVor is my word !
I plan to savor it all, be intentional as time sure goes by quick like granny said.
Blessings to you and your beautiful family!
God sure is faithful!!!
Love love love seeing all your sweet babies. I’m sure you’re in heaven when they’re all together just like I am with mine are with me. My word for the year is “fearless”. No more am I letting fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of lack of discipline, and so on hinder me from attaining the goals that God has put in my heart. Looking forward to your upcoming post. :-)
Hi friend!!!
LOVE your sweet post, the pics and videos!! Family time is so precious, isn’t it? Praise God for His blessings!
I blogged today. Thinking of going back to it.
love and hugs xo
Thank you for sharing. It makes me smile when I read your blog. I want to live in the moment and be grateful for the blessing of my family.
So glad that you got to spend the holidays with your beautiful family! Thanks for sharing the fun with us! Happy New Year!
My theme this year is “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”. Love your blog so much!
Thank you for sharing. What beautiful blessings. I’m so happy for you that you were able to have all your family. So Beautiful! God is Good to then that trust in him.
thank you for sharing your wonderful family.I wish you the best New Year ‘
God has certainly been good to you , and why? Because you trusted in him so my favorite word is “Trust”, without it you can never have good relationships with people, or with the Lord.
I had 2 of my 4 children with me, two grandchildren and 2 great-grandsons as well for the holidays. I’m 73 and a dialysis patient and being with family is what keeps me going. I am so blessed. Love your blogs.
My three words for 2018 are Faith, Hope & Love & try to be still & listen to his words to guide me to where he wants me to be.
I love your post, When it comes up time to grab a coffee & enjoy
my time with you. Love Ann
PS Love your family pictures
Hello…loved ur blog. What a beautiful family! Those babies r darling. Everyone seemed to b having such a good time. You must have a big home…how fun. Thanks for sharing with us. My word today is faith. U must have faith and believe n God. Take care…my husband and I also had very bad colds. Lots of people r still sick with it. Enjoy the day..looking forward to ur next story!! Loretta/ Calif.
Word for the year would be LOVE.
Any day, any week, any year with my daughter (teenager growing before my eyes) is LOVE.
And, I love you Aunt Ruthie. Your spirit, your style and your words. I look forward to seeing my notification light up with something from Sugar Pie Farmhouse. Thank you, Happy New Year and I can’t wait for all of your SPRING goodness!
I have two words, joyful and perseverance. You have such a beautiful family! Love the size of your beautiful kitchen!
Happy New Year! God is so good! My word is: Grace
Thank you for your encouragement!
Beautiful family! My 2018 word is MORE.
You have a beautiful family Happy New Year. Thank you for sharing God Bless.
I just adore your pages, and the family photos…..my dream to have all my family home!! You are truly a blessed woman! My word for the year for me is really a little more than one word……More of Jesus!! He makes the rough ways smoothe!!! Bless you!!
Aunt Ruthie, you grow more beautiful each year. It must be the glow of the Lord, shining through. Or else you’ve got some amazing beauty products :) My “word of the year” in past years has been kindness; and loved. This year it is compassion. I would love to see the people around me the way God sees us, through eyes of love and concern and compassion.
My word is adjust. I was just diagnosed with breast cancer that has spread and now my life will be an adjustment for as long as God gives me life. I have an amazing husband and wonderful kids and grandkids to support me and a God who will be with me through this all the time. He is my rock. So, here I go on the next phase of life.
So glad to see your blog this morning! Looks like y’all had a wonderful time, that is a blessing! I’ve missed reading your blog’s, I just recently found you, so I’ve been reading the past ones to get up to date, so when you posted after Christmas about the family coming in later for a week, it seemed like it was sooooo long between blog posts, lol! I really enjoy reading yours, so keep em coming!
Thank you for sharing your sweet family! Looks like y’all had a ball! To share one word for 2018, would be blessed. My kids and grands are 7 hours away and I cherish the times I do get to share with them as they are few and far between. Love them lots! Happy New Year to you and your family! Looking forward to all of your posts and pics! Always an inspiration!
I’m still working on working my way through your posts, love
them! My word for the year is “GRATEFUL .” Gratitude is always a good place to start.
Bless you and your family.
Hi Aunt Ruthie!! Glad you’re feeling better. My Word for the Year is “Chill.” I am a bit high-strung, and tend to flip out about stuff that really doesn’t call for it. I want to train myself to “chill” when I feel that mental chaos coming on and my stomach twisting into a knot.I upset myself and everyone around me– Gotta learn to take a deep breath and go to my happy place. I can’t even settle a little problem, when I’m busy freaking out! Thanks for your warm, fun, very sensible posts.Happy 2018!!
Love it all. Thanks you for sharing your beautiful family. Such fun! So much to be thankful for. Those nachos look so yummy too!
My word for 2018 is “Inspire”, a word that I feel epitomizes just what you do for us!!!! Thank you for all your godly inspiration.
What a sweet post, as always. I love visiting your beautiful home. :-)
My word for the year is – believe.
I can’t wait to hear your word.
Love love love this post! Thanks Aunt Ruthie, for reminding us that whatever we’re in, it’s not necessarily going to be that wayforever even if it feels that way at the time. That is a really good thought to hang onto. I appreciate it! So thankful for you and that The Lord blessed you with your family!
I loved this post. I just couldn’t come up with a word! lol…
Love the pictures!!!
Love your blog. I was raised on the farm. Nothing better. Your decorating is right up my ally. Love your Christian wisdom. I love the Lord. He has blessed us so much. He is there through the goods and not so goods. My word is “doing”. God bless you and thank you for sharing!!!!!!!!!!
Love your blog!
I shared this giveaway post on my facebook. The website here is Sugarpie Farmhouse Blog.AI want to win so bad. My stethoscope for work got stolen and I need to buy another one on amazon. And Aunt Ruthie, I wish I was related to you. I need someone like you around to talk to. Thank you for all the wonderful things you share with us all.
Love, Robbin Gibson
Oh, Ruth Ann, what a blessing your beautiful family is! Thank you for sharing. You have me beat by one child and one grand. We have three and seven, and every single one is precious.