Howdy Darlin’!
Welcome to Sweet Home Revival…
my new Homemaking Video Series!
I’m so excited to bring to you the message of my heart! It’s all about putting the “sweet” back in “Home, Sweet, Home”! I’ve begun this video series to spark a revival in the hearts of homemakers to keep the Home-Fires burning.
Yes! I truly believe that together as homemakers we need to raise up a REVIVAL! A Sweet Home Revival! A call to action! We’ve got to change the course of our declining culture! We’ve got to bring back the best from the past and make it part of our present and future. We’ve got to restore the kind of nurturing and sweet devotion that every home needs for the well being of our families.
The old poem written in 1881, by William Ross Wallace, titled “The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Is The Hand That Rules The World”, speaks of the powerful influence that a mother holds in shaping the lives of her children and in turn, a nation.
In my small way I want to help restore honor and value back to the homemaker. To rekindle the flames of love for hearth and home for the preservation of our family and our beloved America.
So in this new series of videos, not only will I be showing you some practical “how-to’s”, but I’ll also be sharing tips, ideas and stories to encourage you in your high calling as the keeper of your home.
“The strength of a nation lies in the homes of it’s people…” Abraham Lincoln
“There’s no place like home” ~ Dorothy
Introducing Volume #1 of my Video Homemaking Series!
Have you ever seen an idea that delighted your heart and you said to yourself “I want to try that!” but then weeks, months and maybe a year goes by and you still hadn’t tried it yet? I have!
It’s just that I get so busy and I put things off because I feel like it’s going take me too much time to figure it out before I can do it. I’m a visual learner, so if I see a demonstration on how to do something, I’m more apt to give it a try! When I finally decided to make my own homemade laundry soap I couldn’t believe how easy it was! And how much I love it!
In this batch, you’ll get…
- A complete video tutorial on how I make my homemade laundry soap, right at my kitchen table!
- A color PDF print-out of the recipe for Homemade Laundry Soap and few extra laundry-time tips, complete with vintage images and farm-girly cuteness!
- Another special video for all my Sugar Pie’s titled “Cup n’ Saucer Chat with Aunt Ruthie”, where I spend a few minutes chatting about all things laundry. It’s my time with just you and me!

I want to help you by sharing what’s helped me!
So! If you’ve been wanting to bring the joy and smell of Farm Fresh Laundry into your own home, I am going show you how wonderfully easy it is in this first volume of my Sweet Home Revival Video Set!
The great thing is you’ll be able to view these videos instantly from your computer, smartphone or tablet!
In the 1st Video, I’ll give you a complete tutorial on how I make my homemade laundry soap, right at my kitchen table!
- I’ll show you which ingredients you need
- I’ll show you step by step how to mix up the soap
- I’ll share some of my secret laundry tips
In the 2nd Video titled, “Cup n’ Saucer Chat with Aunt Ruthie”, I invite you to sit down at my table with me, pour yourself a cup of something yummy and spend a few minutes chatting about all things laundry. As a mama of 4 I know a lot about laundry, mountains of laundry! I know how refreshing it feels to have tackled that laundry mountain and regain order once again. When our laundry is out of control it seems like our whole house is out of control. So although our finished laundry is short lived, I share my secret to keeping it from becoming too overwhelming. This second video is my time with just you and me!
- I’ll chat about my laundry tips and share some encouragement.
- I’ll tell stories of how women did their laundry back-in-the-day.
- I’ll share some fun memories of how I made laundry-time fun when my kids were little.
I’ve even included some Oopsie-Daisy Bloopers!
Silly me!!
I also threw in a little HoEdOwN DaNcE!
Hey! A Farmgirl’s gotta have some fun too, don’t-cha-know! YEE HAW!
I know that you’re going to love that it’s:
- All natural
- It will save you money
- Your laundry will smell clean and fresh
- And…It will make you feel Farm-girly…’cuz you made it from scratch!

So come on darlin’!
Step into my kitchen and watch as I mix up a batch of Farm Fresh Laundry Soap!

What’s included with my purchase?
You’ll receive a single PDF containing the videos and printable recipe.
How do I open or view the Video Bundle?
- On your computer: Save the PDF to your computer in a location that can easily be accessed or remembered. Then double click on the PDF to open it. If you don’t already have Adobe Reader, you can download it for free here.
- On your iPhone or iPad: I recommend downloading the PDF first to your computer, then using iTunes Sync to copy the file to iBooks. If you don’t have access to a computer, download the PDF to your iPhone or iPad, wait for the PDF to open, tap the screen and save it to iBooks.
- On your Android Device: I recommend first downloading the free Adobe Reader App. Then download the PDF to your phone and open it using the Adobe Reader App. The PDF’s can then be easily accessed at any time using this app.
*If you have trouble opening the PDF on your Android phone/tablet, the fail safe way is to go to your Applications and select the My Files app. If you don’t have that particular app, then download any file manager/explorer app. Once you have the My Files app open, navigate to your download folder and select the PDF file. That should open it in the Adobe Reader App. Once it’s been opened in Adobe Reader, it will store it in it’s memory for future reference. Just open Adobe Reader and click the Recents button to locate the PDF. - On your Kindle Fire: Save the PDF to your computer in a location that can easily be accessed or remembered. Then use Amazon’s ‘Send-to-Kindle’ service to transfer the PDF to your Kindle Fire. You can read more about it here.
I Need Help
You can email me at if you have a problem. Enjoy!!