Yes-sir-eee! Sugar Pies!
Have I got a treat for you!
The secret is out!
I’ve been as “busy-as-a-bee in a field of clover” the last several months pouring my heart into Pumpkin Pickin’ & Hayrides…
my fall e-book! Woo Hoo!!!
It’s a wagon-load of fall wonderfulness!
Take a lookie at my grand-babies Kade and Johnny…the two farm-boys on the front cover!

Pumpkin Pickin’ & Hayrides is everything I love about fall…
…the beauty!
The glory!
…the starry-eyed passion I have for gathering autumn goodness
to adorn my home and making my nest warm and cozy
before the blustery winds of winter chill the air.
Pumpkin Pickin’ & Hayrides is a celebration of God’s blessings and goodness to us! It’s jam-packed with 96 pages of dear and sweet blessings from the Lord that are meant to warm your heart…to make it swell with thankfulness & joy and put a twinkle in your eyes. My hope is that this e-book of fall wonderfulness would make you feel delightfully and joyfully domestic as you cozy-up your home so you and your family would wholeheartedly enjoy this delicious fall season!
Throughout the book I’ve sprinkled old time photos and images…
what I call “vintage eye-candy”.
Images of the “good ol’ days” to remind us of the goodness of old fashioned fall fun…
…images that will hug your heart with the comforts of hearth and home!
Darlin’ it’s drippin’ with nostalgia like sweet golden honey from a hot buttermilk biscuit!
“As mama hens, we love that feeling of being prepared, having all of our needful provisions stocked and ready in our snug homes. And when the icy frost sparkles on our windowpanes, we’ll be simmering hearty soups, and baking old family recipes; scrumptious cookies and delicious pies to bless and nourish your family and mine.”
– Excerpt from Pumpkin Pickin’ & Hayrides, by Aunt Ruthie
Pumpkin Pickin’ & Hayrides is divided by chapters,
each focusing on a theme to get you down-right giddy
about celebrating this glorious time of year!
I share tips for getting your home tidy and smelling sweet to welcome your family home…

I’ve also included lots of heartwarming Harvest-time quotes!
It’s chill November weather,
the firelight’s on the wall.
Home, dear home, is best of all,
Let’s thank God together.
~ Henry Alford 1850
Oh, but there’s more!
I’ve included several recipes under “The Dinner Bell” chapter… yummy fall country fixin’s! There’s not a sweeter sound on the farm than the Dinner Bell a-ringin’! It means supper is on the table and its good ‘n hot! This collection of recipes is a “cream of the crop” sampling of my home cookin’ during this chilly fall season.
- Hot ‘n’ Savory Artichoke Dip
- Mama’s Warm-Yer-Tummy Cold Day Soup
- Thanksgiving Cranberry Salad
- Sugared-Pecan Sweet Potato Bake
- Granny’s Secret Apple Pudding Cake
(That is Granny’s Secret Apple Pudding Cake, pictured above. This dreamy recipe came from an old newspaper clipping. The day I made it, my daughter and I took a bite of the sweet-warm-gooeyness and together our eyes got big-as-saucers and our mouth’s squealed! Oh. My. Goodness! I think I know why Granny kept this a secret…it’s fabulous! It’s worth getting the book just for this recipe alone!)
Also included is Grandma’s Praline Pumpkin Pie …
I can’t wait for you to see all of the ideas I’ve gathered to bless your heart!
There’s lots of family fun ideas too!
The chapters “Harvesting Joy” and “Harvesting Comfort” were meant to hug your darlin’ heart. To open your beautiful eyes to see the love that God has for you! To see and cherish His blessings. To fill your heart with thankfulness…for that is the key to joy!
“May I encourage you Sugar Pie, in the midst of the flurry of your Thanksgiving celebration that you take a minute to step back and intentionally savor the moment. By that I mean, take a minute to stop and look around you…take note of your loved ones…their faces…their smiles…the sounds…the aromas…the blessings…breathe in the beauty and the wonder of the moment. You know, each day is precious and life itself is a gift. So stop and smell the pumpkin pie…stop and listen to little girl giggles…stop and hug grandpa a little longer…stop and breathe in the sweetness of a newborn baby…stop and thank the Lord for His blessings. Let’s make sure these sweet moments of our lives don’t become just a blur when we look back, but will glimmer as treasures in our hearts.”
– Excerpt from “Pumpkin Pickin’ & Hayrides” by Aunt Ruthie, Sugar Pie Farmhouse
I think you’ll enjoy seeing several never-before-seen- photos of my family fall memories!
I had some interesting back-in-the-day hairdo’s!! Oh dear!
Here’s what a couple of my dear friends said about Pumpkin Pickin’ & Hayrides:
Cat from the Vintage Housewife said: “OH MY WORD!!!!!!!! I can’t hardly stand it…. This is like the biggest Christmas gift under the tree …it’s like blowin’ candles out on your Birthday cake…Good golly can you see me running all over the room clicking my heels?!!! Oh my word, could this book be any more adorable?! Um…NO! For sure it’s the most wonderful thing ever!
Melissa from Huckleberry Prairie said: “Oh my goodness, I pretty much lost my marbles for your new ebook. haha Literally. I am telling you, God has blessed you with such a beautiful gift and you are glorifying Him by sharing it with all of us. What a blessing you are! Shining like a big ol’ light on a hill… such refreshment for the soul. :) I cannot wait to blog about it, facebook, instagram, tweet… (haha!) because I think this is the very encouragement that homemakers need. In a world that likes to distract and scatter your attention every which way, minimizing the role of “homemaker” as just something you are when you aren’t busy being everything else…it is SO refreshing to be encouraged that our role as a homemaker IS important.That home is the foundation for security and comfort, love and memories…and we have the privelidge of facilitating this for our family. What an honor God has given us! Now, it certainly didn’t hurt that this ebook was full of pumpkins and pie (and pumpkin pie) and all of the goodness that Fall is. ;) All of your images alone made my soul as giddy as a schoolgirl! I really am looking forward to sharing it!”
Maryjane from The Beehive Cottage said: “Oh my, I am so excited! I am half way through reading it but had to stop for a moment to write you. I LOVE it to pieces! You never disappoint in making…being a woman, wife, mother, sister and a friend a blessing! Your uplifting words of wisdom just make ya want to be the best Mama/Grandma ever!!! Thanks for all your tips, recipes and praises to the Lord. Everything a gal needs in these times. The pictures are beautiful too!”
Lisa from The Warming House said: “Thank you for sharing your delightful new book with me! I adore the precious autumn vignettes throughout the pages of “Pumpkin Pickin’ and Hayrides.” Love the “Home Sweet Harvest Home” vignette; the vintage towel draped above the jars of beans with pumpkins on top; the clothespins hugging colorful leaves onto the line; the lantern, crow and pumpkin on the rustic table . . . and on and on. Your artwork, photos, recipes, quotes, and scripture references are absolutely charming. And, of course, I appreciate the endearing way you continue to refresh our souls with encouragement and inspiration to be better homemakers – and remind us of the significance of that essential role in our families. The warmth and coziness of this book made me want to crawl inside and live there!”
When you read Pumpkin Pickin’ & Hayrides on your computer you’ll be able to view two pages at a time, just like a book. Each time you click the “down” arrow it will automatically switch to the next two pages.
You can also read it on your ipad or Kindle. You’ll see one page at a time but it will be crystal clear! You can also print it out if you prefer!
So Sugar Pies, pour yourself a mug of something warm and yummy to drink. Relax and settle yourself into a comfy spot as you embark on this armchair adventure filled with delightful vintage charm and old fashioned fun!
To get your copy click here or click the giant button below. The link will take you to my etsy shop where you can purchase the ebook!
Important! Read this Darlin’!!
Just so there’s no confusion, I want all my sistas to know that this is a PDF document that you can download, view and print on your computer. This is NOT a printed book that you’ll be receiving by mail. Due to the fact that this is a digital download, I won’t be able to accept any refunds. If you have any questions about your order you can email me at

Happy Fall Y’all!
From yours truly, (and a wee bit silly!)
Aunt Ruthie