I have a basketful of vintage photos of people I don’t know. Whenever I am shopping at an antique mall, I am always drawn to the black and white or sepia photographs. I am fascinated by these men, women and children. They were real people who lived their lives, had families, set up their households, and cooked, cleaned, scrubbed, laughed, cried, prayed, created, worked hard and persevered. These images are snapshots of a single moment, frozen in time.
I study their faces. Look at their eyes. What were they like? What were their names? What was their calling on earth? What did they accomplish? What adventures did they experience? What were their secret recipes? Whose hearts did they touch? Did they know the Lord? Is anyone remembering them? Did they leave a legacy? What was their story?
Since I can’t get the answers to my nosey questions, I create my own story about them. Within seconds of seeing a photograph, my imagination runs a little wild. I give these folks names, a personality, and a history! I know it’s a little goofy, but I like goofy!

One of my most favorite photographs is this one. I’ve given her the name, Beulah Louise Perkins (her friends called her “Sweets” for short). You can see she was a hearty, apple-cheeked gal with tenacity. Just the fact that she’s on a tractor, tells me that she had gumption. She was a no-nonsense kind of gal. When there was a job to be done, she just did it, and that was that. She had grit. There was no time to be weak and self-pitying. Now, that is not to say that she went about her work with a frown on her face, goodness no! Beulah Louise was the most cheerful gal in Turkey Creek, and always ready for a good laugh. She lived her life by her favorite song Brighten the Corner Where You Are. Her mind was always thinking about how she could bring a ray of sunshine to someone. She was happiest on her tractor or in her kitchen lettin’ the flour fly.
And just look at her lovely sunbonnet, and pinned-on apron over her well-scrubbed cotton house dress, which was most certainly homemade. And don’t you just know she dabbed a bit of vanilla extract behind her ears to smell sweet. She had grace.
As a farmer’s wife, she learned the simple lesson that if you sow corn seed, you’ll harvest corn. If you sow pumpkin seed, you will harvest pumpkins. If you sow a batch of bad attitudes you’ll reap “heap ‘o’ heartache”. But if you sow goodness, and kindness and a bucketful of joy thrown in, why, that is just what you’ll get back.

She was deliberate about getting up at the crack of dawn to begin her day, and she was just as intent upon getting her attitude right-good and happy. She started her day in the quiet of her kitchen, with prayer, praise, thanksgiving and making pies. With a good cup of hot coffee steaming close by, she would open her Bible and underline a scripture that spoke to her heart. As she pondered the verse, she went about mixing the feather-soft flour with the sugar and salt, cutting in the lard, then slowly drizzled in the water.

As she rolled out the tender dough, scattering the flour briskly underneath, her whispered prayers, along with puffs of white wheat-dust, would gently and quietly float upward toward heaven. She would ask “Lord who can I bless today with a pie?”, and as always, the Lord would speak to her heart a special someone in need of a little sweet mercy. She would immediately pray for God’s blessing for that dear friend.
The sunrise streaming through her starched white kitchen curtains would bathe and warm her hands in a buttery light as she ever-so-gently lifted the dough onto the pie pan. Attentively, Beulah Louise would ladle the sugared filling into the bottom of dough lined pan. If it was springtime you can be sure it was strawberry-rhubarb. One of her favorites. She would thank and praise the Good Lord Jesus for blessing her with a sturdy home and a bountiful garden. She would shout “Glory!” at the very thought of God’s constant provision and love.
Beulah Louise liked to make her pies all fancy like. She loved to use her tiny star-shaped cookie cutter to create a starry top-crust, just to remind folks that the prayers she whispered for them, were heard by their Father up in Heaven.
The warm morning breeze would sweep in through the open window, billowing the curtains, and lift the aroma of baking pie along with her hymn singin’, and carry it throughout the house. She would sing I Love To Tell The Story in soprano, with a tender vibrato.I love to tell the story! ‘Twill be my theme in glory,
To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.
If she was feeling giddy and a little slaphappy she would belt out the old tune…
Old Dan Tucker was a mighty man
Washed his face in a frying pan
Combed his hair with a wagon wheel
Died of a toothache in his heel!
When her two daughters, Emma and Katie Ruth were youngins’, they would march around the kitchen as Mama sang the Old Dan Tucker song, clanging wooden spoons against their white enamel dishpans, giggling the whole time. She knew how to make chores fun. She loved to fill her home with laughter.
The sweetness of Beulah Louise was revealed each time she shared her prayer-full pies. She liked to coddle folks. Not smother, mind you, but to pamper and comfort, to make people feel cared for, safe, honored.
On Wednesday’s and Friday’s she would pack her pie in her tin bake-and-take picnic basket, added a note, I prayed a sweeter-than-pie blessing over you today…Love, Sweets. She would then go deliver it and delight someone’s heart. It was the goodness of her heart that wooed folks from all over the valley to want to know her and be her friend.

On the mornings when Beulah Louise wasn’t making pie, just as the sun peeked it’s golden little head above the hilltop, while the air was still crisp, cool and quiet, she would pour thick cream into 4 large canning jars, screw the lids on tight, wrap them each in a soft cotton flour sack and place them on a nest of soft hay in a wooden crate. She would strap the crate to the back of the tractor and get to plowing. While she plowed, she was also churning butter. “There is nothing bumpier than a tractor ride” she’d say, “perfect conditions for making sweet butter”.
When hard times hit, and hard they did, Beulah Louise trusted the Lord and kept busy. “You’ve got to keep moving, keep your mind and hands busy. Time and the Lord will take care of the rest.”
In springtime one year, at the beginning of planting season, her husband Maynard took ill with Pneumonia. While he was bedridden, that same week, lightening struck the barn and burned it to the ground. Beulah Louise, began to fret and worry about how she was going to handle planting the crops all by herself. Her daughters, now grown and married, lived two states away. The farm was their source of income and it meant food on the table. And poor Maynard, she had never seen her strong strapping husband so sick. She got on her knees and had a real good cry… for about five minutes. She gave her worries to the Lord in prayer, and said to Him, “Lord, I can’t wait to see how you are going to get me out of this awful mess!” She reminded herself that there is no need to worry myself sick, God already has my tomorrows figured out. Then she got up and washed her face. Right then and there she had peace that God would stay at her side and provide for her and Maynard’s needs. She was reaping a harvest of faith and strength for sowing God’s Word in her heart, everyday, like clockwork.
At night, just before bedtime she would read aloud to Maynard Deuteronomy 31:8, “The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” What a comfort the Word of God is. She held onto that scripture for dear life.
Beulah Louise needed prayer, so she telephoned Viola Haskins, her Recipe Club sister and prayer partner. Viola, called Effie Crabgrass who called Idella Thatcher, who called Pearl Butterworth. In no time, the word spread like syrup on a stack of steaming hotcakes. The towns-folk came to rescue “Sweets” in droves. They swooped down on the Perkins homestead like bees to a hive. Plowing, planting, and barn raising. With tears streaming down her face, Beulah Louise stood in amazement and shouted “Glory! Glory to God!”
She never would have imagined such an outpouring of love, had it not been for her hardships. As she dabbed her tears with her hankie she thought, maybe that’s what God meant in Ephesians 5:20 “Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”..…. Hard times give us an opportunity to trust the Lord, and see Him work miracles. Giving thanks in the midst of difficulty is faith in action. It’s believing the Lord will calm the stormy sea. That all things will work together for good. Thanking the Lord in advance is like giving a wink to Jesus…it’s letting Him know, that you know, He’s got everything under control.
Wouldn’t you know, that when summer time came they had the biggest and best harvest ever! “That’s just like the Lord!” Beulah proclaimed.
When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their distress and troubles. Psalm 34:17

Before long Maynard was back to his ornery self, bless his heart. He loved to tease Beulah when her Recipe Club sisters gathered at the house. He’d hear the crunch of tires on the gravel as they drove up, and would glance through the screen door to see the parade of chattering ladies climb out of the lipstick red Chevrolet Fleetline automobile… Viola, Effie, Idella, Pearl, and Jessie Mae, all wearing aprons and carrying their rolling pins. He would holler, in his deep southern drawl, “Sweets, the hens are here for your hen party!”
The all day Pie-and-Cake-Bake was in preparation for the monthly Ice-cream and Pie social at the First Community Bible Church.
The air in the kitchen swirled with the aromas of pastry and perfume. As part of the Recipe Club’s tradition to unite this sisterhood of sassy gals, (and have some plain old fun) Beulah would go around to each lady and put a dab of flour on their nose. That way, if any men-folk were to stop by, the gals would look like they had been hard at work, but truth be told, they were having a hilarious, knee-slappin old time!

Sometimes they would get carried away and their whole faces would be dusted white. Flour would fly and boisterous voices chattered, giggled, squealed and cackled. The hens were gettin’ rowdy! Maynard poked his head around the doorway and shouted “Hey, who let the chickens out of the coop and into the kitchen!…Oh hello ladies!” They looked up and he saw their flour-smudged faces, and shook his head from side to side, rolled his eyes and smirked out a chuckle. Beulah swatted her tea-towel at him “Now you shoo!” she insisted, He stole a kiss from her, tipped his hat at the ladies, and walked away, unaware of the flour left on his cheeks and nose from snatching some sugar from his beloved “Sweets”, which only gave rise to a burst of laughter in Beulah’s bustling kitchen.

The Pies they baked that day looked so good they were beggin’ to be eaten. That evening, after the flour had been swept up and the table was set for supper, Beulah untied her apron as she thought about the day, the fun she had, her friends and the goodness of the Lord, and she just had to say “Glory!”.
“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests.” Luke 2:14
Beulah Louise Perkins was a gal who sparkled with gumption, grit and grace, even if she was just a figment of my carried-away imagination! Those are character traits I am striving for. I want to be gracefully brave, to trust the Lord whatever comes my way, and know beyond a shadow of doubt that He will carry me when I am too weary to walk, and whisper in my heart… the best is yet to be! Glory!
For I know the plans I have for you, “says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope…” Jeremiah 29:11
Thank you for stopping by for some Gumption Pie! Be blessed today!
Aunt Ruthie
Thank you for this very special post.
Ever since I was a teenager and wandered through antique stores/thrift stores, I have always felt a tug at my heart when I saw old photos for sale. I studied the person’s face and features, their surroundings and what they might be carrying in their hands or who was standing near them. I wondered about their life and the people who were dear to them. It made me sad that their photo had ended up in a bin for sale in a store. I wondered about the extended family and if there was perhaps one distant family member who was involved in researching the family history. I thought about how that person would treasure such a photo of someone in their family line, if they only knew about it.
I loved your story about Beulah. She, her family and friends have found a dear person with a tender heart to give them a lovely, precious home. Thank you for your sweet story!
Deb in Florida
I recently discovered your beautiful blog filled with beautiful pictures mingled with Scripture. Thank you for the encouragement and the lovliness.
Bless you from someone who grew up calling her grandmother Big Mama and watching lots of Andy Griffith!
PS Sorry about posting as anonymous. I can’t ever remember by user password!
I love your imagination, RuthAnne! You are such a dear and warm pie happy home, always brings a smile to my heart. I’ll be sittin’ at home for a few weeks recuperatin’ from surgery and I was just thinkin’: “I wish RuthAnne lived next door to me ’cause I know she’d be bringin’ over my favorite pie right about now!” Instead, I’ll be anxiously awaitin’ your next post!
Kathie aka Hillbilly Debutante
I strive to be this woman!
Many Blessings :)
What a wonderful message in your story! Thank you so much!
I’ve just found your blog and loved this post, thank you for sharing such a beautiful devotion and story. I will be back regularly!
Ruthanne – thanks for “adopting” Beulah! I’m sure she’s just tickeled pink and bustin’ her buttons up in heaven that you gave her such a wonderful story to share with the rest of us!!
Karla & Karrie
That was the neatest story – I didn’t want it to end. You should write a book! :-) I just discovered your blog recently – I love it and will visit very, very often! :-)
Oh please please don’t forget to include Ima-Jean, Della-Fern, Berta-Lee and Monta-Fae in your adventures!
Thank you for Beulah Louise! I agree, you MUST write a book, the world is so hungary for decent,loving stories…
Blessings, Kathy L
Thank you for sharing Beulah Louise’s story~ real or imagined, she is a role model for an authentic life. I feel I’ve met a friend :-)
I didn’t want that story to end! I could have read about Beulah all evening! I strive to be that type of woman…to have no fear for the future and what it might hold. You are right, the Lord already knows so I need not worry.
Again, Ruthann, you are an inspiration. When I grow up I want to be just like Beulah!
Amen Sista!and I mean…. Sista!
Thank-you for being my SISTER!I’m so proud!!!This was so great…
I even could hear her talk with her Good Ole Southern Fried voice!
Love, Sherry
Oh my! This was one of the most fun posts ever! Thanks, Ruthann! You’re one creative gal…
My mama just gave me some fresh rhubarb to make a strawberry/rhubarb pie for my family. It’s 6:15am and now I feel I need to get that apron on and get in the kitchen and bake! Glory be to God!!
My cousins and I used to sing Old Dan Tucker. You just brought back a lot of memories….
I think you should take up writing! I love your little story. I also write little (but, much shorter) stories to go along with my folk art paintings. Your blog is such a joy to read and makes me want to get back down to Branson.
oooh darlin’ ruthanne! it was even better than i imagined!!!! i layed in bed after our talk and imagined what you would say about “sweets”. her gumption and Lord her grit!
wow, girl i felt as if i knew her! you know that funny tear thing…yep i love ol’ dear sweets!!! thank you ol’ friend! it was wonderful.i’m so glad we share the ol’ photo thing, i got so tickled at that!
girl, i can imagine a fun lunch, gigglin’ at ol’ bud in his speedo tight shorts going to Cony Island for his first time! excited to meet his sweetie and get one of those yummy Cony hot dogs! what fun! love you sista girl!
Just wonderful (as always!) I feel as though I actually know Sweets.
LOL I’m sorry but I was ready that tinged with a Southern drawl for some reason. Very, very imaginative. More, please!
I meant to say “reading” that with a….
Anyway, again, More, please.
RuthAnn, you have blessed me today! I loved this story! This is the first time I have visited your blog, but you have a new fan! I will be back!
I LOVED LOVED LOVED your post! I collect “lost relatives” too and often wonder about the who, what and where of their lives, but I like the stories you make up about their lives much better. In fact, your story about Beulah could be a movie! I’ll be looking at my collection a little closer now. Thanks for the inspiration. ~ xoxo Joy
The post was awesome. What a wonderful storyteller you are. As I read it, I felt like I knew Beluah…made me wish times were like those now…a much more simplier, compassionate time in our history.
I, also, love looking at old photos. I often wonder, “How did they get here? Didn’t anyone in their family want these? Were these people not important to them?” When my parents passed, I inherited a box of beautiful old photos. Mother didn’t pencil in the names or places of any of the pictures. But I like to think that I too, knew these people or had been to those places. I especially love pictures of children and military guys. Anything that shows their daily routines or ways of life. This post makes me rethink why I have them “put away”. I need to dig them out and display some…”just cause”
Thanks again for a wonderful, wonderful post. You’re the best.
Loved this post!!!☺
I once visited an antique store and spend hours pouring through pictures of those in the past.
What a great imagination you have…I almost think that story may be true!
Have a happy Memorial Day! or Decoration day as we callit down south!♥
Dear Ruthann,
I also collect vintage photos! Many are o my grandparents and their parents. I love every one o them. This post was especially sweet to me because my daddy’s nickname for me my whole life has been “Sweets”. Thanks Ruthann for the tender reminder. Pray for my daddy…he’s not been feeling well lately…high blood pressure,dizziness,lots of tests and needle pokes lately. He’s a preacher here in PA who loves the Lord. Thank you muchly. Have a wonderful day.
Tina Grubb
This was a great story you told! Even though it may not be real, the point of this little story sure is real. Thank you for the reminder dear one.
Like several others have already said, you should make a book. Take these pictures you find and make short stories about them. :)
Happy Memorial Day!!!
God Bless,
I absolutely loved your post. I have a box of old photos but really didn’t know what to do with them…you are so creative. I will visit your blog often!!
I wish Beulah Louise was my next-door neighbor. (or you Ruthann) I have no one here who like old-timey Pie-making, farm-wifey things.
Thanks for this. I’ll be linking this post on my blog.
What a wonderful, wonderful post! I want to live like this fictional lady. I wish I had someone like her in my life to be my example.
I just love your blog!
hello, ruthann you are such a sweet person . i have been reading your blog for awhile but have just got my blog up and running so i had to comment on your post you are truley a special gem thanks so much for all your awesome posts toni
Thank you so much for that wonderful post! I surely needed that I tell you!
Beulah seemed to be a lady I would just love to be, her faith, her love for life, love for friends and family.
I just loved your story so much and thank you so very much for blessing us all with it.
God Bless You & Your Family…Amen!
You do have the most wonderful imagination….and I loved reading this…Now, I want to go buy some old pictures…or, better still, pull out some of MY old ones and share with ya’ll…..
I love your blog…
What a great story! I love Beulah Louise Perkins! And it does make you wonder when you find those old pictures, why they aren’t in the hands of a relative being cherished. I’m so thankful you found “Sweet Beulah” to tell her story because I’m sure it happened just like that! :)
Wow! You sure know how to tell a story! I look forward to hearing future installments of Beulah!
what a great story! I love old photos & have tons of my ancestors. My grandmothr has a whole wall of them hanging & when I was young I was so scared to go down that hall with all those eyes staring at me! To this day I just look straight ahead & don’t dare look!! I can’t wait to read your next blog!!!
I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I feel relaxed and in awe of the women of our past and the inspiration in their lives and the Lord’s leadings. You have done an amazing job tying it all together. I could sit and read your blog over and over again.
I found your blog by mistake. What a blessing it was to me. Sometimes I feel alone in my family values and the simple pleasures of taking care of my home and family. I do work some outside the home but Jesus, my family and home are number 1. God has blessed you with great writing talent, are you an author? Blessings! :)
Love Miss Beulah and your story. You have a talent.
Ok, Ruthann…I made your cherry pie…it tasted wonderful. The crust is amazing!! The filling, though it tasted good, I some how messed up. Can you figure it out? I showed a pic on my blog post today (May 27) and I think I messed up the tapioca part. Does it go on top of the bottom crust only, or also in the filling?? I just put it on the crust. For my first ever homemade fruit pie it was not a disaster! LOL
Well that makes me feel much better! I can fix it! I worried that I just did not have that pie making touch!! It really did not taste any different and we did use bowls. By the second day it had firmed up more and was not runny, just loose. I loved making the crust and it did turn out perfect!! I will try the peach pie next!…or maybe the berry pie since I have blackberries in the freezer. I’ll let you know if I master it! Thank you for your help, and really, I just didn’t follow the recipe correctly…not your fault at all!
I LOVED this. OK, when will your book come out? I want a signed copy!
I love that you can see the good in all.
Great story, Pie!
P.S. My ornery husband’s name is Maynard! tee hee
You’ve been a blessing to me today… my sweet grandma’s name was Mildred Grace and you brought her back to life for me today… Thank you, Ruthann!
Oh my gosh!! That was a wonderful story! I felt like I was there with Beulah! You have a gift! I am never disappointed and alwys leave your blog with a happy heart. Thank you!
Old pictures are so much fun and bring back such great memories. You tell wonderful stories.
What an awesome imagination. I want to be just like Beulah!
Thanks for the inspiration!!
I have found a kindred spirit! I have always made up elaborate stories about pieces of furniture, clothes, clocks, but mostly houses! My parents were a bit embarrassed by my “tales” when visitors were around.
You should definitely write a book! I would be your first customer.
Wonderful!! I loved your story!! I pray to be that faithful one day!!
You always bless my heart!
Happy Wed.
I loved your post. I have always been taken with those pictures too as well as antique kitchen ware. I have a waffle iron from the 50s that still works and I use it in my kitchen. When I am standing over it, making my family their waffles I wonder about the woman back then that had it, her family, her life, I think about her standing there doing the same thing I am doing and it always makes me smile.
This was absolutely delightful! What a creative imagination. I enjoyed every bit of the story. I too, strive to be as domestic and trusting of the Lord as your character in the story.
Hugs and come visit me sometime! (on my blog)
What a wonderful story. What wonderful pictures and you tied it all so well in your post. I shall be back for another visit real soon. Blessings
Hello Ruthann, I can not tell you how much I loved this post. It was so fun and encouraging. I hope you do not mind me posting about it on my blog. Clarice
Hi Ruthann,
Like Clarice, i was moved by this beautiful post…and hope you wont mind if i post some of it on my blog : )
Peaceful Weekend : ) Wendy
I love this post. Wouldn’t she make a great neighbor?
My daughter recently bought an antique picture just for the frame so she brought me the old photograph (of a child) that was in it. It was dated “98 (and I’m certain that was not a 1998). :)
I’m going to frame it and find a place in my house.
What a wonderful storyteller you are. I was so mesmerized by Sweets. She has the qualities that I strive for also. Thank you for such a great story.
Beulah Louise was a fine woman.
I appreciate that you gave her a story. Old photographs like that speak of a certain loneliness. Did no one care enough to claim the pictures? I like that you cared.
Thank you so very much for this post! It was a gift from the Lord for today and was very much needed! I linked to your blog from Storybook Woods.
You are a blessing!
I am so speechless about this site. My friend Linda,is my neighbor and she told me to look you up and i never get on the comp only to email my sweeter than pie hunny bunch Nicholas husband(deployed@ the moment),so it was a Lordy ,Lordy, moment for me to get on and look at your blog, i have to say we are two peas in the same ole pea patch, lil darlin, i am from Southern Cal. the O.C. and have grown up at Disneyland and had the same recurring dream of living on Main street and being a Southern Belle, and a Cowgirl and a June Clever. I am stuck up here in the Pacific Northwest, Washington. And i want to be where you are Nicholas is from Newton Ks. And I cried for at least an hour and continue to cry everytime i get on your site for 3 days now! I am addicted. Did you go to Calvary Chapel? I am from big Calvary in Costa Mesa. and came here in 1991. My eamil is redneckrgrwife@comcast.net, i am not good at this blogging thing and don’t know any other way to communicate. email me sometime, love everything about you and your house and the lipstick too didn’t know that there was another one like me out there!
I am so speechless about this site. My friend Linda,is my neighbor and she told me to look you up and i never get on the comp only to email my sweeter than pie hunny bunch Nicholas husband(deployed@ the moment),so it was a Lordy ,Lordy, moment for me to get on and look at your blog, i have to say we are two peas in the same ole pea patch, lil darlin, i am from Southern Cal. the O.C. and have grown up at Disneyland and had the same recurring dream of living on Main street and being a Southern Belle, and a Cowgirl and a June Clever. I am stuck up here in the Pacific Northwest, Washington. And i want to be where you are Nicholas is from Newton Ks. And I cried for at least an hour and continue to cry everytime i get on your site for 3 days now! I am addicted. Did you go to Calvary Chapel? I am from big Calvary in Costa Mesa. and came here in 1991. My eamil is redneckrgrwife@comcast.net, i am not good at this blogging thing and don’t know any other way to communicate. email me sometime, love everything about you and your house and the lipstick too didn’t know that there was another one like me out there!
I am so speechless about this site. My friend Linda,is my neighbor and she told me to look you up and i never get on the comp only to email my sweeter than pie hunny bunch Nicholas husband(deployed@ the moment),so it was a Lordy ,Lordy, moment for me to get on and look at your blog, i have to say we are two peas in the same ole pea patch, lil darlin, i am from Southern Cal. the O.C. and have grown up at Disneyland and had the same recurring dream of living on Main street and being a Southern Belle, and a Cowgirl and a June Clever. I am stuck up here in the Pacific Northwest, Washington. And i want to be where you are Nicholas is from Newton Ks. And I cried for at least an hour and continue to cry everytime i get on your site for 3 days now! I am addicted. Did you go to Calvary Chapel? I am from big Calvary in Costa Mesa. and came here in 1991. My eamil is redneckrgrwife@comcast.net, i am not good at this blogging thing and don’t know any other way to communicate. email me sometime, love everything about you and your house and the lipstick too didn’t know that there was another one like me out there!
I am so speechless about this site. My friend Linda,is my neighbor and she told me to look you up and i never get on the comp only to email my sweeter than pie hunny bunch Nicholas husband(deployed@ the moment),so it was a Lordy ,Lordy, moment for me to get on and look at your blog, i have to say we are two peas in the same ole pea patch, lil darlin, i am from Southern Cal. the O.C. and have grown up at Disneyland and had the same recurring dream of living on Main street and being a Southern Belle, and a Cowgirl and a June Clever. I am stuck up here in the Pacific Northwest, Washington. And i want to be where you are Nicholas is from Newton Ks. And I cried for at least an hour and continue to cry everytime i get on your site for 3 days now! I am addicted. Did you go to Calvary Chapel? I am from big Calvary in Costa Mesa. and came here in 1991. My eamil is redneckrgrwife@comcast.net, i am not good at this blogging thing and don’t know any other way to communicate. email me sometime, love everything about you and your house and the lipstick too didn’t know that there was another one like me out there!
This story, along with the pictures and music was just beautiful! I felt swept away to another place and time. Thankyou, Emmy
Just like the Proverbs 31 woman!
Your story reminded me of this story: About 15 years ago, my in-laws broke up their housekeeping to go to assisted living. We spent a month helping them go through things and sort them out…what an ordeal!
One day my friend, who owned an antiques store in town, came by. We had some old pictures out ~ all kinds of people, places, and events that none of us recognized. No names, no dates, nothing to identify them in any way. My friend asked if she could buy them for her store, and we let her have them. She put them in a basket, labeled them as “Instant Ancestors,” and sold out right away!
I just love your blog and reading about your fun trips. My dd and I are big “I love Lucy” fans too. She just finished a huge puzzle of Lucy.
I have no idea how I found this site and story, but thank you. I really needed to be reminded of His promises to us. In these coming times, with worry and confusion, this is what I needed to hear and start living with a little gumption. Thank you again.
hi…how funny i am your neighbor up the road in berryville arkansas and my sis’s name was louise perkins..lol… love this
Maybe you could change the blog subject title A Little Gumption Goes A Long Way…. | Sugar Pie Farmhouse to something more generic for your blog post you make. I enjoyed the the writing yet.
I LOVE this…give us more, please!
l seriously loved this story. I love to go to yard sales and buy those orphaned photos of other people’s Granny Ida Mae. My favorite was a precious little old lady who was feeding the chickens in her front yard. I had her hung in my kitchen for a long time until I was taking it down to decorate the kitchen for Christmas and broke the convex glass . Oh I wailed for a long time until someone told me that I could find a replacement . How could anybody just sell THEIR grandmother’s photo? Well, I just adopted Granny Ida Mae and I love her even if they don’t .
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Dear sweet fellow writer,
That was a fabulous story! Thank you so much for sharing. I am so impressed with your beautiful home and all your great ideas and the who sugar pie farm house BLOG. Thank you for sharing your life. I sing:The joy of the Lord is my strength song and Thank God for His mercy and grace! I’d love to have a friend like you.
Love, blessings, and peace,
What a lovely story!
I am going through some trying times (due to Dh’s health), and have worries related to that, and to see Jer 29:11 (my life verse) at the end? Well, that’s God-thing, for sure!
Thank you for this, I fully believe that God used you and the placing of that verse there for me, even all these years later (of course it could be for others, as well).
Do write more of these wonderful stories, I truly enjoy reading them.