My goodness! This summer has just flown by! I have been extra busy workin’ as hard-as-a-dawg on a BIG project so I feel like I’ve been doing a lot of juggling lately. I’m sure y’all can relate to that! But I did make time to spend the day celebrating my daughter Summer’s 14th birthday at our favorite amusement park Silver Dollar City here in Branson, Missouri.
Summer brought along some of her dear friends…all of them such sweet wholesome girls!

Things to eat! That is one BIG skillet filled with taters and veggies.

Ha! Ha!

Take a look at the leaves already turning toward the middle of the bridge! (Ya-Hooo!)
Old fashioned charm just pours from this place!
Fanny makes some reeeal gooooood Funnel Cakes! Ask me how I know!
Yee Haw!
There are Bluegrass bands throughout the park…banjos and fiddles just make you wanna dance!
Did I say there’s lots of yummy food to eat?
Hubby, Kimmy and Kade chatting and enjoying the warm summer breeze.
This photo is on the wall at the cute “Turkey Leg” restaurant…do they know there’s a cow on their roof? Lol!!
I just adore this sweet old log cabin church. It is so calming and peaceful stepping inside.
Inside are log pews and a beautiful view of the Ozark hills. At certain times throughout the day they have old fashioned hymn sing-alongs. It is so touching…it makes my heart feel hugged.

We had such a fun day at SDC! And my sweet Summer Rose (2nd from the left) had a very happy birthday!
That little red-headed darlin’ of mine is one of my dreams come true!
What a delightful joy she is to our family!
Well, Sugar Pies, I’m so thankful you stopped by!
I love hearing from you!
Do take a moment and say howdy!
May the good Lord bless and keep you real good!
Aunt Ruthie
Hi Aunt Ruthie!
What a fun way to celebrate Summer’s 14th birthday! You are always so sweet to share some of your family fun with all of us. I’m looking forward to the leaves turning too. Be sure to keep us updated on the autumn slender in Branson.
Love from Texas~Donna
Aunt Ruthie, I meant to say, keep us updated on the autumn splendor in Branson ~LOL! By the way, that little Kade is adorable!
Happy, happy birthday Miss Summer Rose! :)
Looks like everyone had a blast! I’ve never been to Branson or Missouri for that matter, but it looks like an incredible place to live!
Have a great week Ruthie! Toodles, Vida
Hello my friend! I love Love LOVE SDC but haven’t been there in years! I need to head down there this fall and soak it all up. I’m about 3 hours north of SDC. Can’t wait to check out your fall decorations and some yummy food I KNOW you will be cookin’ up. May the Lord bless ya and keep ya my friend!!! And tell your beautiful daughter HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Your family is looking so fine! Grandbaby’s growing and his cousin must be growing like a weed, too.
This looks like such a fun place to visit… I know that I’d love it.
Happy Birthday Summer<3 Look’s like you had a blast with your BFF’S and your family. One day I hope I can go to The Silver Dollar, it looks like a lot of interesting things to see and do. Aunt Ruthie your Grandson is the cutest little guy and growing fast. I have a new Grandson on his way hopefully here by the 17th of Sept. Now I will have 2 Grandson’s and 3 Granddaughter’s. If I knew they would be so much fun and a Blessing I would have asked for them first LOL. My Momma used to tell me this but I guess I thought she was just kidding me. Can’t wait to see the fall from your corner of the world<3Sandy
Hi Ruthie,
Many birthday wishes to Summer Rose. Kade is a cutie-pie. Isn’t being a gramma just the most wonderful thing? Our precious Lucas just turned 4 yrs old and he is beautiful, so smart and a hoot! It is amazing to see them change and learn new things. He is the only one we will have so he is extra precious!
God bless your beautiful family.
What a great, fun place to go with your family! So great to be able to have a day’s full of fun with your whole family, there is nothing that I love better. Being a grandmama is the BEST, isn’t it? I can’t imagine anything that’s more of a blessing. xoxo Lidy
This is my first visit on your web page and I must say I enjoyed Summers birthday right along with all y’all! Happy 14th birthday Summer!! I have a 14 yr old you she loves hangin’ with her friends too! Kade is adorable too!
Looking forward to some more fun readin’ on SugarPie Farmhouse!
I’m gonna keep on lookin’ around to see what I can find on here!
Thanks for a great start to my mornin’ Miss Ruthie :)
Happy Summer! I loved seeing your pictures….it really made me want to visit that amusement park! I love that “old timey” feel. And the trees are so big and green- beautiful! Can’t wait to see what the big project is all about!
Happy Birthday sweet Summer! What a grand old time you all had! The park looks so squeaky clean and a fun place to visit! Looks like you have had a wonderful summer there in the Ozark’s Ruthann! Fall is now on our heels! Looking forward to seeing that season roll in on your blog…Love you sweetie pie! ~Maryjane xox
Oh that just looks like a blast! I love the picture of you and the turkey leg….and now I am craving a leg of juicy meat.
I just love SDC, I havent been in years. As a kid we went every year….I think I need to plan a trip real soon and eat a turkey leg!!!!
Great pictures. It looks like you guys had a blast. I’m sure that my family would love it there.
Happy Birthday to Summer. Gosh, she was just a little girl when I first started reading your blog. I can’t believe she’s 14 now. Time goes so fast.
Well a happy birthday to your girlie! What a fun way to celebrate!
I have to tell you Aunt Ruthie that we have Amish neighbors! You really should stop and visit with them! They are such nice folk! Our neighbors Ida and Joe have 11 children! We swap ingredients for recipes all the time! She’ll be out of sugar and send a kiddo over for a cup or two and I’ll run out of vinegar or something else last minute that’s needed in a recipe and I’ll send a kiddo over to their house for what’s needed. We enjoy visiting and being neighborly!
Hugs to you!
The Wilderness Church is my favorite place at SDC :) Absolute peace. I have a best friend from high school who does dramas out there. You can’t miss him, he’s 7′ tall! I’ve seen some of the pics he takes with guests, they are hilarious.
Wow, looks like such fun! Wish we lived closer so we could go one of these days. Happy Belated Birthday to Summer Rose. Now….I am chewing my nails just waitin’ for to see the fall decorations you are putting up! ;)
Hi Ruthie!
Happy birthday to Summer Rose! Looks like a good time was had by all.:) Kade is adorable!! What a cutie pie.
Enjoy what is left of summer.
God bless you hun!
Love your pics! We went to Silver Dollar City years ago. It was such a wonderful place…so wholesome. …wish we lived closer.
there is so much to do where you live..I am so intrigued and want to go there..loved seeing your day and happy birthday to your daughter Summer too…;)
Ruth….your timing couldn’t be any better. We missed Silver Dollar City on our trip to Branson last fall……we just booked a long weekend in October to visit here! Looks like so much fun….we can’t wait!
Aunt Ruthie, Happy Birthday to Summer! Looks like she had a great time. I know I always do at SDC. I see something different every time I go. My hubby and I had our honeymoon picture made there 39 years ago this week! A great place for those grand babies too! Did you get to see” Ivy”, the walking vine, while you were there? She is amazing! I’ll bet you took some of those cooking classes too? Have fun.
Aunt Ruthie please give Summer a big b-day hug from Nevada (near Tahoe)! We got a surprise blessing for my 42nd birthday, and sometimes it a little surreal to have a grown daughter with 2 children, a daughter in college and a 4 year old daughter. God knew what a blessing my little Kate would be late in my life! I know you feel the same way about your beautiful Summer :-). My hubby was born in KC, Missouri and I would love to travel back with him and visit so many great places. Have a blessed week! XoKaren
Happy Birthday to your sweet Summer. Thank you for sharing your happy trip. It heartens me to know that Summer has chosen wholesome friends. The tween years are upon us, and I pray for good, godly companions for my children!
Hi Aunt Ruthie – thanks so very much for sharin your sweet daughter’s birthday celebration. I love amusement parks – not for the rides but for the atmosphere. My son loved to go all the time – one of the many things I will miss with him. Such great memories that will live in my mind forever and ever.
Happy Birthday Summer Rose!
Sweet post, Ruthie! I can’t believe Summer is already 14! I would love to visit Silver Dollar City someday . . . especially the sweet old church. Enjoy the last bit of summer!
Hugs & Blessings,
Past Blessings Farm
Looks like everyone had a great time..That grandbaby of your is adorable..Happy Birthday to Summer..I love her red hair..Have a wonderful time with the last days of summer..Soon it will be my favorite season..FALL…
Ok Aunt Ruthie, Im hoping that Big project youre working on is a book
I know I would buy anything you wrote. Love your site
Looks like a great time!! Hope your daughter had a great birthday. I’ve never been to SDC and seeing all your pictures always makes me want to visit!!
My husband is from Missouri & we lived there when first married. Then we would get season passes for SDC. We now live in WA state but when we visit family we have always made a point to put SDC on our agenda. It’s changed a lot over the years. We miss watching the demonstrations of the craftsmen like they once had. So many of them are gone now but we have such pleasant memories. Thanks for posting the pics, it such beautiful country. The Ozarks stole my heart and will always be special. :o)
Those ladies are not Amish, they would never wear flowered prints. By their coverings they may be German Baptist or a Mennonite group. How do I know? We are Plain Christians and live 40 miles from Holms County plus we have Amish living all around us, our next door neighbors in fact! I really want to visit Silver Dollar City, it looks so me! Love you lots and God Bless!
It looks like everyone had a great amount of fun good for you!
Oh my what a fun place to visit. I can’t help but mention it looks like the cleanest amusement park ever! I love the chapel and hymn sing alongside how special. Happy birthday Summer Rose!
Thanks for the visit to Silver Dollar City! Also, thanks for including us in the birthday celebration for Summer. You did a good job of showing us around SDC and all the festivities. SDC is a wonderful family park that hubby and I visited about 3 years ago for my November birthday. In fact, this weekend is our Anniversary and I am thinking we need a trip to Branson! We shall see where we go.
Thanks for taking the time to journal your fun life and sharing the kids and grandbabies. Keep up the good work. I love it all !!
Hi Ruthie,
Sweet pictures as always. Just a note, the ladies that you refer to as Amish are most likely Mennonite. Being a Mennonite and growing up in the middle of Mennonite/Amish country, no Amish would were bright colors or patterns. Some Mennonite still wear prayer caps. These ladies are wearing yummy, sherbet colored dresses…my guess they are Mennonite sisters. And feel free to talk with them, the Amish too, they aren’t prohibited from speaking with folk, and I’ve always found them to be quite friendly. They love the Lord just like you and me!
Ah .. Aunt Ruthie .. My hearts aching for a little piece of the ozarks …
I’m getting ready .. and next year we’ll be hitting SDC … together …
So Glad Summer had such a beautiful Birthday she’s a lovely girl ..!
I’ll be writing you soon ..
Hugs and Blessings ..Sara
It looks like a GREAT time was had by all. I so love SDC and Branson for that matter. It is one of those places you can visit and always feel like you’re a part of a big family. Everyone is so very friendly. I live just a few hours south and west of Branson and hopefully will get there this fall. I really enjoy reading all about you and your lovely family !!! Can’t wait for the next post !!!!
Hi Aunt Ruthie:
I have never been to your neck of the woods, but it looks as though you all had a grand time at SDC. Looking forward to your next Blog post.
Happy Birthday Summer-Rose.
My son got engaged at Disneyland this past July while his gal thought she was only planning a scavenger hunt for his 26th birthday. Jared was scheming with his brother (who was also helping Kelly with the scavenger clues) to ask her to marry him. Both families and a few close friends were there for the special moment.
Looks like you had a wonderful end to the summer. My parents have taken our boys to Silver Dollar City before as part of a “grandparents-grandsons only vacation”, but my husband and I have yet to visit. We will have to out SDC on our list of go to places. Thanks for sharing!
Aunt Ruthie: It looks like your family had a wonderful time celebrating Summer’s birthday. My how time flies!! It’s been years since I was at SDC. Your pictures make it look even more tempting. I love the little church. What fun to sit and sign hymns!! Happy Birthday, Summer!! In everything, give thanks, GrandmaSoucie
First of all I love your website and I’ve went back and read everyone of your posts from the first to this one. :) You’ve insipired me to use my imagination when decorating. We love Silver Dollar City and Branson, too. We visit every year but we are only a few short hours away in the Arkanasas Ozarks. :) You had a picture of kettle corn from Silver Dollar City well my husband has to take home 2 bags of that everytime we go. It is good. I’m in awe with the Amish people, too. We saw a family at Bass Pro shop in Springfield. Their children were all so well behaved. I wanted to ask that mother her secret. :) They were dressed in purple shirts and black trousers or dresses. I know this sounds weird but when the family walked by their clothes smelled of fresh off the line sundried cotton. I’d love to know how that lady washed her clothes, too. :) Have a great week!
Hey there! I’m so glad you posted Miss Ruthann! It appears you’re having a wonderful summer. Many happy returns of the day to Miss Summer Rose! I have a 14 year old (boy) that is a joy to us as well. Love on her while you can! Little Kade sure is the spitting image of his Mama (whom looks fab!). Mr. Sugar pie looks like he’s lost his baby weight as well! ;) I wish y’all glad tidings for your autumn.
What a beautiful family…and fun day! Are we blessed or what?
Hello there!
New follower here :) Sara from Sweet Magnolias Farm mentioned you yesterday when we were chatting at The Vintage Marketplace and I’m so blessed to have found your blog.
This outing looks fantastic!
Looking forward to looking through your posts.
God Bless :)
What a special day it looks like y’all had. Can you believe how grown up your baby is? Sigh. Time does fly. And now you have a new (grand)baby to love. :)
I had to comment that your “cute Amish people” are actually Holderman Mennonite ;o)
What fun! You have such a beautiful family.
I love it! Your tour was awesome and also the birthday tour of Summer Roses day. WONDERFUL & fabulous as always!
I was in a grumpy mood until I came here to look around! Looking at your cheerful home all dressed up for fall, got me out of my mood and inspired to decorate for fall!
I am absolutely thrilled to have stumbled upon your website, everything about it, is what i aspire to be, create, and share in my own ways…Thank you so much for your site! Hugs, Lexi
Hi where is your store located?
Ruth, I just wanted to THANK YOU for putting your beautiful music back on your website!!! Your website has brought years of happiness to me and my Twin Sons….who are 14! LOL! Home doesn’t seem like home if Sugarpie Farmhouse music isn’t playing! :) May God Bless you richly!
Kelli Manning
I love your kitchen. It is so warm and welcoming and unique! Just like your website…I couldn’t stop reading and looking at all the pictures.
Hey! I could have sworn I’ve been to this blog before but after checking through some of the post I realized it’s new
to me. Anyhow, I’m definitely glad I found it and I’ll
be book-marking and checking back often!