Hopefully you have had a chance to tidy your home, and have begun festooning your rooms with the golden touch of Autumn. I know it is hard to get in the mood when the heat of Summer lingers on….but I encourage you gals to go ahead and cozy up your kitchen, family room, or fireplace mantel with chubby little pumpkins, candlelight, pine cones, acorns, and caramel colored leaves…because before you know it, the air will turn apple-crisp, and the sweet scent of wood smoke will bring such delight that you’ll be glad the decorating is complete so you can cuddle up in a comfy chair, with a good book in one hand, a mug of creamy coffee or spiced cider in the other, and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Gathering the beauty of Autumn and thoughtfully arranging it throughout your home also brings such sparkling joy to young hearts. Just the other day my daughter said “Mama, I am so glad you decorate for fall..it’s so fun coming home!” Hugs and kisses followed after that! Decorating for the seasons adds a merry mix of enchantment and excitement to our everyday surroundings. It creates a home that says “welcome”.
As mothers and grandmothers, we are setting the stage for a happy (or unhappy) home life. The things we do today will contribute to our family’s memories tomorrow. This quote by Gina Pearson is so thought provoking…. “It’s impossible to harvest something you don’t plant.” Gals, if we want to look forward to a bountiful harvest of joyful blessings and thankfulness, let’s plant joy, goodness and a festive celebration-of-life in our homes.
“I value this delicious home feeling as one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow.” ~ Washington Irving
Here are some ways to cozy up your nest during this delightful fall season and a few thoughts on gearing up for Thanksgiving:1.) Gather your favorite cookbooks, sit at the kitchen table, pour yourself a yummy drink, and go through them, using post-it notes, picking out some new recipes to try or old favorites…..a hearty soup…smothered chicken…roasted vegetables…..snickerdoodle cookies…..pumpkin crunch bars….apple-pumpkin pie. Make up a menu and then a market list of ingredients to buy. If, after you try making it, and it’s a winner, you can make a copy of it and put it in a special seasonal recipe scrapbook, so it’s easy to find the next time you want to make it. My scrapbook is just a three ring binder with page protectors and dividers for, Everyday… Winter.. Spring…Easter….Summer…Thanksgiving… and Christmas.
2.) Clean out the refrigerator and freezer to make room for make-ahead meals, soups and Holiday cookies to freeze. Discard old salad dressings…. the jar with one and a half pickles in it….the thing that’s wrapped in foil….the bottle of mustard with one squirt left. The pantry also needs to be gone through, throw out expired goods and make room for new ingredients that are part of your autumn menu tradition.
3.) Stock up. Each time you go to the market, begin to stock up on items you will need for Thanksgiving or other gatherings…canned pumpkin….sugar….spices…flour….cranberry sauce….jugs of apple cider….hot cocoa and marshmallows. It’s also a good idea to get extra foil, jars, and other glass containers for holiday leftovers.
It’s much easier on the budget to purchase these items a little at a time rather than all at once.
4.) This is also a good time to clean out the medicine cabinet and re-stock it, so we are prepared to care for our dear ones when they aren’t feeling well. Make sure the thermometer is working, and you have the essentials, a fresh bottle of Tylenol or Motrin, Imodium, Pedialyte (for kids) Cough medicine, updated prescriptions. It’s so much more convenient to have these on hand, rather than having to run to the Pharmacy at 10 pm or during a storm.

I like to keep the makings for soup on hand, crackers, canned frozen juice, and Popsicles, for those unexpected bouts of colds and flu.
5. Be prepared. Keep a couple umbrellas in your car and a couple hanging in the garage or mud room so you are not caught in a downpour…I learned my lesson the hard way. A few other things we should have ready in the car are….a First Aid kit….bottled water…flashlights and batteries….ice scraper….jumper cables. I also keep antibacterial wipes in the car. Use them especially after touching a grocery cart. I saw a documentary on what was found on the handle after being swabbed… you don’t want to know (Ew!). We need to stay healthy to enjoy this glorious season!
6.) Have some Fall fun! Go on a nature walk and collect leaves, pine cones, acorns, and twigs. Enjoy the fresh crisp air. Go for a drive in the country, stop at a farm stand for a gallon of fresh apple cider.

7.) Check on the Internet for pick-your-own apple orchards, Harvest fairs or pumpkin patches near you for a family outing. They often have hay rides and other down-home entertainment. If your kids have flown the coop, take a gaggle of girlfriends with you! Take home some happy memories.
“Create a memory that you will still be talking about 5 or 10 years from now.”~ John Maxwell
8.) Count your blessings everyday. I call this Thanks-living. Having joy is a big priority for me, and one of the best ways to cultivate it is to be thankful for God’s goodness and His blessings. This is something we need to think about intentionally. Deliberately.
“If you haven’t got all the things you want, be grateful for the things you don’t have, that you don’t want”. ~unknown

9.) Tend to the five senses of your home. How do you want your home to feel, to look, to smell, to sound, and your food, to taste? Create a vision for how you want your home to be, then make a plan. Just remember, the little things you do, can mean a lot. Even if you live alone, remember, beauty inspires. Adding seasonal beauty in your home reminds us of God’s glory and His ever-loving presence…and that my dear, is so comforting. Take care of your emotional, physical, and spiritual self, as well as your family’s.

10.)The main thing is to stay balanced, stay thankful, be prepared and have fun! Make sure to keep family a priority. When you are asked to commit to something outside of your home, before you answer, ask yourself “will this benefit my family?”, if the answer is no, then your answer should be no. (Our children are with us such a short time, and we can’t get that time back. ) For harmony in the home, I have found that morning’s run a lot smoother when you prepare the night before…lay out clothes… backpacks…papers….even set the table for breakfast if it will help.
For more Fall goodness you might like these cozy posts:
Thank you so much for stopping by my Autumn Housewarming!
God Bless your darlin’ heart!
Love, Aunt Ruthie
Oh my goodness I love your home! I wish mine looked like this all year! Thank you for sharing with us.
Your home is so beautiful and it’s so warm and welcoming! There are so many pretty things to look at! You have a great eye when it comes to decorating and making things cozy! Very inspiring! May I ask about that adorable choir singer to the right of a hutch I believe I saw… it was too cute! Thank you again, I get so excited when I see that you have a new post to read and look through!!!! God bless you and your family!
I found your blog just yesterday and I am in love with it! You have such a wonderful way of decorating. Everything looks so beautiful and welcoming. Have a wonderful day :o)
It is such a blessing to see your faith lived out in each of your posts… through your love and devotion to your family and home. God blesses each of us and we should remember to show our thanksgiving to Him, which you do so eloquently. Thank you.
You are truly blessing others by sharing you wonderful gift for writing and making your house a home! I am inspired to take your ideas and make them my own in our quiet home – within my budget and abilities, of course!
I have one of the fall Gooseberry Patch cookbooks and I am going now to take it off the shelf and do as you suggested, after I finish up my allotted ironing for this evening! Also, I am going to talk with the children about ‘thanks-living’ tomorrow – it is an idea we have all recently lost sight of I’m thinking! Thank you again!
Oh – I thought of you tonight – a friend from Bible Study has a bountiful crop of pears and she plans to gift a bushel to our family tomorrow! What a blessing when they are $26 per 1/2 bushel in the farm market. I was thinking of your plum jam post and wondering just which apron and candle I should choose for making pear honey …..
I could spend hours and hours looking at every little detail of your home garnering so many ideas, Ruthann! I especially love this phrase “Adding seasonal beauty in your home reminds us of God’s glory and His ever-loving presence”. It definitely does! It makes my spirit happy and I know my family enjoys all the seasonal decor as well.
Thank you for some fabulous tips. Especially #13 – never thought about stocking up now, but that is a wonderful idea!
Would you PLEASE tell me where you bought those pilgrim folks? I would love to have a couple of them – they are too cute!
Yeah! Part two is here. I’ve been waiting in anticipation. You’re just the inspiration I needed to jump start my fall clean. Thanks for helping us all welcome Autumn and make our homes a warm and welcoming place. Cheers, Donna
Thank you for Part 2!!! I managed to decorate a mantel and an entry table and thought I was doing good for a change, but wow, I can’t believe what a wonderland your house is! Please keep these wonderfully informative, heartwarming, inspiring, motivating and God-praising posts coming, and thank you for inviting us all into your home!
You are amazing! I want to join your family-is there room?? I’ve told all my friends and sisters about your blog and it’s become all of our favorites. What a treasure it must be to be your real life friend,child, husband! You are an inspiration to many. I just wish that you could continuallly post so that I could read your thoughtful words each and every day. Thanks for making my heart happy!! Holly
You home is so divine! I feel as though mine looks shabby in comparison! Blessings! Thanks for sharing with us all! Love to hear what you have to say!
Your home is lovely, Ruthann, all decked out for fall. You have so many lovely things and certainly have a nack for using them in such creative and beautiful ways. Thank you for sharing your home with us.
Your home is lovely, Ruthann, all decked out for fall. You have so many lovely things and certainly have a nack for using them in such creative and beautiful ways. Thank you for sharing your home with us.
Your home is lovely, Ruthann, all decked out for fall. You have so many lovely things and certainly have a nack for using them in such creative and beautiful ways. Thank you for sharing your home with us.
Your home is lovely, Ruthann, all decked out for fall. You have so many lovely things and certainly have a nack for using them in such creative and beautiful ways. Thank you for sharing your home with us.
Oh, this is beautiful!! I don’t know what is my favorite. I love it all! Thank you so much for doing such a great post! Nancy
Wow, I loved your post. It is very inspiring to read and see your posts, lovely photo’s and great stories. I enjoy it all. Your home is beautiful and it is evident you take alot of time and thought to make it beautiful and warm. I am enjoying walking through your fall decor with you!
Thank You,
Yippee! Another new post! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. You are so talented. Your writing warms my heart, really it does. Reading your posts makes me keep my home a happy and warm place to be for my family. You are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing. I really hope you write a book. I will be first in line (or on-line!) to buy it. Sincerely, Patti from Livonia, Michigan
Hurray!! A new post. I love your blog so much I want to marry it!! :insert laughter here: :)
Seriously, your fall decorations are beautiful and inspiring!! Thank you so much for sharing such lovely thoughts & ideas.
Another beautiful heart filled post! Your home is so inviting. I love making memories for our family too. It makes the effort of changing things up for the different seasons well worth the effort.
Thanks for sharing your home with us and giving us all some great decorating and homemaking ideas.
OH, Happy Fall to you, Ruthann! Reading and seeing your photos, how enjoyable! Can’t wait to make a pumpkin pie!!
Your home is a breath of fresh fall air ..So pretty glad i found your blog..toni
Always a pleassure to come for a visit. Your Autumn decor is fabulous. You have inspired me once again and I couldn’t agree more that the children just love it. Blake wakes up every morning and says… “Is it Fall Time Yet Mummy?” I love that he is learning about the different seasons that God has blessed us with. God Bless you and your cozy Autumn Retreat, Dana
Absolutely inspiring! Thank you so much for the sweet thoughts, beautiful music, and pictures that make me want to follow in your footsteps.
I agree with your little cutie pie…fall decorating certainly makes a house more of a home! I love what you have done!! You are very talented in the area of decor! You gave me a great idea…I have an OLD black, square, cast iron skillet that my grandfather cooked his eggs in every morning. I can not get it in a usable condition, but love it so much (yes, I want to marry it!). What a great idea to use it as part of a decoration with a candle and some fall foilage! Thanks!! Your posts are alway so inspiring!
Your home is beautiful and so warm & welcoming.
I've picked up several little decorating tips that I'll try to implement.
Aren't those polka dot pumpkins just the cutest? I saw it in her magazine but haven't done it yet.
Turned out cute.
Thanks for all the tips & inspiration.
All I can say is amazing!!!! Thank you~thank you~thank you. Your house is sooooo comforting as well as your blog, I really needed this today! Happy Fall Blessings to you and your family.
Thank you for inviting us into your beautiful warm home. It is so adorable your family is so lucky you are so cute it makes for a home you want to run home to all the time. Thank you for sharing. Hugs Grace
You have a gorgeous home! I love ALL the pics and the suggestions! I love your seasonal decorating! It looks fantastic! :)
You have an amazing, cozy home. I can only imagine the comfort that you feel there! You have shared so many wonderful ideas for adding the joy of autumn to our homes.
I love the Paula Deen idea. I was just looking at her lastest issue the other day and thought how I would like to paint polka dots on pumpkins.
Thnak you for sharing the warmth of your home,
RuthAnn, It was great to meet you at the Open House at Leola’s. As I said, I feel like I knew you already. Thanks for being a great inspiration. Love those aprons! Love your decor! Thanks for sharing your home and heart.
Bless You,
This is the worst part of the week…the time waiting in between old posts a new posts!! :(
Love your decor! You’ve inspired me to get going on fall even though its still semi-summer here in texas!
Thank you for being a blessing in my life today!!! :)
Love it all again!!! I’ve been checking in every day to get “the rest of the story” on your fall decorating! Hooray! It finally arrived! Loved your encouraging words and suggestions and the beautiful photos of your house! Would love to see the outside views with the trees when they turn fall colors. (We don’t get much color on our trees here in Texas) I have an awesome Pumpkin Squares recipe I’d love to share with you….pattivee@suddenlink.net
I’m off to check out “Burnt Almond”…got some painting to do!
Have a Blessed Day!
Patti in Texas
I forgot to ask about your cute upholstered dining chairs…Where did you find them? Are they slipcovered? Love the cute damask pattern on them!
Patti in Texas
your blog is just gorgeous! It’s such eye candy and I love, love, love it!! Bless you and thank you!
Oh my how glad I am to have found your blog! Your love for the Lord and your family is so inspiring. It truly shows through your home and your writings. My eyes have been opened to how much my role of a mother and a wife means and how the little details really do make such a difference in the lives of those we love and whom love us! Your home is lovely! Thank you for sharing it.
Question!! Hope you have time to answer this – you get so many comments. For the most part, my home is pink and white. It’s very cottagey and absolutely adorable, but how can I decorate for fall/Halloween/Thanksgiving with that color scheme? The decor is very romantic/feminine. Christmas is easy – a white tree, sparkling lights, etc, etc – pink/white/gold/silver/pastels are easy to find for Christmas deco. Please help me with Fall!! thank you,
Ruthann, your darling sweet spirit is causing “joy” bells (to borrow a phrase from you;)to ring all throughout blogland!! By reading all of these wonderful comments one can certainly tell that the Lord has blessed you with the gift of encouragement and hospitality. These gifts are such an amazing blessing to so many!!
On a personal note, I just want to send you a great big thank you for giving me all the info. about the Happy Family book. I got so excited when I read your description because it was just as I remembered as a little girl! There were “tears of joy,” I’m telling you:o) Even better, I was able to track one down and will be receiving it soon! I remembered the reason that I loved it so much as a child ~ it’s exactly the kind of family I wanted to have when I grew up!!!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. Blessings to you and your family.
Susan P.
Thanks so much for your posts! I visit only a few blogs regularly and yours is by FAR my favorite! I think the autumnal decor has been my favorite post! The day you posted your jam post I was gearing up to make raspberry jam the same day- how funny. Thanks!
I just love your blog!!! I get so excited when there is a new post up. Your joy truly shines through all you do.
Love it!!!
Rachael Jantz
Was that you playing in the backgroud? Wow. It soothed me. You’re making it hard tho, with such good reading material, I can’t seem to curl up just right with my cider and my computer in my comfy chair. My mouse keeps falling off my lap.
Thank you RuthAnn, for taking the time for all of us out here in blogland. May the Lord continue to inspire your writing and your gift.
Thanks Ruthann! You are such an inspiration! I was planning to wait on fall decor until it cooled down some but now I am inspired to go ahead. Emily and I will start tomorrow! My collection is not nearly as extensive as yours (how do you find time to clean it all) but I look forward to it almost as much as Christmas. Happy Fall!
PS We are also going to try making pies! My mom was the pie maker in our family and now she is making pies for Jesus. I miss her so! But time to pass on the pie legacy. Pray for flaky crust!
It’s always a big treat to read your blog!! The sense of home and love just oozes in your posts!! Thank you! :D
You sure do have a beautiful home. I love the armoire idea! You’ve inspired me to get going on my decorating during this favorite time of year. Loribeth
Hi Ruthann! You’re home is so warm and inviting! I love reading you’re posts they are so uplifting! I also would like to know where you find you’re apple garlands! They are so pretty!
Hello Ruth Ann! Thank you for being so inspiring! I used to look forward to doing all the things you do, but the last couple of years it turned into a big chore I dreaded. But since reading your last post, I have, JOYFULLY, I might add, decorated nearly all of my house.It was fun again…so thank you many times over. We are having cooler weather and I am actually looking forward to Fall Baking and cooking! Thanks bunches and many blessings to you and your family, Kathy L
Ruthann…you are a marvel with the decorating. And I don’t mean just the absolutely lovely fall decor, I mean your whole house! I am inspired…and on my way to get the Christmas garland out. I drape it over my fireplace with white twinkle lights. Thanks for so many beautiful pictures and worthy ideas for homemaking. Cleaning out the pantry is high on my list of fun stuff!
I can’t for the life of me remember how I stumbled upon your blog, but I check back often for updates and you inspire me to be a better keeper of my home.
Your home is so beautiful! The pictures are wonderful, and I can’t help but want to see the rest of it!
Hi again Ruthann. The pictures of your home are simply breathtaking! Your family are so blessed to have you!
I’m in love with the music you play on your blog. I’ve taken to popping the player out into a new window so I can listen to it while I’m cleaning. It really sets the mood.
How do you store all of your seasonal decorative items when they’re not in use? You have so much!
I love your blog and I’m never leaving. Your tips are just what I needed. Better than The Fly lady. Thank you.
As usual, RuthAnn, a beautiful, inspiring post! Ohhh, I love fall! I love all of your touches in your home. I can see why your daughter loves it, too! I have been trying to get my stuff out since Sept. 1st (the day I usually designate for fall decorating at my home), but I’ve been battling morning sickness. What a wonderful idea about making a binder with seasonal recipes. I’ll have to remember that this year. Daddy always used to make foddershocks for us in the yard once the corn stalks were starting to dry up. Have a wonderful, blessed weekend, dear friend! OH…and I love that little choir boy. I noticed him in the back of one of the pictures, and I was so glad when you mentioned him. So unique!
Hi Ruthann, I just love your home. I live in the UK about 30 miles from London in a small home and am having so much fun looking at your blog and its archives for ideas to brighten up my dull drab home. We have had a very wet summer and are just beginning to see the beginnings of fall. I can’t wait for things to brighten up with golden leaves and crimson berries. Please keep blogging I just love your site.
Well, after reading this and seeing all your beautiful fall decorations, I have to get out of my gown, shower, dress and hit the hobby shops and get my fall decorating going.
Just a beautiful home you have!
love, bj
Oh my I loved this post. We around our place absolutely LOVE Autumn.
This post was so much fun. Thanks for sharing it!
Oh Ruthann ~ I so wish I were preparing for Fall and NOT preparing for hurricane Ike! As always…I love you blog! I don’t think you realize how inspiring you really are! I see Jesus shining right through you and your home! God bless!
I stumbled upon your blog just after the holidays last year. I love checking in now and then to see what you've been up to in your home. Reading your blog full of such inspiration and spirituality and seeing such wonderful and inviting photos is truly like sitting down to a table full of "comfort food" with a good friend. I feel like I've taken a "field trip" whenever I "stop on by". Your home is simply magnificent and beautiful. I can't believe it's actually a true home and not some staged show home or bed & breakfast! I love how you decorate and even more so, the reasons why you do what you do! Here in Massachusetts, we had a very wet summer this year, so I've been holding on to it with everything I've got. But after viewing your home, I'm ready to put the seashells away, bring out the pumpkins and take a day trip up to Vermont! Living in New England, I'm so blessed to be able to see the mountains and the ocean at my leisure. Here, the leaves have already started to change and its been getting chilly since August. So thank you for the invitation to come on in and have a "cup of warm, heartfelt, inspiration".
Melissa in Mass.
Oh, Ruthann, I love you!!!
And yes, I do put bread in my breadbox!!!!
And this isn’t even Christmas! You must have a storage room the size of a small[er] house for all your decor!
Just love your blog. Such words of wisdom and encouragement. You have a beautiful home.
Just found your blog and I love all your beautiful decorating and encouraging words.
Yay! I was awaiting this next post with the same anticipation I have when it’s time for a new book from my favorite authors!
Thanks for sharing your lovely home, fantastic ideas, and encouragement! I am even more inspired to get busy!
Amy O.
In my town, St Charles, IL we have a house walk at the Holidays, Only the best are showcased for all to come and see. The last time I went was with my Mom who passed from ovarian cancer (17 years ago) you put on little booties like the doctors wear and go through these wonderfully decorated homes. The only thing is that they are decorated by local merchants. Your home brought back that wonderful memory for me. Thank you. Also, your home would be on the top of the list, because you do it yourself with all your talent. I also lost my Dad last year, so I know how happy and proud you are of your daddy, as I was of mine. Now they are both in heaven and watching me and my three girls and my first grandbaby on the way. Sorry to ramble on, but you inspire me so. Think I bake some cookies!! Have a wonderful weekend, Jane
PS Did you say you got the little pilgrims on-line, if so would you mind sharing?
In my town, St Charles, IL we have a house walk at the Holidays, Only the best are showcased for all to come and see. The last time I went was with my Mom who passed from ovarian cancer (17 years ago) you put on little booties like the doctors wear and go through these wonderfully decorated homes. The only thing is that they are decorated by local merchants. Your home brought back that wonderful memory for me. Thank you. Also, your home would be on the top of the list, because you do it yourself with all your talent. I also lost my Dad last year, so I know how happy and proud you are of your daddy, as I was of mine. Now they are both in heaven and watching me and my three girls and my first grandbaby on the way. Sorry to ramble on, but you inspire me so. Think I bake some cookies!! Have a wonderful weekend, Jane
PS Did you say you got the little pilgrims on-line, if so would you mind sharing?
In my town, St Charles, IL we have a house walk at the Holidays, Only the best are showcased for all to come and see. The last time I went was with my Mom who passed from ovarian cancer (17 years ago) you put on little booties like the doctors wear and go through these wonderfully decorated homes. The only thing is that they are decorated by local merchants. Your home brought back that wonderful memory for me. Thank you. Also, your home would be on the top of the list, because you do it yourself with all your talent. I also lost my Dad last year, so I know how happy and proud you are of your daddy, as I was of mine. Now they are both in heaven and watching me and my three girls and my first grandbaby on the way. Sorry to ramble on, but you inspire me so. Think I bake some cookies!! Have a wonderful weekend, Jane
PS Did you say you got the little pilgrims on-line, if so would you mind sharing?
In my town, St Charles, IL we have a house walk at the Holidays, Only the best are showcased for all to come and see. The last time I went was with my Mom who passed from ovarian cancer (17 years ago) you put on little booties like the doctors wear and go through these wonderfully decorated homes. The only thing is that they are decorated by local merchants. Your home brought back that wonderful memory for me. Thank you. Also, your home would be on the top of the list, because you do it yourself with all your talent. I also lost my Dad last year, so I know how happy and proud you are of your daddy, as I was of mine. Now they are both in heaven and watching me and my three girls and my first grandbaby on the way. Sorry to ramble on, but you inspire me so. Think I bake some cookies!! Have a wonderful weekend, Jane
PS Did you say you got the little pilgrims on-line, if so would you mind sharing?
I just love your blog – I always look forward to reading your comments and seeing your pictures. Now I can start digging out my fall stuff since I have good ideas from you. It’s not fall here in Virginia yet, so I’m jealous of all of ya’ll who get to wear jackets already. Keep up the beautiful work!
It’s been a very pleasant time reading all of your tips and helps for creating an autumnal home. I can tell that you love this time of year.
Even though the smell of woodsmoke, the falling leaf, and the frost has already visited my corner, I’m clinging to these final weeks of summer. But autumn is my favorite season and I hope to add some autumn touches to my wee home soon. I see a lot here that I would like to try. Thank you, Ruthann!
I just found your blog through Kelly at Rose Vine Cottage and I am so glad I did. Your home radiates warmth and ambience and I see you love Jesus like me!!! Please stop by sometime. Your home is beautiful.
Ruthann – everything looks absolutly beautiful! Thanks for sharing your house, your ideas and your thoughts! We just love popping over to see what you're doing! We REALLY loved your coin on Thanksgiving – Thanks living….that is such a wonderful thing to remember all year long!
God Bless!
Karla & Karrie
Thank you so much for the inspiration. I think I’m similar to you in that I love to decorate and create a mood in my home, but quite honestly I’ve been in a funk! I’m pregnant with my number five blessing, and my oldest is six years old. I think I’ve just been using my circumstances to have a pity party for myself. I’m excited and rejuvenated to care for and love my family, and do the things that I used to love to do. I’m going to decorate today. With so many little ones, every day seems like a “cleaning day”. So, thank you.
On your last post, you had said that as you cleaned each one’s room to pray for them that they had joy in their heart and had a sense of belonging. I gasped, and realized just how wrong my attitude had been my children and my serving them. Honestly, thank you! God has truly used you in my life.
What a gorgeous home and festive fall decorations! I love that your daughter said that it was fun coming home to your house because of the extra effort you take to make it inviting. You’ve inspired me to make my home as comfortable for my family.
Thank you for your inspiration!
Beautiful Blog! You have inspired me to find some fall decorations! I love the season outside- how fun to bring it in. I do desire my home to be as warm and inviting as yours seems to be- thank you for taking the time to inspire!
What a beautiful post (and blog)! I especially loved all of the old graphics. Brings back a lot of memories.
Once again you have inspired me. I am going to go to the basement and start bringing up my fall decorations right now! BTW where do you store so much stuff????!
Hello Sista Ruthann,
MY, how pretty all your fall decorations look! Makes me want to get in that attic and start hauling stuff down……
I haven’t been my lately…husband in the hospital for 13 days with surgery, recovery, then out of pocket for several days….
Southern Sista, save me a piece of that autumn pie and a cup of coffee…..Sista Betty
Your decor is so inspiring! Thank you for sharing. This is my second visit to your blog and I find it totally delightful. I see that we are neighbors as we live a bit south of you! Welcome to our neck of the woods, the Ozarks are a wonderful place to live. Have a nice evening!
Thanks for all the great ideas to decorate my own home with!! I am so excited to do it now!! Do the real gourds & pumpkins spoil quickly though, so you have to keep replacing them??
Hands down, your home is the most beautiful I think I’ve ever seen. Thank you for sharing so many gorgeous photos with us…and inspiring me with so many autumn ideas!
You have the CUTEST ideas and the most gorgeous home!! Seriously…I just love reading your blog. It is so heart warming and cozy. I feel like I am right at home! Have a wonderful fall!! :)
What a lovely blog you have here! I so enjoyed my visit. Thank you.
I just added a fabric design to my Ozark vintage folkart and folklore blog…and as I did it, I was so excited to share a link to your blog as well!!! How inspirational you are! If angels are messengers, well…I guess that makes you a pie-bakin’ angel! :-) I so appreciate the spiritual blend of your posts, with the eye-candy. How beautiful it all is and how nice of you to share. I’ll be back to see you soon!
Sunshine to ya!
Sitting down with a nice warm cup of coffee and reading your blog is the perfect break in my day……thank you. It is such a joy to see your beautiful home.
Wow, what an inspiration! I love the Fall, and do decorate as well, but not as much as you do….Thank you for sharing with us.
I am SO inspired by all your decorating and all your lovely thoughts! You’ve been put on my “favorite blogs” list in my bookmarks! Thank you for sharing all your lovely pictures. You have wonderful ideas that help those of us (ME!) who struggle with exactly how to decorate our homes. Have a blessed week!
God bless you ~ Julie
Just found your blog by doing a google search, where have you been all of my blogging life (4 months, lol)!
Wow, what a goregous home and I love all of your beautiful touches of Fall you have everywhere you turn, amazing!
So nice to meet you:)
Beautiful post – thank you!!
thank you very much for your sweet post and your prayers, it means a lot! have a blessed week! love, brandi
Wow! Your home is so warm and cozy. I can smell the pumpkin pie! Thanks so much for sharing. Glad I found your blog.
I believe you have 'almost' surpassed the Autumn surroundings that are taking shape outside my door! :o) Your photos; your words…..may I compliment such a beautiful gift of conveying the sweetness of Home RuthAnn…so, so lovely. I hated to see it end….sigh. May I also add that your Autumn Housewarming prompted me to take to the shops and sprinkle Autumn on the Inside of our Nest this year……..I was so 'cozied' with your description, that I just HAD to latch on to the russets and the golds and the riches of Fall myself……..thank you for encouraging a 'Summer Gal' to rethink her Seasons and see the beauty of the changing colours not only outside her window, but, now tucked & weaved throughout our Nest….. May I end in saying how blessed I was to know that God was glorified as I 'entered into' your words……..it truly DID read like a prayer RuthAnn. Thank you so……..
God Bless,
Wow!, You are so inspiring. Not just with the decor and recipes but with your words of wisdom. You have your priorities straight and I am so glad you are sharing you experience and insights. We all have so much to be thankful for and by keeping God as our focus we can’t help but see that. We can’t feel love and fear at the same time. We also can’t think a negative thought and a posetive thought at the same time. So by thinking of the posetive love of God we can only be filled with true joy. I will continue coming to your blog to be inspired and reminded of what is important. Thankyou kathysue
Oh my my my!
I am a lover of Fall and have found my true Fall Heaven, your home.
I felt a quickening in my heart while perusing your beautiful Fall home. You have inspired me more than you know. I will be sharing your site on my blog in the next week or two.
…AND…we are remodeling a home office for my husband, you have given me the color I plan on using, burnt almond.
My first stop over and I am smitten!
Blessings, Joanne
Fall is my favorite and your home reflects what I love so much about the hues of fall and thanksgiving can’t be far behind!
We live in N. Ar near the Mo line so we must be close. Love the hills, don’t you?
YOUR HOME IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Okay—with all the comments you have here—I know you have no time to do any visiting….ESPECIALLY as busy as you are! Your house is absolutely gorgeous! I wowed my way through every picture!!! (really made me want to get busy!)
It is a very comforting place to be it seems. You are blessed with a tremendous talent from the LORD to make a “house” a real HOME.
I came by way of Joanne of Blessed. She’s mighty smart that one!
God bless you!! Happy Fall!
I am absolutely in love with your home – it’s beautiful! Your Fall decorations are so lovely and welcoming.
And now I feel like eating pie!
Have you linked this up to The Inspired Room’s fall nesting? If not, you definitely should!
lovely lovely love-ly! I love your home. It is my dream home. Loved your outfit too. Did you have a problem with the skirt of the dress static-clinging to the blue jeans though? I always do. Let me know if you came up with a way to combat that. Thanks. ~melissa
Beautiful, wonderful, inspirational, lovely. Thank you.
I adore your home and your suggestions for a nice home, but WHERE do you store your decorations?!!! That is a problem of mine :-p
I love your house!!! It is so cozy and homewarming!!!!I love to decorate and you have inspired me for fall…. I can’t wate for your christmas decorating!!!
I so ENJOY reading your blogs and listening to the music you have on there. It's just so calm, relaxing, and it has that homey feel to it. Everytime I read your blogs it makes realize how luck & blessed I am as well. Whenever I go to my mother-in-law's she makes a fresh apple pie and it's OH so GOOD! Mahalo [thank-you in Hawaiian] for sharing your recipes and everything else.
Your house looks so cozy, warm and inviting! I LOVE your choir boy as well…he looks darling in the corner by the hutch! Off to check out part one!
Ruthann…I have been visiting your blog for a while and love the way in which you decorate….I really enjoyed your autum decorating post and in particular fell in love with the little chalkboard that says My Oh my pumpkin pie. I called the store the Thicket, in Sfield, MO thinking from your post that you purchased it there….they didn’t recall anything similar. Would you mind to email me if you recall where you purchased it? I would love to find one! Thank you!
Oh my goodness – you home is amazing. Here in the UK we don’t decorate for different seasons as a rule, only Christmas, but I have definately been inspried by your home to take on your tradition of seasonal decorating it sounds like fun. Can I ask what the phrase is on one of your walls – it starts “Come Gather At”
So happy to have found your blog via Clarice’s. Your photos are lovely!
You have the most beautiful home! I share your joy for autumn. It is my favorite time of the year. Where do you find all your goodies? You’re invited to come decorate my house anytime! I’ve added your blog to my faves. I haven’t started a blog yet but want to. You have given me great ideas!
Your home is a show place. Just love it.
Wow,your home is a castle. Beautiful. My step-father has family deep in the Ozarks and when I was a teen I remember going to see them and seeing the “regular” houses and asking “are we there yet” because the farther we went the worse they got until Yep, we stopped in front of the Beverly Hillbillys shack, whiskey still, rocking chair and dog on the front porch, I kid you not. I went to explore and was told to get my butt back there as I could be shot for tresspassing. This was like 1980. I said, people are not like that now get real. Well, I was told to get real. lol Then we traveled to Grandby and Neosho(sp?) and I loved the small town square feeling. I never forgot that trip and I think about it often. It was also my first taste of Huckelberry Pie that I must now order over the internet. Anyway, your pictures are beautiful along with your beautiful daughter. My daughter is a red-head also. I will definately be back :)
Oh, how wonderful! Such lovely ideas and beautiful pics of your home! Your style of writing is so lovely…so inspiring! Thank you so much for your wonderful blog!
God Bless,
love, Tina :)
Where did you get those brown and white plates? That is exactly what I am looking for and I can’t find them anywhere! I love your blog! Thanks for sharing!
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I just recently received the link to your website. from my aunt. It’s awesome…..of course I scrolled right away to find al things autumn…..my favorite time of year! I know it’s only July, but I am so reay and preparing for the autumn months ahead….
Thank you for sharing your heart…
Hi there !
I’m stuck on my chair, your blog is amazing, and I’m visiting it every different time during the year. The fact you’re christian is way better, you rock : )
Man I would like to visit your home just one time of my life (I can imagine how causy it is to stay on the coach or just play the piano)
Stay blessed, because it is a blessing to have such beautiful things at home !!!
With all my love, Laetitia
I know this is LAST years post but I am traveling through your past posts for MORE inspiration and loving every minute of it! YOu are SUCH an inspiration and BLESSING to all of us lucky enough to have found your wonderful blog! You are fulfilling God’s purpose for you and doing so beautifully. How LUCKY your husband and children are to have you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many blessings, Pinky
Hey!! I just found this!! Your home is one of the best I have ever seen. I love it so much!! you are extremely talented. Is there anyway I couldd get your floorplan?? We are thinking of building abd your house seems perfect.
Thank you so much for sharing. I love your home. It is beautiful!
Are you interested in selling any of you demdaco turkey creek people? I am most interested in pilgrim on the back of the turkey and the well dressed pilgram and his wife. I am missing them and my sister has the turkey and keeps tessing me she has it, thanks Judy
Love this post! So many great Fall ideas! Yes it is hot and humid but I am looking at my Fall Pinterest boards. Always love your blog. Thank you!
Ruthie ,
we are just Kindred Spirits here! It’s one thing to decorate your house for fall but it’s another thing entirely to do it intentionally to create an atmosphere of comfort and joy for your family! That Joy being rooted in the joy that God gives us when we know him! I agree with every single point you made in this article and I am so blessed to be able to visit your site and have all of my senses touched in regard to the High Calling of being a homemaker. Thank you again so much for your inspired blog and the messages that you bring to us through it!