Hello dear Sugar Pie Sisters!! Remember me? Lol! I can’t believe the last time I posted was last fall! This has been a crazy, and at times, difficult year! I got Covid, and thankfully survived that, and then had a few health issues, nothing serious but still not fun. My parents were having some health issues also so I flew to California for several days to see them (because of Covid I hadn’t seen them in over a year! My dad will be 97 and my mom is 91).
We also did some house renovations and then there’s my eight grandkids that I love spending time with.

I was also still having some website issues where no one was able to leave a comment. Your comments are so important to me. I love to hear from you! Your sweet replies let me know that you are here… it’s like we’re chatting over a cup of tea or coffee at the kitchen table…it just warms my heart. Thankfully we have that fixed now!
And then the service that sends you an email notice letting you know that I have a new blog post up was discontinued… which meant that no one would be notified about any notices from Sugar Pie Farmhouse. So I had to do some research to find an email subscription service that didn’t charge $250 or more a month. I did find a service but this is the first time that I’ll be using it. So I sure hope it works and that you got an email letting you know I have a new blog post. If you would leave me a comment that you got an email please be a dear and let me know!
There’s a million other things that got in my way that I’m sure you can relate to. And yet my heart yearned to get back to blogging. So here I am! I am so thankful you are here!

For years I’ve been fervently dedicated to encouraging women to turn their hearts toward home. To take the best care possible of their home and family. Especially, in these extremely turbulent and uncertain times we all need to be encouraged to make our home a place our family loves to be. A place of peace, safety, beauty, joy and prayer. In doing so we will be nurturing and loving our family well.
“She looks well to the ways of her household”. Proverbs 31:27

So darlin’ go grab something yummy to drink… hot tea, coffee or something fall-ish like hot cider! Or maybe just light a yummy Autumn scented candle to set the mood for a cozy Fall Home Tour! To top it off put on my all time favorite Fall music… the Little Women movie soundtrack! It sparkles with all the cozy feels for this time of year!

It’s apple pickin’ time in my front entry! My vignette centers around this darling Currier & Ives print! I love it so much I wanna marry it!!! Did you know that Currier & Ives was an American print making company from 1835 to 1907? They produced illustrated prints by commissioned artists that were then hand colored. This firm was owned by Nathaniel Currier and James Ives. Such a rich look at our American history.
I purchased an 8 x 10 vintage paper print of this scene and then I had it enlarged and put onto a 24″ x 36″ canvas. It turned out beautiful. The company I used was Easy Canvas Prints. I took a picture of the print with my camera and sent them the high resolution image. In one week I received it!

This Currier & Ives print in my entry is called American Homestead: Autumn. It’s of a family picking apples in their own orchard. It depicts how life really was back in the day.
Papa is up on the ladder picking the high ones and Mama is on the ground with the children filling up baskets.
No doubt she made all kind of delicious goodness with the bounty of their apple harvest: Apple pie, apple fritters, apple sauce, apple butter, apple cake, apple jelly, dried apples, baked apples with brown sugar and walnuts, apples in her roast pork and sweet little apple hand-pies!
I love how they were so resourceful back then…of course they had to be! It makes me want to step into the picture!

I wanted my autumn decor to reflect the scene of this endearing picture. A basket of apples, autumn leaves, the color of butterscotch, an apple branch, a picnic basket, a throw and “Papa’s” hat.
This sweet print makes me think of the Johnny Appleseed song! We used to sing it after saying grace with our kids and still do sometimes when the whole family gathers for a meal…grand-sugars and all!
Oh, the Lord is good to me.
And so I thank the Lord
For giving me the things I need:
The sun and the rain and the apple seed;
The Lord is good to me.

The quilts hanging on the old orchard ladder are from the 1800’s so they fit right in!

A couple years ago a sweet friend of mine sent me this beautiful burlap banner that she painted. Autumn Skies and Pumpkin Pies! It’s so me! I paired this endearing quote with some pumpkins on cake stands and a darling garland of pumpkin pie slices that my daughter found for me at TJ Maxx! She was shopping and called to tell me about the garland, knowing I would LOVE IT! I told her to bring it on home to Mama…STAT! LOL!

A close up of this darlin’ felt pumpkin pie slice with a dollop of whipped cream. Adorable!

Well sisters, you know I love everything farmy right? What’s more farmy than a hayride! This year I gathered some vintage goodies including a faux straw bale that I’ve had for years and years, a cow bell, pitch fork, grain scoop, and bushel basket. I tossed in some pumpkins, a gourd, fall leaves and a wispy wreath.

Speaking of Hayrides…do you have my Pumpkin’ Pickin’ and Hayrides Ebook? It’s a wagon load of harvest-time ideas to cozy-up your home, Fun family traditions, yummy recipes, and nostalgic delights to warm and bless your heart! Check it out ... CLICK HERE!

I always loved that saying, “The kitchen is the heart of the home.” It’s so true in my house! It’s pretty much Grand Central Station!
This is my baking center and I’m fixin’ to begin my autumn baking soon! I love to make my pie crusts ahead of time and freeze them for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Before the hustle and bustle of the holidays this is a good time to stash my pie crusts in the freezer. It makes pie baking day easy-as-pie because half the work is done! You just fill the crusts and bake!
I roll out my dough, line the metal pie pans and flute the edges. Then I flash freeze them for an hour in the freezer until it’s firm. Once it’s hardened I stack them and put them in freezer bags until I need them.( I use 2 gallon ziploc bags which will hold 3 to 4 crusts…you can find them HERE ). You can also find my All Butter Pie Crust Recipe Here!

I decided to line my sweet little gathering baskets on my baking center shelves with vintage looking homespun fabric. I chose fabrics with a primitive 1800’s Little House on the Prairie feel. I had Mrs. Olson and her Mercantile in mind.

At Hobby Lobby I found brown plaids, ginghams and ticking stripe fabrics for 50% off. When I laid the fabric bolts on the cutting counter in at tall stack they looked just like they came from Mrs. Oleson’s store. And that made me happy. Notice the sign in the back “Yardage-Fancy and Plain”. I went for the plain!

Right next to my pantry screen door I have a chalkboard that I write on with sentiments for the seasons. This little phrase is something I wrote when I was writing my Fall Ebook, Pumpkin Pickin’ and Hayrides. “I think it’s so adorable that God thought of Pumpkins!”
There’s something so whimsical and darling about pumpkins. They come in all sizes and shapes and they’re just the cutest! One little pumpkin on a plate in the middle of your kitchen table will be enough to make your heart smile. Thank you Lord for creating those adorable Pumpkins!

A little peeky into my pantry!

This old farm table is one of my favorite places to decorate for the seasons! It has seen some happy days!
My mother-in-laws butter churn sits close by and the Chicken Sisters are staying cozy underneath. The little cupboard on top of the table is actually a pie safe. The screen was torn off, but there are remnant pieces left which tell the story of what it was.

Baking days are here! The weather outside is getting chilly in the Ozarks which makes baking up some Snickerdoodles, Ginger Snaps, pumpkin bread and pumpkin pie sound like a wonderful idea! Oh the aroma that’s about to swirl in our kitchens!
Do you see that sweet yellow-ware bowl with the cream stripes? It’s very old and I got it recently in Arkansas. It’s so cute. I’m sure it was a workhorse for a rosy-cheeked, aproned-Mama back in the day!
See those wee little butter-colored pumpkins and the white one too? I grew them in my own pumpkin patch! Their sweetness rings joy-bells in my heart!
“Cheers for the Gingerbread Boys!
Little mouths smacking with joys.
Mama bakes them brown and hot!
Gingerbread boys!
Eat a lot!”
-Charles Wysocki, American Artist, 1928

Take a couple minutes every afternoon to sit and ponder the goodness of God. Make a hot cup of something yummy and savor it with thankfulness.
I love the English idea of Tea Time every afternoon. Let’s make that a thing in our homes!
Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”

This summer we had our kitchen painted white and replaced the dark brown granite with white quartz. I love how it brightens it. Everything looks so fresh and clean. It also makes my decor pop in a warm and cozy way.

I love the white especially paired with the warm woods of the stove mantle and the lower cabinets… it helps cozy-up all the white.
On top of the mantle I filled the vintage bowls with raffia and topped them with happy milk-colored pumpkins. The cow tray above the mantle is a favorite! I love cows, don’t-cha-know? Lol! I got a set of two different ones last year. If you google “metal cow trays, Park Hill” you may be still able to find them!

I love this dear white milk can! I love that it’s from the Borden Company in Kansas City too! I filled it with faux corn stalks that I got from Michaels a couple years ago. Totally farmy!

This old cupboard came from my hubby’s childhood home! He lived in an old log house in the woods of Idyllwild, California. I’m blessed to have it! It’s where I store some of my favorite cookbooks, brown transferware dishes, my large Mason Cash bowl that I use for mixing my mom’s Thanksgiving Sausage Stuffing every year!
To the right of the cupboard is a little play-nook for my grand-sugars! After hugging me at the door, that’s the first place they run to go play. It’s filled with toys, books, games, coloring and craft supplies. I got the little table and chairs on Facebook Marketplace a few years ago. It was a great price! It’s originally from Pottery Barn so it’s super sturdy!

The cheerful joyous season,
The Autumn time is come,
With song and shout we welcome,
The golden Harvest Home. ~unknown

As mothers and grandmothers, we are setting the stage for a happy home life. The things we do today will contribute to our family’s memories tomorrow. This quote by Gina Pearson is so thought provoking; “It’s impossible to harvest something you don’t plant.” Darlin’, if we want to look forward to a bountiful harvest of joyful blessings in our family, let’s plant thankfulness, goodness and a celebration of life in our homes.

“For the beauty of the earth
For the glory of the skies,
For the love
which from our birth
Over and around us lies.
Lord of all, to Thee we raise,
This our hymn of grateful praise.”
~Folliot S. Pierpoint 1835-1917
God bless you dear Sugar Pie Sisters! I hope you have a blessed fall season! I’m thinking of you and saying my prayers for you. Stay close to the Lord and stay safe dear ones.
Please let me know if you got an email notifying you about this new post! That will tell me if my new email subscriber service is working! If you did not receive an email, please let me know how you heard about this new blog post. That will help me know what is working. Thank you so much!!
All my love,
Aunt Ruthie
Oh, Ruthie, I really NEEDED this post today! I know you’re on Instagram but your blog posts really soothe my soul and give me so much inspiration.
Love the pumpkin pie garland – I found some on Etsy, too!
I was so happy to see a post from you pop up on my Feedly. Happy autumn wishes from Canada!
:) Erin
I’m so glad you have a new blog and thankful to the Lord that you survived Covid.( that must have been scary) I LOVE YOUR HOME. I just found you a few months ago and have watched every one of your videos’ more than once. What beautiful scenery you have to look at out your windows! And your bedroom is a dream come true! Is your home a log cabin? would love to see the front and back outside. Love you recipes and love the idea off freezing pie crusts. Never thought of that. Will look forward to a new video!
Was wonderful to get an update. I will devour it over a cup of coffee. We got the vid to and am Glad we got off so easy.
Here’s to health happiness and friends and family to surround us!
We really are blessed!
Enjoy this so much thank you
Hi Ruthie!
I got an email notification. So glad you are doing well. Love your home and very much enjoy your posts.
Yes, I rec’d your post, and was so happy to have gotten it! You e been missed greatly!
So excited to see your blog post! It was fabulous, so glad you are doing ok now :) Happy Fall!
I am glad to hear you are ok. I was looking around recently trying to remember what your website was called and saw you hadn’t posted anything since last year. Some people just don’t come back from Covid and just disappear. Anyway, welcome back! I have missed your post.
I love your posts. I also love, love, love your baking center. You have such a beautiful, welcoming home.
I got your email and was so excited to see you had a blog post up. I’ve missed you!!
I’m so happy to hear from you!!! My husband and I had Covid pneumonia and were hospitalized last December so I definitely understand your absence. I’m so sad you had to suffer through it too. Praying for you and your family Everything is so beautiful!!!
I love your posts! I got your email, and I was so excited to hear from you again! I’ve missed you and am so grateful you survived Covid. Praise God! Love your beautiful home!
Welcome back dear Sugar Pie!! I’ve missed you!! Glad to hear that you are recovered and feeling up to staying in touch. Hope your parents are doing well too. A beautiful post today, love your scripture that’s included. Hope y’all continue to be healthy and safe.
Got your email! I have missed your seasonal tours!!
So excited to open my e-mail and see your blog. Sure have missed you. Love that way you decorate your home. Your pray verses are great and God is so good! Family is everything! Thanks for keeping in touch!
Yes, it was so good to get your email.
So glad I saw your email! It’s been a tough year here so this was a welcome encouragement this morning. Hope we see some more posts before the year is over.
I was so excited when the ding on my email came in and I saw that it was you! I have been looking forward to this email so much to the point, I thought it was something on my end as to why I had not received a new post from you! Technology and me, don’t ask… I follow you on Instagram, but your posts and youtube videos feel so much more personal, kind of like back in the day when we used to write letters and send post cards.
Have a blessed beautiful autumn season, looking forward to your Christmas post!
Yes, your email made it through! What a lovely surprise! I’ve really missed your posts. They are always SO inspiring!
I received my email today and squealed with glee that you had a new post! Your home looks cozy and lovely, as usual!
Ruthann it’s good to see you back! So sorry you had covid. I got sick last October myself and dealt with side effects for months. But God is good. Love your home! I’ve been in a funk and haven’t felt like doing decorating. Between chores and canning my life is busy and my kitchen stays cluttered lol. Take care! From your Facebook friend
I got my email..and always love seeing your home..love the new kitchen and colors..always love getting ideas happy fall ya’all❤❤❤
Dear Ruthie,
Fall Greetings from Southeast Missouri! You have been missed!
I was so happy to see the email notification of a new blog being posted. Your home looks warm and welcoming. Please have blessed upcoming holiday season!
I received the email, notifying me of your recent post. So glad you’re back! Love your posts! XOXO
So glad to see you back again…you’ve been missed! I was so pleased to receive notice of your blog back again as I had wondered what happened to you. So LOVE your welcoming, warm home, and seeing your decor inspires me.
Can’t wait to see what’s new for you to share with us.
Welcome back!
I got an email from you! Thank you. Waynell
Glad to see your post, I am sorry to hear about your trials this past year – it has been a different couple of years.
Blessing to you and your family.
It was such a nice surprise to see your post in my inbox.
Your home is so charming and cozy!
I was so surprised to get this email today as I was wondering only last week that I had not seen anything new for such a long time. Your kitchen baking centre pantry has me so inspired to have the same and for several years I have been thinking how could I accomplish this in my house. I will have to move and believe me I would have my dream house just like yours. I will be trying your butter crust pie recipe. Keep well and thanks for your wonderful blog.
Just wanted to say, welcome back, so happy you are well, your home and everything about it is so beautiful, God Bless.
I got the email and I’m so thankful I did!! What a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing your home and wisdom with us. This has been the bright spot I needed at the beginning of a difficult week. Praying blessings on you and yours. Happy Fall Y’all! <3
Yes I got it. Have missed them! Glad you beat the Covid!
Email notification received and I was so glad to see it in my inbox! I always enjoy your posts! Thanks and Happy Fall!
I am so happy to hear from you again! When I got the email notice this morning, I could hardly wait to get home and open your blog! Your home is beautiful, as it always is, and your words are so uplifting. Have a glorious Thanksgiving season! — Barbara
I got your email and I was thrilled! I love looking at your kitchen and especially your pantry and dreaming. So glad you’re back.
So glad you’re up and running. I enjoy your beautiful decor and recipes make me happy!
It’s been a rough year and a half but people like you make staying in somewhat easier. Happy fall! God bless.
Got your email….Happy Fall to you dear!!
Hope to see more posts
I am so happy you are back! I have missed your posts….you always make me smile and inspire me <3 I am so sorry to hear you had Covid, and am thankful that you recovered! Both my husband and I had it as well. Praying that your health issues are behind you and you can enjoy all the wonderful holiday traditions coming up soon!
Yes! I did receive an email about your post. I’m glad you and your family are all healthy.
I am so glad you are back! Your posts are so encouraging!
So glad you are well! I don’t often leave comments, but I love your blog and all the information you have for all of us. I missed you and just want to welcome you back and let you know how much I appreciate you. You are a breath of fresh air.
so glad u r back I always love reading your site. so glad u r better it is a scary situation, on happy note happy fall
Glad to open my mail and see one from you. As usual, you have outdone yourself in decorating your seasonal home and projecting a sense of “all is right with the world “. Much needed at this point in time. May your holidays be filled with family, friends and food. Hopefully, we will all be blessed with the promise of “a garden of eden” future. We all need to get back to basics of life. HAPPY THANKSGIVING AND MERRY CHRISTMAS
Hi Ruthie, yes I received your email. I was so excited to receive your fall blog. I so enjoy reading all about your home decorating and fall ideas. Have a blessed and wonderful fall. Thank you
Yes I received your email. Thanks . I’m glad you are back at blogging. I’ve been following you for years so I don’t remember how I heard about you.
I received your email today notifying me of your new post, and gosh was I excited! I’m sorry that you have had such a rough year, but grateful you came through it and are able to start sharing your amazing life with us! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us! Happy! Happy! Happy!
Enjoyed your comments today!
What a lovely post and your home is so cozy and festive for fall.
I did receive an e-mail notification! So thankful you survived Covid, as so many have not. Terrible virus. Loved this wonderful tour!!
God bless!
So happy to see your email today. You always bring some cheeriness to my life. Love your home. So very beautiful. As are you !! Nice to hear from you again. Thanks for the bright spot in my day. Best wishes.
It is sooo good to hear from you!! So Thankful that GOD healed you from the illness!!
It is heart warming to see your beautiful home decked out in Autumn glory! Just knowing your a sister in Christ and that you cherish homemaking as a calling from GOD truly resonates within me.
Sending you and your family blessings and love Ruthie!
It’s wonderful to hear from you! I have missed your posts. Thank you for the post and encouragement!
Blessings to you,
I did receive you email notification. I was just thinking about you today, wondering how you and your family were doing. Then your email came in. I love your post and your pictures of your beautiful home. Have a Blessed Day!
So happy to hear from you Aunt Ruthie!! Happy Fall, very glad you’re feeling better!!
Your post came to my email! Thank you. I enjoyed it so much.
I did receive your very welcome email this morning. So happy to get this. You are a joy to my heart. Thank you.
I love your site and all the photos from around your country home. My kind of style.
It was so good to hear from you. I was wondering if you quit blogging.
It was fun to see your beautiful home.
Glad everyone is well, now.
I have been thinking about you! Really enjoyed this post and especially the quote by Gina Pearson. Stay safe! Enjoy the Autumn colors by the artist Himself!
So glad to see a new post from you! I have missed you so! I did get the email about it….yay! I thouroghly enjoyed your Fall home tour, thank you so much for opening and sharing your sweet home with us all. Hope you have a wonderful, cozy and blessed Autumn season and hope to see your Christmas home tour too! ❤️
Hi Ruthie! Glad your doing better! I’m sooooo happy to see you are blogging again, its so encouraging! I did receive the email!
I’m so delighted to see your post today – you bring all the good ‘home’ feels out in me :-) Now I’m off to do some house cleaning – with good music on, it’s much less of a chore!
How exciting to know you are back. You have been through a lot but I can see that you haven’t changed. Still inspiring us in so many ways. Prayers for you and your continued wonderful work.
i was so excited to see your post on my email. i love seeing your home. thank you so much for sharing it w/ all of us. i do miss it on you-tube though. praise god for blessings for you and your family.
Yes I got your email! So good to have you back!
Yes, I got your email and you’v been missed.
What a wonderful surprise to see your email! I enjoyed reading your blog & also seeing how you decorate you home. I’ve missed seeing that, thank you!
Precious Aunt Ruthie! What a blessing when I got home from grocery shopping and checked my email, and there you were! I live in CA and it’s actually cool today so this is the perfect treat as I sit with my Starbucks coffee! Have a blessed day!
Thankyou so much for sending out your fall home tour.
Just as beautiful as ever.
Love how you always add prayer to your post.
We need it more than ever these days.
Keep safe keep well.
Will look forward to your Christmas home tour!!!
Yes I was so excited to get the email telling me about your post! I’m so glad you’re well and that you’re back!
Got your email, so glad you’re back! I’m not on Instagram, so I’m sure I miss a few things. It’s beautiful, as always, one of my favorite times of year! Thanks for posting!
I got the email telling me about the new blog post. LOVED the new blog post!
So happy to have received your email so I could read your fall blog!
I loved reading your blog today and seeing your beautifully decorated home. You inspire me to do all the things in my home
Thank you for posting! I miss reading blogs about family, God and country. Reminders of when we took time to make our family communities healthy and happy.
So nice to finally here from you! Even though I live in good ol’ California I feel we are kindred spirits. In a world that seems to be growing darker, you are a ray of sunshine. God bless you and have a great day! Karen Carnall
Oh my, so good to “see” you again! I have been watching out on youtube for new ones and was so happy to get the email! Glad you are on the mend. I forwarded your email to my bestie so she too, can sit with a cuppa and enjoy your blog. Great to have you back!
I received an email and clicked as fast as my little fingers could to get back to the Farmhouse!
~Mrs. J~
Lovely post as always.
Lovely Post! Really brings a taste of fall ! Your home brings comfort and warmth to the fall season! Blessings~
It was fabulous to hear from you again! I just love your post and the things you write about make me so happy.
Got my email this afternoon. Love your posts, so was happy to see this one today. Happy Fall!!
What a beautiful surprise. So happy to see you again.
Got your email! Love your posts! ❤️
Love this so much! Thank you!
It was so good to receive your e-mail today. I have always enjoyed catching up on your days. I love that your home reflects the blessings of sweet grandchildren. We have been blessed with 15 so far. Happy Autumn!
So happy to receive this e-mail…from another Grandma to you, I’m so thankful for your sweet witness. I feel that our country is the way it is today because we (our country) have turned away from God. It hurts my heart. We moved from CO to FL to be near our grandkids (one house away) so we do try to be good examples….time flies so fast! We must appreciate every day and try to stay in God’s will while we can. Thanks for your sweet newsletter!
Absolutely love your home. Definitely my style. What an inspiration and blessing that you always give glory to our Heavenly father! He is so good! Have enjoyed your utube videos also. Thank you!
Hello Sugar Pie Farmhouse!
I am so happy that I am still receiving your emails. Thank God you are better and that your parents are doing OK. It is a blessing to have them at that age. My aunt is 107 and my mom (her youngest sister) is 102. Your home is just so beauitiful and you have been blessed with the talent to make the most it.
Thank you for including me in this great group!
I got it and enjoyed it all!
Yes, I got your email. I’m always excited to read a new post on your blog! Happy Fall!
So excited to receive this email and thankful to God you’ve recovered from Covid! Looking forward hearing what the future holds for you, your family & Sugar Pie Farmhouse! God Bless!
Happy Fall Ruthie!
I was just thinking about you a couple of days ago so when the notice that you had posted showed up in my email I was tickled!
Hope to hear more from you.
Peace and Blessings,
Thanks for keeping in touch! Glad to see your post. So sorry to hear you have dealt with covid. Happy Fall and many blessings to you.
Getting an email from you has made my day, I have missed your home tours!!!
Yippee for my happy email from Sugar Pie! Thankful for your return to health after Covid! Looking forward to your new posts! Love the kitchen!
Thank goodness!! You are well!! And you have been able to give care and love to your dear parents, children, grandchildren during these difficult (SCARY) times.
I was so happy to see the Sugar Pie Farmhouse on the screen! Beautiful kitchen, and all!!!
Love you, the blog and the praise of the Lord.
So blessed to get your email have been missing you! You always bless my heart and soul. Glad your back you have have been dearly missed!
I was so glad to see your email. I miss your videos. I did get the email. Your house is gorgeous. And love your decorating. Thanks Ruthie
Happy to have received the email! Very happy that you are back!
Aunt Ruthie: You are as pretty as ever and so sorry to hear you had to deal with Covid. Hope all is well now. Yes, I did get the e-mail notice that you had a new post out. Your home has always been beautiful and I thought something was different. The white background with the natural and all your pretties is stunning. Your autumn displays are the prettiest I have seen. Your beautiful kitchen stands out above all else. I even purchased the Little Women’s sound track. We order the movie every year during the holidays to watch. I never get tired of it..Glad you are well and back and Happy Monday..xxoJudy
So glad you are back. I have missed you.
Hi Ruthie, I got your email and enjoyed hearing from you and seeing what you put out for Fall (my favorite season). I decorate for each season as well and welcomed in Fall this year by making some butternut squash soup, pumpkin bread and homemade caramel apples with peanuts which were consumed by my little family speedily. We have a new puppy to care for too so that means more walks outside watching her chase a few butterflies. Glad your health is back.
God bless you and yours,
Sharon Peck
Orlando, FL
Hi Ruthie, I was happy to see your email. I always love seeing your beautiful home and the warm and cozy way you decorate it.
God bless!
Gresham, Oregon
Got it and enjoyed it so much!
I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to see you in my email, it’s been too long. All your pics are always so wonderful to peruse. Your home looks so welcoming with all your wonderful fall decorations. And your loving words are always a balm for the heart. I love the beautiful quote you shared also, very thought provoking. God bless you and yours and so happy your back❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
So happy to “see” you! I was notified by email
So glad you are back and feeling better. You have such a beautiful home and heart…….Welcome back – truly missed.
Hello! Welcome back. So glad to hear you are feeling better! Missed your blog posts! Happy Fall everyone!
Yes, I was so happy to receive this email with the link to your blog. I’ve missed these blogs so much and am sorry that you were ill, as well as your parents.
It’s been a difficult couple of years for most everyone. Thank you for bringing us some joy and reminders of a simpler time. Love your autumn decor, your home, and your sweet, uplifting spirit!
I was excited to see your email and this new blog post!! I’ve missed you!! So many beautiful ideas!! Thank you!!
Received your blog email! Welcome back!
Yes!! I received an e-mail and I was so happy to receive it!!! You definitey brightened my day!!!
Glad you are back and well
Missed seeing you
Thank you for sharing your home.
I’m so thrilled to receive your Fall Tour! Thank you for sharing your beautiful home with us.
Hi, I received your email! Your home is beautiful. So glad you’re doing better. Happy Fall!
Why don’t you have any new videos on YouTube?
So happy to hear from you.
So happy you are back.
The Pierpoint quote is a favorite hymn in our church.
I DID receive an email….so happy you are back!
HELLO and praise the LORD.
Yes, I got the email. Thank you for this gift…much needed.
Welcome back, I am glad to hear from you & know that you are feeling better, I had seen that you hadn’t posted anything since last year and I really missed your post. I hope your parents are doing okay, it really has been a trying year.
My oldest son had gotten covid last year, thank God he got better after 2 weeks at home, neither my daughter in-law or granddaughter got covid. May the Lord continue to bless and keep you and your family safe and well. Happy Autumn!
I got the email. Thank you for the encouragement! You are a blessing!
I did receive an
email notification and was so excited to see a new blog post up! I so enjoy your blog;it’s a delightful escape from this chaotic world we live in right now!!
Was so happy to get your email today. I enjoy your blog so very much. Grateful to hear you are fine after covid. Your home is beautiful, I enjoy all the pictures. These past couple of years have been so hard on us all. Was very encouraging to see this post. You are a blessing. God Bless.
Glad to see your post. I thought that I had somehow unsubsribed from your blog.
Thanks for writing again! This was truly inspirational! Please keep up the good work! Autumn blessings to you and yours!!
So glad your back!!!
I also recieved the email notice. So food to see you back
Yes, I got the email notification! I was so happy to see you’re back to your blog!! It’s the inspiration I need right now! I pray God’s blessings to you and your family!
I’ve missed you! Thank you for all the love and inspiration in this post.
Happy to receive your email today. Thoroughly enjoyed your post. Decorations are lovely. Wishing you and your family a safe and joyous Autumn season.
Missed you. missed you. missed you. Missed you. Punk in pie garland rocks! COVID sucks! Parents are no. 1. grand babies are special. you are loved. did I say I missed you?
Your house feels so warm and cozy!
I needed this post today! I stay at home but sometimes I don’t feel like I contribute because I don’t work outside the home. I love being at home and you saying that we need to make our home a place of refuge for our family made me feel so much better!
Thank you for that!
God bless you Ruthie!
Love your home and all of the fall decor! Just beautiful! Have a happy fall.
Very beautiful! Enjoyed the post… Welcome back!
Hello Aunt Ruthie,
It is always such a blessing to hear from you! Yes…I received a notification that your new blog was here! Thank you for what you do and for sharing your beautiful heart! Your blogs have blessed me for 14 years now! My twin boys are one year older than your Summer. The boys would come home from school every day and I would have your website pulled up to the sweet, happy music on your website. I would have a candle burning and a delicious snack waiting for them. They are both serving in the military now.
Again, thank you Sweet Friend!
So glad you all are well. Missed your blog posts!
Yes, I was delighted to see Sugar Pie Farmhouse arrive in my inbox, welcome back & thanks for sharing such a heartwarming Fall home tour. Blessings for a happy season.
Just watched your beautiful farmy post ! lOVE all of it ❤️Yes ! I received your email Hope you and your family stay safe and be blessed by God Cindy
Got your notice in email and thrilled to hear from you and your your beautiful home!
Got your lovely email
I received your email. So happy you are doing well.
Aunt Ruthie! Thank our good God for healing you and keeping you and your loved ones in His goodness! Most importantly. =D
Years ago (so many years passed? since 2012) :D, I have read your writings of love and had been nourished and the nourishment has carried me through these years (not wasted, not to worry!).
Your blessing works for the Lord (Mainly: Love) would have blessed so many of us all over the world especially through the weird global situation in these type of times. :D
Keep us all in prayer, please, sweetest pie Ruthie! ;D
Pray you and ALL your loved ones stay well in Christ, all the way (my ‘all the way’ means for the rest of the lives) =D
God’s precious love, one of Heaven’s citizens (I pray!) :p
So happy you are back, always enjoy reading your blog and love the pictures. Everyone seems to have had a rough couple years, your blog brightens my day.
Hello Ruthie. It was a nice surprise receiving the notification. So glad you are feeling better. It is always nice to see pictures of your lovely home and read about life there. So different from here in Australia.
Thank you for the inspiration and encouragement to make our homes beautiful and loving!
So glad to get an update!
HI Hi,
So nice to see you back!!! Great time of year, but then every season makes us happy. We are just too Happy.
Loved all the pictures. Found some navy and tan check
curtains at a rummage sale , one dollar. I think they used to be sold under country curtains. Anyway , look so cute in my kitchen.
Then because of the new color and style, I had to change
half the things in the kitchen around, WHICH OF COUSE i LOVE DOING.
Anyway, to much coffee. So glad you are feeling better, it has been a real stay at home year.
Hugs Nancy Jo
Welcome back. So happy to see you here again.
Hello! Received your e-mail and so excited to see you back! Best wishes to You!
Love your blog so much! I was so excited to receive an email that you had a new post! Thank you for the inspiration.
So good to get your email! Blessings!!
Hi Ruthie! So glad to get your wonderful post notification. Your home looks lovelier than ever. So glad you survived COVID! Hope your health issues did not derive from it. Happy Fall!
Hi There Aunt Ruthie I am soooo glad you are back ,I have missed your Blog, sorry to hear about your health problems & I’m sure God is watching over you & your family, I also enjoy the tour through your home it’s so inviting & I get many ideas I can’t wait to try.
So stay Well & God Bless Love Ann H.
So wonderful to see you blogging again! Thank you for all of the harvest inspiration! We are just finishing bringing in the last of the fall harvest from the garden, planting garlic and wrapping up preserving. It’s time to cozy up the house.
Oh Aunt Ruthie!!! I am so happy you are Blogging again!!! I am happy to hear that you are getting better, and I am so thankful you were able to see your parents again!!! I did receive an email notification about this Blog post! Yay!!! I am looking forward to more of your words of wisdom, and pictures of your beautiful home!!! Happy Fall to you all, dear Aunt Ruthie!!!
Thank you for coming back! I missed your presence and wondered what happened.
You give the best inspiration and insight. I have used some of your ideas and hope to keep on doing so.
Great to hear from you today! Email came through with no problem. Enjoyed all the fall decorations and your sharing.
Hi Ruthie! Yes, I received a notification email. Thank you so much for your Fall tour … what a treat and it surely did warm my heart! Glad to see you still have the Little Lady toy stove sitting proudly in your baking center. Fall Smiles, Stella
Hi Aunt Ruthie!
Welcome back, and so glad to hear you are healthy again. That COVID is wickedly awful to have and we have lost so many lovely people.
I get your blog through Bloglovin.
So very happy to see a new post! Sorry you had such a rough year but as they say “That’s life”. You never know what you’ll be handed from year to year. Glad you’re back.
I did receive your new blog post a couple of days ago, glad to know your back and healthy and enjoyed seeing your fall decorations and reading your blog! God Bless, Donna
I love it….Beautiful !
Thank you for this sweet post. I received your email.
You’re back!! So happy to hear from you. You have no idea how much you have been missed. Thankful for your recovery from this terrible illness that has covered our world. It has been such a year that it has shaken even the strongest to the core. I thank God for his faithfulness to hold us close in our times of need. Thank you for the tour of your lovely home. It is an inspiration.God bless you.
Sending you warm greetings from Texas on this beautiful cool/warm day. Your Blog, warms my heart! So grateful to receive these delightful post!
I received your blog – always enjoy!
I was so happy to see you are still around! Welcome back! I am a mom,grandma and great grandma. I have spent my whole life making memories with my family and now am reaping the benefits! My granddaughter’s are following in my footsteps making their home’s cozy for their beautiful family’s. Blessed beyond measure!! ❤️
Received the email. Thank goodness!
So glad you’re back! I have often wondered what happened to you. Looking forward to your posts again!
Oh, how I have missed your sweet, happy posts! I was thrilled when I got the email telling me there was one ready.
God bless you and yours from Tallahassee, Florida.
Oh I was just thrilled to get this email from you. I am so looking forward to all the other emails to come. I too had covid and glad to hear that you are well and recovered. Keep safe and healthy. Much love from Canada.
I received your email today and loved reading your blog posting. Happy Fall to you!
so glad you are back love all the beautiful pics and words of wisdom…
Beautiful as always!
Yes, I did get the email notice :-) So nice to see you are back to blogging again.
Blessings and Love
Hi dear Ruthie,
I received an email yesterday letting me know you had a new blog. I’m so happy to have your blog back, sure have missed it.
Many blessings and love.
I saw notice of your blog on Instagram. If I’m not on your email list, will you kindly add me?
Are you still on YouTube?
Loved loved your new blog seen it tonight on Instagram couldn’t wait to go over and read it thank you !! I have been following you for many years my whole family and close friends all know who aunt Ruthie is lol have a great fall season .
Hi Ruthie,
I was happy to receive the email regarding your blog! You are doing a wonderful job, inspiring women to love their families and create a home base of joy and beauty. And I, too, am listening the soundtrack from Little Women! It is perfect for Fall! God bless you in every way!
Hi Ruthie! Really enjoyed this! I received an email notification. Glad you are ok and survived Covid. Take care and god bless!
Yes I got the email!! I’m so thankful you’re back! You’re so inspiring and you bring me back to remembering what’s important in this crazy life!! ☺️
I just love your cozy home! I needed that reminder to plant what we want to sow. I saw the post via email. Hooray! So happy to see you here
So glad the Lord kept you through Covid…we are walking through it now- God is faithful!! I got my email…blessings
I was so excited to see your email pop up…and on my birthday! It has been quite a year for us, too, so really enjoyed “catching up” with your year, while having my first cup of coffee this morning. Blessings to you and your family.
What a wonderful, inspiring blog. I adore your outlook on life, and your writing style. I follow you on Instagram (@Crooked_Creek_Ranch_Tx) and so look forward to your reels, posts, etc. Thank you for blessing us with your encouragement to come into who we are meant to be. To prioritizing our home lives regardless of busy lives.
Totally got your email and like everyone else, it was good to see a blog post from you. I love Instagram but blogging holds a strong place in my heart.
Your home is absolutely amazing. So much love and thought poured into everything. Your family and grand sugars are some lucky folks. What a beautiful place to call home.
I got your email thank you! Really good to see another of your posts again. Glad you are feeling better.
God bless
Inspiring and cheerful email received yesterday. Love your pantry and the “homey-ness” of your home! Thanks for sharing!! God bless you and yours!
I was so happy to receive your blog notification yesterday. I knew we were getting snow here in the Dakotas last night and today would be a day to stay home, sit by the fire and enjoy your beautiful fall decorations.
So happy to hear from you. Have a blessed day.
Your message came through loud and clear Aunt Ruthie! :) So glad to see your sweet post today. Your home is lovely as always, Happy Autumn and enjoy these wonderful cooler days!
Such a great tour. Your home is warm and cozy. Filled with Autumn cheer So darling!
I am just so thrilled to find this today. I have looked you up a few times in the recent past. Though I am so very sorry to hear about all of the nasty things that you have had to deal with, I suppose that we have all suffered a lot bad stuff like Illnesses, losses of loved ones, job losses and hardships . I am simply glad to have survived these events during the pandemic. My mom died last October, and our daughter and ISIL had the covid virus during the Christmas season last year. We did not celebrate our regular Christmas celebration. God, thank you for taking care of us through these difficult days and nights. I love all of your changes that you have made in your lovely home. Ruthie, please stay with us through this holiday season. Your soothing posts remind us of better days. I think the safe little nest that you have made for your beloved fans is warm and cozy and a perfectly safe place for us all.
Oh, dear aunt Ruthie! How I’ve missed you so!!! You are literally a breath of fresh air on this drizzly, chilly October afternoon in Spokane, Washington! I was let go from my job of 21 years for not following our state’s governor’s mandate. So, my days have not been very uplifting for a while now, but your blog post was such a ray of sunshine that I needed! Thank you for reminding me to get back to the goodness in this life we get to live for our Savior and Lord! He will provide, He is always faithful! So thankful you are back at it and that some things never change! YAY!!! Love you aunt Ruthie!
Your sister in Christ, DeborAnne
I loved checking in with you.
Hi Ruthie,
I got an email ! I’m always glad to see when you post some heartfelt goodness. Your home is beautiful and so is your heart :)
Such a lovely surprise to open my email and find you are back, I have missed your upbeat comments on the state of our lives. You are an inspiration to all of us to keep the home in the center of our family lives. Life on the ranch is always better with the ideas you send our way. God bless you now and always
Love love love your Autumn farmhouse! Everything looks so cozy and inviting. The browns and creams are so soothing too. And your apple print! And bushel basket of apples! Yes! I got an email telling me you had a new post, yay! love you! Happy Autumn xo
Yes! I did receive an email.
So happy to hear that you are well and back to blogging! I love seeing your beautiful kitchen and the seasonal decor you put out each holiday. Thank you for sharing with all of us.
Take care and Happy Fall!
Oh how I have missed you Aunt Ruthie! I’ve been a friend & follower many years. I was beginning to think you had quit blogging & am so happy! that you are still here to encourage & bless our lives through your posts. I did not receive an email, but I don’t really need one because I check your site at least once a week anyway to see if you’ve ‘come home’! Welcome back! The Lord bless you back!
I came over here from Instagram. So nice to see your home all decorated. I love your blog and am glad you’re back at it.
I got it! Thank you.
Thank you so much for your blog post which was gratefully received by email. :-D Your posts are so inspirational. I truly enjoy them and appreciate your time. Thanking God for your recovery from Covid! May God continue to bless you and your family,
I love love love your posts!
My Dear Ruthie, you always make me smile. It’s so good to see you. Thank you for sharing your beautiful home.
So glad you are back. sorry to hear that you where sick. Glad your parents are doing better. i was worried because i had not seen anything from you.It was a bad year for sure. I lost my mom and best friend with in 24 hours of each in May 2020. just keep praying God will get me through each day.Hope all is well with you and your family! Glad your back, Cheryl
So thankful to receive this. Really have been missing your
thoughts. Needed this refreshing outlook!
Recently found your blog and I LOVE it.
Your email worked for me. I met you at Branson a few years ago. An occasion for a Southern Plate. I leave at Lebanon Mo.
Good to read your blog. Happy Fall.
I got yhe email and enjoyed the tour 2021. I missed the blog glad to see it again. Mayb back some normalcy. I share your parents regarding covid. I lost my dad in Dec 2020, although in a nursing home not of covid. He was 99. Mom just turned 98 and has not had any covid issues, thank you god. Hopefully things are turning around. Hope to keep seeing your blog, they warm my heart.
Yes, I did received the email that you had a new blog today. I was so happy to receive it. I just love your home and your blogs. I’m so glad to hear that you are okay and healthy. So glad that you were able to travel and see your parents too! Blessings!
So happy you’re “back” . Autumn blessings to you & your family!
So, so glad to see you are back Aunt Ruthie! We’ve missed you …and so thankful you survived that ole covid! Luv your gr’kids little corner …just adorable! Always look forward to your spiritual
uplifting, clean, homey outlook on life! You’re a real treasure and just absolutely adore your fabulous home, especially that kitchen with your beautiful pantry! Thanks so much for sharing your home and creations with us! Take care and be safe …big hugs, Suzy Q
I was excited to see your post of new blog post. I love your home, decorating style, and lovely encouragement! Thank you.
Yes I received the email! I love what you do and how you story makes me feel. Bless you and stay well.
So happy to see your email and that you’re OK. Have missed your tours. So happy to have you back.
So very good hearing from you!! Always love your posts!! My mom and I were just in Branson, Mo .. our 11th annual ‘girl’ trip, always thinking maybe I’d see you around there. So glad you are feeling better! Will watch for more!!!
Great to see you blogging again… Its been a personal hit and miss with me as well. Just when I think I have a moment to sit a spell, per speak to post something.. the move to sit goes more like a squat and I am back up again chasing after kids, home and life.. Ha!
I do miss blogging, FB and Instagram have their place, but blogging has always better resonated with me like a online journal, or letter writing to a good friend. I hope to get back into it on a more consistent basis. Anyhow have been stalking…whoops I mean following you for many years and have always enjoyed the encouragement you have shared all this time. So I raise my hot cocoa mug to you and hope your blessed with many more years of online encouragement blessing/ministry here on the big World Wide Web. ♥
Hey, yep got this post in my email basket and was so glad to see it. Loved your post and all the photos. So nice and very cozy. Sorry to hear you had Covid…..but so pleased you recovered and going strong again. HAPPY AUTUMN ~
Hi Ruthie!!!! Received your e-mail and was just delighted!!! Thank God for your return to health after Covid. I had it too and am grateful for a full recovery. Love your charming, beautiful home and how you illustrate and write about your life and home. Blessings always, love Shirley :)
So happy to hear from you Ruthie! I am so happy to hear you are feeling better. What a difficult time it has been! Pheew! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Looking forward to your blogging and home tours. Please take care. ❤❤❤
I received your email about the post. Love your fall deco!! Love all your encouraging words. Hugs.
I am sitting at my desk trying to catch up with email. My son has been hospitalized since last Tuesday and I am waiting to hear if he will be discharged this afternoon. What a wonderful surprise to see your email!!
I am so glad all is well with you!
Happy Fall!
I got your email and really enjoyed reading it!
I saw your post and shared it with all the gals at Sugar Pie Sisterhood. I’m so sorry to hear about your Covid issues and your parents’ medical issues. Hugs, my friend! God will provide! And In everything, give thanks!
I was so happy to receive an email telling me you had a new post. I’ve missed you. I love your fall decorating. It’s my favorite holiday to decorate for. Enjoy and God bless!
Hi Ruthann! As ever it is a special treat to get a home tour from you and receive the many encouragements and blessings you sprinkle throughout it. I’ve been with you since 2007 but didn’t get an email notification, I’ll dig around and see about re-signing up to make sure not to miss another. Now that you all are better, I pray you stay that way and enjoy this wonderful season. Thank you for the gracious tour!
I wondered what happened to you. I’s so glad that you are ok.
I sure did miss your posts. Welcome back.
Stay happy and Healthy. Have a great day
God Bless
I’m so happy to see you back! Your posts always inspire me. We’ve recently bought an older 1940 home in a small town and I’ve gotten so many ideas from you. I painted me kitchen and dining room the exact color as yours and I’m loving it. (Before you painted yours white.) I love that as well. I’m also working on a small pantry area with your inspiration. I’m so glad that you were able to get over COVID. I had it also. Twice. This has been a trying time for everyone. I’m going now to your YouTube to rewatch to get more ideas and get comfy feels. :)
Loved your post as always & I did get the notification email of your blogpost! Blessings to you & your family! Michelle
So happy to found you again. Definitely missed your post. But I totally understand about illness and family.
Confirming email received. THANK YOU!!
So glad you are back. A joy to read! Thank you for your encouragement!
I am so happy that you are back. I was notified by email about your latest blog. I just love reading it and I feel like I am right in your home which is definitely sweet! God bless you and your family!
I received your email, and I’m really enjoying seeing your new post! Thank you!!
So nice to see you back. Thank God you survived,us and the world would sure miss you. Such a delight to see all the things you do and love. I enjoy cooking and baking ,too. And my dear family sure enjoys eating everything I make. We have been very fortunate and no one suffered from this virus in my home. Praise the Lord,He has been good to me!Well looks like you are ready for all that fall brings. I’m looking forward to another Thanksgivings and all the family around me. God bless you and yours. Happy season and many blessings!
Your Fall Home Tour was the first video on my YouTube queue this morning! I texted my daughter to let her know, and she begged with crying emojis for me not to watch it without her hahaha. So glad that you are back!
“As mothers and grandmothers, we are setting the stage for a happy home life. The things we do today will contribute to our family’s memories tomorrow. This quote by Gina Pearson is so thought provoking; “It’s impossible to harvest something you don’t plant.” Darlin’, if we want to look forward to a bountiful harvest of joyful blessings in our family, let’s plant thankfulness, goodness and a celebration of life in our homes.”
Loved this Miss Ruthie and was so glad to get your blog notification.
Got it! I look so forward to you emails. I may never have that farmhouse that I dream of, but I can live in it through your gorgeous pictures!
Got it! I look so forward to you emails.
Such a cute home you have. I am putting away my fall today to be ready for Christmas.
Got your wonderful email notice and am I ever glad I did! I totally love Fall and embrace it as you do! We celebrate the harvest of all the outside and inside seeds we planted! I agree that us ‘mothers’ build a home that creates memories for future generations and make them stronger and able to weather this difficult world!
Thanks Great Read
Enjoy Your Day!
Hi! Oh Goodness! wondered what had happened to your site! I found you by accident again, looking for a pie! and there you were! I always enjoyed seeing you and your family on your blogg. with the way the country is going, it’s so refreshing seeing old Americana through someone’s eyes that really has a feeling for it. well I’m glad I found U, and your home is as lovely as ever. thank u soooo much for sharing/ lot of us need this
Hello, I love your home tours and I especially love your thoughts, your love for everyone and your words of encouragement. I have loved looking at your pictures of Fall 2021. Could you please let me know where I could purchase the kitchen hanging light fixture with the rooster on it. I would just love to have it. Thank you for any information and blessings to you and yours.
Hello Ruthie! I’m speaking for myself & others that don’t have Instagram. We love your blog & home tours especially the fall & Christmas ones! God has blessed you that you can bless us. What can I say other than you have a gift for bringing that down home goodness to us that we may fill our homes with happiness & all the smells during the holidays for our families! Wishing you many blessings! ❤️
Sometimes I think the Lord can guide me to a specific verse over and over. I listened to a sermon that used this verse heavily I found a cute shirt with sunflowers on the back, and it had the verse “Be still and know that I am God” on the back.Now I am checking out your wonderful blog and find the same verse. I believe this is not coincidence.
I found you on Pinterest today. I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog dated Fall 2021. I would love to get more of your blogs and follow you. I live in Arkansas in the Ozark and am definitely a country lady. May your days be filled with love and laughter, God bless. G
I hope you are truly ok.
I look often at your YouTube channel to see if you have posted anything. I am so sorry that there is nothing for a year now!!!!!
Missing you very much!
Blessings to you from Montana!
The way you decorate your home is so authentic. You can see that it’s homey and full of love. Thanks for sharing this blog with us. It’s uplifting and inspiring. Shalom