Family Fun At Sugar Pie Farmhouse!

Written by Aunt Ruthie on January 13th, 2018

tiff jj
Well hello Sugar Pie-Biscuit Dumplin’! I’m finally coming up for air since the Holidays! I believe I mentioned in one of my recent blog posts that my son JJ, daughter in-love Tiffany, and baby grand-girls, Ivy and Olive were flying in from California to Missouri to be with us for a week to ring in the Happy New Year! Yay!!

So, every day for a week my hubby and I got to have all our kids and grands at the house! It was loud and a bit crazy but we had so much fun cooking, eating, playing games, talking and laughing. We also took a trip to the pediatrician when some of the littles came down with a fever to test for the flu. Fortunately, it only lasted for 24 hours and the tests came back negative…no flu! Thank the Lord!  The day after JJ and Tiff left I got sick with a bad cold all week so my house has been a bit of a mess and I still have some Christmas stuff to put away, but thankfully I’m on the mend now and I’m ready to get my house back in order!


Here’s my little dumpling, Ivy James!


You know, I get inspired to cozy up my home when I have cute things to look at when I’m cooking or cleaning. In the photo above, I placed this adorable box of Biscuit + Dumpling Mix inside a little vintage red-rimmed enamel pan, I added a red-handled rolling pin, and then filled an old milk bottle with some flowers. Simple and sweet. It kinda makes my heart leap for joy! The Biscuit mix is from Cracker Barrel. I couldn’t resist the darling simple and farmy packaging. So, for a few dollars I decided to buy it to decorate with. And the bonus is …well, Biscuits and Dumplings of course! Lol! Yummy!

So, in the next few days as I’m sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, washing sheets and towels, and restocking the fridge and looking at my cute biscuit box, I’ll be thanking and praising the Lord for the happy memories of time with family. I shared some quick little videos on instagram of some of those precious moments, so I want to share them with you too!








Here’s my big fat happy family!

My dream come true “Miracle Kids” and “Miracle Grand kids”!

I call them miracles because back in the day I struggled with infertility and miscarriage. Sometimes when we go through a dark time we think it’s always going to be that way. Oh, but God has a plan and He has wonderful promises. If we will just wait and trust Him we will see the goodness of The Lord! My family is living proof.


Polly, Kade, Ember, Olive, Sawyer, Zealand, Johnny, Ivy.

Here’s what’s amazing to me…I gave birth to two boys and two girls…a blessing in and of itself. But God has given me a double blessing of four grandson’s and four granddaughters! Yeah, God is good! All the time!

IMG_2651  This makes me laugh with joy!

Little Sawer in the middle was all done! Lol!

So tell me my Sugar-Pie-Biscuit-Dumpling…do you pick a Word for the Year? I’d love to hear what your Word is if you do! On my next blog post, I’ll share all about mine! 

Love and hugs to you sweeties!

Bless your family…make home sweet!

Aunt Ruthie


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Cup & Saucer Chat About The New Year!

Written by Aunt Ruthie on December 28th, 2017

cup and saucer chat

Well, howdy-do Sugar Pies! I hope your Christmas was a happy one! I just wanted to stop by for a quick chat and a few words of encouragement for sweet, wonderful, you!

farmhouse radio

For fun, turn on the kitchen “Farmhouse Radio”  to add a little nostalgia

for your reading pleasure!

To begin, I wanted to share a few photos of my grand-littles, their faces are priceless and ever changing in each shot…

IMG_5352 (1)


So funny and adorable! In a few days there will be two more sweet baby girls added to the mix! My son JJ and daughter in love Tiffany, Olive Rose and Ivy James are coming for a week. Yay!! That makes this Mama’s heart happy for sure!



Sugar Pie, do you love the fresh start of a new year? I do! In fact I’m itching to clear away all of my sparkly holiday decor. I’m so ready for uncluttered simplicity but I need to wait a week or so since my family and I will be celebrating another round of Christmas festivities when my other kids arrive in a few days.

But one thing I am doing right now is thinking about the year ahead…things I’m hoping to accomplish, and dreams that I’m working toward.
I encourage you to do the same. Plan to get up early when the house is still and no one is calling or texting, or when your kids are napping… then create a lovely atmosphere to gather your thoughts. Get yourself a cute spiral notebook and a smooth writing pen (this one, in this affiliate link, is my absolute favorite) light a candle, make yourself a hot cup of your favorite tea or coffee then sit down to write down your thoughts…I call this my Dump Cake…where you dump a bunch of sweet ingredients in a pan and create something yummy! So, just dump all your sweet little-o thoughts on a page. You can use these categories to help you have more clarity:
  • HEALTH – drink more water, exercise, doctor checkups, how to take good care of you, so you can care for others.
  • RELATIONSHIPS – Maintaining friendships, ways to encourage others.
  • HOME – Projects around the house, getting organized, clearing the clutter, where to start.
  • FAMILY – Ways you can make each family member feel loved and special, one on one time, little love notes, celebrations.
  • MARRIAGE – Ways you can be a blessing to your hubby.
  • GOD –  Spending time with God daily, devotions, prayer, reading the Word.
  • FINANCIAL – Ways to save money for future stability and to bless others.
  • BUSINESS – Ways to grow your business.
  • INTELLECTUAL – Reading books, learning, taking classes
  • EMOTIONAL HEALTH – Doing things you love to do, things that make your heart happy
Also ask yourself:
What did I accomplish in 2017 that I’m happy about?
What areas do I want to work on for this new year?
What goals do I want to complete?
The reason why it’s so important to take the time to think about the past year and to think ahead is because “nothing changes if nothing changes”. Things will stay the same if we don’t do anything about it. I know for sure there are lots of things I need and want to change in my life, to improve, become a better wife, mother, grandmother, friend and more! If I were going on a road trip for a junkin’ adventure (HEY, that sounds FUN!!) I would need a plan and a map to know which direction to go. Planning our life is a whole lot more important.
Keep it simple. Just pick a couple goals per category and you’ll have a good shot at achieving them. Also, and this is key! Read it daily…”out of sight, out of mind”.
Well darlin’, I hope this spurs you to new thoughts and ideas to make your life so much more delightful!
I found this vintage  dump-cake recipe I thought I’d throw in for fun!
dump cake 2
 I’d love to hear some of your goals for the new year!
God bless you!
Bless your family, make home sweet!
Aunt Ruthie


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