Well howdy Sugar Pies! Goodness gracious it’s been too long since I posted last! I’ve missed y’all so much! Life has been cray-cray busy for lots of good reasons! Here’s what I’ve been up to:
I’ve been,
- Taking care of my itty-bitty shop at Spring Creek Antique Mall in Ozark, Missouri.
- Spending time with my grand-littles, adorable soccer games, the kindergarten book fair, and circus performance and some babysitting so their mama’s and papa’s can go on a date!
- Birthday parties at my house.
- Starting my spring cleaning!
- Weekly Bible Study with my gal-pals
- Hosting our annual Easter dinner and egg hunt.
- Prepping for the Prom with my daughter Summer
- Spent a whole week with Summer during spring break–we took a road trip up to Eureka Springs, Arkansas and St. Louis! (She’s a Junior in High School and I see the “writing on the wall” that she is growing up and will be off to College soon, so I’m savoring every moment with my baby girl!)
- Hosted a Slumber Party for Summer and her friends.
- Taking care of my sweet hubby and home!
Well, those are just a few things on my list! All good, thank the Lord!
I’m so happy the gray winter chill has melted into warm, soothing breezes and sunshine. The trees and flowers are bursting with color, the birds are singin’ their happy tunes once again. Oh happy day!! So my goal in decorating for this happy season was to keep things simple and cheerful and spring-y!
Well, come on in and take a peek of how Spring has sprung at The Farmhouse…
I found this cute bunting at the Antique Mall where my booth is. The fabrics look vintage and remind me of old flour sacks. The ladder is from the old homestead on the property where I live. I was told that it’s a chicken ladder! The farmer had tall chicken coops!
I recently purchased this cow canvas and found a spot for her on my mantle. I named her Daisy-Belle. I don’t know why but cows put me in a happy mooo-d!
Fresh tulips atop my hubby’s great grandma’s trunk. I love it and feel honored to have this family heirloom! The family called her Gammy.
Down in the meadow the flowers appear,
Blossoms all pink and white make every garden bright,
Sing, Sing, Springtime is here! ~German Folk Song
I found this nest on the ground in my front yard after a gusty storm. Looking closely at it, that mama bird found all kinds of fibers and twigs to weave into her cozy nest. She made do with what she could find. It’s so amazing to me how God put that nesting instinct in mama birds and in us!
- “My favorite kind of weather is bird chirping weather!”
~ Terri Guillemets
In the hallway sits the fireplace mantle that my dad made for me. I cherish it! Lots of chippy goodness here…an old window frame, shutters, and tin crown molding. A cotton wreath hangs as a nod to my Mama-in-law’s southern roots and memories of pickin’ cotton with her Mama, Jenny Mae. The Sugar Pie Farmhouse was a sign I made a couple years ago for a booth I had at a different shop. It was just leaning against the wall in the garage and I had a light-bulb moment and decided to hang it in the house!
I added to my collection of vintage plates from thrift stores. I only paid around $4 each. Each one is so sweet.
This one is my favorite. I shared a story that I dreamed up on Instagram and Facebook so I’ll share it with you!
The Biscuit Plate: As with a lot of the vintage things I bring home, I always like to think about the story they could tell. I imagine that this plate belonged to a cheerful, rosy-cheeked, hymn-singin’, Mama who used it to serve the most flaky, buttery, mouth-watering buttermilk biscuits with her homemade blackberry jam. I reckon, that even though Mama made biscuits for every meal Pa’s eyes always lit up like a harvest moon as she set the piping-hot biscuit-laden plate down on the kitchen table. He would shake his head back and forth with an affirmative and exaggerated “Mmmm!”, which always made mama smile and blush a little. Mama was sweet on Pa and Pa thought he was the luckiest fella this side of the Mississippi to have her as his bride. Well, that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it!
The Yardbird Sisters keep me company in the kitchen. They grace my old farm table, on top and below in a whimsical way that make my heart happy.
I’m a little chicken,
Ready to hatch,
Pecking at my shell,
Scratch, scratch, scratch.
When I crack it open, out I’ll leap,
Fluff up my feathers and cheep, cheep, cheep!
~ Susan Peters (Sung to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”)
I LOVE enamelware! It’s so farmy! I love the scratches and rust spots. They were every day essentials and work-horses to every woman on the farm. These basins were used for everything back in the day. Bathing babies, washing dishes, carrying vegetables in from the garden, filled with water to wash up for supper,
“Our family members
will carry the atmosphere
we create in our homes
for the rest of their lives.”
~Mrs. Dunwoody
My great room mantle continues to change with the seasons. Once dripping with felt snow has now warmed up with simple spring flowers in well-used milk buckets.
“I value this delicious home feeling
as one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow.”
~ Washiongton Irving
The blossoms on my apple trees are whispering apple pie promises.
I’m so happy you stopped by dear sisters!
Happy spring to you!
Please do say hello, I always look forward to hearing from my Sugar Pies!
(If you’re reading this in your email and you’d like to say Hey,
come on over to my website!
If you respond by email I won’t see it.
And that would be sad.)
God bless your darin’ hearts!
Aunt Ruthie