“I’m going to church where sweet bells call,
to ask our Heavenly Father to bless us all.” Ahh…the Old Country Church with it’s message of love, hope, mercy, and grace…. singing Hymns like Blessed Assurance…Softly And Tenderly…. and Amazing Grace brings such comfort to the soul!
Chatting on the church steps with sister Mary Grace and Effie and Clara, sharing with each other about how the Good Lord had blessed their hearts with such an uplifting sermon by the Reverend Honeycut. There was also a buzz in the air about the Church Supper and All Day Singing that afternoon. The ladies couldn’t wait to unload their boxes and baskets of fried chicken, green beans, potato salad, cornbread ‘n’ beans, ham ‘n’ biscuits, watermelon rind pickles, corn casserole, macaroni and cheese, not to mention all the delectable cakes, pies and cookies! Ice cold Lemonade, dipped from large crocks into jelly jars, offered a cooling refreshment under the shade of the old oak trees in the heat of the sun-baked afternoon.
Everyone kept an eye on Sister Liza Jane Honeycut (the Reverends wife) to watch where she would place her mouth watering, golden crusted Buttermilk pies, so they could be sure to snatch and savor a slice before the pans were left with just a few lonely crumbs. You didn’t dare wait until after you had your meal to get a piece of her pie, otherwise your sweet tooth would just have to go unsatisfied. The Reverends wife just seemed to have a knack for making the most tasty pies. Perhaps it was her tender loving care that she mixed into each one of them.
Sister Liza Jane would blush with humility whenever anyone asked her for her recipe. She was always happy and tickled-pink to oblige. Sweet Lizzie, as her dearest friends called her, did not believe in keeping Secret Recipes, “why, it would be like selfishly holding onto a blessing of the Lord, a joyful gift, that was meant to be shared by all. My heavenly days, why would anyone want to hoard joy for only themselves….if my recipes allow someone else to prepare a tasty treat, it will only spread more joy! It’s like scattering wild flower seeds, it will bring back to you a harvest of sweet, unspeakable delight, not to mention the blessing of knowing that you have pleased the good Lord! That is something I am not willing to miss out on.”
Verdeen Crumley, president of the Missionary Council, would beg to differ with Sister Liza Jane. Her lips were buttoned tight when it came to sharing the recipe for her moist and delicious Carrot Cake with the creamiest of cream cheese frosting. She was quoted as saying “I did not spend hours, by the sweat of my brow, concocting my prize winning secret recipe for someone else to take the glory!”
Well, sister Verdeen had a lot to learn about glory, and to whom it belongs. It was by God’s grace that she was able to do any concocting at all.
God Blesses us to be a blessing to others.
Blessed be His glorious name forever:
let the whole earth be filled with His glory!
Amen and Amen! Psalm 72:19
The Tabernacle
by Karla Worley and Brent Lamb
“Down by the Tabernacle oh,
where the June bugs danced
and the lemonade flowed,
and we prayed and we sang
’til the sun sank low,
laughing with our sisters and brothers,
Down by the tabernacle hey,
where you knew you were loved
and you wanted to stay,
though the summer heat was like judgment day
Start with this simple,
Pat-in-the-Pan Crust:
- 2 1/2 cups Flour (All Purpose Unbleached)
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 3 Tablespoons cold milk
- 2/3 cup oil (vegetable or canola–make sure it is fresh!)
Whisk together dry ingredients in a bowl until blended, add wet ingredients and stir gently until the dough forms a ball.( For a tender crust, do not over mix). Put dough into pie pan and pat it thin and flat to conform to the shape of the pan. Crimp the edges. You are now ready for the filling.
That’s it! See how simple!
Put dough in pie pan.Pat dough flat and even pressing up the sides of the pan.
Crimp the edge by using your thumb on one hand to push the dough down into a “V” shape and your fingers on your other hand to support the dough on either side of your thumb. (I couldn’t show the whole technique since I was holding the camera.)
1 1/4 cups sugar
3 tablespoons flour
4 eggs, whisked
1 cup buttermilk
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
1 stick butter, melted and cooled (1/2 cup of butter)
1 tablespoon lemon juice (fresh squeezed)
1 tablespoon lemon zest
pinch of grated Nutmeg
Mix flour and sugar…
Add Buttermilk…
Whisk eggs…
“This pie’s so good
it makes me mad at my mama.”~Glory Road
For those of you who asked about the lid for my cast iron pan, well I did some research and found it online…. click here, it’s made by Kitchen Collection, and sells for $9.99.
In my Hillbilly Spaghetti Pie post, there were a few gals who had a concern about cooking tomatoes in cast iron. The manufacturer of Lodge Cast Iron Company actually has recipes such as Chili (Click here) with tomatoes and this one for Skillet Steak alla Pizziaola. Perhaps the concern is that the acid in tomatoes would wear away the seasoning, but as long as you clean and re-oil your pan as soon as you are finished cooking, there should not be a problem. If the manufacturer encourages cooking with tomatoes, that’s good enough for me. I had one more thought on this…I’m pretty sure that cooking tomatoes in an aluminum pan can cause discoloration to the pan and give food a metalic taste, so maybe that is what caused the confusion. For anymore questions about cast iron care click HERE.
“Buttermilk Pie is the ultimate in Southern Pieness.”
~Terry Thorton
Well, I am so glad y’all stopped by for Sister Liza Jane’s Buttermilk pie! Once again I so appreciate your kind comments! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! I give God all the glory…so thankful for His grace and mercy!
Ruth Ann
Do you know if you can use splenda as a substitute in the buttermilk pie recipe? My husband loves pie, but is allergic to sugar.
I am laughing out loud at Verdeen!!! What a perfect picture and commentary. Glory Be!!! That was funny. I am of the share the goodness school of thought, even when I was catering teas I’d share the recipes. I’ve always wondered about people who don’t. Now I know—they’re related to Mrs. Crumley. :) Thanks for the laugh on a grey day in Denver. I’ve got to go get my iron skillet out–cornbread tonight!
What a great post! I’m going to try one of those pies… but which one? Maybe both!
I LOVE this post!! I am ready to pop right into my kitchen and whip up this delicious pie. Oh how I love a slice of buttermilk pie.
We had potluck at church last night, but for some reason it wasn’t near the picture that you painted of dinner on the grounds. What a lovely step back in time. :)
Thank you for this really fun post.
Love the pictures, love the music, you made my day
Mmmmmm… I can’t wait to try this recipe out! Tommorow I’ll be out buying some buttermilk.
Loved the story behind the pie. LOL
I just used the lid from my biggest pot to put on my cast iron skillet. Worked great.
Thanks so much for the lovely post!
Great job Ruth Ann!!
Mmmm….that sounds absolutely delicious! I will definitely be trying this recipe. Thank you so much for the YouTube link, too!
Have a great week! :)
Oh, how I lived back then…..
Sounds yummy…love custard pie…my mom used to make it…your pictures make my mouth water!
Smiles and sunshine…Bev
Growing up, our parents always simmered our tomato and meat sauce in the cast iron frying pan. I know foods rich in vitamin C (like tomato sauce) will aid the body in absorbing iron (which will leach into food from the pan) so that is an added bonus of cooking the Hillbilly Spaghetti Pie in the cast iron!! =)
Alright Ruth Ann, I have been pondering giving up sweets for Jesus (sounds like a country song!) for Lent…that means I need to get baking (and eating) your pies TOMORROW! Your writing reminds me of Jan Karon’s (the Mitford series). You bless :)
I always feel so warm and cozy when I visit with you. You have such a caring and helpful spirit. You can tell that you live what you talk about by the warm spirit that comes through on your blog.
I can’t wait to try this. My husband’s Grandma took her dessert recipes to the grave with her. I never understood that, but she said she wanted people to remember her for her desserts, but how much sweeter would it be to remember her while eating one of her desserts??
What a delightful post! I do adore all things vintage. And you have me yearning for buttermilk pie – never before reading your post.
You’ve oytdone yourself on this one, Ruthann! It’s a wonderful story, had me chucklin’ especially at the sour lady who wouldn’t share her recipe! (I always share mine and I love it when others share theirs!) I am goin’ to try this for my husband one night this week and see what he’s got to say about it. He had a southern momo, you see, who could bake pies like NO OTHER. And I never measure up. I think I might give it another go! Have a great week! *Ü*
Thanks for the wonderful recipes. I love the step by step instruction, I need that. Also, I just can’t tell you how much I appreciate the inspiration you give to homemakers. Have a wonderful week!
You’re such a great story teller! I love all your post and I check daily to see if you’ve posted something new. My husband laughs at me when something new’s been posted because I sit up tall and clap my hands with pure delight! Thanks for making my day!
These recipes look great! They remind me of lemon sponge pie. Have you heard of it? Tried it? Let me know and I would love to send you the recipe.
What an udderly delightful post! It reminded me of the stories my Mother tells of growing up in West Virginia and attending all-day “Dinner on the Grounds”. Church, dinner on the grounds, followed by more church!
Looking forward to trying the buttermilk pie. The crust looks really easy! Blessings for sharing!
You are so cute it’s almost painful!! And funny too!!! Although, I must say, I was a little disappointed that you don’t have a southern accent! You should hear how you sound in my head as I read your posts…oh honey!! ;)
Love your story! I’ve never tried Buttermilk Pie, but I’m definitely looking forward to it.
One day when I grow up I am going to make pretty crust that is what I tell myself evertime I make a mess of one! LOL
Love your post as always!
Yummy-looking pies. I’ll have to try them. But even if I don’t, I love your blog for the MUSIC! Your selections are just what I’d choose. Thanks from northeast MO.
Ruth Ann, this just made my whole day, and has gotten me so excited for tomorrow; This is the perfect pie to make for a gloomy February day. :)
Thanks my friend!
Yum, yum, yum! thank you for another lovely post!!
I’ve never heard off Buttermilk Pie before!! I’m sure going to try it! And the crust….that’s my kind of crust! Simple! I always have problems with making pie crust! This will be perfect! Thank you for sharing! :D
I’ve never had buttermilk pie. And I’m not from the south (sure wish I had the accent too, though, LOL! ;) Thanks for introducing me to this tasty-lookin’ treat, it looks like something even I could make (and I’m no wondergirl in the kitchen, hee hee!)
I recently found your blog and think it is SO charming!! Have happy week!!
I love your blog! I don’t know which is better – your words or your pictures. Thanks for sharing all of it!
I love reading your blog; I go on everyday to see if you posted. This pie looks so good and easy I am definitly going to try it. Thanks!!
Your posts are so inspiring..I look forward to seeing your name in my bloglines.
The pie looks great…and I will most certainly make it..thank you for sharing it.
And I also love the old church supper pictures….
Another yummy and delightful post! Love that Sis. Lizzy and raising eyebrows at Verdeen! And I have to agree with another reader…your writing style does remind me of Jan Karon’s…and I LOVE Jan Karon. :o)
The Hillbilly Spaghetti Pie was a huge hit at our supper table, and I know the Buttermilk Pie will make everybody’s mouth water too. Can’t wait to try it!
Hope you have a week full of blessings and laughter!
Amy O.
I cannot adequately express to you how very much I enjoy every single blog posting you do!! The pictures, the music, the way you write, and the amazing recipes! Thank you so much for all of the time and energy you put in to creating so much beauty for all of us to enjoy!! It is like a free gift to visit your blog, and it often takes me back to the days of long ago.
Could we go back to those simple days, please?
I loved visiting with you this morning Ruthann! I always get soooo excited when I see new posts! I ran got a cup of coffee and enjoyed every word! I love new recipes! I’m not great at pie crusts yet…I’m a newb! Thanks for the great tips! Can’t wait to try these out! Blessings to you for sharing! Amen and Amen!
What great pictures :)
I’ve never had buttermilk pie… looks tasty!
Oh Ruth Ann, you nailed it right on the head darlin’! I’m as southern as they come (born in Kentucky living in Georgia for 13 years). I love buttermilk pie! That crust looks so easy as well. Thank you for sharing.
I have a question for you and if you’d prefer to respond through email feel free at farrah.ginter@gmail.com. I see that there was quite an age difference between your son and Summer Rose. How did you and your husband feel about this? My husband is 44 years old (I’m 32)and is struggling with becoming a daddy again (our youngest is 11 though I’ve had a few losses in between). Any advice for him for he was preparing to just travel and be finished with raising children? Thanks!
I don’t know where you find your vintage photos, but I laughed out loud when I saw the one of Verdeen Crumley. So perfect for your story and I love the name you gave to her. You sure do have a delightful imagination and wonderful storytelling capability.
I have never had Buttermilk Pie, but I was just in Charleston, SC (a very southern city) where I saw it on the menu. Unfortunately I was much too full to try it. I may have to try your recipe as it looks yummy.
Buttermilk pie is soo good we have a elderly lady at our church that makes this on occasion..HMMM mmmm good is all I can say. Thanks for sharing your recipe with us today..Have a blessed one…
Buttermilk pie is a tradition in our family. My Dad is actually the one who makes them. He makes two at a time and they are delicious!
Love all the old pics…it reminded me of being young and going to visit all my Grandad, aunts and uncles in South Ga on their farms!! Always good stuff to eat after church!
Your buttermilk pies look scrumptious!!
Hi Ruthann. I just love your blog and wished you could post EVERY day to brighthen up my life. Your family and home look fantastic and I love your optimistic take on life. I want to have a go at the buttermilk pies but not sure how much a stick of butter is ! sorry in the uk we tend to stick to gramms or ounzes (in old money!!!) – please can you hlep be decipher this amount.
Hi Mandy, thanks for your sweet comment! One stick of butter is
1/2 cup. I will note it on the recipe….God Bless you sweetie!
Hi Mandy, thanks for your sweet comment! One stick of butter is
1/2 cup. I will note it on the recipe….God Bless you sweetie!
Hi Mandy, thanks for your sweet comment! One stick of butter is
1/2 cup. I will note it on the recipe….God Bless you sweetie!
Hi Mandy, thanks for your sweet comment! One stick of butter is
1/2 cup. I will note it on the recipe….God Bless you sweetie!
I have never had buttermilk pie…. I may have to try it! Thanks for the recipe:)
Thank you (THANK YOU!!!) for sharing your recipe and such a lovely post. As always, your posts brighten my day and remind me of the important things in life. Blessins to you and yours.
Liberty Belle
Hey girlfriend! This was just too much! I was ROTF at your photo of the recipe miser. Yes we are blessed to be a blessing! One of my favorite sayings…and I got blessed with 2 cast iron pans from my MIL this weekend. They are old and haven’t been cooked in in a while so I probably need to clean and season them. I will google for instructions..I don’t want to ruint them. (Ruint is east texas for mess up!) I found a couple of things (old ad stuff in my mom’s things) that reminded me of you… I will email to you. And I will have to try the pie recipe…as soon as we get home from the beach. South Beach that is! Have an awesome week!
Bless ya my rockin chik friend!
I’d never heard of butter milk pie before..maybe I’ll have to give it a try. Looks so yummy.
Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog and look forward to every new post. The pie looks delish*!
Thank you Ruth Ann, for sharing from your heart and your home. Mostly, I thank you for lifting high the name of my King Jesus, and allowing Him to shine brightly from every post. You are a lovely reflection of Him. Your Valentine cupcake lesson was timely and deeply appreciated.
Looking forward to meeting you in glory!
Your sister in PA
Do you write these fun lovely stories of these southern ladies and their fresh baked pies? They are delightful! I’ve never had a buttermilk pie and will try one of these recipes soon! I like the songs on your blog too!
Oh Ruthann, you are so darling! Another sweet post that will carry me through! I am going to try at least of these Buttermilk Pie recipes! Oh girl, you sure know how to take pictures! I am so hungry for pie! My daughter in Oregon made your Hillbilly Pie and it was a BIG hit with her boys! Thanks for sharing your talents that the good Lord blessed you with! Love ya! Maryjane (Murrieta Ranchos!!!!!)
As usual, I loved your post. I LOVED that photo of the picnic baskets all lined up and waiting. I am a Southern girl, born and bred. Born and lived my entire life in Atlanta. Went to those Southern churches and Sunday “lunches on the grounds”. What wonderful memories.
I can’t wait to try the Buttermilk Pie.
You are like Sister Lizzie. You share your recipes and your home life with us and it enriches and blesses those of us that need it. God has shown me your blog in His perfect timing. Bless you.
And bless that Hillbilly Spaghetti! That was a yummy, scrumptious, hurt your tummy because you couldn’t stop eating it, good meal!
I loved this post. I loved the part about the lady not believing in “secret recipes”! I never did understand that theory and I am so glad that you don’t keep yours a secret! xxx
I’ll be back to savor this post…it’s way past my bedtime, but I just saw that you had posted…always a treat!
You are a true original!
I love all your blogs, but most of all – I love Verdeen Crumley :-)
Although I share different religious beliefs than you, at the heart of it for me is love, non-judgment, kindness and acceptance – qualities that your blog oozes along with style.
Thanks for being a light to even the most unexpected people :-)
~ Maven from A Fabulously Good Life
Just discovered your blog – it’s great – and have to tell you that I was looking for inspiration for dinner yesterday and so made the spaghetti pie (almost the same recipe) – I shall put it on my blog today so that I remember what a triumph it was! Thank you – it will appeal to my in-laws when they come to visit next month too.
Next I will try some pie, once I’ve figured out how to do the Brit version!
Annie x
Ruth Ann
I am so excited when I see a new post! You are such a blessing!
Your pics are awesome…so detailed…and love the music…heck I love everything about your blog!! Definitely going to try Buttermilk pie…never had it before.
God Bless You!
Cheryl from Canada
I do so enjoy reading your blog! I get so excited when there’s a new post. Your words are always inspiring and your home is an absolute decorating dream! I have “stolen” many ideas from you! You even inspired me to make my first pie. Although it didn’t turn out quite as beautifully as yours, it still tasted good. And teh second time I tried, it was better. Thank you for your wonderful posts!
Take care.
Christy Lee
*~Petals and Pine~*
Hi Ruth Ann!
I sure have enjoyed your blog for awhile now. Your pictures are always so life-like! Thank you for sharing your life with all of us and your recepies. You are a blessing!
C. C.
Ribbons and Lace Cottage
Now that looks so good. Thanks for the crust in the pan technique. I’ll have to try that if I ever attempt to make another pie.
A beautiful inspiring post.
Take care, DebraK
What a lovely post! It is so sweet, and I adore the vintage pictures you have used. I’ve never had Buttermilk Pie, but it looks delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe, and the helpful pictures.
Love your header and love this post…just love your blog in general, and your sweet, fun spirit!!
Have a joyful day and thanks for spreading sunshine around blogland!!
Love, Love, Love this post!! I haven’t heard that song in such a long time – Down by the Tabernacle. I’ve heard it sung by a group called “Midsouth”… a southern, country gospel band. Thanks for the memory. Now, I know what Buttermilk Pie is all about. I’ll have to try it now.
Hi RuthAnn – I tried to post this and somehow it got deleted so I’m sorry if I am duplicating myself.
I love your blog. I read the entire thing this weekend. Started from the beginning. Devoured it. Want to be your neighbor – or heck I’ll take want to be your daughter.
Hope my mom isn’t reading this.. :)
Anyway, I have a question – I have two teenage daughters. They are wonderful girls but we still have issues that I attribute to being teenagers. The issues are: me nagging to get them to do their chores – trying to be the mediator to their spats – and just basic teenage issues. Since reading your blog I’m trying to take your suggestion when you said try to make your home how you would have liked it when you were a kid. But its so hard! I now know how my mom felt when I drug my heels when asked to clean my room – etc. etc. She nagged me until I did it. I’m following her footsteps. I know the girls hate my nagging. How did you do it with your teenagers. Did you require them to do chores? For example a couple of years ago I decide it was time they did their own laundry. So once a week I reminded them to do it. For two years they did it but not without eyes rolled – half a**ed jobs – stuff left in the laundry room etc etc. Finally in Janauary I took it back from them. I decided to do a load a day (like the Flylady suggests) and the fights are gone and the struggle gone. More work from me but it makes our household more peaceful. I wonder though if I am doing them a disservice? If I do chores for them am I making it bad for them later? When they are on their own? I also have been straightening their room for them daily – so when I do say clean your room its not this overwhelming thing for them. I just thought I’d ask you since you seem to have such a great family life. I understand the spiritual side but wanted to know if you had any practical advice for living with teenagers. Thanks so much!!!!!! xoxoxoxo Jennifer
RuthAnn – I meant to leave my email in case you email answers to questions?? on the above question about teenagers. Here it is.
If you don’t I understand. Just thought I’d try! Thanks again.. Jennifer
ooh my word sista…i wanna go to church with you and all the gals…can i hear an amen! ooh and the church supper…all those goodies on those crisp white tables…oh you know brother tucker loves him some fried chicken!…my dear friend…this is you…this is your amazing talent…thank you for the story…thank you for sharing just one more of your writings…i miss ya doll…keep the stories comming…and thanks for blessing the blog gals..miss jennifer above…i will be praying for you and your teenager girls…love cat
I ♥ this post….so flipping cute and yummy recipe’s too….
We have a potluck at our church once a month..
I sure do think some folks would love to try this recipe.
Thank you !
Oh Ruth Ann,
You’re such a doll. I just love you, and I don’t even know you. Your committment to living for our Father in Heaven is beautiful, as is your spirit.
I so enjoy your outstanding blog.
God Bless You, Sweet Sister!
I can't wait to try this pie! Thanks for sharing! We can sure teach you to talk southern here in Texas. I work with convention groups coming to town & they always comment on the way I talk. Oh well…..
I must try it, I must try it!
I’ve made your Hillybilly Spaghetti twice. Each time it was a big hit.
I’ve cooked in cast iron for years My husband and I have been members of a Dutch Oven Society here where we live. One thing that is important about caring for the cast iron…. If you are a “once in a long time user” of the cast iron, be careful seasoning it with “Crisco” especially if you store it in a warm area. It will turn rancid. We clean and oil our pieces then use a rolled up paper towel and place it inside with the end hanging out. We then place the lid on top. This acts like a “wick” in case any moisture builds up plus give it some ventilation. Just thought I’d pass along that tip. Now I’m off to attempt to make that Buttermilk Pie. YAHOO
Dear Miss Ruth Ann,
Oh want a fantastic post, as always! I so enjoy every single one. Every last post is an incredible inspiration to me as a young wife, mother and homemaker. Thank you for how you bless me with your words and encouragement. You will never know the impact that you’ve had.
I print out just about every post and save them in a binder for review during “quiet time” after bible reading.
You are right up there with my subscriptions to “Country” and “Reminisce” magazines! Better and better with each read.
Thank you again!
Can I make this pie even if I’m not southern? I have a cast iron pan that was my grandma’s and I never even have to season it. I put it in dishwater too. It’s so perfectly seasoned after being used for almost 100 years! I cook everything in it and tomatos have never bothered it one bit. Mimi
Tried this Pie! LOVED this Pie!!!
Thanx for sharing your Recipe!
This took me back to the good old days. Ahhh, I loved the all day singins’! ;)
I can’t wait to make this pie. Thank you for sharing the recipe.
Well Howdy neighbor. I just live probably about 3 hours from you. I have been to Mansfield and took the tour, graduated from Missouri State. Married a military man and have recently moved back home!
Can’t believe I am just finding your simply charming blog.
Guess what?
You’re goin’ on my blogroll!
I’ll be back…my bread is ready to be made into rolls!
Great post once again. I always look forward to your posts every week.
If you go to my blog post for 2/26 you have been given an award. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
What a wonderful way to get me to bake a pie soon! I’ll have to try your recipe for sure. Thanks for the yummy slice of pie. :)
oh, my…those pies look de.li.cious! i learned how to make my first pie crust this past thanksgiving…time to give it another try. i love visiting your blog and the warm, homey, southern feeling it gives me! thanks for the warm feelings!
This pie looks yummy and would be so much fun to bring to a church potluck (or just to eat at home, lol!).
Loved the picture of your daughter baking. My boys have left out an ingredient or two but so have I and that’s how you learn! We just laughed it off if it couldn’t be fixed. Loved your blog!
Thank you so much for this recipe.
I JUST MADE THE PIE AND MY FAMILY ATE IT UP!!! What a wonderful way to start the weekend for us here in Northern Canada; a nice sweet warm homemade pie while enjoying a temperature of about -10 degrees Celcius right now. A taste from the south was just what we needed. It was perfect. God bless you and thanks for sharing your buttermilk blessings with our family!
Just happen to have some buttermilk in the fridge. Can’t wait to try this pie, I’ve never had it before. Thanks for always bringing a bit of sunshine with your blog!
I am so making this pie… it’s my birthday this coming week and being more of a pie gal than a cake gal I always request a pie… LOL
I enjoy your blog so much!!! I have a couple of awards to honor you with… just stop by my blog and pick them up if you wish!!!
Just A Gal…
You sure made me smile this Sunday morning. I love the look of that pie will have to try it.
I have a handwritten recipe book and only the best recipes go into it. It will be the book I pass onto my daughters – part of my family heritage! I was never taught to bake by my mother and as a young wife before the days of blogs and You Tube, relied on cookbooks and tv chefs. So in my recipe book (or should I call it my reci-pie book!) alongside recipes from well known cooks and chefs are yours! I will have to add a note that Auntie Ruthie’s recipes are not from their real auntie… my sister is called Ruth! Almost every day my 11 year old daughter asks if she can make snickerdoodles. Today when she asks, it will be ‘not today honey, for we are making Sister Lizzie’s buttermilk pie’ I even bought buttermilk in anticipation!
Must go and see if the ‘chooks’ have laid any eggs yet. Can you tell I’m in Australia!
Howdy, Ruth Ann!I just had to tell you how much I have enjoyed reading “Buttermilk Blessings”! I will definitely have to try making Sister Lizzie’s Buttermilk Pie.
Your blog is so charming – I have added you to my Blog Roll! God Bless!
Ruth Ann
I just had to tell you how inspiring and uplifting your blogs are to me. I just discovered blog world and came across your blog. I was so enthralled I read every posting you made. I couldn’t stop. My hubby was wondering what I was up to, sitting on the computer for hours. I usually just jump on for my e-mails and then back off. I enjoy everything you write about and your sweet spirit comes right off the page. I can hardley wait for the next one.
God Bless You and Yours
Your friend and admirer from blogland
i love, love, love this post. i want to go back to a time like that.
your pie looks so yummy.
thanks for the recipe
Love this post and the pie looks so mouth watering good too!
I was one of the ladies who asked about the lid for your cast iron pan. Thank you so much for posting the link-I just bought two! I’ve never had lids for my pans-I’m so excited! Leave it to a homemaker to be excited about a cast iron lid-lol!!!
Love your blog-keep those sweet posts comin’!
Joanna from northern Ca.
Bless your heart Miss Ruth! You have no idea how inspiring your bog is and music …..Lord have mercy girl-you are a cool drink of water for my soul. (I am an up-rooted southern girl and you have me going now—-(first to the music store and then to make my family some of that buttermilk pie!!!).
Shirley in California
RuthAnn! I have missed you! Just popped in to say Hello!
I felt like I was reading Mitford. Wonderful post. I am going to try that recipe too!! Never made a custard pie, just fruit. Let you know how it goes.
Warm Dishes,
Karen Eileen
I’ve never had this, but I will definitely try making it! Looks so yummy! Thank you so much for blessing us with sharing your recipes!
I made your yummy buttermilk pie yesterday and the family agrees, it’s a keeper! Thank you for being such a blessing!
Oh, my! It’s been a long time since I’ve seen (or tasted) a buttermilk pie! I must try one of these recipes–thank you for sharing!
Thank you for the recipe. My oldest daughter and I gave it a try last night, and the family loved it!
Anne Michelle in Illinois
Hi sweetie pie sis :)
Oh what a delicious post!!! I have got to try this one , considering it’s on my favorite pies too!! :) Plus I adore your pictures of Sunday get together’s at church too! I remember when the kids were little, we’d get to church at 9, go to service and then spend the rest of the day there. Putting together the picnics were always a favorite part for me!! and you are so funny about that certain “miss B” kinda lady who would never give out her recipe, we have lots of those “secret recipe keepers” :) we used to joke that while the picnic was going on, we’d get into her kitchen and find them :) lol
Thanks for sharing such sweet memories as usual! and your step by step details on baking are fabulous sweetie! I have to do your crust, it’s simply gorgeous!!
Hope your having a good week and feeling better! I was sick too for about a week, nasty cold! But hopefully Spring is near and all the winter remains will disappear soon! lol
Hugs, Cyn xox
Hi sweetie pie sis :)
Oh what a delicious post!!! I have got to try this one , considering it’s on my favorite pies too!! :) Plus I adore your pictures of Sunday get together’s at church too! I remember when the kids were little, we’d get to church at 9, go to service and then spend the rest of the day there. Putting together the picnics were always a favorite part for me!! and you are so funny about that certain “miss B” kinda lady who would never give out her recipe, we have lots of those “secret recipe keepers” :) we used to joke that while the picnic was going on, we’d get into her kitchen and find them :) lol
Thanks for sharing such sweet memories as usual! and your step by step details on baking are fabulous sweetie! I have to do your crust, it’s simply gorgeous!!
Hope your having a good week and feeling better! I was sick too for about a week, nasty cold! But hopefully Spring is near and all the winter remains will disappear soon! lol
Hugs, Cyn xox
Hi sweetie pie sis :)
Oh what a delicious post!!! I have got to try this one , considering it’s on my favorite pies too!! :) Plus I adore your pictures of Sunday get together’s at church too! I remember when the kids were little, we’d get to church at 9, go to service and then spend the rest of the day there. Putting together the picnics were always a favorite part for me!! and you are so funny about that certain “miss B” kinda lady who would never give out her recipe, we have lots of those “secret recipe keepers” :) we used to joke that while the picnic was going on, we’d get into her kitchen and find them :) lol
Thanks for sharing such sweet memories as usual! and your step by step details on baking are fabulous sweetie! I have to do your crust, it’s simply gorgeous!!
Hope your having a good week and feeling better! I was sick too for about a week, nasty cold! But hopefully Spring is near and all the winter remains will disappear soon! lol
Hugs, Cyn xox
Je découvre votre blog et je le trouve merveilleux, j’aime l’ambiance, les musiques, les photos, votre maison si belle et chaleureuse !
Je reviendrai !
Go bless you !
Honey pie…you sure brought back some great memories. I grew up in these Ozark Hills and used to have “dinner on the ground” Memorial Day weekend at Peel, Arkansas. There would be service in the old Peel church, no air conditioning and HARD benches. This was 1958 and I would be dressed in my Sunday best, usually a voille dotted dress that Grandma had made. The services were followed with the dinner, long tables spread with everything under the sun. The day was filled with visiting and reminising for the adults and the kids would run amuck playing tag and getting in trouble for being too rambunctous! Afterall, we were there to decorate the graves and remember those gone on. Love your blog, you are so good at stirring up the memories inside us!
I, very recently, stumbled my way over to your wonderful blog.
I was curious about a Buttermilk Pie I had found in one of my cookbooks, and then I saw yours. Well, let’s just say, between your lovely writing and your recipes, I’m inspired.
I am a Christian too, Il love Jesus, too. Thanks to the cantiques ! Je ne parle pas bien votre langue, dommage.
This was a great post! Thank you so much for the recipe!! I was looking for something for Homecoming this Sunday and I am going to use your recipe…pray for me as I have limited experience with crust! I will let you know how it turns out!
Love Lilly
[…] by Aunt Ruthie on March 7th, 2009 Click here to read about Sister Lizzie Start with this […]
Ruth Ann, I just adore the story you wrote to go along with the pictures. I am a 7th generation Kentuckian and, if I say so myself, know my way around some pie! My grandmother’s recipe for Lemon Buttermilk Pie is a bit different than the ones you shared. I would be happy to share it with you…..I’m no Verdeen! Grandmother got her recipe off of a buttermilk carton in the 1940’s and we’ve been enjoying it ever since.
Your blog was one of my suggested reads in google reader and I am so glad! After seeing this post I made buttermilk pie for the 1st time and it was delicious! I have to admit my pie crust did not look as pretty as yours, but for a 1st attempt I think it came out well. Your kitchen is amazing, I imagine it must be a joy to bake in.
I love to read your blog, you have such great ideas and beautiful pics. I just made the buttermilk pie and it was wonderful, even blogged about it! Thanks!!
Howdy Ya’ll
I am so loving all the wonderful stuff here!
Thanks to Cat at The vintage housewife I found you ,
and I’m never turning loose of ya’ll.
I am so gonna pull out my grandmothers old tattered cookbook and bake something today.Your sight is so inspiring.
Thank you for sharing all the blessings with your sisters.
blessings to you.
I am so glad I found your blog.
My dear mother used to make Buttermilk pies when i was a child and I never got her recipe before she died. I know this has to be the one she used because she had lemon and nutmeg in hers.
thank you so much for you have brought back good memory’s and given me something from my child hood.
i am going to try it tomorrow.
Elsie <
Thank you so much for this recipe of the buttermilk pie. Great pics! I just adore the story! Greetings, Margriet
I’ve been wanting to make one of these forever…just made a fresh apple pie..so this will be one the weekend agenda…thank you..hugs
Once again! I have a smile on my face!What a heart warming blog!Love your words of praise to God and I cant wait to try the recipe! Love all your poste! I am working through all of them as I find the time!I sooo love the whole country life and will be livin that dream on our soon to be farm! God willin!! Thanks Ruth Ann! Your a doll! Cindy
I have to share my funny story when attempting to make this pie… I was so excited! I hadn’t had time to make a pie in a long time, as I work part time, and have a daughter who I have to take to Daycare while I’m at work, and yadda yadda… So I was looking forward to fixing a treat for my hubby.
I am known for being an excellent cook, especially of pies…
I put in 3 Tbsp Flour as it calls for…
and 3 Tbsp sugar! LOL I was so distracted while making it, I didn’t even think, “Huh… that’s not a lot of sugar…”
Anyway, I thought about it later, and sure enough when I took a bite… it was salty and lemony, but definitely not sweet.
My husband and I had a good laugh, and now I’m looking forward to making it again sometime, with the REST of the sugar included. :)
I’ve always, been a baker..but, never, into buttermilk pies.. they are different than, the custard, I’ve made over the years.. alot of old fashioned, recipes, out there.. & southern recipes.. Alot of new recipes, being introduced, also.. Love them..& love good food.. thanks..
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Hello! I just wanted to stop by and tell you that after many years of enjoying your LOVELY blog, and thoroughly enjoying the Girl Talk Forum (as “Sunflower4jc”) this is still my very FAVORITE post of all!!! Since I first read it years ago, I have tried to remember to be more like Sister Liza Jane, and less like grumpy Verdeen Crumley! I have made your Buttermilk Pie, too – it is the BEST!!! (((Hugs))) to you – I love this sweet place on the Internet!
Blessings – Pauline
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[…] Buttermilk Blessings… | Sugar Pie Farmhouse – Now, there are all kinds of recipes for Buttermilk Pie…some are as gooey and sweet as a candy bar….this custard-y pie is just “sweet enough” and has a …… […]