call me old fashioned


Call me Old Fashioned…but I think some things should never become outdated like…

Fall decor 2008 008

…Teaching kids to do chores and to pitch in for the family good so they grow up to be responsible and caring adults…

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…Honoring family traditions which warm the heart with love for family, hearth, and home. Traditions provide a feeling of coziness, stability, and safety which all members of the family need to mama

Call me old-fashioned but I believe…The role of the mother should be to nourish and nurture her family, through the meals she prepares, the homey environment she creates and the kind, encouraging words she speaks. Her family should come before her own personal pursuits so that her loved ones and home are not neglected but are cherished as the treasures that they are. (When I say “Personal pursuits” it’s not to be confused with needing to work outside the home to provide for your family).

homemaking is important

Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…having meals together around the table creates a strong family bond, giving kids a sense of security. It also ensures that your family will be eating healthier too. Family meals nourish body, mind, and soul.


Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…creating a home your family loves to be…a place that nudges your loved ones to happily sigh, “Ahhh…it’s so good to be home!”… it makes everyone feel loved and nurtured.

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Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…working hard toward something teaches kids patience and perseverance while looking forward to enjoying the fruits of their labor…


sledding with the fam

Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…making time to have fun with your family gives kids a sense of belonging, family closeness and the happiest of memories which will bless them their whole life.


front porch[1]

Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…enjoying the simple things in life, being thankful and content with what you have will give you a sense of well being, peace and joy.


Call me old-fashioned but I believe that …encouraging kids to honor older folks by gleaning and valuing their wisdom will cause an appreciation and a realization of how precious those dear folks truly are.


Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…blessing people with random acts of kindness not only shows your appreciation for them, it teaches your kids to think of others and that when they do something kind for someone they are sowing seeds of goodness in the world and they will harvest a thrilling sense of joy and delight in their heart.bedtime

Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…tucking your children in bed with prayer and nurturing words will fill their hearts with your love, comfort and a feeling of safety which is something that all children need and deserve.

family prayerCall me old-fashioned but I believe that…saying grace at the table, taking your family to church on Sundays and sharing the good news of the gospel with your children daily will give them a lifetime of strength, hope, faith and eternal salvation which is the most priceless and precious gift of all. 


Call me old-fashioned but I believe that young women and men should be taught and encouraged to stay pure for marriage which is such a precious gift to give their bride or groom…mama and the girlsCall me old-fashioned but I believe that…Mothers should teach their daughters to honor themselves by dressing gracefully and stylishly modest, not only being gracious in what they wear but in their behavior also. 

common courtesies

Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…parents should teach their sons how to treat a woman with courtesy, kindness, and respect.  

img_4532Well, call me old-fashioned but I believe these are all things that need to be preserved in our homes. These virtues and values may go against our current culture but if we can stand strong and faithful by teaching them to our children and grandchildren then we will give our country hope and with God’s grace, goodness will prevail. 

I’d love for you to add to my list of “Call Me Old Fashioned…” so leave your thoughts in the comments below!

For more posts that honor home and family you might like: 

Sweet Old Fashioned Goodness

Family Traditions Keep Our Family Strong

Old Fashioned Goodness Mayberry Style

5 Simple Things You Can Do To Make Home Sweeter


For my Farmhouse Country Store

filled with down-home goodness click here!

Well darlin’,

Bless your family…make home sweet!

Aunt Ruthie

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