Call me Old Fashioned…but I think some things should never become outdated like…
…Teaching kids to do chores and to pitch in for the family good so they grow up to be responsible and caring adults…
…Honoring family traditions which warm the heart with love for family, hearth, and home. Traditions provide a feeling of coziness, stability, and safety which all members of the family need to thrive.
Call me old-fashioned but I believe…The role of the mother should be to nourish and nurture her family, through the meals she prepares, the homey environment she creates and the kind, encouraging words she speaks. Her family should come before her own personal pursuits so that her loved ones and home are not neglected but are cherished as the treasures that they are. (When I say “Personal pursuits” it’s not to be confused with needing to work outside the home to provide for your family).
Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…having meals together around the table creates a strong family bond, giving kids a sense of security. It also ensures that your family will be eating healthier too. Family meals nourish body, mind, and soul.
Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…creating a home your family loves to be…a place that nudges your loved ones to happily sigh, “Ahhh…it’s so good to be home!”… it makes everyone feel loved and nurtured.
Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…working hard toward something teaches kids patience and perseverance while looking forward to enjoying the fruits of their labor…
Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…making time to have fun with your family gives kids a sense of belonging, family closeness and the happiest of memories which will bless them their whole life.
Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…enjoying the simple things in life, being thankful and content with what you have will give you a sense of well being, peace and joy.
Call me old-fashioned but I believe that …encouraging kids to honor older folks by gleaning and valuing their wisdom will cause an appreciation and a realization of how precious those dear folks truly are.
Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…blessing people with random acts of kindness not only shows your appreciation for them, it teaches your kids to think of others and that when they do something kind for someone they are sowing seeds of goodness in the world and they will harvest a thrilling sense of joy and delight in their heart.
Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…tucking your children in bed with prayer and nurturing words will fill their hearts with your love, comfort and a feeling of safety which is something that all children need and deserve.
Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…saying grace at the table, taking your family to church on Sundays and sharing the good news of the gospel with your children daily will give them a lifetime of strength, hope, faith and eternal salvation which is the most priceless and precious gift of all.
Call me old-fashioned but I believe that young women and men should be taught and encouraged to stay pure for marriage which is such a precious gift to give their bride or groom…Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…Mothers should teach their daughters to honor themselves by dressing gracefully and stylishly modest, not only being gracious in what they wear but in their behavior also.
Call me old-fashioned but I believe that…parents should teach their sons how to treat a woman with courtesy, kindness, and respect.
Well, call me old-fashioned but I believe these are all things that need to be preserved in our homes. These virtues and values may go against our current culture but if we can stand strong and faithful by teaching them to our children and grandchildren then we will give our country hope and with God’s grace, goodness will prevail.
I’d love for you to add to my list of “Call Me Old Fashioned…” so leave your thoughts in the comments below!
For more posts that honor home and family you might like:
Family Traditions Keep Our Family Strong
Old Fashioned Goodness Mayberry Style
5 Simple Things You Can Do To Make Home Sweeter
For my Farmhouse Country Store
filled with down-home goodness click here!
Well darlin’,
Bless your family…make home sweet!
Aunt Ruthie
Beautiful post, Aunt Ruthie! I agree wholeheartedly. It can be difficult to go against the culture these days, but we must persevere in what is good and right. Thanks for the encouragement.
YES! YES! YES! To all of this!
I love this with all my heart ❤ Thank you for reminding this young momma of all the treasures I already have. For inspiring me through your heartfelt words of encouragement and your simple ways of making a house a home. Such a blessing every time I come here to read. Thank you ❤❤❤
Yes! I agree! Those things are all so important! Thank you for sharing your heart and home with us!
Dear Ruthie,
Your thoughts and my thoughts are in the same channel. I appreciate
you posts so much. You are right on target. The comfort of our homes and values are so important. I say yes to all the above!
Thank you!!
Thank you…oh-so much. In this topsy-turvy world, it is a joy to read that others feel as I do.
I once read that mothers are “heroes without medals… the fairies that run ahead and make everything magical…” So true! I do my best to remember that motherhood never ends, but childhood does…to pause, slow down, and do my best to make every moment count.
Thanks again for your words of wisdom!
I wholeheartedly agree‼️Call me “old fashioned”but I believe children should be taught to speak when spoken to‼️We’re raising a generation of rude, arrogant kids‼️
thank you again for a wonderful post…love bringing our families back to being family
Amen!! You have said it so well. Thank you for verbalizing what is in my heart! I enjoy your blog so much.
Yes! All of this!!!!!
I am 62 and agree totally! It seems like the world has gone backwards these days! Loved loved this post. Everyone should read this!!! Thank you!
I agree wholeheartedly . We are so far from from values, morals and family time. We need to get our country back on track to save our society . Great post !!!
I agree with all of this only wish there was a share button so all my family and friends could see.
Granny Doris
I totally agree with you! I just wish so many others would follow it too. thank you for posting it!
I meet with my soul sisters here on this site. HAPPY SPRING
Absolutely! A big thank you for the reminders how much the simple things make the difference.
I totally agree with you!! I have raised my daughter this way and she is a lovely girl but I wish more people would do this because she seems to be in the minority of all her friends and sometimes they think she is odd.
My prayers and hopes is that more people would follow these guidelines so that we can have a better world.
Bravo! Bravo!
I totally agree! Thanks for these old fashioned words of encouragement! Oh how our world needs to hear these words!
I am 68 years old and it is such a sweet breath of goodness to read your writings. You are such an inspiration and I could not agree more with everything you have written here. Thank you for reminding us of the “good old days” and inspiring me to want to do better and be better each day….and to make my family feel oh so special.
So good!! I wholeheartedly agree and still do these things with my kids and grandkids!!
I could not have said it better myself !!God Bless and Happy Spring !Yeeeeeeehaaaaaw !
Thank you for reminding me of wonderful childhood memories. That was a time when children had respect for all adults. Lovely post.
Thank you for sharing this word. Being 34 years old myself, it seems that my generation has strayed very far from this way of life. All the “old fashioned” ways you spoke of, I hold very dear to my heart. I was blessed by God to have parents who raised me in this way. As a mother of two young boys, I am doing my best to pass on these time-tested, precious ways.
Call me old fashioned, but I think it’s thoughful and respectful to put out a good table when guests or family come over. Not prepackaged, grocery store bought, big warehouse convenience foods, but food and special treats that take effort, love and time. Call me old fashioned, but the CRAZY BUSY mindset that so many of us our guilty of needs to be redirected. We need to be CRAZY BUSY with our families, homes and loved ones. All of these old fashioned notions that you mentioned take time and effort. Thank you, once again, women have the POWER and it starts right in our homes.
You sound like a woman who knows! I’m old-fashioned too and have loved being a wife, mother and homemaker for almost thirty years now. It’s a blessing to find like minded women and feel encouraged. Keep up the good work!
As a wife, mother, grandmother and long-time teacher of children, I have seen these values go by the wayside generation after generation. Many children today have little respect for others. Parents have taught their children it is okay not to listen to authority. Bullying others with their words whether physically or on-line has become the norm. And God has just about been taken out of the equation. Thank you for standing up for what is right…even if it is old-fashioned. We could use more like you!
Your post fills my heart with joy. I need to work on a couple of areas such as getting my family to sit down at one place for dinner, but everything you mentioned describes my own childhood and what I too want for my family. Thank you.
Amen sister! Family and home are my passion! There is nothing more important! Thank you for sharing. And I love the old pictures!
I just love your post God bless you and your family
I agree 100%! I also believe that children should be able to be children and play outside and not have to be consumed with organized activities and sports everyday and weekend. Although extracurricular activities and sports are good, but nowadays is complete over kill. I have colleagues whose children are so busy with multiple sports teams and other activities that they have no time to just be a kid. It’s sad!
I totally agree!
I feel exactly as you do. I think that a happy and secure home is the springboard to a contented and fulfilled life. The wife and mother are the ones who nurture the home. This may seem old fashioned to some, but I think this is the cure for many of today’s ills and unhappiness.
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
Dear Aunt Ruthie … I am so thankful to be old fashioned. My husband and I will celebrate 50 years of marriage this year. I am blessed, not with money and ‘stuff’ but with a small cosy home that is filled with love. I love being a wife, a mom and the keeper of our home. You have shared a beautiful post. This makes me think of a simple little prayer that I shared on my blog a while back. Bless the food before us, the home around us, the family beside us and the love between us. So simple, yet so filled with love. All the things that you have mentioned in this post are what makes a home sweet home. Homespun Hugs ♥ Teri
Beautifully and lovingly said. Thank you for speaking truth kindly instead of bashing it upside of our heads.
Call me old-fashioned, but I believe the generations are better together, and that love draws others to goodness and right revealing the old-fashioned paths of goodness to be followed.
This is the answer to so much of society’s problems.
I feel for our children. They often don’t know any better.
I absolutely love all of this! Guess I am old fashioned!
Dear Aunt Ruthie
Oh what a great post! If only every mother could read this it would stir her heart and give her hope . Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord! It all starts in the home. I love being old fashioned cooking cleaning decorating planning. I have 2 little granddaughters who I have been mentoring them since they were 3 years old and now they know how to bake scones and serve tea but what they are learning most is that I care about them. Bless you for this encouraging post.
Call me old fashioned, but I believe in instilling a respect for our country, it’s leaders, our military, and first responders. Call me old fashioned but I believe in instilling respect for our veterans.
Thank you for your uplifting words and thoughts, for the beautiful photos that touched such a special place in my heart. And I thank Christy Jordan for linking you to her blog-that’s how I “discovered” you!
You have a beautiful soul. I love everything you live.
Amen sister!
I stand with Carrie’s statement the past generation of people who came to the Valley for the Winter were there when you needed them and the latest generation is just not interested in being a good neighbor and I find the interest in other groups of people who live for their desires not yours. The Red Hatters came to the Valley and created a need to walked all over others in public activities. Churches in the region are low in attendance of past years. Most of these are in the 55+ age group. I wonder if this will change in the future as I feel it is now a standard way of living. We will hope it changes with words as you have shared could reach out to others and I thank you for your sharing in this time of need. I wish your words could be published in newspapers across America or posted in business’s in local communities. Thanks
Dear Ruthie…u said it all. So many of the young parents of today
have no idea what “old fashioned” really means. Being old fashio ed is wonderful!! Thanks for sharing…Loretta/ Calif.
You are so, so right! Love this post!
Such a beautiful post. So very true. I wish more families would take heed and continue the strong values we were taught as kids. I think there would be a lot less chaos and violence in the world. Love your posts and its so wonderful to see so many like minded gals.
Beautiful post Aunt Ruthie! You have such a gift with words.
What a wonderful post and great pictures. Thank you. :)
I am no longer able to enter the Forum area (for years)…have tried different passwords, etc. Ruth Ann, is there a way I can access that again?
Sweetie Pie You are right on target! We need to cherish each day and every moment with our families! Our time here is so short, children grow up Soo fast and good memories will last a lifetime! Remember dear friends to “Redeem the time”, give lots of hugs and kisses and Sweet words of kindness and full of wisdom! Love your post and all you share with us! Thank You from the Heart, Dear Friend!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this! Beautifully written. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Thank you for such a wonderfully written post with perfect pictures. We need to continue to let the light shine from our homes doing the right things God taught us from His Word, so that others may see His Love, sacrifice and values lived out – truly lights that shine in the current darkness of this world.
Keep writing, you fulfill iron sharpening iron….
You made my day!!! With all the trouble in the world it is comforting to know that there are many of of “old fashioned girls” still around. Thank you. Call me old fashioned but i believe we should care for our homes, our family, our possessions, our animals, friends and strangers, and ourselves as if the Good Lord is watching, for He surely is.
Such an inspired post! Thank you for your boldness in speaking truth for this generation!
For sure call me old fashioned Aunt Ruthie! I am a stay-at-home daughter and I look forward to being a wife and mother, Lord willing. You listed wisdom and these things should never be old fashioned in reality, but alas, in this day and age many good things God calls right and good are labeled “out dated and disgraceful”.
This says it all. I have been called old fashioned and I am proud of it. Thanks for posting.
Loved every last bit of this post ! Mine is: Call me old-fashioned, but I think that dining with your family means focusing on each other, and so there should be no phones, devices, or games at the table. None.
Call me old fashioned but I believe singing and dancing while baking something yummy in the kitchen will bring lots of laughs and silliness helps keep a merry and pure heart which is like medicine for our bodies! Praise His joyful name!!
Oh so sweet and true. Thank you for the reminder. :o)
WELL SAID! I totally agree♥️♥️♥️
You’re preachin’ to the choir Aunt Ruthie — I love sharing in the sisterhood of being ‘old fashioned’ ~ praying that this fragile, little world soon catches this wisdom……such a fine post Ruthie!
Amen, sister!
I don’t mind being called “old fashioned” one bit! Looks like I’m in a great sisterhood! Thanks for the reminders!
So long ago when being old fashioned was the way of life. People lived that, and it was normal. So much has changed. My daughter is a Teacher Assistant in public schools. She says the lack of respect out of elementary children is unreal. It’s so sad. Schools are places to keep children while parents work. Seems like everyone raises those children but parents now days. My granddaughter works with infants in a daycare. There are 6 or 7 of them. Mighty young to not be held by mom for long days, day after day, year after year. I am wondering how those children will be by adulthood?
Call me old fashioned, because I believe in all of these things too!!:)
Call me old fashion, but I think that a family which prays, and serves others is a family which will stay together and learn that service is joyful.
Yes! I agree! I am old fashioned and happy to be that! Thank you so much for this post! Blessings!
Oh Aunt Ruthie! Call me old Fashion ! I love every thing about this post ! It brought me fond memories of my youth ! i was raised on old fashion , Let’s keep those great things rolling .
Yes, I say it many times throughout my day… Call me old fashioned! It’s part of who I am. :-)
I love this list. Couldn’t agree more.
Call me old fashioned but I believe there is nothing wrong with choosing a lifetime occupation of caring for a husband and family.
Call me old fashioned, but I agree with everything you wrote. God bless you Aunt Ruthie, you are a treasure.
If only this wonderful theme were practiced in every home! I love this entire post. So heartwarming and to me, feels like coming home.
Just found your site and pages undera recommendation from another group! How wonderful your site and pages are! Full of colorful graphics and wisdom that never is out of style! Blessings for all you do to bring joy and simple pleasures to others! Looking forward to enjoying more time spent here!
Most Sincerely Dee!
Call me old fashioned too! I completely agree and say AMEN! I’ve done my best to raise my children this way, and now my grandchildren. Thank you for this as we need to encourage one another. Iron sharpens iron.
So glad I found ya!
Love this. well call me old fashioned but I think everyone should go to church on Sunday , when they are able to and Honor the Lord your God!
I love your posts . We think alike . Best life the old fashion way.
Amen and Amen!
Amen!! You did a fabulous job on this. This is the way I was raised and I raised my children this way. Most of my children now live in our farm and I see my grandbabies everyday. The traditions and beliefs have been passed right down to them. I always have a grandbaby underfoot teaching them farm life, gardening cooking and so on. I’m gives me a joy like no other to watch them grow and reach milestones. They are very sheltered as we live deep in the country but that’s ok because I raised my children the same and Thank God they did alright. Thank You so much for this blog it has thoroughly Blessed my heart.
I just wanted to say, I was raised with all of what you listed in your blog. I am very thankful for my parents and both grandparents who loved and guilded me. I’m now 75 yrs old and have tried passing these gifts of knowledge on to my grandchildren and hopefully to my little great grandson who is now one yrs old.❤️
Well, I guess I’m old fashioned also! I truly believe in everything you said. When you become a wife and mother you are blessed.
I am old fashioned and very proud to be .