Well, howdy-do Sugar Pies! I hope your Christmas was a happy one! I just wanted to stop by for a quick chat and a few words of encouragement for sweet, wonderful, you!

For fun, turn on the kitchen “Farmhouse Radio” to add a little nostalgia
for your reading pleasure!
To begin, I wanted to share a few photos of my grand-littles, their faces are priceless and ever changing in each shot…

So funny and adorable! In a few days there will be two more sweet baby girls added to the mix! My son JJ and daughter in love Tiffany, Olive Rose and Ivy James are coming for a week. Yay!! That makes this Mama’s heart happy for sure!

Sugar Pie, do you love the fresh start of a new year? I do! In fact I’m itching to clear away all of my sparkly holiday decor. I’m so ready for uncluttered simplicity but I need to wait a week or so since my family and I will be celebrating another round of Christmas festivities when my other kids arrive in a few days.
But one thing I am doing right now is thinking about the year ahead…things I’m hoping to accomplish, and dreams that I’m working toward.
I encourage you to do the same. Plan to get up early when the house is still and no one is calling or texting, or when your kids are napping… then create a lovely atmosphere to gather your thoughts. Get yourself a cute spiral notebook and a smooth writing pen (
this one, in this affiliate link, is my absolute favorite) light a candle, make yourself a hot cup of your favorite tea or coffee then sit down to write down your thoughts…I call this my Dump Cake…where you dump a bunch of sweet ingredients in a pan and create something yummy! So, just dump all your sweet little-o thoughts on a page. You can use these categories to help you have more clarity:
- HEALTH – drink more water, exercise, doctor checkups, how to take good care of you, so you can care for others.
- RELATIONSHIPS – Maintaining friendships, ways to encourage others.
- HOME – Projects around the house, getting organized, clearing the clutter, where to start.
- FAMILY – Ways you can make each family member feel loved and special, one on one time, little love notes, celebrations.
- MARRIAGE – Ways you can be a blessing to your hubby.
- GOD – Spending time with God daily, devotions, prayer, reading the Word.
- FINANCIAL – Ways to save money for future stability and to bless others.
- BUSINESS – Ways to grow your business.
- INTELLECTUAL – Reading books, learning, taking classes
- EMOTIONAL HEALTH – Doing things you love to do, things that make your heart happy
Also ask yourself:
What did I accomplish in 2017 that I’m happy about?
What areas do I want to work on for this new year?
What goals do I want to complete?
The reason why it’s so important to take the time to think about the past year and to think ahead is because “nothing changes if nothing changes”. Things will stay the same if we don’t do anything about it. I know for sure there are lots of things I need and want to change in my life, to improve, become a better wife, mother, grandmother, friend and more! If I were going on a road trip for a junkin’ adventure (HEY, that sounds FUN!!) I would need a plan and a map to know which direction to go. Planning our life is a whole lot more important.
Keep it simple. Just pick a couple goals per category and you’ll have a good shot at achieving them. Also, and this is key! Read it daily…”out of sight, out of mind”.
Well darlin’, I hope this spurs you to new thoughts and ideas to make your life so much more delightful!
I found this vintage dump-cake recipe I thought I’d throw in for fun!
I’d love to hear some of your goals for the new year!
God bless you!
Bless your family, make home sweet!
Aunt Ruthie
Thank you for these wonderful nuggets. Happy New Year to you and may 2018 find you blessed beyond measure.
love love love again…always are so encouraged by your posts…love to share them also…God bless…
Thank you for the inspiring post! I’d love to see how you decorate for winter, post-Christmas.
Such a sweet post! As I sit with new list book and planner in my lap, you have given inspiration and good ideas for goal setting for the new year! Some of mine include reviving my business after a break during restoration of our farmhouse, more bible study, and taking better care of this ole’ body so it can get me to all the places that I want to go :) God bless you and yours and also all your readers in the coming year!
Happy New Year and as you will read in my latest post, I am looking forward to the new year. My main goals are to spend more time doing things that I enjoy and clearing the clutter! I am more than ready to do that!!
You make me feel cozy and warm, Ruthie. My husband and I took the week off after Christmas to purge and also spend time with our daughter. We have definitely set some goals for the new year! 1- Eat dinner at the table. I know this sounds like a completely normal thing to do, but our house is extremely small, and with small house comes small kitchen. We have to adjust the table in the room so we can all sit and eat together, otherwise we are all sitting in the living room with plates on our laps watching tv. We dream of a bigger, more open home, but are blessed with our little house and will be content and thank God for it. 2 – Eat more healthy. No brained. 3 – Try to go see a movie at least twice a month. 4 – My husband and I both have stressful jobs, so we tend to be homebodies after work and just want to sit and watch TV to decompress. No more of that. My house suffers for it, and it does NOT make for a warm and inviting environment for my family. 5 – Along with the previous homebody theme, we are going to get out more and enjoy our town, not shutting ourselves up in our house. Make memories with our 15 year old daughter and enjoy time with her while she’s still at home! 6 – Spend more quality time with Jesus. I have to make space for Him. I can’t survive without it.
Ok – the end of my book. Thanks for that little therapy session! :-)
Is it strange that I always read your posts as being said in a southern accent? Bahaha, I’m from the south (Georgia) so maybe that’s why :) I love each and every post. You’re always so warm, encouraging, and inviting. Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family!
Blessings to you, you sweet thing. I’m new to your site, having only found you on YouTube when I watched your beautiful home tour. Needless to say, I feel like I’ve found a long lost friend.
You’ve inspired me to get back to basics and create the environment and life I dream of for myself and family.
Thank you, thank you, thank you…This post was just what the doctor ordered. Your post was by far the best and most heartwarming blog post that I have ever read. Thank you. <3
Such an encouraging post. When I started 2017, I had no idea that breast cancer would interrupt this regularly scheduled program. I’ll be continuing with treatment this year. It’s taught me that I need to reach out to others a lot more and share the love of Jesus. It’s taught me a lot more, but that’s another post for another time.
Thank you for sharing the dump cake recipe. I had no idea how old it was. My mama was born in 1947! I have only had it with pineapple and cherries. I’ll bet the coconut and nuts really kick it up a notch!
God bless you and yours!
Laura Lane
Harvest Lane Cottage
Carthage, Missouri
Aunt Ruthie, I love your advice, your sharing of the love of God and family that you have. I just want to say that I have started my goals for 2018, I especially like to look over 2017 and answer the questions you proposed. I love the nostalgic song on the radio too. You are one awesome lady and I appreciate you.
Thank you for another great post. I completely echo everything you mentioned. Looking forward to all He has in store for 2018. May God continue to bless you and your family in the coming year.
Happy New Year.
Good morning!! I love to get ur emails..yep, time to start thinking of what to do n 2018. U r so encouraging..enjoy ur next round of xmas with ur family. The grandkids r so adorable!! Will look for a new
pic when the rest of ur family arrives. Take care..Happy New Year!! May 2018 bring u good health, happiness and a prosperous year!!
Good Morning! Thank you for the cup and saucer post. I’m always up early and have lots on my mind. I try so hard to sit and write down my thoughts. Seems when I write it all down, I am then guilty of…. Out of sight, out of mind. I’m going to make this my number one goal for 2018. Write it down and read it daily. Wishing you a wonderful and blessed New Year!!
Good Morning Aunt Ruthie. 2017 has been a rough year for me. I had a knee replacement in Febuary, bronchitis in 0ctober and I fell and broke my shoulder two days before Thanksgiving. The fall really depressed me because I wanted the perfect Thanksgiving for my family. I really had to pray and ask God to give me some peace and to help me see my blessings. He answered my prayer by letting me step back and let my daughters to take over. A son that had been absent from my life came home with his family. It turned out to be the best Thanksgiving I’ve ever known. God is so good to me. In 2018 I’m going to let God guide my life. What ever happens I will know that God is in control. God Bless you Ruthie in 2018.
Thank you, Aunt Ruthie, For your nice pep talk and New Years ideas! I am still celebrating Christmas, haven’t seen all my lovies yet. My family had to postpone one gathering, until Jan 16, because of all the colds going around, and we have two new babies in the family. But I do love the New Year – fresh starts, and hopefulness, moving on and upward! We are so blessed! I am so blessed to have family that loves me, and grandchildren to play with and adore. Yours are beautiful too, and funny!
Thank you for giving us good direction and encouragement, and a fun recipe too ! I am moved by the touching stories your readers post in their comments also!
So, God bless you, and Happy New Year!
Love, Linda
Love your down home encouragement and believe in putting God, family first. I love pretty tea cups and chatting. Thank you for your recipes, I always need an quick idea!
What is the name of your shop in Branson?
I have enjoyed your New Years message and thanks for the food for thought as we need a lift in our life today and tomorrow with what we face in our daily living. I have an old dump cake recipe that I used in the past for a quick cake to share with others and this one has many new ingredients, thanks for the new one and I will try it when the mood is in my brain. Enjoy the new year and keep those young children in your updates as they are ones who I could pick up and give them a big hug.
Hi Ruthie ~ I always luv your gentle sharing…..Godly wisdom in your words this day.♥
May you and your wee Nest be blessed beyond measure in the New Year Ruthie.
(the photos of your wee ones are priceless – “a quiver full of sweetness” for sure Ruthie!!) :o)
I make that dumpcake all the time..everyone loves it..love this radio station..;) happy new year with your family..and thank you for the wonderful pearls of wisdom..:)
Just wanted to let you know that your blogs brighten my day. I can be having a really down day due to my health and up pops your blog and instantly I have a big old smile on face. Thanks so much for being there to put those smiles on my face. Hugggggs!
Hello again!
Your recipe is in the oven right now! Can’t wait to dish it up with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Love this post! I think I’ll make time for this on January 1st early in the morning.
Thanks so much for the lovely inspiration!
My Goals for 2018 are to have more patience, read more and work on raising money for Groups that are important to me.
Happy New Year to you dear, may 2018 be filled with everything you hope it to be! Thanks for sharing all your lovely inspiration and especially that little diddy of old school music, that was really fun to listen too ~
Big Hugs,
Gale :)
I had never seen your blog before and found it while on Pinterest. I love it. I ordered two of the books from the library that you mentioned on the sidebar of your post and can’t wait to read them. I especially liked the thoughts on the new year and planning on purpose to make it a very good year. Your view of making things wonderful at home regardless of how things are out of our home is a great goal. We can’t control everything but we must make the most of what we can manage. Thanks for your blog and have a very wonderful year.
I love seeing Sugar Pie Farmhouse show up in my e-mail because I know it is going to be good! Thank you for all of wonderful and wise inspiration!
Happy New Year!
I make that dump cake all the time! Does that make me vintage too? Thank you Ruthie for a great post. Happy New Year blessings to you and yours.
I recently found your blog and I’m making my way through all your posts.
I love your blog. I think we might be sisters.
My goal for this year is to read 100,000 pages. So far I’m on day 2 and it’s going really well! I’m having so much fun with it.
Thank you for making me proud again that making a sweet home is so very important and so worth it!
Just finding time to catch up on email and found this gift from you! I am going to print this out. Thank you for once more breathing life to your followers!
Thanks so much for what you do. Such encouragement for all. your bright outlook on life. I usually like you but can’t seem to get going on anything. Pray for me to get out of this funk. I envy your get up and go.