I love a collection of farm-fresh white kitchenware. Two of these milk-white pitchers came from Target, one came from Wallmart, another from an antique store, and one I already had…a keepsake from my hubby’s childhood mountain home.
Nestled in this frosted pine wreath are well worn kitchen utensils, that at one time, were used to prepare hand-me-down recipes to delight and nourish loved ones. A flour sifter, slotted spoon, biscuit cutter, hand mixer, pastry cutter, and wooden spoon. Clipped with a clothespin on a sprig of pine, is my children’s great-grandmother’s Christmas cookie recipe in her own handwriting. If that wasn’t sweet enough, I added a couple of glittered cherry-topped muffins and a raisin-buttoned gingerbread man.
I love using chalkboards to announce the joy of the Season!
My sweet little spray of iced pine cones and berries was purchased at Michael’s for $2.50! I hung them in all of my kitchen windows
I’m am sooooo excited to show you my Christmas present from my hubby…this yummy, farm-style buffet! I found it at one of the cutest vintage shops in Ozark, Missouri…Leola’s Antiques! (Hi Jan and Debra…you girls are as adorable as your shop!) Okay, I know I’ve said it way too many times…but there’s gonna be a weddin’ cuz…..YES! I love it so much I want to marry it! It is so me.
(Seriously, I just might have to bake a wedding cake for this one!)
My little secret for making apples shine
Help yourself!
Mrs. Gingerbread and her girls, all sugared and sweet!
Sugar and spice and everything nice.
There’s no place like home for the Holidays.
~Carl Cornelius
My heartfelt gratitude to all of you who whispered prayers for my little Summer Rose…as you can see by the smile on her face, she is doing so much better! Praise the Lord! She is down to just one band-aid along her jawline. Big sister Ashley flew out to spend a week with us! We trimmed the tree last night (a family tradition we all look forward to….complete with hot chocolate and cookies, a warm fire and a Christmas movie!)
Just before we hung the tinsel and trimmings, Summer delighted us with a puppet show featuring “Little Red Riding Hood”. Oh! Honey!
My son Dusty hanging his favorite ornament…a tiny squirrel in an acorn house. Yes those are branches sticking out of my tree….I went to a Christmas decorating workshop and saw the idea…it gives the tree a wild-woods look. The kids weren’t sold on the idea at first, but it grew on them after a while. It does add drama!
Christmas joy…Summer, Ashley and Kimmy
I am so glad that Summer Rose is doing well and back to a big smile. Your house is just stunning and warm. I love the tree with the branches sticking out. May I borrow that idea for one of my trees please! It is just a beautiful Christmas open house. Thank you for having me. I can just smell the hot coco. Yummy!
Hugs, Bobbi Jo
Miss Ruthann,
I just love your home. My little girl, Lilly, came to look with me and asked if you had kids and I said “Yes, 4, 2 boys and 2 girls.” She replied, “Four kids, that’s hard to feed!” So funny, that one!! Glad Summer Rose is better. I did something similar to your tree a few years ago with red berries. Loved it!! I think I got that idea when I worked in the Christmas Trim dept. at Rich’s.
Your home is beautiful! Thank you for letting us peak in.
Your home is beautiful! Thank you for letting us peak in.
Your home is beautiful! Thank you for letting us peak in.
Your home is beautiful! Thank you for letting us peak in.
Thank you! I’ve been in bed with a migraine all day and came down to see if moving about helps. Visiting you helped loads! Beautiful.
Oh my goodness…everything looks so warm and cozy and beautiful. I want to come to YOUR house and have something warm to drink and sit in front of your beautiful fireplace.
Just beautiful! Thank you for sharing your beautiful home…allowing me the opportunity to ‘barrow’ a couple of your wonderful decorating ideas!
Your home is beautiful. Thank you for inviting us into your home for the holidays.
What an incredibly gorgeous house! And your daughter is darling. Praising Him with you!! Blessings… Polly
All I can say is WOW! With capital letters. It is so beautiful and very homey. How exciting. Thanks for sharing and have a great week.
Love the homey, blessed feel of your beautiful home. Makes me want to move right in…with my six kids!! We could bake bunches o’ pies, right??!?
Your home is so beautiful. It takes real talent to make such a large open space feel so inviting. You truly are a talented lady.
Your home is spectacular, you really do a wonderful job and are very talented.
I’m so glad Summer is doing much better. She looks great!
Ruthann, your home is absolutely stunning! At every corner, you have the sweetest decorations. I enjoyed each picture of your tour, and I’m looking forward to part 2. :)
Ok,Miss Ruthanne I hope you read this comment because I just have to tell you what a treat your post was this evening, and how timely it was for me. I was working at decorating the house this weekend for Christmas, and did a lot today, and i’ve been trying things I’ve never tried before and really trying to go the extra mile to make my home warm and inviting.
If you’ve ever checked out my blog, you’ll find that I am really working at being a better homemaker and this past week was my first week of cutting my work hours back from five days to three so i can be home more to focus on my marriage and my God-given priviledge of being a homemaker. It doesn’t come naturally to me ,though, especially stuff like decoratingn(for instance, we have lived in this apartment since April and today was the first day I ever hung anything on the wall! Gasp!). But I really am trying!
And I mean it when I say your blog has been a real source of inspiration. I thought of you a few times this weekend as i was trying to come up with decorating ideas. Anyway, it’s sort of all an emotional thing for me, an exciting time of discovering the feminine gifts of domesticity I’ve never had time or know-how to cultivate. THanks for being some Godly inspiration and encouragement that I can tap into when I need a little nudge to keep at it. When I post all my Christmas decorations I’ll come by and tell you, and I hope you’ll get a chance to check them out.
Thanks again and I look forward to part 2! Be blessed, sister!
So happy to hear your baby girl is doing better!
Your home is just lovely. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Ruthann, So so beautiful! I love your blog. Thank you.
All I can say is you are inspirational! Georgeous home and decorating, and you possess a beautiful spirit! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
I am SO in love with your Christmas decorations!! SOOOO pretty!! Your home seems so warm and welcoming and I am sure that people know they are loved when they are there!!!
And I LOVE your white kitchenwares! I love white, too, because it goes with all the seasons!! :)
Mrs. U
Your home looks so welcome and inviting! A few of my favorite ideas were the well loved utensils in the wreath, the bowl with your holiday linens and the chalkboards. Thanks for sharing and enjoy this special season with the ones you love!
Thank you! That was beautiful. I know your family will really enjoy all your pretties during this season.
Susan from NE OH
Gorgeous..simply gorgeous! I would love to just come in your home and sit and stare for hours…and enjoy the company, of course! ;)
You’re house is just beautiful! And I like the idea of branches sticking out on top of the tree…would have never thought of it, but it’s cute!!
Praise God Summer is doing much better!
God bless! :D
Honestly, Ruthann, your beautiful home should be in a magazine…you are so inspiring!
Glad that your dear Summer Rose is feeling better.
Love, Kim
GORGEOUS! I am head over heels in love with your kitchen…I absolutely love the chalkboard and the buffalo plaid draperies…everything looks so warm and inviting..i just love it!
Ruthann: Everything is beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing with us. Love the new look on your tree.
Also, so glad Summer Rose is feeling so much better.
Hugs and have a great day,
I am so glad to hear that Summer Rose is doing better. I just LOVE your house, especially decorated for Christmas. I wish we could click on the pics to make them bigger; I want to see every detail. I would love to make a wreath like yours with all the old kitchen utensils (I have lots of them). Can’t wait to see more of your Christmas pics.
I enjoyed your open house so much! Everything is so warm & welcoming.
I'm so happy to see that smile on Summer Rose's face!
Oh, Ruthann! Everything is perfectly delightful! It’s just like peering into a holiday dollhouse…I LOVE it!
Thanks for taking the time to share the photos with all of us!
And I’m so glad Summer Rose is almost 100% mended! God IS merciful.
I can’t wait for Open House Part Two.
Take care and have a very blessed and happy week!
Amy O.
BTW, we watched an Andy Williams “Best of Christmas” special on PBS last night. I have such wonderful memories of watching his holiday shows when I was a itty bitty girl. I read that he has a Moon River Theatre in Branson. Have you ever been there for one of his Christmas shows?
Summer Rose looks wonderful!!! God is good all the time!
Your home is incredible. What an awesome gift you have to decorate. Beautiful. And, yes, your home looks full of love, as the quote says.
Your Open House is so inspirational to me. I love the way you have incorporated natural things, such as pine sprigs, twigs, etc into your decorations. I am also very pleased to see your many totes of holiday decor… I thought I was the only one that had 20+ totes of “stuff”. Most importantly, thank you so very much for always included the Lord in your blog. After all, “He is the reason for the season”. Glad to see Summer doing well also… when our children hurt, so do we. Hope there will be more to show later…
Beautiful. I love how every nook & cranny is filled with Christmas cheer.
Thanks for showing us around.
So glad to hear that Summer Rose is doing better.
Your Christmas decorations are beautiful! I know all who enter will be blessed and feel that warm cozy feeling.
Happy Christmas shopping,
Oh I just adore your home…I long to live somewhere that is cozy and warm like that!
Thank you for hosting an open house because I have been feeling very “bah humbug” about Christmas this year. I haven’t even gotten my decorations out yet…just keep procrastinating. But you have given me a bit of excitement to drag it all out and start decorating! WOO HOO!
Beautiful, beautiful! I love the twigs in the tree…it works! :o) And I am so thankful that Summer Rose is doing well!
Beautiful and very festive! Thanks for sharing your photos and I look forward Part 2 :-)
Absolutely delightful! Thank you for the tour.
Lovely decorations in a beautiful home- thanks for sharing. Blessings to you and yours at this wondeful time x
Ruthann – Your home is warm and cozy! I’ll be there in 24 hours – 18 if Honey is driving – have my room ready! Oh, and some apple pie with vanilla ice cream, too.
Love ya, Kathie
Oh….my… I feel like I just walked down Main Street, Disneyland…I could just cry – it is so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing your home!!(I am going to try the Pam trick on the fruit!)
Hi Ruth – I discovered your blog awhile ago and have been “lurking” in amazement. Well, this last post made me come out of the woodwork, your Christmas decor is FANTASTIC. Thanks for making me smile today.
I just discovered your blog a few days ago and wanted to tell you how much I enjoy it. You are so inspiring and so uplifting! I love how you care so much for your family and try to make your home such a wonderful place.
Thank you for sharing your home!
So glad to hear that Summer is feeling much better. Those grins are a far cry from the hospital pic. God is good.
Loved the tour. I’m sitting here with my mouth wide open. Love the tip for shiny apples. I think I’m in love with your new buffet, too.
Enjoy the week!
All I can say is WOW! Someone recommended your blog to my Hubby and he recommended it to me. He was right. I love it. I’m putting you on my sidebar so I’ll remember to come back here again.
Love love love your beautiful home!
It is amazing!
Hugz, Dolly
Your home is BEAUTIFUL!! I love your kitchen. You must have a big basement or garage to store all the decorations ;)
I absolutely adore the Norman Rockwell painting. :) I heard about Summer Rose’s unfortunate event and glad she’s doing better.
Another amazing “open house” that you’ve shared with us! Your wonderful and amazing seasonal decor bring such a warm and inviting feeling to those who visit your blog. You have such a beautiful home. Thank you for sharing it with us. I’m so glad your daughter is doing better.
Have a blessed holiday season!
Melissa from Boston
Glad to hear your daughter is doing well.
I can smell the peppermint candy canes, the warm fire, cookies baking and the fresh pine…BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thanks for sharing…I can’t wait to see more next week….is there really more?????
P.S.–I love the apple shining idea and adding the fresh pine twigs!
Miss Ruthann,
your home is beautiful! What a warm and cozy place for your family to gather. Can you please tell me where you got your glass canisters with the red lids? They are great! Thank you.
Oh Ruthanne! Finding a new post on your site is like getting a letter in the mail from on old friend. I am so glad Summer is okay. Merry CHRISTmas to you and your family.
Your house is gorgeous – as expected! Everything is so lovely and cheerful. Can’t wait to see part 2!
Thanks for the pie and tea – LOL!
Dear Ruthann,
Thank you so very kindly for the lovely Holiday Open House. You have such a delightful way with decorating!
I hope you and your dear readers will take the time to stop by and visit me at my Holiday Home Tour at:
I have a Victorian Farmhouse and would love to share my Christmas decorating ideas with one and all.
Yours so kindredly,
Honey Hill Farm
I’m here by way of Brenda at Coffee, Tea, Me and Books. Your home looks so beautiful. You have done an excellent job decorating. I will be back to visit from time to time.
Southern Sista,
I’m so grateful that Summer Rose was so blessed, as well as you and the rest of your family….
Your home just exudes warmth, love and friendship…..beautiful….
God bless…and not Happy Holidays but MERRY CHRISTMAS BECAUSE OF JESUS…..Betty
wow ruthann you have the most beautiful home I have ever seen its picture magazine perfect love it!!! Thanks for the tour ! So glad your summer is doing much better!! ttys
Gorgeous. Every little thing.
I don’t know what to comment on im in Love with everything! you give me sooooo many new ideas, I’ve got to get to more decorating workshops, Love your new buffet table, and the cabinet from your daughters room? i’d love to see how you decorate the other rooms in your home, so glad to see little Summer Rose is feeling better, she is such a sweetie!
Thank you for the inspiration!
Wow! Your home is beautiful! Thanks for letting us look at your house, I love the wreath in the kitchen!
Hi RuthAnn
Your home is already beautiful, but when you add all your Christmas decorating…WOW…It is spectacular.
I’m glad to see that your precious little girl is making a good recovery.
Thanks for the tour of your home. Hugs, Rhondi
I just found your blog and wow! Your kitchen is absolutely gorgeous! I love your style and the way you put it all together…just beautiful!
You are my most favorite blog to visit. My heart always leaps for joy when you have a new entry and I run about gathering my coffee, settling into my cozy chair and making sure I have complete and total uninterrupted time so that I can savor every last word and photograph. You are such an inspiration to me (and many others I’m sure). The warm, cozy, welcoming feel that your home holds is something I surely hope to have in my home. I feel such joy in your words and in each of your photos. Thank you for the tour – as always I will anxiously be awaiting your next posting.
Thank you for allowing me to be a guest in your home this morning.
I just love your home and your blog………..everything is so stunning, warm and cozy, creative etc…..
i was feeling kind of down and not well……but when i read your blog I get inspired.
I am in absolute awe of your home. But even moreso of your creativity. I can honestly tell you I’ve never seen more beautiful decorating in my entire life. And I love all of your ideas. With my favourite being the recipe tucked into that wreath – it brought a tear to my eye. Thankyou for sharing your creativity, talent, and heart with us. You brought me a little bit of Christmas this morning and for that I’m truly grateful.
Hi RuthAnn,
Love the buffet, of course you had the perfect spot for it. Thanks for the Open House Tour… can’t wait for more! So glad to see Summer Rose back to her sweet self. Hope to see you soon.
Debra from Leola’s.
Ruthann, I’ve been out of town and missed your tour! Now I’ve just found it and enjoyed every second of it. Your home looks absolutely beautiful. I surely did get a few good ideas from you. :)
Hope you and your family are enjoying a wonderful Christmas season.
Beautiful! I love the wreath with the recipe card! My grandma passed away years ago and I think that I will use this idea in my own home! The beautiful scenery out your windows is always so breath taking! I love you home! It is every bit as beautiful as I thought that it would be!
Hi Ruthann,
This is my first visit to your lovely blog. Nice to meet you. Your pictures are so sweet. I especially like the gingerbread family.
Have a wonderful day!
Inspirational, as always RuthAnn! Thanks for sharing. I wish more women found such joy and satifaction in keeping their home and family. I wish you an abundance of blessings.
WOW. I think that about sums it up… lol! This is my first visit to your blog.. your home is absolutely beautiful… I enjoyed taking a “peek” and am glad your sweet dd is feeling better! :) I’m going to sub to your blog so I don’t miss a thing! Thanks!!
So sorry about Summer Rose but she looks like she's making a full recovery. Your girls are beautiful. I loved your open house & I certainly see why you want to marry that wonderful buffet. And you do make a lovely couple. Your house is warm & very inviting — I think I could smell cookies baking. Come & see us again soon & have a wonderful Christmas season. Jan (Leola's)
Hi Ruthann,
I peeked in this morning and decided I would wait until this evening when I could truly relax and enjoy the visit. I absolutely love your home and the warm atmosphere that leaps right through the monitor and in to my heart. Ever so warming indeed.
Blessings to you and your family this holiday season.
Oh my is that squirrel ornament in the acorn house one that you can put the xmas tree light thru and it illuminates it?????? If so that is my all time favorite too, My grandma who is no longer with me had given it to me years ago!!! Every year I get it out and say ok now I have to put this on the tree in a special place and everybody gets out of the way, haha!
And Summer Rose , bless her sweet little smile! She looks like she is coming along perfectly, I have thought about her frequently and my little one has even asked if she was doing better, so I am thrilled to have good news to report.
Your house looks INCREDIBLE! Every bit of it! Some days I just have to pop over to keep looking at your pictures!!!
Winter Blessings~
I loved your holiday open house. The “Let’s Bake Cookies” stars on the little trees were incredibly cute :)
Oh my goodness, what eye candy is this!!! I loved it. Thank you for the special look into your home. I so enjoyed it.
Mrs. Ruthann~
SO happy that your little princess Summer Rose is doing better. Not fun when our babies are hurt. As always, your house is decorated to a “T”– pretty pretty please, where on earth did you get all your candy and lollipop decor?! i think i just may be completely obsessed with it!!!- Goldielocks
Oh goodness! Your house is my dream house, sure you hear that all the time. The thing I find most beautiful, is the love of God reflected inside. From the moment I read your blog header, I knew I would feel “at home”. Thanks for the Christmas pie, yummy!!!
By the way, you’ve been nominated for an award. Check out my post dated 12/10/2008. Don’t feel obligated to participate. You can right click on the award image and save it to your computer, then you can add it to your blog.
To accept your award, you only need respond to three questions and post them to your blog.
Love in Christ,
Hello Ruthann!
Yes I agree with Bobbi Jo, your home is stunning! :)Good to see your lil one is back in action!
I had two questions for you.
I am a novice when it comes to pie making, I’ve made a few apple pies and about 5 pumpkin pies from scratch (boiling the pumpkin and such). But, I have never made a french silk pie, and I was wondering if you (Queen of pies~lol) have ever made one. My husband LOVES them. If you have ever made one could you PLEASE share your recipe with me? My e-mail address is mividaloca79@sbcglobal.net
Thanks so much!
Your home is so beautiful. Thank you for the holiday tour!!
I just love all of your holiday decorations! Can’t wait for part II.
I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas.
-Cheers, Amy
I could die a happy woman in your kitchen…it’s awesome!
Hi Ruthann!
SO glad Summer is doing so well! Your house looks soooo beautiful….I did the stick thing also!!! Great minds! (as my husband would say!) In fact I’m using lots of sticks this year. Hope to have pics on my blog soon. I finally got it up and running again. I’m making several big family announcements this week! Stop by sometime…I’ll heat up some cocoa for you!
Blessings and Hugs!
Patti in Texas!
Thank God Summer Rose is so much better. I thoroughly enjoyed your open house. Such a warm, jolly, and loving home and family. May you be blessed during the holidays and into this new coming year.
Your kitchen makes me swoon- how fabulous!
Glad to hear your little Summer Rose is better- reading about her accident made the mommy in me cringe- how scary for you!
Your home is amazing. it looks right out of a magazine. You’re so talented. Thanks for showing us your home. Take care
Gorgeous and homey, too.
Love it.
Your home is unbelievably fabulous! What an eye for detail you have – all of the little touches that you put so much time into…I am amazed. Thank you for posting these personal photos and for letting us into your world!
I have two awards for you over at my blog – pick them up in my most recent post!
RuthAnn, your home is just beautiful! I feel the holiday spirit radiating through you and your beautiful home. Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
ps- I am ever so glad your beautiful girl is healing nicely. God is so good to us!
I absolutely love your home…decorated for each season. The Christmas decorations are wonderful! Anyone could feel at home there…just a wonderful atmostphere….I am so enjoying your blog…you are very talented and inspiring….You are a blessing to your family and all of us who visit you here. May you continue to be blessed. Looking forward to part 2. Thanks for doing what you do!
Dear Ruthann,
My sister and I are so encouraged by your blog to be the best wives and mothers we can be, and to make our homes a pleasure to come in to. Thanks so much for the lovely tour of your home, and sweet decorations. May you and yours have a glorious and blessed Christmas!
Love, Chrissie, and Sister Dot
Oh my goodness…I absolutely, LOVE, ADORE, ADMIRE every single decoration in your home!!!! It is just gorgeous! I am so happy I found your blog and will definitely be back!!!! :-)
I am completely in love with your kitchen and your fireplace. So happy that your sweet girl is doing better. She is just as lovely as she can be! xo Cat
Glad to hear Summer Rose is feeling better, I have prayed for her recovery. Thanks for the “pick me up” I always love your Blog, and it’s been several days since I dropped by, I had a rough day and can say that your blog always gives me a Jesus filled pick me up!
I just found your blog! I am thrilled! I am encouraged by your love of God, home, and family.
I LOVE your decorating! I am borrowing some ideas! I am also a peppermint/candy cane decorater at Christmas. Red is one of my two favorite colors. Yellow is number two.
I will be checking in again soon and sharing your blog with others.
It’s warm and Christmassy here, so beautiful and ready for memories to be made. What a blessing you always share your precious home with us. I’m so happy to hear Summer Rose is doing so much better and putting on a puppet show, how wonderful!
Christmas Blessings,
Kathi :)
your Christmas decor is amazing. It is magical and just like Disneyland. they should hire you to design their sets. Yours are the best I have seen. Your house is beautiful no matter what it is drapped in at the moment, your children are so lucky to have such a wonderful place to call home.
God Bless you and thank you for all the inspiration.
This is my first time visiting your blog and I am just completely blown away! How do you find the time to clean and cook and decorate that house of yours? Amazing! And this is only part 1???!!! I think I need to get ‘crackin’ on my place!!
Thanks for sharing all your decorating ideas. You do such a wonderful job. I’m glad that your daughter is doing so much better. What a frightening accident.
Thanks also for your nice comment about my pictures on my blog. I am trying to master the camera. I hope to be able to take a few classes in the spring.
Have a Merry Christmas.
holy macaroni batman! I love your home..I want to come and spend christmas at your house..I truly love all the decoration!..my home looks like kid stuff compared to yours..you need to be in magazines sister…it is spectacular…I am in heaven…really…don’t bother me now..I am taking it all in…have a wonderful christmas..:)
Oh I just love everything about this post…..could it be that the dominating color is red?? My favorite!! I just love your home Ruthann….it is truly delicious!
Christmas Blessings to you and yours
I love the chalkboard with candy canes on this posting and was wondering if it was handmade or if you had purchased it somewhere. Thanks so much and I love the blog!!
Can you tell me where you found the chalkboard with the candy canes on each side? It is so adorable!!! Love your blog! Thanks!!
I am building a farm house, and love the details in your house. Could you tell me what kind of floors you have and the paint color you used on the walls. I like the wood windows with white trim. Do you have wood doors in the rest of your house that match the wood window trim? I would love to build a kitchen hood like yours. Did a kitchen designer provide that or a builder.
Hi, Can you tell me where you found the large white snowflakes on your Christmas tree.?
I am a collector of unique gingerbread men and girls….I adore the ones in your pics. Coud you tell me where you got them and how I could purchase them?
Thanks so much and Merry Christmas
P.S.***Your farmhouse is gorgeous…I have never seen anything like it. :-)
Love your home- would love to see it in person….. Just found your site and love love love it!!!
Ok!! now I just cant stand how stinkin cute!! Come on!! YOU HAVE SOOOO INSPIRED ME !! I love to decorate and I really like the twigs you used on top of the tree!!! I am going to copy cat you sista!!I also decorate with lots of treats!!SNOWMEN,SANTAS AND OF COURSE SWEET Jesus and the blessed family! life is soooo short and we all need to LOVE EACH DAY GOD GIVES US! My OH My you are very talented and creative! love your village too! Blessings to all,Cindy
I just love your home. Very very beautiful. I hope soon that when we move. I can make my home as beutiful as you. Can’t wait to see the second part of it. Have a great Thanksgiving!
I love everything about your beautiful rooms to the beautiful tree decorations have a great holiday and merry christmas lov karen
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Hi Ruth Ann Its me Brenda again. I really enjoyed your holiday open house tour. Here at the lake there is home tours of five homes it is so much fun. I love your Holly Jolly Burl Ives Christmas sign, Kitchen window Holly, Kitchen utensil wreath, an Pete Butterworth’s sign. I need a buffet too and I do like yours. I am using an old three drawer dresser for mine right now. We are make do farmgirls and we wear aprons.
Your devoted farmgirl fan.