The view from my front porch
I am happy to be home…happy to begin scurrying about (like mama squirrel) in preparation for Fall and all of the beauty and goodness that comes with it.
But first I have some wonderful and amusing memories to share with you! Starting with the Blog-Party at the La Maison Rustique Barn Sale! Here is Joy from The Vintage Rabbit. She lives up to her name! She is a joy!
So we chit-chatted, like girls do, about our outfits….the color..the style…the shoes! And we talked about how fun it was going to be to meet, in person, some of the gals we had conversed with in blogland.
So the Blog-Party day finally arrived….and so did we, all powdered and perfumed and dressed 1950’s style. With our roaring-red lipstick on, we stepped out of Catiena’s car and began walking down the long driveway toward the Barn. Heads began to turn…..and from our perspective, all eyes were on us…….it seemed everything got quiet…..we quickly noticed…..ummm…. it looked liked were the only ones dressed vintage! (Awkward!!) We looked at each other wide-eyed…we both agreed..”oh…my goodness… this is a little embarrassing! I am soooo glad we are in this together!!” You know that dream where you’re invited to a costume party and when you show up, you are the only one wearing a costume! Yeah well, that dream came true. I felt like we were in an I Love Lucy episode, acting out one of Lucy and Ethel’s comical predicaments!
Catiena looked darling in her true vintage black sundress, but I was wearing a polka-dot, very foofy, ruffled apron! Don’t get me wrong, I love aprons so much I want to marry them, and this one is a 1950’s homemaker’s dream, but I don’t wear them out on the town (usually!) Well, we giggled and decided right then and there to have fun with it anyway! As it turned out, some of the gals (Sherry and Linda) did add a few vintage accents to their outfits…a slip…a pin…some pearls. But Cat and I were full-on vintage. A lot of the people there were folks who drove by and saw the Barn Sale sign and didn’t know anything about a Blog-Party. So I am sure they were thinking…what in the world?!
Later that day when I explained to my hubby my you-are-not-going-to-believe-what-happened story, he got the biggest kick out of it and said “Oh! I would have paid to have seen that!” (he is the one that said to me just as I was leaving for the barn…”are you sure you want to wear that?” And I reassured him “Of course! Everyone is dressing vintage!) We laughed about it…(it was pretty amusing I have to admit)….. and as he has done so many times in our 30 years of marriage, he took me in his arms and said “you are Lucy aren’t you!” (Oh, Ricky!).
Here we are, Lucy and Ethel,
standing in front of Catiena’s vintage trailer!
She brought her 1953 “Lucy” car and trailer the night before,
per the request of Linda the Party Hostess.
My sister Sherry from Prairie Home, Catiena, and me (Lucy!)
Here are the adorable Pink Funny Farm gals, Tammy and Anita!
Oh my goodness, their goodies are so fabulous!
I bought two gorgeous necklaces and bracelets to match.
She did an amazing job putting this grand event together!
Earlier that week I went with Catiena to Old Town Temecula (CA.)
Here is my friend Pat, the owner of The Farmer’s Wife. She is an incredible woman. She’s hilarious to be around and yet she is filled with so much Godly wisdom! I could sit for hours listening to her! Seriously, she needs to write a book and share the wealth of God’s goodness stored up in her heart. Just look at how she expresses her creativity. Her shop is warm and welcoming and her farmhouse style is just dripping with old-fashioned charm! (I want to live there, but she won’t let me.)
The Farmer’s Wife is a must see!
Here is the address and phone number:
28459 Old Town Front Street, #125
Temecula, California 92590
It’s right next door to the Starbucks!!
Tell Pat I sent ya! Had a great time spending the day with daughters Summer and Ashley,
strolling along the beach picking up shells…..
My three loveable Redheads!
It came time to say goodbye
And now it’s time to bid a contented farewell
to sweet-as-peaches Summertime….
She got the sweetest Teacher ever!! Mrs. Snowden!
This week I plan to get my home spic-n-span clean and uncluttered to make room for my cute’n’plump pumpkins! I love fall…the smell of woodsmoke in the air….hot apple cider simmering….caramel apple pie…..a warm crackling fire…autumn leaves twirling as you drive down the street….candlelight…sweater weather….harvest craft fairs…hot’n’hearty soup…….hey,…. this girl’s got to get busy! See you next week!
Thanks for stopping by for some “Lucy” Pie!
You and Cat are ADORABLE-all those other gals were jealous, I’m sure!!! LOVE her trailer. Love. It.
You have the ca-yutest family! I always look forward to your posts!
WELCOME BACK RUTHANN!!! I missed you sooo much. Now that is way to funny. I bet you gal’s had a blast. I have to agree with Ms. Shabbee Chick…I bet they were a bit jealous. Love her trailer, so girly. To To Cute!!! Big Hugs to ya’ Nicole
I enjoyed EVERY single bit of it !
Ruthann ~ Welcome back! I have discovered you while you were away! You girls are so much FUN! I want to be just like you when I grow up! I look forward to your FALL posts! I love fall! Well…as FALL as it gets here in TX! Sometimes we have to pretend!
So glad you’re back, can’t wait to read some cozy fall posts!
Hey, Hey! Welcome home Ruthann! Hope to be hearing from you often now that you’re back home.
Ruthann, I’ve been waiting a long month for some of your country lovin’ stories and pictures!! Definitely worth the wait- but I hope to see much more of you in the future!
This is my most favorite blog- I just love it! I get so much homemaking inspiration from you! And I’m excited to see what awesome stuff you have in store for us for Fall! I love this season so much!
Welcome back Lucy, I mean Ruthann! I have missed your wonderful posts. Loved this post, just so much to enjoy! “SIGH!” Suzanne.
Welcome Back! It looks like Lucy and Ethel, err I mean you and Cat had a wonderful time!
I too am looking forward to fall, for the very same reasons you list! We are getting a few cool breezes, compliments of Hurrican Faye.
Hi Ruthann!! It’s good to have you back. Your vacation sounded and looked just wonderful and oh so fun! Being a teacher, I loved the pictures of the first day of school. We’ll start Tuesday. It’ll be my first time back since being on maternity leave. I feel a little rusty but excited to get back in the swing of things. Thanks for the comment on my page earlier! Can’t wait for the biscuits! :) Keep the posts a comin’!
Y’all are so cute! I love it! I love that y’all dressed up vintage (and I love it even more that y’all were the only ones! hehe! It makes the story soo much better!) It sounds and looks like you had a wonderful trip. Those places look fabulous. I can see why you’d want to live in that one shop! Have a wonderful, wonderful and blessed week, RuthAnn!
I love your blog!!! It has been a source of inspiration for me to redo some decorating & bake some pies. Thanks for sharing your life moments!
In Oklahoma
I just love your blog.
I love your vintage outfits. And that pink trailer is great. I live about an hour and a half from Old Town Temecula and I have been wanting to go spend the day there. I love it there. But it’s been sooo hot. I’m envious of your Fall weather. Here in Southern Cal we still have quite a while before it will feel even a little like Fall. And I too am glad you’re back. Your blog is my favorite. I love your old pictures. Where do you find them all?
I think you and “Ethel” look spectacular; I would have stared at you because of your beauty!!! Oh how I would love to be in the same room talking about God with you and Pat; I know I would learn oodles!!! :) You always bring brightness to my day!
Hi Ruthann,
Could you Please, PLEASE PLEASE I beg you post the recipes for all the things you mentioned you are going to make. I am truly trying to make my house a home and making those things for my family would help.
Plus, you make everything sound so good. You mentioned something about a cool drink and some lemon pie in an old post I read and I am dying to make that myself but I can’t seem to find just “lemon” pie recipes…you make me want to take a bite right now of pie and I never would eat pie growing up :)
Just so you know, my two dds and I put on your blog to listen to the music when we clean. My two year old twirls around with the broom singing and my 11 month old just boops up and down swinging her duster around. I need to get cracking on our glamourous aprons and post a picture so you can see us dancing along to your music.
Many Blessings :)
Dear RuthAnn,
Your blogs are so wonderful, that I find myself always waiting for you to write more. I’m so glad you focus on keeping good old-fashioned God-fearing fun alive in a world that’s so feminist and focused on sensuality rather than real beauty of the heart and soul of womanhood.
You are a breath of fresh air to the women who seek the simple pleasures of everyday blessings to help them feel content with their homemaking as a part of God’s design for them.
May the Lord continue to bless your great work at home, as you smile away at every task and see chores as another fun adventure to be fully enjoyed!
Mrs. M
BC, Canada
What fun! Love your pretty front doors – looks like such a great time with all the blog gals. The pink trailer is the cutest little thing.
Blessings to you!
RuthAnn, poured myself a cup of joe and sat down to enjoy every word of your post. They are the best and your family, those girls are just darling, Jane
RuthAnn, poured myself a cup of joe and sat down to enjoy every word of your post. They are the best and your family, those girls are just darling, Jane
RuthAnn, poured myself a cup of joe and sat down to enjoy every word of your post. They are the best and your family, those girls are just darling, Jane
RuthAnn, poured myself a cup of joe and sat down to enjoy every word of your post. They are the best and your family, those girls are just darling, Jane
You make me so ready for fall. That is incredibly funny how you ended up dressed vintage. I just roared with laughter but then thats because it is indeed a fear of mine – that I would get the date or the outfit mixed up. Luckily you have a great sense of humor. I bet everyone there was wishing they had dressed like you too. You ladies are cute as buttons in your vintage clothes!
Oh I wish we could have chatted. Missed you at the barn. Your blog is so inspiring to read blessings.
good to have you home ruthann!! i missed you and your blog. what a fun vacation!!!!! love the pics of you and the girls at the beach
so fun to see your porch and the lovely view
Wow great post girl!!! I loved every minute of it also..I adore that apron you had on and it sounds like you had such a great time….but I am like you ..ohhhh so thankful to come back home! lol I too am ready to get out the Fall decor! Take care and have a great week!
Oh my you ladies looked so cute!! And that car and trailer are absolutley wonderful. Thanks you for sharing the pictures. Oh and all the pics of the stores makes me so jealous, I saw at least a dozen things just calling my name, sigh…… It looks like you had so much fun.
I love your blog- I feel like I’ve entered into a whole different world of relaxation when I read it. I heard you might be featuring my Aunt’s shop, and you did! Pat (Aunt Patty I call her) is my Aunt, and what a joy to see all the gorgeous pictures of her place on here!
Sounds like a wonderful trip :) I read your sweet words about Fall and felt a surge of excitement. I am more ready than I realized for the change of seasons!
I thought you looked excellent in your vintage gear. I am sad here in Australia that Winter is ending and will enjoy reading about the American Fall and all its beauty.
Welcome Back. You and Cat were too cute! How fun, looks like a great time was had by all. Great Post! Thanks for sharing and Many Blessings, Dana
Can’t wait to see your fall decorations and ideas!
Gotta love the trailer and car. The outfits are great!!! Laurie
I’m glad you had such a wonderful time, but I am glad you are back! I missed your posts sooo much!
I haven't stopped by in ages & what a fun post to read. Y'all were so cute in your vintage get-ups! What a funny story. Hope you have a wonderful Fall!
Oh Ruthann, you are a hoot! Thanks so much for sharing your adventures and buoyant personality with us homemakers scattered far and wide, I appreciate it so much. Welcome home.
I once was in a similar situation at a costume party in college. My roommate and I dressed in costume, only to arrive and find that we were the only ones in costume! I was dressed like a baby doll and she was dressed like an astronaut, so we stuck out from the crowd!! Good for you for dressing up for that bloggers event.
I would like to find a way to gather with other homemakers: I’m a 28 year old full time wife / homemaker, and am looking for a way to meet other likeminded people. My church is smallish and so far I haven’t met any other kindred spirits. Would you or anyone have information /ideas about how I could connect in person with other such gals in the Columbus Ohio area?
Hi Ruthann, it was just a thrill for me to meet you and Cat at the barn. You both looked adorable and who cares if you were the only ones in “vintage”. I think it was too hot for the rest of us besides who has those types of clothes anyway. I know I don’t. Anyway I enjoyed our chat so much and you were so sweet to take the time to speak with me. I wish we could have spent more time together. I look forward to seeing your house all decked out for fall. I know you will have some great ideas. Your daughter Summer is cuter in person than in her photos. She looks like a sweet little doll. It was such a fun day and again I enjoyed meeting you and Cat very much. Looking forward to more chats in the future
YEAH!! Glad you had a nice time in your old neck of the woods. I LOVE all of your photos and storytelling. I was just in Heavenly Hostess a week ago. Cynthia is going to carry my baby line in her adorable shop!! How exciting is that? I had only seen photos of her shop from your blog until I went by there last week. I went by just to say Hi. I know her through a good friend, and had the pleasure of meeting her at the gift show. I am an apronista too and my dear Hubby bought me her apron about three years ago…. I had a hard time explaining to friends that my husband bought me an APRON for my birthday.
Welcome home. There is no place like it!!
I loved hearing and seeing your trip. I am looking forward to all of your autumn posts!
Ruthann, You have been such a blessing to me. I feel like mothering and homemaking is no longer considered important in my neck-of-woods! I have truly been blessed by your convictions,love of our Lord Jesus, decorating and positive spirit. Thank You!! You have been added to my “Blessings from Above Book”. My husband and I are cattle ranchers in Florida and we knew a rancher in your area who passed away and the family sold the ranch. He raised Polled Hereford Cattle. I can’t help but wonder if ya’ll bought his property. Anyway, I read your blog for inspiration everyday and I would love a website. God bless from a Southern Bell, farmer’s daughter, Southern Gospel Music loving, Happy Momma who loves to decorate and cook!!!!
OHHHH I loved my tour of your trip. You girls looked adorable. Glad you had fun. You better come visit me sometime..you havnt been by in awhile. cherry
OHHHH I loved my tour of your trip. You girls looked adorable. Glad you had fun. You better come visit me sometime..you havnt been by in awhile. cherry
OHHHH I loved my tour of your trip. You girls looked adorable. Glad you had fun. You better come visit me sometime..you havnt been by in awhile. cherry
OHHHH I loved my tour of your trip. You girls looked adorable. Glad you had fun. You better come visit me sometime..you havnt been by in awhile. cherry
Why did I always think that Ethel was plump? She’s not at all.
Your posts are always a romp. Love all the fun that you and your blogging buds enjoyed.
May Summer Rose have a fantastic year in the fourth grade. I still remember my fourth grade teacher with love…Mrs. Mottram…amazing woman.
Enjoy spiffifying your home for autumn. ;D
Oh darling RuthAnn!
Welcome home doll! And pssst…I adore your outfit…it is darling on you and so you!
What great photos…how close was all that to me in California. I live in Elk Grove. Maybe next time we can meet up. What a hoot and honor that would be!
Come by and see the last installment of my mystery trip!
How i enjoy your blog..both you and Cat are always so inspiring. I adored your outfit..you sure looked cute.
Happy Autumn to you..living in Australia, we are heading into our Spring months, but it is still cold at the moment
Have a blessed week and i look forward to more ‘adventures’ next time.
luv Ann.xx
Well… once won’t do… I’ll have to come back and re-read this post again and again. You just make EVERYTHING FUN!
Hello! I just stumbled across your blog and I LOVE it! Your pictures are beautiful! I love your Lucy references! I grew up on anything and everything Lucy!
I loved the part about your trip down the long driveway…and realizing you were fashionably dressed! What a great story.
Glad you’re back as I enjoy readin’ here.
I love reading your posts… so entertaning and cute! im always smiling throughout.. thank you!
Hi Ruth Ann!
What a wonderful blog you have! Thank you for featuring my sister Patty’s store Farmer’s Wife! She’s extremely gifted and her life glorifies God.
God bless you, and I’ll be visiting your blog every chance I get!
Susan Baldwin
It was my pleasure to meet you and behold your "vintage attire". You and Cat are the sweetest most adorable bloggers I have ever met. Thanks for making the Blog-Her party so special. Sorry I didn't go vintage…..
Lots of love & blessings,
Debbie Kay
What fun pictures!
welcme home!! looks like you had a good time! I can't wait to see how you decorate for the fall. Have a great day>:)
I just discovered your blog and so enjoyed my visit with you! Loved the trailer. Your trip looks like it was a blast!! I look forward to browsing through your posts and reading future ones.
Have a beautiful weekend,
Hi Ruthann: You have won an award on my blog…have a blessed day.
Wonderful pictures!! What a blast. I think it was great you and Cat were all dressed vintage. I am sure the looks were actually thoughts that said, “Hey, I want to dress up like that!!!”
I am still waiting with baited breath for your web site!!
I love your blog. A girl could learn a lot from Lucy!
Love all the pics…you and your friend Cat looked adorable!
I’ve actually been to your friend Pat’s store. Our family attends a bluegrass festival every year in Old Town Temecula–and this year my daughter and I stopped in The Farmer’s Wife store–and loved it! This was also the first time we’d seen the Heavenly Hostess aprons–loved those too! : )
I had to stop by to tell you that while my husband and I were out celebrating our wedding anniversary, we stopped in at our local Kandy Kafe for what else, coffee! While browsing the store’s many vintage style candies, I saw packages of I Love Lucy trading cards. I couldn’t help but be reminded about your most recent escapade! I smiled as I wondered just what funny scenes were on those packaged cards and would they match yours!
I really enjoyed reading this post! Wonderful photos! It makes me want a twirly apron and to go to a vintage party too! :D I’ve never done anything like that..in fact, never worn an apron. Not sure why….my mother always wore one.
I love visiting your blog. God bless you,
-Sunny Bower
I happened upon your blog. I love it. It is after my own heart. Thank you for your posts. I also happened upon your friend Cat’s blog.Love her too.Welcome back.
Hi there I an Tiffany from Ohio. I just came across your blog and I am so excited I have tears of joy . I recently started on my own journey of the heart. I am on a quest to be a full on 50’s housewife. I even have my own nick name . Holly . Holly Happy Homemaker . Its been a joke with me and my husband or years and now the name fits. I was just so happy to find your page. It gave me so much inspiration. You have got this homemaking down much better than I. Your home is so gorgeous. I look forward to all of your future posts. Keep up the good work.