Yippee! Oh how I love the start of a new year! Fresh beginnings…new experiences…exciting adventures! Happy 2009 gals!
I just got back from spending time with my four wonderful kids (serious San Diego Charger fans!) What a joy to have them all together! (Two live in California and the other two live in my hometown, Branson, Missouri…..of course Summer Rose doesn’t have a choice, she’s only ten!). You can believe I savored every moment with them!
But now I am back home and I’m very excited about some new things that I’ve been working on regarding Warm Pie, Happy Home. I won’t spill the beans just yet, but hopefully I will be ready to announce something in a few weeks! Until then, I have a lot of Christmas decorations to take down and put away! Which, by the way, I actually like to do. It’s very refreshing to clear away the sparkly clutter, pack it all up, put it away…dust, clean and rearrange things for a fresh new look.
This is also the time I love to sit and write down my priorities, goals and dreams for the new year. I have come to realize that we need to live each moment on purpose. Making the most of every day. Live fully alive! Make healthy and joyful choices. We only have one life, let’s not waste a minute of it…let’s not miss out on the blessings!
Gals, we need to put that spring back in our step! Take a good look at ourselves and make the decision to enjoy our life and find ways to bless our family, our home, our friends and those we meet on the pathway of life. Realize that “Today is the day that the Lord has made….rejoice and be glad in it!” (Psalm 118:24). Here are just a few tips that are good for you and will help you to ring in a HAPPY new year……
1.) Turn our hearts back home. If you have lost your spark for homemaking or have gotten too busy with outside things and your home has become a cluttered, discouraging, unwelcoming place, take heart! The good news is you have the power to change all that by choosing a “happy mother-hen” attitude…..

It’s your nest! If you don’t take care of it who will? Gals, it’s up to us to clean and feather our nest to make it comfy and cozy for our dear ones…. and it’s up to us to protect it! We need to remove the thorns ( cluttered chaos and sour attitudes), make it a safe, nurturing and happy place. It’s a grand feeling after you scrub, doll up and sweeten the hen house! And it’s good for you (not to mention everyone else!). So put on your “happy mother-hen attitude” and take charge of blessing your home! Your Chickie’s depend on you to do this.

Just start one room at a time. Once you get going your nesting instinct will kick in and little by little your home will begin to glow with your loving touches. You’ll enjoy the wonderful feeling of… an organized closet…a crock pot simmering a hot meal…a sparkling clean kitchen….fresh cookies in the cookie jar…a tidy refrigerator filled with nutritious foods….clean sheets on the bed….fresh flowers in an old jelly jar! You’ll find ways to make your home enjoyable! When you bless your home, you are blessing your family.
2. Try something new! Is there something you have been wanting to try? Photography? Music lessons? Writing? Painting? How about cooking a new dish? Bake a pie? Re-arrange your furniture? Paint your bedroom? Read a book? Write a book? Make plans to git-r-done!
3. Slow down to savor the sweet things in your life. Make time everyday for rest and reflection, even if it’s for 15 minutes. (If you don’t have 15 minutes, then you have too many pots on the stove!) Sit down with a cup of tea….take four deep breaths… think about the good things in your life and thank God for them. Write them down. Go for a walk. Be on the look-out for beauty and things that bring a smile to your face. Smiling makes you irresistible! It also helps to relieve stress and bring sweetness into your busy life. You have to be intentional about this, so stop and smell those roses!
4. Guard your heart. Forgive the people who have hurt you. It’s not good for you to hang on to past hurts. It will turn you into a bitter old lady—-Ew! Scary!
“To forgive is to set a prisoner free
and discover the prisoner was you.”
~Roy Lessin
To forgive is not a feeling, it is a choice. You have to choose to forgive. Ask God to help you with this. 
Another way to guard your heart is to be in control of your thoughts. Sweep out all negative thinking. If you want to be a happier person, think happier thoughts. The Bible says “whatsoever a man thinks, so is he.” It takes practice! I always tell myself to “practice being the gracious woman you want to be.”
Be careful with the things you watch, read or listen to. If it’s does not edify your soul don’t fill your mind with it. (Garbage in…garbage out.)
Surround yourself with positive people (happy friends). Limit your time with Toxic people (negative people who bring you down). Be gracious and kind to them, pray for them, but establish your boundaries so you’ll know when to say “well, I better get going..”. Yes, sugar-pie, guard your heart, it’s good for you.
5. Gather goodness. Read uplifting books, especially the Bible. Be creative. Listen to happy-land music (music that hugs your heart!). Watch heartwarming Hallmark movies, Little House On The Prairie, Andy Griffith show, I Love Lucy or the Walton’s. Bring a little old fashioned goodness back into your life!
6. Take good care of yourself. Buy some yummy shower gel for an aromatic shower or bath…Philosophy sells scents like Red Velvet Cake, Sweet Creamy Frosting, Strawberry Shortcake and lots of others. Every gal needs a little pampering! It’s good for you! Keep a small tube of scrumptious lotion or your fave perfume in your purse to refresh your sweetness when you’re out and about.
Get a new “do”! A new shade of lipstick! (go wild and wear red!) Go ahead, add some blush, eyeshadow and liner! Beautify your beautiful self. Look perky and you’ll feel perky! Listen, I’m the make-up queen, I know about this!
Drink lots of water. We’ve heard this for a hundred years, but do we do it? No. But this year we are going to aren’t we!! Did you know that by drinking enough water we will actually look younger?! When our skin is hydrated, it looks plump, dewy and radiant. Think about what a plum looks like when it dries up…a prune! Oh dear!
Water helps to flush out toxins, it helps to combat fatigue, headaches and back pain. It helps in losing weight by flushing out the by-products of fat breakdown. Our blood is 83% water, muscles are 75% water, brain 74% water and bones 22% water, so if we don’t get enough water our body cannot function well and ailments will set in. Water gives us energy, and allows our body to absorb vitamins. If you are thirsty you are already dehydrated. So, go get some water, add a wedge of lemon and drink up! It’s good for you!
7. Plan for fun! It’s good for you to have something to look forward to. Plan a road trip with your girlfriends….or at the very least, make a date to have lunch at a Tea Room, go antique browsing…..take a cooking or craft class…try out a new restaurant….go on a hike….go for coffee…visit a museum…have some friends over for a pie party! Think of something that sounds like fun and go do that with some “happy friends.”
I am holding up my glass of water (in a pretty crystal goblet) and I say “Cheers to a joyful and healthy New Year!”
Thanks for stopping by for some “Good For You” pie!
Thanks so much for this post….it has really helped me! I’ve already decided on the drinking more water…I’ve really noticed that I feel it when I don’t drink it. You have a beautiful family!!!
Great tips, Ruth Ann! I jealous of your trip to SD. My grandparents live there and I jump at every chance I can to go and visit!
Love the tips! So comforting and helps put things into perspective. It’s important for me this year to remember what’s important. I’m going to try something new this year…I’m going to do a mini-tiathalon with my hubby! Let the training begin! I’m actually really excited about it!
It’s the little things…that’s for sure! Thanks for the tips…simplicity!
sorry for the spelling mistakes…I meant to say tri-athalon…oops! I guess I didn’t proofread!
I think your tips are great and how nice that your trip was so enjoyable and a blessing. Have a great year.
Fantastic suggestions! All will be put to use by me!
I just love all the vintage photos you use on your blog! You do such a great job with it :-)
Thanks for all the tips…..
oh… i just LOVED this post! thank you. so beautiful and motivating!!! i think im going to go get some water now… happy new year!!!
Oh, by the way, you forgot to mention The Donna Reed show.. hehe.. its my fave! I just finished watching the whole first season. i adore Donna!
Ruth Ann,
Your blog is like water to me. Such hydrating words :) I can’t wait to hear more about your new venture!
Great advice Ruthann!
You should write a book :D
Oh, Ruthann! Love this post! Full of wonderful information and it’s something that we need to be reminded of, so thank you!
I can’t wait to find out what you’ve got cooking, missy! Don’t keep us in suspense for long!!!! ;)
Happy New Year, sweet friend!
Jennifer, The Southern Housewife
Ruth Ann–thank you so much for your sweet blog. I always am so encouraged when I stop by and visit. God has given you the gift of encouragement to others!! I always feel so warm and cozy when I read what you’ve written!! I LOVE your blog!
Happy New Year to you and your family! :)
Happy New Year to you too! I hope the surprise is that you will be publishing all of your blog entries and photos from the past year in a beautiful book!! Sign me up to buy seven!!! I want a copy to sit and relax with, and a few more to give to my friends – puhleeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzeee??????
Temecula, CA
I just found your blog recently and love reading all your advice. It’s so encouraging and uplifting! I read in one of your past posts that you had your beautiful Summer Rose when you were in your early 40’s. I had my precious daughter when I was 42. What a blessing! She’s keeping me young…I think! Can’t wait for more of your posts. Thank you for honoring our job as homemakers.
Susan from Georgia
I really did NEED to hear this, right now at this point in time. Thank you so much!
Sage advice delivered with cinnamon and sugar…am I mixing metaphors again? :D
Thank you, Ruthann, for creating these beautiful posts for all of us in Blogdom. I am always amazed and blessed by them.
I’m hoping that your news will be that you’re writing a book!
I really, really enjoyed this post, Mrs. Ruthann! You have such a talent for getting one motivated, in a ladylike and dignified manner, of course. Thank you for spreading your talent!
Blessings to you and yours for 2009!
Thanks for the inspiring words RuthAnn. They are needed now more than you could know.
Have a great 2009.
Happy New Year and many blessings to you!!!
I look forward to what you have coming in 2009!
This was a lovely post, it is so encouraging and uplifting and all so true, we need to do all these things, I think I will start with the lipstick. I think you should list some of your favorite make up items!!!! I would love to try some!!! And yes Philosophy has YUMMY bath gels!!!! I am using carrot cake right now!! whoo hoo!!!!
love your blog and love this post you are beautiful inside and out thanks for inspiring us to do better do more and have a more fullfilling life!
Ruth Ann,
I love your blog! It is always so inspiring. It is like a gift whenever I see a new post from you.
From your inspirational reminders and tips to your vintage illustrations and photos – your blog is the BOMB! My absolute fav!
Happy New Year Pie!
Oh – BTW –
I can’t WAIT to see your announcement! Wonder what it could be?!?!? A shop? A book?
A new hairdo???
I love your blog. This was a wonderful post. You have a beautiful family.
I can always depend on receiving a large dose of wisdom and encouragement upon visiting your blog. Thanks for sharing your blessed thoughts.
You are just adorable! Love the blog and look forward to every new addition! Happy new year!
Like another person mentioned, each new post is like hearing from a long-cherished friend who tells you about the good things in her life. You are full of wisdom and beauty for all of us to share. Thanks for your ever-encouraging words.
Betty in Oklahoma
Good advice at the right time! Just what I needed to hear. Thanks for the continued inspiration. Donna
Another AWESOME post RuthAnn!! Those are some great tips! Thanks for reminding us….I hope you have a blessed and wonderful 2009! Stop by to see me when you have a moment! I’ve posted the Winter Wonderland Tour!
Bless you girl!
ps. your family is beautiful!
What a wonderfully said post! I have been thinking so much of what you said in this post, it was great to hear it from another person. Thanks it has touched my heart.
I love your blog – it makes me smile. The Word brightens my day! Thanks LuAnn!
Just found your blog and LOVE it! Can’t wait to share this with some of my Happy (and toxic) friends! Blessings!
Sista Ruthann,
Good news from a far country (MO) is like water to a thirsty soul….
Such an uplifting post…I agree with everything…Life is what we make it most of the time…choices….priorities….
The comment that was left about having your Summer Rose in your early 4o’s…my Mother had me at 44….
I’m excited to hear what’s up your sleeve besides your sweet little ole arm!
Your southern sista….Betty
LOL! I just commented earlier today on another blog that my mission statement for this year might just be “git’er done!” I think you just confirmed that it really, really should be! :-)
Hi Dorothy,
Well, I arrived at your site completely by accident but liked what I saw and especially what I read.
I noticed that you are both warm and sensible and deliver some of the best common sense reminders I have heard in a long time.
So nice to meet you! Please stay in touch.
Bless you and your family and friends!
Gary Lester
So inspiring Ruthann – bless you for taking the time to bring all those good thoughts and wonderful ideas to us!
FABULOUS POST! Love your family pic…and your “toxic people” remark. And I will never understand why people look down at homemakers…I couldnt be happier taking care of my home and family. Happy New Year!
Lovely post, as always :)! I really enjoyed reading your tips!! I just bought a new red lipstick, and am resolving to be bold enough to wear it more often — hehe :) Can’t wait to see what you have in store with your blog!! Have a wonderfully Blessed New Year!
Dear Ruthann,
As always you are an inspiration to use all! I’m so happy that you share your wisdom, spirit and love with us all. It is so refreshing to read your blog, and your enthusiam for life is contagious!
Can’t wait for your announcement!
May God bless you and your family in 2009!
I love your blog!
Post charming as always. It is a joy to happen of visit.
Thanks for the good advice. Greetings
What a great post to read first thing this morning! Thanks, and Happy New Year Ruthann!
After a two day bought with the stomach flu, this post is much appreciated.
Wonderful tips. I really enjoy your blog. It always puts a smile on my face. Keep up the great work.
Nancy Jacobs, Rio Rancho, NM
Oh how I love your posts! I always re-read them several times a week,just for the inspiration and encouragement. Dear RuthaAnn you are such a blessing to so many people. Thank you, for your spirit ministers to me and keeps me on track.
Many blessings,
Thank you so much for the inspiration. I needed to hear all of that as I tend to let one particular new toxic individual at work get under my skin. Home and family is most surely more important than any old job. You are something else, Ruth Ann…a wonderful wonderful role model!
I enjoy your blog. These pics and music are great memories of days past. Yes, they can be brought back, in how we live. Life can be sweet,with a little effort and the right focus. I am new to blogland ,about four months. Please visit me, I would appreciate being added to your blog friend list. Blessings, Brook
Health and Happiness for 09
Such a lovely and uplifting post, as always Ruth Ann! Your love of God, family and homemaking shines through so beautifully. Wishing you and your family many sweet blessings in the year! :)
Hi sweetie Sista :)
It looks like you had a fabulous time with the kiddos, good for you! There’s nothing like rounding them all up for a wonderful Holiday visit! New Years Blessings to you and yours!
I couldn’t agree more about cleaning and making it all sparkling after the Holidays! I just did a blog post too about the very same thing :) I love taking care of the house and bringing in that “new” feeling! what wonderful ideas you had too! For the home and the “girl” in us :)!!
You are fabulous! and such a girl after my own heart too!
Much love and peace this 2009!
Hugs, Sis Cynthia :)
Hi sweetie Sista :)
It looks like you had a fabulous time with the kiddos, good for you! There’s nothing like rounding them all up for a wonderful Holiday visit! New Years Blessings to you and yours!
I couldn’t agree more about cleaning and making it all sparkling after the Holidays! I just did a blog post too about the very same thing :) I love taking care of the house and bringing in that “new” feeling! what wonderful ideas you had too! For the home and the “girl” in us :)!!
You are fabulous! and such a girl after my own heart too!
Much love and peace this 2009!
Hugs, Sis Cynthia :)
Hi sweetie Sista :)
It looks like you had a fabulous time with the kiddos, good for you! There’s nothing like rounding them all up for a wonderful Holiday visit! New Years Blessings to you and yours!
I couldn’t agree more about cleaning and making it all sparkling after the Holidays! I just did a blog post too about the very same thing :) I love taking care of the house and bringing in that “new” feeling! what wonderful ideas you had too! For the home and the “girl” in us :)!!
You are fabulous! and such a girl after my own heart too!
Much love and peace this 2009!
Hugs, Sis Cynthia :)
Hi sweetie Sista :)
It looks like you had a fabulous time with the kiddos, good for you! There’s nothing like rounding them all up for a wonderful Holiday visit! New Years Blessings to you and yours!
I couldn’t agree more about cleaning and making it all sparkling after the Holidays! I just did a blog post too about the very same thing :) I love taking care of the house and bringing in that “new” feeling! what wonderful ideas you had too! For the home and the “girl” in us :)!!
You are fabulous! and such a girl after my own heart too!
Much love and peace this 2009!
Hugs, Sis Cynthia :)
Opps, lol, I almost forgot to ask :)
I’m so excited for your new venture or surprise :) what ever it is, Im sure it will be scrumptious! :)
Stop by and drop me a hint :) lol
Opps, lol, I almost forgot to ask :)
I’m so excited for your new venture or surprise :) what ever it is, Im sure it will be scrumptious! :)
Stop by and drop me a hint :) lol
Opps, lol, I almost forgot to ask :)
I’m so excited for your new venture or surprise :) what ever it is, Im sure it will be scrumptious! :)
Stop by and drop me a hint :) lol
Opps, lol, I almost forgot to ask :)
I’m so excited for your new venture or surprise :) what ever it is, Im sure it will be scrumptious! :)
Stop by and drop me a hint :) lol
Thank you so much for the lovely post, and the wonderful tips. I always enjoy the pictures you use in your posts! Thank you so much for your encouraging blog. Happy New Year, I hope your year is very blessed.
Thank you!! Thank you!!
Happy New Year!!
Love this post. :)
So many beautiful reminders of what to focus on and how. You always know just what to say!
New Year Hugs,
Welcome Home! Great picture of you and your kids…beautiful family! Great tips. I look forward to your surprise.
Cathy @ Domestic Bliss
Thanks for your encouraging post! What great advice to start the new year on the right foot with great hope!
WOW! Thanks so much for the awesome comments! You definitly have the gift of encouragement girl! Wish you were going to be in our area this friday…we’re having Chiknite! You would love it! We’ve got April Simmons (Joel Osteen’s sister) speaking! Check out the Chiknite link from my blog…the Chikteam is writing some good stuff!
Blessings and Hugs!
Another delightful and lovely post…so inspiring!
I look forward to hearing about what you have ‘a cookin’! Hurry up real fast and spill the beans…or is it the pie? LOL I’m like another reader, I’d be happy if it’s a compilation book of all your posts!
Have a blessed 2009!
Amy O.
I was delighted to see yesterday that you had a new post up. Whenever you have a post I get so excited ~ I like to read it slowly so I can “savor” it ~ kind of like cheesecake, I guess;)
While I type this I am sipping on water, smelling delicous aromas coming from the kitchen because I have a roast simmering in the crockpot, and I look forward to getting into a bubble bath tonight that is filled with Philosophy’s Gingerbread Man shower gel!! I think I’m starting out 2009 just right, thanks to you!
Happy hugs,
Susan P.
I loved this post and God truly used what you wrote to speak to me about a friend who has become toxic and I was having a hard time knowing how to handle her. I want to walk it out right before God.
Happy New Year!
I love this post so much.
I must confess. In the last year or 4…. I’ve lost my spark for homemaking. Being a stay at home Mum .. that’s a bad thing. LOL
You’ve inspired me to begin again. Thanks so much.
I can’t wait to see what you have planned for your blog in this new year.
Your family is so beautiful. Congratulations. They are very lucky to have a “Happy Mother Hen” like you.
Take care and Happy New Year!!
Laura (on her way to grab a bottle of water…. :D )
Thank you for sharing your ideas. I will try the water idea too. I kind of enjoy this time of year; it’s a “cuddle-up” time…
awe a new post I let out a sigh of relief! : )
(you are sometimes my 15 minutes) This was one great post,very helpful. I am also trying to drink more water, baby steps right? I am so glad you got to spend quality time with your children.
Hi RuthAnn
Thanks for the encouragement today. Those are all such wonderful tips!
Hugs, Rhondi
Oh Ruthann, I needed that! I need to forgive the woman who professed being my friend and then fired me from my job, just because….I have been feeling sorry for myself since my husband lost his job in 2007 and was forced to retire….I kept a good face during the holidays because I have grand babies who look to me for fun….I stopped wearing makeup and coloring my hair because, well, who cares anyway?..I lost interest in my home because I could not afford to buy new things….the list goes on. After reading your post I felt ashamed that I have been such a wench. I enjoy your blog and look forward to reading more! Thanks, and God bless you abundantly.
The Lord has blessed us with you truly blessing us with your words of wisdom. It makes me want to be a better lady, wife, mother and friend. I adore all your suggestions. I am so excited for this year and all the possibilities for myself and my family.
Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
Happy New Year, Ruthann! What a wonderful post, full of gems. You are a very wise woman confuscious say. lol Anyway, I loved what you wrote. All very good advice for a full and happy life. HAve a beautiful day!
OH HONEY!!!!! I’m new to your BLOG and am BLESSED to have found it !!! Thank you for the inspiration, the guidance and the sisterhood. You don’t know the gift that you are to so many!!’Hugs,
Wow, second comment on one post. :-)
I presented you and your blog with an award for cultural and personal values. No obligation to do anything with it, but come by my blog to pick it up!
Thank you so much for this post! I struggle with so many of the things you wrote about, so it’s encouraging to read! Thanks!
Ruth Ann,
I love your Blog and always look forward to your writing and seeing your beautiful home. Happy New Year!
Walnut Creek, CA
What fun! A fresh post at Warm Pie, Happy Home is guaranteed to add sparkle to the day. Thanks as always, RuthAnn, for your words of encouragement.
All the best,
What an inspiring ‘get up and go’ New Year post. I just love all of the nostalgic photos you find! Happy New Year to you. Warmly, Cathy
Thank you very very much for your post. I need to refocus, I know I do and I have known it for a while. I just didn’t know where to start! Thank you once again.
Best wishes
Beth x
Thank you for your positive attitude. I could use a fresh start this year.
Another lovely post and just in time ot cheer me up as I am recovering from a nast stomach flu! Yuck! :)
I did get a little nervous when you talked about changes to the blog… i only hope that doesn’t mean it will be subscription only… but whatever you do i am sure it will be the right thing and that you will go on blessing many people just like me! :)
Thanks for your kind words. You amaze me at how you weave your words and the wonderful pictures all together. Can’t wait to see what you are up to for 2009. Connie
Oh, Ruth Ann I just love you and your posts. Thank you for the inspiration that you bring to so many of us!
Ruthann, Thank you for this post! I always forget to take care of myself first (put on your own oxgen mask first right :) Such great information on how to deal with negative people in the world – I love your positive way to deal with anything :)
Ruth Ann ~ Thank you for your posts – they are truly like a glass of refreshing lemonade! They make me smile and inspire me as well. Happpy New Year to you and yours!
Tahnks so much for this post Ruth~Ann! I love your posts they are so inspiring for me! I am going to go get my water and start organizing my decorations in put them away neatly! CHEERS to the NEW YEAR!
WOW! You have the Lord’s spirit dripping from every word you write! Your thoughts and pictures and music are a much needed breath of fresh air in my life! I look forward to reading your posts!
Your posts are always so incredibly encouraging and joy-filled! You are an inspiration to be sure! So often I get overwhelmed or discouraged by all that there is to do in our home and I forget just to take small steps towards a home that brings glory to God and peace to my family. Your reminders are timely and really spur me on to excellence once again – not that everything has to be perfect, but that my attitude towards my family first needs to be one of joyful servanthood. Thank you for spreading your cheerful spirit one delightful post at a time!
P.S. I do hope that water in the form of tea will work some of the time??? As the self proclaimed Make-Up Queen, would you share any make-up tips for a bare minimalist who really needs a bit more color to cover the effects of poor health? Also, like many I await your lovely surprises with great anticipation!
Keep on!
May the Lord bless your sweet family in the New Year!
Lovely post Ruthann. This reminds me of a quote I read today.”If you want to make the world a better place you must start with your own home.” Happy New Year and Many Blessings!
Yippeee!! You posted again. Uhhhh water. Yes this I know mother hen we do need more water. But its just so plain. Okay I will try really hard. Lol!!! ;-)
Hello Ruthanne!
What a wonderful post to start the new year with! Inspiring and wonderful! I LOVE the Hallmark Channel and TV Land! I keep it on all day! I also love philosophy products! Cinnamon Buns is my all time favorite! Thanks for your cheerfulness and uplifting my day Ruthanne! You are a gem and a wonderful example! You do as you say!
Happy New Year Ruthanne!
RuthAnn! Hello dear heart! It’s me…Robyn from Cali! Just popping in and wanting to send you a big ol’ sweet hug! Happy New Year doll!
Thanks! Visiting your site is like getting a train to happy land… you don’t know you’re on your way till your half-way there! Your bubbly enthusiasm with specific tips sure gets my heart set in the right direction!!
Thank you for your lovely blog. This stay-at-home mom appreciates your words more than you know. Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for this wonderful post. Your blog remains my very favorite. Whenever I need inspiration, I come to visit you. I feel a complete sense of calm whenever I read your posts. Thank you for all that you do and I hope that you never stop sharing your amazing words of wisdom. Your children are blessed!!
Good morning. I am newcomer around here, but I wanted to tell you that I greatly enjoyed reading your encouraging post. This is wisdome, pure and simple. Have a prosperous and lovely day!
Well said. Love it, especially the guarding your heart. It is so important what we allow in our heart gates. Happy New Year to you and yours!!!
Happy New Year Ruthann!
You are PRECIOUS!!!! I just LOVE you! I needed this inspiration today! I now have on my “happy mother hen” attitude and I’m off to be a busy bee!!!!! You are so beautiful…inside and out! Can’t wait for your next post!
Hi there,
I really do enjoy your blog: its design, content and images of your lovely home. However, I do take issue with your saying that “The vintage art and photos are from my own personal collection and are not resources that are found on the internet.” I do beg to differ. The ownership of these images belongs to their original illustrator and many, because of copyright laws and time, are now in the public domain. The images that belong to you are the photographic images you produce. You might own some of the images in books, postcards or magazines, but unless they are originals, they do not belong to you.
Just a point of clarification!
All best in the New Year,
Catherine Pond
I love reading your blog… it’s so uplifting! I can’t wait to see what your surprise is!!
I just ran upon your blog, it’s truly delightful. Thanks for this timely post, great advice.
If your kids love Chargers then they must have been happy on Saturday. I live in “Charger Town” and everyone was pretty excited. Take care
Thanks for the pep talk. And I’m digging the playlist!!
As always, a wonderful and inspiring post!
Wow!!! You are a catalyst!
From now on I’m changing my whole outlook and the way that I live… all because of your blog. I love you! Count me in as a new and true blue fan!
It’s just bliss to visit here, Ruthann! Thanks for the pick-me-up! (And I do hope your secret is a book! How I would love to curl up on the couch with a real paper copy of your happy wisdom!)
I really am so blessed by your blog! You are so sweet and happy…please keep encouraging! We so need happy homemakers like you :)
Happy New Year Ruth Ann! What a sweet sweet blog you have!
I love this post RuthAnn! What wonderful ideas to get our lives in order with this new and exciting year!
You have such a wonderful way of putting things that just makes me want to make changes!
I left an award for you over on my blog. You definitely encourage me to make lemonade out of lemons.
Have a great weekend!
Jennifer @ Fiddle Dee Dee
i love your blog..Youre a kind soul..
Happy New Year..
Just found your blog and I love it! How long have you been away from California? What is the name of the cute town you moved to? How are you handling the cold temperature? Now for the REAL question….how do you eat all that pie and stay so slim? :)
I am new to your blog and love it! I would love to add you to my blog roll as well as seek permission to use a photo from your blog in a post introducing new links to my blog roll. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
I’ve gotten to spend even more time reading past blog posts. We are kindred spirits. I LOVE Disneyland and was fortunate to live close to Disneyworld for 2 years. Other than Disney, and the Bible of course, I was hoping you would share your other sources of inspiration. What magazines, podcasts, TV shows, books etc. do you read or listen to for ideas.
Wow, just found your blog and I looooove it! I’ve always been a fan of Americana and viewing your posts is like taking a relaxing trip back to a time when everything was simple (I know it wasn’t, but let’s pretend it was.)
I’m waiting on results for some serious medical issues and it’s been so calming visiting! I’m subscribing!
Thanks so much for your inspiring blog! I love looking at your pictures and reading your advices! You’re a great Titus 2 role model for me! Taking care of my family, my home and cook makes my family happy. You’re a great lady and with an awesome attitude!!
LOVE this post….how right you are! Your home and family are beautiful, thanks for sharing with us!
Lovely post as always and great reminders! I don’t seem to have any trouble with #3! :)
sweet music you’ve got there…
I cannot tell you enough how I love this post! I see that I am not alone. I will be coming back soon and am now following your blog.
One of the reasons I linked you on to my blog was your feelings towards home, hearth and family…I loved this post…thank you…you are pretty awesome!
I just wanted to say that your blog is great! I absolutely love it! I’ll be following it from now on :-)
Hi. I just found your blog and I really love it. You do such a great job. I especially like this information about choosing to live a happy life. You are a breath of fresh air and this is so nice to see. I will take your advise!
Hi Ruth. I just discovered your blog recently and I love it so much. When I read it while listening to the beautiful music, it was like sitting on a comfortable sofa with my warm socks on and hugging my soft pillow on a cold wintry night. Although I am a filipino living here in England, I just love the vintage pictures you put on your stories. I am big fan of anything ‘cottagey’ or farm deco and stories.Everyday I check your blog to see if anything is new.You are very different from any bloggers as you always praise our Lord Jesus Christ.Your words are also inspirational.
Hi Ruth. I just discovered your blog recently and I love it so much. When I read it while listening to the beautiful music, it was like sitting on a comfortable sofa with my warm socks on and hugging my soft pillow on a cold wintry night. Although I am a filipino living here in England, I just love the vintage pictures you put on your stories. I am big fan of anything ‘cottagey’ or farm deco and stories.Everyday I check your blog to see if anything is new.You are very different from any bloggers as you always praise our Lord Jesus Christ.Your words are also inspirational.