Before we take down our treasure box of Fall decorations and scatter autumn leaves around plump pumpkins while the spiced cider begins to simmer, we need to get our homes in order, eliminate some clutter, and clean it spic and span……..we can’t bless our nest with Autumn’s glory if it’s a mess!
I would like to share a few tips on tidying up your home to make it warm and welcoming for you, your family and all who step across your cordial threshold. These are just a few ideas that I do in my home and I hope they will help get you excited about getting your own home in order, filling it with an air of anticipation for the beauty of this golden season. For a more extensive information in taming the chaos in your home I recommend any book by Sandra Felton or Don Aslett.
Now let’s begin, shall we?:
1. I always like to start any task with a prayer based on Proverbs 16:3 “Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” Our goal as homemakers is to create a nurturing and loving environment for our family, and so, it’s a good idea to pray for God’s help and strength, it also sets the tone for our attitude. Keep in mind the significance of tending to your home. Providing a place of beauty, comfort and joy for our family is absolutely indispensable!
2. Put your apron on and create a happy cleaning atmosphere. Light a fall scented candle, pour yourself an icy glass of water ( we need to stay hydrated!) fill the air with the sounds of Vivaldi: Four Seasons, or the soundtrack for Little Women (my favorites for this time of year)….sometimes I just go ahead and put on Bing Crosby Christmas! And for goodness sake, why not? Good ole Bing pretty much guarantees an instant festive mood if you are needing a jump-start. Keep the T.V turned off, it will become a distraction and a temptation to take too many breaks….I speak from experience….we need to stay focused girls!
3. The night before a big day of cleaning and organizing, make sure to do a quick pick up around the house….get a timer and set it for 15 minutes and get the kids to help, make it a game to beat the clock! Make sure the kitchen is always clean before you go to bed. Always!
4. In the morning, first thing, put a load of laundry in ( we don’t want to get behind and end up with a mountain of dirty clothes to have to deal with) and empty the dishwasher. That way any new dirty dishes can go immediately into the dishwasher rather than piling them up in the sink.
5. I like to clean one room at a time and complete it. That way, if for some reason I am interrupted and called away, I at least have one or two finished rooms. It also provides a sense of accomplishment. Trying to do the whole house in stages can become overwhelming.
6. I start at the front door, (outside), sweeping the porch, removing cobwebs and wiping down the door. Then stepping inside, I begin cleaning the entry hall and living room. I want the room my family and guests walk into first to be clean and ready to welcome them home. 
7. I keep an empty laundry basket with me to put in anything that does not belong in that room and deliver those items later to the appropriate places. I have the vacuum handy, a trash bag and a bucket with cleaners and rags. If your kids tend to clutter the rooms with their stuff, you may want to consider a Saturday Box.…everything they leave out goes into that box and they don’t get the items back until Saturday!
8. If you are needing to de-clutter and eliminate items, one great question to ask yourself is “Does owning this thing bless, inspire and enhance the quality of my life?” (question by Don Aslett in his book Weekend Makeover). Or in my words… do I love it so much I want to marry it? If not, I give it away and bless someone else with it. Salvation Army will come right to your home and pick up your stuff, how easy is that!
9. While cleaning each room, pray for God’s blessings on each member of your family, asking the Lord to fill their heart with joy and a sense of belonging.
“It’s time to put the “Sweet” back in Home Sweet Home. ”
~ Susan Branch
10. It is so very important to stay emotionally healthy and available for our family. We all know that if “mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” Our attitudes tend to match our environment. As women, we have a natural nesting instinct, and if our nest is out of control, we become cranky and our kids do the same. We need beauty and order to feel that sparkle of wonderfulness that speaks to our heart…. that all is well with the world. Our children need that too!
“If you were to ask what is most important in a home, I would say happy memories.” ~Lilian Gish
May the memories we are making for our children (and grandchildren) be delightful ones!
If you want your home to feel cozy, warm and inviting, then you (sweet little homemaker) need to make it that way…’s up to you and me!
Next week I will add to my list of “House Warming…Blessing Your Nest For Fall” (part two). In the mean time, come inside my home and take a peak at Autumn’s arrival …….
…. After

Thank you for stopping by for some “Housewarming Pie”!
I so love to read your comments…..thank you so much to all of you who leave them for me, they really do encourage me to keep doing this blog thing! It takes me about two days to gather all of the pictures, download them and then think about and write what I want to say. I pray that this blog gives you even a glimmer of inspiration to become the nurturing and creative homemaker you were created to be, the mother or grandmother your children so desperately need, the wife of your husbands dreams. God Bless you dear sweet makers of home.
Those are some great ideas :-)
Just SO lovely; your script, your photos, your encouraging “call to family”. What a uplifting little spot for me to ‘rest awhile’ (while I too was listening to the soundtrack from Little Women)….such a gentle respite this Lord’s Day. Grateful thanks.
God Bless.
Yippee, another post!!! I just want you to know that I am so blessed by your blog, Ruthann. I have gleaned so much from you and your love and enthusiasm for the Lord, family, and home is ABSOLUTELY contagious! To prove my point, the other day while I was dusting I was tapping my toes to music all the while donned in my great Grammy’s apron! I suddenly thought to myself, I have a case of the “Ruthanns!!!!” BTW, that’s a goog thing;)
Thank you so much for sharing your joy~ it literally “leaps” right out of the computer and goes straight into my heart!! Susan P.
I am very motivated and inspired to clean. Your home is just beautiful and very festive. Thanks for the inspiration!
In Him
i appreciated your spiritual/biblical approach to cleaning and preparing our homes. This is most times a missing element in the task of housekeeping which, as you said, affects our attitude.
Your kitchen is dreamy!!
Keep up the good work.
Oh Ruthann how I do love your wonderful home in the fall and winter! I think my favorite times up there!
Come by and take a peek at what I have a ‘brewin’ over at my place!
You have the most awesome blog, bar none! It truly is an inspiration.
Please keep them coming!
What wonderful words of wisdom! I appreciate them more than you know. You are “titus”ing many of us – what a blessing you are. It is so good to hear from an experienced woman, as if you were speaking directly to me!
Beautiful pics and home – lovely!
ugh thanks!! Now I want to decorate my house for the fall!!! I am getting some white pumpkins:)
Such lovely pictures. I love decorating for the different seasons. Right now Im in the middle of canning and getting ready for a homeschool year so my decorating will have to wait a bit but Im itching to get started. Your home is just beautiful!!!
I am soooo glad I found your blog. I am now ready to accept Fall. Laurie
Everything about you is so beautiful and inspiring. I love this list soooo very much, you have some great ideas… and I love the pictures of your home, it’s so cozy and inviting. Thank you for taking the time to put together your posts…. I look forward to them! God bless you, I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day!
Good Morning Ruthann,
You are such an inspiration to me. I give so much great advice and you definitly help me to be a better wife and mother. You make it extra special. Thank you for the wonderful House Warming tour. Lots of hugs to you sweet cakes! Nicole
I absolutely love this. I have been decorating for fall and I just love the feeling it brings. I too light the candle, put on my favorite music (lock my hubby outside with a project, he love to delegate me, when I already have delegated myself!) and then I work as fast as I can! Love your shelf with the chicken in the metal bucket. I love!!!!! that. I may borrow your beautiful idea, lovely post, thank you.
Ruthann, you are such an inspiration and Lord knows I need it when I’ve got cleaning to do! Love this post and thanks for sharing the pics of your beautiful home. I always look forward to each post, I hope you never stop blogging!
Love and hugs
What a nice post and you have a beautiful home. I love the way you put God and the love of your family in it. I’ll be back….that sounded like the Terminator didn’t it, lol.
RuthAnn, Great post! Your decorations are beautiful.
Have a great day,
Hi Ruthann,
What an inspiring post to welcome in the beautiful fall season. Your decorating looks great!! I love your “The Frost is on the Pumpkin” sign and that chubby pig is adorable. If you ever need help doing the dishes, I will be there in an instant. The view out your kitchen window is awesome.
Great post Ruthann!! Today is September 1st. The day I decorate for fall….What a timely post for me to read today. Now I am totally inspired to get the entryway and fireplace mantel decorated!!!
Such lovely pictures. I love your fall decorations. And it is so true, if our nest is out of control, it makes us cranky. I so, know what you mean. Your post has actually inspired me to clean, which I never want to do. LOL Keep the posts coming. They are inspirational.
your home is absolutely stunning!
While I love this post, I wanted to comment about the previous post about praying for and with your children. I am raising four children, ages 8, 4, 2, and 6 weeks. I was inspired by that post and all the beautiful ways you prayed with your children. I am going to follow your lead and trace all their hands in my prayer book so I too, can hold their hands while praying for them. I also want to find a way to display that Mother Teresa quote in my home.
Thanks so much for the inspiration!
Chrissie Grace
Dear Ruthann, You are an inspiration. I have been reading your blog since you started. I always look forward to your next post. You have a beautiful family and home. You are an inspiration to me. I love my family and making a special, blessed home for them too! Your ideas help me do this. Thank you so much. You are a very special lady. Sincerely, Patti from Livonia, Michigan
Ruthann, I’m so happy to see a new post! I look every day to see if you have anything new to say, just in case! :)
Your gorgeous home is a great encouragement…something for the younger homemakers to aspire to be and create. Thank you so much for uplifting us. You just have to keep blogging! I know that my creativity and housework will suffer if I do not have your encouraging words!!!
You are such a blessing! Thank you for sharing! Happy Fall!
Ruthann- Oh my goodness. Thank you thank you thank you. That post was just what I needed today. I am home ALL DAY for the first time in a LONG time and my plan was to do exactly what you were talking about – but I was just not staying focused. I sat down at my laptop to check e-mail, telling myself not to get distracted, but I did it anyway – and I went right to your blog and found just what I needed ! Now I am ready to get back to work !!
Thank you for always inspiring !!
I feel I have to tell you Ruthann what a difference I feel is taking place in my life thanks to you mostly. I have been widowed for 6 years after a 34 year long marriage that was what I always wanted-happy wonderful family cozy home in the country-since I lost my husband I have not taken much interest in anything but since starting to read your blog I feel like maybe cleaning up and taking care of my home for me This is huge.I haven’t really paid much attention to myself or my home or anything now I feel ready to start at least a little. Thanks for the inspiration and help.
Oh My Goodness! I was having such a lazy, no-energy day today! Until I read your post! I have cleaned the kitchen, played 1940’s music, baked peanut butter cookies and now I’m going to cook dinner!
I’m motivated now! Thanks so much! I’m going to post your blog on my own. You have a gorgeous home!
Hi Ruthann – the hardest part is wondering WHEN I’ll get to read Part 2! I just told my 8-year-old daughter that we’re going to start decorating our mantel for the seasons. She’s as excited as I am! I’m hoping you’ll share some of your favorite fall dinner recipes.
@Sandyj – I said a prayer for you. It sounds like Ruthann was just the thing you needed to bring some sunshine into your life again!
First Ruthann thank you for stopping by my blog. Second, you truly are an inspiration to me, I also clean as you do, set a goal for the day, if you just get that one thing done, it has been a good day. Your home is beautiful, it gives me a warn and safe feeling. Please do not stop writing, it is wonderful and I enjoy every minute. Jane
First Ruthann thank you for stopping by my blog. Second, you truly are an inspiration to me, I also clean as you do, set a goal for the day, if you just get that one thing done, it has been a good day. Your home is beautiful, it gives me a warn and safe feeling. Please do not stop writing, it is wonderful and I enjoy every minute. Jane
First Ruthann thank you for stopping by my blog. Second, you truly are an inspiration to me, I also clean as you do, set a goal for the day, if you just get that one thing done, it has been a good day. Your home is beautiful, it gives me a warn and safe feeling. Please do not stop writing, it is wonderful and I enjoy every minute. Jane
First Ruthann thank you for stopping by my blog. Second, you truly are an inspiration to me, I also clean as you do, set a goal for the day, if you just get that one thing done, it has been a good day. Your home is beautiful, it gives me a warn and safe feeling. Please do not stop writing, it is wonderful and I enjoy every minute. Jane
Your fall decorations are just wonderful! I am starting on my house this week and the front porch seems like the logical place to start! I agree with putting on Bing, it’s never to early for Bing!
Great tips and suggestions! Not only have you inspired me to do some housecleaning, but I’m also going to have to look for the Little Women soundtrack. I love that movie and always watch it in the fall. Thanks Ruthann for your wonderful blog! God Bless!
Ahhhh, that is all I can say when I read your blog. I just found it the other day and I love every bit of it! Being out in great West Texas I don’t get to enjoy the trees you have in your neck of the woods. I do however share your love of the seasons. I am so ready for fall, but will have to live vicariously through your blog to experience it. It will likely be November before we get any real cool weather. Thank you for your uplifting comments and suggestions. I will be a return reader forever!! :) P.S. I LOVE every single decoration in your home!!
I always start decorating for fall right after Labor Day — even though it doesn’t really FEEL like fall yet. You have definitely inspired me!
Great post! I anxiously await each one. I have noticed how much more I enjoy cleaning when I talk to God while doing it. I like to thank God for my home and everything he provides which always puts me in the right frame of mind for the work ahead.
I love reading your posts! You are an inspiration and I love to see the photos of your home! It looks soooo welcoming! And those retro pictures… I was born in the wrong decade! :)
Oh My! You do have a lovely home! Thanks for number 10. Sometimes I leave god out of the process.
You have an awesome Blog. I think that it is wonderful that you use it as a ministry.
PS. I will have to get the soundtrack to Little Women as it is one of my favorite movies!
What beautiful pictures. Your home is gorgeous! I just love the fall. My brother makes fun of me because I always put my fall wreath on the door before it’s really time, and my whole apartment is decorated in fall colors so it feels like fall all the time. Thank you for sharing with us!
I loved this post! Thank you! :-)I’m looking forward to Part 2.
Mrs. H. :-)
All is right in my world after reading your blog. Thank you for your inspiration- I can’t wait to get cleaning and decorating for fall!
Ruth Ann, your home is so lovely full of Fall decorations. Its still around 100 degrees here and its so hard to focus on getting out the fall decorations but your blog got me all excited!
Love, Ann
You are invited to:
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September 1 – 13
First Prize: Hot Chocolate Dress from Emberlish
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Hope to see you there!
Deborah & Colleen
The Chocolistas
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
Colleen @ Mommie Daze
Your posts just inspire me so much to want to get busy! :o) Thanks for taking the time to encourage, uplift, and motivate all of us with your great ideas, photos, and heartwarming advice!
To a kindred spirit, many, many thanks and God’s blessings on you and your sweet family!
Amy O. in GA
Hi– I found your blog through Kelli’s. I wanted to let you know I am going to be linking to it today, as it served to inspire me to get my house “all falled up” for our church’s homeschool group meeting being held here tonight. Thanks!
I’ve been with you since you began this blog. I found you almost instantly and, for the life of me can not remember how I came across it. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy checking in. You are a kindred spirit! I’m your age, with grown children, I am and have been a homemaker for 30 years. I honestly feel I was put on this earth to raise a family in the traditional way for I’ve felt no other calling.
I so enjoy that your blog is about a home and a family and about making one’s family feel all tucked in and safe. Thank you for not making it strictly a decorating blog. Your home does not feel “decorated” to me like so many homes do. It feels loved and happy and welcoming. I have wished on occasion that you had an email address available, I’m usually not one for public comment but I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your inspirational entries.
Hi there Ruthann! I could go on and on with compliments to you for just about…….EVERYTHING! :) We have the same attitudes towards our faith, family, home and food! I love to pamper everyone I can! It is so refreshing to read about someone who gets it! Most of my friends have a cleaning service to clean, and order take-out or go out to eat. I feel like if the Lord blessed “me” to take care of my family and home then “I” should do it!! I love to!
If I may ask a question about your wonderful kitchen. We are in the process of redoing our kitchen. Yipee! (I am really trying to get me a small baking center)! We would like to choose a granite countertop. I am so excited. I LOVE the color of your granite. Do you remember the name of it? On my computer, it looked to be in the taupe, gold, brownish family. Is that the case? I noticed that you didn’t put it everywhere. Are you happy with the granite?
Thank you so much for all of the inspiration that you bring to so many. I love to read your posts, and it is the few places that I love the read everyones comments too! We are a little community right here on the web because of you!
Hi Christa, thank you ever so much for your wonderful comments! It is so encouraging to read all the ones listed, I so appreciate them, more than you will ever know.
In regards to the granite in my kitchen….I think the name was Golden Leaf….on my baking center I actually have a cream colored Marble. I love the marble but you really have to be careful not to let anything acidic touch it…some lemon juice spilled on it and took off the shiney top coat in one little area. The granite is much stronger. I love it. I wanted to pick a granite that did not have long streaks or a busy pattern because my country decor is busy enough. The pattern of this granite is easy on the eyes. And yes it is brown. Thanks for asking! God Bless!
Lookin’ good! I love fall and your home is already so warm… I can’t wait to see what other warm touches you have up your fancy sleeves.
Great post thanks for sharing. Many Blessings, Dana
Bless your heart! You are my first stop this morning and what an inspiration you are sweetheart. In my blog post I said that I was off to find fall inspiration and boy, did I hit the jackpot here. Now I’m off to edit my post with a link here so that as many as possible can be blessed with your informative, informational, charming post.
Thank you so much for your fun and inspiring posts! Your site is a joy to visit.
Cindee in Northern California
Your home looks beautiful, RuthAnn.
I always enjoy pie with you.
VERY inspiring. Just what I needed this morning. Thank you!
My favorite time of year! Thank you for the gorgeous photos and the Titus 2 advice, Ruthann. Hubby and I had fun yesterday going to Home Goods and finding fall tablecloths and decorations. Looking forward to more of your writings!!
RuthAnn~ Your home is so warm and inviting! I love fall… even though we really don’t have the change of seasons here in Texas! I love this post! Thanks for the inspiration! I’m motivated!
What great pictures—I’m inspired! Boxes full of fall decor in the garage-here I come!
Many blessings…
Wow, everything looks great! You have such pretty things and love the decorations.
Every now and then, I come across a blog that I feel like I have found a long lost friend. Yours is one! I found your blog a couple of weekends ago…and ended up making plum jam! And this post came at just the right time…I was planning a labor day cleaning session! I will be interested the read part two, but in the meantime there is a pretty pot of gerbera daisies on my porch that would not have been there except for you!
God bless you!
hey mom,
i wish i was there to enjoy all of the new fall decorations. it gives me lots of memories growing up and sometimes i wish i was a kid again. thank you for providing such a warm and happy home for us kids.
love your first redheaded daughter, Ashley
I just wanted to let you know that I found your blog about 10 months ago, and you have so inspired me! Because of your encouragement and dedication to “the family” and God, I quit my job to be home with my children, and make a home for my family, I love to try your recipes and have to say that the pictures of your home are beautiful. Please keep your inspiration, and please keep your posts coming, you are a very special person, and I want to thank you for all you do. Bless You.
RuthAnn, you make me so HAPPY!!!!!
Pure delight! Thank you for an inspiring post and sharing beautiful pictures of your home (they inspire me, too!)
Delightful! As always. In fact, I just began this process last night. Reading your post this evening just gave me a little nudge to add decorations for Fall even though it still seems like summer here.
-Sunny Bower
I love your blog and your house Ruthann! I am very, very inspired by what you say and how you put it down! I am trying to be a better homemaker and mom and wife and daughter and server of the Lord too! Take care and keep giving us good ideas! Janine
I just love you blog always!
I too am about to do my fall decor! It is by far my favorite. Christmas coming in second place to fall. A close second I will add!
Blessings on you, your home and your family!
I wanted to tell you that I just found your blog and I spent way to much time on here today and enjoyed EVERY minute of it!!! What a beautiful, cozy & comfy home you have been blessed with, stop by for a visit sometime and I hope you don't mind I'm adding you to my fav's so that I can come back often! Happy Fall and I wish I lived close so I could come back some pies with ya.
Ruthann, thank you for getting back to me regarding your granite color. My husband laughed when I said I would ask my blog friend what color your granite is. Now he is impressed! You were the deciding vote because it was between Golden Leaf and another one. See that, you are helping me decorate my kitchen from there! Amazing! Now I will have a little piece of Ruthann’s kitchen of my very own! *sigh* I could just SMELL that pie! :) Thanks again! Blessings to you!
I found your blog through Kelli’s blog, “There’s No Place Like Home” and have loved visiting here. I hope you don’t mind if I link to you on my blog.
I really like your decorating style and you’ve already given me some ideas for my own home…thanks!
I’ll definitely be back to visit again and again.
Ravenhill Cottage
I don’t think I have commented before, but I wanted to add some encouragement to keep blogging. I find your blog very inspiring and am so excited when I stop by and see a new post.
Thank you!
I am always inspired by your blog, your words – photos – and ideas are always something I look forward to.
Wonderful post…just wonderful!
Your blog is such a lovely blessing! I somehow blog-surfed on over here, and am so glad that I found you! What a great post on fall nesting, and your home is SO beautiful!! I think we have a lot in common–I’m a Christian also, and have a spot in my heart (and posts on my blog!) for Creating a Welcoming Home. So important for the family :).
I’m definitely adding you to my blog list, and want to say thanks for such beautiful and inspiring posts!!
ps–our college pres. would always quote “when the frost is on the pumpkin” each year in chapel on the 1st frost of the year! What special memories your chalkboard brought back :)
Your blog inspires me to do better at being a wife, a mama, and creating a home to be a haven for my loved ones. Thank you.
Our family has visited Branson many times and feel like we’re “home” each time vacation time rolls around. We are seriously thinking about taking a big step and possibly retiring to that area. My daughter is even thinking about attending college there. Since we have been in the education business (and I’m not ready/old enough) to retire, I was just curious about the elementary schools there and what you thought of the school systems. Of course, I’m sure there are many “ventures” we could try outside of the education business. We’re going to back at the end of September to see Johnny Mathis!!! We hope to have a day to look around some at the real estate and just the “other” side of Branson ouside of the regular vacation area. Any words of wisdom, encouragement,advice on possibly relocating to a beautiful place? ( Thank you for your beautiful and inspiring blog……I hate it when you’re gone!
Hello Sweet RuthAnn!
You have gotten me in the Fall mood now with this wonderful post and all the great pictures of autumn decor! Oh, RuthAnn, you know how to touch the heart! You are always an inspiration to me.
I just spent a wonderful day with your dear friend Cat-The Vintage Housewife! What a joy to meet her and feel of her sweet spirit! We had fun talking about our little vintage trailers!
Cat drove me by your home you had here a couple blocks away and said how beautiful it was on the inside to! Do you have any pictures of your home here because I would love to get some ideas! You are so clever!
Have a blessed day RuthAnn!
Ruth Ann-
You home is my dream home! I so love it!
I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind sharing the paint color in your kitchen? It’s so warm and the perfect neutral backdrop to all my country/prim decore.
I love your blog!
Hi Ruthann….you’ve done it again! A most wonderful post to get us ready for fall with a little autumn cleaning in our homes and hearts! I’ve been reading your blog from the beginning and have so enjoyed your wonderful sweet spirit sharing God’s Word in our everyday lives. It is obvious to see that the joy of the Lord is your strength! It seems we have alot in common as I too am in my early 50s, love the Lord, family and home and decorating and have children similar to yours in age. I love to make pies also and am trying some of your recipes. I absolutely LOVE your kitchen (and pantry and bake center)! Love it so much I want to marry it!!! HAHA! No seriously if I ever get to build again I’d love to use your kitchen ideas. I really like how you incorporate old and new and would love to see more photos of more of your house. Is it log or post and beam? The views from your windows are absolutely beautiful…I’ve been to the Ozarks…what a special place to live. I hope to get to meet you in person someday… many blessings to you and your family for an awesome autumn!
Patti in Texas!
Wow girls, thank you ever so much for such uplifting comments! What a blessing you all are! I am truly humbled by your comments…all of them! You will never know how much they all mean to me. Really.
SANDYJ- bless your heart, may you feel God’s warm embrace and comfort. I want to encourage you to keep moving, stay busy, celebrate life. Look for little joys each day. I am praying for you, as I am for each adorable gal who has commented.
ANONYMOUS- Oh my goodness, I truly am humbled and thankful that you were inspired to become a Stay At Home Mom! God bless you as you do the world’s hardest and yet most important job…nurturing your family and keeping those happy-home-fires-burning!
TANYA- the color on my walls is BURNT ALMOND a Home Depot color, Behr Paint.Thanks for asking!
PATTI- My home is not post and beam, even though we have beams, it’s what I call Farmhouse Lodge.
Once again, thank you to all of you gals! Y’all made my day!
Your blog was so fun just to scroll down and read along with your cheerful music. I love your ideas and beautiful pictures of Fall decor.
I agree with Blessing your Nest.
Thank you for sharing.
Ruthann I always love your posts! And I have that very same breadbox on your counter! We’re bread twins! LOL!
Ruthann, I got so excited when I saw one of the pics in your last post because I’m pretty sure it’s from a beloved book that my Mama used to read to me when I was a child. The one I’m referring to is the picture of the family coming home after having a wonderful outing that included a picnic. The picture is located just above the school books and apple in the post. I was just so interested to see if it was from that book. If so, I would be thrilled beyond words to find out the name of the book so I could hunt it down on ebay. I have such wonderful memories of my Mama reading it to me! I just loved all the stories about Sally, Dick, and Jane, etc…. they just don’t make them like that anymore! If it’s not from the book I’m thinking about then please just ignore this “kooky” lady;o) I just had to ask, though!! Many thanks, Susan P.
As I write this I see 81 comments to your post. Who knew that there was such an annointing on Cleaning.
Rethinking that statment…He did of course! He is in the Cleaning business!
I am as happy as the rest of the gals for finding your blog and I hope we become great friends.
I enjoyed reading your posts. Your home is absolutely beautiful!
Hi Ruthann :)
I don’t always comment, but I always read your posts. You are such an inspiration. I loved the cleaning lesson and your home shows the pride that you put into it.
God Bless,
What a BEAUTIFUL home! I love your decorations. I appreciated the reminder to start every task with prayer.
Your warm and inspiring blog is one of the first I look at ea. morning. Even if there’s not a new posting, i take the time to look thru some more of the older ones.
your home looks fabulous for fall…and i am enjoying the sweet way you clean house. i want to tell my readers of my blog to come over and take a look and get refreshed!
love, bj
Very inspiring. Today’s the day I’ll be getting my cleaning/decorations for fall started. Thanks for the great blog post..well, I always love your posts.
{{huge hug}}} Thank you!!
It is so much fun to check in with your blog and see what you have come up with next….I love your pictures, love your fall decorations and love your “cleaning” tips for fall….I am looking forward to decorating soon, just have not done that yet….doing a “Summer’s End Garden Tea” first….then perhaps I can allow myself to be in the mood for FALL. Thank you for all you share with us. Bless you.
inspired, beautiful and heart warming. I just wish it wasn’t 100 degrees in Southern CA so I could be in the Fall mood..still taking the kiddos to the beach. Beautiful Fall post!!
I so love EVERYTHING about your blog! I’m so glad BJ at Sweet Nothings gave us all your link! I love Fall cleaning, and Fall is my favorite season… This is a wonderful post!
I see in your sidebar you play the violin? My 10 y.o. son wants to learn how, but there is nowhere in our area for him to take lessons! My Grandmother played when she was younger…
I just knew you would get me inspired to start getting ready for fall. What a wonderful post and so many beautiful pictures!!
Thank you once again, RuthAnn!!!!!
Once again, thank you for a lovely, uplifting post!!!!!!! I appreciate each and every one!
Hi – I just had to recommend your blog to Country Living Magazine. I hope they are lucky enough to discover you like we all did!! Yay RuthAnn!!!!
Hi, I found your blog thru sweet nothings blog , who has graciously posted my kitchen on her blog. I am having the most wonderful journey.God is such a good planner and when we go along for the ride it is an amazing trip. I started out on RMS and it is amazing how we draw like spirits to ourselves. Everything you said is truely what I try to practice in my home. you are an inspiration and have obviously found your purpose in our almighty God. Thankyou for your words of wisdom and you are on my list of frequently visited blog. Fondly kathysue
What a wonderful, refreshing blog. I came over after seeing your sight mentioned on Sweet Nothings. Wonderful!
I love your little aprons. There was a time when I remember my mother having tons of them and ACTUALLY wearing one daily.
The pictures make me yearn for “the good ole days” when “I LOVE LUCY” kept us laughing. What a beautiful reflection from the past.
And the canning post….could there ever be a day of canning without having the clean, cotton tea towel (white of course) folded over perfectly to hold the jars? I think not! (yicks…..can you imagine using a brown or red towel? Nope, not the same.)
Thanks for sharing God’s bountiful blessings with us.
Okay – so 90 or so other people have left comments for you meaning I am not alone in saying – you are the cutest thing. =) I love how you put God, family, and homemaking first. Reading your blog this morning inspired me. Thank you! Can’t wait to see Part II of the Harvest decorations/information.
What an amazingly wonderful blog! I have enjoyed reading down through your last few posts! Will be back!
Mentioning you and your sweet blog was all my pleasure. I am so happy to see some of my readers came over…I so don’t want anyone to miss all the love you are dishing out over there!!
Happy day, bj
Hey RuthAnn! Where are you dear lady?! I have missed you something awful! Come by and say hello doll!
Love this post by the way! I too, am getting all ready for Fall. I can’t WAIT!
Love your blog RuthAnn!I have to show my hubby in the morning this post! He thinks I am insane because I have started fall decorating as well! My oldest who is four keeps telling me “Mama it is not pumpkin time yet”!:) Thanx again for a lovely blog!
What an inspiring and motivating post. I’ve been cleaning for several days, but you now really have me in the mood for autumn pleasures.
Have a great week,
You are such a blessing to me today!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!Cleaning never lookes so fun!!
Hi RuthAnn,
I get so much joy from visiting your blog. What a blessing you are :) I can’t wait for part 2 :)
I just found your blog while surfing and may I just tell you a great big "thank you".
I really needed to read that this morning.
We just moved and things are still too disorganized for my taste & I've been getting snippy with everyone because I don't have that warm fuzzy homey feeling going on.
I will take your advice, say a little prayer, put on some pretty music & see what I can get done today.
Thanks again & your home is beautiful.
Ohhhhh…I love all of your fall decorations. Makes me want to cuddle in with a cup of hot chocolate :o)
OOOOh..RuthAnn.. you’ve said it in a nutshell!
people look at me like I’m crazy sometimes ’cause I talk about being a woman like God talks about in Proverbs 31…
Oh darlin’ could I possibly share abit what you’ve said on my blog..Totally giving credit to you?!!
I hope you are having a great week!
OOOOh..RuthAnn.. you’ve said it in a nutshell!
people look at me like I’m crazy sometimes ’cause I talk about being a woman like God talks about in Proverbs 31…
Oh darlin’ could I possibly share abit what you’ve said on my blog..Totally giving credit to you?!!
I hope you are having a great week!
OOOOh..RuthAnn.. you’ve said it in a nutshell!
people look at me like I’m crazy sometimes ’cause I talk about being a woman like God talks about in Proverbs 31…
Oh darlin’ could I possibly share abit what you’ve said on my blog..Totally giving credit to you?!!
I hope you are having a great week!
OOOOh..RuthAnn.. you’ve said it in a nutshell!
people look at me like I’m crazy sometimes ’cause I talk about being a woman like God talks about in Proverbs 31…
Oh darlin’ could I possibly share abit what you’ve said on my blog..Totally giving credit to you?!!
I hope you are having a great week!
I can’t wait for part 2, I keep checking back everyday to see if you have anything posted. I just love your home and I want to move in!!LOL. I baked my first cherry pie last night and I thought about you!
P.S. My pie came out perfect!
I see you already have a bazillion comments on this post…teehee….but it was great! I really enjoyed it! The pictures of your home are just gorgeous!!!! :o)
Where do you store all your decor? That is one reason I don’t decorate too much for each season…I don’t have great storage! ack! LOL
Ruthann, what can I say , what a wonderful blog. I loved seeing the pictures of your home and also you and your girlfriends “aproned up” baking pies. Also the housewife posters wearing their ruffled aprons, so 1950’s. Your cleaning hints have motivated me to do a thorough “hands and knees” floor washing of all my tiled areas. Three bathrooms ,kitchen ,hallway and dinning room. So, as soon as I finish writting this, I will turn up your music, off with my “looks nice but doesn’t do much” apron and on with my full length bib apron and get face to face with my floors. “Scrub a dub dub”.
By the way I am on the lookout for an apron modeled on a cobbler apron (high neckline full coverage but with a longer skirt. Most cobbler aprons only come down around the hips far too short for lower dress protection. Any ideas??
What a lovely attitude you have, and that translates into a lovely home. Thank you for taking the time to share it all with us!
What a fabulous post. I really enjoyed reading this one. It was very refreshing like a crisp fall morn.
What an amazing gal you are!
May your life be filled with ALL good and perfect gifts from the Lord!
Where I live in Australia, we don’t have fall. It makes me sad. If I decorated like this my house would seem so hot! It almost makes me want to move back down south to the cooler weather.
I adore your house Ruthann. I think I remember you saying you designed it yourselves? I’m very, very impressed, and if I could make a replica of it, I would! Only with those gorgous high ceilings, I’d need some seriously long fans, and dusting would be dreadful! :) How do you fight the cobwebs?
You are a woman after my own heart! Even through the internet, you are fulfilling your calling as a Titus 2 Woman – thank you! I was wondering if I might share with our ladies Bible study group both Parts of your house warming, I would like to print just the text (although the pictures add so much!) and challenge them over the next couple of weeks. Thank you again!
Lisa in WA
Loved this it was such a blessing. I looked up the scripture and I think you might have transposed your numbers. I believe the verse you were quoting is Prov. 16:3.
THank you for the inspiration and the beautiful pictures!
Wow, what a remarkable trip you had. Glad you got to visit Saint Louis, that is where I live or near
My family holiday tradition is each family member choosing one gift to open Christmas Eve after we finish enjoying dessert! The rest of the gifts must wait til Christmas morn (o;
Me oh my
Nothing tastes sweet, wet, salty and dry
all at once, oh well it’s pie
an’ wet bottom.
Come to your place everyday if you’ve got em’
Me oh my
I love pie
~Pie Song from the movie Michael
P.S. I LOVE your blog Pie Gal!
Your house is beautiful!
Branson is always such a fun place to go to! There is so much to do for everyone!
I was feeling overwhelmed this morning with what needs to be done at home. I decided to turn to your blog and just happened to wind up on this post. Coincidence? I think not. This is exactly what I needed. You are truly a blessing. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Now….on to the cleaning!
You definitely gave me a new outlook on the daily house cleaning. Sometimes I get so tired of doing the same old picking up and cleaning each day. But you made me see why I really need to pick up and tidy the house each day. I liked the idea of completely cleaning one room and not running around from room to room. Keep up the inspiration.
I just found your website, and I am so blessed by it after only a few minutes! In this day and age, it is so refreshing to see an encouragement for old-fashioned family values and beautiful simplicity. And what beautiful pictures! I will frequent your site often now. Thank you for what you do, it is an oasis of goodness!
Bless you! :)
I just wanted you to know all the work you put into your blog is very appreciated!! I am blessed to visit here!
…yes, Dear, you are definitely inspiring me. When will you publish your first (???) book about decoration, housekeeping etc.???
I like your blog so much that I could marry it….
Take care….
Bettina, during her lunch break in a little office in Berlin (Germany)
Dear Ruthann,
I just discovered your site and I love it!! Your advice is very inspiring and your pictures beautiful!
Blessings to you,
Darling! LOVE YOUR BLOGS!! I treasure my family and love to decorate like you!! My husband and I have been married 27 years,together 30 and are finishing raising our 16 year old faboulous grandson!!We purchased 26 acres in Boise ,Idaho and are planning to build a large farmhouse in the spring!!!! HOW LUCKY ARE WE!!!The Lord has truley blessed us!! I love your shelf area above the stove and I am going to have the builder build the same shelf area above my stove as yours!!! I have french country hood now and wanted something different!Love all your great comments,pictures,prayers etc!!!!Your husband sounds like mine!HA! WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO PUT THAT OLE THING!! So your family looks terrific and blesses to all!Thanks again fot reminding us we are the heart of the home!!Cindy
P. S. Your daughter is darlin!! WHAT A WONDERFUL SMILE! GOD is sooooo great! YOUR home is sooooo cute!CINDY
Well I hope you don’t get sick of me posting but I would love to memorize this post and maybe even post it on my kitchen fridge. So much of this is so simple yet we seem to forget how beautiful a few bits of effort and the right attitude can make a world of difference for my family and me. Thank you so much for this post and I will look forward to “Part 2”. God bless you for sharing all God has shown you Hugs back!
Really nice and definitely it will be useful for many people. Kindly keep update like this.
When I feel like giving up on keeping my house and making our home a warm inviting place for our family, I read your blog articles like this and few motivated. Thank you!