Howdy Sugar Pies! It’s that Holly Jolly Christmas time again! Everywhere we drive here in the Ozarks (Branson, Missouri) lights are twinkling, bells are jingling and the shops are festooned with candy canes, garlands and wreaths tied with big red bows. Since my little hometown is a tourist destination, featuring nearly a hundred live-music Christmas shows, folks come from all over the country to experience an Old Fashioned Ozark Mountain Christmas. They also come to do their Christmas shopping! So indeed, the little town of Branson is bustling! In fact the old downtown reminds me of Andy Griffith’s Mayberry…why, you could peek inside the glowing windows of a warm little cafe on main street and see an apron-ed waitress pouring steaming coffee into waiting cups with saucers…kids carefully sipping hot chocolate as their pink noses kiss the whipped cream floating on top…giggles spilling everywhere. Joy is in the air. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Summer Rose doing the Vanna White pose
Last weekend my hubby, daughter Summer, and I scurried “over the river and through the woods” with my son Dusty, daughter-in-love Kimmy and grandbaby Kade to get our Christmas trees (Kade’s very first!). We were able to fit both trees on top of Dusty’s car. We dropped off our tree at our home then drove over to Dusty and Kimmy’s to help decorate their tree, watch the movie Home Alone and eat Pizza!
Pictured here is my Hubby, Summer, Kade, me and son Dusty…so excited that Dusty and his little family are continuing our family tradition of picking out the perfect Christmas tree!
Here’s Dusty’s wife Kimmy and sweet baby Kade dressed in Christmas Jammies…aren’t Mama and baby adorable?!
Love her boots! I’m pretty sure I need a pair of those!
And now, Sugar darlin’s, since I have my Christmas tree… I’d like to share with y’all the sparkling Christmas goodness here at The Farmhouse! Hopefully you’ll pick up an idea or two! So go grab something yummy to drink, put on some cozy slippers and make yourself at home…
Someone said “The kitchen is the heart of the home”…I agree! Especially at Christmastime! It’s the place where all the warm aromas of vanilla, cinnamon, ginger, apple pie, spicy clove and orange pomanders, and sugar cookies swirl throughout the house making each heart swoon and eyes sparkle. It smells like love. The kitchen seems to be the happiest room in the house.
All I had to do to add some Christmas cheer to my old farm table was to place my big red dimpled bowl right in the center! It’s just waiting to mix up a powdered-sugar-y batch of Grandma’s Snowball Cookies. The look is so simple yet cheery! Whether plain or fancy, I think we should decorate in a way that brings joy into our heart!
(I got my bowl at Crate and Barrel last year)
For Fall I had little orange pumpkins perched on top of my white pitchers,
I switched them out with these over-sized red and white ornaments. Easy Peasy!
“A house becomes a home when good smells come from the kitchen.” ~Terry Willets
My very whimsical Gingerbread house is from Cracker Barrel restaurant ( from a few years back) …
the Cracker Barrel a most delightful place to visit this time of year!
See the decorations on the shelf above the kitchen sink? I got them for FREE!! Yes! A local clothing store used them last year as part of their Christmas decorating props. I asked the manager what they do with them after the Holidays were over, she said they just “throw them away”. What?! Throw them away? No way! She said if I wanted them I should come in just after New Year’s day. Guess where I went the day after New Years? Uh-huh! And here they sit this year! So, next time you’re at a shop and see their seasonal decorations, don’t hesitate to ask about them!
I love how Disney-esque they look…like something you might see on Main Street USA!
I grew up going to Disneyland in California and was mesmerized by the beautiful Turn-Of-The-Century gingerbread architecture on Main Street. Walt Disney grew up on a farm in Marceline, Missouri. He designed Disneyland’s Main Street USA after the one in his hometown. He was a genius! Walt also had a little sister named Ruth! Fancy that!
Above my stove I added more whimsy by placing a white flocked Christmas tree in a “Milk” bucket (I’ve had it for a long time). A couple of creamy white candlesticks (from Home Goods a few years back) and vintage milk bottles (filled with salt to look like milk) topped with sparkly snowballs.
My vintage toy cow reminds me that the “cow-nt down” to Christmas has begun!
On the other side of my kitchen is our great-room…
This year I embellished the mantle with a white lighted garland ( you can find a similar one HERE) and then I draped pom-pom trim along the front. I got the pom-pom trim at Hobby Lobby on sale ($2.04 a yard). It looks like a garland of snowballs! I’ve had the vintage Cedar Hill Farm sign for a while now…I found it at an antique store near Springfield. The Birch branch adds to the rustic woods-y look.
“Heap on more wood, the wind is chill,
One of my favorite Christmas decorations is this sweet baby Jesus lying in a humble twig manger.
I’ve had it since my kids were babies.
His little face is made from a nylon stocking with painted eyes, nose and mouth.
He is wrapped in a swaddling cloth of muslin.
Notice the Cross above His head.
That’s why He came.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasing life.” John 3:16
He loves us so much!
My tree is also draped with the “snowball” pom pom trim.
“Give me an old fashioned Christmas, with an old fashioned tree,
All trimmed with cakes and candies and cotton for snow there’d be.” ~ Mrs. C.S. Wabnitz
Hanging our Angel on the tree is also a family tradition since my kids were little. It’s in every Christmas morning photo with my kids around the tree. I suppose it’s a little outdated…okay maybe a lot…but it’s part of our memories…and that matters more to me than what current decorating trends are. Just below it is a gold tinsel halo that Dusty made in Sunday School when he was 4 years old.
In my entry a “winter snow” tree greets you, at the base are beloved family photos.
The snowy shelf liner is just cotton quilt battling that I cut into icicle drips. The vintage music sheets are just taped on the back…I purposely made it temporary in case I change my mind and want to do something else! That happens a lot!
Here I stacked old books on top of a ceramic urn and layered sparkling tinsel trees (from Hobby Lobby)
and added frosty lighted branches for a cozy glow.
The centerpiece of Christmas…
the reason why we celebrate…
the reason why we can have joy our heart…
the reason why we get to go to Heaven!
“That wonderful night in Bethlehem, God declared His love for mankind when His Sacred Covenant became flesh and blood…Emmanuel! No wonder angels rejoiced, shepherds bowed in awe, and wise men traveled so far to give gifts! They all recognized the significance of this Holy Birth, which was hidden in scripture from the beginning of time.” ~ God’s Little Christmas Book
“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,”
which translated means, “God with us.” Matthew 1:23
“The light that shines from the humble manger is strong enough to lighten our way to the end of our days.” ~unknown
“Joy to the world the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room and heaven and nature sing
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven, And heaven and nature sing.” ~Isaac Watts
“One of the most potent, though silent testimonials of Christ,
is the fact that all chronology is dated “before” or “after” Christ.
B.C. and A.D. meet and part at His crib.” ~unknown
“And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Treasured vintage ornaments from my childhood…these are in style now!
Does that mean I’m vintage?? Lol!
Grandma’s are just antique little girls!
“Festive decorations are a gift from your heart to the hearts of those who enter your home.
They simply and sweetly say, ‘love lives here’ and ‘we were expecting you, welcome!’ ” ~Dolley Carlson

I’ve had my vintage Choir boy forever now…I still love him!
Christmastime is sure to find me
on a high snow-covered hill,
Where an old farmhouse is standing weather-tight and sturdy still
There the plumes of smoke ascending from the Chimneys low and wide
they’re a silent invitation to the glowing fires inside.
Where the warm sweet air is laden with fragrance that combines
The pleasant smells of cookery and the spicy scent of pines.
~ Ida M. Brookshire
Sugar Pies, my best tip is to keep things simple and remember that everything doesn’t have to be perfect. If all I had to decorate with was this little twig manger with baby Jesus “asleep on the hay”, it would be enough. May God’s love for you warm and brighten your heart this Christmas season!
Come check out the 2011 Virtual Holiday House Party at…lots of wonderful Christmas house tours!
God bless your darlin’ heart!
I’m sending you cozy hugs!
Thank you for stopping by for some It’s-beginning-to-look-like-Christmas-Pie!
Aunt Ruthie
P.S. I get asked a lot about the camera I use…It’s a Canon Rebel xsi. I also use a 50mm lens that really make the shots magical! If you have any questions for me you can ask me on FACEBOOK!!
P.S. 2 I just have to share about my daughter Ashley’s darling Crochet Beanies that she makes and sells!! I am so proud of her and her creative talents! She takes special orders and will make a beanie in any color. She embellishes them with a beautiful sparkly button on one side. They make wonderful Christmas gifts! I love the one she made me, it really keeps my ears warm and is so soft and comfortable. Both my daughters say it makes me look younger…in that case I want one in every color!! lol
Her Etsy shop is or you can email her at
Adult hats are $28… Infant and Toddler $23 …matching mother and daughter $40
Here is my beautiful daughter Ashley…doesn’t she look darling in her cute beanie?
She amazes me with her artsy flair…and she’s a wonderful mama too!
Aunt Ruthie what a joy it is to see your family together and finding that special tree for your new Grandson. I too have my first Grandson, Hunter, who is 5months old. What a joy God gave us with Grandchildren to care for and love, Like he does us. Love all of the vintage Christmas, I guess I am vintage too! May you and your family have a very Blessed Merry Christmas. P.S. Would love to see your hometown but I live in Ca. and it is cold enough here for me now. Maybe someday I could be back there it looks beautiful and the people very warm and loving.
Aunt Ruthie,
Your blog exudes warmth and welcome. I love how you open your home to us & share all of your warm & cozy ideas. Your home is beautiful. It’s obvious the decorating comes from your heart. Loved the quote by Dolley Carlson about your decorations being a gift to those who enter your home.
Merry Christmas! ~Sally
As usual, just beautiful, and full of the real message and meaning of CHRISTmas! I love all your efforts to remind us, and your beautiful home at the holidays…all of them. Merriest of Christmases to you and yours!
I love it all, Ruthie! I couldn’t even begin to pick what would be my favorite! The pictures you got from the store are so much fun! Note to self, “ask & ye shall receive”! ; )
Your home looks beautiful and cozy for Christmas, Ruthann! Thank you for sharing your ideas for creating a lovely and welcoming place… I love the silver, gold and white everywhere in your home.
Oh, Ruthann, as usual your home is just so cozy, warm and inviting looking. I have been reading your posts for about the whole time you’ve been blogging. We recently moved into a 1860’s log cabin with nothing on the windows. I tacked up old tablecloths until I could find enough lightweight fleece blankets to clip to the rods. Dollar General had them for $5.00 a piece, so with 6 windows to do, I was thrilled! I owe that thrifty idea to you! Also, my previous home was decorated in Terry Willets’ style. I had a bathroom styled very much like hers with the green and white striped wallpaper. I love her books, too. I get so many ideas from others that share their own styles… like you! Thank you and may you and your sweet family have a very blessed Merry Christmas!
Wow-so beautiful!!! Thanks so much for sharing-I always take away a few ideas. You have a beautiful home and most of all a beautiful Heart!!!! Enjoy your family and God Bless
so sweet. I too celebrate the reason for the season. Our Lord and
I LOVED it all…it’s wonderful how the things we have had the longest mean the most. Have a wonderful December and remember…The Spirit of Christmas is…Christ. :D
Oh, your home is decorated so lovely for Christmas ;) :) I really loved that sweet little milk pail above your stove…and the vintage white coffee pots just to the right of those..Oh and charming milk in a glas bottle, that’s just the best ;) :) I haven’t put up decorations yet…but soon. We’re keeping it super simple this year with some lights around the door and ornaments around the house :) :) Have a great week. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
Beautiful! Everything is just beautiful! And I too love old downtown
Branson….it really is Main Street USA. Merry, Merry Christmas to you and your family!
I was so excited to go to your site and see you had your Christmas post up. I have been watching for it everyday this month. I enjoyed looking at all your simply beautiful decorations and I did get a couple of ideas I plan to use as I decorate my own house. Thanks so much for taking the time to post all your pictures. I so enjoy them.
I just love your cozy home! Everything looks so delightful. Thank you for sharing your home and love for Jesus with the world. You are such an inspiration. I have used so many ideas that you share with my family and I appreciate it so much. I recently made a Thanksgiving Tree after your inspiration, so much fun. Wishing you a blessed Christmas with family and friends. ~Sara
Sigh…….just dreamy!! Thanks for the inspiration that you give, creatively and spiritually. Hope that you enjoy your special Christmas blessings that the Lord has given your adorable family this year. Blessed, Holy, Happy and Merry Christmas to you!
Your home looks so festive and magical! I always go to your site for decorating ideas and love to implement some of them into my own little home!! Thanks for always sharing and encouraging!
I’m so excited to make a trip to Branson in the near future. I know I’ll just love it!!
Have a very, merry Christmas! What a fun one this will be with two adorable grandbabies!!
Oh…….I forgot to thank you ’cause I made a thankful tree too this year! My family LOVED it. :-) In fact, it is still in my Dining room, I can’t seem to take it apart, I love it and I AM still thankful you know! LOL
Ahhhh.. I’ve been checking every day! Just quickly glanced through and can’t wait til I have some time to sit with some tea and leisurely drool over your home. Love the store signs, I used to try to get the ones at Starbucks but someone beat me every time. Your home is magical!
You have inspired me to include “the reason of the season” throughout my decor…I love seeing little nativities tucked here and there to help keep me focused on what is important.
I’m a Disney chick too and love how whimsical it all is. Thanks once again for your beautiful message!
Your house is just beautiful. I love all your decorations. We put our Christmas tree up yesterday so our house is finally beginning to look Christmassy! Today I’ll tackle the outside lights. Thank you for sharing these lovely photos with us. I really enjoyed your post.
So pretty and cozy! I love touring your house. I hope to see you soon. I’ll be in your neck of the woods the end of January.
Aunt Ruthie…bless you for another wonderful, inspiring post. May God continue to fill you with His love and keep you and yours safe and happy this Christmas. My heart needed a little extra Christmas cheer boost and here you are today with just that. Thank you so much! Hugs from Molly
Delightful. Always delightful. Loved seeing those grandbabies of yours and the family photos. Your home is welcoming, cozy and comforting. Hope that you are able to spend lots of fun times hosting and enjoying the holidays.
Your decorations are beautiful! Loved the little angel on top of your tree, too. I still use a fabric star that I made the first year that my husband and I got married. Those ornaments mean the most. Tears came to my eyes when reading about your hometown getting ready for Christmas. I’ve never been, but my Mamaw loved Branson at Christmastime. Thanks for your inspiring blog!
So very beautiful, Aunt Ruthie. You have such a gift for making your house homey. Sigh. Peaceful. Happy. Filled with love.
Merry Christmas Aunt Ruthie! :) This is why I love ya: “Sugar Pies, my best tip is to keep things simple and remember that everything doesn’t have to be perfect. If all I had to decorate with was this little twig manger with baby Jesus “asleep on the hay”, it would be enough. May God’s love for you warm and brighten your heart this Christmas season!” You always know what to say! :) I wish you and your family a wonderful and blessed holiday season.
Thank you for sharing your lovely home with us. Lol, thanks for sharing the type of camera you use…. XoXo
Everything looks so warm and cozy! The pom pom trim on the mantel and the tree were my favorites! Thanks for the tour. Have a very Merry Christmas.
Dear Aunt Ruthie,
This is beautiful!
Thank you for the inspiration and for all the love you put into these posts. You really will never know how encouraging you are.
I. LOVE. YOU.!!!
Thank you for such wonderful postings! I feel like we are personal friends and we just had a nice visit. Thank you for what you do and keep the posts coming!
Beautiful home and decorations! I am literally drooling over your country kitchen! Thanks for the hospitality!
Absolutely beautiful, Aunt Ruthie!!!
Once again, Aunt Ruthie you have warmed my heart with your beautiful home tour. I told you I was looking forward to it!
We’ve got a lot of our decorations up, our advent wreath and our nativity sets, but we have a busy toddler this year and so have decided to get a half-tree for a table top instead of the full tree, and darn if I cant find just the right one! But i know I’ll find it soon enough and our christmas decorating will be complete.
Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family, Aunt Ruthie- thanks for always blessing so many of us with your creativity and love of the Lord!
Beautiful ! I love all of it. I have already pinned them to my Sugar Pie Farmhouse Love board.
Thanks for brightening my day !
Merry Christmas Aunt Ruthie! I cannot believe you got those decorations for FREE!!! You are amazing! Your house is as gorgeous as ever. And the views you must have from your windows! Wow! I love how you have baby Jesus displayed…the REASON for the Season! Thanks for the inspiration. Also, those beanies that your daughter makes are adorable! Your family so blessed with such good looks! Love it all, but especially love you and how you love the Lord. Hugs, Ann
Oh I love your festive flair in all the rooms. It just looks so warm and inviting.And I too love going into Cracker Barrel this time of year. They have such great things that you can’t find anywhere else.
Thanks for letting us into your home for a visit.
Have a VERY Merry Christmas.
Oh so wonderful! Your house looks so beautiful for Christmas! I loved every bit of it and especially that you didn’t forget the reason for Christmas, Jesus! The pom-poms, like little snowballs are cute! The old store decorations are really cool! Your are a treasure to us, inspiring us to fill our homes with love and sweetness, I wish you much happiness with your precious family as you celebrate the Christmas season.
Please, please, please come help decorate my house for the holidays!
I love how you decorated in white and kept it simple but warm and glowing for Christmas! This year, while recovering from surgery, I was kind of disappointed that I wouldn’t be able to do a BIG Christmas with all of our decorations and shopping and bustle. But I read your blog and saw your warm and inviting pictures of a cozy home, and was encouraged to keep Christmas simple – just as God’s gift of the Christchild and His salvation is simple.
Merry Christmas to All!
I LOVE, LOVE when I see a message from you!
Can’t get enough!
JUST BEAUTIFUL….Thank You, Debbie
I just love your large windows and the views they let in! Everything looks wonderful decorated for Christmas. I love the Jesus in the manger with the cross above him.
as always you never disappoint us with your christmas cheer!!! I love your home and I love that kitchen pantry..I love it so much I could marry the free signs you got..they look right at home at your place..and I love those hats your daughter Ashley makes..I think I just might have to have one..especially if they make me look younger…Merry christmas to you and yours this holiday season.)
love your blog…I am new to it and really enjoy it! It is an inspiration for me and my new journey on my blog!
Thank you
What a beautiful home! Thank you :)
I love your blog each time, but I especially enjoyed this one! It really helped get me in a Christmas mood for decorating. I’ve had some health problems this year and still may have to have knee replacement surgery, so I’ve been a little hum-bug! And, of course, I have every reason in the world to not be hum-bug . . . . after all Jesus did make the ultimate sacrifice to save me from my sins. He’s my Lord and Savior and I have a son, parents and many other family, loved ones, and friends waiting for me there. I’m in no hurry to go,mind you!! But I’m ready whenever he calls me home!! I also have many, many other reasons to be thankful this Christmas season: family, loved ones and friends who are still with me!! “Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King!” Thank you Ruthann for not being ashamed to honor Christ as your Savior!
Aunt Ruthie, LOVE all of your decorations. It all looks so beautiful. Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas.
It is always such a treat to visit with you in your warm and comforting homa. I’m in a new (to me) home this year and am having so much fun decorating it farmstyle. I was get such terrific ideas from you, I steal them but I always give you the credit. Have a blessed Christmas
Your home is simply beautiful! We’re planning a Branson trip weekend after next and I can’t wait to see all the lights. It always puts me in the Christmas spirit.
As always,,, Lovely!
I luv the use of white ‘ball fringe’… how cute & how cleaver!
Blessings to you and your family.
Wow, you have a fabulous sense of farmhouse/vintage style. My favorites were the white tree in the milk bucket with the cow sitting near by and the ice skates hanging up outside! I will definitely be on the hunt for a white bucket and a little cow! What a gorgeous home! And a beautiful family!
Your home exudes the spirit of Christmas. Thanks for sharing all those lovely photos.
YOU, my dear aunt Ruthie, are a breath of fresh air! I have a feelin’ that our Heavenly Father is smiling on you! :)
OK!! BEAUTIFUL!!!I TOO love the faemhouse style and my hubby and I are FINALLY going to build our DREAM FARMHOUSE on our 26 acres in Boise,Idaho next year!!Complete with a barn horse pastures,a garden with a white picket fence,a large country porch,an apple orchard,pumpkin patch and a hay wagon out front!!CAN YOU STAND IT!LETS NOT FORGET THE BABY GOATS AND A FEW CHICKENS RUNNIN AROUND!HA! ILOVE YOUR BAKING CENTER AND THE WOOD MANTLE AND Shelf ABOVE THE STOVE!!I am going to use the design!!THANKS!I also love to decorate!!PRAISE to the Lord for all our blessings!I too am a young grandma!!Dont ya just love it! Your OLD FASHION pictures are the best!!BEAUTIFUL WORDS OF INSPIRATION!! LOVE IT!Thanks for such a fantastic website!MERRY Christmas to all of you and your sistas! Cindy Lou Hoo!
So good to see you! : ) That’s just how it feels when I read the “Sugar Pie Farmhouse” emails – it’s like I’m right there in your cozy country home visiting over a cup of tea with ya! Dusty, Kimmie & Kade look ADORABLE! Congrats to all of you on the precious new addition to your family! Judy Smith, Murrieta, CA
Dear Ruthie – I am filled to the brim after this Beautiful, Christmas Tour of your Nest…… surely “decked the halls of my heart”!! I fell in love with your twigged manger and Little Baby Jesus asleep on the hay……..for me, this captured all that is Wonderous about the Holy Season of Christmas Ruthie…… tiptoed into my email box with the sweetest ‘bite of Christmas’ for me tonight and though I’m off to bed now – I will be dreaming of sugar plums dancing in my head after my visit here Ruthie!! Wishing you and your family His Peace.
God Bless,
Your post and the big COLD front that blew in here today have put me in the Christmas spirit ! Your decorations are just really amazing. Love the little white tree by the stairs and the ice skates (wish I still had mine !)
Our tree is a traditional one too, full of memories. Lots of red and gold and white. We have a little Angel tree-topper too … our girls picked her out 20 -some years ago. She’s looking a little bedraggled these days but she’s still the last ornament to be placed. Our girls wouldn’t have it any other way.
Have a Wonderful Christmas season !!
Aunt Ruthie I love your blog! I have shared it with so many friends who enjoy the simple things in life. We made the recipe from the Thanksgiving post, Grandma’s Gingersnaps, and it is a new family favorite! I have had requests for the recipe already. You have been a special blessing in my life through your posts. Thank you for sharing about your family and home. May you have a very Merry Christmas!
SO LOVE YOUR KITCHEN!!! your decorations are darling and festive!! great job! glad I found your blog! TY!!
Hope you and your beautiful family has a most Blessed Christmas!
Everything is Beautiful!
MeRrY ChRiStMaS!!! :)
Gorgeous home and decorations!! Love your blog!!
You have the cutest little family! I just love when you post pictures of their sweet, smiling faces. It’s so nice to hear your version of Christmastime in Branson. My sister is a message therapist for Chateau on the Lake Resort Spa and her rendition is not quite as lovely as yours, ha. She lives in Ozark (right down the street from The Feathered Nest) and has to drive that every day she works. She really hates this time of year down there so it’s very refreshing to hear your words.
I just adore your red and white Christmas kitchen, it is delightful! What a score on the free vintage-look Christmas decorations, Wow those are fun! So many people are obsessed with symmetrical mantels. I just love what you’ve done… the tall tree looks wonderful there! The sweet baby Jesus in the twig manger is very precious. Your home is always so warm and inviting but the Christmas glow makes it that much more so.
Ashley and her hats are both beautiful! A proud mama you are and rightly so!
Thank you so much for sharing Christ in every post you make. I’m thankful for His Words that give us much hope and love. Thankful that you are my sister in Christ. Have a wonderful Christmas Ruth~
As always Aunt Ruthie, your blog has have made my heart smile! Christmas joy radiates from every room of your beautiful home. Thanks so much for the lovely home tour! I must say that you and Ashley look so cute and festive in the Crochet Beanies. Creativity runs in the family. I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas.Stop by real soon and I’ll have some hot chocolate waiting for you!
Love from Texas~Donna
Thanks Ruthie…it’s always a pleasure. Love to you and your’s this most blessed season.
I’ve always wondered what it must be like to celebrate Christmas in a traditional way with a large, loving family in a warm,cozy home with a fireplace, decorated with a real tree and cherished decorations, with the scents of home baked treats still warm from the oven. As the only child of an aging mother, with little money for extras I watch old Christmas movies and hope that one day I will have that one, “perfect ” Christmas. This year I am just grateful that we have a roof over our head, heat, and a nearly full pantry of necessities. I guess I shouldn’t wish for a little bit of “Christmas”.But I do.
Dear sweet Ruthie! Such a wonderful idea with the white pom pom as garland! I’m going to try that out this year! :D
LOVE your daughters beanie’s too! I want one in the color she’s wearing! :D
God bless you always and MERRY CHRISTMAS! :D
I do have a question regarding your photos: Do you use the flash? It looks like you don’t and yet your pictures don’t seem grainy as mine when I try to take photos inside.
Your Christmas home is MAGICAL. I love every square inch of it.
Your daughter is model pretty…and I love her little hats.
Have a blessed and fun Christmas.
xo bj
Simply beautiful and warm! Thank you for sharing! Happy Holly Days!
Very pretty, I love all of the white! Can you tell me, what color are your kitchen and dinning room walls? Your house is breathtaking:)
All of your Christmas decorations are lovely! I enjoyed looking at all of your photos. Thank you so much for sharing them.
We are excited to celebrate our grandson’s first Christmas this year, as I’m sure you are excited to share Christmas with your grandsons.
I wish the happiest and blessed Christmas to you and your whole family! God bless. :)
You’ve convinced me, Ruthann! More white, more sparkling! I can always rely on your for a beautiful, uplifting moment in my day! You and your family are darling. You really encourage me in making memories for my children! And you and your daughters and daughter-in-law are just radiant – it is lovely and inspiring to see how prettily you present yourselves to the world!
Ruthann, your home always looks so warm and inviting and you have the touch for decorating! Love your new decor in your kitchen that you got free! Can you imagine throwing them out? Oh my! I would LOVE to met up with you on one of your trips down to Cali! What a treat that would be! Give me a hollow when you do my dear! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas with your beautiful growing family! How blessed you are. We just had our 13th grand baby a week ago!
Love ya,
I love how wherever you look, you see sweet baby Jesus. It reminds us that all the other stuff is okay, but He is the center of it all.
Your vintage ornaments remind me of the ones my husband has from his Grandmother’s tree. When we first got married, I cradled each one so carefully as I put them on the tree. Last year, (our 13th Christmas together) I dropped one. My heart fell right along with it. To my surprise, it bounced. All those years of careful handling….and they were plastic! Oh honey, how I laughed!
Thank you for sharing your decorated home with us. I have found tons of new and simple ideas for bringing more joy to our home.
Stay cozy and have a very blessed and merry Christmas!
Sheer perfection. I can not imagine how wonderful it is to be at your home during the holidays. It looks like the perfect Christmas house,
Merry Christmas,
Kathysue from California
Just love your tree with the big snowflakes!!! My husband and one year old son and I will be moving to eastern Kansas in just a couple of weeks. I can’t wait to explore the area and yours as well. Made your yummy gingerbread cookie recipe from a previous post and they were the best I have ever made. Thanks for sharing – Have loved all of your recipes.
A very Merry Christmas to you!
Sweet Ruthann’s been since summer since we last chatted at the last Vintage Marketplace you were at. I finally got some down time and have been enjoying all your posts.
How exciting you met Michelle Duggar I absolutely admire them and am so sad that baby Jubilee didn’t make it .
Your Home is as beautiful and charming as ever and is so festive for Christmas.
Look forward to seeing you in the New year !
Wishing you and yours a Very Merry Farmhouse Christmas !
Farmhouse Blessings .Sara
LOVE all of your sweet decorating ideas. My heart feels warm as I look into your home. Makes me want to come by and hang out there for a while. Also – never knew white could look so magical and cozy! Merry Christmas!
Your home is gorgeous and I love all of your touches! Thank you so much for linking up to the party!
Oh, my, I already commented, but I stopped by again just because I knew this was a place where I could get some spiritual refreshment! And it did the trick! Thank you, Ruthann. Just when I was getting all a-flutter at the Christmassy messes on the counters, tables, closets, and floors, I remembered not to start scolding and fretting, but take a moment, visit your blog, and remember that as the Mama goes, so goes the family…
I cannot express how helpful your blog is. Sometimes it’s the dinner hour, and you just don’t want to bug your best friend for some uplift because you know she’s in a crunch at her house, too, and you don’t want to burden the husband, because he’s working late to provide, and you don’t want to call Mom, because she’ll worry more than is warranted…you know? So what I do in those moments is take a moment and visit your blog, and I know I’ll get my attitude adjusted, my confidence restored, and even a bit of energy to make it through the home stretch of the day. THANK YOU!
Ruthie, been waiting with anticipation for your Christmas post and once again you bring a feeling of warmth and friendship to us all!
I couldnt really begin to tell you all the things I love about your decorations, they wouldnt let me type that much here. lol
But, I will mention I love that white house with the green roof! and the pictures above your sink – stunning! Your tree is beautiful and I always envy the scenes from your window. Your words and pictures make us feel like we’ve known you forever. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I live in eastern Canada and we dont have any shops like you have in your area :( I wish you and yours a blessed new year.
Soooooo glad I saw a picture of your baking center on Pinterest that led me here! You have the cutest house I’ve ever seen and I’m telling all my friends about ‘ya!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful home with us again this year! I always look forward to seeing what pretty things you create!
Hi Ruthie!
I love reading your blog. Your home is so beautiful and your love for the Lord even more beautiful! I’m actually writing you to ask you permission to use two of your photos. I looked all over your blog for a private way to contact you, but could not find anything, so I am asking you here.
I found a really cute angel statue that reminds me of your darling antique choir boy lamp. I am going to blog about my angel and I would like to use two pictures from your blog showing your choir boy in my post. I will give you credit and have a link to your blog sending my readers to you.
Please come and visit me on my blog and leave a comment or write me privately at
Thank you so much!
Happy New Year!!
Hugs, Sharon
I just found your site and blog. Wow, what wonderful Christmas pics of your home, tree etc. Next year I’m going to use the pom-pom fringe on MY tree….LOVE IT!! And the tip about asking for store decor items, after Christmas, they throw them away?? How terrible, I want them for MY DECOR!!! I take it CA was your former home, I bet you miss the weather, but enjoy those WHITE CHRISTMAS days. Happy New Year.
OMG! First of all I LOVE the theme of your blog!!! LOVE that old farm house retro style. And second I LOVE your house!!! It is so beautiful. I found your blog on pinterest.
Aunt Ruthie
I just stumbled across your blog via pinterest and let me say it truly is a blessing. I am amazed and your beautiful ideas and home…your food looks great and I can’t wait to see more to come. I live in a 1909 farmhouse on 35 acres and will be getting lots of ideas from you. God has truly blessed you as well as me for finding you.
I really do enjoy reading your posts. You have a lovely home and even lovelier family. The region where you live is fabulous. I just spent yesterday cleaning closets and that makes me feel so wonderful that I keep going back and open the doors just to admire the order . It also gives me the opportunity to share my excess that I will share with charity. The bags are ready to set out for pickup tomorrow.
Isn’t it fun to find things that you have bought earlier. I really have to be descended from gypsies as I have a penchant for anything sparkly. Yesterday I found a small bottlebrush wreath with tiny glass balls embedded around the wreath. I could have hung this for Christmas if I had remembered that I bought it.
As much as I miss the lights and pretty Christmas decorations, I love that it is all boxed and put away. My resolution for 2012 is to clean out my attic. Imagine what fun things that I wil lfind up there. I plan to donate all those things that I have not used since last year, There are clothes that I can no longer wear that need to be shared too.
The big resolution is to do some mental and emotional housecleaning as well as the actual physical act of cleaning my house from top to bottom. AND the gratitude journal has been started for 2012. We all need one of those , don’t we ?
♥♥♥ LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! ♥♥♥
Oh, Aunt Ruthie, you’ve done it, again! You’ve managed to inspire me with all of your creative embellishments, in which, I absolutely adore! Everything is so bright and cheery! Love the pics of your family! And, your traditions, like looking for the perfect tree/s and your special vintage ornaments are so much fun to see! Thank you for all of the wonderful ideas and spendor of Christmas. Ashley is artsy, just like her mother! The crocheted beanies make you both glow even more beautiful! Most of all, I love Baby Jesus’ manger and how you express that He is the reason for the season that we celebrate. Blessings on you!
Wow, thats a mansion, where I come from! Makes me little 2400 square foot home look really ugly. No offense but honestly what does your husband do for a living? You are very lucky, I hope you know how very lucky you are!
Ruth, I happened upon your blog via Pinterest and came to see your twig manger. Imagine my surprise when I saw your post talking about Disneyland and Walt being from Marceline,MO, that’s where I live!! We are proud to honor Walt Disney’s roots here in Marceline and your sweet post pays tribute to that well! Thanks for the beautiful look into your home, Merriest of Holidays to you from all of us at Marceline, MO! Merry Gray Ü
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I just love your house its a magic !!!!
I just wished that there were more detail on making baby Jesus in his cradle of wooden sticks. Beautiful post
Merry Christmas