Hello dear ones and Merry Christmas! I hope y’all are doing well! Or maybe you are not doing so well. If not, take heart! I understand and I hope as you read my blog post you will feel the comfort and joy of the Lord since He is the reason for the season and has given us so much to be thankful for! He is our hope.
For me, this has been a very difficult few months. My sweet dad went home to be with the Lord late in October. He was to turn 97 on Thanksgiving Day. His Celebration of Life service was November 18th. My hubby, daughter Summer and I flew out to California to be with my mom and family to attend the service. We were there for several days, and, starting the day after we returned, we began welcoming our dear relatives from the east and west coast who were coming to stay with us to celebrate Thanksgiving. We had 40 family members for Turkey Day!
It was a little overwhelming at first because I felt like I didn’t have time to grieve. But, it actually was good for me to be busy. My sister’s-in-law and daughters were a huge help in preparing our Thanksgiving meal. Love stepped in. It was a blessing and so good to be around the sweet home-folks that I love.

My Thanksgiving Day reminded me of this sweet picture. All of us women-folk working happily together, stirring, baking, cooking, roasting, singing, and laughing. The aroma swirling from the kitchen throughout the house was heavenly. All of it was good for my soul.

And now it’s Christmas! My heart is healing. Keeping Jesus and His wondrous Love in the center of my heart and thoughts has given me strength.
“Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10
When I think of sweet baby Jesus in the manger and the reason He came to this earth my heart rejoices! I made a choice to embrace this glorious season of God’s Love. To look at the light of His love and not at the darkness of sorrow. Joy has filled my heart. I know I will see my dad again and that he is having a blast right now!
Thankfully, I had decorated most of my house before I left for California. And so now I would love to share it with you! Go grab a cup of something yummy to sip, put your slippers on and settle in for a bit!

This year I found another vintage Currier & Ives image to enlarge onto canvas! It’s one of my favorites! This snowy scene if full of heartwarming goodness! I love to create a vignette that reflects the story that the art piece tells. At least the way that I imagine it in my mind! Lol!
Pa is taking big sister into town to the general store to pick out a Christmas gift for Ma. Maybe a new hat, or new shoes, or some beautiful yardage to sew a new dress. Perhaps he will surprise her with that golden locket she had been admiring each time she stopped by the store to sell her fresh churned butter to Mr. Perkins, the proprietor of the Mercantile.
On the right you can see that Ma has just stepped outside the kitchen door breathing in the crisp air carrying her bucket to fetch some water to make a pot of tea and to wash dishes. She had been making pies for Christmas day and little goodie baskets filled with gingersnap cookies for a few neighbors and the Preacher.
Grandpa’s footsteps crunched the snow as he walked back to the house with a armfull of twigs and kindling for the wood burning stove, while old Jack trailed behind, wagging his tail.

“Christmas was coming, and the little house was covered with snow. When Pa came in from shoveling, he caught Laura up in a big bear hug against his cold winter coat. His mustache was covered with melting snowflakes.” Laura Ingalls Wilder~ Christmas in the Big Woods.

I found this sweet, itty bitty wood stove at a flea market years ago. I put a string of flickering lights inside to resemble a crackling fire. The copper tea kettle belonged to my hubby’s great grandmother from Denmark. It’s got to be over 125 years old. Oh the stories it could tell!
“Soon the kitchen began to take on a feeling of warmth and hominess as the copper coffee pot began to bubble while the oven was heating, and the many different cookie doughs were being mixed… The housewives just loved to outdo each other when it came to the Christmas baking and the many varieties of cookies they could make. So in this early hour, when the smoke rose straight toward the sky from the tall chimney, busy hands were chopping nuts and orange peel and crunching sugar…” Thrya Ferre Bjorn- 1924
“My grandmother’s house…she ran it just like her grandmother and her great-grandmother. They didn’t have electricity. They had wood stoves that never got cold.” Willard Scott

“Ma was busy all day long, cooking good things for Christmas. She baked salt rising bread and rye’n’Injun bread, and Swedish crackers, and a huge pan of baked beans, with salt pork and molasses. She baked vinegar pies and dried apple pies, and filled the big jar with cookies and she let Laura and Mary lick the cake spoon.“ ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House in the Big Woods
I found this old oil lamp that had been fitted for electricity. I see them from time to time at flea markets and antique malls. I put a silicone light bulb in it to add a cozy golden glow.

“For breakfast they had pancakes, and Ma made a pancake man for each one of the children. Ma called each one in turn to bring her plate, and each could stand by the stove and watch, while with the spoonful of batter Ma put on the arms and the legs in the head. It was exciting to watch her turn the whole little man over, quickly and carefully, on a hot griddle. When it was done, she put it smoking hot on the plate.” ~ Laura Ingalls wilder Little House in the Big Woods

Filling our homes with the simple joys of the season blesses our whole family and those who walk through our doors. Good smells, happy sounds, twinkle lights, wholesome meals, sweet treats, cozy fires, and glowing candles… all of it is like a big ol hug to our hearts!

“Heap on more wood! The wind is chill; But let it whistle as it will,
We’ll keep our Christmas merry still.”
~ Sir Walter Scott

‘I bring you the most joyful news ever announced,
and it is for everyone!
The Savior – yes the Messiah,
the Lord has been born tonight in Bethlehem!’
Luke 2:10 -11

The starry heavens sparkled brightly
as God sent us the greatest Christmas gift ever!
“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bear a Son,
and they shall call His name Immanuel,”
which translated means,
“God with us.” Matthew 1:23
“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15

“A little child…a shining star…a stable rude…the door ajar.
Yet in that place, so crude, forlorn,
The hope of all the world was born.”
~Author Unknown
“This will be a sign to you:
You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
Luke 2:12

Winter time fun! Sledding… getting freezing cold… coming in the toasty house to warm up by the fire. Mama brings you a nice, hot cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows and a cuddly blanket.
Everytime my grand-sugars come over I notice the jar of marshmallows is not quite as full when they leave. Lol!
Sing a song of snowflakes flying in the air,
sing a song of sleighbells tinkling everywhere
Earth in dazzling white, sparkling in the light.
~Louise Liddell

All the farmy things I love! An old apple bucket (this one is faintly stamped Ozark Bartletts), an old grain scoop turned candle holder, a vintage round basket lined with gingham and fresh greens and a wee little log cabin.

This is the baking-center side of my pantry. When I designed my baking center and pantry I was inspired by the turn-of-the-century houses on Main Street USA at Disneyland. I imagined what the kitchens might have looked like inside those charming homes with the cute front porches. I’d like to think that Walt Disney might have given me a wink if he could’ve taken a peek at how my pantry turned out! Heehee!

I love the word Merry! To be Merry is to be jolly… cheerful… light-hearted…carefree…joyful… joyous… festive …happy… gleeful! Proverbs 17:22 says “A merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” That’s one of the reasons I love to decorate for Christmas (and all the seasons for that matter)…it creates a merry…joyful….and festive atmosphere….and that kind of atmosphere is good for us!

Every year I buy the Susan Branch Calendar. The illustrations, quotes, and recipes warm my heart so much! I keep it in my kitchen and look and swoon over it often. You can get the new 2022 calendar here!

Say Howdy to the chicken sisters! Beulah, Hattie Mae and Cordelia are all dolled up with wreaths around their necks! Lol! They’re square-dancin’ around the Christmas tree!

“I love all the smells of Christmas;
bayberry candles, freshly cut evergreens,
the smells of baking and cooking~
vanilla, cinnamon, apple pies,
and all the other things that make Christmastime
like a little bit of heaven on earth.” ~ Kathy Healy

“O let there be joy
In the old home tonight,
A tree in the window
with soft candle light!”
~Rosaline Guingrich

Memories of grandma’s are the best! Delicious aromas of supper cookin’, and scrumptious desserts are baked into the walls. Just walking into the house and taking a deep breath (ahhh!), a sense of calm comes over you. It’s the most nurturing and loving feeling EV-AH!!

Someone said “The kitchen is the heart of the home”…I agree! Especially at Christmastime! It’s the place where all the warm aromas of vanilla, cinnamon, ginger, apple pie, spicy clove and orange pomanders, sugar cookies and supper cookin’ swirl throughout the house making each heart swoon and eyes sparkle. It smells like love. The kitchen seems to be the happiest and brightest room in the house.

“The Yule log is big and sturdy, a last gracious gift from a big old maple. The family is all here, the house bulges. The smell of pine and buttered popcorn, of mince pies and bayberry candles is all through the house, and most pleasant.” ~ Gladys Tabor

Well, sisters, have a blessed Christmas dear ones!
and be sure to say hello in the comments below!
I love hearing from you!
Bless your family. Make home sweet.
Big hugs!
Aunt Ruthie
Bless your hearts!!! I hope and pray that y’all feel better soon and do not have the C* again!!!
In His Name, ~Mrs.J~
Merry Christmas Ruthie
Always a joy to read and look at your beautiful home.
You do Christmas right.
You always let the true reason for the season be acknowledged.
Especially these very trying months of uncertainty. We all must try and remember your important reminder Christmas is not about shoppiing and the right gifts and such it’s remembering our Lord’s birth.
Thankyou for all
Auntie Ruthie,
What a delight and blessing to open up my email and discover a message from you. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your December 23rd update and soaked in all of the charming photos and well written wonderful words.
Sincere sympathy in the loss of your loved one. I like to imagine my beloved mother dancing in heaven as well.
Merry Christmas and blessings throughout the new year.
Everything is so beautiful! May God bless you with comfort at this time. I can sure see the love you have for your family in the way you decorate your home. It must be so wonderful for them to come home. You are a real inspiration to me!
Hello, I’m so, so sorry for the loss of your father. I have lost several relatives around holidays and it definitely makes celebrating those days each year bittersweet. I will pray for your family that you will have negative COVID tests. I hope you will all get vaccinated and encourage all your family and friends to do so as well! It’s my baby girl’s first Christmas and I’m nervous to travel for the holidays as I know she does not have the protection of the vaccine that my husband and I do. Have a blessed Christmas! Jennifer
Oh my! You have had a rough few months. Recently, someone told me something I had never heard before. You see, I am not a person who cares for winter. I dread the winter months every year. Well, this sweet dear friend told me that I should look at winter with different eyes. She said that God gave us winter as a rejuvenation time. It is designed to be a time to rest not only our bodies but our souls as well. When the cold wind blows and it just too miserable to step outside that is when we are at rest. Stay inside and take care of ourselves. Spend these quiet few months to talk with God. I will never think of winter the same way. Aunt Ruthie, please take comfort this winter, take care of yourself, pray, and plan for the warmer days coming.
Prayers for you and your husband. As always your posts are uplifting and encouraging.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas.
God Bless,
Sending the love and healing powers of Jesus, hope you’re better so!! Merry Christmas Aunt Ruthie and to all your family!! ♥️
Thank you for this beautiful Christmas post!! Your posts are such a comfort to my daughter and me. I’m so sorry that you and your husband are feeling under the weather. Praying for negative Covid tests and/or a speedy and robust return to good health for y’all.
Merry Christmas!!
Thank you for sharing.
Sorry you aren’t feeling well. Praying for a quick recovery. Sometime I would love to see what your home looks on the outside! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Prayers for you and your husband to be well and condolences on the loss of your Dad…..Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas aunt Ruthie!
I always enjoy your posts! They are so encouraging!
I pray for your comfort at this time of losing your father.
I also will pray you and your husband’s COVID tests come back negative! I had COVID last March and it was miserable!
God bless you and your family!
Your house is just darling (as always!) I LOVE the stories that you tell and the scenes you set! I hope you and your family begin feeling better and will get to celebrate soon!
Dear Miss Ruthie,
I am so sorry for the loss of your father, but you’re correct, he is with our Lord!
We are recovering from covid so the only decorations we have are Christmas cards. I predict next year will be a riot of Christmas cheer.
Merry Christmas!
I’ve been a Christian for years and I feel like God’s never been there for me the way he has for you. The Bible seems like empty words. I’ve followed you for many years and I do appreciate your posts. Your home and family are just beautiful.
Merry Christmas! I hope you and hubby have negative tests and recover quickly. I always love to see your Christmas decorating posts. It looks so homey and cozy. Blessing to you and your family!
Your family is so incredibly blessed to have you. I never really had a sweet mommy growing up. She stayed at home, but constantly complained of the housewife drudgery she endured. I always yearned for a happy mom who took pride in her cooking, the way she presented herself and kept after her home; much like you. I promised myself when I had my sweet baby girl that I would make our house a loving and happy home. A warm and cozy haven where she will always feel nurtured and loved. Thank you for continuing to inspire me. I’ve been following your blog since my twenties and now I’m 42. It is the day before Christmas Eve and my sweet 7 year old little girl is sleeping in bed with a fever. She will also be testing for Covid in the morning. It’s so difficult being a mom during this pandemic, but with God’s love and sweet women like you bringing warmth into the world; this too shall pass. Sending prayers to you and your family.
Please take good care of each other, this too shall pass.
Oh Ruthie! Praying for no covid, and lots and lots of comfort and joy for you and your sweet family.
Oh, aunt Ruthie! Are you a sight for sore eyes! [heart eyes smiley face] Your home is lovely, as always, and the little stories, excerpts, and poems you add to your post always set the scene even moreso!
I am very sorry to hear of your father’s passing on. But, glad to hear he knew our Lord and Savior, and you will be together again one day soon!
Trusting our Father will take care of you and your hubby during this illness. He is our great healer! [praise hands]
Hoping one day we will get to meet in person and talk about all the other things we probably have in common…like you loving the word “merry,” an eye for Currier & Ives’ paintings, an appeal to white and red things, festive 1940’s music, enjoyment of the simple things of life, and a love for our Father!
May He continue to bless you beyond your wildest belief!
With love, DeborAnne in Spokane, WA.
Mesmerizing, I loved every holy minute of your Christmas blessedness. Thank you for the merry joy it has brought me.
My beloved husband of 60 passed away 5 months ago, so this piece was music to my heart, sparkling water to my parched lips and balm for my anguished soul…
Thank you again and again…xx
Aunt Ruthie, Your in my prayers. Sorry about your father. My mother passed last March at the age of 104, this will be our first Christmas without her. She is with the Lord and in a better place after being in a nursing home for twelve years. Have a blessed Christmas as we all remember the true meaning of this season.. Thank you so much for your beautiful healing words throughout the years for us to read and cherish. Paulette
Merry Christmas to you! I hope those covid tests came back negative, and that you and your hubby are feeling much better very soon. I wanted to thank you for sharing your cozy Christmas home! I don’t know how you do it all along with those cozy christmasy quotes but it made my heart glad. I cried a little tear. You are talented, and it’s so good to share your talents with others. Get well soon! My heart goes out to you with the passing of your father. My daddy passed away at the young age of 37 right before my 13th birthday. We will absolutely see our fathers again! I know it with all my heart.
What a charming and delightful gift your post is! A peek inside your lovely decorated house and the wonderful Christmas quotes are perfect to lift the spirits. My heart goes out to you as you celebrate a bittersweet holiday without your dear father. Warmest wishes for better health and happiness in the coming year!
Praying that you and your hubby will be well very soon and that your covid tests will be negative. Merry Christmas blessings.
I’m so sorry that Covid could be with you again. I’m praying that it is not. I’m also sorry that things are being postponed. You put your all into making your family and loved ones to feel loved and well fed. I would so love to be an invisible guest. We have no family as both my boys have passed and my husband hasn’t seen his four in over 20 years. But, we still cook our favorites and thank God for everything we’ve been blessed with. I’ve expressed before that I love everything that you share with us. It’s all so beautiful and joy-filled. I’m sorry for your loss of your father. I know how heartbreaking it is. I lost my Mom 4 days before Christmas in 2013. But you do find an inner strength when your Heavenly Father is with you. I hope the next time we hear from you that things are returning to normal and you’ve been able to have Christmas with your loved ones. Thank you for your sharing and inspiration. Barb Triplett-Brown
You have one of the most beautiful blogs I’ve ever seen! Thank you for your sweet spirit and encouraging posts. God bless you and your family!
I look forward to each post you do as it is always full of warmth & cheer & have been reading your blog for many years. I’m sorry for your loss this year & that you currently aren’t feeling well I had the c right before thanksgiving so I pray it’s a mild case of you all have it. Praying your celebrations will be full of love & laughter when you do celebrate. Have a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!☃️
I’m so sorry to hear of the passing of your father! You and your family will be in my prayers as you grieve his loss, as well as for your health.
Last year was my first Christmas without my mother so I understand how hard it is. And I have a couple friends who just lost a family member this week who face a difficult Christmas.
Thanks for sharing your beautifully decorated home – it’s always a treat to see the creative ways you’ve designed it for each season.
Merry Christmas, Aunt Ruthie! Thank you for sharing your beautiful home and your beautiful heart with us. I am praying for you and your husband now. May God bring healing and comfort to both of you.
Thank you for the inspiring Christmas thoughts and photos at a time when you are under the weather and grieving the loss of your dad. I lost both parents a few years ago and our son is grown, but I still like to keep the home traditions alive with baking, decor, Christmas music, a puzzle or two, buttered popcorn and cocoa. Our nativity scene is displayed and reminds us that the best is yet to come. Have a restful holiday and hope you feel better soon.
My sincere sympathy on the loss of your father you are correct in realizing you will be reunited someday. God bless
I am so very thankful to hear from you tonight. This year has had a lot of losses. One of my dear friends lost her husband just a few days ago and tonight I heard that another dear friend lost her mother this morning. How wonderful to read all of the inspirational and dear thoughts enclosed in this very much needed love letter. Thank you, Dear One for taking the time to help heal hearts. May you all thrive and be well in this upcoming new year.
I am so sorry for the loss of your father. Prayers for your family. Hope you are feeling better.
Dearest Aunt Ruthie,
Sorry about your recent difficult situations.
“God shall be with ye” ~ Genesis 48:21
Thank you for your encouragement warmth even as you are moving through the situations yourself. Here are portions of some scripture verses:-
(1) The Lord will keep you from all harm… … ~ Psalm 121:7-8
(2) He gives us the victory… … ~ 1 Corinthians 15:57
(3) your faith has healed you… … ~ Mark 10:52
(4) He will protect you from the evil one… …
~ 2 Thessalonians 3:3
(5) He shall give his angels charge over thee… … ~Psalm 91:11
(6) I will fear no evil… … ~Psalm 23:4
(7) I will deliver thee… … ~Psalm 50:15
(8) God is our refuge… … ~ Psalm 46:1
(9) The Lord God will help me. ~Isaiah 50:7
(10) I have chosen thee… … ~Isaiah 48:10
Blessed X’mas! Jesus loves you! =D
Thank you again for heart-warming pictures of Christmas. My condolences for the loss of your father. How blessed you were to have him that long. My mother and father passed over 35 years ago and I wish they could still be here. I do enjoy my granddaughter Hannah coming over to help me decorate for Fall and Christmas. That is a blessing. Thanks for your thoughts.God bless you and yours in the New Year! Karen C.
My heart goes out to you in the loss of your dad. It is never easy loosing a parent, but peace and joy comes in knowing he is with the Savior!
I so enjoy seeing how you decorate your home, it always inspires me! Praying for a happy, healthy, and joyful New Year for you and your family.
I am so very sorry to hear about your Dad, but he is free and whole and celebrating with Jesus! I hope each day brings you more peace. With God’s help, it will get better! You are in my thoughts and prayers!
Thank you so much for taking your time to post. I read your blog posts over and over. They each bring me so much joy. When I am having a bad day, I like to come to your site and just read your posts. I find so much encouragement in your words and pictures. My grandma passed away a few years ago and she was the one who taught me how to be a keeper of my home and about beauty. I miss her dearly and miss the coziness of her home. So much of the godly words you say bring that sort of comfort and teaching back to me, that I so dearly miss. . Please keep posting! Hugs to you !!
Thank you for the inspiring Christmas messages, you always recall such wonderful memories for all of us. As your heart is healing you have reached out to others and helped with their dark times. A home centered life is what all of us need….always. Bless you in your work.
Well this is late . But Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. So very sorry of the passing of your father. lost my mother May 19,2020. My hear is broken but time passes on..Hugs to you.
Thank you for sharing. So enjoy reading your post!
I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. Sending love! Thank you for this encouraging blog post!
I always look forward to your blog. I only wish you would do it more often! Ha! Please show more of your beautiful home. Would love to see your bedroom and more of your kitchen sink area….what a view you have there. My heart belongs in the Ozarks. We go at least once a year. God bless you in the coming year and heal your heart as you mourn your father’s passing.
Oh, my goodness! I just found your amazing blog, and I am just enthralled with your beautiful home and photos! And so grateful to “meet” a new sister in the Lord! I am so sorry to hear of your deep loss and trust the Lord will wrap His arms around you and hold you close as you grieve. Many blessings to you!
Hello!! I just happened upon you today! I love that old farmhouse feel and girlfriend, it’s plain to see, you got it in your blood!!
I love your YouTube videos. Hope one will be coming soon! I love the two chicken sisters and their brother.
I love your utube video’s and your beautiful home and family. So sorry to hear about your father, May he rest in Peace. I lost my dear husband of 40 years just before Christmas, so I know how you feel. Your video’s are so filled with faith and encouragement. I hope you find the time to make a new one in 2022.
Hello Aunt Ruthie!
Thank you for sharing another lovely home tour with us ❤️ I have been a reader of your blog since I first became a new wife and homemaker, thanks to my sweet mama suggesting your blog to help me with my home sickness. Well, that was over a decade ago now and I want you to know that you have been a very special gift to me as I’ve grown in my homemaking and home decor skills over the years, your beautiful blog posts and YouTube videos have been a resource to delight in throughout the seasons. Thank you for encouraging homemakers everywhere, young and old alike. Happy New Year from Montana. Sending you hugs!
It is 2023 and I have not received any new posts. I know life is busy, but have missed your blog so much. I hope all is well. Will you continue blogging or have you had to put that aside for things more needful. Praying all is well.
Hi Miss Ruthie! I surely have missed your blog & youtube tutorials.
Will you be posting on this site again as it’s been a long time since you posted. I check every now & then to see if there is anything new. I pray that all is well & if not, am praying for that too. You are such a blessing.
I’m so sorry for your loss, and I pray for comfort and peace during this difficult time. Thank you for sharing your heart. As we celebrate this season, I wanted to share that The Jacket Seller is offering amazing Christmas deals on all types of leather jackets for men and women. Wishing you all a blessed holiday!