What a wonderful year it has been….my first year of blogging! Just a few months before I started, I didn’t even know what a blog was! My sister Sherry from Prairie Home got me started and boy am I glad she did! It has been so fun sharing with y’all the things that have been on my heart…. hoping to bless you, sweet blog-girls, and yet it was my heart that was blessed by all of the welcoming, encouraging, heart-melting comments you have showered me with. Thank you!
I feel like I know so many of you, and yet we have never met in person! And some of you I have met…..what a delight that was, to see you face to beautiful face! It’s hard to explain this bond I feel with you all. As a homemaker (of 30 years) a wife and a mama of four (two boys, two girls) , I know the joys and the frustrations, the ups and downs of life, the bad hair days and worse….I’ve read your blogs and understand your feelings….I’ve been there, done that, got the T-shirt! I feel like we are all on this ever important, adventurous, keeper-of-the-home journey, together.
Recently, I just happened to stumble upon some comments about me on a chat-forum, (it was surreal…like overhearing people talk about you…I was like, hey! they’re talking about me! Little ole RuthAnn! What in the world?) and I had to chuckle when the question arose…”Is she for real?”. Who me? Okay, can I set the record straight …I am just a regular mom…..I have to fight clutter, clean out closets, figure out what I want to make for dinner, empty the trash…. I have bad hair days and struggle with PMS …. etc….. I just happen to have a sincere passion for the home and family and yes, I do decorate “over-the-top” a bit ( this was also a comment), but that’s what I love!!!! YA HOOOO! (y’all, don’t ya know, I love decorating so much I want to marry it!).

I grew up wanting to live on Main Street at Disneyland, but they won’t let me, so I’ve done the next best thing by giving my home sort of a whimsical-Disney-style spin. I want my home to be the happiest place on earth for my family…..it’s not so much about the “stuff” as it is about the feeling that I try to accomplish. Feelings of love, a sense of belonging, comfort and joy!
I also wanted to be a pie-bakin’ mama, so five years ago I taught myself. Oh, I had a few flops….but with practice it has become easier! It is such a scrumptious feeling of true womanhood to pull a bubbling, golden-crusted pie, hot from the oven, and set it on my counter to cool….it just makes me feel so June Cleaver-ish! (can I be her when I grow up?)
Most of the comments on this above mentioned “chat-forum” were very complimentary, but there were a few that had a problem with my blog. One gal said that I talked too much about God. Bless her heart, she didn’t know that my faith in God was the secret to my joy! Jesus is my life, without Him, I am nothing.
Jesus is everything wonderful.
He is the reason joy-bells ring in my home. He gives me strength…courage… comfort… hope and a future…. protection… provision… creativity and passion… love and redemption… eternity with Him in Heaven. He lights my path. He is the lover of my soul… my hero… my rescuer… my healer. He is the best of what there is in life. Who wouldn’t want that? And why on earth would I not share this great and spectacular news with all of you dear sweet girls in blogland?
“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes…” Romans 1:16
I do hope that whatever faith you hold onto, that you feel welcome here. My goal is to share with you whatever I have learned ( and am still learning) as a woman, a wife, a mother, a homemaker, and a friend, and to give you a glimpse inside my home and life through my blog, in hopes that you would find encouragement, and motivation to turn your heart toward home.
I am so thankful that I’ve been given the opportunity to share a slice of my life with you through Warm Pie, Happy Home, and thankful too, for all of you who read it! So here is the good news! One of you gals is going to win my One Year Anniversary give-away….a package of 7 goodies!!!! Here is what the package includes….
1. A fabulous candle from the ever wonderful Warm Glow Candle Company! I picked this up in Indiana on my trip. The fragrance is Evening Mocha and is delicious!
2. A string of Pearls, so you too can feel June Cleaver-ish, and to remind you how precious and beautiful you are!
3. As a “Country Mother” myself, I am pleased to present this dear, old-timey, cookbook by Jane Watson Hopping. It’s filled with stories, poems, vintage pictures, and yummy farm-wife recipes…….take a peek….

It’s the kind of book you want to curl up with in your Jammies sipping a cup of Hot Chocolate with marshmallows!
This next set of three books are ones that I co-authored with my sister-in-law Linda. (Unfortunately, that was several years ago and are no longer in print. You can however, go on Amazon and find them very inexpensively.)
4. Dusty’s Beary Tales (my other sister-in-law did the illustrations in this children’s book…she is an amazing artist…check out her new blog at Mara Mattia Art. Please welcome her to blogland and tell her I sent you!
5. 101 Ideas For Making Family Memories
6. Giving Love A Memory
Take a peek inside these books…..

And last but not least….
It has a voluptuous bow in the back and it’s also lined!
A cute apron and a string of pearls,
is just what a gal needs to perk up her day!
If you would like to have a chance at winning these goodies,
all you have to do is leave a comment describing
your family’s
favorite Holiday tradition.
I may share some of these ideas in a future post, so if you leave a comment, I will regard it as your permission to use it.(If you don’t have a blog, please leave me your email address so I can contact you if you’re the winner.)
November 8th will be the last day to enter this give-away. I will then put all of your names in my favorite mixing bowl and draw one name at random. The winner will be announced on my next post.

Here are a few answers to questions I’ve been asked:
1. The Bible translation that I read is usually Amplified, but I also read New Living, The Message, New King James and NIV.
2. Regarding the Snickerdoodle Recipe, (or any cookie recipe) do not melt the butter! It will make the cookies spread out thin and flat. I chop the butter into large chunks and cream it with the sugar in my Kitchen Aid mixer. Also make sure you chill the dough 20 minutes in freezer, or else the dough will be too sticky to handle.
3. My story of moving to the Ozarks is in an earlier post…in the search engine at the top of my blog, type in Branson Missouri and scroll down toward the bottom to find out how we moved from California to Southern Missouri!
4. My camera is a Sony, Cyber Shot 12x zoom, Model no. DSC-H5. I also keep a smaller camera in my purse, it’s aFuji, Finepix Z10.
5. The phrase in my great-room dining area is “Come Gather At Our Table”.
6. As long as pumpkins are not bruised, they should last the whole autumn season.
7. Yes, please do add a link from your blog to mine!! I encourage you to add Warm Pie, Happy Home to your list of blog-reads. There are a lot of Mama’s out there that need encouragement, and a pat on the back!
If I missed your question, please ask again!
God Bless all of you Cutie-Pies!
Well, sure why not!! I love your blog and those who don’t, don’t have to read it,right? Sign me up for the giveaway…that apron is adorable! and I didn’t know you are an author! Cool!
Ruthann, I have that little book, Giving Love a Memory. I had no idea you were that Ruthann. It’s a lovely book. I would love to be included in your give away if you are happy to send overseas. You can put your name in for my give away too.
I adore your blog! New to it, and so happy I found you! What an absolutely fabulous generous give-away!~~~Congrats on your blog-a-versary!~~~XXOO, Beth
You are fabulous! See how sweetly you tell us about the "negative sisters"?! Love the picture of you & Summer Rose. And that apron!! You go girl!!
congratulations on you anniversary. My fav tradition is as i have 3 boys under 6 is before they go to bed on christmas eve we sprinkle oats and glitter outside so santa can see the glitter and rudolph can smell the oats so they know which house to come to.
I love your decorating it’s as if you can see the love and warmth in your home.
I so love reading your blog and heres to another 12 months
laura xx
Happy Blog-aversary! :)
I adore your blog.
I love all the goodies- thanks for the chance.
My favorite holiday tradition is buying ornaments for each of my kids every year. It started with my parents, and now that I have a tree of my own I have all my ornaments from through the years. Its such a delight to decorate my tree year after year and enjoy a sweet memory with each ornament that is placed on the tree. Watching my kids face light up as they recognize their ornaments being pulled out of the box is such an extra joy.
I think your blog is fabulous and inspirational! Keep shining your light!! My favorite holiday tradition? It would have to be watching “A Christmas Story” while decorating our tree. We all recite the lines through the whole movie. Very fun!!
I congratulate you on your one year and wish you many more. I know how you feel when you say you feel like you really know the people you type with and in a sense you do, because they are typing their thoughts and feelings. Its great to be able to share this way with so many people. I love that apron and it looks great on you. Take care.
My favorite tradition and one that I intend to pass on to my daughters is baking with my mom, I so enjoy preparing for family to come over and creating deliceous goodies with special recipes past down from generation to generation. Especially a recipe my great grandmother’s, the writing on the card is so faded you can hardly read it and the script is so old fashioned it is hard to read but these deliceous orange rolls are made the morning of the holiday for those hard at work cooking for everyone else! Perhaps I will make them this Thanksgiving! Nummy!
You are a blessing to me and many others, and I find great encouragement and inspiration here! Yes, you are a real life flesh and blood person who has to work through things….just like the rest of us. But I think that’s the very thing that makes you such a blessing. God uses your wit, wisdom, experiences in homemaking and mothering and your Titus 2 advice to touch many lives and encourage others who are coming along where you have already been. Thank you for being willing to share with us!
And thanks for such a lovely give-away. I’d love to be added to the drawing!
Blessings for a wonderful evening and congratulations on your one year blogging anniversary! Here’s to many more!
Amy O.
Hi Ruthann! I adore your blog. You are a bright light and add so much to my day! Thank you for sharing all of your thoughts on our dear LORD!
I don’t think you’re over the top at all…I wish I had some of your energy to do such lovely decorating! Anyways, my most favourite holiday tradition is the first saturday of December my husband and I and whatever children are living at home at the time, my eldest daughter and hubby and my most favourite grandchildren, go to a Christmas tree farm and cut down our Christmas trees. We have so many laughs picking out just the right one! On the way home we stop at a Tim Horton’s for Hot Chocolate and doughnuts! It’s the best and my most favourite thing to do!
Fun, fun, fun!! What a generous drawing prize package.
One of our many favorite holiday traditions – One evening a week or so before Christmas, we pack gloves, scarves, hats, etc. and pile into our van. We will have either had a simple, yet delicious, dinner at home, or we will have a meal out. When dinner is over, we travel to two or three well known areas in near-by cities (we’re country folk), park the van and then walk these neighborhoods to oooooh and aaaaaah over the beautiful Christmas decorations on display. The evening is capped off with a stop on the way home for dessert. This has been a tradition since my oldest daughter, now 28 and a mommy herself, was a baby.
Your blog is absolutely fabulous and I have you linked to my blog. I am always so excited when you update.
Our Christmas tradition with our 3 sons is that on Christmas Eve after a dinner of homemade soups and bread, we get to open two very special gifts. These two gifts are pajamas and a new book. My oldest is 17 now and he can’t wait for his snuggly new jammmies and exciting book. These are the only gifts they are allowed to open on Christmas Eve so it makes it really special. We then change into our pajamas and sit by the fire sharing our new books with each other.
Fun, fun, fun!! What a generous drawing prize package.
One of our many favorite holiday traditions – One evening a week or so before Christmas, we pack gloves, scarves, hats, etc. and pile into our van. We will have either had a simple, yet delicious, dinner at home, or we will have a meal out. When dinner is over, we travel to two or three well known areas in near-by cities (we’re country folk), park the van and then walk these neighborhoods to oooooh and aaaaaah over the beautiful Christmas decorations on display. The evening is capped off with a stop on the way home for dessert. This has been a tradition since my oldest daughter, now 28 and a mommy herself, was a baby.
Fun, fun, fun!! What a generous drawing prize package.
One of our many favorite holiday traditions – One evening a week or so before Christmas, we pack gloves, scarves, hats, etc. and pile into our van. We will have either had a simple, yet delicious, dinner at home, or we will have a meal out. When dinner is over, we travel to two or three well known areas in near-by cities (we’re country folk), park the van and then walk these neighborhoods to oooooh and aaaaaah over the beautiful Christmas decorations on display. The evening is capped off with a stop on the way home for dessert. This has been a tradition since my oldest daughter, now 28 and a mommy herself, was a baby.
Fun, fun, fun!! What a generous drawing prize package.
One of our many favorite holiday traditions – One evening a week or so before Christmas, we pack gloves, scarves, hats, etc. and pile into our van. We will have either had a simple, yet delicious, dinner at home, or we will have a meal out. When dinner is over, we travel to two or three well known areas in near-by cities (we’re country folk), park the van and then walk these neighborhoods to oooooh and aaaaaah over the beautiful Christmas decorations on display. The evening is capped off with a stop on the way home for dessert. This has been a tradition since my oldest daughter, now 28 and a mommy herself, was a baby.
Our favorite Christmas tradition is for our family to walk down to the beach, watch the sunset, and say a prayer and thank Jesus for all of the blessings in our lives. After church and brunch we go fishing on Christmas and honor how Jesus was a fisher of men.
What a beautiful post!! Thank you for that! Also, a very lovely giveaway!
I LOVE and ADORE traditions and am always wanting to learn new ones!
I look forward to this future post so I can hear some new ones I may want to start!
A tradition that my husband and I do each Christmas is we always get an ornament for each other. We have been doing this since our first Christmas together. We usually find one that is sentimental in some way and we always date them. Our little collection is so special and its so fun to see them and remember them as we get them out to put them on the tree each year!
My good friends and I have been doing this each Christmas as well since we were in high school so we have a very nice collection now and its so fun and special.
I look forward to starting this tradition with my own kids some day!
A small tradition that I do each year is I always make cinnoman rolls on Christmas morning… the wonderful smell wakes everyone up bright and early!
I may have more but I’ll have to think about it!
Hope you’re having a great week.
Love, Brandi
Hi Ruthann, I absolutely love your blog…I look forward to reading it always! I love your decorating tips…about you baking a good pie…I have done the same…make my own pie dough, so easy, and love baking pies…there’s nothing like baking your own pies, using your own pie dough! I have said that on my blog a number of times. My favorite Christmas tradition with our family is decorating the Christmas tree with my husband and our 2 children together. We make hot chocolate, and of course put on the Christmas music. Really very ordinary, but the kids love it, and look forward to it every year now. It’s a family tradition we will do forever. Another one is putting together a gingerbread house. We do this every year at the beginning of December. One year we even made one from scratch…it took all day to assemble it. I got the template from Good Housekeeping magazine, and it really came out terrific. Liz xx
I am fairly new to your blog but I love it! I love the old time feel along with the great music! I love the you proclaim your love for Christ!
Happy anniversary!
One of our family traditions is that we always put our gifts under the tree as soon as they are wrapped. When the kids were little, they were always trying to figure out what was in the box. One year I put fake names on – I think it was “Snap, Crackle and Pop”. They didn’t know who they were and had the greatest time trying to figure it out. My youngest is now 20 but they still love that tradition. It does get hard coming up with new names every year and now I need another because I have a son-in-law. Thanks for doing a give away!
Happy Anniversary! I love your blog and the music you have as well. I love to open your page and just listen to the music.
My family’s tradition started when the kids were young and we lived 60 miles from the inlaws. Driving back and forth between families was just too much on the little ones so we started this tradition. On Christmas morning my folks come over for breakfast and opening packages. Nothing can be opened until Grandma and Grandpa get there, only stockings. Then we have a hearty breakfast and open and admire gifts. Later in the day we travel the 60 miles to the “other” grandparents for dinner and opening of packages there. I didn’t realize what a tradition it was until my 19 year old son said he may have to work on Christmas! Unheard of in my day! He works at a 24 hr drugstore and they are open on Christmas. My 15 year old daughter stated firmly that he couldn’t because it was tradition to have Christmas morning at home and Christmas afternoon at Grandma’s! You don’t realize you have a tradition until your kids enforce it!
Thanks and God Bless,
I suppose my favorite holiday tradition is having my sons and their families over for a dinner and gift exchange all by ourselves, no other families, so we can enjoy each other, especially watching the kids open their gifts. Seeing Christmas through children’s eyes is so much more fun. We always have lots of laughs and it’s just a wonderful time. Sometimes we will hide a gift or two and leave clues for the search and the firt clue is usually giftwrapped in a reindeer-looking animal thing made from paper towel cardboard cores. One person gets selected and they have to hunt for their gift while the rest of us cheer them on and have a few laughs at their expense…all in loving fun.
Connie W
“cootie bug”
Ruthanne, I asked my family what their favorite tradition was for the holiday because I really couldn’t think of anything. Well, when they were smaller, until both Rachael and William were about 11 or 12, we had a Christmas Caroling Party. Everyone comes over all bundled up. We start off singing in our immediate neighborhood. Then we load up in vans and cars and head to the nursing home. After we’re done singing and everyone is frosty cold, we come back to the house and have sandwiches, potato soup and hot chocolate. What fun!!
**pick me! pick me!!**
P.S. If you love Main Street Disneyland then head north to Marceline, Missouri. Walt Disney grew up there and he designed Main Street Disney after Main Street Marceline.
Oh, Ruthann, I don’t know how you do all the things you do, but it sure is fun following your adventures!
One of our few Holiday Tradtions that are left (kids grew up and got married and golly, their in-laws have their own family traditions too!) is Eggs Benedict on Christmas Morning for Brunch as soon as all gifts are opened. What’s really great is that it is not the chore that it used to be because everyone helps and it’s ready 1-2-3! Good thing because we now have to triple the recipe and it is gobbled up lickety split! Blessings, Shay
I LOVE your blog and I’ve linked to it for awhile now.
I’d love to be included in your give away.
My favorite Holiday tradition that my daughter now continues in her home is to serve hor’dourves for Christmas Eve dinner.
All other Holiday meals are so traditional, I was never able to change the menu. On Christmas Eve I get to try all kinds of fun goodies. :)
I adore you and your blog…I stumbled across it a month ago and I was hooked! The wonderful warm and cozy feeling that emanated from your blog is exactly how I want my home to be.
We don’t have a lot of unique traditions yet, but I’m looking forward to reading your comments and getting some new ideas! I do like to buy my daughter a special ornament each year, and when she moves away I will cry and then pack them up and send them with her. :) Congrats on 1 year – Hugs!
Ruthann, I just love your blog. And the music. I’ve burned my own CD with many of the songs you play. Congrats on your anniversary, too! My favorite tradition — really getting in the spirit with family gathering at our home on Christmas Eve, going to church, and back home for a simple dinner, and opening just ONE present!! (Waiting until Christmas morning for all the rest!)
I LOVE your blog. When I started to read your entry today I was so afraid that you were going to say you were ending your blog, I held my breath until the end and I am so glad I was wrong! I just wanted you to know that thanks to your wonderful inspiring blog entries, this is the 1st year that I really decorated my house for Halloween/Fall. I bought cheap (fake) pumpkins and put them everywhere around the house! I made banners to hang in the front windows and above the kitchen table and I have also made a few of my own aprons and have started to wear them all of the time! I love the way they make me feel!! Your blog is wonderful and I miss your inspiring words when you are gone. Please keep up the good work and know that there are women out here who need to see someone out there doing all of these household things for their own families – it is inspiring!
I would love to win your anniversay prize! Our favorite and oldest family holiday tradition is that I always read my kids “The Night Before Christmas” before any xmas decorating can start. I have a wonderful copy that I love and I pack it in the docoration box each year and when my husband gets down the boxes, I look for the book, gather the kids (ok all 2 of them) and I read it to them. My 13 year old daughter still loves this!
Ok, I’ve talked enough. Thanks Ruthann!!
Congrats on your one year!! I absolutly LOVE your blog!I check it every day to see if theres anything new…and when I see a new one , I run and get a refreshing drink so I can just sit and enjoy the whole thing. I have been back lots of times to just read through and get inspired! You are a true joy!
P.S. I don’t have a blog :(
email dinger5@wcoil.com
I also LOVE those give a way items! Sweet!!
My theory is if people don’t agree with a blog…why do they read it?!?! You are an inspiration to housewives and thank you for sharing the joy of the Lord!
One of my favorite traditions is buying a new ornament every year, usually while on vacation, and then reminiscing while putting them on the tree!
I too love to decorate. So I go to your blog and get such inspiration. You have put together a most warm cozy home.And your right its not the stuff its the feeling you get. And you have done it well.You do make me want to make pie.And even try a crust from scratch!!! Yikes!
Oh gosh! I forgot to tell you our fav tradition! Decorating the tree , and baking with my children! Love it! Such a fun time. I have twin girls (9 yrs old) , that love to help all around the house!
I absolutely adore your blog, Ruthann. My spirit is always renewed after reading one of your posts…you really are a blessing.
One of our favorite holiday tradtions is to drive around and look at all of the Christmas lights…my family did this when I was growing up and now my dh, dd and I do this, too!
Congratulations on your blog anniversary!
My family didn’t really have many traditions growing up. Aside from the basic big dinners… I hope to change that with my own family now as we grow together. My children are very young (2 and 11 months), but next year in the fall I want to decorate our entryway with fall leaves cut out of green, red, orange, yellow, and brown construction paper and I want our family to write something they are thankful for every day leading up to Thanksgiving. I will help the little ones and I can’t wait to see what sweet things they come up with. I think it will also be good for my husband and I to realize how truly blessed we are… we know it, but sometimes you just get too busy to see. I want it all to be right there when we walk in the door. That’s just one tradition I want to start, I hope to have many more in our happy home. :o)
Hi RuthAnn, what a special giveaway, we have a few traditions, we always make a gingerbread house Thanksgiving weekend, for at least over 25 years now. We make candy, and the Christmas village must be up by Thanksgiving!My family loves traditions and gives me trouble if i try to change anything!
Hi RuthAnn, what a special giveaway, we have a few traditions, we always make a gingerbread house Thanksgiving weekend, for at least over 25 years now. We make candy, and the Christmas village must be up by Thanksgiving!My family loves traditions and gives me trouble if i try to change anything!
Hi RuthAnn, what a special giveaway, we have a few traditions, we always make a gingerbread house Thanksgiving weekend, for at least over 25 years now. We make candy, and the Christmas village must be up by Thanksgiving!My family loves traditions and gives me trouble if i try to change anything!
Hi RuthAnn, what a special giveaway, we have a few traditions, we always make a gingerbread house Thanksgiving weekend, for at least over 25 years now. We make candy, and the Christmas village must be up by Thanksgiving!My family loves traditions and gives me trouble if i try to change anything!
Happy Anniversary Ruthann…i adore your blog and thank you for allowing me to be apart of your life…keep up the fabulous work.
One of our traditions is that only our children decorate our main tree in the lounge room {so you can imagine how it looked when they were small..lol} and we never 'fixed' it up later and they still do it now at ages 23, 16 & 13. Christmas carols are always playing in the background.
Another one that i have carried on from my mum is to have Trifle for dessert on Christmas night, no matter how full our tummies are, a little trifle is always eaten..lol.
Just in case my name is pulled out for the giveaway, my email addy is countrycharmcottage@hotmail.com
luv Ann.xx
I have been lurking here for quite sometime! I would love to be entered into your giveaway. Everything is adorable.
RuthAnn, I wish I'd had blogs like yours to read when I was a stay-at home mom. My friends all worked so I felt very isolated. Your blog and others like it would have been so encouraging. So you Go Girl! Don't stop!
My favorite tradition..oh my…pick one….oh it's so hard, okay, I'll share this one…we always try to make breakfast very special on Christmas morning. Not just pancakes but pancakes with whipped cream & strawberries. Hot chocolate with whipped cream. Bacon, eggs, biscuits with my homemade blackberry jam. And of course apple julep. Everybody eating breakfast at the same time is a real treat since that's not the norm the rest of the year. That would be my favorite tradition.
Hugs, Milah
Oh I would be thrilled to be so lucky to be picked!! I live just a hop, skip & a jump away in Nebraska so I could even come pick it up!
Love your blog, love your beliefs and keep up the amazing posts!
My favorite Holiday tradition is decorating the house inside and out. On the outside my two sons help me and we have a blast. The inside they leave up to me but help with bringing all the boxes up from the basement and garage. Both of them will move with me from room to room making suggestions and just chatting away over all kinds of things. It’s truly OUR time.
I am a new reader & love visiting your site!
We collect nativity sets and add a new one each year. I display them on our entertainment center, but all the wise men go on the mantel because they are traveling “from afar”. I purchase my nativity set for the next year at the after-Christmas sales for 50 – 70% off.
Ruthann ~ I love your blog and have found inspiration here. Our family has many Christmas traditions, including the entire extended family meeting at our house after Christmas eve church service for tamales….but my absolute favorite tradition began when my oldest child, my son, went into the army at only 18 and I was just a little nervous about it. When he went overseas I was even more nervous – and the first Christmas we couldn’t be together he and I decided that no matter where in the world he was (and this went on to include Bosnia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan and a few others) at midnight HIS TIME he and I would sit down, wherever we were, and have a cup of orange spice tea together and think of each other and Christmases past. I always mailed him the teabag way in advance. One time he was in a fox hole type thingy and had a cup of tea with me. I cannot tell you how much those moments meant to he and I both. And now that he’s out of the service and back at home in the states, we continue our Christmas midnight tradition – my firstborn child and I.
Ruthann, I love your blog. Don’t change a thing. You’re blog is a warm cozy blessing after a hard days work. I can’t belive you’ve been blogging for a year. I just stumbled upon you in the last month or so. What a generous giveaway! My family’s tradition is that on Christmas morning we,(all us “kids”) get up really early in the morning for breakfast, presents, and stockings. It used to be when we were little that my older brother would get us up and take us down to the tree. But now that we are older my nieces give us a call bright and early and my dh and I head to town in our jammies to celebrate Christmas morning at my folks’ house!
Keep up the goog work!
I can’t understand people who complain about other’s blogs. If ya don’t like it, don’t read it!
My favorite Christmas tradition is baking cookies. My mom isn’t much of a baker, but it rubbed off on me big time! I like to put some Christmas music on and bake away. I use my grandmother’s recipe for cut-out cookies and I make more than our family could possibly ever eat.
My other favorite tradition is attending the Christmas Eve Candle Light Service at our church. It’s so moving when the lights are low, the candles are gleaming, and people are singing Silent Night.
After moving to the “country” 7 years ago, we were ready for a real, fresh tree. Just a couple miles down the road there is a Christmas Tree Farm where we have gone as a family since moving here. The dog gets to come along, and the kids find it their favorite new Christmas tradition!
Me!! Me!!! Pick ME!!!
My favorite holiday tradition is a little untraditional…
Each Thanksgiving my husband and I (no children) skip the big family thanksgiving meal and go to Gulf Shores Alabama for a very long weekend.
We have Thanksgiving dinner at Bubba’s Seafood Shack. Then get up very early Friday morning and go shopping at the outlet mall and Wal-Mart and do all our Christmas shopping.
Let me tell you- Walmart at the beach is EMPTY on Friday after Thanksgiving!
I found you awhile back…even before I ever had a blog I would look you up and take a peek at what you were up to…I have you saved in my favorite blog list (I hope you don’t mind)…I am always excited to see that you have posted something new. It must feel funny and flattering both at the same time to think there are people discussing you…but, you are an amazing example of a wonderful person…God’s great work…You don’t have to enter me…I just want you to know how much most of us look forward to taking a “peek” into your beautiful life…thank you so much for sharing your joy with us…
Warm Wishes for a beautiful evening,
Hello RuthAnn! Congratulations and happy one year anniversary to your beautiful blog!
I have been a frequent visitor since I found your blog this summer!
You have inspired me in so many ways from the photos of your beautiful decorated home, to your fun trips and getaways, to the fantastic pies and recipes–I’ve made more than a few! But mostly I love the wonderful stories you share of home and family and your love of both and the Lord.
You have made such an incredible impact on me with those. You have inspired and encouraged me to want to do the very best for my own family and home. I particularly enjoyed your post and dressing up and looking our best for our men, and the Snickerdoodle story about encouraging our children. I also enjoyed your story about putting on yummy smelling lotion to tuck in your kiddies!
I am a momma of two little boys (almost 4 and 6 weeks) so I would love to hear more stories from you about raising families and ideas for nurturing our children and balancing all that we homemakers do!
I know you must put so much time into these lovely posts and the great photographs, so I thank you for all that you share with us. You have just been such an amazing blessing to me. You have truly ministered to my heart and I cannot thank you enough for that.
With much gratitude,
Another Cracker Barrel lovin’, apron wearin’, Sarah Palin supportin’, junkin’, baby snugglin’, hubby supportin’, front porch rockin’, sweet tea drinkin’, pie eatin’, fiddle listenin’ country gal!
I so adore you! I needed this post!! My day has been a little stressful. Now I feel so much better. Love your cute give away…..I will keep my fingers crossed. You are such an inspiration,you help me in so many ways. Being a great mother to my two adorable kiddos, and also being a great wife to my wonderful husband. I too, have been blessed with so much…that i don’t forget to count my blessings daily. Lots of hugs to ya’ sista! Love, Nicole my email address is nicmike@earthlink.net since I don’t have a blog.
Ruthann, Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! You exude such warmth in your blog– your bring me joy and inspiration every time I read it, so thank you for that! My favorite family tradition– it’s hard to pick one since all traditions are special– but I think I’ll share a favorite Christmas tradition. Every year our family buys a new ornament for the tree; something that represents the past year. We’re hoping this year our new ornament will represent our joy at moving to a new home– here’s praying for a quick sale of the old one. : )
Ruthann what a wonderful giveaway I love your blog that apron and pearl will look good when I’m pulling my turkey out of the oven..
have a great halloween. One of our favorite family traditions is after thanksgiving dinner we go and walk around our park they decorate it with lights and all kinds of animated figures so we walk all the way around its one mile you need that after dinner so you can have seconds when you get back..
Well shoot I forgot about our christmas tradition. Sorry cupcake!! :-) after Thanksgiving we go to the christmas tree farm and pick out the best christmas tree. When we get home we set it up and decorate as a family while eating homemade treats. Okay, now I’m off to ya’ sista’s in law blog. Love ya’! ;)
Your blog (and more importantly your spirit)inspires me.Congratulations on your 1yr anniversary! I’m a new blogger myself and hope to some day touch as many hearts as you do in this virtual world.
Oh RuthAnn, I am sorry for any negative comments that were made about you. You are a blessing thru and thru! Always uplifting and inspiring! One of our many favorite traditions is to decorate our tree on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. We always have a special ham dinner (pulling out all the stops down to table cloth and candles) and we read the Christmas story from the Bible. It is a walk down memory lane as we hang the ornaments that have been collected over the years. Very special and it starts our holiday season off with scripture and a Godly prespective! Happy Holidays to you!
Wow! A year already?? I absolutely adore your blog and look forward to your posts because they are always so inspiring and uplifting! I have always wanted to be like June Cleaver too and who wouldn’t want to live on Disneylands Main Street??? That place is awesome!
One of my favorite traditions is hunting for the kids special nutcrackers. They get a new one each year and we try to find ones that seem to represent the child or their interests in some way.
Hello Ruthann! That was my mother-in-laws name and she was as sweet as can be:-) Enter me!!! What a generous load of goodies and I love June Cleaver and Donna Reed too:-) One thing we all love to do togehter each Christmas is bake our Italian cookies together. They are alot of work so require lots of help and everyone still gets a kick out of it. Since moving to our new (very old) home a year ago we have also decided Christmas day we will cook our prime rib on the tin kitchen in front of the fireplace, a new tradition and a yummy one too!
Love your blog and I love your giveaway!
Congratulations on your one year anniversary!
Sign me up please! I always look forward to your blogs – you’re a great inspiration.
I cannot wait to see your home during the holidays.
Thanks Ruthann for all you do.
Our favorite holiday tradition is making and decorating a birthday cake for Jesus. We also sing Happy Birthday to Jesus!
Don’t do anything different!! I love your blog just the way YOU ARE! I rarely leave a comment but I always read it faithfully! But I had to comment today – just keep on, keepin’ on sister! You’re loved!
What a generous giveaway!
One of our favorite traditions when my kids were growing up was they got to open their birthday presents the night before their birthday. Then on their actual birthday, they got to pick the menu for the whole day.
My favorite holiday tradition is making a Christmas Eve appitizer dinner for my family. After we eat, we take a drive to visit all the decorated homes. We then come back and open our gifts to each other. We do it this way because we go to Grandma’s house for more gift giving in the morning. This time is special just for my husband, my two kids and me.
Dear Ruthann,
“You go girl”, I say that a lot when I want to encourage someone.I really enjoy your blog so much,in reading it over these past few months I find that we have a lot in common, especially our love for the Lord,our family, and home.
Our favorite tradition is: before we open our gifts on Christmas eve, my husband reads the Christmas story and we have prayer. Our children are grown now,but when they come home they still look forward to papa reading the Story, They have now started this same tradition in their homes. God Is so good!!!
Hello RuthAnn, first let me say, if I haven’t already on another day, that your blog is such a blessing to me! I have also been married a long time (32 years in November) and I was,truthfully, getting pooped out on decorating the house and pleasing the Hubby, among many other things. I had lost my joy. When I came across your blog, it refreshed me, ministered to me, and I found my JOY again!! So Thank You, sweet Sister In Christ.
Our favorite Holiday tradition is to all come together on Christmas Eve, watch a Christmas movie, have some snacks, and really slow down and enjoy each other’s company. We reflect on the past year, and draw close to one another, each one receiving something special,yet non-material, from the other. And this year, we have our darling little Isabella to be Thankful for. Her Sister Mariah watches us from Heaven…and we will reflect on how the Lord has taken such excellent care of us this year!
God’s Blessings to you, Sweet RuthAnn, Kathy L
I love everything about Christmas! After reading all the traditions it sounds like we have a lot in common with each other, doesn’t it?
One tradition that is near and dear to my heart is after the tree is decorated my husband and I take our special “First Christmas Together” ornament (26 years old) and hand in hand we hang it at the top of the tree together.Of course, we have to seal it with a kiss;) When the kids were smaller they would always say “yuk” but they always said it with smiles on their sweet little faces!! To me, love in the home is far better than any present under the tree:)
Thank you so much for letting your precious joy bells ring throughout blogland, Ruthann! You’re the best:)
I hope you have a BIG mixing bowl. I think you will need it to fit in all the names of the gals who will want to be part of this wonderful giveaway:-)
I have been reading your blog since the beginning and absolutely love it. Your posts always make me feel so good. I love the music, photos, cute vintage artwork, recipes and most of all your cheerful way of writing your posts. I admire how you follow your dreams. I have always loved homemaking, but felt like most of my peers thought it was dull. It tickles me to see how you make it so exciting!!
We have quite a few holiday family traditions, but the one that seems to have really stuck is the advent calender. When my boys were little we received one as a gift. To this day they still want to hang it up. They are now 20 and 22
Congratulations to you on your one year anniversary. I hope you stick with it for many more years.
Ruthann, Please don’t ever let anybody get you down. You have no idea how much inspiration you have given me and so many others! I tell my friends about your blog all the time. Really you have taught me to think of my home in a different way! I used to get so bored with some of the tasks that happen repetitively. Now I try to think of them as blessing my family and that makes all the difference. Taking care of my home and family is exactly what I’ve always wanted to do!! You constantly remind us of the value in that job.
Your love for our Heavenly Father shines! Keep it up.
Our favorite tradition (came from my husbands family)is to make apricot tarts on Christmas Eve. They are eaten hot, bubbly, and delicious on Christmas morning.
I just adore you and your blog!! You are a great inspiration and “mentor”. I couldn’t agree with you more about Jesus being the joy in your home.
As far as family traditions. Here is a simple one, but it is always the first one that pops into my mind. When we are “home” (Pennsylvania) for Christmas we always get subs from Berrigans, a local sub shop, for Christmas Eve. We eat them at my grandmother’s home – who happens to be 92 years old, living by herself and still driving her Honda Accord.
What a beautiful package you have put together….I would love to win it…Nov 8th is my birthday, so it would be a perfect win!
We have many holiday traditions, but a couple are,
We have a FORMAL sit down dinner at Thanksgiving. It is very fancy with placecards and cloth napkins…the whole she-bang, and on Christmas Eve (when we celebrate Christmas) we use festive paper plates and have a buffet style dinner.
We always have Monkey Bread for Christmas morning breakfast.
Another tradition that I started with our 2 youngest children is that I buy the special gold wrapped chocolate covered hazelnuts…just 1 each…and we each eat one as soon as the tree is decorated. We turn off all the lights, light the tree and eat a chocolate while we gaze at the beauty of it all!!!!
By the way…I love your blog so much I want to marry it!!!!!
I really do love your blog. If you visit mine, you will see that you were the inspiration to make my very first pie! Therefore, it is imperative that I have pearls and the apron! What a wonderful giveaway.
This is my first holiday season being married, and it will be our baby’s very first Christmas (due on Thanksgiving), so one tradition that we’ve come up with is to make a “Family Box” for Christmas…a box that will contain gifts we select for family use…i.e. games, books, movies, etc. A tradition that I will carry over from my own childhood is setting up the nativity scene underneath the Christmas tree…and re-arranging it, and re-arranging it, and re-arranging it.
I hope I win! Again, I love your blog!
Hi Ruth Ann,
I just love reading your blog.
I have a link to it on mine.
Thanks for sharing. Please add me to your drawing.
Ruthann, I Love, LOVE your blog! I made your snickerdoodles and they were fabulous! My family loves them — the taste, the smell, and the name! :)
Anyway, I guess our favorite holiday tradition is opening one present early on Christmas Eve because we’re all so darned excited!
Again, thanks for your warm, wonderful blog — thanks for sharing your life with us :)
I’m so glad I found your blog, Ruthanne. I always look forward to your next post… as a busy stay-at-home mommy to three, your blog helps to keep me going.
One of our favorite holiday traditions is the opening of our Christmas ornaments on Christmas Eve. Each year my husband and I pick out a special ornament for each of our children, as well as each other. These ornaments always represent the person receiving them in some way. (For example, my oldest son loved dressing up as a firefighter when he was three. I just happened to find an ornament that was a little boy dressing up in too large firefighting paraphernalia that year!) On Christmas Eve we take turns opening our ornaments and hanging each one on the tree. What fun it is to decorate the tree every year after Thanksgiving. Our trimmings always bring back such touching memories!
I enjoy your blog for many reasons, but I think the biggest are that it is so cheerful and encouraging!! Thank you for that. I always feel uplifted after a visit here. ONe of my fav fam traditions around the holidays is to have the kids get on warm jammies, put hot coco in travel mugs, and drive around looking at the Christmas lights.
Oh Ruthann! Another wonderful post from you was so good to read & enjoy this evening! Congratulations on one year of blogging!
Your giveaway items are fabulous! Amen girl! I love the fact that you speak about the Lord in your posts! Without him we would be nothing. :>)
My favorite tradition for Christmas is creating a 'scavanger hunt' for my son & his wife to find their gift from hubby & me. I give them a small box with the first clue, then the search continues as they search & find the next clue until they find the gift. I can't wait to carry on this tradition with our grandbaby who will be born in Feb.
Smiles & hugs to you!
Carol ~ in Oklahoma
I just love love love your blog. Keep up the wonderful work.
Happy Anniversary! I was sent your blog by Judy (www.hisdoorkeeper.blogspot.com) a month or so again. I just LOVE it AND we’re almost neighbors (I live in Flippin, AR). I grew up in Orange Co., California, and went to Disneyland a lot! I wanted to live on Main Street, too! Oh, the wonderful memories.
My favorite Christmas tradition is laying the filled stockings at the foot of my kids beds. I grew up finding my stocking in the middle of the night on my bed… and my kids have had the same pleasure. They are in college now, but they still come home for Christmas and I continue the tradition – even though I’ve been caught a few times!!
Hello Sweet Ruthann!
Congratulations to ONE YEAR of blogging! How blessed we are that you started one! It is my favorite blog! Thank you for being positive, encouraging, loving and supportive. Thank you for all the wonderful decorating ideas, yummy recipes, girly chit-chat, and sharing your love for the Lord! It is very refreshing, especially during these times we are experiencing.
Now for a Family Tradition that has changed our lives forever! For M A N Y years we would gather the kids and in the later years grandchildren to early in the morning and drive 2 hours to a wonderful tree farm to cut down our own Christmas tree and have a tail-gate pinic! We would sing Christmas carols coming and going! We made a day of it and got back when it was dark! We would buy two extra trees and drop them off at the door of someone in need, be it low in spirit or low in funds. We would ring the doorbell and run for the hills, never to be found out. Christ taught to give and love one another and this was one way we put Christ teachings into action!
I adore your blog and all that you write about. I think your home is charming and I love to look at photos of it. I’m thrilled that you have having such an incredible giveaway and I desperately hope that I win. But, if I do win, I hope that I can persuade you to autograph the books that you wrote as well as write something inspiring in that amazing looking cookbook too. Keeping my fingers crossed and saying a prayer that I can win!!!
Happy Anniversary. I am so blessed that you blog.
Uh oh! When I posted my comment earlier, I forgot to add my favorite holiday tradition. Well, I come from a family with LOTS of traditions, but I’ll share this one.
Every Christmas my parents, my sister’s family and our family ‘do’ our big celebration when we can all get together. After we eat a big meal and share the real meaning of Christmas, we always open gifts from youngest to oldest with everyone watching as each gift is opened. It makes the fun last longer, and we all get to enjoy seeing what each other receives instead of everyone tearing paper and ripping open boxes all at once! :o) It just seems to make the time together more special and meaningful!
Once again, thanks for such a great give-away!
Amy O.
Miss Ruth Ann, I have a question. I’m the dessert gal for our family Thanksgiving Celebration and I would love for you to share a recipe for pumpkin pie. I’d love to bake some pies from scratch and who better to ask than you!
Whoops. Third comment (sorry) Okay, so you know I desperately want to win, but I just remembered (and double checked) and you want to know my favorite family holiday tradition.
For Thanksgiving…We have always (for as long as I can recall) gotten together at my mom & dad's house – to me this is great.
But, for my husband, myself, and my children…my favorite holiday tradition is that every single night from the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas Day, I read a different holiday story each evening. On Christmas Eve I always read the REAL Christmas Story and 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. That is definitely my favorite tradition and each year I purchase a new book to add to our holiday collection – I hope that my children all carry on this tradition with their families.
Please do not ever stop blogging nor let anyone steal your joy. You truly are an inspiration and wish I had you as a next door neighbor to encourage me in my role as wife, mother and keeper of my home. We as women need so much encouragement in our roles that can only come from like minded strong Godly Christian women. Prayerfully one day my family and I will move from CA to the country where life is much simpler and slower.
As far as our holiday traditions on T-giving before any food is eaten we go around the table and everyone must say what they are thankful for. This causes all of us to be reflective on what is truly important which is Christ, family and friends. For Christmas we spend a day making and decorating gingerbread houses, cookies, candies and then we sit down to watch Its A Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th St (the original B&W). Awww, I smell the molasses, fat and sugar but my heart is all warm and fuzzy. Its overfilled with joy and peace because I have my family and good food while making wonderful memories to carry on.
While I am decorating challenged you truly inspire me to do the little things for my family.
Be Blessed,
Rebecca S. mama87@aol.com
I have two boys, ages 8 and 4. Right now our favorite things to do at Christmas is to decorate the tree and house, drive around and look at Christmas lights, and go to the Christmas parade our town has every year. So I guess those are our favorite traditions. We are working on making more traditions.
I enjoy your blog and am always inspired when I read it. I would love to win this great package!
Hi Ruthann,
I love your blog and it’s inspirational messages (and the Snickerdoodles were great too!) You inspire to just kick up my heels and spend some time with my daughter, whether it’s over the mixing bowl or just a little snuggle on the couch with a good book.
We have so many family traditions — going to the Christmas tree farm to pick out our tree, going to see our local light display on our town Green light up, driving around to check out decorated houses, watching “A Christmas Story” over and over — but my favorite has to do with baking (of course!) I love to bake Christmas cookies, and I think there is no greater satisfaction that decorating those little gingerbread people with my little girl and retro music blaring in the background. That is just Christmas to me — the smell of the gingerbread, the cute little icing decorations, the music, and the time spent with my little one.
LoVe the blog…keep up the wonderful tips on vintage homemaking and baking..love all the pics and stories too. I am planning on starting my own blog soon. Any advise would be appreciated. I also appreciate the daily inspirations.. A Christmas tradition I have is placing my 26 year old daughter’s baby shoes on the tree and the memories flow to when she was only 6 months old for her first Christmas. It makes me realize how precious and short life is and puts me in the right frame of mind for the holidays.
Happy Anniversary to you on your wonderful blog!
DeeDee Dinah
I love your blog! and I love that you share a slice of your life on your blog…. :-)
Our favorite tradition would be the getting of new jammies on Christmas Eve and putting them on while opening ONE small item from our stocking!!!
I just recently found your blog, and I absolutely love it. My favorite family tradtion happens at my grandmother’s house on Christmas Eve. We dress the younger grandchildren and great-grandchildren up as Mary, Joseph, a lamb, a donkey, and angels. (There are few boy cousins, so we don’t get many shepherds!) As Grama Jo (who is 83 this year) reads the Christmas story from Luke, the children sweetly act it out. Then we sing “Silent Night.”
Dear Ruthann,
How lovely to have the name Ruthann!So homey and loving! I’ve been reading your blog since June when some lovely “farmchick friends” introduced you to me. I want to live in your home, be your neighbor and have you as my mentor, all at once!!!! YOu put into words what my heart feels! My day is so much more joyful after I’ve read something on your blog. If I had any computer skills at all I would blog too, but alas,no.
You asked us to describe a tradition, and my family has one that we started the year before my daughter was born and she is almost 20. The weekend before Christmas we head to Leavenworth,WA for our little get away.We stay at a beautiful hotel, that is more like and inn. A large, 2 story lobby with a massive fireplace, comfy furniture, hot coffee and cider. Every evening there are carols around the grand piano and everyone sings along. My daughter was even asked to play a song one year and our friends daughter sang a song. People come in their pj’s and we all have so much fun! In the morning there is a large breakfast on the top floor with panoramic views of the Cascade Mountains. Made to order omelets, fresh baked pastries, ham, sausage, juice, cocoa and so much more. The owner comes out twice each morning, climbs on the outdoor balcony ledge and plays the Alpenhorn in full German costume. It is breathtaking1
We have always let the kids open one gift on the first night, beneath the tree. It’s nothing big, but they look forward to it just the same.Sometimes we arrive in time to follow the wisemen, from downtown to across the highway and to the Nazarine church where there is a performance of a live nativity. It’s so wonderful to see the police halting traffic on a major hiway so that we can seek Jesus!!! We go sledding, cross-country skiing, antiquing, shopping, coffee drinking, swimming, pingponging and spend lots of time playing games and eating til we can hardly move. We are coming up on our 21st year and have been sharing it with our dear friends for the past 5. It lets us unwind and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Thanks for letting me share and please enter me in your contest! Holly
I truly love your blog. Don’t comment very often on any blog, but I do love reading it. There is so much good information in them. I love how you weave stories to things that we really need to know. Please don’t worry about those that don’t want you talking about our Lord. You are so right without Him we would be nothing.
For the traditions we have. We read the Christmas story out of the Bible each Christmas. It is so very important to know that story. Also for Thanksgiving we list things we are thankful for.
Sign me up too!
I can almost smell your home through your blog..lovely!
My favorite holiday memory includes my Momma, she has been gone 21 years this fall, but I still remember
the day after Thanksgiving, she would put on the holiday music and we would
start making cookies. Then we would start decorating the house while the cookies baked.I can still smell it when I hear those songs.
I enjoy your blog and would be honored to win your giveaway. I cant believe someone would mention that you speak about God to much. Without him, we wouldnt be here, he is everything and everywhere.
Anyways, I hope you continue to write and blog about everything that makes you – You!
Have a great evening,
Okay….for someone who does not really like to cook (I guess it’s really about the cleanup afterwards) my sister, my 2 girls, and myself are all in the kitchen cooking while singing Christmas carols and just all being “sisters”! Even though my sister and I are a “mature age”, we revert back to our childhood days and you never know what will happen. I just wish mom was still alive to see us in the kitchen….she wouldn’t have believed her eyes! This “tradition” didn’t start until she passed away 8 years ago and we had NEVER cooked a Thanksgiving/Christmas meal. She always did it all, pretty much!
P.S. I hope you have many more anniversaries to come!
Hi RuthAnn, I’m so glad you didn’t let any of those comments affect you in any way. I agree with the ones who said, if people don’t like a blog, why read it?? I, for one, LOVE your blog and I am so inspired and blessed by it. I, too, am an “over the top” decorator for every holiday and season. My kids love it and so do I, so why not?? You are also inspiring me to try to bake my own pie.I do think you are inspiring many women to go the extra mile for their families and make a cozy home instead of just going through the motions. We need your inspiration and I am so glad you are going to keep blogging.
We have so many, many holiday tradiitons, it is hard to pick one. ONe of my favoites though, and also my kids, is to kick off the holiday season by going to my mom’s the day before Thanksgiving and we all help prepare the meal, even my 6-year-old. She and her Papaw tear up the bread for the stuffing. We stick everything in the fridge and Mom pulls it out and puts in the oven Thanksgiving morning and we are back over there at noon to eat!! We have a great day on Thanksgiving, eating and playing games together with all the cousins. The day after Thanksgiving, all the autumn decorations are put away and a Christmas/Winter Wonderland appears. Of course it takes us the whole weekend to get everything in place. We play Christmas music and drink yummy drinks while we decorate. We wait a week or so to put our tree up because we always get a real one. We put up three smaller artificial trees in other rooms and save the great room for the real one. We love the Season and the Reason for the Season!!
Thanks you again, for your wonderful inspiring pictures, stories and observations.
I love your blog so much I want to marry it. Ha Ha. Actually you have changed my life. My whole life has been centered around my family. When my husband died I moved and am just finally getting back to really wanting to make my home a place for my children and grandchildren. I have time to shop and decorate. Our families memories are so good when I think of our trips to the beach for the Thanksgiving weekend. Several times we were able to build a bon fire on the beach.
Be yourself honey there isn’t anyone like you.
I don’t have a blog yet but if I do I hope it’s as positive and inspirational as yours.
Hi Ruthann!!
I checked in early this morning with you….no new post, but so happy I checked back tonight!!
I enjoy your blog so much!!
I love your posts because of
1. the way you love your family.
2. the way you decor your home.
3. the way you call us readers “honey” – too cute!
4. the way you want to “marry” things you love – way, way too cute!
5. Last, and most certainly NOT least, but most important, the way you love Jesus. When we love Christ, you shout it from the rooftops!!
Take care and keep up the posts!! I am looking forward to your Christmas posts and decorations!!
Karen in Texas
What a wonderful give away! I just recently found your blog and love it! It gives me such a warm, nostalgic, inspired feeling. Congratultions! Narita
Congratulations on your first blogging anniversary! That’s quite a milestone! I love your blog and the energetic way you encourage my heart! I am so glad that thought I may never meet you in ‘real life’ I plan to be baking a few pies with you in heaven to be giving to Jesus! A mansion’s just got to have a kitchen, right? Just think of the fruit that will be there!
Your giveaway is so lovely and generous! I just lined a felted wool purse with those same fabrics used in the lovely bowed apron. Yummy!
As far as my favorite ‘holiday’ tradition, well we have so many! But to keep our hearts focused on the Reason we celebrate Christmas, we dispel the atmosphere of frenzy that is almost palatable in our shopping experiences around Christmas by saving up our quarters all fall long and tucking them in our pockets every time we must brave the crowds and go shopping. ( Can you tell I’m not a shopper?) Then, on our way both in and out, we slip a few coins into the Salvation Army Kettles and pray for those who will be blessed by our small gifts once we get back in the car. It’s really quite a dear little tradition, and it blesses us far more then the little bit we add to the pot, I’m sure!
Hi Ruthann!
Congratulations on blogging and inspiring homemakers for a whole year! I wish you many more years to come. :-) I would love to please be entered in your giveaway.
My favorite family holiday tradition is putting up the Christmas decorations the weekend after Thanksgiving. My daughter helps me while my husband and son go to the deer lease. I love to see my guys’ faces when they get home and walk into a warm, candle lit, good smelling, christmas-y home! :-)
Mrs. H. :-)
My holiday tradition is very simple, my grown children to this day REQUIRE Santa to give them flavored popcorn and the Lifesavor book of candy. I don’t know what I’ll do if they ever stop making either! lol. I didn’t do it one year and I couldn’t believe the flack I got over it. Never again!
Oh please sign me up for this awesome giveaway.
My familys favourite tradition is that every Christmas my husband and I buy eachother Penguin ornaments. We hope one day to have an entirely penguin christmas tree!
Congratulations Ruthann! You are so adorable! I have loved your blog since I started blogging just a few months ago. I hope I will reach a year successfully like you!
Congrats again!
Ruthann your blog is wonderful just the way it is. Once again you’ve inspired me to action! I’ve been procrastinating about writing a kids book but haven’t done it, any tips? My family’s favourite Christmas tradition is every year since hubby and I married we buy one special tree ornament to commemorate something that happened that past year. My tree has become a yearbook of sorts for our family. Keep blogging! Donna
Congratulations on your one year blog anniversary! How exciting for you! Your blog is so much fun to read, your give-away looks wonderful. Please add my name to the drawing. Thank you.
We have many but one of my most favorites, is when our family bundles up in scarves & sweaters and get in the car w/ little doggies included.
We hit out favorite drive-thru coffee place and order peppermint chocolate coffees with mounds of whipped cream and drive around with the car windows half way down with the cold air hitting on our faces and look at Christmas lights. We have our favorite neighborhoods that we drive through and its fun to see each year what new item they have included. We do it several times through out the month of December.
Golly Ruthann, a whole year! Congratulations! I love peeking into your life, and you provide me with so much daily inspiration. I would love to own my own June Cleaver kit, so here is my favourite tradition (my family has a fair few!):
My favourite family Christmas tradition is the Christmas pudding. My Grandmother’s sister never married, and she lives alone in the house where she was born. She really is the sweetest, kindest lady. Every year she is in charge of the Christmas pudding. All the family children still at school go to her house a few weeks before Christmas and help stir the pudding mix, in age order oldest to youngest, while saying out loud a wish for themselves and a wish for someone else. Then she stirs in the coins and boils. It’s such a special tradition for our whole family!
Best wishes, Jenjen.
I just started reading your blog and it’s a lot of fun to look at! Please enter me in your giveaway. Congratulations on your anniversary!
I love your blog and cant wait for the next post, how sad that some people have nothing better than to be negative about how another person chooses to live.
I live in England so wouldnt expect to enter your giveaway, however here is my favourite holiday tradition.
We all go a a family to choose our tree. We come home and put on some christmas music whilst we ALL decorate it. Once we have the tree done we make hot chocolate, turn out the lights and snuggle up together and just look at how beautiful and peacefull it all seems.
Take Care,
Sarah x
Love your blog, love Jesus! Please enter me in your give-a-way.
Love your blog, love jesus. Please enter me in your drawing. Sharon
well, some people will always find something negative to say, right? I've been popping in for a while via bloglines :) and would love to be entered in your drawing…
BTW, Happy Blogversary :) and mannnnnnyyyyyy mooooorrreeee…yes, I sing as well in cyberspace as I do in Real Life :)
our family holiday traditions are still in a state of flux as our family's points on a map spread out…sigh…but change can be an opportunity for bettering too…
so one thing we've done is eliminate a big Christmas Eve spread…it is now waffle night and we spend it quietly at home with family, listening to Christmas music, just hanging out together…not spending the day cooking and cleaning makes it easier to fit in last minute Christmas visits with friends and family and makes it easy to not feel overwhelmed with the hustle & bustle of Christmas Day itself :)
Hi Ruthann! Our favorite Christmas tradition is on Christmas Eve, we put our 3 and 5 year old girls to bed and then read the Christmas story. Then, one of us “goes to the car” because “we forgot something” and ring sleighbells in the yard. The kids love it :) The kids leave out cookies and milk for Santa and oats and carrots for the reindeer. After they are asleep, we chew up a few carrots so it looks like the reindeer ate them, make hoof marks in the oats, and leave footprints in the snow. It has always been magical to see the kids realize that Santa was really there :)
Jenny B
Christmas eve, every year, we read the Christmas story outloud, even to our now grown up children, along with The Night before Christmas. Everyone still loves it!
Wonderful giveaway RuthAnn!
Your blog is like warm sweet pie honeychild!!
I love the music(ok, I’m a southern gal who has now transplanted to the north). I loooooove aprons!! (Don’t you just love to go antiquing and find the mother load of aprons,and all of those other wonderful kitchen nic- nacs). And I loooove Jesus and my family the most!!
Happy anniversary!! I have just recently found your blog and it puts a smile on my face to read it!
Our family traditions are wonderful but I’ll only name these two. We started celebrating advent when we had children,to add something new to our own little unique family. We have the traditional advent but with a few extras!(Everything is better with a little sprinkle of fun on top).On Christmas Eve we always have a wonderful spread of homemade goodies and that wonderful sparkling grape juice,(don’t you just love that stuff!).
We have our advent wreath all lit up and candlelight everywhere,then my husband reads the Christmas story and we have communion. That part I have done since childhood and it is so special to see all of your sweet babies around a candlelit room remembering thier Lord and Savior.
The other thing we do is
count down the days for my little ones,(it is so very hard to wait for Christmas when you are so fresh from God). First I take a long piece of cord,rope or twine and hang it from the fireplace and place 25 little socks all in various colors, shapes and sizes from clothespins (that country girl has to show her head every now and then),then I put a little surprise in one each morning so the honey’s get all excited to get up and check the socks.When we are done we take down that sock,and the ones left are how many more days til’ Christmas!
Well I have rambled on long enough! I will leave you with this quote that I just love.
“I am still determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may be,for I have also learned from experience that the great part of our happiness or misery depends upon our disposition and not our circumstances.”
Martha Washington
Have a blessed holiday season!
Hi Ruthann, I enjoy your blog and think it’s refreshing in this world of ours that someone is excited about our God-given role!:o) One family tradition for Thanksgiving…I have to make sweet potato biscuits for breakfast…a very southern dish on my daddy’s side of the family.
My favorite tradition is bundling up in the car on a cold night with hot chocolate and homemade cookies. We put on Christmas music and drive around looking at Christmas lights.
I just love your blog!!!!
Every Christmas since we were married we purchased a special ornament for the tree with the year on it. it is so much fun to pull these out every year and remember the different years spent together, this year we celebrated our 20th anniversary so we have 20 special ornaments to put on the tree this year.
I love your blog! I think there are a lot of us June Cleaver types out there and as one Christiqn woman to another, one of the joys of blogging has been finding all the sisters in Christ who have such beautiful blogs and fun attitudes:>) Our favorite Christmas tradition is our advent tea paties. Each night of advent we put together a tea with special favorite finger foods, sparkling juices and candle light. We have done this since our girls were little and it is more important to them than the gifts! We have a reading of the Christmas story and just celebrate the real reason for Christmas.
Wellll, I happen to LOVE ya!!!!! I KNOW you are for real, because you belong to Jesus and are not afraid to day so!! I have been married 40 years next Spring, and my husband and I always open 1 special gift for each other on Christmas eve (in earlier years, after the kids were in bed). It is a special time for us together . I love it.
Merry Christmas!!!
Diana in Illinois
quilt4u @ verizon.net
Goodness, you learn something new every day! What a wonderful giveaway…I’d love to be included. Your blog is a delight through and through…I’m so glad that you’re not going to worry about trying to please everybody.
What a delicious post. You are such an encouragement to so many Keepers of Home.
Let’s see, traditions? Well, all of my adult life we have gathered at my parents house on Christmas eve with the whole family that continues to grow bigger and bigger every year. I only have one sister but we have grown into a pretty big bunch spanning 4 generations. Mom has Alzheimer’s now so we have scaled back the celebration. This year we will all gather at the guest house on their property so the girls and I can handle the decorating, cooking and clean up so she doesn’t have to. Life goes on, praise God and we just have to keep reinventing our traditions to accommodate illness, new birth and everything in between.
Blessings Sweetheart!
I love your blog. It always reminds me of why I love to be at home, caring for my family and our home. You inspire me. And I love that you know and love Jesus. ‘Cause that’s the most important thing.
This is a wonderful giveaway! Hmmm… I love traditions. Our children are only 5 and 2, but we’re already trying to incorporate multiple traditions in our home.
Each year in November, we head to a town about 2 hours away. There is this huge store called Kraynak’s. They have a big decorated Christmas tree display. Each display has a theme. The kids love it. They also have TONS of ornaments and other Christmas stuff. So each year we let the kids pick out their favorite ornament for on our tree. When they’re older, I’m going to give them their box of ornaments to have for their own trees. They each have their own special wooden box that stores their ornaments.
Kraynak’s also has all the old-fashioned wooden and tin toys, so we usually purchase some C-mas gifts here ’cause there’s nothing like the oldies. Then we finish the day up with dinner out at Bob Evans.
It’s always such a great time, and we look forward to it every year.
We have so many family traditions that we love that it is hard to pick just one. At Thanksgiving the children love to make butter for all to use at the supper. They take heavy whipping cream and put it in a small container with a tight fitting lid and shake it until it turns into a solid. You can add salt before shaking if you want salted butter. They have been doing this since they were toddlers and still enjoy it. On Dec. 6 we celebrate St. Nicholas Day since we have never used Santa in our Christmas celebration. We once studied the real St. Nicholas and found he gave all he had to help those around him because of his love for Jesus. He gave without letting any one know where it came from. We bake treats and make up goody bags and take them after dark to neighbors and those in need. The children take turns sneaking them onto their porch and knock on the door then run. We enjoy the thought of giving without the praise or thanks. Just knowing we did something good for some one else.
Ruthann, I love your blog. It has been such a blessing to me. I loved your description of your relationship with Christ our Lord and this is also a blessing to me as my husband of only 8 years is battleing a deadly disease of cancer and cirrosis of the liver. Someone will be blessed with the wonderful gifts and cute apron and can have a memento from you and your blog as well. Thanks so much, Rita
.. your bloggy has been sitting on my side bar FOREVER… know why??? Cause I love your blog so much I want to MARRY IT!!! ~smile~~
After the year I have had..I could sure use pick me up goodies!!
What a fantastic giveaway! Please count me in! :)
As far as my favorite holiday tradition… hmmm. It’s so hard to pick just one. I guess I’ll go with our most unusual one which is to get together with my Blue Star Moms group in early December and pack up care packages to send to our deployed troops overseas. We want our troops to know that they are loved always, but especially at Christmas. We get local kids to write letters and we usually include a mini stocking or some other little Christmas trinket along with snacks, socks, and other goodies.
Holidays Traditons…where do I begin? There are certain recipes that MUST be made and baked..each of my children have a favorite. I purchase an ornament for each of the kids and grandchildren. Since we no longer live in a “cold environment” we make a trip up the mountain for a Christmas breakfast one Saturday morning in December before Christmas… But the most meaningful and important one to me is setting out “the church”. I have an “antique” church that was always under my tree while growing up and it now belongs to me. It’s always been placed under our tree as well. It’s made from plastic…kinda like bakelite, lights up and plays “Silent Night”. After carefully placing it where it will always be seen amongst the gifts, we then, as a family sing the song “Silent Night”. It’s so special and just wouldn’t be Christmas without it. The church is at least 60+ years old. My parents had it long before I came into this world…and it will be passed down to one or all of my children when I leave to live with my Heavenly Father.
Thanks for having such an inspirational blog… I love coming and reading all of your ideas, thoughts and recipes…
Please, pick me! I wear an apron and usually pearls nearly every day and a girl can never have too many.
My holiday tradition is that we travel on Thanksgiving to my in-laws in Ohio (we’re in GA) and spend the week with them. We celebrate Christmas with them on Thanksgiving night after we’re all full. We also watch “It’s a Wonderful Life” on Thanksgiving day instead of football-my husband and FIL are not sports fans-hallelujah.
My favorite holiday tradition is listening to G.T. and the Halo Express cd (the Christmas one!) while putting up the Christmas tree. We started that when I was a kid, and I have continued that tradition on now that I’m married and have a daughter!
I just discovered your blog, and I’m hooked! :)
tbmroberts at yahoo dot com
Oh congratulations on your Anniversary, I adore your blog, your decorating, your writing, and I know you can do all those things so well because of Jesus…..you are right, we can do All things thru him! And personally I have never read any of your posts and thought oh well there was a little too much of this or that in there…..plus having our own blogs lets us show who we are….a little glimpse into our world, if people are not happy visiting then that is the wonderful thing about it, they do not have to feel obligated to return! I have learned so much from you, I read your post on the snickerdoodles everday to remind myself of all the wonderful things I can be saying to my children….you are at the top of my bloglist girl! keep em’ coming!!!!!
I would have to say one of the fave traditions we do here is my son who is 13 and my daughter who is 6…..have started the tradition of them making their own chocolate covered pretzels and wrapping them, and tieing them up with festive ribbon. We inlclude these in small baskets we deliver to friends the week of xmas….with homemade bread or jam and candies. It is like they have their own little system and factory going…we love it. So this will be something we continue on!
And your giveaway is TREMENDOUS!!!!
PS ….I soooooo want to move to Branson!!! It is just gorgeous!!!!
I absolutely love your blog! Yes, you are over the top in your decorating…but I love it!!!! I get sooooo many great ideas from you. And your recipes, oh my, they are wonderful!
One of our traditions, that we just love, is our whole Christmas Eve… we go to the early service at 4:00. Then as soon as we get home we set out our luminaries (that our whole neighborhood does) and get them lit. We have a light supper of panninis and oyster bisque. Then around 8:00 everyone puts on their jammies and we load into the car and ride around the neighborhood looking at the chirstmas lights and lumminaries! My family looks forward to this every year!
Love you blog and all of your Godly encouragment-so dear to my heart! I have a 3 year old son, so we are just started to do traditions since he is a bit older now…but something I have always done is take a family pic in front of our tree (with our dogs before we had our son :) and send that as our christmas card…I love receiving them from our loved ones too-I am a picture gooroo!
I love your blog, and what a wonderful giveaway. Keep doing what you’re doing. Our main Thanksgiving tradition is our menu. We have certain dishes that it is just not the holiday without. Both of my kids (grown) say Thanksgiving is their favorite holiday.
I love your blog and would love to be included in your giveaway. I love all of your advice and inspirations. Congrats on your anniversary.
I’ve had a great time reading your blog the past few months. I, too, want to be a good pie maker but haven’t mastered it yet. Your home is beautiful, and a sweet spirit comes across when reading your postings. — Michele
Baking with friends is my own favorite holiday tradition. We don't have a big family so that's one thing that I do every year.
Sign me up for the generous giveaway….. your very own books & that sweet apron.
You have a lovely inspiring blog & I'm adding it to my blog roll. Will you add mine to yours? Take care, DebraK
My name is Danielle Spence and I am from Surprise,Az. My mom turned me onto your blog yesterday acutally and I spent the better part of the day reading from when you started until the present. Whew!!! I am hooked. So, I am wondering if you are willing to share your peach pie recipe. It looked sooo good with dabs of butter or something on it. LOL!!
As for my family tradition. Every Christmas Day after the big dinner we have a Talent Show. Eveyone gets involoved from the grandparents, greatgrandparents, uncles, aunt, cousins, neices you name it. It’s a blast. Some are thrown together the night before and others are well thought out. We all get a good laugh. Of course they are all done to Christmas songs. I lovvvvveeee Christmas.
Thanks for reading. lyssalous00@yahoo.com
I forgot my favorite tradition. Usually every weekend after Thanksgiving my mom comes to my house and we put out all of my Christmas decorations and spend a wonderful day together!
Oh how fun!! My favorite holiday tradition is reading the Christmas story straight from the Bible and seeing my kids’ understanding grow year by year. :-)
Firstly, I have to say how much I enjoy your blog, your genuine…ness, your love of your faith, home and family and your warm spirit….I get goose bumps when I read the excitment in your posts….keep on bloggin…. My favoirte Holiday Tradition is our family putting up our “main” Christmas tree together. It is simply the best watching my children’s faces light up with each ornament with special memories….I would love to be entered in your blogversary give away. Thanks Ruthann
Happy Bloggy Anniversary!!! What a very generous giveaway, I’d love to be entered! I must say, as a fellow Jesus lovin’, kid huggin’, homemaker, that I just love to read your blog!!! It really is a source of inspiration :)!
Our favorite holiday traditions revolve around Christmas. Every Christmas Eve we go to church service then drive around to look at lights and listen to Christmas carols! Once home, we open just one present (always a new set of jammies or a nightgown), get changed, and listen to the family patriarch (my father) read “The Night Before Christmas”! He reads it each year, and has ever since I was born! Even when my sister and I are at our in-laws, we’ll schedule a family conference call and listen to “the reading” (as we refer to it) while looking along in our personal family copy. I just love this tradition!!! Christmas morning is fun, too, because we always eat Christmas cookies and oranges for breakfast while opening gifts!
Thanks for the giveaway chance!
R- Congratulations and sweet sprinkle blessings from heaven to you! It’s such a treat visiting your blog–I’ve gotten so many wonderful ideas and been truly inspired to make my home a haven for my family. You rock!
Our family has lots of traditions, but I’d have to say my two favorites involve Christmas. First, we always take an evening or two to drive around various neighborhoods to look at the lights. The kids dress in their PJ’s and have snacks and cocoa. The other tradition I love is that we set aside lots of evenings to watch different Christmas movies togeher that we love – Elf, A Christmas Story, Miracle on 34th Street, Rudolph, It’s a Wonderful LIfe,Polar Express, etc. My kids are now 8 and 12 so our choices are growing every year. It really puts us in the mood. I think we’ll be adding “The Nativity” to our list this year.
Enter me in your drawing please!
Wishing you God’s peace and blessings,
Ruthann, your blog has been such an encouragement to me. The REASON I love it so much is the joy you share with us in your relationship with God. Homemaking is a calling from Him and you bless us so much with all of the wisdom and inspiration that you share. Thank you.
My favorite holiday tradition is reading the Christmas Story of Jesus’ birth in front of the cozy fireplace with candles all around. Then we have a birthday cake for Jesus and we all offer Him a gift: whether it be a song, a prayer, a resolution or poem, we each offer praise to Him in our own way. It is the most meaningful tradition to me as it keeps our eyes on the Reason for the Season.
Sign me up :) My favorite family tradition may sound silly…..but it’s rice crispy treats!!!! We have made these for Christmas since I was a kid and now I make them with my guys!! We tint them green or red and we have such fun doing it!!
I would love for you to sign me up for the giveaway! I’ve got lots of vintage aprons, but I’d LOVE a new one!! It was difficult “overhearing” what people were saying about you, wasn’t it? People can be so mean! You’re wonderful! I’ve loved reading each of your stories. Some brought tears to my eyes, laughter to my face and happiness in my heart. If others don’t want to read your blog or find it unappealing, well, they’ve got the choice not to read it, don’t they? For those of us that love it, please keep up the GREAT work! We love reading it. Why look at the number of people that responded to just one blog, 142!! If that doesn’t mean you have the attention of LOTS of us, nothing does! We appreciate your efforts and LOVE seeing pictures of your house. Maybe this is a simple case of jealousy. Could that be it?? Look forward to many more! Hugs, Euna
Congratulations on your blogging anniversary and what a great give-away you are doing!
Which tradition to choose? Is it the one where we sit down together as a family watching Merry Christmas Charlie Brown? Or the one where I bake cookies with my 6-year-old son and we go door-to-door in the neighborhood to hand them out? Or the one where I get to make my sugar pie (a take on a pecan pie but without pecans) which I have had every Christmas growing up? Decorating the house? The list goes on.
Thanks for your beautiful blog and for entering me in your giveaway.
Many sweet blessings!
Thanks for a great giveaway! I think my favorite Holiday Tradition is putting our little girl in Christmas pj’s on christmas Eve and piling into bed together and reading The Night Before Christmas and 1 other Christmas book that her grandparents give her every year on Christmas Eve. The wonder and amazement of a child at Christmas is priceless
I’m fairly new to your blog, and am loving every post! You are such an inspiration..and your home is just beautiful. Definitely done out of love and joy!
My favorite holiday tradition is buying a new or old ornament for each of my boys every year. I make sure it reflects their personalities or dreams. I have such fun searching for each one!
Have a wonderful day!
I forgot to include our family tradition. We start decorating for Christmas around the first of December so we can get it all “just right!” I have tons of vintage Santas, trees, nutcrackers and Christmas houses. My tree only has vintage ornaments. We turn on Christmas music and for hours unpack boxes and boxes while sipping warm mulled cider. Thanks for all that you mean to each of us! I also forgot to include my email: flantiquer@cox.net. Happy Holidays!! Hugs, Euna
I came across your blog awhile back and after reading your blog today thought how wonderful it would be to win your give-away. One of my favorite things to do for the holidays is to get new pjs for everyone to wear before the big day! Also I love to read books to my three children on what ever holiday it might be that is coming up! Lacy
Ruth Ann, I love you and your blog. Whenever I see another post on ‘Warm Pie, Happy Home’ it’s like “OH HONEY!” LOL!
Our favorite holiday tradition – wow there is so many to chose from! One is to watch ‘Polar Express’ on Christmas Eve with hot chocolate wrapped in blankets. :) And my children always insist on cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning after we open gifts! Nothing very original but so very precious to me! :)
Please enter me in your GLORIOUS drawing! Oh Honey!
Lady in the Making
oh my darlin darlin friend…i am so blessed to have you in my life and now all these wonderful women of the world can have the chance to have you inspire them as i have been over the years…you are the most beautiful, loving, friend and we are so blessed to have you share all your wisdom and encouragement!
i’m glad you shared…i hope and pray it brings healing in your heart! i know we women, and friends need you and the talents that God has given you to share! i am thankful you are obeying his will…we need you!
thank you for opening up this wonderful blog of spiritual and emotional encouragement! mommies today need all the help we can get…to be proud of the road we have chose to love and nuture our wonderful families…you help us all do that!
look at all the love from ladies who need you…and though we don’t know their faith…you shine yours…and love them and pray for them and their families how amazing is that gals!!!
wow what a giveaway…i know i have these books and they have brought my family through much pain and joy…i have used these as tools for starting a magical family and home! i am one who has been blessed by your talent!!!!
so although you know ooodles of christmas goodies about me…i still want that darn adorable apron…so here goes…one wonderful christmas goodie is we listen to christmas music every day all day starting now! yep its on now…and we read wondeful christmas books…every night… as a family…i think our tradition is…starting early to enjoy so much of what the season is about…taking in every weekend and moment,smell,warmth,sight,sound, taste,and feeling of the christmas holiday…and on the magical part…we’ve got 47 christmas trees to put up…every shape and size…woooo weee i’ve gotta get started!!!
any who…thank you for blessing thousands of women every day…you inspire us to be better mommies…God bless my friend love ya….cat
Hi Ruthann! I just want to say that visiting you’re blog has been a blessing for me! It feels so good to have a warm and wholesome place to visit online! Whenever I need a “pick me up”, or need to remember how important my job as a wife and stay at home is I come and read through you’re posts. It also always cheers me up to see you’re beautiful home, I LOVE you’re decorating style so much I want to marry it!!! :) I have a few questions, and a prayer request. Please pray for my Mom Bobbie. We are in the process of finding out if she has Lung Cancer. a CT scan found a mass on 1 lung, and some spots on the other. We are waiting for the results of the biopsy. I am asking all Christians to pray for us to stay strong through this tough time. Thanks!! Now a few questions….. I love you’re apple garlands, pie lamp,apron that you have on in you’re header, and the faux peppermint candy and lollypops that you had a pic of in one of you’re posts. Can you please tell me where I might find them. I would love to have them! :)I live in so. california, I would love to shop with you next time you are here! If you can email me when you have a free moment, that would be great!! I am at lugom@me.com Thanks! Marta
I so enjoy your blog! I was thrilled to see a new post! Your music, your pics—take me back to a time before mine, but it seems like such a homey era! Your words and ideas shared surely do give my day a pick-me-up! JoAnnainOregon
Hi Ruthann,
Your blog is an inspiration to us all! I think the Sister mentioned in your post DOESN'T have enough of the Lord in her life! If she only knew what she was missin! So, I suggest we pray for her. :)
My son & I enjoy our time together as we decorate our tree. Hot cocoa for him, Hot apple cider for me, while cozy in our pajamas watching one of the Classic Christmas Stories on television. He's 13 and his Grandparents started a tradition the year he was born to buy him his own ornaments, I too have done the same and he has so many that we put up a tree in his room as well. He comments on how he enjoys coming home to the scents and sights of the season and tells me he loves his "Cozy Home"
God Bless you and your Family.
Smiles, Jacqueline
Love you blog! You’d be such a fun person to know in real life. :)
We’ve never been big on family traditions during the holidays but we do have one that we all love; that is on Christmas morning after breakfast but before opening gifts we read the Luke 2 announcement of baby Jesus’ arrival. Then we say a prayer thanking God for sending His son and for God’s provision for us. God is good!
Please sign me up for the giveaway.
“Andrea L.”
My gosh! So many comments! You touch a cord with women. Knowing you, I’m sure you still read all their comments! I just want to crawl inside your world…I am…on your blog! Somebody should publish this as a book (hint to publishers out there). You’re always in my prayers. Congratulations on ONE YEAR!!!!!
Oh, I forgot to thank you for mentioning my name on this post- from the bottom of my heart!
I just found your blog a few weeks ago and have been so blessed. Great recipes, words of encouragement, decorations and music. In fact I often keep your blog up on the computer because my children, ages 3 and 1 years old, love dancing to your tunes!
My old favorite tradition from my childhood is having a birthday cake for Jesus. It was a special way to truly remember why we celebrate Christmas. My new favorite tradition is one that I have been establishing the past few years as a young mother and housewife with a family of my own. I have been serving different ethnic or cultural meals each Christmas trying to discover which would become our family tradition for years to come. Last year we had a New Orleans Christmas meal of gumbo, rice, onion pie, milk punch and a variety of other New Orleans traditional favorites. Everyone loved it and it has become our tradition that we will be continuing through the years making it a wonderful memory for our children as they grow.
I do not have a blog of my own, but I can be reached at ss0366@yahoo.com
Love your blog so much I could marry it!
Sarah H.
hi ruthann!
congrats on a great and successful year!
you have me glued to my computer with each blog : )
and i have to say…
i am an atheist and i LOVE you talking about God!
slowly…i see my heart thinking just maybe there is
a god after all.
i am jealous of you – not of your gorgeous home and true talent, but simply of your faith.
i think that is the most beautiful thing you have!
blessings to you and your wonderful family!
kisses and cupcakes,
Please don’t ever stop talking about God. We need to have Godly women in our lives. You are a blessing!
My favorite family tradition is on Thanksgiving we stay home. Just my husband our 2 kids and myself. We cook together, laugh and enjoy the day. Just us! It reminds us we have so much to be thankful for right under our roof.
I'll give it a try – I really want that apron.
Our favorite tradition is on Thanksgiving Day. My mom & I usually prepare the food while watching Macy's Christmas parade & then the whole family gathers to partake in the feast.
It helps that this year Thanksgiving Day is also my daughter's birthday – what a nice treat to add to the mix.
Thanks for the chance to win & congrats on the anniversary.
I love hearing your insights on how to love your family. They are inspirational. My favorite Christmas tradition is Christmas eve, we pack up some hot chocolate and jump in the car with it and warm blankets and go look at Christmas lights, when we get home we sit around the tree and each open one present…new pajamas!
Hi, RuthAnn – I love your blog! I appreciate your gift of encouragement to the rest of us ladies, and for sharing your faith in the Lord as well!
One of my favourite Christmas traditions is actually with my two best girl friends who are my extended family! Starting the first year that one of us had our own place, every year just before Christmas we get together and have our own little Christmas together where we open all our presents from each other! This has become an important part of our holidays and even though we don’t get to spend much time together throughout the year we make a point of doing this at Christmas time. It’ll be especially sweet this year as one of my friends has a baby – her first!
Jaime Dennison
From Nova Scotia, Canada
I haven’t read all of the comments but I’m sure many ladies have said what I am going to say.
Please don’t change!! I love your blog, every bit of it, you are inspiring and your home is beautiful. I can’t imagine why anyone would have anything negative to say, your blog is a gift to all who read it.
I look forward to reading your blog throughout the holidays.
Take care and please keep blogging!!
I forgot to leave my favorite tradion. Actually this is from my childhood. My mother would always make a cookie farm, i just loved it. The big red barn, shiny pond all made by hand.
After reading your blog about your holidays, I called my mother and asked her if she would please help me make the cookie farm, she was as excited as me to start the tradition back up.
So thank you Ruthann for encouraging all of us to make the holidays special and spend special time with our families.
email jtlindahl@madbbs.com
Hi RuthAnn, I have been reading you for a good while,and I hope you never let anyone steal your joy. I have to agree wholeheartedly about Jesus being your all. Isn’t it absolutely wonderful I can’t imagine not knowing that kind of joy only HE provides.
Now, for my favorite holiday tradition. I love everything about Christmas so it is hard for me to say, but as my children have gotten older (grown) and see how much they enjoy it, I think it has made this my favorite. This tradition came from their father’s (my ex’s) family but one I hope to continue in later years with tons of grandchildren. Our family favorite tradition is opening presents. You might think isn’t it for everyone, but not the way we do it. We take our time and enjoy and savor every moment. It has been known to take hours for us to get all the presents open. We, one by one open our gifts, and watch everyones expressions as they all oooh and aaaahhhhh over every little thing. It is so magical. We also share stories about how we found the perfect gift and why we chose that one instead of something else. It is truly the best time. Shared with lots of love and time spent together.
I always want my home to be a place that my kids can’t wait to get back too when they have been away awhile, and I think I finally received my highest compliment from my son the other day that I have ever gotten. He(is 22) made the comment that he loved being at my house for Christmas because it wasn’t only a day long but the whole month long. He loves being home for the holidays. How cool is that?
Keep up the good work with your blog and thanks for the smiles.
Congratulations on your anniversary post. I love your blog and your enthusiasm to make your life the way you want it to be. I wish I had your energy to do what you do! Funny about the person who said you talked too much about the Lord. Aren’t we supposed to post about what is true and real to our lives?
We are not a holiday tradition type of family. The only one thing I absolutely have to do is hang a particular ornament on the Christmas tree in exactly the same spot every year. My nephew gave it to me when he was only around 3. He had made it out of part of an egg carton at preschool. Paint and glitter and love. After he grew up and moved away he would call to wish me a Merry Christmas. I would always scream, “It’s my Pauly! I have your ornament on the tree!” He would get such a kick out of it. He knew I loved him and thought of him all the time. Sadly, he was a troubled soul and we lost him to suicide six years ago. So I always get it out and hang it on the tree and tell him “Pauly, I have your ornament on the tree.”
I tried to leave a comment earlier. Sorry, I realized later that I actually typed the pass word wrong. Oh well, anyway. I absolutely love you Ruthann! You inspire me and encourage me and I check your blog everyday! I am sad some people choose to say things that aren’t very edifying. A preacher once said: “The day you got saved you gave up the right to be mean and nasty.” Of course those who weren’t nice may not be saved. You were very gracious in the way you blogged about it.
Our family tradition on Thanksgiving Day after we gobble the turkey and the “Aunt Cranberry”(a recipe, not a person), it to go to the tree farm near where I grew up and find a tree, saw it ourselves, and take it home to decorate. Thank you for the encouragement Ruthann. I love you. Sisters in Christ. Maralena
My favorite tradition is making a very big deal out of Valentine’s Day for my hubby and kiddos. Last year, the kids and I transformed the livingroom into a “Restaurant” and we printed out menus, and my oldest was the chef. The two middle girls were the waitresses, and the baby got to just coo and giggle at us. When my husband got home, he found the lights dimmed, soft music on, and everyone decked out in their best clothes eager to wait on him hand and foot. The kids recited Valentine poems to him/us and everyone had a BLAST! Love, love, love Valentine’s Day!
Love your blog! Our family tradition is to bundle up and go outside right before bedtime on Christmas Eve and sprinkle ‘Reindeer Food’ (oatmeal mixed with a little glitter)out on the walkway. It never fails that one of the sleigh bells are left behind the next morning, proof that Santa was there.
Please include my name in your giveaway.
Thank You,
BTW, Happy Anniversary!!!
Dear Ruthann,
Your blog is a wonderful warm place that is like a blanket of love wrapped in complete coziness. You make me strive to be a better mother, wife and a better Christian. I don’t have any one particular holiday tradition, as I love all holidays and try to decorate and celebrate them with decorations, homemade from scratch meals, and lots of love. Probably my favorite memory is when everyone’s belly is full and we change into our p.j.’s and spread out in the living room with hot chocolate, blankets and watch one of our favorite comedies. Seeing my family in tears with laughter brings me the greatest joy and I savour every second of being with them.
Ruth Ann,OH,OH,OH,!!! PLeeeeease choose me for your give-away. I have a love for the 1940’s and how women were such wonderful homemakers back then! One of my holiday traditions is that I stand under our red maple tree after midnight on Christmas Eve, and just take in the holy darkness and talk with the Christ Child about all that is important to me. Our family has a tradition that we all get a new pair of jammies to wear on Christmas morning! Yay! gotta love that tradition.
By the way, your blog rocks!
Thank you for your blog! I just came across it recently, and I LOVE it! Your home is beautiful! And your advice and thoughts on being a wife/mother are so helpful. I’m glad you can be a kind of Titus 2 mentor through your blog. From us mothers of younger kids, it’s much appreciated! Christmas traditions…we always read the Christmas story from Luke 2 before opening gifts. Keeps the focus on Jesus!
Who would say such things?! Your blog is a perfect balance of motherhood, housewifery, HIM, home decor and humor. Don’t you change a thing, Ruth Ann! Your blog is perfect as is!!! What an inspiration you are to all the Christian (and other denominations!!) wives out there! You really inspire me each and every day. :)
Anyway….on to my tradition!
When I was little, we celebrated Christmas Eve at my grandparents house. All of my sisters and cousins would impatiently wait until midnight for it to be really be Christmas morning. Only then could we open gifts. It was the longest waiting ever! But before that, we sang all the Christmas carols we knew. It was just a great time to get together with family, pray, and be thankful for one another.
Happy Anniversay! I have just recently found your blog. I think I read the year’s worth of posts in one evening. I enjoyed it very much. You have a beautiful home and I can smell the pies baking. It’s funny too, I am always saying I want to move into stores that I love. Love the giveawy!
Oooooh! Pick me! Pick me!!! I want to be just like Ruthann when I grow up!!!
please sign me up! I love your blog & I would love to look as cute as you in those pearls and apron!! Thansk for the chance to win! My favorite family tradition is going to christmas eve mass in the evening coming home and get all our pagama's on, make a bed on the family room floor turn out the lights an wact a christmas story and pig out!! My little ones love it, because they can eat whatever they want w/out me fussing about it!! have a great day!
You are such an inspiration RuthAnn. Your love for God, your family, your home & life is so wonderful. You are a blessing! Congratulations on a wonderful year. I have been reading your blog since your very first post and look forward to each one even more now.
One of our traditions, beyond the baking and gift wrapping etc..we do together is we find ways to give to others having a difficult time. We participate in holiday food drives, wrap gifts for children that are donated to the church. We give needed items to the family shelters. We try to to teach our children that it is important to give, and give of ourselves. Even in times we were struggling ourselves, we would always give our time.
I have to tell you that I just recently found your blog and have been so encouraged(after my original bout of coveting when I saw your talent for decorating!)Do I get brownie point for telling you that my 7th childs name is-Ruth Ann? She is named after her great grandmother.We have alot of holiday traditions and I don’t think I can pick a favorite but I guess I will go with our family going around town to look at the lights after attending Christmas Eve services. Thnks for sharing your gifts and please enter me in the contest. Congrats on your first year! Trish perkinsprivy@fairpoint.net
Happy Anniversary! Please sign me up for the giveaway if England is included. Our tradition is to get up early Christmas morning, and we each unpack our stocking [ancoient, homemade quilted things] of tiny gifts [each family member prepares a small gift for every other member] Then we all go off to Church to celebrate our Saviour’s birth.
please keep up the blogging, and including those fabulous pictures.
Blessings x
Well Ruth Ann I have to compliment you on My new favorite blog !!!! I check in with you as often as I can (usually daily) and want to Tank You for the inspiration you give me !!!!
My favorite family tradition for the holidays is -the Nursing Home we adopted 4 years ago. My sister is a nurse and knew of a home where 70 people resided and didn't have a lot of family or friends. These people are young , old ,mentally challenged and low income. We together as a family (my 5 sisters , Mom and all of our children (15)-start buying presents during the after Christmas sales and we give each/every resident a present – Christmas cookies-juice and we go as a group and sing Christmas Carols to the residents.).
What started out as a kind gesture has turned into my favorite part of the holidays- seeing these sweet faces appreciate the gift we searched out for them-and having their name called out is the Highlight of my holidays !! Watching my 17 & a5 yr old sons sing Silent Night to our "friends" is what makes me most thankful and let's me know God is Good !!
Thank you for your Beautiful Blog-
Colleen Biemiller
Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I am with you on the joy that comes from our Heavenly Father. Without him we are nothing.
I would love to be entered in the drawing. The pearls are just beautiful but when I saw the apron I about lost it. I love a beautiful apron to wear as I am working around the kitchen, this one would make me feel like a queen.
My favorite tradition is tied up into many for the months of November and December. I do the traditional dinner and we all dress in our Sunday best.
In December we give money to our Bishop to give to a family that is in need of it for their Christmas. Not that money makes Christmas but it is always best to give to others. Another several traditions we have are we have our hot chocolate in travel mugs with fresh doughnuts and drive around looking at the lights on peoples houses, we got to the LDS Temple to look at the lovely displays there. I make reindeer food and we put a ladder up to the roof and each of us go up and put a handful of the reindeer food on the roof for Santa’s deer. We read the story of the Nativity from the scriptures, I decorate my house with a tree in every room (bathroom, laundry, and garage). We wake up early 4ish on Christmas morning and open gifts, have breakfast together and enjoy playing together the rest of the day with a snack and a nap here and there. With a large meal in the mid afternoon. The week before we make cookies and deliver them to families, visit grandparents and friends. We have Christmas music going almost all the time if we are not watching Christmas movies. It is a wonderful time of the year.
I we eagerly wait for the winner. Hugs, Bobbi Jo-AZ
Love your blog!
Please include me for your draw.
My favourite holiday tradition is cuddling on the couch with DH to watch It’s a Wonderful Life (usually around Dec. 23rd) with all the lights off except the decorations and a hot beverage in hand. Of course, to really enjoy the moment, I have gotten my house spic-n-span clean and tidy, all the baking is done, gifts wrapped etc. Then I sit back to rest and {{cuddle}} and count my blessings and look forward to all the visiting and feasting!
Ruthann,( Oh honey! )
I found your blog about a month ago and always feel so renewed and uplifted by reading it! Happy 1 year anniversary! You are an amazing mother that has inspired many others. ( Just look at all the comments so far today! )I’m so glad you say exactly how you feel and share your love of Christ with us. You have a beautiful family and home and it’s a blessing that you are willing to share that. Thank you!
My favorite tradition has to be driving to the Salt Lake Temple and walking around Temple Square and seeing the beautiful Christmas lights. It’s so beautiful if you ever have the chance to come to Utah, at Christmas time.( Just dress warm and expect to be among many others that want the experience! ) It’s a very peaceful and uplifting experience. We usually try to do that on Christmas Eve. Please include me in your drawing,you are so generous, in every way. Thank you. Hugs, Wendy
As “Picketfencemom” put it (since I just don’t have a way with words)…
I find great encouragement and inspiration here! Yes, you are a real life flesh and blood person who has to work through things….just like the rest of us. But I think that’s the very thing that makes you such a blessing. God uses your wit, wisdom, experiences in homemaking and mothering and your Titus 2 advice to touch many lives and encourage others who are coming along where you have already been. Thank you for being willing to share with us!
She said exactly what was in my heart. Thank you for all you share with us! I am so blessed by the sweet spirit in which the Lord has given you and you do share with us through. You are so sweet!
We over the years are still establishing our traditions for Christmas as our family changes and grows so it is so fun to get to read all of the wonderful new ideas that we can implimnet! Thank you for this!
Please do sign me up for your drawing what wonderful treasures you are giving away!
PS – whoever hasn’t tried your snickerdoodle recipe yet is really missing out!!!!!
How wonderful! Everything is so beautiful Ruthann! Will you be including us overseas ladies in your prize draw? Please enter my name if you are prepared to post overseas…how exciting!
Our favourite family holiday tradition is on Christmas morning when we always light the woodburning stove and have an early morning cup of tea before the day begins…simple pleasures!
Love your blog…it is so full of good things!
love, Tina :)
please add me to the drawing. I love your blog especially when you give out your recipes. I’ve made your Ginger cookies and my family just loves them.
One favorite thing we do each year is I make a breakfast pizza for Christmas morning. My son loves it and would be sad if I stopped making it, after 26 years.
This prize looks wonderful!! Sign me up.
I guess our favorite tradition is before opening any gifts on Christmas morning, we read the story of Jesus’ birth from Luke chapter 2. Our children need to know why we really celebrate Christmas before opening gifts. Another thing we like to do is buy an ornament for our tree that is dated and represents our family. For example: Baby’s first Christmas, etc.
Hi Ruthann! I became a fan of your blog from the 1st time I read it. I always look forward to reading your next post & linked your blog to mine some time back to share with readers of my blog.
Congratulations on your 1 Yr Anniversary! How exciting for you!!
Since I could remember my maternal grandmother had always chosen my family out of all her other children's families to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with. I always felt a sense of pride knowing my grandmother selected our family over all the others she could have chosen to spend Christmas with. I saw my grandmother often because she lived locally, however, her Christmas visit was always anticipated and far different from the rest. She would always arrive on Christmas Eve about 7pm in the evening. With her she would bring two gifts for my brother and I. One to open on Christmas Eve and the other for Christmas morning. I would hide my opened gift under my bed always fearful if Santa saw an opened gift he would be wary of leaving me any of the gifts I had asked for. I would give up my bed so she would have a place to sleep while I shared quarters with my younger brother for the night. The following morning we would awaken to see what Santa had brought, followed by a homecooked breakfast spread that could have fed the entire immediate neighborhood.
As the years wore on, eventually my grandmother acquired cancer that took her on to a better place but what she left behind were the many memories created from years of that very precious holiday tradition.
The year my eldest daughter was old enough to understand the various celebratory aspects of Christmas, it was like being a kid again for me and I was taken back to those early days of celebrating Christmas Eve with my grandmother. As a child I remember how my excitement of the Christmas season would build as I counted down each day until the big day arrived. I felt this same sense of excitement that year when my daughter was able to experience Christmas in all its glory. Prior to, Christmas still held special feelings but the excitement had been contained to the memories of Christmas's past. The magic of Christmas was not there. It took having my daughter to recreate that for me. The magic returned and now three children later, I have had an abundance of Christmas cheer to enjoy as these last eighteen years of my life have unfolded. Having been blessed with my children has made everyday seem like Christmas to me.
While Christmas traditions at my house both past and present are not elaborate or many, the custom of keeping those traditions alive from my past and incorporating them into the lives of my children are what have made each and every Christmas special for me. There is no better feeling that intertwining bits and pieces of my past as a child and being able to relive those feelings with the same gusto and excitement as an adult right alongside my children as they grow up. Hopefully one day my children will pass these same traditions on to their own children so the magic of Christmas can live on and on within them from now and forevermore.
Hugs to you & God Bless!!!
Oh & I forgot a tradition that my children incorporated a long time ago. Early on they went to visit a Santa at one of the malls out of town. That particular Santa told the kids to be sure and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus before they do anything on Christmas morning. Well, from that point on the kids have always done that even now that they are 18, 13, & 10.
Hey Miss RuthAnn. This is MelissaAnn and I can be contacted at dazeofserenity@yahoo.com Not that I expect to win, I Never, Ever win anything like this.But I’ll go ahead and keep my fingers crossed, but- I ain’t holdin my breath! =0)
Okay, our families Christmas tradition is this. Every December, usually around the 2nd week we get really excited. We go out and look at Christmas lights. We live in Alabama and our park really gets into the christmas season. It is so beautiful. Well, we come home and eat hot chili with peanut-butter and honey sandwiches. Next, we pop popcorn(never, ever microwave. noped. Gotta be popped with real butter and cooked over stove top, sprinkle generously with that orange popcorn salt–yum!) I almost forgot to mention that while all the eating goings on is well.. going on -I have the kids(we have 4 too. 2 girls, 2 boys too=0) peel bananas and 1/2 them, we insert popsicle sticks into them and freeze them. After supper, we get those frozen bananas out and cover them in chocolate sauce that hardens on them. oohh yum! Okay so we have Christmas lights,chili, peanutbutter and syrup sandwiches with the chili,popcorn , frozen banana pops, and we all sit on the couch cuddled up and covered with throw blankets and while we eat the popped corn and banana pops we watch Santa Claus 2–so cool, so fun, so looking forward to this every year.
Love you RuthAnn so much. You are 4real. You have truly inspired me to keep a lovelier home and outward appearance. Thanks.
~Melissa Smith
I think you are a precious soul, and am so happy to have found your blog home. Please enter me in your drawing. My Navy son has a Navy fiance (who is from Texas, by the way), and she comes with a 4 year old daughter. I’m now Grandma Lisa – my first! I’d love to share the books with her, especially. Love and Hugs from Syracuse, NY.
what a cute giveaway! I would love to be added. My favorite holiday tradition is,every Christmas Eve, we drop off goodies to friends and neighbors. Then we order pizza and have rootbeer floats. ( No cooking on Christmas Eve after a ton of baking!) We let the kids open pj’s and take their picture by the tree. Then we snuggle up and watch a Christmas movie. After the kids are in bed, my husband and I stay up wrapping gifts and watching It’s a Wonderful Life.
Ruthann, you are a blessing. One of my family’s traditions is after the candlelight service on Christmas Eve, we come back home and I serve breakfast (usually about 9:00 pm). Then, we go for a little ride to look at Christmas lights. Thanks for all you do to inspire homemakers everywhere. Whenever anyone around here is sad, my son says, “you need pie.” That’s my boy!
Miss RuthAnn, I forgot a part of our tradition. while we eat the popcorn, nibble on the banana pops , and watch SantaClause2 (with Tim Allan) we also sip on a mug of HOt cocoa. So that concludes our family Christmas tradition.
and I am sorta embarrassed at how long my other post was. sorry bout’ that. hugs! ~Melissa Smith
What we do is have the whole fam over on Christmas eve to eat and open presents. (All of my eight children, and 9 grandchildren!) We have each person share a past Christmas memory and Christmas song about Jesus, or one of our crazy Christmas stories of embarrassment so that we can all reminise and laugh our heads off. One comes to mind, my oldest son Justin and his rendition of twas the night before Christmas (hawaiian style), Which he learned and began to perform it for us at age 7, and continues to this day at age 35. He’s quite famous throughout our friends and family, he still blushes and tries to get out of singing it, however, we convince him into doing it for us every year. He delights us all! Our family is very talented and loves to ham it up, and I can’t wait to see how this new crop of grand kids will surprise and entertain us through the future Holidays, as we continue this favorite tradition. I love your blog site! All my love in Jesus! Cheryl Moore, mother of 8, Nana to 9… redneckrgrwife@comcast.net is my email, hope to be bakin in that snazzy apron soon! I LOVE IT! Can I marry it? lol
My favorite Christmas tradition is our “Jesus’ birthday cake” which we serve before we open presents and after we sing Happy Birthday to Him! Imagine, we get to have presents on HIS birthday!
Love your blog~May the Lord continue to bless your Home Sweet Home!
ps. I’ve always wanted to live in the Fisher Price Little People house with the yellow roof! My family knows it is my decorating/design inspiration ;-)
Your blog is one of my all-time favorites because you combine just the right mix of encouragement, homemaking, the things girls love, and Jesus!
A favorite family tradition we have is cutting down our Christmas tree. And my new tradition as Mama is 1) allowing colored lights on the tree and 2) agreeing to big fat bushy trees. Grin.
Thanks for the fabulous giveaway and for sharing your authentic life with us!
I’d love to be entered in your giveaway. I just found “blogland” this year, and although I don’t have a blog myself, I love the inspiration and beautiful work so many of you are doing. Your blog is my favorite :) I am an older mom of teens and college-age kids, and sometimes feel kinda tired, you know? But your blog is so full of happiness, fun, and inspiration that I get revved up and excited again, and ready to do my best for my wonderful and precious family. My heartfelt thanks.
Our favorite tradition is opening our stockings first on Christmas morning (after Mom and Dad have got their coffee!) and then, before opening the gifts, singing Happy Birthday to Jesus and blowing out a candle on a birthday (coffee) cake.
Blessings to you for being such an encouragement.
Our favorite holiday tradition, along with all of of them is on Christmas eve to have swiss cheese fondue.
Usually after church service.
It is a fun tradition and we carry it on now even though our kiddos our grown and out of the house, but always come home for Christmas.
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.
You are such an inspiration and a joy to read. Nowadays there just isn’t the kind of support that moms need and crave. I look forwards to reading your blog and get excited when I see you have a new post! There are days when I need a Ruthann fix and just go to your blog and read. Many blessings to you! Robin
I love your blog!
Happy Anniversary!
Wow you are loved! Happy blog- aversary! I love your blog its seriously like coming home! Love the giveaway items too! You are so inspiring !
So my favorite family tradition is having a big norwegian breakfast at my parents every christmas morning and listening to my dads old perry como and elvis christmas tapes its a nice memory of every year of my life and I’m so glad my children get to do the same things there and build that memory for them! Christmas is my favorite time of the year and holds so many wonderful family memories!
Hope your having a fabulous week!
I love reading your blog Ruthann!!
Just tonight at dinner my 16 yo son said “I can’t wait for Christmas because we always have cinnamon rolls for breakfast”. All the other children said “Mmmmmmmmm” :) Just a simple tradition, but obviously meaningful to the children.
wife2one_mom2five (at) yahoo (dot) com
I love reading your blog. You inspire me! I think it takes someone with a loving spirit to see these things said by others as their lack of the true joy in their own lives. So they don’t want to see that others can have joy in life even in the midst of everyday things. It’s all in how we respond. I believe you have a very gracious attitude.
May God bless.
I forgot to ask if you could add my name to your wonderful giveaway?
I love your blog. It is wonderful. I look forward to reading it so much that I constantly log on to reread the entries.
My favorite tradition with my children was to buy each child an ornament every year, date it and put there name on it. When they left home to create there own nest I gave them their ornaments for their first Christmas tree. It made them feel so special and reminded them of all the many Chrstmasses before them.
Dear Ruthann,
Each visit to your blog is a pleasure & food for the soul!
Christmas season brings to mind many traditions that our families share. Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ brings all of us together on one very special night. It's a time when we connect with one another, the holy spirit, heaven & earth. We pass around a family journal & every family member takes time to reflect on the many blessings that the LORD has bestowed upon them. We write about our blessings, what we are grateful for, or sometimes we write about a favorite Christmas memory. This family journal has become a precious treasure. We lost our Pops last year to Pancreatic cancer. This will be our first Christmas ever without him. I am 53 years old & have been blessed to spend every Christmas with both my Mom & Pops. This will be hard for all of us, Pops loved Christmas & family so much! Thankfully, we have a beautiful family Christmas journal & we will all be able to read Pops messages from Christmases past, reminisce & keep his spirit alive & with us this Christmas. The family journal is a special Christmas tradition. It's fun to read past entires, we giggle & sometimes we cry… but each message is special!
Another little tradition… My husband & I have been married for 34 years. Our first Christmas together, money was so tight… so my baby brother and I made handmade decorations for our first Christmas tree. My brother (8 yrs old at the time)cut a Star out of cardboard & covered it with aluminum foil & red felt. He hung the Star at the very top of our Christmas tree. It was simple & crooked, but just perfect! I still have that little Star. Each Christmas I take the Star out of it's special little box & hang it on our tree amongst all the beautiful, fancy ornaments. Even though it shows signs of wear and the foil has torn…. it's our favorite ornament & serves as a reminder of our humble beginnings, how far we've come & how blessed we truly are.
I am in the process of starting up a blog. In the meantime, my email address is jwc9494@citlink.net. Thank you for the opportunity to share our traditions!
Wishing you an abundance of blessings,
You have a wonderful blog. I check it quite often hoping for new posts. I’d love to win your giveaway. you are very generous!! http://cranberryflats.blogspot.com/
Hi Ruthann, we’re only a young family with two kids, a 4 year-old boy and a 2 year-old girl (hoping to fall pregnant again very soon) so I’m still working on creating family traditions that my children will come to cherish.
I’ve got several little traditions in place already but my favourite one is every year on the last Saturday night before Christmas there’s a huge Carol’s by Candlelight that’s broadcasted live on the radio. We prefer to attend our small local Carol’s by Candlelight (to support the community) but we take advantage of the one that’s broadcasted on the radio by piling in the car and driving for a few hours to show the kids a heap of spectacular Christmas displays at people’s homes. While we drive around looking at the displays we sing along to the Christmas carols being played on the radio and I think we have more fun doing this then we would if we were actually at the carols!
In the middle of our travels we stop up at a lookout in the Blue Mountains or find a nice little park to have a picnic dinner. We try to find a spot where there are no other people so we can keep the car door open and continue listening to Carols, it creates a wonderful atmosphere and is precious time together as a family.
I don’t beleive I’ve seen such a generous and yummy giveaway, Ruthann…thank you so much for just giving us the chance to win all these precious treats.
Your list is so long but I do want to be added, if you please.
I have had you on my blogroll a long time and I do hope folks click on it and come over to see you. You have a magnificent blog!!
love, bj
Hi Ruthann,
I have just found your blog and I love it! I started with the fall decorating post and have been looking through some old posts and anxiously awaiting ever since. The only thing I would change is posting more often! :) Our favorite tradition is at Christmas. We open our presents at home and then go to my parents for the breakfast where my dad makes these great homemade fried potatoes and eggs, sausage, bacon and fresh o.j. The floor gets covered in wrapping paper with all the grandkids opening presents and for dinner we always have shrimp and h omemade mac and cheese. Quite different from the norm, that’s why I love it!
My favorite holiday tradition is one we do at my grandparents house. One year my grandma made ice cream “snowballs” with candles (red birthday sized ones) on top and some plastic holly. The ice cream balls were rolled in coconut to look like snowballs. They are very pretty and an easy/cheap way to celebrate. At some point, they decided to see whose candle would burn the longest and it has now become an annual contest. We pass cookies around during the contest and every family within the family has their own method to keep their candle burning the longest. We turn down the lights and sit around the glow of the candles. My grandma passed away in Oct. of last year, but we did an ice cream ball with a white candle in her memory at Christmas. (Oh yeah, over the years, the coconut got ditched. We do plain vanilla ice cream balls and also mint chocolate chip ice cream balls).
I love reading your blog and am so encouraged by your wonderful writing and love for the Lord!
My favorite holiday traditions are… listening to Christmas music while decorating the tree on Thanksgiving Day and also on Christmas morning after we’ve all showered to look good for the pictures :) we read the Christmas story– the story of Jesus Christ- from a children’s book my parents have read to my sister and me since we were very small. Now she and I are both married with little ones and we all sit around and listen to my dad (grandpa) read those precious words- simplified for the ears of our children just as it was for us.
Hi Ruthann,
I was so excited to see you had a new post! I've been waiting ever so patiently! You are so darn adorable in your apron and pearls! I love that pattern too! I love the Main St. pictures with your daughter! Super cute! Also, I do love your over the top decorating! I even found one of the amber color glass pumkins that you had…at Walmart! I was so excited! LOL! I'd love to be part of your giveaway…one of my favorite holiday traditions is Christmas morning. My mother has always set up the table with beautiful china, goblets..even for juice…candles..and beautiful Christmas music in the background. We have french toast with strawberries..powdered sugar, maple syrup, sausage..etc. We've continued this tradition as each of my sisters and brother have grown up, and had families of our own. We still go to our parents house after we've opened gifts with our own families…then we go to their house…and my mother still has the pretty table set up with a beautiful tablecloth, candles, the warm fireplace glowing, Christmas music playing. I remember one year when my mom gave each of us girls a Little Women dvd..and this is sort of funny, but sweet…she had served huge sausages..the way they had them in the movie! Hehe! We also like to watch that movie..or the new American Girl Doll videos at Christmas time. They're SO sweet & nostalgic! Ok..that's all!
Gina :-)
Hi, RuthAnn!
One of our MANY favorite Christmas traditions is going for drives to look at Christmas lights.
When we feel like a little road trip, our 2 favorite places to go are Natchitoches, Louisiana — beautiful, and people from around the world come to visit! We always get funnel cakes and hot chocolate to snack by the river.
In Texas, we love to visit Marshall and Jefferson. Marshall has a huge historic square that they light up! We get decorated sugar cookies and watch the brave ones, ice skate (in a rink they set up by the old courthouse!)
Thanks for entering me in the giveaway!
Many Blessings,
Ruthann, I am new to bloging don’t have mine up and going yet, but I honestly don’t know what I would have done spiritually these last 12 months if it wasn’t for you. I am soooo glad I found you,God knew I needed you. I’ve been encouraged everytime I read your blog. I’m so disappointed when you’re gone. welcome back, I love traditions, we are making new ones this year our oldest son got married last Dec. so things change. our yongest son 22 will come up Thanksgiving and we’re going to Breckenridge, CO to ski out to eat whatever just enjoy the time together and make each time memorable. x-mas will all be together so sking, sledding, bed n breakfast here we come. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Leisa
Thank you Ruth Ann for everything you do on your blog. All the holidays have traditions so to post just one would be tough. Since Halloween is the nearest holiday….I’ll do that one. Pumpkin carving is an activity we have done every year since my daughter was three. This will probably be the last year we get to do it as a family as she will be leaving next summer for the next phase of her life. So this pumpkin carving was even more special, I even remembered to take picture.
Keep up the great inspiration on your blog…being June Cleaver isn’t so bad….life was so much simplier then.
Karen L
That apron is the cutest. And pearls? Wow. Love your blog. You’re inspirational. Mimi
My daughter and I buy matching pajamas and have our picture by the Christmas tree each year. Then she has a picture taken of herself and her Daddy digging into all the yummy holidays treats we have baked!
My favorite holiday tradition was always: the first kid to wake up on Christmas morning always went to wake up the other kids so all could go to the tree together.
wow almost 250 comments already! and why not its a wonderful giveaway!
I don’t know if you can call it a holiday traditon because everyday we have a tradition, I hope people reading this try it-it’s wonderful.
everynight when we set the table we have one plate that is different then the rest we call it “the special plate” and what ever person gets it is special-we go around the dinner table saying why they are special, why they are special to us why they love us-example when my daughter has it, my son will say I love Isabella because she plays school with me and teaches me-ahhhh how sweet is that!
and on that note Ruth Ann….tonight u have the plate and I want to say Ruth Ann is special becaus eshe is HERSELF!!!
she Loves God and is not ashamed to show it!
you be proud lady!!! and don’t listen to them chats anymore! : )
and Happy anniversary!!!
Favorite Tradition: Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings for Thanksgiving AND Christmas.
Baking the goodies that go along with it, too. Sweet iced tea to drink.
I’d LOVE to win your beautiful gifts as well.
I LOVE your house and your blog and Branson is one of our favorite spots to visit. We usually stay out at Still Waters Resort on Indian Point.
Betty in Oklahoma
Hello Ruthann – I just LOVE your blog, I get so much pleasure and inspiration from reading it, and this is SUCH a generous giveaway – some happy person is going to be very blessed!
Since our family have grown up we have had to start new traditions, and one is where my DH and I take our little granddaughters round the neighbourhood to see all the beautifully decorated homes one evening before Christmas, giving ther Mum time to make last minute preparations without little eyes watching!!
He is the reason joy-bells ring in my home. He gives me strength…courage… comfort… hope and a future…. protection… provision… creativity and passion… love and redemption… eternity with Him in Heaven. He lights my path. He is the lover of my soul… my hero… my rescuer… my healer. He is the best of what there is in life. Who wouldn’t want that? And why on earth would I not share this great and spectacular news with all of you dear sweet girls in blogland?
“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes…” Romans 1:16
amen amen amen sister!~
A Christmas tradition that we started many years ago with my family (Italian, like you too) is we always invite someone or family who do not have any relativies to spend the holiday with to come to our home on Christmas Eve. We have done this now for over 15 years and I LOVE each year wondering, ‘who will the Lord bring to our home this time, who can we bless?” In doing this, I found we have been the one’s that been richly blessed.
You have been added to my BlogList now that I have my own blog. Before that, and still do, I had you under my favorites and would ask friends who where over,,’come and look at this blog, isn’t she just such a blessed sister in the Lord?” Thanks for sharing about Jesus, and keep on keeping on beloved one!~ Let your praises shout from the roof tops!~
That is why I love your blog so much–your love for God and cozy homemaking. Please do not let anyone deter you from changing anything about your blog.
Yours is the best there is!!!
You truly are a blessing to families.
Ruthann, Wow! So many comments. We have a lot in common. I’m a wife of 30 years who has 4 kids, 2 girls, 2 boys! Isn’t it great!
Our favorite tradition is to make personalized ornaments every year. We try to include a current picture somehow. One thing we have done is to make individual “gingerbread” houses, and create a gingerbread village. They aren’t real gingerbread, mostly graham crackers but, hey it works for us. We also have a tradition of taking a thermos of hot chocolate, some cookies and driving around to see the Christmas lights a day or two before Christmas.
It is very sweet of you to have such a wonderful give away. I love the apron. I would love to be included.
I left a glowing comment and forgot to tell my favorite holiday tradition. OOps. Christmas breakfast would have to be it. The menu has never varied – sausage and cream cheese crescent rolls, scrambled eggs, ABC Breakfast Bread(more people know it as monkey bread)Orange juice with Sprite(gives it that extra zing) Everyone is warm and gooey. Its just a great way to start the day. My babies have grown up, getting married and having their own babies. We are having to redefine our holidays. This year we are all(10)renting a cabin several hours away the weekend before Christmas. And we are packing the ingredients for our traditional Christmas breakfast. Cant wait.
I just found your blog today and was blessed to read the fun and ideas you have posted. I will be passing your link onto my girls since they delight in learning ways to create a lovely home. Have a wonderful weekend as you minister to your family! Mrs. Joseph Wood (www.homesteadblogger.com/blessingsabound)
Please add me to the list. (I don’t think I really left a comment last time I was on here.) I just love your blog and your Godly blog angle. Keep up the great posts! I hope I win the contest;-)
Good Morning Miz RuthAnn,
My favorite holiday tradition is when we gather around our dining table and each of us tells what we are most grateful for. We do this on Thanksgiving Day as well as Christmas Day.
Congrats on your blogiversay, wishing you many more!
i love your blog. was just down at silver dollar city last weekend. was wonderful. our tradition is very special. we make a german cookie called “Specalatches”my husbands grandfather was a baker in Germant. they are a wonderful tradition. too much detail on how to bake them. another tradition is when i was little instead of leaving cookies on a plate for santa, we had to make a tuna sandwich. i always thought thats what he wanted. so when i got married and my mother-in-law set out cookies, i was shocked! Where was the tuna sandwich:)
thanks becky
my email dbgroff@juno.com
i don’t have a blog.
We have several traditions. On Christmas morning, we always have my dh read the Christmas story before opening gifts. We always open gifts one at a time in order to show appreciation to the giver.
Also on Thanksgiving, we always have “Snicker Salad” and always say three things we’re thankful for before having our meal.
I would love to be entered into your contest! I could always use another set of pearls for when I vacuum! Ha! Seriously though, I would love to win all your wonderful prizes! You have such an amazing blog with your beautiful home and your wonderful love for the Lord! You rock!
Hugs, Sharon
I love love LOVE the holidays. We have so many traditions that I look forward to passing on to my boys (5 & 3 yrs old). Choosing a favorite is tough!
I love coming home to hot chocolate and a cookie after a night looking at the Christmas lights. We have teeny little cocoa mugs with little saucers and we all have so much fun with it. I did the same thing when I stayed at my grandma's hosue as a little girl and I can still remember how much fun it was.
Of course, the baking we do throughout the holiday season is my favorite baking all year long!
Thanks for the wonderful and inspirational blog. I love it!
Congrats on the anniversary!
RuthAnn – You keep on doing what you are doing!! What a wonderful world this would be if there was a just a handful more of women on this earth had a heart that was only half as loving as yours! The people who leave negative comments simply have no idea what JOY our savior brings. yes, we still have frustrations and annoyances in life, but how much more frustrating and annoying it would be to go through it alone! Here’s to many more enjoyable years of blogging – as it fits into your life. I for one will cherish each post and thank God there are people like you spreading goodness around the world through the internet. Happy One Year Anniversary!!!
Your blog is lovely and inspiring. As Christians we are called to share our love of the Lord. What an adorable giveaway! Ü
I would love to be included in your drawing! My favorite holiday tradition is staying up 1/2 of Christmas Eve wrapping gifts, then sneaking them under the tree for my daughter to see in the morning! Even though she is getting to the age where she knows its me, its a tradition I will never stop!
I also look forward to this coming Christmas. It will be my first Christmas to share with my fiance, and a time to Create many new Traditions!
Another lovely post! Your blog is like a little extra sunshine in my day:) I am so glad you let your light shine and don’t keep it hidden under a basket!
This is an amazing give-away! Someone is going to be a very blessed lady.
I love holiday traditions, it is hard to choose my favorite. Hmmmm…
One of my family’s favorite traditons is having a little tree in my son’s room for him to decorate with homemade ornaments. Every few days throughout the month of = December we make some little ornaments and hang them on his tree. It is so cute and we have a wonderful time making all the different things together.
After Christmas when I take his tree down I write his name and the year on the back of each sweet little ornament. Then I pack one of each with the “big tree” ornaments for future years, and pack the rest in a box for his little tree the next year. My plan is to give him the box when he marries.
We were blessed to adopt our son last September so last year was his first Christmas with us. He was two and a half and LOVED making all the ornaments. I am so excited to make more this year and pull out the sweet treasures we made last year. I shared pictures of the ornaments as we made them on my blog last year.
Thanks again for hosting such a lovely giveaway!
In Him,
(Who would also love to live on Main Street USA)
I am always inspired when I come to your blog. Sometimes I come back and reread things a couple times to help me remember what joy being a homemaker can be. With five children that I homeschool, I need reminding A LOT! LOL
As for a family tradition, usually on Christmas Eve we pile into the minivan in our jammies and drive around looking at Christmas lights. The children have grown to love this. When we get home, the kids go to bed and my husband and I sit in the living room with all the lights off except for those on the tree. We sit together and listen to old Christmas songs. There is something so sweet about snuggling on the couch with him:)
Please, please, please consider me for your give-away.
Our best family tradition happens on New Year’s Eve when our family forms a parade and goes up and down our street banging pots and pans and screaming “happy New Year’s” to the top of our lungs!
One year, we had new neighbors and they were unfamiliar with our tradition. They actually called the police on us. We live in the ‘burbs and practically everyone knows everyone else. The police dispatcher said: “Those are your neighbors–They’re harmless–Go back to bed–They do it every year.”
It’s great fun to have a family tradition. I’m not so sure it’s fun to have the local police know all about it!
Our family holiday tradition is setting up the christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving. As a child we would go every year to this place in Franken muth michigan that has the world largest christmas store and pick out an ornament.
Thank you so much for this wonderful giveway
Thanksgiving is full of tradition for us, as we were married around that time. We tell stories about our wedding and those gone at the table. I don’t have a blog but just love yours! Please enter me in your anniversary drawing.
Our favorite family tradition is the reading of the Christmas Story from the Bible while we add a new piece to our nativity. Each year my parents buy us a new piece to our collection. This year, mom found the wise men at a n antique store, so they are sitting on the TV. Surely the wise men left about now to get to Jerusalem! I love to look at your blog and read and relax. Thank you for your honesty in loving the Lord and honoring him.
Dear RuthAnn, Thank you so much for being an inspiration to Women In Progress in the Lord. Congrats to you! Our favorite holiday tradition is the women (some men too) would get together and spend the entire day preparing dozens and dozens of tamales. Some drop in just to learn or observe. We then would have Christmas Eve in someone’s home (we take turns) and eat, fellowship and open the gifts that we drew names from on Thanksgiving Day. This year will be difficult due to my son will be in the Marine Bootcamp in San Diego. My Christmas gift will have to wait on Jan 23rd, graduation day! God Bless you and your family,
Love, Delia
Ruthann I love your blog! It is very inspirational. Congratulations! Thank you for entering me in your lovely giveaway.
It is just my husband and myself but one tradition that we have is at Christmas. And that is going to the mountains to cut down our Christmas Tree. Then we come home to homemade Hot Cocoa with Homemade marshmallows floating atop. Then Chili and cornbread. Yum! We spend the next few hours decorating the Christmas tree and reminiscing about the origin of each ornament and how thankful we are for the true Reason for the Season: Jesus Christ :) Thanks again!
Hi Ruthann
You are just so dang on cute and I love your blog it is so beautiful and warm.
I would love to be entered into your giveaway and because I wrote like a novel about our Family Tradition I put it on my blog
If you have time please read, it is truly dear to my heart and honestly when I re-read it, it brought tears to my eyes because of the beautiful and magical tradition my mother created for us and she gave us something to pass on to our children.
Have A Blessed & Beautiful Day Everyone!
Ruthann, how could anybody be negative abt you! I just love you and your blog! It puts a smile in my heart every time I visit!
Now on to our most fab holiday tradition! It is one I just enjoy soo much! It started really before we even had our boys who are almost 5 and almost 3. Our Christmas Eve dinner always leads us to Outback Steak House. Even Santa enjoys a good steak from time to time! It is actually the only time a year I eat it. Afterwards we come home with our stuffed bellies and slip into our pajamas and go out and admire the beautiful decorations. Everybody but hubby that is. Well hubby and the ol’ Papa Bear. They just look at us and shake their heads. The Nana Bear plays along as well! The boys love this tradition though and so I hope to keep it up for many years to come! I can just picture them at 15 and 17 in their pajamas loaded in the family car just because it makes mom happy.
We then come home and open just one present from under the tree. This was a tradition passed down from my hubby’s family.
Afterwards we head to the kitchen to bake delicious cookies for Santa and to taste test the carrots for the reindeer. That is a job the boys created themselves.
It is just a lovely time of year and I will always hold these memories close in my heart though we are saddened that the Nana and Papa Bear have chosen to stay in Ga this year. They are very much a part of our holiday traditions.
Wonderful giveaway Ruthann! I just love the books and of course that apron is to die for!!! God bless!
It’s been fun keeping up with you – you inspire me! Thanks so much! Our family tradition has been to gather around the piano and sing hymns, and we play games, all sorts – such fun!
God bless!
I just love your blog, and I find it very encouraging. Thank you!!
Condradulations on your 1 year.
Yay for us to have your blog.
And keep talkin’ about God girl, we all need to hear it. Love to hear it!!!
I love your blog Ruth Ann! I wanted to be entered in the give away since I do not own one apron! LOL
Well, our favorite family holiday tradition is going to Church on Christmas Eve and getting home to a lot of baked goods and letting the kids open one gift from us that night.
Have a great day
What a generous giveaway! Thank you for this opportunity to win, and for your encouraging words with every post! We have to little girls- 2 1/2 and 9 mos., and are just starting our family traditions!
Ruth Ann….I’ve been visiting you since the spring and I have not posted a comment until now….well, the give away made me do it. I would feel “honored” to win your give away. It would be something from your home to mine. I want you to know something…when I first happened upon your blog I felt all warm and fuzzy inside. I was at a point in my life where I was a disgruntled decorator of my home. I mean, trying to “copy” what the mags had in them and use the latest things in home decorating fashion. Hah! Was I wrong, I took your lead girl and decorated the way I wanted to since the day I was married….20 yrs.ago! I now LOVE my home and you struck a chord within me…I LOVE to be a homemaker and stay at home mom to my son and daughter and to take care of my husband and meet his needs of making home cooked meals and keeping a clean, cozy home. You are right! It is our duty to make it a loving home for our children and the husband we should respect and appreciate. It seems like anything like this is looked upon as “crazy” or “not worth it” for todays day and age. Well, let me tell you girls…it is worth it…my household and my marriage has improved…all because I am a happier mom! Thanks Ruth Ann for giving this inspiration to me and God works in wondrous ways! Barbara
Cute things and such a generous giveaway! Happy Blog-a-versary!
What a wonderful giveaway. And I truly enjoy your blog!
My favorite holiday tradition? That’s a difficult question. I love celebrating, so I have “imposed” a ton of traditions on my family! Of course, I think food is included in all of them! We all have our favorite traditional food item, so I try to be sure that I include them all somewhere, sometime…Chocolate Yuletide Log, Potato Dinner Rolls, Snowflake Pudding, Peanut Butter BonBons, “Almond Roca”, oh, the list goes on and on. Yes, food is a big part of our celebrations!
I have a decorating question for you. How do you go about hiding the cords for your oh so pretty lamps that you have in your lovely home?
Hugs, Bobbi Jo-AZ
Oh..Congrats!! I’ve been away too long..
You are an amazing and wonderful person… and those folks who don’t have a relationship with Christ..simply miss the boat..oh well.. THAT IS TOTALLY THE REASON FOR JOY! CHRIST…
Hope your having a wonderful weekend.
Ciao Bella!
Oh..Congrats!! I’ve been away too long..
You are an amazing and wonderful person… and those folks who don’t have a relationship with Christ..simply miss the boat..oh well.. THAT IS TOTALLY THE REASON FOR JOY! CHRIST…
Hope your having a wonderful weekend.
Ciao Bella!
Oh..Congrats!! I’ve been away too long..
You are an amazing and wonderful person… and those folks who don’t have a relationship with Christ..simply miss the boat..oh well.. THAT IS TOTALLY THE REASON FOR JOY! CHRIST…
Hope your having a wonderful weekend.
Ciao Bella!
Oh..Congrats!! I’ve been away too long..
You are an amazing and wonderful person… and those folks who don’t have a relationship with Christ..simply miss the boat..oh well.. THAT IS TOTALLY THE REASON FOR JOY! CHRIST…
Hope your having a wonderful weekend.
Ciao Bella!
I love your blog, everything about it,I find myself sometimes wishing you posted more, i am addicted!
It is just my dhusband and myself now, with our dson and his wife 3 thousand miles away from us in another country, and this big old house gets mighty lonely, My favorite tradition is going outside on Christmas eve, [after the candle ceremony at church] I love either listening to the snow fall[it really does have a sound!] or looking a the star’s, in the brisk night sky.
There I stand , being in awe of the beauty and The Majesty of The Lord in that vast sky, and being in awe that He knows each star by name! I also listen listen so very closely for those sleigh bells!
While I am outside shivering, I love to look in our home windows, to see the tree and the fire burning, and the candles in the windows.
Thank you again for your beautiful blog, I am pleased to read it..[again, come on up to Vermont, it’s beautiful up here!!
Mona In Whiting Vermont
One of our favorite Christmas traditions is making peppermint candy bark. The children enjoy beating the peppermints with a small hammer! Please enter me in your awesome giveaway!!!
Ruthann, your on my blog list! Have been for some time now.Love your blog and your home.Can’t wait to see what the next year brings.
And I love your stories! I’m not surprised your an author.
Well,every year,since my boys were small,on December first,I would put a Christmas quilt on their bed. It was so fun, they’d get all excited coming in from school and seeing their beds all decked out. (I’ve been a quilter most all of my life).I also have a Christmas set of everyday dishes I use each year the month of December.The dishes make every meal a holiday!
I’m a grandma now and still use the dishes. My grown sons are as thrilled today as when they were young when they come to visit and sit down to a meal! Sweet memories.
Isn’t that what it’s all about?
Oh Ruthann,where are my manners? I forgot to invite you to enter my Vintage Quilt blog give away. Hop on over and take a look. I’m pretty “small potatoes” compared to you.
And of course, I also forgot to say to enter me in your give away!
Hugs again,
You don’t know me or of me, but I just want to tell you that I really look forward to reading your blog. No, I don’t comment, I just check in to see what you’re up to. I like your pictures and your style. Some of us really appreciate your “trueness.”
I love your blog…it always makes me feel good and have a big smile on my lips as I read!
You decorate with much love and delight! Don’t ever stop talking about the Lord…He makes all thing possible!
Bless you for sharing His name!
We don’t have alot of traditions but we do just about the same thing every Christmas! Always open gifts on christmas eve and Santa comes the next morning and a nice dinner to follow! Things have changed over the years and have lost members of the family but we are expecting a first grandbaby after Christmas so next year we will really have some fun!
Our favorite family tradition, has to be our Thanksgiving! We have “the dinner” at our home. The kids love to help with decorating and cooking! For the kids, we lay craft paper on the table and fill emptied (and cleaned with the labels taken off) vegetable and fruit cans, with crayons. The kids LOVE every year coloring, decorating, etc.. while they’re wiating for the adults to put the finishing touches on the bountiful spread!
Then, before we eat, all of the children, 9 of them, are handed a 3×5 card with either a Bible verse, or poem regarding being thankful. Each child reads it out loud. In conclusion, we all go around and say one thing we are thankful for, and then follow up with a prayer!
It is truly a time that we stop and vocalize what we are thankful for. Not many holidays are focused on reflecting on our own blessings bestowed upon us by God. I think that’s what makes it so memorable for adults and children alike!
Thank you for entering me in your contest. I would truly be THANKFUL to win!!! ;-)
Congratulations on your anniversary! I adore your blog, and I am so glad you are for real! *wink*
Oh how I would love these! (I heard of a lady once who wore a tiara while cleaning, but I think pearls are much more mothery.)
Don’t know if you’ll get around to reading these all, (I think I’m number 269!) But our favourite Christmas tradition is theat we don’t have our tree until Christmas eve… (though the house is decked out) and we dress the tree while Carols By Candlelight is on the t.v. Then, just before the kiddies go to bed, we bring out all the presents from family and place them under the tree, then turn all the lights off and read a christmas story book by the twinkly tree lights. After they are safely asleep, Adam and I open some wine, watch the rest of carols, wrap santa presents and he usually puts together something!
I love to wrap gifts. I love Christmas eve. It’s so majical.
Thanks for this oppertunity, Ruthann!
I am delurking on your blog today. I wanted to say how much I have enjoyed reading it over the last couple of months. I have found it very inspirational and reassuring as a reasonably new wife. I am most envious of the decorating skill you showed in the last couple of posts. I would love to create a home as warm and welcoming as yours seems to be.
In terms of my favourite holiday tradition. Here in Australia it is always hot at Christmas. So my favourite part of the holiday is going to church at midnight on Christmas eve and then having the air-conditioning on full-bore on Christmas day so we can still have the essential roast dinner in comfort!
I’ve been enjoying your blog…loved this post!! I would love to be included in your drawing; such great gifts!!! Thanks for being “unashamed”!!
Yea for Momma's standing up for what they believe! I wish more people were not as afraid to share the blessings God has given them! You can only imagine who you might touch with your faith! Thank you for that. :)
Sign me up for the giveaway!!
A family tradition….I think the one that mean's the absolutley most to me is Christmas Eve. It is usually just the five of us. We bake and decorate cookies together (possibly induldging in a little dough throwing) and then sharing them while cuddled together, sipping cocoa & reading Christmas story after Christmas story from Eloise and the Grinch to Laura Ingalls Christmas at Plum Creek. We end each Christmas Eve by reading from the Bible, the story of Jesus' birth. Used to just Audley read it, but now that the kids are older we take turns reading the different verses. It's a wonderful and most definitley memorable way to celebrate the season.
Have a wonderful season!
Thank you for your lovely blog! It will be enjoyable reading everyone’s traditions. One of our many is that the girls and I sleep in our sleeping bags by the tree with its lights on one night during advent.
P.S. I’ll get this one of these days. My e-mail is sue.momof3@gmail.com.
I just recently found your blog and enjoy it so much. I made your snickerdoodle recipe and it was yummy. Jesus is the reason for my joy too…don’t know how you can live life without Him. Enter me in the drawing…Our favorite tradition is making frosted sugar cookies with shapes such as Santas, Christmas trees, stars, rocking horses, hearts, etc. Each frosted with a couple colors with sprinkles or candy hearts, silver balls etc to finish them. They are beautiful and yummy to eat! We have to have them every year and if we don’t get them done before Christmas we are all decorating them at Christmas. My boys friends just don’t know what to think when they get talked into helping out. With boys…we get some anotomically decorated snowmen, etc. Always a fun time! Connie
We started this last year so I don’t know if it’s a tradition yet per say…. It’s for Christmas so I hope you meant the holiday season. :)
I sit down towards the end of November and come up with about 20 things that we can do as a family between December 1 and December 25.
Things like:
Read the Christmas story by Christmas tree light.
Make snowflakes to decorate the house.
Have hot chocolate and popcorn while we watch a Christmas movie.
Walk the neighborhood and see Christmas lights…
Almost every night we pick an activity out of the bag and do that as a family.
We had a blast last year and the kids are looking forward to doing it next year! :)
happy anniversary. i just found your site, and I will be back. by teh way, I love the apron. my favorite color. I’m guilty of dressing eveeryone here in brown. hey, it’s a great color.
Hi RuthAnn
this is my first visit here to your wonderful blog & I would love to be entered in your One Year anniversary giveaway. I have so many favourite holiday traditions but if I had to choose one it would be going to Church as a family on Christmas Eve for the candlelight service.
I love reading your blog and want to be just like you when I grow up!!!
Your pictures of Disneyland made me think of our Christmas traditions when we lived in CA! My husband worked as a baker at the Blue Ribbon Bakery and we would always go to Disneyland after dinner on Thanksgiving, grab a cinnamon roll and hunker down to watch the Christmas Parade!
Now that we are in FL, our tradtiions revolve around another set of theme parks, so we take a night, pack some homemade cookies and cocoa and got to Disney’s Hollywood Studios to see the Christmas light displays and the “snow”!
Your giveaway sounds wonderful! I wouldn’t mind getting that as an early Christmas gift!!!
First, I have to tell you I am so glad you over heard that you talk about God too much. What a great compliment. I could tell right away you had Jesus love for everyone.
well, I do have a tradition…after our children got older and stopped believing in Santa, I still wanted to do stockings. So, I tie our stockings on our dining room chairs with a big festive bow. It looks so colorful and fun. And for the 12 days of Christmas we put things in each others stockings. It’s so great because everyone can hardly wait to see what has been left for them. The gifts are as simple as a nail file for mom to deicer for dad. The kids love it becasue they are now Santa.
My favorite holiday tradition in our family is the FOOD! We only fix certain foods for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mmmm, cream cheese corn, pigs-in-a-blanket, and my Granny’s cornbread dressing. Since Granny has passed away, the cornbread dressing is very special to me. There is no recipe, all us girls just know how to make it. Enter me in your give-away, please. I, for one, love you, RuthAnn, and I want to be just like you when I grow up!:)
My favorite tradition is sitting on the couch at night and watching our Christmas tree twinkle while drinking hot chocolate with my husband and two little girls. We always do that right after we finish decorating our tree.
Thank you so much for this give-away – I am especially excited about that apron!
way to go, getting all these comments! I too just recently discovered your blog; Sept 15 to be exact because I hauled out the few autumn decorations I owned, bought a few more items, and proceeded to decorate for fall. Thank you for the inspiration…but more importantly, thank you for your shining love for Christ…
Traditions…hmmm, one would have to be the date turnovers I bake–they were my Grandpa’s favorite cookies and they are so yummy; they disappear magically. One year I “punished” my then 18 yr old son by having him make another batch, cuz he’d snuck too many of them out of the freezer on me :) We all know frozen cookies are the best!
And another family tradition is a sitdown Christmas morning breakfast. Breakfasts around here are pretty much hit or miss, as a rule…but Christmas morning is a very special spread and always includes cranberry scones…yummmy!
thank you again!
and, in case my name comes up here is an email addy to reach me…
thetroyersatgmaildotcom — just replace at/dot with the symbols :)
Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Your blog is so helpful and wonderful to read! As a mom of three year old – and all new to home making, I just love learning from you.
My favorite holiday tradition is to visit children's hospital's Christmas Eve and drop off cookie trays for the nurses & docs and gifts to the nurses to deliver to the kids. I spent many a weeks in a childrens hospital from the age of 5-10 myself, and I will never forget the feeling of being in a hospital on Christmas (30 years later!!).
It is something I typically do alone to remember that people are always suffering, and that true Christmas is just giving :)
Thank YOU for giving your time to blog about wonderful things like pie, aprons and making a home!!
Kate Davis
Congratulations on your one year blogiversary Ruthann :)
All I have to say to those that said what they did is: “Those Who Live in Glass Houses Should not Throw Stones”
Anyway, I would love to be entered in your beautiful giveaway.
We have a lot of holiday traditions in our family, but I’ll share two…
*Before we eat on Thanksgiving each one of us tells everyone else what we are thankful for that particular year.
*On Christmas I have always read The Night Before Christmas before my kids head up to bed even though they are now 18 and 13 :)
Thank you for sharing yourself with us.
Oh… and I forgot to tell you that you have been on my blogroll since day one ;)
My favorite holiday tradition is baking lots of fun things to eat, mostly… :-) MMMMM… Congrats!!!And, blessings to you!
I love your blog and how encouraging and positive it is. After reading your posts I alwayhs leave feeling very refreshed.
One of our favorite family traditions is something I do each Christmas. Ever since my kids were little, I have always done something different each year when it comes to putting their gifts under the tree. One year I put numbers on each gift, but lost my master list so each person had to open a gift then I’d tell them who to give it to since I didn’t know what number went to each person. Our most favorite year was the year I put my daughter’s name on my son’s gifts and his name on her gifts. I’d catch them eyeing “their” gifts and dreaming and wondering. On that Christmas morning, I had both kids get their gifts and told each of them to pick one gift each, then told them to give that gift to the other sibling and open it. You should have seen their confused faces. Well, after the second gift of doing this, they figured out that I had put their names on the other’s gifts. That was the best trick of all! I’ve not been able to outdo that year, but it is something we still look back on and laugh about.
Another tradition we carry on is giving clothing, blankets and toys to “less privileged” children. It gives us a great feeling of sharing with others.
I hope I win your giveaway. I love the books, cookbook, apron and pearls. These are all items I’d cherish and make me smile.
I love your blog and how encouraging and positive it is. After reading your posts I alwayhs leave feeling very refreshed.
One of our favorite family traditions is something I do each Christmas. Ever since my kids were little, I have always done something different each year when it comes to putting their gifts under the tree. One year I put numbers on each gift, but lost my master list so each person had to open a gift then I’d tell them who to give it to since I didn’t know what number went to each person. Our most favorite year was the year I put my daughter’s name on my son’s gifts and his name on her gifts. I’d catch them eyeing “their” gifts and dreaming and wondering. On that Christmas morning, I had both kids get their gifts and told each of them to pick one gift each, then told them to give that gift to the other sibling and open it. You should have seen their confused faces. Well, after the second gift of doing this, they figured out that I had put their names on the other’s gifts. That was the best trick of all! I’ve not been able to outdo that year, but it is something we still look back on and laugh about.
Another tradition we carry on is giving clothing, blankets and toys to “less privileged” children. It gives us a great feeling of sharing with others.
I hope I win your giveaway. I love the books, cookbook, apron and pearls. These are all items I’d cherish and make me smile.
I love your blog and how encouraging and positive it is. After reading your posts I alwayhs leave feeling very refreshed.
One of our favorite family traditions is something I do each Christmas. Ever since my kids were little, I have always done something different each year when it comes to putting their gifts under the tree. One year I put numbers on each gift, but lost my master list so each person had to open a gift then I’d tell them who to give it to since I didn’t know what number went to each person. Our most favorite year was the year I put my daughter’s name on my son’s gifts and his name on her gifts. I’d catch them eyeing “their” gifts and dreaming and wondering. On that Christmas morning, I had both kids get their gifts and told each of them to pick one gift each, then told them to give that gift to the other sibling and open it. You should have seen their confused faces. Well, after the second gift of doing this, they figured out that I had put their names on the other’s gifts. That was the best trick of all! I’ve not been able to outdo that year, but it is something we still look back on and laugh about.
Another tradition we carry on is giving clothing, blankets and toys to “less privileged” children. It gives us a great feeling of sharing with others.
I hope I win your giveaway. I love the books, cookbook, apron and pearls. These are all items I’d cherish and make me smile.
I love your blog and how encouraging and positive it is. After reading your posts I alwayhs leave feeling very refreshed.
One of our favorite family traditions is something I do each Christmas. Ever since my kids were little, I have always done something different each year when it comes to putting their gifts under the tree. One year I put numbers on each gift, but lost my master list so each person had to open a gift then I’d tell them who to give it to since I didn’t know what number went to each person. Our most favorite year was the year I put my daughter’s name on my son’s gifts and his name on her gifts. I’d catch them eyeing “their” gifts and dreaming and wondering. On that Christmas morning, I had both kids get their gifts and told each of them to pick one gift each, then told them to give that gift to the other sibling and open it. You should have seen their confused faces. Well, after the second gift of doing this, they figured out that I had put their names on the other’s gifts. That was the best trick of all! I’ve not been able to outdo that year, but it is something we still look back on and laugh about.
Another tradition we carry on is giving clothing, blankets and toys to “less privileged” children. It gives us a great feeling of sharing with others.
I hope I win your giveaway. I love the books, cookbook, apron and pearls. These are all items I’d cherish and make me smile.
Your blog is so uplifting, and ispiring to so many. Thank you for passing the joy! Those books look darling! I would love to add them to my collection. :)
Every year we get an ornament for my husband and I and one for each of our children.
After the lights are on the tree, we put the ornaments up, year by year, and talk about that year a bit. The children begin adding ornaments with their birth year.
It takes all night; but, it’s a tradition I love.
Oh! Pick me!!! I love the cookbook…My mom had it and I pored over it so many times. A gem…All your other goodies are just delightful too, just like your blog. :)
Love your newest blog, RuthAnn. Its always refreshing to visit your site.
I love your thoughts. One of my favorite Holiday traditions is attending an Advent Brunch that is held the Saturday after Thanksgiving. There are usually 500 Lutheran women together and the past few years I have been able to invite my daughter and my new duaghter in law. It’s a perfect way to get our hearts ready for Christmas.
Oh, I dearly love reading your pages, and feel that I am coming home when I read your sweet words of faith and promise. Please never stop talking about our good Friend, Jesus. This week in kindergarten, we have been talking a lot about being the LIGHT of the world. That is what you are sharing… a good bit of Light to brighten up our homes.
Please add me to your giveaway. Hugs, Patti – ps… I love Mainstreet, Disneyland at Christmas.
What a fun give away!
I love the flirty apron…..so CUTE!!
Please include me in your give away!
Hugz, Dolly
Hi Ruthann, I love your blog and have been following it for several months. I find it very inspiring. I am grateful for your love for Jesus our Savior and for all the faith inspired posts. He is my Savior too! Please do not let a few comments discourage you. There are lots of gals like me that rarely leave comments but follow every post that you blog.
Happy blogging anniversary! I would love to be included in your giveaway too. Blessings,
Congratulations!……. I *love* your blog.
Did you know you were an inspiration for me to start my own blog? I am very new to blogging and just dipping my toes in.
My very favorite tradition is celebrating Advent each Sunday in December in preparation of Christmas Day.
Now that two of our boys have little families of their own, we gather them at ‘Grammie and Opa’s’ house where we do something significant for that week of Advent. Beginning with making the Advent wreaths the week before, to reading ‘scriptures of anticipation’ of the prophets and shepherds who awaited Christ’s birth. We have a simple supper and finish with goodies that the *daughters-by-love* and I have been baking since the first of November.
Every year is different, and we are making little memories that, we hope will build a foundation.
I have loved your blog almost since it began and appreciate your stand for God and your outlook on life. Thanks for sharing all that you do with us. I look forward to your posts and seeing your latest adventure! I did not realize you had authored a book, now I must go look for it!
Hi Ruthann! Well, I haven’t had any holiday traditions so far in my life. My parents are divorced, as are my grandparents, so every year growing up was shuffling from one place to the next. Every year was different. When I got married, it didn’t change much. My husband’s family lives in another country, so we usually go there for the holidays. Again, divorced families, so a lot of shuffling and deciding what we’re doing when, etc… Christmas really lost it’s magic for me a long time ago. However, there is an upside to my sob story!! I now how have a beautiful baby girl who will be 10 months at Christmas. I am excited and have already started planning our own family traditions. For one, we will wake up in our OWN beds!! :) Next, we will just be together enjoying the love we share and holiday spirit. Being 10 months, there’s alot she won’t understand, but there will be no doubt she will “feel” all of the love in the world from her mama…In the future, I hope to watch White Christmas with her while drinking hot chocolate snuggled under a blanket. God bless!
I just love visiting your blog!Your home is beautiful and reminds me a bit of Wilderness Lodge in Disney World! I am a lover of all things Disney too and totally understand your appreciation of Disney decorating!
Ruthann, I enjoy your blog so much and am blessed by how you see your job as a Mom and wife as a ministry that The Lord works through to bless others, namely your family! Well, look how your joy has expanded to others and their homes and families!! It’s clear you have been a good steward. We need to hear from Mom’s like you because many are just too busy toiling and spinning and we all need to slow down when we can and do those seemingly little things that really mean alot and show our families and our children we love them. It can be as simple as a warm home, a waiting and smiling parent, and a pot of chicken soup or a PIE ready to be gobbled up. I also share your joy in the home! Please keep blogging and sharing your sweet spirit. The Lord is at work here. God Bless,
one of our family traditions is to watch “It’s a Wonderful Life”. We have been doing this before we had our boys. Congratulations on your anniversary!
RuthAnn, Your blog is incredible!!! I check it everyday for inspiration. I know that God has given you this unique ministry. Thank you for following the Holy Spirit and God bless you!
I would so love to win the give-away. I will share with you our family Christmas tradition.
We live in central Florida and to get into the Christmas spirit we have to manufacture the feeling of the holidays. We live in a small town many miles from the city. Every year we drive the distance to a nearby city and drive through their holiday light display. This is not an unusaul tradition for most families but, we put a Florida spin on it. We turn the air conditioner on full blast and wrap up in blankets and drink hot chocolate while the windows are rolled down and we play Christmas music on the car radio. Our children are nineteen, fifteen and eleven and we have done this for nineteen years. They love this tradition and it helps get us in the Christmas spirit.
Your blog means alot to me and I draw alot of spiritual wisdom from your entries.
My e-mail is ranchmom88@verizon.net
One of our family traditions started out of my desire to have a wonderful Christmas tree but not really having the money to afford ornaments. I was a single mom and money was really tight. I always loved Christmas and did the best I could but my tree was pretty bare. I started buying my children their own ornaments each year. Now that they are older they actually pick them out (sometimes with a little guidence). They usually have something to do with their character or what their interests have been during the year. My daughter has danced for a couple of years (and is a princess) so her’s usually follow that theme. My boys have ornaments such as Nascar, Star Wars, football teams they support or just ornaments they liked. When they get married and have a house of their own they will have a very special collection of ornaments.
(The one thing I learned from a friend was to continue to buy ornaments for my tree because when my kids all leave there will be about 60 less ornaments on it:))
Another tradition we have is that we open a present every Christmas Eve. It is always the same present- a new pair of pajamas. On Christmas morning everyone has nice new jammies for Christmas day pictures!
Shawna in Florida
Ruthann, I look forward to your blog each time it is updated. As many others have said, it is so encouraging and uplifting. I especially enjoy the photos, much of my extended family is from Branson! I believe my favorite holiday tradition involved the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving. My mom,sister-in-law, sister and all the girl children go to my sister’s house last on the day on Friday. We are all armed with recipes and ingredients for our favorite holiday goodies. We bake most of the night Friday night, then make pallets on her living room floor, in front of the fireplace and watch Christmas movies. There are 8 of us scattered all over the floor, including my 82 year old mom! On Saturday morning, we continue cooking. By Saturday late afternoon, we have her dining room table loaded with all the goodies. We take photos of the spread and then separate everything. We each go back to our husbands and sons with tons of delicious treats. It’s a great time for us to be together and share the gift of family that God has blessed us with! Thanks for letting each of us share. I’ve loved reading everyone’s traditions. Thanks! Iantha email iantha@ewam.com
I happen to love your blog…it is actually my favorite and I wish you could blog everyday or at least 5 times a week. :) Our tradition is eating the famous overnight egg breakfast casserole on Christmas morning. My kids won’t let me make it during the year because it’s what we have on Christmas Day only.
I love your blog and I don’t think you talk about God to much! Please Sign me up for the give away. The apron is wonderful.
My favourite holiday tradition is our Christmas tree raising ceremony. Rather than just describe it here, you can read about it on my blog; I posted about it, with pictures, last year.
I love your blog!
Fabulous Blog! You are the cutest and I love how you decorate your home and love your family. I love the book and pearls and apron? LOL! June Cleaver move over…Hugs Grace
Hi Ruthann,
Congratulations on you anniversary and thank you for wanting to share it with all your blog readers.
I just adore your blog. I have had many visits and each one warms my heart and always puts a smile on my face. I can see that your blog has certainly touch alot of people.
I would love to enter your contest…my favorite tradition would have to be our family visit to my sister’s home on Christmas Eve. We enjoy wonderful food, play games and exchange gifts. After our gathering each family is left to carry on their own tradition … Such as Christmas Eve services, watching a movie or just enjoy the warm cozy feeling of everyone being together to celebrate the birth of our Lord.
Heres to another fun year of Blogging.
OOps! I got carried away with my post telling you how much you inspired me in my homemaking abilities that I forgot to add my favorite family Christmas tradition…Every year my husband and my 2 children have a night where we take a ride around the town looking at Christmas lights that decorate homes. Some are really quite beautiful to look at. The kids get dressed in their jammies and I bring hot cocoa in a thermos and some homemade brownies and off we go!!! It is so much fun to sit in a warm car sipping cocoa and munching on homemade brownies while enjoying the delight of the holiday! Barbara Oh, and my email address is barbaratuna7789@verizon.net
Ruth Ann,
May I marry your blog? LOL!!
God bless your for your faith in
Jesus Christ and not being afraid to say it! Please enter me in your
anniversary give-away.
Our family’s favorite Christmas tradition is to call each other on Christmas Eve with greetings of “Christmas Eve gift”! The first one to blurt it out gets a gift, in theory. We mostly enjoy calling each other! If we are together, we call out first thing when we awake.
Vera@ LnVClifford@msn.com
Wow, that’s a beautiful bunch of prizes! :)
Let’s see…I love buying sugar cookies from a local (well, not so local since we moved, but we make the trek anyway!) bakery and frosting them with my brother and my mom. My dad’s usually out in the barn doing chores, so I guess his favorite part is eating the broken pieces afterward!
Great giveaway!
One of my favorites holiday traditions takes place on Christmas Eve. We have dinner on Christmas Eve with family and before we head home we put our little in her new Christmas PJ’s and then drive around and look at Christmas lights. It is very relaxing to just be with our little family after all the hustle getting ready for the season. We are able to relax and enjoy the excitment of the season as our little one exclaims over the lights. It is during our little drive that we stop to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas!
Hi Ruthann! It was great having hot cocoa with you, and I hope we don’t go so long between visits next time. Love your blog (I think this is actually my first blog experience!).
My favorite Christmas tradition just started last year. We put the kids to bed (they were grumbling, of course) and hubby and I sneaked into the kitchen, poured hot cocoa into a thermos, grabbed some cookies, and donned our Santa hats! Then we went back into the kids’ rooms singing Christmas carols and asking, “Why are you in bed? We’re going out!” It was a school night, so they thought this was REALLY COOL. We loaded them up in jammies and blankets and drove around town, looking at the pretty Christmas light displays. We all had a wonderful time, and my daughter even wrote about the “adventure” for a school project. It just warmed my heart to read how much she loved it. And it was so simple. We just have to make the time to do little things like that. We are planning on doing it again this year…but the “when” remains a mystery! :)
Love ya, Ruthann!
I just want you to know, that I love your blog, even though you and I may not be of the same religion, I know that we pray to the same wonderful God, I look at your blog every day and am completly inspired to live a better, life and be a better mother. Christ is the center of my home a guest at every meal, a silent listner to every coversation. And that is why I have such a happy home. My favorite holiday tradition is takeing my husband and three little boys to walk aroung down town Salt Lake city, (it is so festive at Christmas time) then we go to our LDS temple to see all the wonderful christmas lights. On Christmas eve we also read the Christmas story out of the bible, in hopes to help keep thier focus on Christ and not the toys, its hard cause they are young but I know some day it will sink in. Thanks again. P.S. Your blog is the only Blog that I can get my husband to read with me, he loves you!
Your decor in your home is so beautiful! Since we just passed Halloween, I will tell you one of our favorite traditions. My oldest son is 23, son 21, daughter 18, daughter 12. We have been doing this for many years. Close to Halloween one night we have “Spooky dinner.” It isn’t really all that spooky, but we always have mac and cheese (looks like brains), grape or orange jello (this year we had Halloween marshmallows on top), bright green broccoli, usually decorated cupcakes. Sometimes we have used baby carrots and made them to look like fingers. I have the table all set with a Halloween tablecloth and lots of candles. We turn off all the lights and put on “spooky” music which isn’t very spooky because when the kids were little, spooky music scared them in the dark! It’s just fun, my own idea and the kids won’t let the tradition end which is fine with me!
Plano, TX
Hi Ruthann! I just found your blog and have been busy over the last few weeks catching up!
I especially enjoyed your holiday topics from 07 anc can’t wait for the ones from 08!
My favorite holiday tradition comes from when my oldest child who would be 13 this year but she began celebrating her Christmas with Jesus when she was five after a battle with a malignant brain tumor. When this darling little daughter of mine was four and still lived here with us, we were looking out our front window one cold winter evening. We had already set up our large outdoor nativity scene complete with darling baby Jesus in his little bed. She jumped up from the window and ran to her room rather excitedly. She came back carrying her little baby blanket and was quite upset. I asked her what was wrong and she said, “Oh mama we have to go outside right now!” I told her it was very cold outside but she insisted. So we bundled up and out we went she said she had to visit the baby Jesus. She carrying her little baby blanket out and laid it on Him there in our front yard. She told me that it was awful cold and she knew that her blanket would help to keep him warm.
She has been away from us now for seven years. We still go out and put that baby blanket on baby Jesus…so He doesn’t get cold.
I know that she is smiling from Heaven and He is holding her hand and whispering to her how much he loves her as He now is keeping her warm each and every moment. Merry Christmas Ruthann!
As I’ve said many times before, I find your blog a great source of wisdom, motivation, and inspiration. However, to come here and find a giveaway waiting for me is just like getting a second slice of my favorite pie…simply wonderful!
Here’s my favorite holiday tradition:
I just love when our family piles into the car in search of the year’s Christmas tree. We like to call it our “tree hunt.” We always take along hot cocoa or sometimes hot spiced cider, homemade cookies, and sandwiches for the ride. Without fail we play our favorite holiday tunes during the outing. It contributes to the festive atmosphere and puts us all in a cheery mood. Now, one thing I do before leaving the house for the hunt is get a hearty stew of some sort going in the crockpot and set the timer on the bread machine. By the time we make it home, set the tree in the stand,and pull all the ornaments and frills from the shed, the stew and bread are ready and waiting for us! It’s a fun family time that I treasure and look forward too each year.
Did I already sign up?????? Hum, if not please count me in.
The truth is out….you are a published writer!!! No wonder your blog is so cute and “professional looking”! LOL I love it! What a generous and wonderful give away! One of our favorite and fun traditions began the year after our youngest son had asked the “big” question about Santa. My husband and I were a little sad that now all 3 kids had transitioned into the next phase of wrapped presents under the tree from “surprises” left under the tree by the jolly old man in the red suit. Sooooo, my husband came up with this idea and executed it completely without my knowledge. That Christmas morning after we opened the wrapped packages under the tree and cleaned up the mess he made us all sit down then he went into the garage and drug a big box into the house…. All of us sat there with eyes as big as saucers wondering what he was doing. He announced it was the SANTA BOX and proceded to distribute packages to all three kids, and me and my mom. The kids were squealing! I was in shock! He had done all of this on his own and had kept it a secret from me! This began a tradition in our house 13 years ago and continues today. We’ve got lots of fun memories of funny things he’s pulled out of that box! The kids are now all in their 20’s and still get excited about the Santa Box (and he still does it all on his own so it’s a surprise to me). Some years he waits for an hour or more saying we’re not doing it this year before he brings it out! Last year the Santa Box expanded to include a new daughter in law and girlfriend. Next year… a new grandbaby! It will be fun to watch what happens as the family grows! But I know the giving nature of my husband will always shine through!
Many blessings to you and your sweet family!
Patti in Texas!
oh RuthAnn- i am just so thankful for YOU! you encourage me to be a better mama and wife everyday.your blog has been a special blessing for me and my family and i thank you
my favorite christmas tradition is to load the whole family into the truck and go looking for our christmas tree. on years we cant all decide on one we take turns each year being the “official tree chooser”
xo, stacy
You are an inspiration…
One of our favortite family traditions is making perogi’s (potato/cheese or saurkraut/onion filled dough, boiled and served with melted butter) together on Christmas Eve and filling ourselves till we’re ready to burst. Now that the family has grown in size, grown up and scattered across the country, it doesn’t happen every year. But our teenagers talk fondly of the years of memories and still want to do it despite not everyone coming together anymore.
Thank you for reminding us of the comforts of home!
Lisa in WA
I don’t see the comment I left earlier if it’s on here and I missed it please forgive me for posting again. I looked through the long list of comments twice.
My favorite tradition is one we just started last year. At the end of November I sit down and right up about 20 things we can do as a family on little slips of paper.
Read the Christmas story by Christmas tree lights.
Drink cocoa and eat popcorn while watching a Christmas movie.
Make snowflakes and decorate the house.
Go for a walk to look at Christmas lights. (I live in FL!)
Just little stuff like that.
Then most nights from Dec. 1-Dec 25the kids take turns picking something from the bucket to do that night.
It was so much fun last year. I can’t wait to do it again this year!!
Dear Ruthann,
My favorite family holiday tradition is caroling around the piano as a family. Although like any family, we had ups and plenty of downs, the memory of standing next to my lady-like, piano-playing Gramma stands out in my mind as one of the best things that happened all year. The family I’ve recently married into does not do this, or anything like this, so I am gently trying to blaze a creative trail during holidays to prepare them to eventually be open to doing this! :o) Thank you for your wonderful first year of blogging, Ruthann. And by the way, I think you are just great. Thanks for being a good example. My email is heather.eleanor@gmail and it would be mah-velous to sign up for your giveaway, please. I also love your vintage-y pictures and the care that you pour into every blog entry. Sincerely, Heather
Happy Anniversary! What a joy your blog has been to me. I appreciate all of your wonderful encouragement. Please sign me up for your giveaway.
Our tradition has always been to take our daughter to pick out her own ‘special’ ornament (usually associated with her activities, like dance). But growing up, each year, we always hand-made a new ornaments for our tree to add to the previous years masterpieces.
You’ve got the warmest, “fuzziest” blog I have ever read. You’re a real, southern Mama-wish you were mine darlin’!!!!!;)
Please enter me in your giveaway too!!!!
Happy Anniversary Ruthann! I love your blog as it is so motavating for me to read. It may sound silly but you inspire me daily. Thank You! :)
My favorite Christmas tradition took place with my family, growing up we would draw names just before going to bed on Thanksgiving. The gifts would then have to be at least partially homemade. It was not because of money that my parents started this but instead because it taught us all varius skills that we prabably otherwise would not have learned. My children are still a bit young(3 under 6) but we will be trying this in our household this year. I can’t wait!
Oops! I forgot my e-mail for you in my comment. It is betsyandscott@abe.midco.net. It is the anonymous comment about the homemade gifts. What a lovely gift that would be to win!!
i just found your blog and i LOVE it! i will be back! our tradition is to read the bible story aloud at christmas and act it out so the kids will drive it into their brains!
Our favorite family tradition is reading the Christmas Story on Christmas Eve, sometimes dressing up and acting out, (depends on the children’s ages), mine are now 20, 23 and 28. Time to start with the grandchildren 3 1/2 and 8 months!
I forgot to leave our family traditions.
1. Thanksgiving is always at my house (we have the only children) and after all of my guests have found their places at the table, we go around and each person says what they are thankful for.
2. All of my family live in another state, so on Christmas Eve after a nice dinner we open any gifts or cards that my side of the family sends.
3.My mother in law started this one, on Christmas day, just as evening is nearing, we pull out our Birthday Cake to Jesus, light the candles and everyone together blows the candles out, and my hubby says a prayer.
Blessings lovely lady
I was just recently introduced to your blog and I absolutely LOVE it! You show such down-home hospitality and inspiration. I would also love to be entered in your anniversary give-away.
As far as family traditions–ours will be changing this year. My mom recently passed away (at the too-young age of 62) and we are facing our first holiday season without her. This will be a difficult time for my family as we adjust to being without her. Mom loved, loved, loved the holidays. From pulling the Christmas decorations out of the shed on Thanksgiving evening to baking some yummy concoction, to making new stockings or table runners, she always had a holiday project going. But I think the tradition that I remember most was her wrapping of the gifts. She could come up with the most unusual way to wrap a present. She didn’t just stick things in a gift bag, she got creative. Sometimes she put jingle bells or bricks inside to throw you off. I remember once she took a package of socks and wrapped each one individually. She made her own odd shaped boxes and sometimes she made a scavenger hunt out of opening a gift. Other times she wrapped 5 or 6 boxes inside each other with the gift being in the last box. She used paper towel and wrapping paper tubes for all kinds of things. It was always fun to see what she could come up with, and they always looked beautiful when she was done. Although it will be hard to get through this holiday season without her, we will be doing lots of things to honor her memory.
Thanks again for sharing your heart and home with all of us.
Hi Ruthann,
I really enjoy your blog – congratulations! I also enjoy the music – so peaceful to read by!
Our Christmas tradition for our family is to stay home and spend the day together. We get together with family & friends on other days, Christmas is just for us. We start the day with sausage, cinnamon rolls, fruit salad and orange juice. Then we enjoy a wide variety of finger foods all day long. We spend the time playing games, reading, watching Christmas movies and enjoying the gifts and eachother.
Thanks again for a wonderful blog, and yes, stand proud in your faith in God!
God Bless!
Ruthann I just love your blog! I check almost every day to see if you have posted. I enjoy the photos of your house and feel like I have visiting a good friend when I’m here.
I would love to be entered into your give a way!
I love that you share about Christ, and I hope someone is drawn to Him by reading your blog! A tradition we love to do as a family at the holidays is donating a shoebox for Samaritan’s Purse. You fill a shoebox with toys, and goodies and they give them out in countries where children might not get anything otherwise at Christmas. Now that my children are older we have challenged them to do their own box with their own money and they took us up on it! You can go to Samaritan’s Purse website to get more details! Giving is the best part of the holidays for me!
Hey RuthAnn, congrats on your 1 year…wow…please keep it up! My favorite holiday tradition, is baking my hubby’s favorite cookies, these are called cherry blossoms, you see, his mother used to bake them when he was a small boy and she passed away when he was only 12yrs old, so it’s my way of remembering his mother at Christmas.
What a fun give-away! I love your blog and it’s just so fun visiting you!
Our favorite family holiday tradition is to gather round the piano on Christmas eve and sing all our favorite Christmas carols. We are either preparing or have just gotten home from a Christmas Eve service at our church, which makes the evening even more special. We open one gift and then go to bed early anticipating the joy of Christmas morning.
Thank you for entering me in your give-away! How fun!
God bless you ~ Julie
Ruthann, I just wanted to tell you how sweet I think it is to offer a prize for us!! I really think of your blog as a gift. I love it so much “I want to marry it” :-)
Anyway, our favorite tradition is on Dec. 23 we bundle up our babies in the car in their jammies with blankets and favorite stuffed animals. Make hot chocolate and popcorn for everyone to share. Then we ride all around our beautiful town listening to Christmas carols and looking at the lights.
I just want to say Thank you!! for all you do. I had no idea you were also an author you’re just a treasure trove of talents!!
Hi there, Ruthann! First and foremost, let me say that I am so happy that you blog. I always look forward to reading your posts because you are so joyful, happy, encouraging, and inspirational. I am also thrilled that you talk as much as you do about God! That’s half the reason I love to visit here so much! ;o) I wish everyone had that joy in their hearts, and I mean that with every ounce of my being!
Now, my favorite family Christmas tradition…well, I’d have to say it’s the oyster stew. For as long as I can remember, my family (Momma’s family) has gotten up the morning of Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, before the big meals get going, and we eat oyster stew. I know that sounds strange, but we all love it and crave it come Christmas! A lot of my family lives on the same street back home, and so we all walk up to Papaw and Mamaw’s and eat homemade oyster stew in our jommies! I just love that tradition. It may not sound like much to many, but to us it’s really something! ;o)
And can I just tell you that I screamed when I saw that apron.
I just recently found your blog and am enjoying it so much! I’d love to be in your drawing. My email is pattis5@juno.com.
Here is my favorite holiday tradition. I have lived away from my family (except for my husband and 2 children) for my entire married life, so we don’t get to spend holidays together. Several years ago, I made a cookbook with recipes from many people in our family, and on holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, our meal is made using family recipes. It helps me feel more connected to my family, and my kids have enjoyed hearing stories about the people who gave me the recipes.
Happy One Year Anniversay! I just happened upon your blog! You are too cute! I would love to be entered into your giveaway, I am sure you will be cutting out names for weeks with over 300 entries!
Our son recently married a fine girl. We now have a son, a daughter and three grandchildren ages 14, 6 and 2. Our new daughter (in-law) asked if we could have Thanksgiving at our house and invite her Mom to come. What a privilege to have her ask that! We even planned the menu together.
Hard to narrow it down to just one favorite! So much fun to read all the other traditions too! :)
We open one gift one Christmas Eve. The gift is always Christmas pajamas. My husband and I buy them for each other each year. This way we are in fresh, crisp pj’s for our Christmas morning pictures as well. Who doesn’t enjoy soft new jammies by the fire anyway?
This summer we brought home our four adorable children from Ukraine. We went from 2 to 6 overnight! I can’t wait to see what new traditions we come up with to celebrate with our four wonder kiddos. I also can’t wait to see them in the matching pajamas I already bought for Christmas Eve!
Have a blessed holiday season, full of smiles, laughter, warmth, peace, joy, and perfectly baked pies.
:) Krista
Here is an open invitation to any blog readers to read my blog. It is the journey we took to bring our children home from Ukraine and join our family, forever. http://www.ukraine-adoption.blogspot.com
Congrats on your Blogaversary!!
We have so many holiday traditions, but my favorite is looking over at my three children at Christmas Eve Mass and hearing them singing…
Jenny in Maine
Ruthann, I love reading your blog, as I’ve stated before I’ve been with you since the beginning. I also love that you include such exuberance for your love of Christ in your blogging. I’m sorry for those that think there is too much praising going on. I wish they knew my Jesus as we do.
Thanks for a year of great inspiration. Even though I am your age and have been married just as long, I still need your loving kick in the pants periodically.
God Bless,
Hi Ruthann
I just recently discovered your blog and I LOVE everything about it, your faith, your decorating, your positive atitude, your snese of humor. Congratulations on one year. Our family is very spread out so our holiday tradition is just to get together with whoever is able to make it and just enjoy each others company.
Hope you’ll visit me sometime.
Hugs, Rhondi
I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!, especially how you put God first, as He should be. You teach us mothers how to put God and family first. You are a wonderful writer who inspires us all. May God continue to bless you and your beautiful family. I am so happy I “stumbled” on your blog. You are an inspiration to all us all. Many blessings from above, ML
Your blog has inspired me many times. My fav tradition is simple but is my fav. Visiting my out of town mom every Thanksgiving. We watch movies all night on pullout bed/couch and eat popcorn. My kids love this. jen v
What a fun giveaway! The books look great and the apron…woohoo!
We are a family with young kids and are still crafting our traditions. But one of my favorites is lighting the Advent Wreath each night.
Congrats on your blogiversary! Thank you for sharing your life with us, your tips,stories,and pics always light up my day! Thank you so much for the giveaway, aren’t you sweet for sharing with us!
My family decorates our tree while listening to Christmas music (The Carpenters is our favorite) and sipping eggnog. Then, we turn off all the house lights but the tree and watch A Charlie Brown Christmas in the glow of our newly decorated tree.
I also have wonderful memories of my mom’s chocolate rolls that she would make on Christmas Eve to eat Christmas morning while opening our presents. I must get the recipe!
Hi Ruthann! My sweet sister-in-law just told me that I failed to put my email address on my give away entry so I’m hoping to rectify that. I posted on Oct. 29 at 8:21 pm under Holly Stockman. My email address is stockmans4@gmail.com. I hope this works and that you find it!!! Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration and have a great day! Love, Holly
I Love your blog! I think you do an awesome job of encouraging ladies to enjoy their homes and families, I love that about you, that is what I try to do on my blog as well. Without faith we have nothing, I am so glad you did not let that get to you, just press on there!! You always share beautiful, wonderful and amazing things, I love it. I also love your spunk and enthusiasm, it makes it even more fun to read your blog. :) As far as the drawing…..hmmm….we have a couple of traditions, about an hour from us is a little place called “Camp Sherman” on the Metolius River. They have a little craft sale the day after Thanksgiving where they have fun handmade items and hot soup and they sell tree permits. We go, get a permit, go out and find a tree and go back for hot soup. As my children are all grown, that does not get to happen all the time, sadly, but one thing they make sure happens, is that they all come home for Christmas Dinner!
Miss Ruthann,
As a newer reader, I just want to say again how much I enjoy your blog. I just got back from a week’s vacation and yours was one of the first I checked! :)
Your run-in on the message boards is such an important reminder to us that gossip and slander, on whatever level, is always wrong and has potential to be hurtful, and that just because we don’t know someone in person (whether that be a blogger, celebrity, politician, etc) doesn’t mean we have a pass to talk about them in a way that Christ would not.
I would love to share a holiday tradition, although I don’t expect to be put in the running for the prize, as I live in Canada and that would really send your postage through the roof. :)
Our family is still just two, my husband and I, and our tradition is that on Christmas Eve I make an all-hor’dourves dinner and we eat on the floor by the tree, and then we watch either It’s a wonderful life and/or old Twilight Zone episodes (I know it sounds weird but a few years ago our big gift to each other was a season of TZ on DVD and we watched it Christmas Eve. Since then, it just stuck. :) ).
We also get the tree out on Dec 1st, no matter what, and my husband puts it up and then I do the decorating while we listen to Christmas music. I guess that’s sort of standard, but I love it.
Your home is beautiful, your blog has great tips for newbie homemakers like myself, and your love for Christ is clear.
Blessings, sister!
My favorite Christmas tradition is one that my husband and I just made up. We’re military people and have spent many a holiday away from our extended families. I wanted something that would keep us together at home with each other especially at that time of year. So what we did was buy a puzzle. I know it has nothing to do with Christmas but it’s fabulous. We started when the kids were very young. We get a new holiday puzzle every year and try to find one that incorporates Jesus (the reason for the season). But if we can’t, then it at least has to be a wintry theme and we find scripture that applies to the puzzle. When they were little, the kids would make a race of getting the puzzle completed before Christmas Day so Jesus and Santa could see it. Through high school, college, marriages, and grandchildren, the puzzle tradition is still alive and with the addition of sons- and daughters-in-law, it’s more fun than ever. By Thanksgiving, the kids are already reminding me to “get the puzzle.” We now prepare lots of finger foods, hot chocolate, and apple cider. It’s such a great get-together with non-stop eating and talking! Any friends that drop by can’t help but be drawn into our puzzle web. ross@charlottesville.org
RuthAnn, I love you! Sign me up for the give-away! I started something years ago, & now it has become a cherished family Thanksgiving heirloom. When my kids were small & we did not have much money, I put both tables together & threw a clean white sheet over them. Then got markers out for the kids and asked them to draw something.Also I asked them what they were thankful for and marked their name and date. Each year they added to it.Now it is great to get it out at Thanksgiving and read over the years. They are 28 and 32 now, so its old! P.S. I understand you wanting to glorify Our Saviour! When He fills your heart, it spills over into every other part of your life! Hopefully that lady will wonder why she does not feel that way and Seek Him! Thanks for your time! Candy
Happy Election Day, Ruthann!
Wow – what a celebration! One of my favorite family traditions at Christmas is lighting candles on the tree. Yep! Real candles! My mom grew up in Switzerland with this tradition, but don’t worry – we keep a fire extinguisher handy and make sure we have a fresh tree! My dad lights the candles and turns off all the lights while the rest of the family wait in the bedroom. When he begins to sing “Silent Night,” we come downstairs, singing with him. We gather around the tree singing carols by candlelight. It truly is something special for us and is the only time that I get to hear my parents sing about God and Jesus (it is a great hope of mine that they will come to know Him!).
I just love your blog and I am GLAD you talk so much about Jesus…He is my everything too….I Christmas’ as a child they were so warm and full of wonder…We always pick a family less fortunate than ourselves and the whole family helps make Christmas warm and happy for them.
hi there, am new to your blog and have addeed a link up under my “friends” on my blog. won’t you do the same for me? your blog is lovely. I hope you’ll swing by and visit mine once in a while.
wanted to say “congratulations” on one year of blogging..it is so much fun isn’t it? to be able to connect with so many people around the country/world that have many of the same likes and so forth.
Anyhow..I wanted to say “hi” and to also wish you a lovely week.
Your blog is precious! What fun giveaways! This Christmas we are doing a Christmas Jar with 25 little activities leading up to Christmas. Really trying to redeem Christmas this year and make it about the real reason….. Jesus.
Your blog is precious! What fun giveaways! This Christmas we are doing a Christmas Jar with 25 little activities leading up to Christmas. Really trying to redeem Christmas this year and make it about the real reason….. Jesus.
Your blog is precious! What fun giveaways! This Christmas we are doing a Christmas Jar with 25 little activities leading up to Christmas. Really trying to redeem Christmas this year and make it about the real reason….. Jesus.
Your blog is precious! What fun giveaways! This Christmas we are doing a Christmas Jar with 25 little activities leading up to Christmas. Really trying to redeem Christmas this year and make it about the real reason….. Jesus.
Would love to win any one of those wonderful goodies!
I have two children ages 9 and 6. For the last three years I have taken them each, independently, to a favorite local bookstore to pick out a special book for the other. That is their Christmas gift to each other. I have them inscribe the books. I hope these books will be wonderful memories for them and that they will continue to do this for one another as they get older.
What a cute recipe book and what a load of goodies you are giving away! Congratulations on your blog anniversary!
Our holiday family tradition is always to watch “It’s a Wonderful Life” on Christmas Eve.
Have a blessed November!
I love your blog, Jesus, pearls, and baking pies!!!! I’ve printed off many of your articles to re-read during my quiet time. All of the books sound wonderful and I absolutely love the apron. I would give it to my daughter if I won it. She would look cute as a button in it and it would give her incentive to experiment more with cooking!
Thanks for a very lovely place to visit, RuthAnn.
Goodness I have just found your blog today and I thought this was such a great post.
Whoever wins this giveaway is a very lucky person indeed, so many lovely goodies on offer.
Love Alison x
Oh how nice! Please do enter my name too!
Thank you,
Kiri Miller
Hi Ruthann,
I am always warmed by my visit to your blog. It is a sweet and comforting spot in my day and I am so grateful that you are here. I am also very glad to know that I’m not the only gal who wanted (still does) to live at Disneyland!
Wow, Ruthann, you are famous! I am always uplifted by a visit to your website.
One of our family’s beautiful traditions is to read Cynthia Rylant’s “Christmas in the Country” on the day we take down the Christmas tree. In the book, she mentions the family’s custom of having “milk and a biscuit” after packing away the ornaments and hauling out the tree. After we take down our tree, we read the book while enjoying milk and a biscuit, too! It gives the children (2, 4, and 7) something comforting to look forward to, so they are uplifted and look forward to the joys of winter, rather than discouraged by the end of the holiday season.
Grace and peace…
Oh Ruthann, you are all the things I want to be when I grow up. Encouraging, Joy-filled, & a great decorator!
You are already linked in my blog because we are Pie-baking sisters.
And to enter the contest (love that Apron!)– My favorite holiday tradition is snuggling in under a quilt with a warm cuppa something & some Christmas goodies to watch "It's a Wonderful Life", again.
Congratulations on your one year anniversary. I love your blog–so warm, so inspiring…
As with most people we have many holiday traditions that are so meaningful to us. Our favorite Christmas holiday tradition started 26 years ago when my sons were wee ones. We would take them to the children’s service on Christmas Eve and began inviting family and friends over to our home after the service. I served food and cookies from recipes handed down from both my family and my husband’s. My three sons still claim to this day that sharing Christmas Eve is the best part of their Christmas.
Thanks so much for all your sharing and again congratulations on your blog anniversary!
Gail (tcupquilt at yahoo dot com)
I know I don’t stand a snowball’s chance in the ‘bad’ place of winning your give away but just want you to know how much I enjoy reading your blog and yes, your every day walk with God…..
God bless you with many, many more years of blogging…Your Southern Sista…Betty
I got so excited reading and commenting I didn’t include a tradition…..
When we open our Christmas gifts we rotate years with the youngest member opening first and the next year the oldest one. That way everyone see what each person receives….Betty
I just discovered your wonderful blog today! I have read through the entire thing this morning. What inspiration and conviction for me!
I need to do a better job of creating a haven for my family. I used to do a much better job of it than I do now. I guess I lost my focus letting the cares of life get in the way of the what is really important.
Thank you for this amazing discovery!
I just discovered your wonderful blog today! I have read through the entire thing this morning. What inspiration and conviction for me!
I need to do a better job of creating a haven for my family. I used to do a much better job of it than I do now. I guess I lost my focus letting the cares of life get in the way of the what is really important.
Thank you for this amazing discovery!
I just discovered your wonderful blog today! I have read through the entire thing this morning. What inspiration and conviction for me!
I need to do a better job of creating a haven for my family. I used to do a much better job of it than I do now. I guess I lost my focus letting the cares of life get in the way of the what is really important.
Thank you for this amazing discovery!
I just discovered your wonderful blog today! I have read through the entire thing this morning. What inspiration and conviction for me!
I need to do a better job of creating a haven for my family. I used to do a much better job of it than I do now. I guess I lost my focus letting the cares of life get in the way of the what is really important.
Thank you for this amazing discovery!
I am enthralled with your blog, and find it soothing and full of the graciousness and love of our Savior. I come here to visit as often as possible. Happy one year anniversary!
One of my holiday traditions is baking and decorating sugar cookies. I have a favorite recipe for them and love to decide in advance which of the holiday cookie cutters in my collection I’ll use that year. The cookie cutters are souveniers from trips we’ve taken, gifts, or from my mother’s special heirloom collection.
I would be honored to win your giveaway! Please enter me in the drawing.
Susan Baldwin
Bakersfield, CA
A favorite family tradition. One I started when my kids were old enough is that I let them prepare the menu for Christmas and Thanksgiving. If they wanted to they could ask Dad for help. I told them they needed to be sure to write everything down that they wanted me to make. They did not write down one single dessert on their first menu. When the day came I prepared everything they listed and we sat down to eat. Of course they asked for dessert and I explained they hadn’t listed anything. They were so disappointed. Of course I made dessert later that day.
Now each year they continue to make the menu. Dessert is listed first, of course!
My favorite holiday tradition is always putting the Christmas tree and all the decorations up on the day after Thanksgiving. I want the holidays to start as soon as possible and last. Please enter me in your giveaway. I absolutely ADORE that apron. My nickname is Glamour Girl so this is so me! I know what you mean about wanting to live on Main Street, DisneyWorld. We were there last February and I had the most wonderful time of my life. I would rather be there than any where else on the planet (my husband thinks I’m crazy!). Joanne ~~ glamourgirljoanne@yahoo.com
How fun! I am so glad I’ve discovered your blog. I enjoy reading your inspiring words and contemplating my role as wife and mother and maker of a “homey” home! My three children are still young, 5, 3 1/2, and 7 months, so we are continuing to work on traditions, but for the last few years, our family has had a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas Eve. It is something I plan to continue and I think it is a fun way for the little ones to remember the real meaning of the holiday!
I love your blog! Sometimes I just stop by for the music ;-) My favorite holiday tradition isn’t very ‘traditional’. My family goes out to eat for Christmas brunch! There are usually about 10 of us that go. We get dressed up, go to a fancy hotel, eat tons of delectable delights, and don’t have to do a single dish. Then we all join up at that year’s host’s house and open gifts, listen to Christmas music, etc. It’s been our tradition for 17 years now! (Man I feel old now! LOL)
I absolutely love your blog & your home!!
Our Christmas tradition is to bake like crazy a couple of days before Christmas Eve and then on Christmas Eve play elves with our dear friends and family. We ring the doorbell if their home or call them if their not and let them know that there is something waiting for them on their doorstep. We especially like to do this for those who are alone for the holidays or who are in need.
Thank you for your wonderful blog.
Congratulations on your one year anniversary! One of our favorite family traditions is to make Baby Jesus a birthday cake for Christmas and sing him Happy Birthday. The kids look forward to making a very special cake for Him. Thanks for doing this give away. You are truly an inspiration.
Ruthann, My favorite tradition was when my granddad and I would always on Thanksgiving night pull out the christmas tree and from the couch my Grandmother who suffered from crippling in her hands and feet would tell me were to place the ordaments and we three would enjoy eachothers company. What a special time with them. Your blog encourages me to enjoy my home and love the simple things. Thanks so much, Jennifer
Howdy Ruthann! I have snooped around your blog for awhile now, and I love love LOVE it! Not only do I get good ideas, but it gives me a center when it comes to our home.
My favorite Christmas tradition started with the birth of my first son, six years ago, and requires a bit of a backstory! Both my family and my DH’s family are very generous, and I noticed that each year Christmas became more about “More.” I the Christmas of 2002 I had enough! I spoke to DH about it, and he told me that it became that way with the death of his Grandfather Carl–the rock, hub, cornerstone of the family–and hadn’t been the same. So, at New Years Day dinner 2003, I proposed an idea. For 11 months each year we all donate our change. I decorated an old water bottle, and place it at my MIL’s house. My in-laws, my DH, and his 3brothers (including us girls), all chipped in any extra pocket change while we were at the house. By November, we had $500!!! So, my MIL and I went and converted $200 into a gift card at our local market, and bought toys, clothes and whatnots for a family that my SIL found in need. We wrapped everything up and tagged it from “Carl Claus.” After our Christmas Eve 2003 celebration, we drove over, snuck it up to the house and left it for the family to find. It was so heart warming to help that family, and the following families each yeaer. The feeling is miraculous–giving is sooo much better than receiving!
Sammie G~
I love your blog and I thank you for sharing all your great ideas and inspiration for home making. Also, your give away is very generous. The apron almost brought a tear to my eye. So cute!
My favorite Christmas tradition is one that I married into. On Christmas morning we have a big breakfast and my mother in law makes a Happy Birthday Jesus cake complete with candles and singing. It’s a good reminder that we are celebrating the birth of our Savior.
And it’s not as spiritual, but last year my husband I got an Elf on a Shelf. That was so much fun too.
My favorite “new” tradition (because we just started it last year) is what I hope will be an annual cookie decorating party for my daughter (who is three this Christmas) and all of her little friends. She and I made all the homemade cookies and had everything you could imagine for the kids to use to decorate them! It was so much fun…I hope to do it every year! Love your blog!
I adore you blog. You have a wonderful home & family to be very proud of. Your blog has given me so many ideas to make my family better.
I would love to be included in your give away. I have a few traditions that we do as a family but my favorite is every christmas eve I take my 2 girls to chose a christmas ornament they would like then its put in a box so that when they leave home & have their very own christmas tree in their very own house they will have a box of decorations that we chose together as they grew up.
I adore your blog. You have a wonderful home & family to be very proud of. Your blog have given me many ideas to make my famiy better.
I would love to be included in your give away. I have a few christmas traditions but my favorite of these is every christmas eve I take my 2 girls to chose their favorite christmas ornament to buy, then after christmas they are put in a box so that when they leave home & have their very own tree in their very own house they will have a box of decorations that we chose together as they grew up.
Thank you for your inspiration
Vanessa Scott
oh my gosh, what an amazing giveaway! one tradition for christmas morning that i used to share with my sister when she lived close by was waking up on christmas morning and after opening gifts with our children, we would go for christmas breakfast to one another’s homes (alternating each year) all in our pajamas and have christmas morning breakfast with our children…we were both single parents at the time so it was a nice time to be together and our children who are grown now have fond memories of this time….
I enjoy your lovely blog so much! Thank you for making a happy place to stop and drink my coffee. ;)
My favorite Christmas tradition is making cookies with my kids and staying up late on Christmas Eve to enjoy them and play games. We have a lot of traditions but making lots of cookies seems to say CHRISTMAS IS HERE!
My favourite christmas tradition is the opening of the gifts at midnight’o clock precisely, very precisely ! 15 minutes before, conversations are slowing, everybody is discretely looking at the clock every 2 minutes, so funny ! And may we be eating or serving a hot meal or playing some game, at 12 o clock precisely, the youngest goes under the tree and starts to give everyone the gifts which have his name on ! I think the waiting is the best part :o )
Congrats on your one year!! What a wonderful giveaway!
I love your blog – it’s beautiful and inspiring, and I especially love that you talk about Jesus!
For traditions, I love: that we have Thanksgiving at our house (we get the leftovers – LOL!), all the baking and making of homemade goodies to give as gifts, and the reading about Jesus’ birth in the Bible.
Dear Ruthann, congratulations on your “1st anniversary”! I absolutely love your blog; it is such a blessing and encouragement to my heart. Thank you so much for taking the time to write and post your pictures. I love the passion that you have for the Lord, your family, and your home. I want to be “just like you when I grow up”! Your home is beautiful too – even better than Disneyland!
One of my favorite holiday traditions is going to the Christmas tree farm the weekend after Thanksgiving. We’ve found this adorable farm with a cute little red barn, full of homeade ornaments, homebaked goodies, and Chistmas music playing. We pick out our tree , have some hot chocolate, and purchase some of their “gourmet peanut briddle” for the trip home!
God bless you and your family; have a wonderful holiday season!
What a wonderful blog you have! I just love how your light for Jesus shines through your blog and your decorational inspiration too!
We have so many Christmas traditions but one of my personal favorites is driving around looking at lights. We are starting a new one this year with our 4 boys. It is to learn a new memory verse every week in December leading up to Christmas. My husband did this when he was growing up and we thought it would be fun to try with our boys too.
Also, I would love to be entered into your generous giveaway!
Happy Anniversary!
Just came across your blog – and love it! Please enter my name in the drawing!!
Your blog is an inspiration and I always look forward to reading it! Our family tradition is to make sugar cookies in different Christmas shapes then decorate them by “painting” them with colored frosting and embellishing with lots of colored sprinkles and little candies. I used to decorate them with my mom and now I do it with my daughters. Hugs, Ann
I anticipate all your posts. Love them! Our traditions include lots of Christmas music playing in the car and house with candles dancing. We also love getting the kids (5) ready for bed and then surprising them with a cup of hot chocolate and then sending them to the suburban to go look at all the Christmas lights in our little town. I LOVE Christmastime! Please put me into your drawing.
I have been a admire of your blog for a while..it is soooo warm and comfy! I would like to get permsission to us your vintage graphic of the woman making pie? My church is hosting a Praise and Pie night for Thanskgiving . That would just be soooo sweet.
Happy Blogiversary! Oh my goodness! This is the best giveaway…I love it!! Count me in and I’ll pray for luck!!
Oops…I was so excited I forgot my favorite tradition! My favorite traditions are that of opening one gift each on Xmas Eve and also cooking homemade waffles for breakfast on Christmas morning!
Hi! This is my first visit! I love this post and I am going to keep checking in on you! Our favorite Christmas tradition is to make "Grandma Corey's Cookies". It's a recipe that has been passed down. They are cake-like cookies. soft and thick. weighs heavy in your tummy! we put 10x icing on top and it must have the sprinkles that are little dots! I can taste them already! Thanks for letting me in on the giveaway. check out my blog at "thecrazybus.blogspot.com"
I have three boys, 6 & under and a baby on the way!
I LOVE your blog! I love that you say, “Oh, Honey” and that you have such a passion for Jesus and motivating women to make their homes!
I would be so thrilled if you drew my name out of the bowl. I have always, always wanted a string of pearls and a cute apron to wear around the house! My husband would love it! HA!
Keep posting, your blog is darling! :)
Boy Ruthanne, you sure do have a nice blog! I am grateful that you share all of your adventures with us.
One of my favorite holiday traditions is making “Uncle Walt’s Fruit Bars” with my family. It’s a family tradition that has passed down from a few generations. It’s special because the cookies have to sit for weeks before they become “just right”
I don’t have a blog, but my e-mail is drewsen8@yahoo.com
I don’t want to enter thanks, but I did want to encourage you and thank you for sharing your joy, your love of creating a wonderful home, your rock solid faith and your zest for life.
Both my sister and I love your blog and the inspiration that you provide. Thanks.:)
One of the family traditions we had growing up was to have a candlelight cheese fondue supper on Christmas Eve. So yummy and festive feeling. Now that I have my own family, after our special fondue dinner, we walk over to the local gazebo where some of the community gathers together for Hot Chocolate and singing Christmas carols. After that we pack up into the car and go to watch the live Nativity that is put on by our church every year. Great memories and great to help remember the reason for the season.
I love, love, love your blog. Like so many others, I receive such a blessing and inspiration from you. Thank you so very much for the time and effort you give all of us. All of my children are grown and gone from home, but the tradition that is a constant in our home at Christmas is when everyone gathers around holding hands and together we say the “Lord’s Prayer”. I believe it will be a part of their lives long after I am gone.
Thanks again for all that you give us, we are truly blessed to have a blogger like you.
My email is bholcombjen@yahoo.com
Hi Ruthann,
I have enjoyed your blog so much. My sister-in-law told me about it and it has been such a blessing. We moved to a new area not that long ago and I have to admit I have felt a little lonely, so when I feel that way I go on your blogspot and I just feel like I am in the presence of a good friend. I have a Christmas tradition which I haven’t done for a couple years but one which has such special memories for our family. To keep the focus of Christmas on it’s true meaning we would bake a cake for Jesus’ Birthday. On Christmas day we would sing happy birthday to Jesus and that would be dessert for our Christmas dinner. I always made an Italian cream cake and it is so yummy! There are many other traditions but that one is my favorite. Your decorating is so great! Your make me inspired to get all of the decorations back on my walls and out of the boxes they were in. Since I have been visiting your blogspot our new house has become a home! I have to laugh because I have the picture of the fruit in baskets that you have. I love that picture. If you could enter me in your drawing that would be great. I again want to thank you for being such a blessing in my life.
I absolutely love your blog and your decorating may be over the top, but that’s what gives me such inspiration for my own home someday when we are done moving around with the military.
I would love to be entered into the drawing. The country cookbook is something I would thoroughly enjoy as I am trying to improve my cooking skills.
We are a military family, so our traditions have been borne out of just us being together. Our wedding anniversary is the 24th and every year my hubby cooks that night – stuffed baked shrimp (which is what won my heart the first year we were together). Our children share this special meal also, even though some of them haven’t acquired the finer tastes of shrimp yet.
Your blog is wonderful inspriation!
One of our traditions is for the children to sprinkle reindeer food on the lawn and hag their stockings by the fireplace before bed.
I have really enjoyed your blog. I like your cheeriness and you wonderful pictures of your home and decorating. You do a great job!
thank you!
Oh my heavens you have a lot of comments! Our favorite Christmas tradition is reading the story of Jesus’ birth on Christmas Eve.
Congratulations on your blogiversary! I have been a faithful reader almost from the first post. And my family loves Grandma’s gingersnaps!
As for a favorite family holiday tradition, we always make a gingerbread house for the Christmas season. Everyone helps. We have passed this on to several other familys that have shared their Christmas with us.
Happy One Year!
My favorite holiday tradition is my whole family goes to my Aunt and Uncle’s house in the morning for Christmas breakfast. We all show up in our pajamas for a relaxing and fun filled morning with all the cousins running around.
Crossing my fingers for that apron! ;)
My goodness, so many nice traditions to read! Thank you, Ruthann for a great post and a generous giveaway!! You are a favorite blog of mine, so please keep the posts coming. As for holiday traditions, probably our FAVORITE is picking out the tree, bringing it home and decorating it with the carols playing, hot cocoa and coffees served, and cameras rolling.
I love this blog. A tradition that my husband and I have had since we got married, is we each pick out a new ornament for the tree. We try to pick one that represents something that happened that year. As our collection grows, I plan to give our children their ornaments for their first christmas with their own families.
Ruthann, Our favorite Christmas tradition is to get up early Christmas eve morning put on our new matching pj’s and eat a huge homemade country breakfast. We then spend the entire day scrapbooking, making candy, baking and crafting. Anything goes except no tv or telephone. The purpose is to spend time with each other before guests come for Christmas day. LOVE YOUR BLOG!!
Karen ( jerryveach@comcast.net)
favorite holiday tradition is baking cookies of all different kinds.
Congrats on your one year anniversary!
I love your blog! Please enter me in your giveaway, I’m so glad I’m not too late to join in! My favorite tradition is a very simple one, my hubby and I prepare a nice simple meal, while keeping one ear open for fire sirens, which signals our towns annual Christmas parade, which we watch from our porch, and is really just 3 or 4 fire trucks totally decorated, with, of course, Santa on the last truck!Then we sit down to our simple, candle-lit dinner and just enjoy each other’s company. Afterwards we go for a walk, play games and watch a movie together (usually a favorite Christmas movie)!
On Christmas morning we always have the fireplace burning with cinnamon pinecones (even in California where it can be 80 degrees)- Our children and now our Grandchildren open presents and my DH makes a wonderful breakfast…we always hold hands around the table and each person gives thanks for something personal to them and we all give thanks to our Lord.
I love your blogg and all the inspiration and hope you give.
Shirley from California
Hi Ruthann,
What a fun give-away! I love reading your blog. I get so excited when I see you have a new post. You give such encouragement to me as a new homemaker.
I homeschool my 8 and 3 year old daughters. Sometimes I get so discouraged trying to balance the house, homeschooling, and everyday responsibilities. You inspire me to be the kind of Mom I really want to be to my kids. Thank You!
Our family loves traditions especially at Christmas! A new tradition that we just recently started is that throughout the year, when blessings in our life occur (like an unexpected check in the mail, announcement of a new baby in the family, an excellent grade on a really hard test, etc.) we somehow document the blessing by photo copying it, or writing it down on a piece of paper. Then we put it in our Blessing Box. This is done all throughout the year. Then on Christmas morning during breakfast, we open the box and take turns reading and talking about all the blessings God has given us throughout year.
It is such a great reminder that we receive gifts all year long from the Lord. It truly makes you appreciate what you have and been given. My hope in doing this each year is to take the emphasis of “I want, I want, I want” to “I have, I have, I have” and be thankful for all that God has given our family.
One of our favorite holiday traditions is when we all bake cookies together and then deliver them to the neighbors in pretty decorated tins. I have 5 children so this can sometimes be very time consuming, but we always have fun. They love to “test” the batter and the warm cookies. We have a lot of fn doing this every year. Hopefully we will get a good sugar cookie recipe this year. So far, they don’t like it when we try to use the cutters and stick like crazy. Part of the fun is trying out new recipes… :)
just in case I win ( severe case of hopeful thinking) my family and I will be going to spend a week in Gatlinburg, Tn. We will be visiting a beautiful little place in the Smokies. We will return Thusday. So, here is my e mail..
and I am
Your southern friend,
~Melissa Smith
SIgn me up too!!! I love your blog!
SIgn me up too!!! I love your blog!
SIgn me up too!!! I love your blog!
SIgn me up too!!! I love your blog!
Happy Anniversery. Thankyou for your encouragement and cozy home pictures, I look forward to reading your blog with a cup of tea or coffee. Anyhoo, I would like to share with you one of our holiday traditions. The first Christmas my husband and I spent together he surprised me with “The Twelve Day of Christmas my TRUELOVE gave to Me”. We have been together 23 years and he still amazes me. He’s so great. The kids loved it-when dinner was done and dishes were put away –he would give me a gift. The gifts could be a beautiful card, cute socks, slippers, CD, ornament with the year on it–neclace, pins–just something from his heart–the memories are so special-and sometimes as years went on and we were busy with school functions and sports, he might forget a couple days, but come back and say–he forgot but then I would have 2 or 3 to open that night. My kids are in their 20’s–we have 4 and they will still say–hey mom–what did dad get ya, when they were little, I would let them open them for me–my son says he will do this for his true love when he gets married. I make sure I put the gifts under the tree and write down on paper the year and tuck that away.,So–thats one of the family traditions here. Take care, thankyou for everything.
Oh wow, I almost missed out on the fun! Whew!
Well I have two favorite family traditions. 1. Make from-scratch Norwegian rice pudding! We always make sure to hide a whole almond in the creamy dessert because whoever gets the almond in their cup, according to Norwegian legend, is the next to get married (I guess if they have not already tied the knot!)
2. Bake different kinds of cookies to wrap up and give to my neighbors! We live in a condo and don’t really see our neighbors all that much (we have no yard to work in, maybe?) so this is a great way to say hello!
Dearest Ruthann, I would like to thank you so very much for being a willing vessel for Christ.The Lord has truly given you many gifts
and one of them is encouraging people and being the Proverbs 31
Woman. What an awesome example you
are to everybody that reads your
blog. Your love for Christ is evident in everything you do, from
making your home sooo adorable that
yes, we would all want to marry it , to giving us advice about
being a lipstick momma and taking
care of how we look for our hubbys and being a joyful person that our
children and hubby would want to be
around us. The Lord your God is with you,he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17 Thank You again dear
sister in Christ. As for the
Christmas tradition it would be
the love for Christ and being
together as a family and of course
momma’s Christmas music filling
the house with love, peace and joy.
Rejoice in the goodness of the Lord
with tender hearts, warm smiles and
kind words always. God Bless Kristen Mincer @jrmincer@cccomm.net
With 424 comments I thought Oh well – write one anyway…….I jumped over here from another blogand found yours.
This is a lovely blog – you enjoy life and bring alot to it!
Bernideen at Bernideen’s TeaTime Blog
My favorite tradition began 31 years ago and is a special cookie that we make each year – a Jewish pinwheel! Thanks for the giveaway.
Dear RuthAnn,
I love your blog! It’s so warm and cozy that it reminds me of Christmas every time I look at it. I also love the vintage pictures you use. They are just too adorable!
Our family has a lot of Christmas traditions, but I limited myself and chose two. The first one is listening to our vintage LP records throughout the holiday season, sometimes even starting as early as July. In December, we listen to Nat “King” Cole, Bing Crosby, Andy Williams, or Julie Andrews almost constantly in their original, analogue sound. It just wouldn’t be Christmas without them!
The second tradition happens on Christmas Eve. After the Christmas Eve service, almost the whole church, that my grandfather pastors, (about thirty to forty people)go to my grandparent’s house for a chili supper. My grandmother’s chili is absolutely delicious and everyone enjoys good fellowship and food. I’m eighteen now, but I still have that special Christmas Eve feeling when I look around the dining room table and feel the love that everyone has for each other.
Jodie H.
Our family’s favorite holiday tradition is going to stay at the Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego every Christmas. We ice skate by the sea, and drink hot chocalate.
Now that I’ve left the comment to enter the contest, I want to say Ruthanne, THANK YOU SO MUCH for writing this blog. It is such an inspiration to me! With complete honesty, I will say that I have never read anything better on the subject of homemaking. xxx
Hi Ruthann! My favorite tradition is going to our live nativity story with our kids called ‘A Journey to Bethlehem’. The church does such a wonderful job, they have used the whole back woods of the church to transform into the road to travel to Bethlehem. You have to carry your “papers” and Roman guards stop you and check them. My son especially likes that part. It is a wonderful way to start the holiday season, remembering what it is all about. The giveaway looks wonderful. Congratulations on your first year of blogging, I’ve loved every entry! Lori
Hi Ruthann! I know that this is # 431, but I hope that you’ll see it! Today, my dear, bestest, most wonderful friend ever in existence, had a PIE party!!! Isn’t that divine? Yes it was. Six of us got together in our aprons and we each brought a pie to share. Linda’s (my friend) home was beautifully decorated, music playing and candles burning. It was magical! We played a trivia game relating to pies and then she had a stitchery ready for us all with a pie to applique and the words (your words!) warm pie happy home. We all LOVE your blog and get such inspiration from you. We are all Chrisian women, homemakers, moms and wives. We love to garage sale, quilt and stitch and talk about you!!! I believe that Lynda is going to send you a picture of our little event. I would, but alas, I am picture challenged when it comes to the computer! Hope you have a great weekend!
Holly Stockmans4@gmail.com
What a great blog you have – the love of Jesus just radiates through it. I especially loved the wisdom on keeping a happy home. And your home tours – I can't wait to see what you do at Christmas time!
My husband & I have 3 boys, from 10 years to 4. Since our oldest was a babe, we have made an tradition of nightly reading advent devotions by the light of the advent wreath candles. The boys can't wait to sit down after dinner, read together, light the candles, and focus on the true meaning of the holiday. I cherish the time of encouraging our sons through the Word. Also, I find it a refreshing break from the 'to-do lists' that often cloud over my Christmas joy.
Since I was a little girl, we have always had grape juice mixed with 7-Up pop for breakfast on Christmas morning. Now, as we are finishing up shopping prior to Christmas, the boys are certain to ask if we have both the grape juice and pop so they don't miss out on their "Christmas Punch".
Merry Christmas!
What a wonderful year you have given to your readers!!
I love, love your blog…Thanks for the fun giveaway too.
I have a few favorite traditions but we all love this one. In mid December we make popcorn and hot coco and the whole family pile in the van with blankets and pillows and PJ’s on. We drive all around and enjoy the Christmas lights and just talk of holidays past and the excitement of the new holidays coming. We also enjoy all the new and old displays along with the holiday music.
Congratulations RuthAnn!
You’ve always brought smiles and warm thoughts to me when I visit, I look forward to many more years of visiting you!
Hugs and blessings,
Kathi :)
Keep your faith, it’s one thing I love about you!
What a neat give-away! I’d love it if you would sign me up. metropolitanworks@yahoo.com
I have just LOVED your blog. It warms my heart everytime I read it and gives me the courage to be the keeper of the home the Lord wants me to be. I made a gorgeous apple-cranberry pie just the other day. Your decorating is just beautiful (I was just on Disney Main Street a couple days ago!) and your advice is so timely. I also have 2 boys and 2 girls and I need all the encouragement I can get. Bless you for all you do and don’t change a thing about your blog!
Oops. I totally forgot to leave my Christmas tradition.
Every night, from the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas Eve, we hold a devotional. We sing 2 Christmas carols or hymns, we read from the scriptures and we read a Christmas story or two. I have this darling 1950’s book of Christmas stories. It’s all about a little boy and girl learning the true meaning of Christmas. Other favorites include Little Women, A Christmas Carol and stories we’ve collected over the years from church and friends. This devotional lasts for about 20-30 minutes and is done in the front room, with our Christmas tree. At least once a week, we include a treat, like Christmas cookies, fudge, hot chocolate and cider. If, on the rare chance, we do miss devotional, it is because we are doing something else Christmasey. We love to go to Christmas concerts, nativity displays, christmas light tours, parades or just stay home to make treats together.
Come on Ruthann!!! :) I’m dying to know who won!!
It all looks so nice, and I wish I could enter, but HORRORS! I just found out I’m too late!(sob)
Congratulations to whoever wins!
Canadian in the Country
great give-away…..wonderful blog
Love your blog! Love that you share your faith and aren’t ashamed to do so! Yeah Jesus!!
And LOVE your giveaway!!
We have lots of traditions as I feel like they make a house a home!
We love to do our advent wreath each year, tell the story of Jesus’ birth, decorate our tree the day after Thanksgiving, to mention a few. Can’t wait to read through all of the others.
Thanks for the chance to win!
blessings to you!
Hello Ruthann! Congratulations on your blog anniversary!
I found your blog about 6 month ago, when I was looking for a sweet pie recipe. Well, I found the recipe, but did not have the time to make it that evening (I think you know why :)). I was looking for a recipe, but found so, so much more! All the things I needed. Your blog has just the right feeling for me and I absolutely love it! I’m a mommy of two boys (8 and 1 year old) and I have a lot to learn about all that. So I’m really glad I can learn form you. Thanks to you I know, than living my dream is possible!
Just about a month ago I had a really bad day. In the evening I started to read your blog and you inspired me so much, that I printed your Peach Pie recipe, went to the kitchen, put one my moms apron (I was at my parents house that day), and started to make my first peach pie ever! After the pie was done I felt great! It turned out great! My father told, that it was the best pie he has ever had.
You really inspire me! I can truly say that your blog makes my hart smile! And I really need that!
I know that I’m too late for the give away, but I’m still posting our favorite tradition. On December 24, our family gathers at my parent’s house. In the evening we have a lovely simple dinner (the menu has been the same for more than 20 years: potatoes, blood sausage (it is really traditional here), pork (made in oven with just salt, pepper and onions), marinated pumpkin, sauerkraut and lingo berry jam. And a lovely pie (this one changes every year). This year it will be one of your recipes! At the time we are eating, in the living room the magic happens! My 8 year old still believes in Santa Claus and dwarfs, so it all really is magic in our home. So after the dinner the presents are all under the tree and we open them. I really love all that. Well our Santa Claus lives in Rovaniemi, Finland and we are living next to Finland, in Estonia; that’s why he gets here on December 24, I guess…
Thank you so much for having that lovely blog!
I just wanted to tell you the success of your blog is just amazing! The reason why we love it is because you are real on your things in life. The thing I love most is that you do always glorify Jesus! I heard something the other day and thought this would be encouraging to you. No matter what we do there will always be 10% of people that will not like you. So with that said don’t worry about the nay sayers! You rock and we totally love you and all your family! Keep the blogs coming! I am about to decorate my hosue for Christmas and I can’t wait to see what yours will look like! Please keep us posted!
Blessings on you, your family and your home!
Crystal Sparks
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