Howdy Sugar Pies! I hope your summer as been joyful and full of sunshiny days so far! Mine has been filled with family, food and lots of fun and laughter! My sister-in-law Holly and her family came in from the San Fransisco area for a week, and my College-boy son J.J. also arrived for a surprise visit too!

It was so great to have all my kids together! Here they are pictured with my adorable nephew Ben. My grandbaby Johnny is growing big and strong! Oh HoNey! Grammie loves that boy!

Did I mention yummy food? My dear friend Danna has the BEST EV-AH BBQ restaurant. If you are ever in Branson, Danna’s is a must…best eats in town, hands down!

We also had some good eats at my sister-in-law Linda’s house. She lives right down the street from me. We had a make-your-own-Pizza night!

Little Johnny slept through the party!

Summer Rose made her favorite cheese Pizza.

My sister-in-law Holly is a real hoot-n-holler! She’s the life of the party no doubt!

Linda was the chief pizza baker for the night.

Pure yumminess.

The Water Chute is a favorite water slide in town. Hot sun, cool water and slurping icy snow-cones…a recipe for a fun summer day!


While I was baking pies for the 4th of July, my daughter Ashley decided to take a few “Anne Geddes” style photos of little Johnny. She swaddled him up in his favorite cozy blankie and placed him in a white bucket with flags in the background. That’s my precious boy!

Silver Dollar City here we come! I get dizzy just thinking about the spinning teacups…I’m pretty sure that will be the last time I ride them! OOO boy!

This ride is fun to watch…but it’s not my cup of tea!

I’m pretty sure the aroma that wafts from this bakery is what Heaven smells like! I just love going in there just to breathe in the sweetness of fresh baked cinnamon rolls!

My favorite part of Silver Dollar City is walking through the old 1800 cabins and homestead. It’s so quaint and calming.



They have professional story tellers that tell you what life was like back in the day. You can see them sitting on the back porch dressed in 1800’s costume.

Handcrafted biscuit and donut cutters and other wooden kitchen utensils are handmade here.

Christmas Hollow, the year round Christmas store is always a treat! I actually start thinking about the Holidays this time of year. I enjoy planning ahead and getting my house organized and uncluttered before the festive seasons of fall and Christmas begin.

Well, Sugar Pies….I’m headin’ West!

(These sassy boots are made by Corral, you can find them on Amazon here)
Yup…I’ve got my boot-scootin’-boots on and I’m hitchin’ up the wagons for an adventure in the Old West! One of my first stops will be to the Urban Barn in Escondido California. My sister Sherry (from Glamarella Junk) and her friends are putting on a rootin’ tootin’ Vintage Barn Sale at the Grand Opening of The Urban Barn! There will be lots of Vendors selling vintage goodies, home accessories, handcrafted jewelry and so much more! The event starts on Friday, July 16.
On Saturday, July 17 at 12:00 noon, they will be providing refreshments along with the toe-tappin’ tunes of a Rock-a-billy band. Then from 3-5 pm, they’ll be having a “Blogger Party” for bloggers to meet each other in person. I’ll be there, so if you’re in the neighborhood come on by and say “Howdy!” I would love to meet my Sugar Pie Sistas!
Here is the address:
UrBaN BaRn
155 W. Crest Street.
Escondido Ca.
Take a peek at the kind of fun stuff they sell…

UrBaN BaRn

UrBaN BaRn

UrBaN BaRn

UrBaN BaRn

UrBaN BaRn

UrBaN BaRn

My sister Sherry hand dyes millinary flowers and embellishes them with vintage jewels to adorn hats and necklaces. She will be selling her creations at the Urban Barn, you can also find them on her blog here. Sherry’s been featured in several magazines for her creative designs and vintage home styling…I’m so proud of my sista!


The featured guest at the Urban Barn Grand Opening is Deb Kennedy from Retreat Style! She’ll be there with lots of wonderful vintage treasures. Deb participates at the Farm Chicks Shows, Barn House, and many others around the country. Take a peek at some of her displays….

Retreat Style
Retreat Style

Retreat Style

Retreat Style

Retreat Style

Retreat Style

Have a wonderful Summer Y’all! I’ll be gone for a few weeks, until then may the Lord bless you!
Aunt Ruthie
What a lovely post. I hope you enjoy the summer and planning ahead for winter.
S x
First of all….I want some boots like that…LOVE-EM…Looks like you and the family are having a great summer..us too. After such a long, cold winter and no Spring, we ar so enjoying Summer!
I wish I could come to the big event…have fun! :D
Your grandson sure is a doll. Couldn’t you just eat him up? I have 4 and they are all so cute I can hardly stand it.
All your pictures of Silver Dollar City make me miss it. We used to live in Springfield back in the day and had season tickets to SDC. Are those teacups there? Or was that a picture of your other favorite place? It’s been awhile since we’ve been there and I’m sure they have added a lot of fun things.
Enjoy your trip out West, and the rest of your summer.
Love this post…the pictures are all so pretty…
Your grandson is soo sweet…
Wow…too cool….I live in the neighborhood and will try to get over and see this awesome place and maybe even get to meet you!!
I just love the cute pictures of your Grandson. What a precious gift!
Those river rapids look so refreshing on such a hot day! Loving all the cute n shabby chic items..just my style!!
Come n visit my blog @ http://musings-of-a-gem.blogspot.com
I’m doing a giveaway for CSN to win $40 worth of gift vouchers.
Gemma X
Oh, R ~ What a precious wee one … he is just beautiful. All your family/friend pics are delightful. Can tell everyone is having one grand time.
Your boots are made for walkin’, for sure …. enjoy your trip.
Have a lovely week ~
TTFN~ Marydon
Looks like your having an awesome fun filled summer!!!!The urban barn looks like my kind of place!!!!Could wander around all day taking in the goods!!! Have a great time!!!Cant wait to hear of your fun adventures ! Donna
I am new to your site. I love it. Your Grandson is adorable as are your chlldren. Love Deb’s Vintage Treasures. Sure wish I lived closer to it all. Thanks for the enjoyable visit your email provides.
Just love all the pictures! Your post makes me look forward to being a grandmother and also makes me want to visit Silver Dollar City and California! :) Have a wonderful time with your sister!
Have fun Aunt Ruthie! Your grandson is precious, as is the rest of your family! Build your own pizza night sounds like a lot of fun! Wish I could come to CA to see the Urban Barn shop! It looks wonderful. Blessings to you and have a great time! ~ Ann at the Bungalow
I just about died of happiness… I’m a Missouri Girl, currently way out in San Diego and when I saw the Urban Barn I got so darn excited! Do you know if it’ll be open before the 16th? I really want to check it out, but I’ll be heading back to Missouri for a wedding!
P.S. I’m so jealous that you went to SDS! My favorite place in the world! :)
I just love your postings. I find that I can’t wait till a new one comes out. I just love the picture of your grandson with the flags. What a blessed women you are and what a wonderful family you have. Have a great time on your trip and I look forward to your next posting.
Oh Aunt Ruthie!!! I may be able to get down to meet you in Escondido! My Hubby has business in San Diego and we are bringing our girls to the zoo while he’s there… I just saw your post and about jumped outa my skin!!!! I am a huge fan… have read your blog in it’s entirety, laugh with you and celebrate your family’s triumphs! We are a Christian family, have been to Branson and Silver City and just love love love it! We would move back there if we could! I hope to meet you Saturday, have a safe trip!
Oh little Johnny is so handsome, God bless him. You have a safe trip and enjoy life. Maybe one day I will get to see Branson. Hugs Paulette
What a sweet little boy! Looks like such a fun time!
Looks like you are having some serious summer fun!! I’m so bummed that I won’t get to meet you when you are in CAli! I’ll be farther up north! Have fun with your sister and my other favorite peeps there!!
Well, now I can add SDC oonto my list of places I HAVE to see! Your grandson is sweet enough to eat, and your family is adorable. YOur SIL looks like the life of the party for sure!!! I am glad you are having such a great summer! Have fun out west and kick up those heels, GF! I get super excited whenever I see a post from you so hurry back!!!!!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky
That grandbaby of yours is so precious. I loved the Anne Geddes style photo with all the flags in the background. Looks as if summer is full speed ahead down there. Keep having fun!
There is absolutely nothing compared to being a grandparent! That sweet baby boy has no idea what a fun life is in store for him! Not to mention all the love. Does your sister-in-law have a blog? I’d love to see some more of her beautiful home. We also have a pizza night. In fact, just last night we had a ‘build your own taco’ night! Mondays in our house are mexican food nights. Have fun in sunny Calif. Wish I could come but I’m here in hot, hot, hot Texas where it’s in the 100’s.
Always enjoy coming here and reading about your adventures. God bless you.
My friend saw your post and thought I would like it…amazing that we both will be attending the Barn party together. We are flying in from Nor.California as all of our friends will be there, Linda, Sherry, Sandra, Deb, Linda – cant wait to meet you.
Sandy, The Tattered House, Roseville, CA.
Branson and Silver Dollar City were actually featured on a travel show here in Australia a while ago. If we ever get the opportunity to visit Missouri one day, it will be on my list of places to visit – looks like the perfect place for family fun – the kind of old fashioned theme park I know my children would love!
Your grandson is precious!!
I finally got to print out my download of your book. It is wonderful!!!! I had to order ink so I could get all the beautiful colors!!
Happy Summer!!
Could you please tell me what the name of the green paint used in your sister-in-law’s kitchen is? Our home has the 80s medium dark oak crown molding, door trims and baseboards. I have resisted painting it all white or cream due to the sheer amount of it (we have 3600 square feet, I have carpal tunnel so don’t want to do it myself, but don’t have the finances to hire it done) that would bring it into the new century. I have been looking at Craftsman style homes that have the darker wood trim everywhere and the common color of paint used is green. Not just any green will do….it has to have some yellow undertones to it, not gray. Thanks so much for your really fun blog !
May your summer vacation be filled with new friends and lots of old fashioned fun! God bless you and your precious family!
Aunt Ruthie you go and have fun in California but you better be back for my book signing on August 20th at Borders in Springfield! Maybe we could do lunch that day or dinner afterwards.
Hi Aunt Ruthie,
Recently, when I got an email from The Urban Barn about their grand opening, I was wondering if you’d be there. It will be a “Hot Time in the Old Barn”….literally….. I live only about 20 miles North of Temecula, and today it was 108º in the shade in my patio. It’s always about 5º hotter at my house than it is in Temecula, but summer has definitely arrived!!
In case you don’t know already, I wanted to tell you about Richie’s [50’s] American Diner in Murrieta (also one in Temecula) has THE BEST German Chocolate Cake I have ev-ah had (and good food, fun and friendly). I know you said in one of your blogs, you usually have German Choc. cake on your birthday, so… I assume you’re already a fan. My husband has never even liked Ger.Choc. cake, but I gave him a bite and now he sometimes even craves it. You have to go there and have some; you won’t be sorry.
Here’s the link: http://www.richiesdiner.com/index.php
Hope I run into you at the barn.
Have a wonderful trip Aunt Ruthie! I wish I could go to the Urban Barn with you and all your girlfriends. Live it up. I will look so forward to your next post and all about your adventures out West! Take lots of pictures while you are out there to share with us. Enjoy your time with your sister Sherry too.
Take care,
Wow! Branson looks like alot of fun and the boots are really cute, have fun!
Oh Aunt Ruthie, make sure you bring lots of cool weather with you. We are having a hot streak right now. Was 105* in the Inland Empire today. San Diego area should be a bit cooler. Have a safe, wonderful and happy trip!
Oooh. I live in San Diego. For those that will be here. Prepare for really hot weather! I will miss it. I can’t be out in this heat while pregnant. It gets to me bad. Though I would LOVE to meet you Ruthie! I’m so bummed I’ll miss it. Have fun while here!
Hello Darl’in Ruthann!
I got the package you sent my way! THANK YOU so very much for your kindness! I LOVE everything I received from your WONDERFUL giveaway! I am so blessed I won! WooHoo! I just blogged about it! Go see!
Continue to have a wonderful summer!!!!! Nothing like family & friends!
First off it took me three days to go back and read all of your posts once I found ya..It was so delightful to read them all..You have a great outlook and such a positive attitude towards life in general..I will be waiting patiently to see what ya have to say next..Have a great summer and enjoy that grand baby..
ruth ann you seem to do alot of cooking like me and i have
the same stove. yours always looks perfect. no matter what
i do i cant get it to look like new. please help ive wrote to you
thank you
What a fun summer! A good ol’fashioned fun time it looks like to me. Reminds me of my growing up years. Thank you for sharing. I also liked your SIL’s house. So cute and country. The pizza party is a great idea. I may copy ya’ll and try it soon. And I truly can’t wait till you post pictures of Fall and Christmas around your home.
Aunt Ruthie,
Have enough fun in California for all of us. I wish I could go to that show, it looks so intresting!
Love SDC, I just got back from a theme park I had always heard about (no names) and I was so disappointed! I did not feel that welcome feeling that SDC is so good at. When you walk out on Main street by the general store you just get that feeling! Sometimes we take for granted what we have in our back yard! The first time I went to SDC there were only two places in town to eat!!!!!! Hard to believe!
Kiss Johnny Angel and gently squeese his little hand 3 times for “I Love You”.
Have FUN!!!
It was wonderful meeting you at the show this past weekend!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your cute boots, darlin’…. don’t really know how you worked those in the sweltering heat but oh MY you were stylin’! Thank you so much for your kind compliments on our displays & booth both here on the blog and at the show… big kudos right back to you for all of the inspiration you provide to us all! Visit me on our Retreat blog (linked) or my own blog at http://hummadeedledee.blogspot.com
I found the perfect thing!
I would pay for this! Seriously! It would save me ink and paper. I was going to print it out your blog and have it bound so I could read your inspirational blog anyway.
Hi Aunt Ruthie,
I have been reading your blog for about 6 mos. now and so enjoy it. I also have discovered Uban Barn where i live here in Escondido. So when i was reading your blog i was delighted that Sherry from Glamarella Junk was your sister. I should have know…all that creativeness going through that bloodline. Bummed that i missed you due to commited vacation plans. I sure hope to get to meet you soon. My favorite thing about your blog is all that “lovin” you have for your family. Keep on Aunt Ruthin us! Monica
Love your blog Ruthie! My hubby, kiddos and I are currently in Colorado, but are from Escondido! I always love your posts about SoCAL and San Diego….and now Escondido…too funny. Have a great time…i wish i were able to be there too.
hey mrs.ruthann! i need some encouragement if you have the time. i have 4 children 13, 10, 8, and 7 yrs.old.. i have always homeschooled them. my husband and i are praying about putting them in the public school. i see you have 3 children, that seem very happy and well rounded. could you give me any advice on how to deal with sticky things that our children will face.. like mean kids, sex being talked about and such.. we truly feel like it is the best thing for them educationally and socially to go to school .. i mean, my 13yo daughter will be starting algebra! she needs to go to school.. i understand it but i can’t teach it to you.. see what i’m saying? thanks ruthann you are an inspiration to me! blessings~Melissa
I loved all the pictures! It was like looking through a magazine! Sounds like a ton of fun!!!
Aunt Ruthie, You’ve just got to get back to us!! I have checked daily to see if there is a new farmhouse post. I can’t wait to see all your pictures of you trip to Urban Barn!!!
Howdy to my fabulous Sugar Pie Sistas! I’m still in Cali…can’t wait to get home (Monday!!) Look for a new post some time next week!
Aunt Ruthie
That’s just what I was coming over to comment about…get yourself HOME Aunt Ruthie….we miss you SO MUCH! :) Hope you are having a wonderful Summer.
Hey Ruth Ann …Oh my your new book looks fabulous ..!!!
It was so great to see you at the Urban Barn. I’ve been heart sick for MO this week and thinking of you and just had to come get a little piece of true MO feeling visiting your site.
Hope you had a beautiful stay here …and a safe trip home …Looking forward to seeing the changing of the leaves in one of your upcoming posts.
Wishing you a beautiful week..
Thank you the sugar pie farm house it has been such a blessing to me!!Grams home in the Ozarks
Hey Aunt Ruthie, I am in love with your blog and your style. I have become just a bit addicted to it and I check everyday to see if you have posted any of your fabulous posts. I sure have missed you and hope everything is all right with you and your sweet family. I hope you have just been busy and that nothing is wrong. God bless you big time sweet Ruthie. You have been such an inspiration to me since I found your blog. (really) hope to see you soon
Love and Blessings
Welcome home, Aunt Ruthie! We’re glad you’re back. You have been missed :)
Hi Aunt Ruthie,
I am helping a friend who is doing a total house remodel. We LOVE your kitchen! Hers has a very similar set-up and she was totally inspired by the finishes in your lovely kitchen (and by your pantry). I wanted to know what color your kitchen ceiling is. I know you have stained beams in your home and wanted to know what ceiling paint you chose to compliment them. Would you mind emailing me a few more pics of your kitchen if you have time?
Thank you!
Oops. I didn’t read it right. That is your SIL’s kitchen. Maybe you could still answer my questions or ask her. (and my friend was totally inspired by your pantry).
Love your blog, but I need your help. I need to contact dusty from the forum. I have tried to join the forum 3 times and I don’t need to bore you with the details, but apparently something is going wrong. I have left her some messages somehow, with no returns. She may not be getting them. I can’t remember how I did it because you can’t contact the moderator unless you are already a mbr of the forum.
my email is eaeubanks@aol.com Please pass this to her.
Welcome back home to the Ozarks! I love visiting Sugar Pie Farmhouse! I’ve been thinking you would be good at coordinating a local “bloggers social / educational event”! It’s always nice to meet new friends (right here at home) and learn from each other. And, we all love to come to Branson- any time of year!
I need to to thank you for this great read!
! I certainly loved every bit of it. I have you book-marked to
check out new things you post…
Oh my goodness! I was just browsing around your site, and what do I see! you saying you were here in Escondido! I was raised here all my life, it was once a cute little country town, so many moons ago, not any more. people who were raised here still remember why our only park at the time was named Grape Day Park-we have pics of wagons full of grapes were parked at the park, and familys were given bags by the full of grapes. There’s so much great history in Esc. well I’m just so sorry I missed you! wow! my sister and I would have waited just to meet you! We love your site, and have made a couple of your pies, last summer I finally tried my hand at your strawberry and rhubarb pie, delish. we’ll have to watch for you again-thanks for posting your pics! what a neat store.