At suppertime, Betty Jane would sometimes pause, and ponder in heart, a tender thankfulness to the good Lord, as she watched her family fill their tummies and enjoy the meal that He provided and she prepared. It was in those Holy moments of nurturing her family, that she felt the true joy of her calling, to be a maker of a happy home. The most significant, excellent, and fulfilling calling indeed.
Betty Jane would often join her dear friend Helen Mayfield, and together, they would put up foods not only for providing for their families, but to give away to less fortunate folks, as well as, gifts for friends, old and new, throughout the year. A sparkling jar of Hot Pepper Jelly always made a delightful “Welcome To The Neighborhood” presentation, and a jar of homemade Chicken broth always brought comfort to the bedside of an ill friend.
At Christmastime, why, everyone who knew Betty Jane and Helen hoped and prayed they were on the list of lucky people who would receive their coveted prize-winning jars of sparkling ruby-red Plum Jam. They would make several batches during the summer and have to hide them until the Holiday season rolled around (Helen’s husband Otis, always had a hankerin’ for something sweet in the middle of the night, and would slurp spoonfuls….spoonfuls mind you….of her Plum jam all by itself. He could finish off several jars in one week! That’s how good it was!) While others hustled and bustled in the frigid snow and rain to find “just the right gift”, Betty Jane and Helen sat warming their toes by the crackling fire, next to a sparkling, bejeweled Christmas tree, sipping Hot Cocoa, as they adorned their jars of Summer’s goodness, with red-plaid fabric jar- toppers, and fancy white scalloped labels. A little bit of effort during the summer afforded these gals more time to enjoy family and friends, and the comforts of home, during the wonderful festivities of Christmas.
Back in Betty Jane and Helen’s day, they only had one small market in town, where the produce was slim-pickins’ during the winter. A lot of folks had their own gardens, if not a farm, so canning was a necessity. For most of the folks who grew their own food, their grocery needs were only for the basics, salt, baking soda, sugar, flour, baking powder, vanilla extract, spices, meat, cornmeal, beans, and milk and eggs, (if they didn’t own a cow or chickens). Of course now-a-days we have an abundance of fresh produce year round with several grocery stores to choose from and mega-markets for bulk buying. Although I prefer fresh roasted vegetables to canned ones, I do think it’s a good idea for today’s homemaker to learn how to Can. In troubled times it sure could come in handy!
When I was growing up, my family and I spent many summer vacations in Northern California (near Santa Cruz) at the home of my dear, Uncle Al (so wise and tenderhearted!), adorably domestic Aunt Jen (she is known far and wide for her warm hospitality, amazing meals and melt-in-your-mouth Italian cookies and cakes! To sit around her table, and enjoy her home-cooked meals in the midst of lively conversation and laughter is a memory I will always cherish), and cute-as-a-button cousins Marlene, Jimmy, Fran and Gracie, who were so much fun to be with. I remember all of us piling in two cars for a jaunt to the local orchard to pick ripe plums. We brought bushels of the plump juicy fruit home for Aunt Jen and my mom to turn them into succulent, sweet jars of jam. Besides the fruity aroma rising from steaming kettles, and eating the finished product slathered on toast, my cousins and I loved to put our hands in the hot melted wax (used to seal the jam) and marvel at the warm stiff gloves that instantly appeared. When we bent our fingers the wax crumbled away and our hands felt as smooth as Chocolate Silk Pie. Eating homemade Plum jam takes me back to the good ole’ summertime, so I decided to stock a few jars of this heaven-sent goodness in my own pantry!
It’s always much more fun to cook with a gal-pal, (girls just wanna have fun you know!) this is my sister-in-law Linda, (I’m married to her cute brother!) we’ve been buddies for over 30 years! We’ve got our “happy cooking atmosphere” going….a tidy kitchen….a candle burning…aprons on…refreshments (we had fresh strawberries with a marshmallow and cream cheese dip) icy water to drink….and the sassy sounds of Doris Day crooning a perky song in the background.
Linda knitted me these fabulous kitchen wash cloths! So thick and absorbent!
One of the most important ingredients to having a successful and cheerful canning day, is to set out everything you will need. That way you aren’t rummaging through your drawers looking for utensils while you should be stirring! (trust me on this, been there, done that!) Here is the list:
- Canning Kettle (for hot water bath to sterilize )
- Clean glass jars with new lids
- Large, deep 6-8 quart sauce pan
- ladle
- funnel
- Tongs
- jar lifter
- lid lifter
- sugar (7 1/2 cups, have it pre-measured and ready to go)
- 1/2 cup water (pre-measured)
- 4 1/2 to 5 cups of pitted and chopped plums (leave skin on)
- 1 packet of liquid pectin (I used the Ball brand..found at Wallmart)
- 1/2 teaspoon butter to added to cooking plums to reduce foaming
Having everything pre-measured and ready to dump into the pot makes jam making easy as pie (sorry I couldn’t resist the pun!)
You can order a canning kit from with all of the proper tools, and usually Wallmart or Target will have canning supplies.
Keep the lids in hot (not boiling) water.
The recipe and step by step instructions come in the box of the Liquid Pectin. As you can see I’ve got the pouch opened, and ready to go, sitting in a mug.
The aroma is heavenly!
And the taste is even more divine!
Linda says “it’s almost as good as pie!”
Hot butteredBiscuits
Looks like jars of liquid rubies!
Truly, it’s the best jam ever!
And now, I would like to present not one……

But three awards to the following
(please scroll down to the bottom of the following post to read the rules.)
- Catiena from The Vintage Housewife
- Carol from Raised In Cotton
- Christine from My Bella Colle
- Karen from Karen Eileen
- Jen from The Cottage Nest
Gals, you inspire me!!!
I am off again to California, to meet and greet all the fabulous Blog-Girls
Hello Ruthann,
Oh how I waited for your next post! I could hardly stand it. Its like a kid in the candy store. You are so right. We do need to be prepared just incase something does happen. Our church teaches us and reminds us to always be prepared. I have a 3 month supply of food just incase disaster hits our family. Thank you fo another wonderful post. Have a great time in California. See you soon. Nicole
Love your blog!! I’m an X Santa Cruz girl of 26 years and now live in Florida. Glad you are back, I’ve missed you. Have a wonderful time in San Diego. God Bless you and your family.
I teach my girls how to can because who knows what they will face in their day!
I came from a family of 11 and we canned and froze around 3000 quarts of fruit and vegetables every fall.
I only put up several hundred quarts of stuff myself but one thing I am never without is homemade jam! Ive been married 19 years and we’ve never bought a jar of jam.
I love your blog. Its such an inspiration. Have fun in California!
I too have been trying to be patient while waiting for your next post. It seemed like forever, but, WOW, was it worth the wait!! Your vintage artwork is the greatest and the way you tie it into a story – brilliant. I have a hunch that you are also an author.
It looks like you and your sister-in-law had a great time making jam in your beautiful kitchen.
It sounds like you are having a busy and fabulous summer.
I will be patiently (??) awaiting your return from California.
Have a great time.
How funny! I was writing to tell you I nomiated you for one of the awards you already have listed in this post! I guess great minds think alike. I think your blog is so interesting and inspirational, I really enjoy reading it!
I have never had plum jam! I think I will head down to the farmers market and pick some up and give your recipe a try. I love your stories!
You are a woman true to my heart. I love to can. In fact, I just canned some “wild plum” jam myself. I wish I lived where we could have a bountiful garden…I’d be canning all the time. There’s nothing better than opening up a jar of goodness in the dead of winter.
Have fun in San Diego… family reunions are great. Be safe and can’t wait to see your next blog and all that you will have to share.
Always so much fun to visit “Warm Pie, Happy Home” and find you baking or canning as the case may be…and always with a pal, too. You know how to have fun, Ruthann. Love your stories and the truths you tuck into them. Have fun in California!
Hi Ruthann, well I was just thinking about canning plums. We have an abundance in our yard this year. Never happened since we moved here. These are some strange plums though and don’t know if they would make good jam. They are quite tart. Have so many don’t know what else to do with them. I used to can all the time, made blueberry jam, yum, strawberry jam, canned tomatoes, absolutely wonderful. You are such an inspiration. I will still keep trying with the pie crust though. I know you will have lots of fun in San Diego and can’t wait to see you at the barn. We have so much in common.
You are such a sweetie! Thank you for the multiple awards! It really means a lot to me. Jen
Oh Ruthann, you tickle me so with your charming posts. It is such a pleasure to click over here and see a new one.
Your jam jars of liquid rubies look adorable propped up there on pretty white pedestals surrounded by bright blue hydrangeas in milk glass vases.
Travel safe dear one and enjoy your vacation.
Oh my goodness! I am soo honored that you would think of me.
Thank you soo much.
I love to can too! I don’t have a garden this year ’cause I started a day job… I miss it! Nothin’ better than going to the pantry during the winter and have fresh canned goodies from the garden.
Hope you have a wonderful and safe trip! I can’t wait to read all about it!
Thank you again sweet friend..You made my week!
Oh my goodness! I am soo honored that you would think of me.
Thank you soo much.
I love to can too! I don’t have a garden this year ’cause I started a day job… I miss it! Nothin’ better than going to the pantry during the winter and have fresh canned goodies from the garden.
Hope you have a wonderful and safe trip! I can’t wait to read all about it!
Thank you again sweet friend..You made my week!
Oh my goodness! I am soo honored that you would think of me.
Thank you soo much.
I love to can too! I don’t have a garden this year ’cause I started a day job… I miss it! Nothin’ better than going to the pantry during the winter and have fresh canned goodies from the garden.
Hope you have a wonderful and safe trip! I can’t wait to read all about it!
Thank you again sweet friend..You made my week!
Oh my goodness! I am soo honored that you would think of me.
Thank you soo much.
I love to can too! I don’t have a garden this year ’cause I started a day job… I miss it! Nothin’ better than going to the pantry during the winter and have fresh canned goodies from the garden.
Hope you have a wonderful and safe trip! I can’t wait to read all about it!
Thank you again sweet friend..You made my week!
OH MY!! This is WAAAAY better than just being nominated for an award! To WIN!! Yeah!! I’m so flattered you would choose me, and of course I have to be having a creativity pity party on my blog….I usually don’t ramble on so, but I’m very flattered that you noticed. I love and adore your blog so much that I can’t think of anyone I could possibly be more flattered by. Thank you for all of your inspiration. Your blog is like a warm visit to a dear friend’s house..
Have a blessed vacation with all of your family. I hope you are bringing them that wonderful jam!!
Hugs and Gratitude,
Hi Ruth Ann,
Thank you so much for this post. Canning is a lost art and I wish I had written down my Grandmother’s instructions for canning. I am going to make the jam. Have a wonderful time in California,
Hi Ruthann,
Thank you for stopping by – it was very kind of you. I have added you to my site and so anticipate your next post – so fun!
Blessings to you!
I love your kitchen & pantry! I have the most amazing General Store Counter in my kitchen that serves as our island and would love to have beautiful cabinets to go with it!
It was fun reading about canning back in the day!
I just found your blog about a month ago, and it has been an inspiration and fun to read. Sometimes I go to your blog just to listen to your music! :P
Since you seem to be a pie queen; could you give me a recipe of your favorite pie crust? I’m horrible at making pie crusts, and I might as well ask someone who loves making them.
God bless!
I just happened to find your blog by way of Daisy Cottage.
I have to tell you. I love, love, love your blog.
What a talent you are. I will be by to visit again.
Sunbonnet Cottage
Your posts always take me back in time. I will have to try your recipe. Love the music too!
Hello Sweet Ruth Ann!
Another wonderful post leaving me with the thought that I am grateful I came by to say hi! I to love a pantry filled with pretty glass jars filled with goodies! I just ordered some yummy preserves on Etsy! I will have to try your Plum Jam Ruth Ann. Looks like you had fun making jam with Linda and your pictures are beautiful! Love the one with the wooden spoon dipping in the jam!
I will see you in a couple weeks at La Maison Rustique! Looking forward to meeting you and Cat.
Have a safe trip to California!
YEA! Coming back to cali! One day I promise we will have to meet dear heart! And this was a way fun post! And I really do love your kitchen…LOVE IT!
Come and see what I did in my hometown!
I always enjoy your blog. It always brings a smiel to my face. Which brings me to the award….at my place for you.
I am not big on canning but I LOVE jelly making. It is not only fun but as you said, the jellies and jams are just delicious. And a real sense of HOMEMAKING pours over you when you look at the beautiful jars of sweetness.
I even buy frozen fruits when I can’t get fresh and make jelly out of them.
I so love your blog…it is one of my favorites!
Have fun on your trip to CA….
oooh miss ruthanne thank you for your sweet comment!!! you are such a treasure…an oooh honey this kitten had to tag ya!!
please share 6 sassy things all the kittens don’t know about ya yet! i’m so sure they would love love love it!!!
swing by my place cat~
WOW do I love this post! Honestly this is all foreign to me~the hard work~and I’ve never canned. If it wasn’t frozen or canned or from a box growing up, we didn’t eat it! I am doing better, but OH would I love to be more like what’s pictured here…. (((((HUGS))))) sandi
Ruthann, I absolutely adore your blog. It is inspiring. Not only is it beautiful to look at, the posts you write are just wonderful. I enjoy reading your blog so much. It makes me feel good. Thank you so much for all of the time and energy and recipes you post. You are fabulous. Thanks, Lori
Love your blog.
Funny that you are posting about canning. That is about all I have been doing this month!!! LOL. I am up to 84 pints of green beans with more to be done this afternoon.
I love to make plum jam. I made some 2 weeks ago. I have never left the peel on or use pectin with it. I am going to have to try that.
I found a great book with wonderful jam recipes called Farm Journal’s Canning and Freezing book. If you find it(they are everywhere), check out the Peachy Pear Jam recipe! I turn to it for all my canning and freezing!
Thanks for sharing!
Mecky from Ks
Hi Ruthann from NC!
I absolutely love your blog! I stumbled upon it recently while tooling around on the internet & have been checking back regularly to see if there are any new posts! Love the nostalgic feel of your blog. The pics are wonderful and have sure brought back fond memories!!
I wanted to let you know I have nominated you for a Brillante Blogger Award. Please check out my blog sometime if you get the chance.
Take care!
Hi Ruthann!
I found your blog not long ago and really enjoy reading your posts! You are just fabulous! I, on the other hand, consider myself to be domestically challenged. I’m trying to change that though and my inspiration for that is my new baby girl, Amilia Rose. So, I was wondering if you could give me a recipe for homemade buttermilk biscuits. I have been craving them lately and thought there would be no better person to ask than you! If you could find the time, it would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Ruthann!
It was so good to hear from you! Somehow I had a feeling you were a fellow cross-stitcher! I also enjoy crocheting very much. I am fervently working on both crochet & cross-stitch projects for the upcoming Christmas season.
If you would be interested in joining a good cross-stitch group, I am a member of one on Yahoo groups called I Love Cross Stitch. It's fabulous and the members there are so diverse in their project selections.
I just love your blog as I mentioned. I love anything nostalgic and your blog made me feel so welcome and warm when I have visited. I could almost smell & taste the pies and other scrumptious foods you have described! LOL Oh…and did I describe the music…absolutely love the music!!! It just added the perfect touch to your blog to give it that overall warmth appeal!
I will definitely be back and will pass along your blog address to anyone I feel would equally enjoy reading!
Can't wait to see what you have lined up for the holiday season!!! If you'd like to email me direct sometime, please feel free, my address is
Take care & Be Blessed!!
Dawn in NC
I don’t even know what to write. I am so overwhelmed by your blog. It’s like enjoying your favorite TV show and hardly being able to contain your anticipation until it comes on again. I have only begun reading you fabulous blog for about a month and I am blessed each time I stop by. I remember my mom canning when I was younger and I am inspired to try it myself. You have me longing for the simple life. And I am going to try my best to slow my life down and really savor the sweet flavor.
Oh !!!!
One last thing. When I satrted reading your post I heard something quite familiar. R A G G- M O P P Raggmopp! My Dad used to sing that to me in the 60’s and swirl me all around the kitchen floor.(He was born in the 1920) That was such a sweet rememberence of him. Thank you and please keep on blessing us,
(sigh) another treat to reflect on during my week! Thanks Ruthann!
Your posts always make me feel so good about being a homemaker! Thank you for this great reminder about Christmas! I’m already started!
Laura of Harvest Lane
Boy that Plum Jam looks delicious! I may just have to give it a wirl! Thanks for sharing, Dana
Oh such a fun post. Esp since I love to can! I’ve just finished cherries, cherry jam, chutney, rasp jam – and will be on to tuna, peaches, pears, applebutter … I’ll be back to visit you!
Thank you for your inspiring blog, love the pictures, love seeing what all you do! I am getting ready to can as well, plan on putting some of that on my blog. I have a couple younger ladies who want to know how to know how to can and I am excited to show them. Great blog!!
You have the most adorable blog. I stop by from time to time. You might want to stop by mine. I am having an apron giveaway…I think you might like that!
I recently found your blog and I have enjoyed reading through it! My question for you, deals with your pie crust. I made the double crust and I’m wondering how long the crust can stay in the fridge and / or freezer? I used one part of the crust and I don’t know what to do with the second part of it. Thanks!
Hi Ruthann – I wanted to tell you how much I’m enjoying your blog! I stumbled on it the other night at about midnight, and I sat hypotized for I don’t know how long reading every post! You’ve got me truly inspired to spend a little more time making my home “homey,” and excited to death about making pie! I started “small” today with my 8-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son, pumpkin pie in a refrigerated crust – next I’m going to try a blueberry in a prepared crust with a lattice top, and someday soon, I hope, will try my own crust.
Also, your home is ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS! I love all the pictures, and your kitchen is just to die for.
We recently moved to a new home and have all the “stuff” in but haven’t done a whole lot of decorating yet, but now I’m all psyched to get going. Thanks again, and can’t wait to see what you have next for us!!!! Fran
Thank you for sharing this joyful story, pictues and recipe! I don’t know about the Ball instructions, but my Nanny always warmed the sugar in the oven while the fruit was boiling – it saves time bringing it back to the boil because the warm sugar dissolves more quickly and doesn’t cool the fruit. Less cooking time means nicer flavor and color! Just a tip from a fellow jam maker! We haven’t made red plum yet this season, but I made some golden plum and it looks really beautiful!
Thank you Ruthann, for this touching post. I love the pictures, with the music, and the lovely words that inspire me to love my family and the Lord. You are such a blessing to us all!
A beautiful post that brought back so many memories of helping my mom and grandmothers can… It was fun..
Hello Kim, to answer your question about storing the other half of the pie crust….you can keep it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days and 2 months in the freezer. Good for you for making pie for your family!!!
Hello Ruth Ann, I enjoyed reading your post. Makes me want to make some peach jam with fresh peaches from my tree!
Have a great time in Southern California, thats where I live and I have a big fat Italian family too!
Hi Ruthann,
Every time I read one of your posts I feel so inspired to get in the kitchen or do something else in the home to make it better for my hubby and me. Your blog is a great inspiration and I anxiously await every one of your posts…can’t wait until fall and your new website.
Thanks for sharing your family and your home with all of us as well as your happy Christian attitude.
Thank you for all your support and prayers! Your comment was so wonderful about our father and brother's blog!
kari & kijsa
I love your blog! It looks like you have so much fun! Meme from Screaming Meme
I love the pictures, I love the music, and all your wonderful words. Just lovely. I enjoy reading your blog.
WOWSER! What an awesome blog you have! And lots of visitors! Can you tell that so many of us hunger for the simple life of the past?? :) Not to mention the music – I love your playlist!
Your blog is fabulous and have subscribed to your posts. Hugs to you!
I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed your blog, I would love to add you to my favorites, if that is all right with you and if you enjoy mine please feel frre to add me to yours. I will wait to hear from you before I add you to mine and I so look forward to your next post. Jane
I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed your blog, I would love to add you to my favorites, if that is all right with you and if you enjoy mine please feel frre to add me to yours. I will wait to hear from you before I add you to mine and I so look forward to your next post. Jane
I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed your blog, I would love to add you to my favorites, if that is all right with you and if you enjoy mine please feel frre to add me to yours. I will wait to hear from you before I add you to mine and I so look forward to your next post. Jane
I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed your blog, I would love to add you to my favorites, if that is all right with you and if you enjoy mine please feel frre to add me to yours. I will wait to hear from you before I add you to mine and I so look forward to your next post. Jane
I just want you to know I want to adopt you as a cousin an Aunt or someone! You are so sweet! Thankyou for your beautiful blog and for writing sweet stories. I am hoping to move into an old house in a month or two, and hope to create a miniature pantry sort of like yours only way smaller! It will be about 3 feet deep and wide. Tiny. But I love your screen door! I hope you are having a good time out with the family and friends. Be Blessed!
Hi RuthAnn, I have added you to my list of favorites, and so look forward to your next post. I wish I lived next door to you, I am so inspired by your blog, your wonderful pictures that I so love and your music, You can tell a lot about a person through their music. i love yours, Have a fun trip with all your loved ones, jane
Hi RuthAnn, I have added you to my list of favorites, and so look forward to your next post. I wish I lived next door to you, I am so inspired by your blog, your wonderful pictures that I so love and your music, You can tell a lot about a person through their music. i love yours, Have a fun trip with all your loved ones, jane
Hi RuthAnn, I have added you to my list of favorites, and so look forward to your next post. I wish I lived next door to you, I am so inspired by your blog, your wonderful pictures that I so love and your music, You can tell a lot about a person through their music. i love yours, Have a fun trip with all your loved ones, jane
Hi RuthAnn, I have added you to my list of favorites, and so look forward to your next post. I wish I lived next door to you, I am so inspired by your blog, your wonderful pictures that I so love and your music, You can tell a lot about a person through their music. i love yours, Have a fun trip with all your loved ones, jane
Wow, that looked great!
Many blessings…
hi there !
so happy you are enjoying your family and friends, but gosh i get down right crazy waiting for your next blogs! hahahaha!
do you have any idea how fabulous they are and how much people anticipate them?
you truly are my fav and have inspired me in more ways than you’ll ever realize : )
thanks so much – can’t wait for more!
kisses and cupcakes,
Hi Ruthann,
Well, you have inspired me! I have never canned in my life(always wanted to though!) but after you post about plum preserves, I felt I must try it! I just got back from Wal-mart where I purchased some supplies. Yesterday I picked a ton of elderberries so wish me luck.
Do you have any other words of advice before I dive in?!
I know that you must be an incredibly busy woman indeed. But please spare me some mercy, and post… post… oh, please just once more post. (hand draped across forehead as if fainting for dramatic effect). I check and re check and re check again. I heard talk of starting another blog (highly excited) but see that this one has been laid to rest for a time.
I gasp… can’t.. gasp.. handle it. Please, purty please with a cherry on top post once more.
He-he.. not to put a guilt trip on you, but as I have read I am not the only one that finds your blog with all those dreamy pictures and tantalizing toons and words that seem to comfort ones own soul -always bringing a smile to my face to be an utter delight.
friend in the south, ~Melissa.
Hey girls! thank you so much for leaving such grand comments! I’m so glad you like my blog and are awaiting a new post! I am anxious to share lots of fun stuff. I just flew back to my home in Missouri last night–exhausted–it’s such a long day of flying from California. Today I take my daughter to orientation at her school and find out who her teacher is, and then I need to get settled from the trip…and then I will get busy on the computer downloading a bunch of pictures! Look for a new post in just a few days. And for you Dana…just dive right in and can those berries! It’s just a matter of boiling and pouring! Good for you for doing it! I’m so proud of you!!!
Hugs to you all!!
Hi, I just love, love your blog so I gave you an award, go to my blog to pick it up!! hugs, Jane
Hi, I just love, love your blog so I gave you an award, go to my blog to pick it up!! hugs, Jane
Hi, I just love, love your blog so I gave you an award, go to my blog to pick it up!! hugs, Jane
Hi, I just love, love your blog so I gave you an award, go to my blog to pick it up!! hugs, Jane
Wonderful! I’m really looking forward to the next post. Do you realise what magic you’ve created with this blog? To have all of us devotees coming back day after day looking for a new post, hanging out for our next “fix” of it? Keep it up :)
Links of lOve in the post….
I know this is late but I had to tell you that your plum jam looked so delicious that I just had to try it. I even used your method of measuring and having ready everything first. Boy, is that ever slick! This was the first time that I used liquid pectin, too. Not sure I want to go back to powdered. My family loves this jam and it has become our new favorite. My husband told me to make a lot or it will be gone before Christmas. Thank you for sharing this.
Michele in MN
I just found your fun blog! It’s a small world–I’ve known Sherry since high school. I haven’t been to a barn sale yet, but I can’t wait to go.
This post brought back the memories! My favorite was cold packing tomatoes. The best, but the plum jelly is a winner, I’m sure!