Howdy gals! I’ve been busier than a honey bee in a field of clover! I’ve got my apron and pearls on, my 1940’s music is blaring, a tall icy glass of sweet tea nearby, the vacuum cleaner is humming, the bathrooms are squeaky clean, and a menu is being planned. Yes, my home is bustling with activity! We are sprucing up the old homestead, getting ready for company! My hubby’s family are coming from the west ( San Francisco) and the east (New York) for a good-old-Summertime family re-union. My daughter Ashley, and her hubby Glen, are also coming from California! Yay!
My three sister’s-in-law, a mom-in-law, my daughter Ashley and daughter in law Kimmy and myself will all pitch in together to prepare the meals… can bet there’s gonna be a lot of hootin‘ and hollerin‘ in the kitchen! These gals are a hoot and a half!! There will also be a lot of hungry men-folk around so we will have to do the old flour on the nose trick! (Read the Beulah story below to understand what that’s all about!)
In the midst of tidying up and making my home sparkle, it rained and rained and rained!! Just the other day we got 6 inches in 7 hours! My goodness! But what a blessing to look out on our back deck to see this magnificent rainbow! It was stunning!

I grabbed my camera to capture this take-your-breath-away masterpiece from our Creator, and I and took a moment to praise Him and thank Him for His promises, provision and blessings. Indeed, I’ve been blessed with a wonderful family. My faithful, loving, hilarious husband of 30 years (did I say 30? How can that be, if I’m 30 years old? Huh! …If you are trying to figure out my age, I’m pretty sure I was 13 when I got married….wink!) and my four fabulous kids! All of which…by the grace of God, are serving the Lord and doing well. Blessings indeed!
I thought about something that our 21 year old son J.J. told us that happened recently. As a mama, it warmed my heart and blessed my soul.
J.J., pictured above with his adorable girlfriend Tiffany Rose, lives in California and attends College, he is working toward becoming a Teacher along with Tiffany. He flew out to visit us and told us about the man that sat next to him on the plane. This man was in his late 30’s, dressed in rocker-hip leather, and from what J.J. gathered, was not married. He was on his way to see his estranged, dying father. His father was diagnosed just two weeks prior with Cancer, and was thought to have more time, but took a turn for the worse and was not expected to live much longer. He was worried that he wouldn’t make it in time to see him before he passed.
J.J. could see how distraught this man was and asked him if he could pray for him and his dad. Through tear-filled eyes the man said “yes, thank you so much”. So J.J. prayed for him, without hesitation, right there in the plane. That’s my boy! I was so proud that he had the compassion and the courage to offer comfort and encouragement to a someone he did not know.
This is the same little J.J. boy (with Teddy Jing-a-ling) that brought comfort to a hurting young man. (J.J. still can’t believe we gave him a mullet haircut…you know, business up front, party in the back! Hey it was the 1980’s!)
I thought about how my husband and I would make it a point to pray with our kids and for our kids daily. We would often gather around the kitchen table, on the family room floor, or on our bed and ask for prayer requests. Their requests were mostly for other people that were going through a difficult time (they learned compassion). Then one by one, holding hands, we would take turns praying aloud (they learned courage).
We would stop and pray if they were upset or had an owie. We prayed for their day at school. We prayed when we heard an ambulance, that the Lord would be there to help those in need.We would pray and ask for forgiveness if their behavior was unacceptable. They learned that we could go to our loving, gracious, generous, forgiving, Heavenly Father for anything and everything. Prayer became as natural as eating chocolate cake.
I have a notebook where I have traced the hands of my husband, my kids and their spouses, so I can hold their hand when I pray for them.

The chain of a mother’s prayers can link her child to God. ~unknown
We would pray a blessing over them when we tucked them in bed at night, thanking God for giving us “the most wonderful kids in the whole wide world!” then we’d kiss them a dozen times all over their face. We let them know that Jesus was always with them, and His angels were also watching over them. They fell asleep feeling safe in their comfy warm beds. Of course we still do this with our little Summer Rose!

I love this picture of J.J.! Oh Honey!! Come on now,
this is a face that’s begging for lots of kisses!
(even if he looks a little sticky with frosting!)
So may I encourage you mama’s out there to pray for and with your children. Much to my heavy sighing, our children do grow up. (boo-hoo!! Teddy Jing-a-ling above shares my sentiments! He seems to be saying…”where did baby J.J. go?”…oh, he grew up to be a man that blessed people’s hearts.) A daily habit of prayer and reading God’s Word, will instill compassion, hope, integrity and courage in the tender hearts of our treasured children. It will also give them the realization that we all are in desperate need of God. Prayer helps to develop the most important relationship we will ever have, a relationship (not religion) with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Making prayer a normal part of everyday life will prepare our kids to accept the assignments that God has purposed for them. They will begin to discern God’s voice when He is speaking to their heart, and be courageous enough to follow God’s leading.
And when you see God’s work in your children’s lives, and their obedience to His calling…well, it will bless your heart like nothing else!
“For we are God’s (own) handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, (born anew) that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us (taking paths which He prepared ahead of time), that we should walk in them (living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live).” Ephesians 2:10

Although I focused primarily on J.J. in this post, I am equally proud of all of my kids!
Summer Rose, almost 10, is a delight, sweeter than pie, and adorably talented. Here she is after a dance recital (her make-up was just for the performance) she loves the Lord, is so helpful and compassionate, plays the violin, and is an honor roll student and an incredible artist. Dusty is my first-born dream come true, (we prayed for 3 years to conceive), he teaches in children’s church with his wife Kimmy, whom he adores. Dusty is an amazing graphic artist and Web site designer.
The other morning, Summer came to me and said “Mama, I had the best dream ever!!” I said “really, was I in it?” sheepishly she answered “no.” I teasingly replied “Oh, thanks!” But then I encouraged her to tell be about it. She said “Well, I was at Disneyland and no one else was there except for the workers and Jesus. I got to spend a whole day going on all the rides with just me and Jesus, it was so fun!!”
I can’t imagine anything more fabulous than to spend the whole day at Disneyland with Jesus! Yes, that was the best dream ever!
Sweet Ashley lives in California with her husband Glen. She is a hair stylist and is extremely artistic. She delights my heart and astounds me with her wisdom and humor. Her and Glen recently spent a year volunteering at a Christian home for troubled teens. A difficult yet rewarding job for sure! When Ashley was about 5 she also had a dream about Jesus, he came to rescue her from something scary, and the one thing she noticed besides his big smile, was that He was wearing red shoes. Red shoes! I love it!!
“The family that prays together stays together, and if you stay together, you will love each other as God loves each one of you. So teach your children to pray, and pray with them, and you will have the joy and peace and the unity of Christ’s own love living in you.” ~Mother Teresa
Along with prayer, we must also include thanksgiving, praise and worship. Whenever there is an amazing sunset we always call the kids outside the “see the beautiful picture Jesus painted for us in the sky!”. “Wow! thanks Lord” we’d say.
If you are reading this and your child has taken a dark path, keep praying! Don’t give up! The Bible says that Prayer changes things.
So on this gorgeous and blessed summer day I think I’ll bake me a Thankful pie.
Thanks for stopping by!
what a cute post!! you did a great job raising your kids & hope mine turn out just as good!!
Great post and great kids! It is so important as you said to pray with and for your kids. Praying with our daughter is something we’ve done since she was wee little. One of my favorite memories is our ride to school each morning and taking time to pray for her day, teachers and school mates. Sweet memories! Thank the God Lord, she loves Him and serves Him faithfully.
God is so good!
Once again, such an inspiring post. A good reminder that I need to spend more time praying for and with my three kiddos.
Thanks for “sharing” your children with us. I think they are beautiful on the outside and on the inside!
How sweet you are to want to encourage us moms–God bless you!!!
My oldest is in Ft. Leonard Woods, Missouri right now undergoing boot camp for military police. Imagine, my baby, who I can still hear at 3 years old saying, “Bye, Mommy” and walking away from me in our own backyard, like he was practicing already…little Mr. Independant. Thank you, Lord for our children.
I love it! You sound like a fanastic mom and actually remind me a lot of my own mom! Keep praying for your kiddos. I am almost 25 years old and my momma still covers my brother and I in prayer everyday…along with our spouses! What a joy it was to read this. Blessings to you!!! :)
Ruth-Ann, your babies are beautiful and after reading about all of them I know that they are beautiful on the inside too! I don’t care how old they all get….they are still our babies, aren’t they? We also do as God instructs us to ‘pray without ceasing’. My babies are 13,10 and 7…my prayer is that they always remember to pray. Thank you for sharing this with us.
You have every right to be a proud mama. I hope a lot of young mothers are reading this post…it’ll give them great ideas for success.
Have a marvelous time with your extended family! Now I’m off to explain my son’s 80s mullet to him…all business up front, but a party out back. :D
Hello Ruthann,
Oh as I watch my dear littlr sweet angle play it brings tears to my eyes. She is not little anymore. She is 5 and starting school soon. I had to pull her to me and hug her and give her kisses all over her sweet face. I love stopping by Ruthann. Your posts are heartfelt and so sweet. Have a blessed day with your family. Hugs Nicole
Ruth Ann,
Thank you for such a beautiful post that I happened to read today – a very difficult day with four young, tired children. You have reassured me of my greatest asset – prayer. And you have reminded me that I have “the most wonderful kids in the whole wide world.”
What a wonderful post!! Your children are all beautiful and I can tell you did a wonderful job raising them. They all seem to have a close walk with the Lord and a loving and kind heart for others! I know you must be so proud.
Praying for your children IS so important. Thank you so much for reminding us of that today!!
Hey Ruthann! There is an award waiting for you over on my blog. Best wishes, Stacy
What a beautiful post. It warmed my heart. I prayed alot with my boys when they were growing up. Daily. And at those little times like you mentioned…an owie, or a hurt feeling. They still pray. I love that all your children are SERVING God. What a blessing!
Thank you for the encouragement. My youngest, wounded, children need me to pray with them more than my older ones did and I let circumstances get in the way. That needs to change. Blessings to you!!!
I love this post Ruthann. My mother always said the most powerful prayers are the prayers of a mother for her children. It really is true. I am also a hairstylist like Ashley. It is a wonderful, fun career.
Hugs, XXOO
Amen sister! I hope the younger gals are listening to what you have to say here. Prayer over your children makes all the difference in the world and it is never too late to begin.
Have a great time enjoying the fruits of your labor in your sparkling clean house and with your family.
Hug and blessings,
I love to come and read your blog each day. It truly lifts me up. I look at your family and I am so in awe. What an amazing family!
Our children are a blessing from God, a true gift. One that we should thank our Lord for each day.
And I hope that each lady that visits you will ALWAYS cherish their memories that they have made or are making with their children.
Tomorrow will be the five year anniversary of losing our 20yr old son in an auto accident…
Hug your children every day!
Incredible post. Wonderful children. You are very right..the family that prays together stays together…
You have a right to be proud …it is not a vain proud but a comfort in knowing God has blessed you and rewarded your godly child rearing.
What a heartwarming post. I also try to pray with my children. My little girl is only two and already asks to say prayers.
I’ve recently discovered your blog and have been really enjoying your archives. It really feels like a cosy home on the web here. I just wanted to let you know how much I have been enjoying your blog.
Kind regards,
I love your blog – it makes me happy. So pretty and uplifting too.
My oldest son just graduated from high school – we are having some growing pains and it hurts my mommy heart.
Take care,
hi ruth ann…i found your blog from your sister sherry’s blog and i love it…maybe you can convince your sister to open a shop on etsy to sell her gorgeous vintage necklaces and t-shirts! you have a beautiful family! ann
Your post really blessed me, it is a good reminder of our faithful God. God Bless!!!
A ;-)
Ruth Anne, thank you so much. This was exactly what I needed to read today. You are an encouragement! And your kids are adorable!
You are blessed Ruth Ann! What a beautiful post and such an encouraging word! All Mother’s should have the privilege of reading this one.
God has entrusted you with a beautiful family and someday little grands that will also be in your prayers. We can never thank Him too much!
Have a wonderful week and let the “SON” shine in!
Hugs~ Saralee
Awhh! RuthAnn thank you so much for sharing this story and post with us!
Prayer is our life line to God!
Thank you for reminding us that.
Hope your having a wonderful week.
Awhh! RuthAnn thank you so much for sharing this story and post with us!
Prayer is our life line to God!
Thank you for reminding us that.
Hope your having a wonderful week.
Awhh! RuthAnn thank you so much for sharing this story and post with us!
Prayer is our life line to God!
Thank you for reminding us that.
Hope your having a wonderful week.
Awhh! RuthAnn thank you so much for sharing this story and post with us!
Prayer is our life line to God!
Thank you for reminding us that.
Hope your having a wonderful week.
Well said. Thanks for sharing.
Hello Ruth Ann~ God must have sent this blog to me today. I really needed to read it! I do have a troubled adult son and it breaks my heart! God’s grace & peace is the only thing that gets me through the days! Please pray for Wes~& our family. He is a Christian and does love the Lord as all our family does! Be so thankful that your children are doing well and following the Lord! I can tell that you love the Lord and have taught your children well! Your a great inspiration and May God continue to Bless you & your family!! I really do enjoy reading your blog! Blessings~Paula
Love this post. Prayer is so vital to our lives and especially to raising Godly children. You have done such a great job with yours and they seem like such good people. I enjoy reading everything you write since your values and ideas are what I believe in as well. I hope you enjoy your family as I know you will. I’m sure there will be pies everywhere. Just don’t be too busy to post. God bless you in your walk with Him.
Hi there! Nice to meet you! I’m Gina from Illinois. I’m kind of new to blogging. I just wanted to tell you that I just love your blog! It’s so sweet & very inspiring! I think I found it at just the right time! I can’t wait to read more! P.S. The pic of the house reminds me of an old metal dollhouse I had when I was about 3or 4 yrs the 70’s! God Bless. I look forward to visiting again! Have a Happy 4th! Gina xoxo
Hi Ruth-Ann, So I totally know how you feel when it comes to your kids…My daughter tasha will be 20 in September and I’m having a hard time with it..LOL..I also pray for my kids daily and hope they make the right decisions…Thanks for the post, it realy lifted my day…And by the way, I used to live in Arkansas and visited the ozarks quite often…They are quite exceptional…Toodle and God Bless Monta :))
“””Just Tears…”””
That was a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing.
Wow! Great post! We have prayed over our kids for years and they are now walking in their own destiny. But God indeed does answer prayer. And now to hear our kids pray just melts me! Thanks for sharing about your wonderful and precious family. This is what it is all about!
Blessings, Debbie
Lovely, encouraging post. Thanks!
What a wonderful post – thank you for sharing your story with us. I was enjoying the music as well especially the one about Shoo Fly Pie, lol, I’m PA Dutch and I just post my grandmother’s recipe for Shoo Fly Pie on my site, lol. Love that Shoo Fly Pie!!
God Bless,
So good! I love this one! Mom’s have to realize that we are raising the next generation of the church. We want to instill these wonderful values in our children. What a testimony you have in what an amazing seed you placed in your son all those years ago and have been watering it all these years. Now you are seeing the fruit of that “seed”. I pray for my kids all the time. The word says to keep His word before us when we are sitting, eating, driving, or sleeping. So that is what we do. Thank you for sharing your story it is an encouragment to all moms don’t stop praying with your kids! Even when you think they aren’t getting this. They are ;)
RuthAnn, I just want you to know that when I see you’ve posted something, I never hurridly rush through the reading of whatever you’ve written. I so look foward to whatever you have to say, that I will wait until I have time to savor your words and come back to read your blog slowly and enjoy it. I’m sitting here on my bed with my cup of coffee and my little dog, Missy, and Missy says “Thanks RuthAnn for another great post!”. Your blog is really inspiring!
P.S. What a group of good-looking kids you’ve raised! They are all beautiful people!
i’m kicking myself in the pockets for not visiting you more…you are such a delight and spiritual inspiration to me as a mother trying each day to surround my children and husband in prayer…thank you so much for the reminders and for just being such an awesome witness for our Lord and His plan for the family! i thank my God for you! i love seeing the pictures…many blessings!
okay…one more thing. i couldn’t find an email address for you so i’m wondering if you’d mind sharing some information about your wooden floors…they look like they are distressed and the wideplank kind…we are going to be building our home out of town and i love those floors of yours. please don’t tell me they are custom finished from a 200 year old barn in the hamptons or something…!
Thank you for such an inspirational post. It touched my heart so deeply. I am blessed with two talented and amazing daughters. Sometimes I can’t believe my good fortune of having these treasures. I am a single mom who has been out of work for a few months. Though it has been hard on us our faith has kept us strong and God has keep us going. At times I have commented to my girl’s at my surprise that we are still OK in our situation. Then I remember “God is Good” and that explains it all.
Your post has made my day. Thank You and may God continue to Bless You and Yours.
What wonderful children, RuthAnn! Your stories of J.J. are so sweet! I love that you have made prayer a huge part of your life and passed that blessing onto your children!
That’s a lovely post. I’m new to your site and have enjoyed my first visit!
Oh dear Ruthann! I do love coming here I always walk away so inspired by your words! Thank you dear friend! Is it too late to start praying at 38?! I know my heart says NO! Thank you for your wise words, I type this with tear filled eyes. You have truly inspired me. I feel so much warmth when I am on this blog…thank you again dear Ruthann!
Many hugs,
P.S. stop by some time and say hello!
Ruthann, I just love you!!! When I make my next trip to the Ozarks to see Mama and Daddy, I’m gonna give you a heads up! I simply must meet you.
In the meantime, my parents were just hear and took my little Will back to the Show Me State with them.
On the other hand, if you ever come to DC, I want you to know you have a home right here!
hillbilly debutante
LOVE..LOVE…Did I say I LOVED your post!! what a great read. I adore the handprint idea. What a wonderful thoughtful person you are!! I live in Calif and my Favorite spot is Downhome too!! I haven’t checked out the new hostess shop yet, but I have one of her aprons and have had the good fortune of meeting her at the gift show in L.A. Small World, huh?
Read your blog for the first time, but it most certainly won’t be the last. Still smiling!!
I loved this post! I pray with both of my kids everyday! I do like the idea of tracing their hands for times that I can’t be with them! Thanks for that idea!
You have lovely children! I know you must be proud!
~ Tammy ~
That is the best dream I’ve ever heard! wow!
What a great post! What I will take away from it is this: “I have a notebook where I have traced the hands of my husband, my kids and their spouses, so I can hold their hand when I pray for them” hat a STELLAR idea, one that I am going to copy as fast as I can. Thanks so much for that wonderful idea. Hope you have fun with your guests…and lots of pie.:)
xo Lidy
I have been visiting you lately and have yet to leave you a comment. Your blog is both inspiring and beautiful. I am a mother too and pray with my two boys. The power of prayer is truley amazing and I see God’s miracles happening all the time. Many Blessings to you and your family. dana
As I was reading a book by Ruth Bell Graham, something she said made me think of this post. In her book, Prodigals and Those Who Love Them, she wrote,”We mothers must take care of the possible and trust God for the impossible. We are to love, affirm, encourage, teach, listen and care for the physical need of the family. We cannot convict of sin, create hunger and thirst after God, or convert. These are miracles, and miracles are not in our department.
Our part (the possible):
love – love expressed
to pray intelligently,
logically, without ceasing, in
enjoy being a mother
provide a warm, happy home
minister to their physical and
emotional needs as I am able.
God’s part (the impossible):
conviction of sin
creating a hunger and thirst for
bringing to the place of total
showing us ourselves as we really
are (w/o ever discouraging us!)
continually filling us with His
Holy Spirit for our
sanctification and His service.
I love being His child, a wife, and a mother!
Great post and you have been blessed with a wonderful family.
Ruthann Sista,
What an inspiring post and so very true….
We are so thankful for our dear family….children and grandchildren….God has bless us abundantly…..
Would love to have a glass of iced tea with you and a chat….Betty
Hey Ruthann! I left you something on my bloggie!
Ruthann, you make my heart swell each and every time I read your blog. The Lord has gifted you with a warm spirit and the ability to share via the written word. Praises.
I loved this post!! All I can say is, that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Bringing heaven to earth..praying for people, dreaming about Jesus!!!
My hubby just returned from a plane trip to indiana and sat next to a lady who told him about her moms fight with cancer. When they got off the plane we found the mom and prayed for her.
Hey Ruthann!! O, how I love your site. It is a place of beauty and it’s so fun to look at.
I just found this the other day and I have read every-single- little- post. LOve it!! the music adds a sweet homey’ touch and the pics are dreamy. Thanks and God Bless you. Melissa Smith
I needed to read this post today! I have four kiddos…10, 8, 5 and 17 months. My hubby is a pastor getting ready to go back to school part time to get his Master’s…We just bought a new house…I’m starting homeschooling next year…I have been feeling a little overwhelmed. It is good to read encouraging words like your recent post. You are an example of godly motherhood! Thank you. Recently, my 17 month old little guy brought me a book (from a packed box) and handed it to me. It was…The Power of a Praying Parent. You better believe I opened it right then and started praying for my kiddos. …”Out of the mouths of babes you have ordained praise…”
I found your blog through Mabel’s House. This posting really spoke to me. I have a teenager daughter that I really worry about because she seems so easily influenced by her peers. I’ve raised her right, but she’s been through a lot in her life. God has been dealing with me a lot concerning better ways to raise her. Thank you for sharing your Godly wisdom.
Thank you so much for this post. It came at exactly the moment I needed to read it.
I LOVE YOUR HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that post made me cry-in a good way your youngest daughters dream was so beautiful!
That teddy bear looking down at the picture of him and his boy is the ABSOLUTE CUTEST picture I have ever seen…I mean so cute I can hardly stand it…genius, I tell you
Thank you so much for this post.
I struggle DAILY wtih my 12-year old daughter’s disrespect and self-centeredness. We are a Christian family, and she’s very involved in the youth group. Unfortunately, we have not made prayer a common thing in our home. Life gets ahead of us sometimes. Today, it’s time for my family to make prayer “as natural as eating chocolate cake!”
God gave me your post just when I needed it. Imagine, you posted this last year…I’m just now reading it! Thank you for your inspiration, words of wisdom, and your encouragement.
God bless you and your beautiful family.
Angie xxoo
We have the same bear! Ours has a gingham tie on it. I bet yours does too or did at one time. It is Madi Grace’s “lovie.” She named him Willie and she has taken him with her since she was about 18 months old. She will be 9 this month. Our bear looks like yours, nice, ruffled and loved. I had to show her the bear and she couldn’t believe it. We’ve never seen anyone with the same bear! And think how many years apart it’s been that they each got one. How neat! That bear must just be meant to be a cuddle lovie bear.
Smiles, Cassidy
This post touched my HEART! THANKS!