Oh Happy Day and howdy darlin’!
Well, I’ve been a little busy…my first grand-daughter was born! She weighed 7 pounds 14 ounces!
And what a baby-doll she is!!
Sweet Polly June!
Bundle of joy sent from above, glorious treasure to cherish and love!
My first baby girl had her first baby girl!
This was the first time big brother Johnny got to hold is little sister in the hospital! Lots of emotions! He was so careful, a little timid at first, then full of nervous giggles!
For Polly’s homecoming, my daughter Ashley wrote this heartfelt greeting on the huge chalkboard in their kitchen.
Here, sweet Polly is wearing her mama’s dress that I saved all these years for just this moment!
Sweet as sweet can be!
“A baby fills a place in your heart you never knew was empty.”
~Author Unknown
A button nose, cherry lips and ten tiny toes
“A wee bit of heaven drifted down from above, a handful of happiness, a heart full of love.” ~ Helen Steiner Rice
I need to kiss that face!
I can’t even express to you what a blessing it is to hold my sweet grand-baby! To think my hubby and I tried for several years to conceive…time after time we were met with disappointment. After lots of tears (even while watching Pamper’s diaper commercials!) and lots of prayers, my dream of becoming a mother finally came true. Although my first pregnancy sadly ended in a miscarriage I soon became pregnant with my son Dusty. Two years later came Ashley (Polly’s mama) then J.J. and 11 years later came Summer Rose (A very happy surprise!) It’s so wonderful to see how the Lord not only blessed me with my 4 children, He gave me two lovable daughter’s-in-love and one adorable son-in-love…and now I am doubly blessed with my grandchildren! In June, I have another one coming…that will equal 4 grand-babies! God is good! I’m one thankful mama.
“Precious jewel, you glow, you shine, reflecting all the good things in the world.” ~Maya Angelo
Ashley made these darling, colorful Russian inspired soft dolls…Polly’s little friends!
“Sometimes, said Pooh, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” ~A. A. Milne

I couldn’t be more proud of the wonderful, tender, loving mother my daughter has become. I’m equally thrilled with the amazing artist and creative photographer she is. Most of the photos of sweet Polly on this blog post were taken with her iphone! You can follow her on instagram under her user name @owlbolt.
“Precious and priceless, so lovable, too-
The world’s sweetest miracle
baby, is you.
~Helen Steiner Rice
Thank you darlin’ Sugar Pie for coming by for some sweet Polly Pie! If you have any motherly words of wisdom for Ashley as she begins a new chapter in her life as a mama of two, I encourage you to share! I know she would love to read your advice!
Please follow me on Instagram! I share every-day sort of stuff from my neck-of-the-woods. You can find me there under @sugarpiefarmhouse. Also if you have any questions for me, the best place to ask is on Facebook.
God bless your darlin’ heart!
Aunt Ruthie
She’s so gorgeous! What a darling, you’re very lucky :)
My baby just had my first grandson! I LOVE grandchildren. You really do love them as if they are your own. Congratulations! So much happiness!
So very precious! Little girls are so special! Congratulations to you all!
That is the most darling baby girl!
ALL your girls are adorable!!! Polly has such a precious little face! Blessings!
Congratulations on your adorable new granddaughter! God is so good!
Oh she is just such a precious little girl!! Congratulations! I first saw her when you posted a pic to instagram, but it’s wonderful to see more photos of her. She is beautiful and I love her name.
God Bless You!!
~Jazzmin ♥
Sometimes, said Pooh, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” ~A. A. Milne
Congratulations on the arrival of such sweetness in pink!
So very sweet! I just love her precious name. What a sweet chapter in your life!
Oh that sweet little Polly June! She is as pretty as her name. I love the pic of her and her mom! SO SWEET!
Becky Ransom
Congratulations on the birth of your first granddaughter.
She’s a charmer!
Enjoy her –
What a precious gift from God! Congratulations to all of you. She is so beautiful and sweet! I sure enjoyed all of your pictures. Your family is blessed! Hugs, Ann
Oh and I almost forgot my advice! Take naps when they do! Put your feet up. If the house gets a little messy, it’s okay. They grow up FAST so take time to enjoy every moment and take care of yourself. That way, you’ll be a happier and nicer mommy! XO (this comes from a 43 year old mom of 4)
She is the most precious little girl I’ve ever seen, congrats and enjoy this wonderful, blessed time……
Beautiful…beautiful! You are truly blessed! We are expecting our (probably) last grandchild… a baby boy, Chase Alexander due July 21. Can’t wait!!!!!
Congratulations. And the pictures of sweet Polly are gorgeous. Here’s to extra special summer fun with the new baby. Your daughter’s daughter, what a special bond that will be. (Love the baby’s name, it’s one you don’t hear often, was my nickname in college….!)
Polly June is so darling and what a blessing from heaven! Isn’t it the BEST being a Grandmother! Life is never the same when they come along! Have a wonderful day Ruthann! Love ya sweetie, Maryjane xox
How absolutely wonderful! Congratulations to all! Welcome Sweet Polly June!
Congratulations! She is absolutely beautiful. Her name is adorable!
Congratulations to all of you! What a beautiful addition, and wonderful blessing to your family! God bless all of you!
Angels kisses & heavenly hugs … what a beautiful sweet “P”. Yes, you are truly blessed. There is nothing, not anything in this world more beautiful than the birth of a baby. Enjoy!
TTFN~ Marydon
Congratulations!! She is just beautiful! Your cup runneth over sweet lady!
Congratulations and blessings on the birth of your new granddaughter! There is nothing quite like a loving grandmother. Dear sweet grandmas have the ability to enrich our lives and turn them into precious treasures of joy. Advice? Hmmm. Speaking from seven children’s worth of experience, never allow the work of being a mother to make you quit creating sweet toy and other fun things. Work is healthy, creating is too.
She is absolutely lovely. Your family truly is blessed. :)
What a dainty precious little baby girl! Beautiful!!
Oh for goodness sakes. Polly June is precious. Congratulations! Blessings.
Oh, what a “heartbreaker”! She is simply adorable.
Ummmm…can i borrow that baby for about 10 years? omg…she is gorgeous! and i am sure she won’t be spoiled at all!
Congrats! I’d say she is just as lucky to have a sweet and talented grandmother like you as you are to have her. She’s beautiful! And she looks like she’s smiling in the photo where you are holding her! Awww
What a happy day♥
Hugs and Sugar-
Congratulations on the arrival of sweet Polly June. She is like a porcelain doll. Absolutely so precious! I love all the quotes you publish within your posts. They fit so perfectly! Lots of love and prayers of joys are being sent to your family!
This was such a precious post! I’m sitting here with tears running down my face. What a precious blessing from God! My advice would be to keep seeking the Lord Jesus and going to Him for rest. Just enjoy every sweet moment with that sweet baby. God has blessed my husband and I with 8 babies, and my first baby girl left for college this last year. My youngest is now 4, and I mean to tell ya-it sure does go by fast! Moms used to always tell me that, but it’s sooo true! Just treasure God’s wonderful blessings and keep thanking Him and asking Him for wisdom. Congratulations!!! (:
ConGRAMulations!!!! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your new bundle from the Lord! God is Good!
How wonderful! She’s an absolute miracle of love, so beautiful. So happy for you! Thanking God for her today! Just loved your photos!
Linda @ Grandmalay’s Daydreams
Congratulations on your newest grand…..she is precious! I think there is noting sweeter than the pure love you feel for your grandchildren. They don’t have to do ONE thing and we love them from the top of their sweet head to those cute little toes! God is so good!
Blessings from Arkansas!
Oh My She’s as sweet as her name .. I think I would pick her up and just never want to put her down ! What an absolute Blessing from the Lord ! So glad you are glowing in the blessing of our Sweet Lord !
Congrats !
Blessings ..Sara
Congratulations! Your sweet new granddaughter is just precious! There is nothing like the love and bond between a grandmother and grandchild! My husband and I are blessed with six grandsons and eight grandaughters! They range in age from 3 months to 16 years old. Best part of our lives! Sending up a prayer for the safe delivery for the next bundle of joy.
What a marvelous blessing! Darling! Best wishes to all!
Congratulations!!! My husband and I we ot so lucky to be blessed with our own children in the Womb way but we were blessed this year with 6 of our own. Yes we adopted a family of six children ages now 5,6,7,11,12,13 and we were blessed 9 years ago with a child and she is now 14.. So in our own way God blessed us with seven of our own in his own way! So I guess you could say last year we got sextuplets or “With six you get egg roll!” We are so blessed!
What a joy a gift from above. I never understood when my Mama told me if she knew they where this much fun she would have had them first LOL!! I have 5(3 girls and 2 boys) and they give me that glow that a proud Grandma has everyday. Mine range in ages 8,3,2,1, and 8 months. We thought we would never have any but the Lord knew different. My only advice is to love them and teach them what is right and to love one another. God Bless you Sweet Polly <3 From Grandma Princess( the name my 3 year old Granddaughter Andrea gave me <3 )
Congratulations, on the new member, of the family.. Time flys, to quickly, by.. We. had 3 sons..now grown..as, I’m 70 yrs..Back, then, we had church 3 times, a wk..now, it, seems, the world, takes, children away from that, with ball games or soccer games..ETC.. May, blessings, always, be yours…!
She is gorgeous. I look forward to having a grandchild one day. You are so lucky. Enjoy every minute with her for she will grow up too quickly.
What a sweet blessing. She is ADORABLE! Welcome to the world little Polly June! :)
She looks so angelic. Congratulations to you!
My grandmother gave me this advice:
Raise your children so other people will “like” them too.
God has shown his favor through this blessing.
Sweetness all over the place…lovely photos, beautiful baby, happy family. Such love…
Congratulations! What a wonderful post and such gorgeous photos! Enjoy every moment! God Bless! :) hugs and love to all of you!
Sweet, sweet baby!!! Congratulations to you all !!
Congratulations to you all! Polly June is just as beautiful as her mommy, aunt, and grandmommy! I know you are enjoying all the buttons and bows and lace! :) When my twins were born, they were too tiny (and one too many) to wear my baby dress. But when our sweet Ellie was born, we dressed her up in the little blue Feltman Brothers dress that was mine and put on her tiny necklace, ring, and bracelet to bring her home from the hospital. Maybe one day, HER little girl can wear the same dress…it will definitely be an antique by then. LOL
Baby Polly June is just perfect, Ruthann! A sweet little blessing from the Lord…just like all your babies!
Take care,
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS to YOU and your beautiful, precious family!
Oh…I forgot to add my advice. Enjoy those babies and love on them as much as possible. The days are long, but the years are short! In the blink of an eye, they will be all grown up and you’ll wonder where the time went. Make memories and live in the moment. Trust the Lord to help you make the right parenting decisions, and entrust them to HIM…because He is good! Pray, pray, pray! :)
Oh my goodness, I’m so happy for you. She is absolutely beeeyoooootiful. I just was blessed with my 4th grandchild last September, and I know just how you feel! Congratulations to all of you!
What a sweet, sweet little one! And a sweet family! Congratulations!
She is precious. She reminds me of a hand crafted display baby. She is beautiful. Congrates to all!!
You are the most beautiful Grandmother..ever!
Absolutely precious tribute to your daughter, son-in-law and surely to little Polly. Totally amazing, adorable and just beautiful and huggable. The music soundtrack is bringing tears to my eyes. I love how your posting has lifted my spirits. Sending love and hugs to all of you for the special little sweet blessing that has come into all of your lives.
Carolyn in Sunny St. George, UT
Such a blessing. And she is gorgeous….I can tell that she is already Daddy’s girl.
My best gem of wisdom is to love on her everyday…they surely grow up SO fast.
Slow down and enjoy your journey.
May the Lord bless and keep her and continue to smile upon her.
She’s beautiful! We’ve just celebrated our youngest son’s first birthday, seeing your pictures reminded me how little they are at first!! Enjoy this wonderful time together with your family!
Give thanks to Him,bless his name,for he is good: the LORD, whose kindness endures forever,and his faithfulness, to all generations. psalm 100: 4-5
Lots of love from the Netherlands!
Congrats to you on the birth of Polly. Grandchildren are truly a blessing from God. I have two very precious granddaughters and they are the light of my life. The youngest is almost 7 months old and I just can’t get enough of her. My advice to mama is enjoy each and every day with the babies. Don’t worry about the house or anything else. These days will fly by. Give them all the love, hugs and kisses you can. Pray for them daily, give them over to the Lord daily and make memories to last a lifetime. Cherish every moment and don’t rush anything. Children are so precious. Take care of yourself. Eat healthy and be kind to yourself. God has truly blessed your family with joy.
What a beautiful baby girl Polly is . I am so happy for your family. Enjoy your grand babies . The grow up so fast. Our loudest grand daughter just graduated from high school an will start college this fall. It does not seem possible.No greater joy than being a grandma is there? Yarlette
What a beautiful baby girl Polly is . I am so happy for your family. Enjoy your grand babies . The grow up so fast. Our oldest grand daughter just graduated from high school an will start college this fall. It does not seem possible.No greater joy than being a grandma is there? Yarlette
What a gorgeous baby! Loved looking at the photos! Wishing you and your family congrats and many blessings!!
Congratulations! God bless.
Congratulations on your beautiful new angel! She is so precious…God is good…our babies grow up and leave…then give us new babies to love…
Congratulations to all of you. She is absolutely adorable.
Thank you for sharing that beautiful dumplin’! I know how you feel- I have 4 little dumplins to call my own. Enjoy each and every minute. Time seems to fly ever so quickly! Bless you all!
What an absolute miracle new babies are. Polly and her big brother, Mama and Daddy all look so happy. Congrats!
Congratulations!!! This is so exciting! Nothing as happy as babies. So happy for you all, and honestly, Polly is just gorgeous! Absolutely beautiful!
From one Polly to another, we are so glad for your grandma that you are here! Blessings… Polly
(p.s. Love that you quoted Winnie the Pooh – My dad’s nick name for me is “Pooh”)
Congratulations on that sweet grandbaby. :)
Congratulations!! How wonderful to “share” in the joy of a new bundle of love. Children truly are a blessing from God – and it is great to feel your excitement and happiness. May God ABUNDANTLY bless you all!
Congratulations to you all, Polly June is just adorable!
Aaaaawwwhh!!!!! Congratulations; she’s so sweet. I love every time you say, fresh from heaven…. I would love to offer some motherly advice, but I am unfortunately not a mother (only to my fur-baby) however, I am the oldest child and a sister to four. I think it would be a great idea to start a tradition with your babies. Not a family tradition per say, but a sibling tradition. For example some things my siblings and I do are Disneyland for birthdays and we all help out in making the cake, from watching certain movies on holidays… Small stuff is enough. Oh and document everything, and PLEASE keep all of their toys for them. I wish I still had all of mine (I only have few) because I love nostalgia.
Oh, my! Congratulations and praise all around! Enjoy every second!
What a precious sight. Polly June with her Mimi. That is what I am called by my 5 little grand babies Well only 4 of them call me that. Little Emily is only 5 months old so she just smiles and melts my heart.
Being a grandmother is such a blessing and I know you must feel the same way Ruthie!
Dear Ruthie:
Might I add my sincere congratulations to you and your dear family on the arrival of your Darling, Little Love, Polly…..oh my she is a “delicate, wee rosebud of beautiful” Grandma! Doesn’t our Great God bless us in ways we cannot even put into words Ruthie……..I very much understand the joys of Grandparenting and totally mirrored the joyful emotions of your words above Ruthie……. Oh there is “some kinda fabulous” now that Polly’s here!! :o)
God Bless your Growing Nest Ruthie,
Congrats, she is so adorable. Enjoy yourself, it is so fun to spoil them.
My new little grandson Max would like a play date with your Polly!!!
How sweet those photos are.
Congratulations. She’s beautiful!
Children are indeed God’s blessing for us. She is a beautiful baby and born into such a loving family. By best advice would be: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…Proverbs 3:5. Oh, and don’t forget to laugh. A sense of humor is invaluable! God bless you.
Congrats on your sweet little bundle of joy! I love her name! Ü
From the heavens above a shinning star came into the lives of those who will love and cherish her. Bless Sweet Polly this little star who has brighten the lives of your family. She is gorgeous. Congrats to the your family. Hugs Paulette
What a sweet, precious little girlie! Thanks for sharing :) Have fun with all of your darling little blessings!
Oh, what a beautiful baby girl! Simply gorgeous! Talk about making me want another one!!
As a mom of 3 kiddos (9, 5, and 20 months), I know how much of a juggling act it can be when a new little one comes! Go easy on yourself for awhile. The hardest thing for me was to let things go a little bit around the house, to not get everything done I usually did. I had to remember to pray, and remember I had years ahead to have a neat and clean house but only a short while with my babies! A new baby can be all-encompassing and I tried to make sure I got a little one-on-one time with my other kids, even if it was just to read a book. Same with my husband, spending a little time with him, even just to wash dishes together! And, very important, make sure you take care of yourself! Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
A wise person once told me “You may not do it perfectly, but you will do it with great love!”
Congratulations again, and enjoy!
OH HONEY!!!!!!! She is beautiful – God Bless you and your family as it grows by God’s grace. I so wanted to be a grandma – it is something I struggle with now that my son is gone. But I still rejoice in all the beautiful angels being born to those I care about.
wooohoooo sending love from Baltimore :)
Congratulations! She is precious! Music really sets the mood.
Congratulations! =)
Polly is so precious!!
Oh soooo very happy for you and your whole family! What a joyful blessing! Big Hugs!! Praising His Awesome Name!
Congratulations on yall’s new bundle of joy :)
Congratulations on your newest blessing! God is so good. My daughter (my only child) is just graduating from college this week (yay!) so I’ll have to wait a few years before I can be a grandma, but am looking forward to it. Enjoy your newest grandbaby!
i’m wondering how Ashely came up with the name Polly June? It sounds like something from the 1800’s. I think it’s sad to give a name like that to a little girl born in the 21st century. Imagine her going thru school with that name. “Hi, my name is Polly.” I feel sorry for her. :(
Hey.. dearest Aunt Ruthie..!
I commented on your previous post too and this latest one. Thanks for this privilege to share in your own blessed family’s beauty, nature, goodness, holiness. We are all so blessed fervently. Amen, Lord. :-) Congratulations to your entire deared ones over belove Polly June baby, This is a great name, a blessed one which will suit her destiny as God Almighty has for this individual soul, this mighty female of God, as all females in your family are. Yup, godly males in your family as great. May you all love and pray and bless and have good fun together, every member of your complete family, for the days of your lives, in Jesus’ grand name, Amen..! Good natural souls love to bless and be blessed. ;-) I say thank you (again) for your love and kindness passing through your words. You can be assured that such loving and godly words you affirm yourself to use without fail all the time, will really enrich and set a holy good example to all who receive your words. May all the good women (godly and blessing others) in this world be always looked after by God and prosper and laugh and enjoy a full, complete, healthy living to the deepest desires of our own hearts as the Lord has placed into us. *unending blessings always….* *hugs Aunt Ruthie, winks…* ;-)
Many blessing to all of you.
Many blessing to all of you!!!!
There’s no greater way for God to show us His Love than through the birth of a baby. He shows His need for us when those little hands reach out to us. To love and trust Him with the sweet innocence of a child is what He desires from us!
We have much to learn from babies and children.
May the Lord richly bless this child and her loving family!
Hi Ruthie !
Wonderful post ! your little grand-baby is an angel and I can imagine how happy you must be ! congratulations to Ashley, Glen and big brother Johnny !
Thank you so much for your sweet words…. you are an example for us….
Some questions (you can answer on your FB if you prefer) :
– Right now, have you an Etsy ?(I’m waiting so much to buy some of your little creations )
– May I send you the first pages of your 2 books for a little sign for me ? do we say in English “a dedication” ? I don’t know how to translate ;(
Have a good day and enjoy all the happiness around you….God bless all your family
Hugs from France
She is so, so beautiful and has come into a wonderful family who will shower her with so much love. A lucky little precious girl.
Congratulations! She is adorable, photos are great. You are very blessed.
Congratulations on your sweet, beautiful growing family!
Congratulations!!!!! Polly is so beautiful and sweet. She looks just like a little doll with all of her little dolls lined up beside her. I love her name it fits her perfectly!!! Such a precious gift sent from straight above!!!
Hi there Aunt Ruthie!
Just wanted to say what a sweet little grand baby you have there and I love the nick name “Sweet P” .
We were down in your neck of the woods over the week end and I must say it is one pretty place. We came down to go to Faith Life Church. We’ve been watching them on the Internet, and absolutely love it. So good to hear the Word preached in an easy to understand way. We loved it.
I did keep my eye open for you but alas… didn’t see you. Maybe next time, we plan to come back in October, I have a feeling the Ozarks are really beautiful that time of year.
I love your blog and look forward to every new addition. You are so uplifting and encouraging that I thank God for you.
Keep up the good work, Cherie
what a precious bright eyed wee button polly is. A true gift from the good lord.
Sweetest baby ever. :) May your beautiful daughter hold her beautiful daughter often and love her well. It sounds like she is already an amazing mama. You must be so proud you’re busting your buttons.
Help! I so remember one of your blogs on the most amazing “Bible” from Amazon to purchase but do not remember exactly which one it was? I would so much appreciate any help!!!!!!! Sunshine & Smiles!!
Hi Ruthie !
I’m checking out Ashley’ Instagram but unfortunatly it is not available ! It would be so sweety to look your little Polly on it….. What is the matter with Instagram ?
Hope your summer is great ! we miss you on FB and on Your blog….
Hugs from France