Well, can you believe Thanksgiving is just a few days away! It’s that time to begin preparing for that special day and to think about all of the many blessings God has so richly given us. A long time ago I heard someone use the term “Thanks-living”, I don’t know who it was, but it rung a bell in my heart. That’s how I want to live every day, being thankful. I know for sure that is one of the keys to filling our life with joy.
But there are those days, those disappointments and heartbreaks that happen and somehow we forget to be thankful because we are so focused on what’s wrong instead of what’s right. I’ve been there, but I’ll tell you what! I know better now. When I begin to struggle with something that hurts my heart I “nip it in the bud” like Barney Fife would say! I set my mind to become proactive and intentional about guarding my heart.
Here’s what I do:
1. I renew (restore, freshen, reaffirm) my mind with God’s Word (Romans 12:2) I do this by reading His promises for strength and comfort. I also listen to sermons that remind me that Jesus is with me and with Him I have victory over any problem.
2. Count my blessings! I look around me and take stock of all of the blessings I’ve been given for which I’m thankful for.
3. Replace any negative thinking with positive healthy thoughts (God’s Word and His goodness toward me). So I’ve made a decision not allow myself to dwell on disappointments and hurtful things people do and say. AND it’s a big “no-no” to allow myself to complain. If I start to, I “nip it!”. It is so hard, but that’s where prayer comes in, we have to ask for God’s strength to move passed difficult situations.
4. Sing praise and worship music. I’ll put on uplifting gospel music which always soothes my soul and gives me the strength to move forward and stop looking back. This is one of my favorite collections of worship music.
5. Think of someone who could use some encouragement. When we are helping others we aren’t so focused on our own worries.
That’s how I “Nip it, Nip it in the bud” I tell ya! I just don’t think we can have joy or be happy if we dwell on the negative, and live in constant complaining mode. Look what happened to the Israelites…what should have only taken them 11 days to enter the Promised Land took 40 years! They didn’t trust God and they lived in complaining mode. Joyce Meyers said “If you complain, you remain.”
It’s amazing how God’s Word can calm our heart. I love Psalm 94:19… “In the multitude of my anxious thoughts within me, Your comforts cheer and delight my soul!”. Wow! I would venture to say that all of us have anxious thoughts…things we’ve worried about…things that makes our heart hurt. But oh my darlin’s! God is here…and in the sweetest most endearing things His comforts cheer and delight our soul if we just look for them! Let’s open our eyes, smell with our nose, listen with our ears the blessings that God and placed all around us. Let us be quick to thank Him!
Have you ever thought of the aroma of a Thanksgiving turkey roasting in the oven, or the warmth of a crackling fire or the familiar ticking of the clock at grandma’s house as one of God’s comforts that “cheer and delight our soul”? Or the words spoken with excitement “Time to eat!”…hands held around the table and grace being said…that first bite of mom’s savory stuffing and then Auntie’s creamy pumpkin pie? Comfort. Cheer. Delight.
How about the time spent with loved ones, good conversation shared over a hot cup of coffee and fresh baked cookies on a crisp blustery day, where smiles and laughter warm and revive your heart? Or cozy slippers… a cuddly hug from a child… Christmas music… falling leaves twirling in a gust of wind as they fall from the sky. How about stopping to really take in the precious view of your family gathered around the dinner table…the smell of the furnace turning on to warm the house on early frosty mornings…these are God’s comforts to “cheer and delight your soul”. These are the things to be thankful for. Thank you Lord!
If you haven’t read One Thousand Gifts by Ann VosKamp Oh. My. Goodness! I highly recommend that you do. It ‘s the perfect time to start. To wrap your heart and mind around the concept of “Thanks-living”. It will change your life. You will find joy…the kind of joy that the Bible speaks of…”Joy unspeakable and full of Glory!” (1 Peter 1:7-9). This book will inspire you to hope again. If your heart hungers for joy, this book is a delicious feast for the soul.
I think that life is a lot like pie. What we fill it with will determine how sweet and enjoyable it will be for others and ourselves. What we fill it with determines the course of our life.
Proverbs 4:23 says “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Our thoughts, the words that we speak, our actions and our choices are the ingredients that we stir into our heart and life. Bitterness, ungratefulness, anger, resentment, and unforgiveness will make a sour and unhappy life. Think of it this way, we wouldn’t put rotten fruit or contaminated ingredients (ew!) into a pie we’re baking, so why would we allow detrimental, unhealthy thinking into our life? We’ve got to “nip it in the bud”! Can I get an “Amen” or a “YEE HAW”?
When we fill our heart with the Love of God, His Word, and His will, our life will be filled with His goodness, joy, and peace. When we walk daily in thankfulness and we fully realize how much the Lord loves us and has an abundant life planned for us, it changes everything. “Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!” -Psalm 34:8
“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives:
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
There is no law against these things!” –Galatians 5:22-23 NLT
Following Jesus and being thankful to Him, makes for a sweeter, joyful life…but the key is, we must trust and obey His Word and walk in faith. It doesn’t mean we won’t have troubles that come our way. We will have trials because we live in a fallen world. But Jesus said “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33
We also have this promise to rely on; “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
Just like the pumpkin pie pictured above, it had to go into a hot oven to become the thing for which it was created to be. Something sweet and delightful to be shared graciously with others.
“So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.” 1 Peter 1:6-7
Pie. It’s comforting, yummy, heartwarming, and filled with sweet memories. The word “pie” speaks of home, hospitality, and graciousness. The best kind of pie is filled with fresh, quality ingredients along with time, attention and love. The result is a delicious, party-in-your-mouth, slice of heaven to be shared with others. Just like a pie, life is what you put into it.
“Enter His gates with thanksgiving;
go into His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him and praise His name.”
Psalm 100:4
I want so much for my life to become something sweet and delightful to share graciously with others. I know you want that too. So we must be intentional every day to guard our heart and to fill it with the goodness of The Lord; thankfulness, kindness, patience, faithfulness, forgiveness and love through the power of The Holy Spirit.
Thank you darlin’ for stopping by for some Thanksgiving pie!
If you’d like the recipe for the pumpkin pie above,
it’s on the back of the Libby’s canned Pumpkin or click here.
Have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving!
Aunt Ruthie
I just heard Joyce Meyer say today, “If you complain you remain, but if you give praise, you raise!” Wonderful, encouraging post Ruthie!
Thank you for your joy-filled words of encouragement and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Thanks-living is my new word for today:)
I really needed to read this today. I have been cranky and out of sorts all day and could feel myself spiraling into a downright bad mood . . . Your words are just what I need to hear to shake off the day’s petty irritations and annoyances. Thank you!
Your posts are always so uplifting and full of encouragement. Such a gift. ♥
What a wonderful reminder to remain in thankfulness! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your’s!!!
Thank you for your post. I’m normally a very upbeat person but I have been feeling a bit sorry for myself this holiday season. All three of our children and their families are scattered all over the world (literally), this year and for the first time in our 36 year marriage we will be just the two of us this year. I miss my kids. But… God is with us. Thank you for your words of wisdom. I needed them.
Oh! Aunt Ruthie! I think this is my very favorite blog of all! And what a darling mail the winner had sent you. I enjoyed reading her story. The whole blog was just touching and inspiring……….and uplifting! You are a darling to us. Thank you! …….oh! and here’s wishing a HAPPY THANKS-LIVING to you and yours!
Another encouraging post. I tell you this weather has me a little down lately and I’ve been complaining. I’m not proud of the way I’ve been acting lately and you helped me re-direct my thoughts back to where I need to be. It is so easy to get off track and forget the many blessings each day that I should be thankful for. Reading your post I thought…oh dear, I need to “nip” my behavior and get back on track and count my blessings. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I love all of your posts!!! Happy Thanks-Living. :)
Wonderful and inspiring thank you.
Oh Ruthie ~ I wish I could hug your neck right now!!!! I so needed to hear these words of encouragement tonight. I am in the middle of a medical issue right now with surgery coming soon. I am praying for a good outcome. I haven’t been as strong as I should have been lately ~ I know better ;-) You are such a blessing to me with your uplifting spirit and words. Thank you sweet sister!! xox
Thanks”living” Pie indeed! What a wonderful post. I love your quotes and especially Proverbs 4:23! Have a wonderful week as you prepare for your Thanksgiving Day.
Morning Ruthie, your post is wonder filled. Sharing with us all some beautiful scriptures and your warming thoughts. I love your interpretation of pie and I will never just look at a pie without thinking of your most precious words. You are a true blessing to us out here in blogland. Thank you so much for an uplifting, warm, giving ‘conversation’. Blessings and smiles, Emilou :-) HAPPY THANKSGIVING (Thanks-living :-)
Also, happy for Yochannah on the fun gifts heading her way.
Such sweet, wise, and encouraging words…especially appropriate at this special time of year. May we all be careful and diligent with the ‘fillings’ in our pies! :)
I pray that you and your sweet family have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving!
Aunt Ruthie, thank you for your amazing words! I felt as if you knew me personally and exactly what I needed to hear at this very moment…you’re truly a blessing! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Terrie from Texas!!! :)
Thank you Aunt Ruthie and Yochannah for your encouraging words. Thank you both for sharing.
This is truly what I needed to hear have been having a terrible week in everyway and feeling really down I just need to read this everyday and remember these truths that God has provided for us.
It is hard at the holidays when your whole family can not be together and your parents heath is failing it is hard but your words
of encouragement are truly appreciated thank-you for being you and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Amen Sister! This really blessed my heart. Thank you for the encouraging words. I want to guard my heart, so I plan to “nip it” when my thoughts or behavior are not pleasing to the Lord. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
As the holidays approach and we start planning the run around, I find myself irritable about spending time with one family member in particular. Your post spoke volumes to me about letting God in my heart and not letting negativity about this particular visit overcome me, especially since I have 2 littles watching :) thank you for the encouragement I needed at just the right time! Happy Thanks-living :) I am so thankful for your blog!
Dear, Sweet Ruthie – Thank you so much for the depth of your thoughts and encouragements. You are truly an inspiration. I love to feel your spirit as you impart to us the blessings of your blog. I’m certainly going to use parts of it as I sit with my family this Thanksgiving. And I will be sending loving thoughts to those who will not be able to experience their families this time. May God bless them, you and your family. We LOVE you. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Love, Faye
Hi Ruthie, I cannot tell you what an encouragement this Thanksgiving post is! How wonderful to be reminded that we can start right where we are, repent of our (my) self-centeredness and look to the Lord, right now, to change us (me) into that thankful and gracious, non-complaining person He wants and intends us (me) to be. If our nation is to ever turn back to Almighty God, it must start in our hearts and homes. Thank you so very much, Ruthie, for sharing these powerful TRUTHS from God’s Word and the healing they bring as we obey them. I truly needed them! Love the Thanks-Living! Have a Blessed and Joyful Thanksgiving! :-)
Deborah ;o)
Amen!Amen!Amen! I love it all! I’m putting the verses in my heart and repeating them on Thanksgiving. Pictures are beautiful the words are beautiful and the pie makes me very hungry!
Dear Aunt Ruthie, Happy Thanksgiving and a very joyful Thanks living! I love this post as I love all your posts. May I just say you definitely are a delightful blessing to me and so many. Thank you for the inspiration and encouragement. I want to share this beautiful post with everyone I know!
Hi Aunt Ruthie! I’m amazed by the power of being placed in the right place at the right time. This post was very much needed for me to read and soak in today. As always, you bring great reminders to lean on our Heavenly Father and to always, always, always find joy in all things, even when it’s difficult in doing so. Glad to know there are great people like you in our existence. God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! xoxo – Brandi T.
Dear Aunt Ruthie,
I do hope you have had a blessed day with friends and family. You have helped me so much put things into perspective and to truly strive to live with a thankful and grateful heart each and everyday. I am so happy for the winner of your give-away. The wonderful gifts were meant for Yochannah . Congratulations! I hope you enjoy the rest of your week and know I’m thankful for you!
Love from Texas,
Thak-you, Ruthie. I needed this encouragement to get back to the Word of God, when i read it earlier this week. You are a Dear!!! Keep posting! :)
Also, thanks to Yochannah… my story sounded a Lot like yours!!! And you actually inspired me to make fall leaves decorations with my kids. We had a quiet thanksgiving meal by ourselves, due to sniffles and things; but for the first time we had a pretty table… with just a few decorations: the glittery paper leaves, pumpkin tea lights, festive stickers on cups and napkins, and a PIE! It was simple, but a step in the right direction, and our children loved it. It was fun to celebrate!
Thanks to Ruthie and to Yochannah for encouraging this little family have fun and make memories this year…
Thank you Ruthie for such an encouraging, uplifting blog post – truly lovely.
Dear Ruthie,
I’ve been so encouraged by you over the years and never commented, but after reading Yochannahs words to you I found myself nodding my head and saying yes, me too! In the past after reading your posts I have gotten off the sofa turned on some music and baked goodies, decorated, cleaned and felt amazing because of it!! You are so full of joy and God is using you in a mighty way! Thank you so much!!! You I could go on and on!
‘Twas the Monday evening before Christmas when all thru my house my husband was snuggled under a quilt watching football. The cat was curled up next to me as I swooned over Aunt Ruthie’s Christmas-y kitchen photos. When out on the porch there arose a delightful bit of clatter; we swung open the door to see if anything was the matter. Behold! To our delighted ears came the sweet voices of a neighboring family sharing caroles. Four sweet little bundles, ranging from ages 10 to 2, stood with rosy cheeks, mittened hands and a precious offering of Silent Night. What a wonderful, old fashioned surprise on a snowy, glistening night! Thank you, Lord, for sending us your Son that we may live with You in glory forever. And thank you for this young mom and dad that are instilling values and faith in their children. Merry Christmas, Ruthie, your dear readers, and to all a peaceful good night!!
Do you know about Mary Jane Farms magazines and books. I had ordered all her older ones too. The older ones are numbered 1-whatever. I think number one isn’t published anymore so actually I have 2-9 I think. All of her older ones past 9 then start by every few months additions. The older ones are really keepers and really all of her magazines are because of the way back when lifestyles. I have three of her books and will add the fourth this year to my collection. Check her out online if you haven’t already she is a must.
I also meant to say in our country town I found her latest magazine at Tractor Supply. I was shocked. Some of the book stores carry her too or use too. Anyways you won’t be sorry you did get her magazines and books they are all references to keep to read over and over.
and I meant to say Dear Ruthie at the beginning of my 2 comments sorry I need more coffee to wake up. lol.