HELLO dear ones! I hope and pray that you are well and safe during these unprecedented and challenging times! I’ve thought about y’all so much and have prayed for safety and comfort for you and your families. We are staying home for the most part with the exception of picking up groceries curb-side, walking by the lake and visiting a few family members in their front yard. Thankfully we are all well!
Well hunny’s, it’s been too long since I’ve blogged! Eeeeek! The main reason is my website has not been working properly due to the fact that the behind-the-scenes techy stuff is old, outdated and on the verge of crashing. So I had to make the decision to pay for someone to transfer over 10 years worth of blog posts to a new server. Obviously, this isn’t the best time to spend that kind of money but it was either that or possibly lose years worth of content that is so very close to my heart.

So, my website is being worked on as I write this. A website expert has successfully transferred all of my content safely (whew!) but is still tweaking things before it goes live. I’m writing this post on my old website and hoping it works!
Here’s the thing… because of the cost of renewing my website, along with yearly fees I have to pay to have it maintained, I’m going to need ads on my website to help pay for it so I can continue to bring you delightful down-home ideas from my home to yours! I truly hope that won’t deter you from coming by for some encouragement pie! I know some folks don’t like ads on blogs but in many cases it’s needed to pay for ongoing expenses.
I have some very exciting things I’m working on that I know will make you want to tie on an apron, light a candle, play some happy music and make your home as sweet and comforting as peach pie!

I’m excited about getting back on my blogging soapbox to share about the joys and importance of creating a home of comfort and delight for you and your family!

I’m excited about preserving the old timey ways through recipes, vintage decorating ideas and thoughts on how we can incorporate old-fashioned goodness into our everyday lives!

I’m excited about sharing how to create a home your family loves to be…a place that nudges your loved ones to happily sigh, “Ahhh…it’s so good to be home!”… a place where everyone feels loved, safe and nurtured.

I’m excited about sharing the importance of enjoying the simple things in life, looking for everyday blessings in the little things, being thankful and content with what you have and how it will give you a sense of well being, peace and joy.

I’m excited to share ways to keep our pantries stocked for easy meals and for emergencies. Planning ahead and being prepared to provide for our family, as we know, is so important.

I’m excited about sharing encouraging tips for keeping our homes clean, tidy and cozy! As we all know, especially these days, that “home” is our safe place…at least for those of us who understand the meaning and importance of creating a home, sweet, home.

If we ever needed to turn our hearts toward home it is now! This is a topsy-turvy world we live in and we’ve got to keep the homefires burning. Keep our eyes on The Lord. Keep happy-memory-making traditions alive. Keep our homes stocked with necessary items to provide for our loved ones. Keep nurturing our homes and families with old fashioned goodness.

If ever we needed to circle the wagons to preserve the virtues of home and family, it’s now! We need to come together to maintain the goodness of the good old days before it fades away like a neglected heirloom photo gathering dust up in the attic! I’m not just talking about nostalgia, although that does warm my heart (teehee!), but about keeping family values and our way of life as our top priorities.
Our culture seems to have spun out of control in regards to morals and values by neglecting the things that are most important like honoring God, keeping Him first, maintaining high moral standards and taking the best care of home and family.
Up until this pandemic hit I feel like so many people were rushing through life with so many activities, so many obligations, so much time spent on Social Media, so over-committed, and so overwhelmed. It’s easy to do in this day and age. No judging here. But now folks are home with time to think about their life and how they are living it. It’s a good time for a reset. I’m thankful that God’s Word says “God’s mercies are new every morning!”.
“I remember the days of old. I ponder all your great works and think about what you have done.” Psalm 143:5

Gals, I just know there are so many of you out there that feel the same way. That’s why I think we are so drawn to vintage things and the whole farmgirl-at-heart way of life. It reminds us of a simpler time. It’s about learning to be resourceful. It helps us to look for the sweet and simple blessings each day. It causes us to reflect on God’s faithfulness. It’s comforting and it encourages us to comfort others like bringing a plate of cookies to a neighbor as an act of kindness. The farm-girl-at-heart kind of life is filled with simple joys, a deep down contentment, thankfulness to the Lord and of course good old fashioned goodness that I love so much I wanna marry it! Lol!

My new updated website will be the same, only refreshed a bit, with the exception of the Girl Talk Forum which is going to be discontinued because it couldn’t be transferred to the new website. We now have our private Sugar Pie Sisterhood on Facebook! So if you are looking for like-minded old fashioned gals to chat with come on over! I do want to encourage you, if you were a member of the Girl Talk Forum, to copy and paste any content that you want to keep. Now is the time to do so!
Well sisters, are ya gonna stick with me?
Pretty please with a cherry on top?
Well, God bless your darlin’ heart!
Do comment below to say “Howdy-do!”…
just so I know y’all are still popping over!
Stay safe dear ones!
Aunt Ruthie
Hey Darlin’! There’s more down-home goodness comin’ right up here!
“I just love your website-it’s so charming and inviting and makes me feel so very good! Thank you!”
Sometimes I get discouraged. I’m a grandma now but, I am considered old fashioned in how I view things. You encourage me to keep up taditions. Someday, I hope they are looked back on fondly.
Thank you ❤
So good to hear you are back
Howdy-do Aunt Ruthie! It’s nice to hear from you today, you’re making me hungry for cherry pie. I don’t mind ads, you need to do what you have to do to keep bringing this goodness to us. Love you and God Bless you Ruthie!
Have missed you, Ruthie! Some much-needed comfort and sweetness again … something you always offer, and God bless you for it!
I’ve been following you for years, but lately I’ve been missing you! I am a member of the Facebook group, though, so that helped some!! Thanks for sticking to your good old-fashioned values. It’s truly something needed especially right now. I’m hoping after this is over everyone will have a new and special regard for home and all things home-y! I know I will!!
As always, your blog post is a breath of fresh air and encouragement! Won’t mind the ads at all— I’m just so happy that you are continuing to bless us with your sweet and welcoming little corner in the Web!❤️
Definitely sticking with you, girlfriend! You bring a little cheer and happiness into days when there isn’t a lot to be cheerful and happy about. But I also know that God is good, all the time; and as you shared, His mercies are new every morning!
Sweet goodness! It’s been a while since you popped into my inbox. So good to hear from you and that you’re well. Looking forward to what the tech angels can help you with. Enjoy your blog so much. Blessings to you and yours!
Howdy-do, Aunt Ruthie! Oh yes, I’m sticking with you for sure!
Stay safe and God bless you and your family!
So perfectly said. You just warm my heart :) Take care. Be blessed and stay well! :)
howdy dooo I’ve sure missed you,
Woolie blessings
I’ll be right here waiting in Mississippi.
Thank you for a wonderful place to step back in time when lives were slower and you could take time to breath and love on our families. I find so much solice here. My mother has walked away from my life for the most part and my dear grandmother is long passed…so I truley need this place to take a deep breath learn how to be an amazing mother, decorate and cook how grandma would and love my family how I should!!! God bless you all!
I have followed you for several years, I too live in Missouri and appreciate your love of the Ozarks. I believe what you preach, make a home, cook for your family, nurture your loved ones, honor God and give thanks. Thank you for sharing your home, thoughts and recipes. I was missing you, and I am so happy you will be back at it soon.
Howdy doo!
Sooo happy to hear from you again! Missed you!! Pray that all of your family will stay well.
I’ll be here in Arkansas waiting to hear and see all of your wonderful ideas and recipes. Glad you are still okay!
Of course I’m still reading! Sometimes change is necessary. Looking forward to seeing the new site!
I will definitely stick with you! I love your blog. ❤️
I don’t do “The Facebook” though, so no farm girl chats for me.
Howdy Do!! I will be clicking on the ads just as soon as I see them!!
~Mrs. J~
Howdy! Happy to see your post. Look forward to more in the future. Adds wont bother me either.
Good to see you on my email today!! Didn’t realize you were on Facebook but that’s ok – I’ll find you here.
I’m so glad to see you’re back!!! I have really missed you, glad nothing’s wrong and it’s just techy stuff. Don’t worry about the ads, we’ll get past those, lol! I’ll be looking forward to your new blogs! Praying that you and your family stay safe thru this craziness!
So lovely to see your post and hear from you! Glad you are doing well. We are too. Thankful we have 5 acres to spread out on and also a small lake or giant pond to wander around. Stay well God Bless you and your family!❤️❤️
Howdy- do Aunt Ruthie!! Glad to part of the Sisterhood!!!
The problem I have with adds is we don’t have the fastest internet so the content doesn’t download because the adds take so long to download. I have had to delete some blogs because of this. I love you and all your sweet words and encouragement from God’s word so I pray this won’t happen. Thanks and God bless!
Howdy do
Hooray for new beginnings! I’m excited to visit your new website!
So glad to hear from you again!!!!
Oh Yay!!!!! Such a blessing to see you are back and healthy! I have so missed your beautiful faith messages and lovely spirit. I will definitely be sticking around as your blogs are so fun, informative, and just full of life-giving optimism. God bless you and your precious family always!! Bye sweetie and much love!!! :)
I will definitely stick with you!
Aunt Ruthie, I don’t mind ads or whatever you need to do. I just want to be sure that I don’t miss any of your home sweet home goodness. Bless you! ❤️
Howdy-do! Wondered where you’ve been and glad you’re back!
Love your homey blogs. Ads or not, I will continue to eagerly anticipate each one. They make my day and bring joy to my heart. God bless you!!
Howdy do, Sweetie Pie!
I was just thinking the other day how much I’ve missed you and your blog and up you popped! So excited to see your new website. And, like you, I think these times are making us all assess what is important in life! Making us reassess home and hearth.
Thanks for your neat insight! Love when you have a post up!
So glad you’ll still be here!
I am SO happy you are back! I discovered your blog a year ago and it is one of my favorites. I’ve been check since Christmas for new posts and was worried you were gone forever. :( I would rather have you with ads than not have you at all. Looking forward to your new site. Blessings to you.
So nice to sit down with a cup of coffee on my front porch and to read your post!
It is always so heartwarming to come into your home. You greet us with such wonderful hospitality and graciousness. Thank you.
Glad your back! It’s so nice to read your posts and ideas. I love the old fashion down home goodness! The world needs more of this these days!
Hi Ruthie
I love your posts, the way you write, the gorgeous photos and the way you encourage us to make God the centre of our lives, families and homes. I’m so glad you’ve found a way to keep all your posts.♥
Looking forward to visiting your new website.
I don’t mind the ads. Love your posts.
So happy to see a blog from you. Do whatever you need to do to keep blogging. You are always a great inspiration. You helped us realize what is really important and to make our home a place our family loves to be. God bless you and prayers for everyone.
I am so happy to see that you are back!! <3
So glad to hear all is well with you too! I have long appreciated your loving, encouraging blog, Ruthie. I stick with you through thick and thin!
I am just up the highway from you — we Missouri girls need to keep old-time God-gearing farmhouse living alive!
God bless your ministry to women and families,
What is God-gearing, I’d like to know?!
I think I found you right before your tecky stuff happened. Glad you are back. Hey to you and yours!!
Yes! God at the gears!!
(and let’s be God-fearing too…
Good to see you pop up again!! I love your blog..
Down home goodness needs to continue! So keep it up!
I really really love your pantry!! Hugs!
I love your blog and website! It’s so comforting and cheerful, especially right now with home being the center of our universe. I mean, it’s always been our center, but even more now than before. Thank you for the encouragement to make our homes beautiful and comforting.
I am so thankful you and your family are doing well! God is good for sure! I look forward to your blogs, They sure do bring comfort when I least expect it. I’m thankful I found your site a few years back, you have brought much comfort during good times and bleak times. God Bless you and your family a million times over! Stay healthy and stay safe!
I have missed your blogs and the down-home feeling!! I have enjoyed these laid back days of calm and time to be home doing homey things without a schedule!! Love anything vintage!!
Beautifully said and I will certainly join! Thank you for the down to earth reminder of life
Sticking with you, Sistah❤!
So glad to see you and you were able to preserve everything! Of course, no advertisements will deter us from visiting with you! Thanks for your warm hospitality!!
Glad to see you back. Wondered if all of you were all right. When the world seems to be falling apart having friends keep in touch is very important. Thank you for being here.
Ads are no problem, sometimes they are things we actually need.
I’ve missed you Aunt Ruthie! Thanks for being there for us and I look forward to your next posts ❤️
So glad to see you back here! The happiest corner on the internet.
I enjoy your site! And, I’m looking forward to seeing your new site!
Keep up the good work!
Be Safe!
It is so good to hear from you again. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us.
I will absolutely be stinking with you, Gob bless..
Yes,, this current pandemic has,, for many of us,, helped to
re-focus us on what is important,, Our Faith, Family Home and Neighbors…
As for the ads on your site.. no biggie,, we are just glad you continue to share with us, your family and faith…..
Ruthie, you’re a blessing!
— Glad you back to stir the pots, fill the hearts and refresh the days here once again — Truly, your encouragement and style of writing is made for times such as these Ruthie…..
God Bless,
So glad to hear from you. And know you are healthy and safe
Thank you, Patti
Hello there!!!! So glad that all is well. God is good and praying that everyone is well too!!
So the only way to see you will be on Facebook?? Once you get things changed up?? I hope not I love you so much and I’m not on Facebook….really do not care for it? Praying I got something wrong here….I been following you for I think about 7-8 years now!! Your the most unique, wonderful, inspiring, heart and home gal out there!!!
It’s so good to hear from you again! I’m glad the website transfer went well; it’s always a bit scary.
Stay safe!
Aunt Ruthie,
I happened upon your blog back in 2015 and have been a faithful follower since! You are an absolute gem. I grew up in North Carolina rural country and then moved to a small farm in Virginia and your content warms my heart and reminds me of my childhood. I am so excited to see your new site and continue to follow you. Keep up the lovely ministry you have here! I adore you!
Praying Christ’s richest blessings over you
This is such great news! I’m so glad you’re going to continue on with your blog. I’ve enjoyed reading it for years and am always happy to to see a new post. ❤️
Hi Ruthie! I have missed you. So happy to see your blog again. Your views of home & family are more relevant and valuable than ever right now! Please keep your ideas and suggestions coming. Home & hearth are again the center of life here in the U.S. I want to make mine the most welcoming and comfortable and healthy as I possibly can.
PS Oh, and I don’t mind the ads one bit. Saw an item I might like to order!
Good Morning,
This Midwest housewife enjoys all or your tips and heartfelt writings.
Keep up your important blog as many of us need the encouragement.
Thank You,
I am always so uplifted by your posts. Thank you for drawing our attention to the things that matter most in life- serving God and our families!
Really missed you Aunt Ruthie! Blessings to you and your family. Looking forward to blog posts and please some videos too!
Hello from Arkansas. A Texas native living in Arkansas. Enjoy your blog.
I’m happy to see you back! I say do what you need to do in regards to ads. Your blog is such a blessing. Looking forward to the new site!
Howdy do Auntie Ruthie!! God bless you and yours.
So glad to see you are okay, I’ve been missing your delightful posts and pictures.
So glad to see you are well, I’ve missed your delightful posts and pictures.
Howdy Howdy love your site♥
Good to see some old fashioned still exists in our crazy world. This virus has caused us to slow down and “smell the flowers” (as my Daddy used to say)! Love seeing your sweet words, which are needed right now. Being isolated is HARD! Your friend, Gloria
I sure miss the Girl Talk forum. It was a bright spot in
my day for many years and the relationships built there
are still precious to me. I will look forward to checking out the new
Farm House. SuzzyQ
It seems like I registered for the Girl Talk forum on or around
this date! Nice memories of those days. SuzzyQ
So happy to read your blog that I’ve missed so much! You are a special blessing!
Howdy-do! So nice to visit your blog again. I have missed your posts!
It is so nice to be reminded of God’s goodness and faithfulness when we get to see Him working through others. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Howdy- Do Aunt Ruthie! I have really missed you.So glad to hear you are safe and well. You are a blessing in my life with your fabulous inspiring heart and home blog. Looking forward to your new posts ads and all. God’s Richest Blessings to You Always.
Oh dear Aunt Ruthie! I look forward to your blogs. They have blessed me so much during these early years of motherhood. God bless you! Love you.
How nice to hear from you again! I agree with your very sensible approach – cling close to your values and then you can make good decisions about the changes our world has brought us. Like who would have ever thought we’d be attending religious services via Zoom? One real blessing I’ve had these past weeks is getting to know my neighbors better. People seem more eager to lend a helping hand and more willing to accept help graciously. I sure hope that remains when we can finally go out and about.
Could I ask a favor that you say a prayer for my mother, Barbara? She had to have emergency surgery this week and is facing a long recovery.
Thanks and have a happy springtime.
Hello Aunt Ruthie
So glad you were able to work things out. I totally enjoy your blog and love looking at pictures and videos of your beautiful home.
I’m excited to stick around. Love all you share.
Thank you
So good to hear from you! You have been missed!!! Looking forward
So Good to hear from you! You’ve been missed!!! Looking forward to the future fellowship! Take Care!
will be staying with you and enjoy your Blog posts so much. Very helpful and encouraging. Thank you!!
Hi Ruthie, its been awhile since I dropped by but been stopping in for year. I usually don’t say much, though. I will continue to come by so the advertisements don’t bother me. Thanks for the encouragement!
So glad to have you back. So inspiring! I am headed for the Facebook page now!
Happy Spring, Aunt Ruthie! So good to hear from you. God bless you and your dear family. A few ads can’t keep me from visiting Shgarpie Farmhouse and soaking up the sunshine there! See you again soon!
Happy Spring, Aunt Ruthie! So good to hear from you. God bless you and your dear family. A few ads can’t keep me from visiting Sugarpie Farmhouse and soaking up the sunshine there! See you again soon!
Oh how i love reading your tips on having a wonderful heartfelt life especially in these terrible times .Let’s pray it will soon return to a some what normal time .Cheers x
I am so happy that you are able to transfer your old content and continue blogging. Mostly because somehow I JUST found your blog! I have a lot of catching up to do!
Oh I am so thrilled after reading this. Your blog has been a blessing to me for 10 years. I am thankful for the encouragement I have received from your sweet writings!!!
So happy for a new spring post! Last Thanksgiving & Christmas, I told relatives & friends about your blog…so glad it’s going to continue! Ads won’t keep me away! We all love you Aunt Ruthie!
Your blogs are always so fun, lighthearted and cheerful. And now, we need such reading and connection more than ever! Ads won’t deter me from visiting with you.
So glad to hear that you will continue with your adorable farmhouse blog! I have missed reading your delightful posts. I’m sure the new format will be just as inspiring as ever! God Bless you,
Aunt Ruthie!
Your blog is my favorite! I mean that sincerely–my first choice for encouraging reading material. Thanks for your sweet sharing about these important values! You’ve made my life better.
Thank you for this day brightener! I just went to the FB page… happily waiting for the pending notification. <3
Thanks for all your hard work and loving notes.
Aunt Ruthie, thank you so much for preserving the blog memories here. They have been a huge encouragement to me over the past several years, as God has blessed us with a little family and our own home. Im not sure if I ever officially joined the sisterhood on this website, but I hope to do the Facebook group!!
Love, Heidi
Through thick and thin. xoxoxoxoxo
Following you through thick and thin. xoxoxox
Thanks for being a God filled woman.
Those scriptures are what we cling to.
Looking forward to what you are getting ready to share.
Blessings to you today from Canada
I’m so grateful to be able to continue reading your blog, I love re-reading from the very first blog, especially in winter, when the warmth & cosiness from them cheers me up, making me daydream of the life I would like to have, & thinking of ways of making those dreams come true, thank you Ruthie, ads will not keep me away, looking forward to many more blogs, & love the FB Sugar Pie Sisterhood page. xx
Thank you so much for this “feel good” blog- I appreciate it so much!
I’m so excited for your new website! I love all of your content
so very glad you are continuing your blog…love all the good old fashioned moral tips and ideas….you can count on me changing over with you…love all your posts thank you and God bless
HI…so good to hear from you!!! Yes, things are crazy all around! So glad you got your website up and running…..take care….Loretta/Calif.
Howdy-do, Aunt Ruthie! And a world of thanks for keeping your blog going, even though it sounds like it’s taking some doing. There is no one on the big wide internet quite like you, nowhere quite like here where you can go and get encouraged that the work we’re all doing in our homes is worth it!! Thank you for continuing to share that message. We need to hear it :)
Always a pleasure to see your blog posts! You’re right, there are plenty of us farm-gals-at-heart here who are drawn to the encouragement and inspiration you give us. Thanks for all of it!
How did I miss this new post! Its encouraging to say the least. I agree us ladies are the glue that keep things good, so I say YES to keeping Home Sweet♥♥♥ I have been in a funk as of late, and been wondering where had I gone wrong with a few of my children.. and I had to ask God out loud.. where did my heart grow cynical? and it came to me.. I got to busy building house that I forgot to make it a home.. I let the dissolution of my now former marriage and the somewhat tragedy that it was anyways.. have me be too serious. Now that I am happily remarried.. with a 6 month old.. and happy as a clam tossed back to sea.. I realize I need to step it up.. make mends with my growing man childs and accept things as they were and enjoy the life I have now.
So I am totally with you sisters.. Lets do this together.. lets take back our homes.. and the hearts of our children.. GOD blessed us with..
It warmed my heart to see a new post from you! I am so excited that you’re up to blogging again. You are such an encouragement.
God bless you Aunt Ruthie! I so appreciate all you do in encouraging us gals to keep our homes loving and safe. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Aunt Ruthie, Thank you so much for your post.it surley brightens my day,lord knows we need it in these hard times.it brightens my day.
Thank you
Cheryl Holloway-Smith
Thank you for your post, brightens my day!
Cheryl holloway- Smith
Howdy Aunt Ruthie! I’m sticking with ya ok?!? I’ve been so blessed over the years from your blog and youtube videos why would I leave something so good, heartfelt and such a blessing. Thank you for all you do! God bless you and your family. Stay safe!
Hugs, Cathy
Howdy do my farmgal sista ! ! Always look forward to your inspiring words and decor ! Simple and True love your posts and we will all continue to inspire each other and hold God close ❤️Yeeeeeeeehaaaaaw from my Idaho farm
Hi from Missouri. I wondered if you would please continue to link the radio to retro music to listen to when I read your blog. On my way to look for red/white napkins to put in my baskets for my kitchen. Love to spend time reading and gathering ideas from you. Thank you for posting.
I have missed you on youtube…you are always a blessing..sticking with you for the long haul..continue to glorify the Lord in Jesus name
So glad you are solving your computer problems. I don’t have an issue with ads but I live in a rural area with not the fastest internet so ads can really make it impossible to see anything on a site. Taste of Home and other sites with lots of ads make it impossible for me to download enough so I can copy recipes or even to view the site. Just a thought for us who live in the boonies! I would hate to lose your encouragement and sweet words from our Heavenly Father.
I really enjoyed your Christmas video! I was wanting to know where you got your beautiful carved baby Jesus on your coffee table! So beautiful. God Bless
Hello Ruthie, I want you to know what a Blessing you are to so many! You bring such comfort & a since of security to so many hearts these days! Your Christmas 2020 video… well let’s just say it’s like opening a Christmas gift! So very beautiful Ruthie! Thank you so much! I do have a question if you don’t mind sharing, what is the color white you are using on your mantels & furniture? It’s all very beautiful!
Hope you are all doing well. I’m just missing your YouTube posts
Please please with a cherry on top! Give us a new YouTube video
Love ya so! Hope to see you soon Sister
Your foundation is a wonderful safe house of classic appeal and imaginative motivation. Much thanks to you for sharing the glow and delight of farmhouse living. Genuinely a sweet getaway into the core of home.